The Rimac Nevera Is a $2.5 Million Hypercar Game Changer

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this is the new rimac nevera and it's the latest hyper car in a world increasingly filled with hyper cars but this one might just be a game changer it has almost 2 000 horsepower it does 0-60 in around 2 seconds and it's all electric and today i'm going to review it before i get started be sure to check out cars and bins which is my enthusiast car auction website for cool cars from the modern era now with free listings you can list your car for free and auction it on cars and bids and we've had some great sales recently including this audi s4 rs4 avant clone which sold for 75 000. this scion frs with a 2jz swap that sold for over 20 000. and this fantastic porsche cayman which brought more than 55 000 if you're looking to buy or sell a cool enthusiast car from the modern era the 1980s and up check out cars and bids with a great selection and daily auctions met now i've borrowed the navera from rimac and from rimac beverly hills which will be the rimac dealership in beverly hills in the los angeles area and yes you can place an order for a rimac if you want thank you very much to rimac and rimac beverly hills for letting me check out the amazing navera you can find out more about both by clicking the link in the description below so let's talk navera because its numbers are truly amazing 1877 horsepower yes that's right zero to 60 in under two seconds which makes it faster than a bugatti chiron or any other hyper car for that matter and then there's the price tag this will start around 2.4 million dollars and then there's the brand itself which you might not be too familiar with they're called rimac and they're croatian now rimac has become well known lately for this amazing car but also for their joint venture partnership with the volkswagen group porsche owns a portion of rimac and in turn rimac owns a controlling stake in bugatti so this isn't just some upstart car company you're never gonna hear from again indeed i suspect you'll be hearing a lot about rimac and the navera in the coming months and years as this car shatters production car speed and performance records this car is also scheduled to start deliveries by the end of this year 2021 and rimex says they're only going to build 150 units for the entire planet making this especially exclusive and today i'm going to review it first i'll take you on a tour of the navera and show you all of the interesting quirks and features of this insane electric hyper car then i'll get it out on the road and drive it and then i'll give it a dug score all right i'm going to start the quirks and features of the rimac navera by getting inside and this is usually the part where i show you the weird and interesting key but unfortunately this is a pre-production car and that means there is no key it also means that this car isn't completely production ready and finalized so there are a few other details throughout the car that aren't quite finished basically and i'll remind you of that as i show them to you but for now it means no interesting key to check out but we can look at the door handle situation you walk up to the car and you see no immediately obvious door handle but if you reach your hand into this like little air intake area there's a little door handle underneath here and you just press it and then open up the door which of course opens upwards like a true hyper car door should and next up before i climb inside one cool thing that you can see right here this car has a carbon fiber monocoque which is pretty common among hypercars supercars but in this car it's not just the tub that's carbon fiber it's like the entire skeleton you can see where the carbon fiber actually goes over the interior in the passenger compartment that's all structural and it makes this car tremendously rigid in fact rimac says that this is the single largest piece of carbon fiber in use in any vehicle in the car industry this giant carbon fiber monocoque that basically serves as the backbone for this entire car but i mean next up you climb inside the navera you're greeted by some rather interesting items in here possibly my favorite is the dials that you can adjust that are very forward facing kind of right in your face one is to the left of the steering wheel and this dial is very important because when you push it it turns on the car you can see you press and it says start and then the car is going you press it again and it stops and that sort of stops the electric motors from being i guess in a drive ready state now this dial is also really important because you can twist it and that will go through the different gears in this car park reverse neutral and drive as you twist the dial obviously you can see it goes into each gear and then activates reverse neutral drive etc but probably the more interesting dials are the ones in the center when i first saw a picture of this interior i assumed that these would be like climate controls but they are not the one closest to the driver that adjusts the drive mode that you're in you can twist it and you can see you can go between all of the different drive modes that this car offers now interestingly when you select each different drive mode it changes like the entire interior color on all the screens to correspond with the different drive modes that you select which sort of changes the ambiance to correspond with each individual driver there are also two configurable drive modes in here where you can choose how you want the car to behave if you want it set up a certain way to your liking and next up an important point behind the main drive mode dial there there's actually a second dial and it's sort of hidden but it also has a function you can use this second sort of backup dial to adjust the traction control the stability control and the torque vectoring system in this car which will sort of break the inside wheel in turns in order to get you through faster and give you better handling all that stuff can be adjusted with the sort of secret second dial back here over on the right your second center dial screen situation this allows you to control the torque split for the electric motors like i said four electric motors in this car there's one at each wheel and you can dial exactly where you want all the torque to go by using these dials the one closest to you adjusts the torque split for rear power and of course the one in front adjusts the front power and you can dial the torque split however you want you can make this car 100 front wheel drive if you want to or you can send all the power to the rear wheels if you really want to go drifting you can turn off any torque going to the front wheels or you can make it fully four-wheel drive and you can choose basically any drive mode setup you want thanks to the electric motors at each wheel now some other interesting items in here one is the door handles to get out you can see them on the door panel it's this thin little strip that says rimac and you can put your finger sort of behind that and pull and that will open the door that is a pretty sleek and cool looking door handle you don't always see such a thing next up another interesting item in this interior is the cameras mounted in here you can see a camera mounted between the seats facing forward and then a second camera mounted ahead of the driver seat sort of facing the driver these cameras have two interesting purposes one they can record your laps so you're driving this thing on a race track you can record your laps the one between the seats records the road and the other one records like the driver's movements or whatever and then you can watch your laps later and see like where you may be screwed up or where you did well whatever and that is pretty cool but there's also a second purpose to these cameras rimac tells me that the one facing the driver will be able to have a facial recognition technology and that means when you climb inside the car it will recognize if the person driving it is someone who has like a profile set up and then it will configure everything to your liking the position of the steering wheel the seats whatever it'll configure it all with the facial recognition so in theory gone are the days where you have to like set up a driver profile to correspond to a key you get in this car and it'll just know who's behind the wheel that's pretty cool next up another interesting item in this interior between the seats this little panel pulls out and reveals cup holders which is nice to have in your two and a half million dollar hyper car rematch told me that these cup holders were tested at speed so if you want to carry a drink on the race track you can stick around the cup holders and then maybe they won't spill that's kind of cool probably not too many cars have speed tested cup holders or at least at this car speeds another interesting thing in terms of storage is the glove box which isn't really actually a glove box you pull on this little tab and opens more of a glove leather portfolio where you can stick papers and that sort of thing in fact storage is not exactly this car's strong suit as you might expect from a hyper car the center compartment is also for storage but it's not very deep as you can see and there's a wireless cell phone charger in there that takes up most of the space so even if you wanted to store items in there you really just get a phone in there maybe a little bit more not much storage in there now next up speaking of the center console in this car one very prominent feature of this interior is this switch panel in the center console just below the center screen there's a group of like seven different switches that control different things on either side of the switch panel you have your window control as you can see you push it down and then the window goes down and of course you pull it up and the window goes up that's pretty simple now to the right of the driver's window control there's a little car with arrows that is your axle lifter system so you press that and then the axle lifter will lift the car up so you can clear like low curbs or whatever since it's a pretty low car again fairly common in exotic sports cars now over on the right side of the switch panel you can see two fairly self-explanatory switches you have a lock button which is the door locks lock or unlock you can toggle it either way and you also have a fog light here so you can turn on i think this is the rear fog light which you might need in foggy conditions the other two switches in this switch panel control the infotainment screen i'll get back to them in a second but i do want to go through this screen now again remote cautions me this car is not a production model this screen is not finalized yet especially like the reaction time that it has it will improve for production but i have to say there's a lot of cool stuff already in this screen for one thing you go into the home screen you can see that the main home screen shows like some card data over on one side and the other side there's a map and it has kind of a cool look to it sort of like futuristic and performancy and not necessarily like as every person friendly as a ford or a toyota screen it's a little more aggressive and bold but anyway next you slide your finger over and you can see the next version of the home screen shows like what music you're currently listening to along with the map and then you slide over one more time and you're given like a list of menu items that you can slide between and choose from and so those are your main basic home screens of the rimac infotainment system now worth noting there is also another controller below the screen in the center console here next to the switches you have a little pad you can swipe your finger and that will swipe on the screen but again pre-production card this isn't working but of course you could see how it would work and same deal next to the pad you have a little dial i assume this is going to be like a volume controller and i'll probably control some other stuff on the screen again pre-production car not working but again you get the idea of what it's supposed to do and where it's supposed to be and how it's supposed to look but as for the infotainment system itself and its functionality a lot of it is just regular sort of normal infotainment workability but there are a few cool items in here for one thing the climate control vents can be opened or closed from this screen you go into the climate control area and you can press open and then that will close up the climate control then and then it's closed and no air is coming out of it if you want to reopen it you just tap it again and then the vent reopens so you don't have some like ugly switch on the vent itself that lets you open or close the vents instead you do that in the infotainment screen next up another cool feature of the screen going back to those switches in the center you have a little switch labeled control with the image of a profile of a car if you press that it pulls up a series of controls for the car you can see the headlights are controlled through here the dome lights are controlled through here and also the trunk is controlled through here which i'll show you in a little bit but more interesting in this screen area over on the left you can see sort of an image of the interior of the car with little touch points and this is how you control various items in the interior including the seats you tap on the seat and you can see here this is how you raise or lower the seat it's how you move it forward or backward how you move the backrest forward or backward all controlled within this infotainment screen same deal with the mirrors if you want to control the mirrors you just tap on the icon of the mirror in this little car diagram and then it pulls up the mirror and then you can move it left right up down and that's how you adjust the position of the mirrors in this car and same deal with the steering wheel you tap on the steering on this car diagram and it pulls up the steering wheel controls and again you can move it up down and in and out tilt and telescope using only the controls in your infotainment screen this is kind of cool it feels sort of futuristic and it eliminates the needs for sort of ugly buttons kind of cluttering the interior these controls that you don't use all that frequently are instead integrated into the infotainment screen now go back to those switches in the center and there's one other item in here that you can use to control the infotainment screen there's a switch marked setup and if you press that it allows you to set up various different car features and primarily like drive mode stuff and you can adjust the throttle response smooth direct or aggressive you can adjust the suspension here the steering assistance and various other pieces of like the driving experience can all be adjusted here to tailor the car's driving mode to your exact whims now in this setup screen in addition to be able to control the drive mode you can also use this screen to adjust the passenger screen yes there is a passenger screen you can see it over here sort of below the airbag on the passenger side of the dashboard and right now you can see it's displaying the current speed and like the amount of power that's being used in kilowatts over on the passenger side so the past you just sit there and watch those things happen as you're driving around and one cool feature of this screen setup you see all these little dots in the passenger screen sort of in the background of the actual displays apparently when you're going really fast in this car those dots will start to expand and get like more excited to correspond with your acceleration and with your speed and it's not just in the passenger screen where that will happen you will also see dots in the center screen and they'll do the same thing and eventually you'll have dots in the gauge cluster screen which will also do that and sort of add to the excitement and the thrill of accelerating because the screens will all be like doing something to correspond with your acceleration and that is a pretty cool touch but anyway that passenger screen adjusting it in the center screen it looks like you have the ability to change the widgets on the passenger screen right now it's grayed out you can't change that but maybe in the future you'll be able to change things so it's not just like your speed read out and your power you can maybe get various different pieces of information there if you're sitting in the passenger seat and next up we move on to the last screen in this interior that would be the screen in the gauge cluster which you can see very high resolution screen showing a lot of different information at once in the center of the screen you have your speedometer as you might expect all digital and then below that you have what gear you're in park reverse neutral drive now from there the rest of the gauge cluster is basically split into two halves left and right that display various information over on the left side it displays info kind of based on what drive mode you're in for instance if you're in the range mode this car's sort of eco mode it'll show you your consumption over your last little bit of driving the left panel can also show you your drive mode that you've selected as you go through them you can see the drive mode is shown here in the left panel which one you're in now and if you have a door open the graphic will show you which door is open and kind of point to it on this cool little image also worth noting as you go through the drive modes you will see when you're in cruise mode a map appears sort of in the center of this gauge cluster screen to show you where you are you'll be just cruising around you might want your navigation system aid right in front of you and there it is improve mode over on the right is the more important part of this gauge cluster screen it shows a bunch of various different car items like your trip odometer your tire pressures that sort of thing my favorite display here though is your real-time torque it actually shows the torque from each motor all four motors since they're individual can generate different torque figures and this screen will show them in real time as you're driving along and that would be a pretty cool thing to monitor from sitting in the driver's seat and to adjust this little screen over on the right you have steering wheel controls this little control here can move up or down through the various different menus in this center screen and then this one on the bottom right that says x if you press that it'll like close out the screen so you can have a more simple gauge cluster experience now speaking of steering wheel controls there are a few interesting ones in this car one is the turn signals you have little buttons to the left and right of the horn that control your left and right turn signals much like ferrari lamborghini have this is how you activate your turn signals there's no like turn signal stocks in this car like in normal cars also controlled on the steering wheel again much like ferrari and lamborghini you have your windshield wiper control over to the left here and you also have your high beam control over on the left side of the steering wheel you move this control like one way to flash the high beams and another way to turn them on permanently again as many controls as possible on the steering wheel for the same reason ferrari doesn't so you're on the race track or you're driving fast you don't have to like move your hands down and look down at something in the middle everything is right at your fingertips although it's worth noting that rimac tells me this is not the finalized steering wheel design they're going to change it and change the controls a little bit which is important i would say because they're missing some stuff here specifically volume there's no volume control at all on the steering wheel which is really really important to have basically every car has that and i hope when they adjust this steering wheel they do too but one feature they do have probably the craziest thing on this entire steering wheel is a little button over on the left marked dc which stands for driver coach now this feature isn't active yet but remix says it's coming soon and what it's going to be able to do is coach you on a race track in real time and it's going to be able to help you in one of two ways one it will be able to take you on an autonomously driven lap the car will come pre-loaded with a bunch of race tracks so it will know the best racing lines or you can drive it on your favorite race track and then it will learn the track and learn the best racing lines and then when you put it in this autonomous driver coach mode it can take you on the fastest possible lap so you can tell how you should be driving when you're driving yourself that's pretty cool now the other way that driver coach can work slightly less autonomous is it can actually give you tips while you're driving like start breaking now or turn in now or whatever and it can give them to you through the speakers the voice or it can provide like little guidance on the gauge cluster screen while you're driving on the track to let you know almost like a video game does that's the plan for driver coach so like i said right now the shifts are not functional but remax says it's coming soon and if it really delivers on all that stuff it'll be amazing for being able to drive as fast as possible on the racetrack but anyway next up we move outside the nebara and the first thing you notice when you come up to the car is the look on the outside of the doors specifically this door panel area here which renek says is the necktie design on the outside and specifically it's intended to recall neckties that were part of some old croatian military uniform apparently and that is why it looks like this on the outside in fact rimac is very proud of their croatian heritage you can see a plaque inside the car between the two seats tells you which number navira you have but also says that it was proudly like designed and engineered and produced in croatia you don't see a lot of croatian built car plaques but this is one of them it's an amazing car so they wanted to show off their heritage now one interesting thing on the outside of this car in terms of design there's an amazing amount of like vents all throughout the side of this car and they're all meant to channel air to various different places some bring air into the back to cool down all the mechanical components summer for aerodynamics brake cooling whatever but there's a lot of different vents and they all fit into the design surprisingly well usually when you see a car that's full of vents you also have kind of a fussy design and that's not really the case here this car vents all kind of work with the overall design language it's pretty good now in terms of design styling i want to talk lighting interestingly the lighting in this car is pretty restrained you can see the headlights on right now nothing too crazy or interesting or weird here and same deal with the turn signals when they go on up front you can see nothing particularly unusual or exciting about the design or the look of the signals or the lighting in front and frankly that's the same deal in back you can see the taillights look you know kind of cool and interesting and unusual but not like crazy aggressive or bold like some manufacturers are doing with their lighting these days and same deal with the turn signals in back again fairly simple fairly restrained in terms of overall styling design for the lighting and frankly that restraint is sort of a theme throughout the entire exterior styling of this car it's kind of interesting this is going to be the world's quickest accelerating production car ever and yet it just doesn't look like that aggressive or bold and frankly if i had to have one complaint about this car that would probably be it it doesn't quite have the same level of insane presence as like a laferrari or a bugatti chiron it's just a little bit too restrained maybe not quite bold enough maybe not quite enough of a sense of occasion for this car compared to what it could be or maybe what it should be given the performance with that said there is something of a benefit here too a lot of these upstart hyper car manufacturers want to create like the craziest looking car ever made and it comes off just over styled and that certainly isn't the case here but i should say inside and out it maybe could use a little bit more like boldness or exciting risks i just feel like the design maybe isn't quite daring enough and maybe that really is by design creating a fully electric hyper car is daring enough and maybe they didn't want to rock the boat any further by having a potentially polarizing design i just frankly wish it was a little more but with that said there are a few cool and interesting touches on the outside of this car one is unquestionably the spoiler right now you can see it's flat back here and it looks sort of sleek and elegant but the spoiler's angle and position will change depending on what drive mode you're in and you can see i go through the different drive modes and the spoiler reacts it will raise itself and it will change its angle depending on what is best for that drive motor and if you go into the drift drive mode the spoiler will actually completely change its angle i guess to help facilitate drifting which is kind of an interesting idea it's also kind of strange that a hyper car has a drift to drive mode but the rimac does a couple of other interesting things on the outside for one you can see cameras mounted on the side of the car a lot of times side cameras are mounted on the mirrors but in this case the mirrors are carbon fiber they stick out probably can't get cameras integrated in there so they're mounted here instead this car has a 360 degree surround view camera system so when you're like backing up whatever you can see around the car very easily so you don't damage it and next up another interesting exterior feature maybe the quirkiest feature on the outside of this car is these little lights on the side sort of behind the door these little strips of light the intent here rematch tells me is to have these lights turn on when the car is accelerating so as you're going faster these lights will sort of light up to signify to drivers around you look at this fast car go sort of like making it even more exciting and fun than just watching it take off you can also watch the lights turn on but renek says that isn't finalized yet because they're trying to assess whether having lights that turn on like that is legal and in compliance with regulations in all markets so they haven't yet decided if the lights can do that but if they are able to make the lights work that way remember says they're gonna make the color customizable even to the point where you can put like your country's flag colors on the lights and then they'll light up like that or you can make them yellow or blue or whatever color you want which will be kind of cool also these lights will turn on when the car is charging to signify its percentage charged and so they light up a little bit as the percentages go by so you know when your vera is fully charged and by the way with those little lights on the side one other hidden easter egg currently the car is programmed to light up those lights when you switch drive modes right now you're in drift mode and this is what the lights look like when you're in driftwood there's actually an exterior way of showing other drivers that you're in drift mode which is kind of a cool touch and you can see they sort of change a little bit as you change the drive modes to sort of telegraph what mode you're in you can see that from the outside of the car and next up another cool exterior detail with this car a hidden little easter egg on the rear glass back here if you look very closely you can see the words printed ice breaker which is intended to be a little play on word since ice stands for internal combustion engine breaker this car being fully electric faster than all of its gas-powered rivals and so that little piece there is sort of a tiny little brag on the outside of the navera one other cool exterior feature is when you get into the car you can see the door sill is surprisingly narrow this is in direct contrast to most other hyper cars that have a lot of structure here and you kind of have to maneuver your way over and it's a little difficult to climb inside but not the case here now rimac told me a lot of engineering had to go into this to make it so small but the benefit is getting in and out is sort of like getting it out of a normal car it's pretty easy to do not so in most of its hyper car rivals and one other extra item with this car that's interesting is the paint color they call it navera blue now nevera is a croatian word describing a type of storm that they have like a thunderstorm which this car is sort of intended to have the same energy and this blue is intended to be the color of the ocean during that storm and i have to say it's a beautiful color when you're looking at it in here inside but you take it outside and it's especially gorgeous the way the sun hits it it's sort of like green pearlescent in some lights and dark blue and others it's a really really gorgeous and special color that is unique to the nivera and finally i will finish up with the cargo area in this car now to get back here obviously there's gonna be a button on the key fob i have no doubt you press it and this will pop open or you can access it by going into the infotainment screen the controls area and pressing trunk and then it opens and i love the function of this little screen button you press it and hold it down to confirm you want the trunk and the little circle like makes a full circle as it's waiting and once the circle has reached then the trunk pops open but anyway this little piece of glass is your trunk and you pop it open and you can see that well it's not really all that large this car is not all about practicality there is a little cargo space back here but nothing huge for like large suitcases it's a lot like other hyper cars frankly in the sense that it's somewhat practical but not really now it's also worth noting the front area is not more storage you don't have like a front trunk in this car it's all mechanical components in there so the only storage you have is the few little parts of the interior plus this cargo space in back that is your navera storage and so those are the quirks and features of the rimac nevera now it's time to get it out on the road and see how it drives all right here we go driving the navera this is terrifying to an extent they don't have that many working pre-production models so i'm always a little bit scared to drive a car like this but uh also very excited so the first thing i notice when i get inside here this is a nice interior kind of reminds me of bugatti frankly everything is some of the hyper cars you know they're more tuned for all out like it's rough and tough and this car feels pretty nice the materials are nice the touchscreen looks good everything is very nice and modern looking and luxurious in here i do have good room headroom legroom etc so i can fit in here no problem i'm going to do what obviously everybody wants to do when they get in this vehicle given the acceleration numbers and i'm going to punch it holy crap oh my god holy crap wow crazy insane say you know one of my complaints with electric cars is generally then yes it feels good when you first slam on the accelerator but then it doesn't you know that kind of drops off this might drop off at some point but i'm not feeling that holy oh my god it's insane hard to even explain how quickly it's accelerating um and it's unbelievable to hear kind of this like spaceship type sound like you would hear in like a 50s movie about ufos or something i just did the model s plaid which was similar acceleration numbers to this car probably a little bit slower it also felt absolutely totally insane but this has a little bit more of a sense of occasion you're in this incredible special hyper car etc so many car enthusiasts are so quick to kind of brush off electric cars because they're like planet-saving and the first few electric cars were little hatchbacks that looked ridiculous they were egg-shaped and it wasn't cool and it this this is the type of car that is clearly proven it is cool now and if you don't have an emotional connection to an electric car i get that but you're gonna start because it's cars like this that are really transforming electric cars making them exciting and interesting and this car is faster than any of the other hyper cars and it's completely electric so if you want the fastest thing you're gonna have to get on this electric car bandwagon it really is quite something and you know sitting in here you really have your i mean it's nice like you're sitting in here it's like a rational and reasonable vehicle you have some questions obviously about a startup kind of company is the car actually going to be nice is it going to do well is it going to be rattly and is stuff going to look out of place i don't think that at all this totally looks like a good effort from a company that's been around and that's been producing cars it looks like like a real and reasonable you know produced vehicle frankly and you know [Music] this car is like having a roller coaster that you personally have access to it can do whatever you want and i will say unlike plaid the braking in this car is considerably is great the braking feels almost as good or maybe better than the acceleration when i'm flooring it and then slowing down i can feel very smooth very linear braking um very confidence inspired here frankly this entire experience is pretty confidence inspiring i i wasn't really starting to pay attention until remax there's a lot of these hyper car startup companies you know but then the volkswagen partnership kind of showed up and i was like okay a company that i take seriously is taking this company seriously so i should be paying attention and now i'm sitting in this car and i realize this is actually a like it's not vaporware it's not poorly done it's not like oh in three years we promise we'll be making something good this is a this is a well screwed together car and it feels nice and it feels good and it's just wildly fast definitely feels faster than chiron for all you hyper car potential buyers out there now i will say driving the car for some rougher roads obviously the ride is a little bit rougher to be expected in a car that's this sporty you can dial different suspension settings apparently and kind of configure how harsh you need the ride to be or how soft whatever at the end of the day the carbon of the entire vehicle underneath basically is carbon fiber that always lends to a little bit of a stiffer ride and obviously it's a hyper car you're going to expect a stiffer ride steering seems to be pretty quick nice and responsive as you might expect and i'll say i've driven all of the hyper cars i've burned the bugatti and the conan things and all that and this to me feels faster and certainly the surge and the acceleration the speed is is crazy you do miss the noise for people who love that that noise you know cognizant does an amazing job of really capturing that making it all seem so legitimate and so real which of course it is and this car doesn't quite have that that's one of the drawbacks of electric cars but you win a drag race all right i'm gonna i'm gonna try it one more time just because this car is this car is a lot of cool party tricks but to me this acceleration is like nothing that most human beings have ever felt truly and i'll tell you the first few times you do that it's like scary but after a while it just becomes fun it's interesting how that morphs for me mentally personally i'm starting to get excited for this new crop of electric cars you know i was a fan of the bmw i8 and nobody else was but i liked the concept of an electric car being something more than a boring commuter car that that kind of wasn't that great and obviously that car didn't deliver like some of the modern electric cars do in terms of performance but this car is proof that the future can be electric the future can still be fun and frankly amazing i mean this is the most amazing performance you'll ever feel in a car and it's incredible it really really is unbelievable and we're sitting in an electric car it's going to change the way that people think about how eevees are and so that's the rib nevera this is an absolute monster truly unbelievable performance levels this is the very first all-electric hyper car that i've tested but considering how incredibly fast this thing is and what it's capable of i strongly suspect all of the other hyper cars will eventually follow suit in switching to electric power if they do they will have tough competition from this anyway now it's time to give the nivera a doug score starting with the weekend categories and styling i think that's the neverest big drawback it just doesn't look daring or crazy enough it's nice but not especially memorable and it gets a 7 out of 10. acceleration is obvious 10 out of 10. same deal with handling it's fantastic and it gets an easy 10 out of 10. fun factor is huge with the combination of supercar handling and truly unbelievable acceleration and it gets a 10 out of 10. and finally cool factor this is one of the coolest and most talked about cars in existence right now and it gets a 10 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 47 out of 50. next up are the daily categories and features now the vera i drove was a pre-production car that didn't have everything working yet i'm giving it a 7 out of 10 but that's based on rimac's promises coming true including its great driver coaching system if that stuff doesn't make production this score could drop comfort normal for a car like this and it gets a three out of ten quality is good the interior is nice but i do worry about long-term reliability with a first real attempt car like this from a new brand and it gets a six out of ten until it can prove itself more practicality is actually good for a car like this it has a lot of the same practicality drawbacks as other hyper cars but electric power is a nice benefit so it gets a two out of ten finally value and this car is insanely expensive at two and a half million dollars but it's also the quickest accelerating car on the planet right now and it's an amazing disruption in the world of hyper cars so it gets a 7 out of 10 for a total daily score of 25 out of 50. added up and the doug score is 72 out of 100 which places the nevera here among other hyper cars and against the tesla model s plaid a few cars beat out the nivera overall and it's tied with a few others but ending up in this company is a huge deal for rimac the navera is a seriously excellent effort at a hypercar it's among the best and it's innovative exciting and seriously fast [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 1,443,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimac nevera, nevera, rimac nevera review, nevera review, rimac, rimac review, new rimac, rimac hypercar, rimac hypercar review, hypercar, hypercar review, doug demuro, demuro, doug de muro
Id: 1Hgs3hEZnDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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