Network#21: IP helper-address in Cisco

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hello and welcome to the new episode of the network cisco packet tracer tutorials for beginner see how he's here and in today's video i'm going to talk about IP helper in previous video tutorial number fourteen you'll learn how to set up the DHCP server on your Cisco device but mostly in a real-world environment we are using the third-party DHCP like for example Windows Server DTP server you may wonder how the one DHCP server like what we got here we serve the different DCP scope for different segments neo network let's review this scenario first of all we got the one core suite here 35 60 series and this connected to the four different switches one of them is connected to the server VLAN we learned 10 with the network of 10 1000 / 24 and we got one DHCP server here with the IP address of the 10 10 0 10 and we also got 3d friends we lands and segments here IT department with the wheel and 10 sales department will enter tea and financial department with wheel and 50 and with the representative IP addresses for each of them as you can see our clients are scattered among the networks in different department you can assume each of these switches is located in a different flow of the one building and all of them are connected via the trunk link to the course which here dot two-five-zero is IP address of the SVI or interface VLAN IP addressing on a course range and I just connect the switches to the course which and I don't apply any configuration yet so let's begin off the configuration so click on a course which go to the comment line in turn just enable the switch you learn how to work with this in this video go to global configuration mode let's start with the defining the VLAN first of all okay we learnt 10 server segment we learned 20 names IT department we lent 30 with the name of sales and finally we done 40 name I just put it finance it's very good so let's zoom for you see the commands just define the VLAN and each name for the we dance do so wheel and you go yes or all winners are here than 10 20 30 and 40 so I connect with the very basic configuration here as you can see just plug the fastest one l0h one to the uplink you see here is one two three four here and the other side is a a 0/1 and it's strong and continue with the configuration interface FA 0 / let's do the range of its range and to make sure that you see that thing exit interface range FA 0 / 1 2 4 and switch mode trunk ok finger this is it lay 3 so we have 2 trunk encapsulation and what option regard is a dot1q only ok and switch port switch won't melt truck ok all 4 interface or became transport and as you can see went down and coming up let's define the SPI interface VLAN 10 ok IP address 10 10.0 - 5 0 the subnet of interface VLAN 20 and using the just up arrow key just modify the previous setting interface VLAN 30 up arrow and using the T and finally interface VLAN t with IP at is of 10.40 plus 0.250 with the subnet mask on slash 24 so let's do show IP interface brief to see as which interfaces are up or for main front interfaces are up here and you would go interface VLAN 10 20 30 and 50 all up with the IP address we got here okay so this is almost done the configuration on a course rate let's see from the packet tracer perspective using real word warm and you don't have such option but like trays you're easily chose the configuration of each switch for you all the villains are up the train trunk are also created let's start with 3-0 a very fast just continually fast compute e two places to the one switch port mode trunk okay and we just need the VLAN 10 name is server segment shall we land we got and as you can see we couldn't see the FA 0 / 1 because it's trunk and VLAN 10 is defined on a server segment switch let's go with this switch on level 3 for example neighbor 3 H con T let's start with the wheel and let's say for example we got the wheel and 20 here and name is I T we got VLAN 30 in this floor name sales and interface FA 0 / 1 switch port mode trunk is up linked to the course which and interface FA 0 / 10 I just connected to the VLAN 20 switch port mode excess switch port access wheel n 20 on a deep green VLAN 20 and interface if a0 is 15 just following the same pattern for all switches if a 0/10 green or VLAN 20 network if a 0 is such 15 if any will entity and interface fa0 is size 20 connected to the VLAN 40 so switchboard mode xs and switch for excess will end thirsty here ok we almost done let's take a look at the wheel and here yes we got then 20 will enter T V 0/10 and that is 0 16 and FA 0 H 1 is a trunk so let's go to the level to switch to the same configuration naval complete t wheel n 40 we got we done 40 here named finance ok wheel n 2t and 20 ok so no dirty name is IT and do show VLAN yep screen up so interface is a slash 1 switch port mode trunk here in this 2960 switch we don't have any encapsulation you just same as a 3560 use the switchboard trunk encapsulation for your transport so trunk is ready and let's go to configuration access port if a 0/10 switch port mode access switch port access wheel and 20 k then 20 yes interface FAA 0 is / 20 easily you can see check good packet tracer where you connected is 20 is connected to the wheel and 40 so I assume that interval is 20 but as I mentioned I just following the same concept for all the switches support node X s so combine to command switchboard XS wheel and T and finally let's do show VLAN and see what we got here here we go yeah we got the I T if 10 finance 20 correct and let's go and configure the final switch switch tree go to the command line enable the switch global configuration mode create the villain since we got all the villains here we just create all the VLAN 20 will entered name sales and we land 40 name is finance MCS and interface it is 0/1 uplink switch port mode trunk we want to carry all the tagged VLAN and interface FA 0/10 switch port mode access switch port access VLAN 20 interface FA 0 / 15 switch port mode access switch port access will n 10 sorry lamp to see and interface a face like 20 switchboard mode access switchboard excess VLAN t so shall we land and let's see what we got here yes ok face the zero one is stronk we line 20 30 40 ITC as a finance and interface or 10 and 20 which are connected to each of these pieces here and you can see the colors of different totally so waiting for is coming up so let's go and configure the DHCP server here IP address of each b is 10.10 0 10 we manually conflict that ok usually you set the static address for your main service into for i just put the gateway as a switch we just create an for dns we can let's use the Google DNS 888 and here we go and I click on fake yes pink 10.10 0.250 let's for can be ping or gateway or not ok within the wire and see where the problem is exactly locate something first problem was Padilla let's try and see what's into Facebook a figure here we go to the switch and switch and is at 10.00 two five five okay check this one though we forget to assign the interface in a real intent here so interface if a cake global configuration mode before going to face interface 0/10 switch port mode access switch port access wheel and ten to show VLAN yes here we go I expected this time when this book is coming up we can see the pain okay just do the continuous pain waiting for pole to come up you can use the port pass also you learn this previously very easy because try my how to support is still not going up yet on the way and the case textile bits just doesn't really matter click on and I expect that this time receive some reply from the gateway okay working nicely and it's time to configure DHCP server so to setup the DHCP server click on a server go to the service tab go to DCP let me make it bigger you can see clearly DTP setting section ok interface is a fast internet zero because you got only one interface and Nick on a dis error you can add more than one link on this turn on the dct and let's add start with the IT department I'm not going to set up any dat before server segment we're going for the setting of the IT cool aim is I T equals k k is 10.20 dot 0.250 DNS server you can set anything you want I just put a t-888 start IP address okay so 10:20 let's start from 10 for example subnet is 20 for maximum and let's see if tips we don't need and just edit so next one is a sales department d Tipu default gateway will be 10 30 will enter t and start with the 30.0 10 20 address should be ok and finally the finance department or will end 40 ok here we go 40 and 20 for this one and finally you need to say so as you can see here we've got different tcp pools IT sales and finance and we represent if the IP address here which map to our VLANs and all the IP addresses are start from the 10 so let's go and do some exercise here so far we can flick discourse which all the access layer switches are set up also DT is ready and let's try first of all before we enabling idea for how does it work free we go to the desktop go to the IP configuration when we enable the DHCP or PC you send a request to the DHCP server and if find a DHCP server with the broadcast in the ATP will reply with the suggested IP address and if the PC agree it can accept that when I go to enable the DCP is request IP address and as we expected it must be fail and this PC get the just automatically private IP address or a papaya address which is used as a dress is 169.254 range and it doesn't work because by default this PC is located in different wheel and then TCP server how we can fix this we need to go to a course which naval show IP interface brief again I just want to show you double check because VLAN 20 use IP address and I just show run interface VLAN 20 let's see it doesn't work like a tracer but just the show run show you how the configuration are here there we go we just got them interface VLAN and the IP address that's it so what you doing is a global configuration mode interface VLAN 20 interface VLAN 20 and IP with the helper address gain and use a question mark is that you can add the destination IP address which is the IP address of our DHCP server here using the 10th 10.0 10 and here we go so we add the IP helper address to the interface VLAN 20 we do the same things for other we line interfaces also they use the up-arrow key in n of T and P versus 10 so let's check the run again this time you can see there is a slide to do friends we not only have the IP address but also have an IP helper address here which is our DHCP server for all interface VLAN so now we expected to get the some IP addresses and when we enable the DHCP the D to be request successfully and you start to getting the IP addresses from the previous set range is a 10.22 0 10 we ask the DHCP server start from the 10 address and as you can see the default gateway and DNS also automatically assigned to the with the subnet assign automatically to the PC here let's try the all other client here neighbor DHCP I expected to get 10.30 and as you can see with one DHCP we can serve different IP addresses pooled here let's enable very fast in all of them 1020 dot 10:40 is a wheel and 40 then 40.0 of 10 so all three pools are working nicely let's enable the second client index range is a 10 2011 n plus one was ten clearly you can see and finally let's involve here as well the ACP requests and the request the switch IP interface process the helper and sending the request to that IP g six seven and easy server send back the request 11 here got 940 again we expected to get here also without any issue so here we go finally with this pc and easily automatically very fast and efficient way we have one DHCP that serve the IP address for entire network for us I hope this video is informative for you please subscribe and share our video among your IT friends and see you soon thank you very much
Channel: SASiteNet
Views: 60,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IP helper, ip helper-address, DHCP Relay, UDP Helper Address, Network#, Cisco, CCNA Tutorial, SASite, S.Kazemi, Siavash, CCNA, CCENT, Network tutorial,, Siavash Kazemi, Packet Tracer, Access List
Id: rJCa6R2VL6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2015
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