Confusing Social Security Scammer with Interuptions

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[Music] thank you for calling Social Security Administration yes it was all super jet this is officer dad Martin Social Security Administration how may I help you sir this is Donald Haskell calling back we lost connection okay then dongyeop Co Danny Jasco Oh Danny danm white yeah Jesco I was talking to George Jefferson charged lepton yeah I think that's what his name was there's something Jefferson I think it was George George Johnson one second John's a school Danny Trask oh I'm sorry I'm sorry for damages I'm so sorry sir all right this isn't Jasco ch a s KO Danny Jasco okay okay all right okay so missus mr. Danny you know what is the call about well I did talk to uh the DEA officer and I guess somebody got a hold of my social security number and they had a car with cocaine and stuff and I guess I okay I'll explain all right yes yes sir but we didn't blame you sir okay we just trying to say that is not you that maybe someone else - misusing your social security number and your personal information all right no they were blaming me you're blaming me because they said that there was an arrest warrant so that really does mean that they're blame yeah yeah this know that listen this as I said like your social has been founded some criminal activity it's okay that the two cases under your social number okay under your name okay is this drug trafficking and it as well as is a money-laundering okay the two cases under your name and your social numbers okay and you're speaking with the senior investigation officer Jack Martin okay with a batch ID number two three five nine nine oh two DZ all right okay so I do believe we have a tape idea number right yes I do DC 0 1 0 that's your case I do ray can you help me your date of birth please sure nine three 1980 okay so sir I really okay so for this just what a verification purpose you need to confirm your social number okay the last four digits is four to seven five okay so sir you need to verify your whole social number because I have your social number but I can't tell you over the phone because I really don't know I'm speaking with the right person out not so you need to verify your whole social number i I don't mind giving you but what do you think I could just guess the last four digits that would be yeah you give me a lot one in 10,000 you are guessing that four digits that would be one in 10,000 chance do you think that might have happened sir you sir you give me the last four digits of your social right yes I need to verify your whole full social number don't worry sir this call has been recorded for evidence purpose in the courthouse for a u.s. marshal okay so you know never recorded right so no need to worried about that because we need to submit your up your case files of US Marshal okay so you need to try you need to verify your whole social number so that I will send it right one up the US Marshal all right so that they will trying to reach you and they will if they give me a day your case file okay okay but so far they don't last four digits match what you have there sorry did the last four digits match up with what you have on my case file no you have to listen yes you tell me the last four digits well I need to verify your whole poll social security number I know that I know that but did the last four match up with what you have yes okay well then you know that it's me I can't guess that that's a one in 10,000 chart I don't mind giving the whole thing if you need that kind of verification because you need more than one in 10,000 chance I realize that I understand sir I understand sir but you need to conform your whole social because as I told you I think the file when I punch your face value us muscle in the courthouse all right yes okay you in a record and you on the recorded line in a cold house all right so that's the reason I need to confirm this whole social number okay it's five six nine that's the first three so chances are if I got that three in the last four and you can verify that way verify it can you verify how middle two digits just so I know you need because sir I'm I don't want to tell you your social the social number because I really don't know I'm speaking with the right person not not on II am I recorded line you on also recorded line alright surance so yeah so that's the reason sir and as I told you in the beginning again I send the your case file in a you caught us mass on the courthouse so I need to full I need to verify your full social number you tell me your full social number so that I think you are right for Sam who I'm speaking with okay okay the middle two digits is four five okay give me give me a second I'll just pull up your case file okay okay I believe you know about your cake can you read you know about story can you read back the whole thing so I know that you got it right the whole social yeah me give me give me a moment first of all give me a moment I need to pull up your case file after that I'll give you I just want you to read back to social then I gave you that's all to make sure that you get it right yeah sure I understand but I you want a recorded line so you so long as I just told you this hotel you can't repeat it back after I told you you can't repeat it back yes it's at six five nine four five four two two seven five right five six nine four five two four two seventy-five years hmm okay just stay with me sir okay I need to pull up your case right all right okay okay and you know about your case do you know about your case I I know some stuff okay things were done things were sad people got hurt people's feelings got hurt is that right okay that's fair with me all right just give me a moment there's a bloody car with 22 pounds of cocaine or something like that mm-hmm but you just chained the line sir I need to pull up your file all right in a moment parent yeah hello Jess okay mr. Danny right yes Jamie Jasco yeah mr. Danny does yeah mr. damage ASCO your social has been founded how do you support criminal activities done on your social all right that's a result okay so I will go ahead and read up your case all right so alum I highly appreciate you if you do not interrupt me while I'm speaking this line okay and this evening monitor and recorded for evidence purpose in the courthouse so I will give you fairness chances and to speak and raise your questions once I have complete my part is that okay with you yeah that sounds good I won't interrupt you I promise okay so when it okay so have you ever been state of Texas before no okay Shamu you've been there it's I hear it's a nice day okay know of anyone who visit Texas frequently like any neighbor and friend any colleagues a lot of people I think all of my friends have been to Texas alright so what happens do you think it's a nice place yes okay I said you do the idea if you do not interpret it interpret please do not interrupt oh okay I'm just reading your file I'm sorry I was just trying to be nice I won't interrupt again I promise all right so have you ever entire personal details online any sides while applying for a loan any credit card any payday loans um yeah I probably have I don't know I think so I have you I mean have you ever lost your phone or Ravalli in the past yeah yeah I have okay so in the case this case is in this going to be taken I was walking in a mall one day and my phone fell right out of my pocket but I picked hurry back off so it wasn't that doesn't really count as lost right I don't think anybody got any information officers at that fast okay so now can I go ahead and read out your case file yes please okay so it seems to be going to take into FBI headquarters as we have strong evidence that we are enough to prove you're guilty inside the courthouse all right and the investigation starts when we found sociologically earlier you said you you know I wasn't guilty now you're saying I am guilty but it may be someone else okay but I'll just read your case file okay okay go ahead sir hell yeah I'm here okay so the investigation started when we Bonnet Carre south wall of taxes because contains some blood and drugs rooted inside it okay healthy after the investigation we found it the car inside your name and your personal social information the one address linked with the title of the battles the addresses city of the rola treatise as riched of us muscle but unfortunately there was no and sorry okay the residence but we have of course yeah sorry you said there's no inside there's some a strip to go to no unfortunately there is no one inside the residence but we have records eight pound of cocaine which is a boss drug team documentation from final Institute's such as Chase Bank Bank of America of us a bank ever allowed there is also documents found all four towns in Bank which are oversea in the countries like Jamaica China say man okay so this G Center paperwork has been have your name and thousand of two hundred dollars and have to suspend your Social Security at this right moment okay you're gonna suspend it what happens to here in spender what is there in one once I complete my part you can rise your question all right okay sorry about that all right according to sex and self-sufficiency 90 of the 1958 Drug Enforcement Administration are you are going to be taken on a non bailable jail time loss nine years and the penalty would be between eighty nine thousand dollars to 150 thousand dollars okay now let us know do you have any questions regarding this case or your criminal activities well I get I guess I get a couple what happens when you suspend my social what is that how will that change my life will that do to me listen we need to okay but as I told you someone else to misuse your okay this regards we have also take your past records we have found some banking contains genuine records okay and your soul shall have no other contained in the past all right so and we have a doubt it's maybe not you someone else maybe have assets your personal information doing these criminal activities so this is the only reason we had tried to reach you before your case legal in one sense okay so if you agree with the agree we cooperate with us our department so because we can hold your case and your warrant okay whereas also we have found real culprits who have access your personal informations all right now you need to pop it so already with the cooperate with us I don't know I don't know because here you're telling me that you know it wasn't me and yet you have a arrest warrant and you're accusing me of doing these things and you know it isn't even me and now you want to cooperate yes corporate so that we gonna chase the real culprit and cause the real culprit okay do you have any idea who it might be sorry do you have any idea who the real culprit might be yeah it might be your friend or any any as you of entire your name online okay so we find this real cocky who's the real culprit or is the using your personal information alright so basically you're gonna arrest my friends if you don't arrest me yet you're gonna arrest my friends so you're telling me not to cooperate I have to set up my friends yes so you don't cop it with us so we're gonna suspend your social open what does that do if you suspend my social how will my life change after you suspend her mm-hmm sorry what do you think what will happen to me in result superficial yes you need to just cooperate with this okay once you cooperate with us I'll just transfer your call one of my senior investigator Department DEA Department okay they will pull the authorized person in there regarding your with the case right can you answer my question before you transfer me yes what what does that mean you're gonna suspend my social what what will change in my life what does that even mean listen we're gonna pound some criminal activities on your social okay so real we are suspended social all social number and we have to regard amuse we have to issue a new social number against your name alright so that we find the real culprit who is that this your old social number okay and you have a new social number with you okay okay all right yes Who am I being transferred to okay now I will go ahead and transfer your call go out and transfer your call one of my called the senior officer with a DEA who is the authorized person in the regards with your decade okay okay what's his name I don't know I just can't transfer your call you share with me with a DEA DEA Department okay okay you just hold the line all right okay okay just stay with me all right stay tuned on Friday the final part of this cartoon will be published so friends alike and subscribe to Papa monkeys channel and stay tuned [Music] lalala you
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 20,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer
Id: ez3Rp1HTQZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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