Conan & Jeff Garlin Visit Their Old Apartment In Chicago | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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Man that Bob Odenkirk bit was so Conan it hurts

Also, the energy Conan has on a stage is still electric. The cheers and boos with Wrigley Field, the laughs from his absurdist lines, the cut away scenes to perfectly close out a joke.

Edit: wait, no, this was originally aired 2006

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/zk3033 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
folks I'm gonna get serious here for just a second you may not know this but I have roots in this town I really do I lived in Chicago once back in the summer of 1988 that's right I was doing tell true ok one guys still cheering that year I was doing a state show it's gonna call go home and listen to don't worry be happy I was doing a stage show at the Victory Gardens theater called happy happy good show I was just a young kid I had big dreams starting out here's a quick clip is the only known footage we have of me doing god-knows-what with the very talented Bob Odenkirk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it was after that that I left comedy never to return all right well that summer I lived in an apartment half a block from Wrigley Field all right yeah you vote you vote on your own time anyway my roommate my roommate was actor Jeff Garlin who you all know from Curb Your Enthusiasm very funny man third time today well of course it's now 18 years later and I thought it might be fun if Jeff and I went back to Wrigleyville and dropped in on the old apartment we brought along the camera crew here's what happening [Music] we used to live here can we come up and look around oh so that's just great thing about Chicago in New York I'm just saying you don't know who we are we want to come in they just fire a shotgun through the window this is really weird it looks the same but nicer yeah your name is Eric did they tell you when you went to rent the apartment the huge stars have lived here Jeff Garlin I lived here sandy Duncan sandy Duncan lived here for a while yeah Ben Vereen is here Riley Charles Nelson Reilly helped build the place the TV was right here and there's the the cable outlet where we got free cable anyone hit a home run you'd see the ball roll right down the street here ladies we were putting so I used to like to I wear I wear a jacket is shirt but I would take off my pants and my underwear and I understand they still do like Eric we asked you a question what is this the Jagermeister machine [Applause] who are you that is just not just smelling oh dear God you actually drink that are you undermined by the way giga meister a fine product right here strapped on oh yeah this this view is pretty incredible yeah doesn't it look like this is where the the FBI shows up here later and they're like yeah he rested the rifle here well you know we found a cartridge here and a cartridge here I don't like to brag but Jeff and I had a bit of a reputation in Chicago it's just just guys who didn't get laid how are you heya fellas good to see ya all right but see how exciting that was for them CS right now getting on the phone and saying two gay guys came on we used to live here I'm honing in this is Jeff hey there's our old landlord here's our landlord right you want to come up with some Jagermeister on my way to work come on just one quick glass [Applause] no I got one itself to hear on Rosco that's where desi Lucy Burke's live that's right in the other place yeah I mean and the original Three Stooges all live there get three bunk beds people there you know as well as here you had famous people living in your other apartment in the other bill in the other building that comes physician's daughter and the Cubs decisions daughter how'd you work that out I director security what other big sizes lived here you you used to know whoa yes man here in this room they had the table read for the Poseidon Adventure yeah the movies I admit a little one they did they all sat around with scripts and they gene Hackman and Shelley Winters they were all and they had to when they got to the part where the boat flips upside down they flipped the table over from the table readers they were in here yeah Ernie Banks used to after he had you know I remember yeah he would back he refused to sit in the dugout with everyone else he thought he was too good for that yeah run out when they took the field Ernie Banks is running out of that apartment the horse Seabiscuit died in this room Seabiscuit well that's because that's interesting they used to have a bridge that went from that apartment to this apartment that was built just for Seabiscuit is built 1928 Seabiscuit was even born another 15 years this place in the Reg was Sara Lee Sara Lee and family Baker cake in that oven its penicillin discovered in that bathroom that you insisted could be used for medical purposes your idea yeah you the one that said if you grow that mold it might inhibit bacterial growth and everyone else said what does that guy know you know the footage of Nixon saying I'm stepping down you know I've you ever noticed it's a really tight shot and you think it's the Oval Office but that's you making an assumption if they widened out a little bit you'd see that he resigned in that front room right there therefore I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow 9 hundred of them [Music] [Applause] Jeff no of course everybody knows yeah you know you're about Curb Your Enthusiasm but this is very exciting this is exciting you're you you you made your directorial debut it's just about to start with a movie what's the movie movies called I want someone to eat cheese with and Larry David Cemal title business again Larry David actually hates the title you can't end in a preposition what do you have a competition for that's him ya know it just had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City come again very good all the shows sold out there was no about the movie was filmed here in Chicago I was actually it's the first movie that ever filmed at Millennium Park hopefully hopefully it'll get a distributor to be out later this year and there but you know what very nice of you to help me out nice to see the old place achieving the Sears Tower testing Sears clothing will bodysurf over the crowd as we go to commercial we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,195,492
Rating: 4.9228597 out of 5
Keywords: 'Late Night' in Chicago, Arrested Development, Best Of, Conan Classic, Cubs, Curb Your Enthusiasm, HD, HQ, Jeff Garlin, Late Night With Conan O'Brien, Mad About You, NBC, Official, Remote, Remotes, Sears Tower Dressed in Sears Clothing, The Goldbergs, Toy Story 3, Wall-E, Wrigley Field, best of late night, celebrity interview, comedy, comedy sketches, conan obrien interview, late night show, late night with conan classic, late show, max weinberg, talk show, talk show hosts, teamcoco
Id: R8I_l41xOB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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