Compulsive Liars Never Admit Cheating NEW (r/AskReddit)

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how did you catch your ex cheating post from ask reddit I told her how her friend made me uncomfortable and while she was explaining things to him on the stairs outside I got curious on why she hasn't gotten back in yet walked out and their King suspected she was cheating and I knew where the guy lived one night I call her after she'd gone out I was 19 she was 21 so I couldn't go with her and it rings five times and voice a male few calls later it starts going directly to voicemail so I know she turned the phone off I start driving around town to the bars I knew she went to her car as nowhere few hours and calls later I drive to the dudes house and her car is parked out front I call her and she finally has her phone on and picks up I asked her where she as I went to city about 30 minutes away with some friends I say really whose car did you take mine really cause I'm out front of Jacob's house and your car is right here she comes out looking like she'd just been super bite and says that she just didn't want to piss me off because she stayed with a male friend so that's why she lied years down the road were brokered but semi friends and she admits to like three different dudes for months sorry for the long post and yeah I was jealous and possessive that she I was young and she had cheated with her husband to be with me originally so I kind of expected it first cheating ex of three years I moved towns and we were gonna finish the last three years of school online dating then move in together that was the idea anyways not even a week after I moved his friend sent me a photo of girl in his lap and told me Amanda had been hanging out a lot alone so his friend broke the bro code and respected me enough to tell me what was going on once he had the chance to prove it to me second cheating ex of one year he was bisexual and thought that since he was in a relationship with me doing stuff with guys wouldn't make it cheating if has in a straight relationship I dunno the logic behind that true story she had high kiss on her breasts I'm like wTF is this and she tried to tell me you did at last time I told you it was too rough uh it was a quickie last time and I was behind you try again I walked in on him with my ex-boyfriend in bed together I'm a female and they both denied being gay to say the least this wasn't good for my self-confidence my brother moved back in with our parents after a two-year stint in his own place over the course of those two years he met a wonderful or so we thought girl who he was head-over-heels for when he moved back he brought her with him they'd been together for almost four years and around summer of 2018 my parents took in a wayward teenager a friend of my younger brother he was unfortunately coming from a really bad home life abusive dad emotionally dead mother and my parents being the kind people that they are they allowed him to stay in my younger brother's room since he's rarely home well in the middle of last month it happened my dad had started getting bad vibes from the way this kid in my brother's girlfriend would act near each other my dad usually has a great gut feeling thing but my family ignored him and chopped it up to him being paranoid so one night might add comments on it to the side to my mother so no one can hear it as they all are watching TV mom ignores him and sometime after midnight they went to bed my brother his girlfriend and the kid went to my younger brother's room to watch movies and that's when my step-brother started to notice how close they were but being a non-confrontational person he ignored it soon he got up to go do something outside of the bedroom right around 3:00 a.m. when he came back there they were having sex they were aware of my brother scene they kept going my brother closed the door and paced until my mom woke up she was told what happened she told my dad everyone except my baby brother woke are unsure what to do and waited until they finished before surprisingly calmly kicked them out of the house after five years she just disappeared and didn't contact me until she had a new boyfriend I thought she was dead lol he wasn't a spouse just a boyfriend but in 2008 I caught him cheating through a case of mistaken phone identity he worked nights and had recently lost his car rep oh the idiot so I was giving him rides to work I showed up at his house about an hour or so before his shift started and began the process of waking him up so he could get ready to go I loved him told him to get up then sat down in his easy chair and pulled out my phone I think I got up to pee or something and when I sat back down I picked my phone back up and turned it on the text messages were already open but none of the conversations looked familiar it dawned on me that I had picked up his phone by mistake we had the same exact type of therm I found a goldmine of evidence in his texts he had been wooing some girl and trying to talk her into moving and with him offering to pay her truck payment no idea how since he couldn't even make his own car payment and take care of her I was livid of course our phones were Trias with memory cards so while he dozed I popped my card in his firm and copied the whole conversation then transferred it to my phone for safekeeping in case he tried to delete it in deny it I then texted the girl and asked her if she knew he had a girlfriend of course she didn't he had been playing both of us that was the only time I ever got physical with him so I woke him up and confronted him and he predictably tried to deny the whole thing like flat-out said I didn't do that not exactly proud about it but it just made me so violently angry to hear that cheating piece of family-friendly content lie to my face like that that I lost it and threw a few punches this hadn't even been the first incident with this guy either I had caught him trying to hit up random girls on yahoo messenger multiple times before - and this was just the last straw I cancelled on a party her friends were having because I worked late my boss led me out a few hours early because it was dead so I went to the party got there and asked her cos and where she was her cousin said oh she and her car out front on the phone as I walked away to go to the car her cousin panicked and said no wait she's in the bathroom me knowing she was lying I jogged to my gfs car out front looked in the window and she was pantless being finger-blasted by one guy and another guy in the backseat that was ten years ago now she's a mother to four fatherless children and I'm engaged to her beautiful Latin her exbest friend knew she was seeing this dude from work knew they would go for a romantic walk in this park one night found a bench on the walking path waited for them to walk by they didn't see me I had a book and they weren't paying attention waited until they'd walked by stood up said hey girlfriend's name we are done they were surprised back when miss based survey quizzes were popular I was reading one that she posted a question on the quiz read who was the last person you kissed / had sex with the answer was not my name didn't catch her until after the fact I figured she had been talking to someone for a while but I knew when she went out with a friend to a movie but wouldn't do those things with me anymore at first they were just going as friends said they had met at work then she admitted he asked her out but she wasn't interested then she breaks up with me and they started dating immediately after her later confirmed they had met on tinder over a month before the break-up it's been over six months I haven't handled it well I've removed myself from her life after it was clear she didn't want me in hers I miss her like crazy and hate myself for doing so at a suspicion that the wife was seeing someone else she had been acting off for about a week we will be sitting on the couch and she would get text messages claiming to be from a female friend yet she would always set the phone facedown a few nights later she tells me that she is going to go cover a shift for a nurse co-worker who just had a miscarriage and that she would be working late that night I woke up out of a dead sleep with my heart racing with just a feeling that something was wrong I snuck over to her side of the bed took her firm and went out into the living room to go through her text messages sure enough she had detailed plans to meet up some guy at a hotel I took photos of the texts with my phone as future evidence I went back to bed returned her phone and just laid there contemplating my next steps I finally just laid awake for about four hours until it was time for me to get up for work I knew they were planning on meeting in the afternoon at the hotel so when I arrived at work I told my boss that I needed a half-day and possibly a few days off afterwards about an hour before their planned meet-up time I drove to my brother-in-law's house I let him know what was going on and asked to borrow his truck so that I could witness their arrival with my own eyes he made me promise not to confront them I showed up at the hotel parking lot and about thirty minutes later they both arrived in his truck she was dressed in her work outfit after they went in I snuck around to his truck and deflated all his tires not slashed because that's a bigger crime she had carefully planned to cover her tracks she took our two kids to the babysitter dressed in her scrubs to appear like she is going to work then drove her car to the parking garage to have him pick her up there knowing I might drive by her work to see if her car was there I left the hotel went back her piled every picture we had ever taken together along with photos of our kids on the kitchen table I packed her back for myself and the girls and drove down to my hometown to stay with some friends on the way there I called the hotel and asked to be connected to the room under her name she answered and I don't remember exactly what I said but something to the effect of I know where you are and I know what you're doing she wasn't really fast until she heard our girls in the back seat laughing and signing then she broke down and begged me to come back I told her we needed a few days away and that they deserve a better mother than her and hung up she called me constantly and I just sent it straight to voicemail for the next few days how did you catch your s / o cheating and what was their excuse she didn't you Swan she just stood in front of her bedroom door so that I couldn't get him I called her out and left stood across the street inside a gas station and watched him walk out ten minutes later was hanging out with her and her best friend male and I noticed they were text messaging each other very curious why they were messaging each other while we were all hanging out together grabbed her phone I usually held her firm and I opened her messages and first thing I saw was your shirt is on the chair under the pillow we were all hanging out at a hotel room couldn't stop reading ending up reading the rest of the thread really made my heart sink called her out on it straight up lead to me while looking at mine the eyes told her I had proof and she eventually admitted to everything really sucked ended things didn't talk for a couple years saw her recently she's into drugs and got kicked out of her house now she's stuck with her boyfriend who is possessive and controlling I still care about her I hope she gets out of that situation she sent me a text of my private conversation with her that was meant for my best friend I asked her what was up she told me to forget about it so I pressed her to talk about it she kept dodging my questions so I texted my best friend asked her what was going on and she told me to stay out of her business that's when I snapped and told her that if they are sharing my private conversation between one another than it is my business and with seconds that's when I knew that they we're together behind my back math back before everyone had a camera firm you used to have to buy rolls of film put them in your camera take photos and get them developed film came in multiples of 12 for the most part you'd get 24 or 36 exposures per roll of film and unless something went wrong you get 24 or 36 pictures back to make a long story short my ex was showing me pictures from her trip up to Vegas and I noticed that the number of pictures didn't add up I waited until she left for work then dug through her night stand to find the pics she'd been hiding of her and her new boyfriend he was only my bf but we were having a house party and I slept in another room with a friend who over drak and needed someone to stay with her through the night wake up in the morning head down to the room to find the door locked bang on it till he answers it half naked another party goer my childhood best friend still in bed with him he tried to plead his case by get this making it my fault for leaving him alone with another woman when they were both so drunk I see doesn't that make sense thanks for watching share your how did you catch your girlfriend / boyfriend stories and comments if you have any we will listen and respond we have a nice community here eg
Channel: BOTCAST
Views: 34,323
Rating: 4.8344226 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, Askreddit, r/AskReddit, Sub Reddit, SubReddit, Reddit Posts, Reddit Comments, Cheating, askreddit cheating, askreddit cheating stories, reddit cheating stories, askreddit ceating girlfriend, askreddit cheating boyfriend, cheaters got caought, askreddit cheaters got caught, askreedit cheater stories, reddit cheater stories, Compulsive Liars Never Admit Cheating, reddit stories, reddit and chill, askreddit funny
Id: AhV3yZ43xRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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