Ive Not Paid For Pure Silver In YEARS

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welcome back to my channel everyone's sweet tips here I just wanted to capture a quick video of the results I'm getting from my dual silver cell setup this is silver cell number one and it's Associated and connected to this power supply and you'll notice that the current flow through silver cell number one is much greater than the current flow through silver cell number two to achieve the much greater current flow this is the anode filter that was in silver cell number one you can see it's pretty much clogged up with silver cell slimes and uh it's really goopy down in there so last night what I did is I changed out the filter bag and put a fresh clean filter bag in here and I filled that anode filter right there that we're looking at right there up with impure silver I get the impure silver from gold we finding that I do it looks like this these are the impure silver granules and what I do is I recover this silver from my gold refining it's going to contain traces of Platinum Group metals and gold and copper in this impure silver this is a five gallon bucket and there are pieces of copper down in here and what I do is I take my sober that I recovered from my gold refining and I put it in this bucket and it's a silver nitrate and copper nitrate solution and then I add pieces of copper in here and then the silver cements out onto these pieces of copper in this bucket and the silver forms a gray powder that falls to the bottom of the bucket the copper goes into solution as the pure silver metal comes out of solution onto these pieces of copper in this bucket now any Platinum Group metals or gold that is contained in the silver nitrate solutions that I add in here will cement out onto the copper as well and those traces of Platinum Group metals and gold will cement out along with the silver because the Platinum Group metals tend to follow the silver that silver powder in my five gallon bucket that I used copper to cement the silver out I gather up that silver powder in the bottom of that bucket and I rinse all the blue liquid off of it the blue liquid is copper nitrate and then I melt it into these granules copper will be the main contaminant here and that's why it looks so ugly but what we're going to do now is this new filter has enabled this full bag of impure silver to dissolve overnight with that high current flow so what I'm going to do is reach down in here [Music] get a few of these silver granules we're going to refill the anode basket all right now will we establish our current flow through here by adding the electrode bar and you'll see the current flow has actually increased through the cell now that I've added the additional impure silver in here it's forced it down into the bottom of the basket the anode filter basket and increased the contact area with the electrolyte down inside the silver cell here's what our silver crystals looking like in here this is just over a week a week's worth of growth in here this is silver cell number two and you can see that the silver in this anode filter basket is not being consumed as quickly because the filter has become clogged up with anode filter slimes they're called slimes it's a slurry uh Platinum Metals a little bit of gold some silver nitrate see the traces of Platinum Group metals and gold in the impure shot collect and accumulate and concentrate in this anode filter and you'll see that the current flow is much lower on Silver cell number two point eight amps as opposed to 3.6 amps on Silver cell number one and that's because the slimes in this anode filter is inhibiting the current flow through the silver cell the traces of gold and platinum group metals that get concentrated in the anode filter basket I save these filters and what I'll do one day is process the material the slimes in these anode filters that I've accumulated and like I said there's going to be traces of gold some gold gets dissolved when I do the nitric acid boils on the imported gold the dissolved gold will travel into the silver jar and then when I cement the silver out of the silver nitrate solution those traces of gold will cement out with the silver and end up in my silver and since they're insoluble from the electrolytic action in the silver cell they accumulate in these anode filters and what I'll do is I'll do a video soon on recovering the precious metals that are in these anode filter slimes silver cell number one has been running for about nine days now so it's getting close to harvest time for silver cell number one probably go a few more days on this one and then on this one this is silver cell number two the one that we just built here recently this has been running since about a is for about a week about 10 days and there's the silver that we've got accumulated in silver cell number two the new one and we'll let both of these run and get just as full of silver crystals as we can then we'll do a Harvest on both silver cells at the same time and see what kind of yield we're going to get with both silver cells in operation I picked a little bit of the silver granules out of this second silver cell and if you look up here you'll see that the current flow is low on this silver cell and what I've done is uh made up a brand new filter basket so what we'll do is go ahead and fill this up now with impure silver one last look at the power supply for silver cell number two and now what we'll do is I'm going to pull the electrode bar out and we're going to remove the old and old filter plugged up with silver cell slime so we're going to take it out of the cell and now we're going to drop in the new anode filter basket I've got the new anode filter in here now you'll notice that with the electrode bar off of the anode filter basket we have zero current flow so now what we're going to do is we're going to add the electrode bar on here and look at the current flow now point zero three and that's expected that will begin to rise here in a few minutes as the electrolyte soaks into the new anode filter and makes contact with that impure silver that we've added into the anode filter basket looks like we pegged out at about 2.8 amps but that's two amps higher than what we started with so the benefit of changing out that anode filter is increased current flow through the cell and the current flows what does the work so that means we're going to get uh faster silver production in the silver cell and I guess this will conclude the video what we'll do in a future video then is uh process these anode slimes for the precious metals that they contain I guess that'll conclude the video for today I'd like to thank everyone for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 43,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xA88YNuudMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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