Configure VTP in CIsco Switches

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hello friends this is the leave nominal so today I am going to tell you about how to configure VTP in Cisco switches so first of all you should understand that what is VT P so VT P is a cisco proprietary protocol that is the stand for VLAN trunking protocol it carries a will end at RS - it's all connected switches so now we configure VDP so just open here VDP server says I have opened just go to privileged config board privileged access mode type in ever now go to compte global configuration mode now we have to create some balance in our we learned a terrorist actually we have no any given in our database so we create some balance so type villain name sales VLAN 3 name catcha villain for name 5 sorry we ran 5 ID so I have created some villains so now we check that our Vidan has been created or not so go to privileged access mode and type show villain breathe now we have 4 villains that recently I have created sales HR engineering and eighty million so now this these villains are in our VTB server switch so we want to transfer this villain database to it connected switches so first thing we have to configure this VTP server set as a VTP server so go to global configuration mode type VTP domain sorry domain now type V TP mode and assign it to server more now we TP password one two three four five now we TP well then - I am using V TP was in - so I have created villain and I have also configured V TP in this switch so I want to transform Iberian database or I want to carry its VLAN database to another switch so go to your clients which I've got to pay access for type in Evan go to global configuration mode now type first of all we have to check we should check that villain villain has created on this database or we have surveillance or not so we have to check that there is any violence or not so sure Valente so here there is no villain in our database so now we go to global configuration mode and type TP domain b TP mode now i assign this mode to client v TP password one two three four five sorry one two three four five oh sorry tip you password now I have configured this it as VDP client so just we checked that villain database has access to this switch or not so so we Landry but still be they don't have any parent database so one configuration that be missed is is that change this interface to trunk mode which is connected to its clients it so find out that which interface have fastethernet 0/1 is connected to its clients it so go to a profess FA 0/1 now change this mode switch port mode drunk now it has changed into trunk mode so go to this is the client switch and not type so now here we have all the determines all we lender time is in this switch now same complication apply on another switch type level Conti VTP domain we take you password one two three four five and we described and another thing that we have to change this interface we have to change this port into a tank mode so it is connected to F a0 slash so go to clients which quantity prophase FA past Ethernet 0 classified switch port at such port mode one trunk no tension now go to another we tp'ed client switch and type show we ready so now we have all villain database in ab in our call connected switches so this is the configuration of bt t thanks for watching
Channel: Diliip Naamdev
Views: 17,300
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Id: p8MXanFFNF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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