Conan O'Brien 'Jay-Z 11/4/04

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[Music] we're back what's exciting my first guest is one of the biggest hip-hop stars in the world he has nine platinum albums he has sold more than 18 million records please welcome Jay Z [Music] yes [Applause] I don't get that you get the that's pretty nice we need you here every night to get the crab like that'll be the new idea if I have a joke and it bombs we just have you walk out behind me people go first of all you get me to not walk out behind you yeah get you this you gave me the scare of my life before the show I like to go and say hi to people before the show and just say thanks for coming ask them for cash and I went in and I just say and I knocked on your door I just not you know knocked on your guest door it's here at Late Night with Conan O'Brien and someone goes hey wait a minute like you're not supposed to go in there and I turn around and the largest man I've ever seen in the world is guarding your door and I wet myself look at this guy right here [Applause] so look I yes put his arm on my shoulder and it melted like butter that is a what is your name sir Samson Samson oh great yeah Samson I am Conan I would shock him now so much to talk about first of all this is interesting to me your videos at your music it represents a certain kind of lifestyle that people probably come to expect of you you know this the scantily clad women the Cristal look fun living the life but there must be times when people expect that from you and you know you can't be that person like like it is it's on all the time right right like one time I went to a radio station um it was 10:00 in the morning and he had buckets of crisp out at 10:00 I'm looking around like who's drinking Christa 10:00 in the water right he was like I just left the house your video was on at night in the morning he was drinking Christa I don't want to do that right now it's madness now what I want to have a question for you so much in rap is about the bling-bling you know it's about it's about materialism has there ever been and should there be a rapper who's just known for being thrifty like MC stretches the cash over a long period of time he's out there wearing like I got this at the gap and he's you know that's basically out real like okay so you project it but then in real life you're putting in a whip yeah that's our that's our real life you know we all come from struggle right so you know that's that's what we do you know thrift shops and savings sneakers for three months so when we get a chance to to videos and different things like that we we aspire for the opulent lifestyle you know some of us don't reach you some of us do but right but you can project that and it's it's a it's almost a fun fantasy image right and hopefully you get it one day I'm still dreaming now I'm not doing my job if I don't ask you about this long lots of speculation are you dating Beyonce are you not a you two together what's going on you know I gotta ask I mean a lot of people think yes yes these two are together what's going on what happens is you know when you live so much your life in the public eye versus my political answer just go with yeah and a public guy right you want to keep parts of a price so all right then I won't you don't have to answer that question let me just tell you from my perspective if I were dating Beyonce I'd be telling everybody I get like her phone number for the first date not be on TV you have you've retired you've retired you said that you're recording from record low album right from recording solo albums you said so which is going to give you a lot of free time or how are you gonna use that energy to do what do you aspire to do next thing is to open up doors like um you know that did for a rap you know on the executive level so you know I'm you know got a couple offers you know wanted to be the president of Def Jam and a couple offers other places you know one day I just hope that run the whole Universal that'd be nice did you already talk about Universal you might want to be nice to me yeah I understand that more on the food chain don't worry you don't have to rub it in did you get an offer from Universal at all because NBC Universal if you took that job you would be my boss that's what I'm trying to tell you alright alright tell me about the music that you listen to you talk about people would have this image of you that you would probably only listen to rap but that's not true right right I like I just believe in two different types of music good and bad music so I listen to all type of music you know I listen from coal played you to sting John Mayer right you know to the roots right John Mayer REO Speedwagon [Applause] see that's where I'm coming from here you're gonna fire my ass well Jessie welcome get rid of O'Brien right yeah we took care of it I gotta ask you about this you've played pool with with Michael Jordan you you actually you guys are tight somewhat and you actually played pool what was that experience like I grew up watching Michael Jordan you know idolized in the way he played basketball you don't just him as a human being so we got the opportunity to meet and we became friends and uh it's my birthday I got a club in the city in Chelsea called the 40/40 club so he came by and we was playing pool he's really really seriously competitive I got everything I don't really yeah so I had him down 2-0 and he was upset there's no he was upset but then he looked at me said the Knicks had me down 2-0 before you're in trouble and you just try to have a friendly game of pool he's getting incredibly intense serious he was like you're in trouble yeah one next two games and I was like that's that's it for this just leave tied up right was he okay with that it was like no now we're doing this again yeah he wasn't okay but I you know I just wanted to say I tied Mike with joy yeah it's nice that's pretty good it is P Diddy's birthday he's having a birthday party tonight are you going to this party absolutely yeah can I roll with you yeah that's not gonna happen on TV it's like yeah of course afterwards that guy's got his hand in my face I'm trying to walk and he's just enough no Samson Samson's not having it Samson's coming over here any second let me talk about fade to black hey let's talk about fade to black I watched this they got me a copy of the documentary today and I was watching this this documentary and what I loved about it was that you show the creative process which I think a lot of people don't understand and people that don't understand rap music don't understand how hard it is to actually stay at the top and I thought that was the coolest part of the documentaries it shows you when you're working on the on the on the album just almost putting yourself through torture to come up with the right hooks and the right samples I mean I love to do it for one and then I know how in rap music you know the thing is to get the discovery so you know every year they trying to find the new artist so you have you have to really stay on top of your game I love doing it but I also understand that part of it you know and I don't write lyrics like you'll see in the documentary if you guys go you'll see that um maybe you should walk out after me I kind of I was just you know I said then I listen to the music and I just you know I look at music like a puzzle I try to figure the whole thing out with the emotion of the track is saying so when I look them up when I look at myself on screen I'm like I look crazy like oh that's funny it shows you listening to some samples and then you find one you like and you start kind of mumbling to yourself and you yeah you look a little crazy but it's you going to its you going through your process and then it works and yeah and what I liked about it is that I thought it was important that people see so many people idolize you and and say I want to do what he's doing and I want to be that good and I think it's important for young people to see it's hard right when you look at this documentary you can tell that you're working your ass off and you're trying to to put out the best product you can but that it's not easy it just doesn't come right it's not something that you just you just turn the music on and it's a hit bit I might have to work at it you know and in his work and in work doesn't stop there right then you got to promote it and you see a lot of that in this and its really fantastic fade to black opens tomorrow in select cities and you know is a real honor to have you here whether you're ever my boss or not [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 22,550
Rating: 4.7388315 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: 8D0CeujeKcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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