VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

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hello and this is sunny welcome back today my topic is a v-line trunking protocol all VTP VLAN trunking protocol is a cisco proprietary protocol whose primary goal is to manage all configured the Alliance consistency across a switched network in the next few minutes I will talk about why VTP and how it works plus with several related concepts such as VIP bombing free VTP modes configuration revision number three types of a VTP messages and a VTP pruning let's start with this example imagine we have a bunch of switches on a network without VLAN trunking protocol we would configure each switch separately we would create and manage valence manually on each and every switch this method would be a very common consuming and it is very easy to make mistakes with a VLAN trunking protocol we can create for VLANs on one switch we TP server and all other switches VTP clients will synchronize themselves VLAN trunking protocol centralized v-line management we can add modify or delete a v-line on a VTP server then the server will distribute all these configurations to other VIP clients in the same VTP domain in this example we have mentioned several terms like VTP domain VTP server and a little bit clients let's talk about them one by one first let's talk about we TP dummy a VTP domain consists of group of interconnected switches all switches in a dorming sheer VLAN configuration details on a large network we might have a several VIP domains our router o a layer 3 switch defines the boundary of each VTP domain when configuring VTP for the first time we must always assign a dumbing name we must configure all switches in the VTP domain with the same dummy name another VTP dorming name is a specified villains cannot be created or modified on a VIP server and VLAN configuration is not a propagated over the network a switch can be member of only one way to be dummy at a time now let's talk about three-way TP mode there are three VTP modes of ATP server VIP client and VDP transparent by default all Cisco switches are vey TP servers but most of the time each VTP domain can have to duplicate VTP servers the secondary server can take over in case when the primary VTP server fails there are three important points about VTP server one VTP server can create modify and add elite villains to VTP server can send and a forward and avert Iseman three VTP server can synchronize VLAN configurations from other VTP servers with the high revision number there's a three points about VIP clients one VIP clients can send and forward advertisements chip VIP clients can synchronize VLAN configurations from the VIP server three VIP clients cannot add modify or delete violence they can only get the information from a VIP server the third mode is VIP transparent there's also three points to remember one VTP transparent does not participate in VTP dumbing it does not advertise or synchronize VLAN configurations from the server but it can forward advertisements three VTP transparent can create modify and delete local villains only only local let's talk about another concept the configuration revision number the configuration revision number indicates the level of the revision for VIP packet this information is used to determine whether the received message is more recent than the current version each time that we make a v-line change on a VIP device the configuration revision number is incremented by one thus we should be very careful when we want to add a new switch to a VTP dummy keep in mind Cisco switches are by default VTP servers make sure that is a VIP configuration revision number is a lower than the revision number in the VIP Tommy otherwise it can erase all the line information from VTP servers and VTP dummy now let's talk about three types VTP messages summary of vert Iseman subset advertisements and advertisement requests VTP server since summary a retirements two other switches every five minutes by default summary of vert Iseman see include the current VTP dominate the configuration revision number of ATP version but they do not have details about VLAN configurations when a switch receives a summary of retirement it compared the VTP domain name to his own VTP domain name if the name is different the switch simply ignored the packet if the name is the same the switch often compares the configuration revision number to his own revision number if his own revision number is a higher or equal the packet is ignored if it is lower the client will update its database the second type is a subset advertisement which included details of VLAN information subset advertisements follow the summary of retirement the third type is a client of retirement request it is a request Senator VTP server to ask for the VIP summary or retirement and a subset of retirement when the server here's the request it will respond with VTP summary advertisement and a subset of retirement the last concept of ATP pruning let's take a look at example computer a and computer B are two hosts of a green villain we computer a broadcasts it intends to broadcast towards any switch ports assigned to the green villain but the message will flood the whole network all switches in the VTP domain receive vodkas thus creating unnecessary traffic with the ATP pruning we can virtually prune all links towards those switches which has nothing to do with the green villain when computer a broadcast again only related switches get the message thus reducing unnecessary flooded traffic in summary VTP allows VLAN configurations to be consistently maintained across the VTP dummy where DP reduces chances of VLAN configuration inconsistencies and errors one last point we are not required to use VTP to configure villains or trunking on Cisco switches and we can choose not to use VTP at all I hope this video is helpful if you want to learn Network systematically please check out my playlist they are organized by topics thank you very much and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sunny Classroom
Views: 65,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunny classroom+ CompTIA network+ CompTIA Security+ networking cyber security + CCNA, CCENT, CCNP, VTP, VLAN trunking protocol, CIsco proprietary protocol, VTP pruning, VTP domain, VTP server, VTP clients, VTP transparent, summary advertisements, subset advertisements, client advertisement request, managed switch, three types of VTP messages.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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