Conan O'Brien 'Alan Alda 2/1/05

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[Applause] [Music] my first guest tonight my first guest is a five-time Emmy award-winning actor who starred for 11 years on the legendary TV show mash now you can see him on the NBC series The West Wing and he received an Academy Award nomination for his performance in the Aviator life is good for Alan Alda let's get him out here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an Oscar a new bag you got a you know a lot of great things happen to you in your career and Oscar nomination now yeah this is incredible it's a you telling me I'm telling you this is incredible right you listen to me I'm sorry that's why I don't know now how does it work i-i've well you have to tell you a lot of people you have to pay a lot of people you have to spread a lot of cash around the canoer and then see what happens where were you when you found out how does that happen I was in bed with Angelina Jolie oh really [Applause] my wife and I were in the kitchen watching them announce it from the Oscar place right the Oscar place yes that would be Los Angeles yes yeah we are now landing in Oscar place I really knew that I wasn't going to be nominated I knew that I was just watching to confirm it you know and and they and they showed my picture and they said my name and my wife jumped off the chair and started screaming mm-hmm and I thought white why is she screaming like that they're just saying who might get it right right I still didn't believe it you should turn the sound on next time here chuckling no I mean I still don't are you sure about I looked into this yeah yeah I would have ejected you from this show if this was not real so so what happens I mean the media it seems like there's a big machine that springs into place when someone's nominated for an Oscar and pretty amazing the personal phone starts ringing and every stops ringing and then they start sending you things they sent me what what do you get a coffee machine an espresso coffee machine it's so big we're gonna have to if one of us wants coffee the other has to leave the apartment it's and now I don't know these people I don't know why they would send it to me it wasn't that funny that celebrities get what they do what they can afford to buy them become a celebrity they're like you know they are denominator whole country of poor people yes and then all of them will get coffee makers companies terrible idea they should be a country where they grow coffee yeah something useful but say you know but they do give you a lot I mean I saw and just now you have a nice little bag there that you give the guests on your show that's very nice that's my bag it's not here you take those you know those are for me I notice it was like a bottle of water and a tin of Altoids and I thought this thing isn't even real let it go but here this is made of Bavarian child there yeah this is some classy joint you're lucky you got the water the first five years we pick people up in a van they already had the Altoids they were good and save it for the next guest now five Emmys you have five Emmys how is this different I mean how does you know I mean you've been through the experience of love winning major awards yeah but nothing like this this is ice well it's a different level it people are stopping me on the street and they're right and now they don't just say that they've recognized they start to like go on at length you know it's like I've been given the official okay but right it's very it's kind of it's disorienting and it's touching but the main thing is I just want to keep talking about it so people know I got nominated right they gonna forget yeah so did you know who was nominated last year nobody know you don't know I forget who wins I want this to be indelible in people's mind you were nominated for an Oscar okay go ahead why don't you talk for a while okay more about me yeah The Aviator playing a right here that's great you're a terrific shill for your own product or hear enough about my Oscar nomination apparently I'm quite good at it what about you Conan yeah you play this guy in the movie Senator Owen Brewster not a nice guy in the movie and he's a real he's a character from history he was a real senator real guy and I was so flattered to be asked to be in this movie that you know gonna be directed by Martin Scorsese I was gonna play with Leonardo DiCaprio I think it's a wonderful wonderful actor and I felt so flattered so I said I'd do it and of course and then they sent me a picture of the real guy who I was playing I think the ugliest person they ever saw suddenly you weren't so happy anymore little less flattered we have a picture here of that of Senator Owen this is the real senator Owen Brewster I think we have a photo here there the director score says he saw that picture and said I got it you know I should apologize to anybody who's still living was related to ask for them when I do apologize but on the other hand the Brewster's don't call they're at home now saying well you don't look so good we actually noticed that we have a character on the show that Owen Brewster looks alive what yeah take a look this this is our character of preparation H Raymond so I like one is before preparation either is if we don't know we don't want to get anyway you've been been married in March we'll be married 48 years eight years now you you're married what 48 months no I see I gotta get this right a little over three years Wow yeah that also older applause was almost equal to your was that cheapens his applause yeah you know what if I was like means they don't they just deployed would you say that exactly right well but not such applause yeah okay 48 years really look like nothing a parents really crap now Thailand you just have to say the word of [Applause] so any way to stop them is when you invoke the devil that is that is good that is good it is good I had a really nice time so far yeah what's the longest you've heard of someone being married what's like though well you know it's funny most of our friends were married a long time but I think Carl Reiner and Estelle have been married I don't know how long well wait longer than nice right no I'm sure they remember right yeah but most of our friends were married a really long time and very often to the same person right you didn't point out you've been married 48 years to nine people no actually it almost has been nine people because she keeps changing her career she was a classical clarinetist when we when we got married then she became a photographer and a book author and she just keeps doing new things she's all over the map she is she is I I never know I know at dinner parties like we'll be there with somebody you know with fancy people around the table right and if she's talking at the other end of the table ice I just listen to what you say because I've never heard this before and you want to hear you want to hear what she's doing now for a career that's right yeah she might come up with a whole new career no but I don't know she thinks about things in a way that's different and I and I don't know where she comes up with it because I eat breakfast lunch and dinner with her when does she think right so you come home sometimes she's like I've been prospecting for gold since news to you we have a bit of a we have a clip here from the from the ABA right here that's so good I hear your performance in it this is just something hearing around oscar-worthy that's what I've been hearing not only worthy yeah you just have to think the word applause yeah yeah don't even don't even know some shows where I'm forced to go up into the crowd and fight everyone at once it's very it's good TV mr. Mathers good TV look but in this clip I believe you are you're opposed to a Leonardo DiCaprio you are his nemesis it's rain this is with Alec Baldwin who's wonderful in the movie even the and he Baldwin's character kind of controlled the this senator and right and wants to control the world he wants to control all the airlines around the world wants to use you to help destroy Howard Hughes Troy Howard Hughes let's take a look at this clip from The Aviator I think it's time for you to introduce the community airline bill on the floor the Senate is it done my people are finishing it right now I also have to get you on the committee investigating the national defense all in the committee or chairman no I think it'd be much more effective this chairman it's a great public platform you know generates a lot of press wasn't Truman chairman of that committee right look now he's vice president look what he did with it no I I think I think here [Applause] very well for Woody Allen you do it you know you're it actually it's fun to play a bad guy this guy really it's nice to destroy Howard Hughes as the picture goes on and it you know it's nice about it is I one of the things that's nice is you get to play out things that they won't let you do in the real world and and and you get to really like believe it you know like I could I could run I could run the Senate I could run in the world and you know you start to believe that you're crazy they're crazy a deluded man this interview ends well you're quite deluded The West Wing The West Wing airs Wednesday nights at 9:00 on NBC and the Aviator is in theaters now and I don't want to jinx anything but you're you're a very you've always been terrific to us whenever you come by and you've helped us out with a few things here and there so I'm rooting for you I really wish you the best [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 20,556
Rating: 4.9575973 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: HDZW-tnhtlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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