Scrapping A Flatscreen TV - How To Make Money From A Scrap TV!

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/prtj1617 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 02 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello fan doesn't welcome back to another scrapping guide on today's episode we're gonna jump into a flat-screen TV now some of you may have some questions about scrapping a TV for gold and other precious metals or how to make money from a scrap flat-screen TV well it just so happens I have something from way back in the archives that for one reason or another I didn't get out until now so please keep in mind we learn all throughout our lives and I've learned a few things about better ways to make money from a flat-screen TV since making this footage however I still think it has value it's not just for fun but what follows is one way to scrap a flat-screen TV so please enjoy and at the end I'd like to come back here and add in a few pieces of information that I think are important to ensure this is a complete guide with that in mind please enjoy and if you do quick reminder to hit the like button or consider subscribing because it helps this channel a lot thanks a lot hey youtube and welcome to episode 5 of money from nothing the miniseries where I sub show you how to make the most money in the least time from commonly discarded devices you're likely to find in today's episode we're gonna be ripping into a flat panel TV something I see a lot of and I'm not a hundred percent sure exactly what tools we'll need so I just grabbed all of my favorites let's put this thing over and get into it first thing is a ton of screws let's fast forward this part well that was a lot of screws here's the first thing a magnet you pulled out of a microwave can be useful for now let's listen panels up useless oh just look at all that stuff this one probably wasn't cheap threw it in there yeah oh hey there it is well that's too heavy to be anything with steel now let's just start ripping out every screw we could find [Music] move on for later yeah now it's aluminum shape and of course more screws more wires now these ones actually have gold plated pins in them so I'll add that to the pile of stuff these little ribbon cables are not gold plated sometimes they're just look for the color fact they're not gold means they're probably silver am I gonna keep that no here's an interesting a little bit willing to bet it's non-magnetic yeah but two things one the color the density how heavy it feels and the detail in the casting makes me feel like it's probably not cast aluminum but probably zinc zinc swears money - so you keep that I'm gonna be honest with you but these boards the best money isn't throwing them out because it takes so much of your time to actually pick all the little things off if you live in the state's there's a couple websites you could send them to I don't have an option that's what you want you got these little gold rim chips musical tantalum capacitors am I gonna take the time to pick those off probably there's another board here's another slab of zinc use another board there yep those are all gold plated connectors as well miserable I say miss row because it's hard to decide what to do because interesting there's some gold-plated bits good surprisingly elaborate heatsink design I get the feeling this TV was really expensive Oh as wrong those ones are the tantalum capacitors and maybe those ones too these little brown ones with silver ends are the mono lithium ceramic capacitors [Music] this is the part you want to watch out for typically these flat panel TVs are filled with mercury gas which is really bad for you so if it's already broken great if it's not already broken don't break it there I'm cursing because each and every one of these little ribbons and all the way around is gold which sounds like it was great it's not it just takes forever but because it's gold it's hard to refuse should definitely be wearing safety glasses now this is the point where you just got to be real with yourself it's already taken me more than a half an hour to get this far and all of those little pieces of gold are not even worth a dollar and this piece here weighs about 10 pounds if I took all the glass off it's probably gonna be about 5 pounds but the real question here is how long is that gonna take me to remove all of these little pieces of glass and that whole layer of glass and all this double-sided tape because holy cow there's a lot of that there the point is what is your time worth 5 pounds is 5 bucks if I could somehow find something big enough to scrape it a hole off in like 30 seconds or a minute then that would be worth doing but otherwise is this what it's doing no man now what else is in here bunch of plastic and less so let's recap we've got a couple of pieces of aluminum a couple of pieces of zinc and a few wires and a whole bunch of circuit boards that have chunks of aluminum and tiny bits of gold now I've got another smaller more common type here so just for fun let's blast through this one as quick as possible see what's in that that even less than this one [Music] there it is only piece worth grabbing and it's honestly not even worth it that's it that's all don't break it open so flat panel TVs are rich in mlcc's gold-plated boards and tiny little switches if you have little electronics products there are projects to work on other than that there's not a whole lot in them so if he's got somewhere to send the boards great is it worth it either side thanks for tuning in I'll see you next time and until then do the thing well that was a fun afternoon and I want to be clear it was a really fun afternoon but we're talking about making money from a flat screen TV so if we add it all up what we got out of there maybe $1 worth of aluminum and then some very small amounts of tantalum capacitors mlcc's which have beliver mono lithium ceramic capacitors and some gold-plated bits and pieces it was definitely less than two dollars for a flat-screen TV so fun sure worth it no definitely not however I also here in Canada do not have access to board sort comm I've contacted them it's not there's no money in it for people up here there's always the eBay option but if you are in the States you probably can get decent money I don't know how much I've never done it if the screen itself isn't broken from my time I think the best money would be identifying whether the TV is a valuable one and then being the person to buy the the replacement board from eBay slap it in there and sell the TV as a working unit if you can identify what part is wrong with it the good money is in parting them out provided you can identify which parts are still good now that's a totally different skill set and you still have the the gold-plated board from the top of the screen so you get to do both but scrapping just for scrap value absolutely not you saw it took me most of a day to head through one like fully stripped down granted it was a complicated one but still there's too many screws it was a final point what I personally do because eBay has never been a super profitable endeavor for me I still collect TVs but I sell broken TVs to people who repair TVs if you search Kijiji Facebook marketplace Craigslist those sorts of spots you will likely find a listing from someone who wants to buy broken TVs so long as you live in a big enough Center if you live in a tiny town well I don't know granted it's not a lot but if somebody's gonna give me 10 15 20 bucks for a TV that I haven't even opened all I did was find it well that sounds like a great value and I will happily be a broken TV bounty hunter now do with that information what you will but that is everything I know about making money from a broken flat-screen TV if there's anything I've left out please fill us in in the comments below same place I'd love to see the next non-working object you'd like to see cracked open and turned into money thanks as always leave it better than you found it keep doing the thing [Music]
Channel: thubprint
Views: 778,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapping, scrap metal, scrapping a flat screen, scrapping a flatscreen, flatscreen tv, flat screen tv, scrap tv, broken tv, make money scrapping, scrapping gold, gold, scrapping a flatscreen for gold, extracting gold, are tvs worth scrapping, how much, tv worth to scrap, breaking down, scrap a televison, scrapping a flat screen tv and make, how to scrap a tv for gold, scrapping metal for beginners, how to scrap metal, scrapping for cash, broken flat screen, worth anything
Id: x8cKpd7BlJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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