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here we go I ordered some more trimmed circuit card fingers off of eBay there's supposed to be two pounds in here two pounds is a roughly 900 grams and so include the bag we've got 940 so the weight is good and I'm going to try something different with this group of fingers I'm gonna try instead of acid peroxide what we're going to do is try to lift the gold foils off of the fiberboard using a hot nitric acid oils so what we'll do is uh add a few of these fingers into a clean beaker and there I have about what 31 grams of trimmed fingers in there now what we'll do is uh instead of going all in when I'm doing something new like this I take a little bit of the material and do an experiment with it so that I don't create a big mess with the whole batch here I'm adding about 150 milliliters of distilled water and we'll cover it up set it up on the heat now we're going to start adding doses of nitric acid to dissolve the base metals that are underneath those gold foils and try to get them to release from the fiberboard I've added about 30 milliliters of nitric acid in here have added a little bit more water as I was going but I think kind of looks like we've got all them foils pretty much lifted just about there's still a few clinging to the fiberboards down there all right if you look down in here still got some gold foils that are clinging now we're going to pull this experiment down out of the way and push him back a little bit here out of the way I've got a large five liter beaker and what I'm going to do is add some distilled water to this beaker about 1.5 liters let me set this up on the heat I've got the rest of the trimmed circuit card fingers I'm gonna add these to the water now I remember why I don't like working on these things they're messy low yielding and time consuming but computer scrap is popular so we're gonna try to uh give it our best shot here and get this stuff processed as best we can let's add a little bit more water it's about two and a half up to the two and a half milliliter level what I'll do is add some nitric acid and we'll start dissolving out the base metals to release our gold foils I'm gonna add about uh a half a liter I guess of nitric acid here you can see there's a bunch of dirt coming to the surface probably would have been a good idea to wash those pieces off before we put it in the acid I've had this on the heat now for about an hour and a half maybe the gold foils are coming off nicely rising to the top of the liquid I'm just going to let this go I'm going to add some more distilled water those foils are looking fairly good there we'll just let this go and then go to the next step and see what we want to do after we get all those foils released from the fiberboard I allowed this to stay on the heat overnight so it's been on here about 12 hours and our foils are looking real good like everything's been separated pull it down off the heat now let it cool off a little bit I've got one of our specially prepared filter papers here and so now what we'll do is separate the liquid it contains all the base metals from the solids that contains our gold a little bit of liquid here from our experiment shouldn't be anything in here but we're going to test the Stannis just to make sure d by that test there's no precious metals in that blue liquid it's just about the last of the liquid and now what we'll do is I'll add some distilled water to this and we'll rinse these solids out with them a couple of distilled water rinses until we get all of the blue liquid rinsed off of here [Music] just about got all the blue liquid pulled off of these uh solids if you look down here these water rinses have got all the copper that's in solution rinsed off got it nice and colorless so we've rinsed all the base Metals off of these fingers now while I'm waiting for the water to pull through this filter what we'll do is I'll turn our attention over here to the beaker it's got our foils in it and I've got some hydrochloric acid also known as muriatic acid I'm going to add some hydrochloric acid now to our beaker since there's Nitric in there we might get a little bit of reaction now we'll cover this up I'm going to set this up on the heat now and we're going to start dissolving the gold foils I'm adding a splash maybe 50 milliliters of nitric acid in here and we'll go ahead and start dissolving the gold foils I've got all the blue liquid off of these foils so now what we'll do is we'll gather this filter up out of here and if you look down in our Beaker got a spot down here that's kind of cleared away so we're going to drop this filter paper in here it's got our foils and now what I'll do is take this glass Rye stick it down in the aqua region we'll see if we can uh get that stuff to dissolve for us let's see if I can get this right out of here get it out of the way this is hydrochloric acid that I'm using rinse it off as I pull it out and now we'll rinse down the insides of the beaker with some hydrochloric acid make sure we got all the gold foils rinsed down it's been on the heat now for about an hour reach down in here and get a little bit of a solution on our piece of filter paper let's see what we got going on in here Stannis chloride test there you can see we've got gold in solution it's been on high heat now for about an hour and what we're going to do is take it down off the heat now and let this cool off I cooled the solution off in an ice bath let's move this out of the way now pull this up [Music] I've got a number two medium flow filter installed in here [Music] go ahead and start filtering our liquid do another Stannis test just to verify that we have gold in our solution I know we do but it doesn't hurt to do a Stannis test before we do the precipitation I'm just going to use a minimal amount of water to uh rinse these fingers off I'm not expecting a whole lot of gold here maybe three grams four grams or something like that so we'll use a minimal amount of water and do a rinse here the rest of this solution poured through the filter here you can see the fingers have had all of the uh gold removed from them all the gold is off there now with that Aqua region treatment pretty clean and this was a fairly quick process not like in the past when I did acid peroxide that took months or weeks to get all the gold off of there it's our final rinse sticking a piece of filter paper down here gonna get a status test on this and you can see there's no more gold in our rinse water I've got everything pulled through the filter now we're going to transfer our solution our gold bearing solution this bottom up here into this the speaker now let's add some SMB and precipitate out pure gold this is not going to be very uh visually appealing because huh well I could be wrong I think it was gonna give us a good show but I guess I could be wrong give this a stir oh yeah I can see some brown forming in there not a whole lot like I said I'm only expecting about three grams of pure gold from this let's do a Stannis test make sure we got everything precipitated no gold in solution here we go let's see what we got down in the bottom of our beaker it's been settling for about half an hour all right here we go that's it down in the bottom of this beaker now let's give this a rinse with some water let's give it a quick boil some hydrochloric acid just a little bit in there this always seems to help it's been boiling now for about five minutes let's reach in here and pour off the waste solution to our waste container gold looks nice and Brown now there might be a little bit in solution or pouring off that's okay we're gonna put this solution in the stockpot oh yeah gold is looking pretty good because we got such a small amount I'm gonna just settle out down here before we pour off the waste liquid I think we'll transfer this to a smaller beaker so it's easier to handle all right that's settled out fairly quickly all right let's take get this down into a melt dish let's get it down here on the Melt table we're going to melt this up now into a little button so we can get a yield on this and all right don't look too bad there's our little gold bead here's our DOT of pure gold from the trimmed circuit card fingers looks good got a nice shiny reflective finish I boiled it in a little dilute sulfuric acid to remove the flux looks like we got 3.6 grams of pure gold from two pounds of trimmed circuit card fingers someone suggested using nitric acid boils to loosen those foils from the trimmed fingers and I must say I agree this was an easy and quick refining we'll offer this for sale on my eBay site like to thank everybody for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 28,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cmoo4SMxy10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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