Completely Redesigned Masking in Lightroom

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i'm doing something a little bit different a little bit fun this time so um have you ever seen where you a new camera gets announced and and so what happens is all the youtubers everybody um everybody russia y'all everybody rushes over to youtube you see all your favorite youtube you know camera people and uh they're all doing their first look at the camera and they're sitting there with a piece of paper because the camera's not even out yet nobody's even held it yet and they're talking about how good and bad and what the camera doesn't have and has and how it performs off of a piece of paper i'm poking a little bit of fun at it but i'm actually in a way doing the same thing here with lightroom so uh this week adobe announced that uh masking reimagined inside of lightroom and adobe camera and it's pretty cool it made a lot of buzz made the rounds on the internet yeah everybody's talking about it and i normally wouldn't do this because again i'm poking fun at these videos where somebody reviews a camera with just a piece of paper in their hand but at the same time i can't ignore it because my email inbox and social media and everything is blown up with people asking about this so i guess it's made that big of an impact and so i thought i'd talk a little bit about it here all i'm gonna do is pull up the blog post that has from adobe that has it i'm not gonna show you anything else you can ask me questions i thought it'd be fun to have a discussion around it you can ask me questions but if it dives any deeper into anything that's in the blog post i'm not going to be able to answer it so just keep that in mind but i just thought a discussion would be kind of fun and honestly guys it's just exciting if you're into this stuff i get it it's exciting and and even though they announced it's coming out on october 26th we have a little bit less than a month to to wait um it can still be fun and exciting to talk about it and think about and be ready for it so that's all this this video is meant to do is just have a little bit of fun with it so i put you're watching this on youtube um if you look at the comments and depending if i embed it in my website i'll put the link to adobe's blog post right in the description there okay and what it does is they have they have a blog post that talks about and they actually have about a 90 second video so it's really fast to watch as well you can see it in action but essentially it is it is masking reimagined inside of lightroom and camera raw so they'll both be on par with each other they typically are um i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna share my screen and let's just take a look at this blog post that they have here so i'll share my screen with you guys and we can just go up to the top of it here so the the beginning of the post just talks about you know when it's coming out so adobe typically does new things every um or i shouldn't say they do think new things just about every couple of months um every year at adobe max they typically do a big release for uh lightroom photoshop and a number of their other programs as well so this is this is no different so they're saying these tools will become available on october 26 which is uh right around when adobe max is um from there and they're included in your creative cloud subscription again lightroom classic the cloud version of lightroom and adobe camera raw look like they will all get them and then they talk a little bit about selective adjustments and how necessary they are and if you're you know not familiar with these tools in fact i'll i'll go ahead and pull up lightroom classic just to show you where where we're at right now with these tools but i've i've always said i've for a very very long time have said that i think the selective tools the brush the gradient and the radial gradient i i think those are the most important tools inside of lightroom if you took everything else away out of the develop module in lightroom and you left me with those three tools and all of the settings that go with them i could edit any photo that i want because it's actually what i do most of my editing on when i'm working on my photos there so i've always said that i thought those were the most important tools but i'll get my screen back up here for you so we've got you can see we've got our brush our radial on our gradient filter and they're very very separate tools right there's all three separate tools and when you use them when you do something on the photo you know it leaves a little little circle a little pin if i do another one on the photo it leaves another one and and we've for a long time had this complicated way of trying to manage all of these two these little tools inside here so going back over to the blog post that's just they build the case for uh what that what that means and and where this can go in the future but here's where it gets really cool so they talk about the new improved masking engine um and they refer to the select subject and the sky replacement feature inside of photoshop so when we're in photoshop we have select subject and we have select sky and we have a full sky replacement feature inside of there as well so we've got a lot of really powerful selection features inside of there well as they talk about these things they start talking about you know the team thinking about how they can start to incorporate those things into lightroom okay because you're nev you don't want lightroom to be photoshopped part of lightroom's power is its simplicity over over what photoshop is but there are so many things we can do with those tools but we don't have really good selection tools we don't have really precise selection tools so they start talking about how they're how they want to work with the team to bring in select subject and select sky that brings you down as you're looking at the blog post that brings you down to the video where it's it's a minute and 42 seconds it's definitely worth watching because rather than just looking at screen captures of everything you can actually see this stuff in action um i did i did see somebody well i saw a comment somewhere where somebody you could see the example they used for select subject where it selects this uh the little kid on the beach there and i saw some comment by somebody said i wonder how it does with hair and things like that and all i can say is is i think you'll be you'll be really pleased with how it does um with subjects that don't have perfect lines around them um you know it's again just stay tuned for it but i think i think you'll be very very pleased with the complexity about it and by the way guys if you've got comments or things just you know drop them into the comment section and i'll talk about that in just a second so here's where it gets cool because you actually get to see these things in in action um i you know i i joked around about it with with somebody the other day because i was talking um we were just talking about lightroom and it was somebody else that was on the beta team as well i was saying how excited i was about some of these changes here and how i kind of couldn't do anything about it right all we had to do was wait and so i'm really happy adobe decided to sneak peek this because at least i could talk about it a little bit and show show what they have over here so this is where we get our first look at what this is this is actually a panel so where we're used to inside of lightroom where we're used to having to go up here and choose one of the tools and then the only reference we have are these little dots that appear on the screen over here what they're giving they're kind of tilting their their hand to is that this is a masks panel you can see this little panel here i think you can probably even see yeah you can see it up here in the develop module there's another place i thought there was yeah there we go so you can see look at what look at what the top right now all right so if i'm inside a lightroom classic you can see what all of my tools look like up here right now under the histogram and now if you look at what they're showing is going to be coming it's a little bit different we have a masking tool that then gives you this whole new panel that they show over here so that's it's again you can get a lot of information from this if uh if you if you read into it so now you've got this whole area um and now once you're gonna go into this panel now you choose what tool you want and i think as you start to read through this the most the most powerful part about it is combining all of the tools in a way we've been able to do that but it's been really clunky i've been able to add a i've been able to add a gradient adjustment here and then i've been able to go to the brush and either add or subtract to that gradient adjustment but once i do that there's really no there's really no getting back to what i brushed or the gradient now they all become one full adjustment here where as you start to look at what they're doing here they talk about adding all of these tools together we're going to get a lot more control with these things you can see here add to the mask with select subject select sky so now we're getting some of that select subject and select sky tools inside of there which is you know you can see in the the screen capture that they have here let me see if i can blow my browser up to make it a little bit bigger for you but you can see if you look at the mask it's really tiny but oh gosh i might have gotten myself too too zoomed in here um oh yeah i did i did hold on a second hold on you're gonna get there we go so if you look at the mask you can see that there's black and white in those areas so somebody obviously used there you go select sky you can even see the little sub layer and these are not photoshop layers these are just layers in the sense of giving us a visual representation of something to click on so you can see somebody used that select sky to select that and now you can make adjustments to it and then i think one of the most powerful things as we we look through here is let's see if i can get back up to it um is look at how we can add and subtract from inside of there and then even that adobe even talks about look at this right here or select just the ground by inverting the sky so think about what they did right i can do i can make an adjustment a local adjustment that selects the sky all right can make that local adjustment to select the sky and then i can invert it and select the foreground and now i have another adjustment that i can work on the foreground with so i don't have to go do a whole new selection inside of there so pretty cool stuff there and then they go on to talk a little bit about uh range masks where you know lumina it's essentially a luminosity mask they want to talk about the range masks and how they've added a lot more power there and how they're going to do some new things inside of there and then really it's about improved workflow and organization because as i said when we're using lightroom we we were forced to have these little pins and as i start to make more and more adjustments all i have are these little pins if this little pin ends up over something that's gray or an area that's harder to see let me see if i move it this little pin ends up somewhere else then they can become really hard to see because you can have it over an image where there is gray and now you've got this little pin and then you're sitting there wondering where my adjustment is so it was never an extremely elegant way i think the tools are incredibly powerful but um i i think i echo just about everybody's thoughts in that this was never a very elegant way to do it so i'm glad to see that they're making some changes in there so the the rest of it really just talks about um organization that we will have inside of that panel to be able to organize that you'll be able to rename those so that you can look at one again i use the term layer very very loosely because it's not really a layer but you'll be able to rename that layer and you know that way you'll be able to visually look at it and know what part of the photo it's working on and then they finish up with just consistency that it'll be also in adobe camera raw as well as the cloud version of lightroom so really powerful stuff i will say this it was it's taken a big leap forward in lightroom i said in the beginning i think it's it's probably it's probably one of the biggest changes i thought profiles were one of the biggest changes i'd seen in lightroom since lightroom came out or at least since the brush and the gradient were introduced i think this is is probably i can't think of a bigger change since lightroom has come out and since the brush ingredient were introduced in lightroom 2 i think i can't think of a bigger change that that i've ever seen in lightroom there is complexity that goes along with it you know if you know how to use lightroom you know how to use lightroom they're not changing lightroom nothing nothing is that big of a change um but there is some complexity that comes along with this panel but i think it'll be well worth it you'll be able to use it as in as simple of a way as you want and you'll be able to use it in more powerful ways and i think for a new user for an existing user i can see there's going to be a little bit of a learning curve for somebody that's new coming in you have to admit these little dots on the screen never really made sense so i think to a new user coming in a better interface to to be able to work with these things is really a definite definite step forward let's see here so i see a couple of comments popping in let's take a look here so uh keith says what do you think about capture one versus lightroom keith they're they're both great programs um i think capture one is the only raw editor to be on par as good as lightroom so either way you want to go it's you know i'm i'm gonna go lightroom number one you know for somebody concerned about money it is a whole lot cheaper than capture one um number two you get photoshop so for 10 bucks a month to get lightroom and photoshop why am i going to go to capture one that does the same thing we can argue about what's better or worse it becomes a religious debate about that and and nobody's gonna win it and capture one user is gonna plant their feet in the ground and say mine's better and a lightroom user is gonna do the same but i keep it in the family i'm always gonna use photoshop photoshop such a big part of of my photo workflow that for me it's just easier to have lightroom photoshop together but if you use capture one and you're happy with it go for it it's a great program again only only the the top two raw editors that are that are out there uh let's see here brian says looks like they're aiming to replicate the masking tools of capture one has offered for years yeah i mean who doesn't do that brian right like you you don't think that there is a feature in capture one that didn't come from lightroom first you don't think every phone company does it you don't think every car company does it you don't think every single company in the world sees what a competitor does sees that customers respond well to it and thinks do i not do it and piss off our existing customers or do we take this and do we add our own flair to it and do we make it better capture one's not going to have the select subject and select sky so adobe didn't just take what capture one did adobe took what capture one did added to it and made it their own to work in their program and that's that's common not just in software that's common in in every single other industry anywhere in the entire world uh let's see here a couple of just keith and brian going back and forth um steven said will they finally introduce better profiles for the r5 i don't know i i don't shoot it so i'm not aware that there's a profile problem in the r5 but um i i haven't seen anything specifically uh specifically on that one stephen so anyway uh it's big news guys so stay tuned october 26th i'm sure me and just about every other lightroom teacher out there will probably have videos showing how to do this stuff but as i said in the beginning i think it's just exciting exciting news kind of fun to be uh to be prepped for and know a little bit more about what's coming so i'm gonna go ahead and cut off the broadcast here of course i always check the comments and everything here so if you do have any questions or thoughts or just want to jump into the discussion feel free to just post a comment so hope you guys have a great rest of your day and talk to you again soon
Channel: Matt Kloskowski
Views: 22,683
Rating: 4.8915095 out of 5
Id: qGkYu2hLSDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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