This ONE SETTING can MAKE or BREAK a photo | On location in IRELAND

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so in this video i just lose the plot at the giant's causeway but i guarantee you it'll be slightly entertaining oh i don't know whether i got a photo probably didn't [Music] morning everybody fantastic to see you all again so let's get the um elephant in the room out of the way and i forgot my hat which is um not bad but not good either i feel a bit lost without a bit naked but i'm here in ireland and this is the start of what i think is going to be a two or three day storm that should be incredible um you can see this is the calm before the storm i'm on in northern ireland actually not island northern ireland at the moment near the giants causeway i'm going to ireland later and i'm hoping to get some stunning seascapes but i've never been here before so it's a bit of an exploration i'm going to take you with me see what we find and then there's going to be lots of things at work and lots that don't so just be fun [Music] so this is what i've really come for the coastline from above really but i am going to go down and try and get some coast below as well and in fact right down here is the giants causeway and it would be wrong not to come to northern ireland without visiting the giants causeway i've never been here before i believe i haven't been here but i've got to admit it looks spectacular and the conditions looks really good as well just look at the clouds um there's a little bit of light it just looks so good so i'm gonna walk along the cliff a little bit further about shoot a few shots back get the giant causeway in from high up and then walk down and then by that time it's probably on golden hour as well so we might get a good light i'm so excited oh wow i'll just show you just down here that is the giant's causeway [Music] oh well i made it too science goes around sheltering from the wind a little bit here and um yeah these assault columns look absolutely amazing so i think they're forced up from fishers in the earth's crust and i think through the ocean maybe um and then they cool quickly and form these sort of hexagonal is it or octagonal columns anyway let me count them one two three four five probably six sides aren't they hexagonal someone's gonna point me out is wrong there anyway they look pretty spectacular i've not gone up on top yet but i'm just gonna walk around there and hopefully i'll i'll find something obviously you've seen somebody just i thought i'd go to a quiet spot but um being this time of the day and it's not great conditions it's quite windy and quite cold so i think there's going to be less people and as we get closer to sunset i think even though there's gonna be a few people i don't think there's gonna be as many as there are at lunch time which is good so i'll go up there see what i can find and then um yeah i'll talk to you through some compositions oh it's so nice to be out [Music] one of the things that always bugs me is when i hear photographers say that they want to try and find new locations but for me i've never been here before this is a new location and i'm so excited about shooting it and don't we don't be afraid of shooting locations that thousands of other people have shot them because there's a reason why they have because they're absolutely amazing and um yeah this looks pretty spectacular oh my god i'm so excited i'm gonna get very wet as well this is a big rainstorm coming in great [Music] okay so i think i just hit jackpot it just rained so all everything just got wet which gives this amazing sheen to the the rocks that haven't got the water yet and look at the sky now but because i've not been here before i've only been here for about 20 minutes i'm struggling to find a perfect composition but i'm going to try this area and then maybe move over there but i don't think i've got any better conditions than this it's unbelievable [Music] don't look back don't forget you gotta lay down [Music] over there there's too many people now and a lot more people are right but you just come to the end here right at the end and there's a lot of big waves as you can see behind me so i'm gonna try and photograph this see what happens i hate rushing this is this is one of the things i really don't like is rushing my landscape photography i was this was maybe a scout and i was gonna come back but the conditions are so so good oh stunning the lights i reckon i'm going to get a bit more light yet some nice clouds beautiful waves stunning foreground what more can you ask for and this is why i love landscape photography i probably should do some actual photography rather than just look at it though oh actually that might be quite a good direction just down there oh there's too many ways to shoot what am i going to do [Music] [Music] morning again everybody and the waves are definitely bigger now so i'm at um a castle here trying to catch the waves sort of crashing up i've been doing some long exposures and getting wet feet because the tide's coming in and basically i just didn't judge it very well but looks pretty good these waves are absolutely massive so um i'm hoping to get some long exposures and then probably just as the light gets up i probably drop the exposure a bit faster and um or increases is it drop or increase anyway it'll be faster and i'll try and capture some faster shutter speeds i'm hoping for some blight but i don't think i'm going to get any so it's going to be moody shots which is fine this is amazing right oh my word these waves are good [Music] right i'm just going to quickly jump in the scene here and um i found this sort of pool here which i thought was going to be a good reflection but i can't get the angles right but the water's coming in and when it comes in it goes through this and then comes out this way so you get like these nice lines that sort of help your leaks it's quite messy here so i'm trying to sort of get the foreground to look as good as i can um and this is a simplifying of that foreground that leads you through to the castle in the background and then it's a question of getting the exposure time right for here which i think's about three seconds and then in the background i want a faster exposure of about sixtieth of a second so i'm taking two shots i'm gonna focus stack them and blend them a lot going on got very wet feet [Music] so i've come round the bay a little bit i've got to watch it here because it's there's water coming up here but my idea is is the waves are in front of me here so they create a really nice leading line to the castle in the background the light's getting quite good now as well just gonna watch the waves and just i've got about an eighth of a second which seems to be a good shutter speed and i'm just sort of timing it running about 35 mil here's a good one i'm gonna go a bit wider for this one and then just hoping to take off a few shots with the hope one of them oh that's so good that wave right i think i need to get that way a little bit because they're breaking a little bit further over there so i'm going to go up the rocks a bit more and hopefully that'll be successful but these look stunning [Music] okay the light's up a little bit more now and um this is just so much fun uh so what what i'm trying to do is i've got a cloth to wipe my lens because it gets splashed a lot so microfiber cloth the most important thing when doing seascape photography and then basically i've got quite a fast shutter speed now i'm shooting at around a thousandth of a second handheld there's no point having on my tripod now and there's a wave crashes like this then i'm trying to get that not worrying too much about blowing out the background because it's the sun so i can't do much about it and then i really like i'm not bothering too much with the castle at the moment i just like these two headlands here that look really good so try not to get wet i've been splashed quite a few times get quite low focus on a point in the waves that you think is where it's going to break so you don't have to worry about focus and then just wait for a wave really here's one jeez i nearly got splashed then that was a big one there's a big one right get a bit higher oh that looks so good [Music] oh that was so good oh the light coming through the wave it's that backlit wave that looks so good really does look amazing [Music] well i'm just scouting out this location here um which is called malin head and it is the northernmost tip of island and whoa it is windy oh my god this is so amazing um i also want to go low down to the sea as well to be able to get some waves but oh the the sun coming on the water there just looks stunning i have to get a shot of that but this is so amazing oh my word and quite cold look at the light now it looks absolutely unbelievable this is the days that you dream of that dark cloud amazing sort of beautiful light that's oh it doesn't get better than this oh my word this is unbelievable [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that was um a pretty amazing trip to ireland and northern ireland and um it was a bit of a disaster in a way um not from the photography point of view because obviously those photos at the end and i'll talk about those a little bit more in in a second but i was really ill so i got a sinus infection and i got a temperature and i ended up having to come back three days early so i was meant to be doing a project with nikon which i couldn't do unfortunately so um and i had all the plans for videos as well and i ended up um not being able to do those and that last day when i was on that headland one of the reasons that i didn't do any video is because i just felt so awful um but next week what i want to do is talk a little bit more about that um headland video because there's quite a lot of interesting things about how i got those shots and how um going to a location for the first time how you can get the best out of it and i want to talk a bit more about that in next week's video but first of all let me explain um a little bit about shutter speeds and you know what worked what didn't etc so first of all i just want to show you this photo here this is one of my favorites i posted it on instagram a few days ago and um yeah i mean it's turned out pretty good uh the colors are just amazing this light was incredible and i i ended up shooting this at 30 seconds which is i don't do that very often i usually shoot seascapes like this around about half a second to a second which gives you a lot of texture in the water and it was hard to shoot this at 30 seconds because it was super windy so i had my tripod as wide open as i could and i was pinning it down to the floor to try and get this and it took about 10 chances to do this um and um yeah it was it was tricky but i i ended up getting it i really like this i love the shapes of it as well and and this rock here just being ringed i think works really well so i really like this is this is one of my favorite images of the trip and the other one which is a little bit different and this is a much faster shutter speed so this was um around about half a second which is the usual shutter speed that i would use for seascapes and i i felt when i shot this that i just wasn't 100 sure about the texture in the water especially this foam here so i felt like it would do work better with a longer shutter speed but you could see from some of the images that i showed earlier and i showed all the shutter speeds some worked and some didn't and um let me just get them so this was one of those images where i shot it at a 13th of a second i think and i should have shot it for longer and to be honest most images of the giant causeway i felt like i shot them too fast so if you go back and have a look at the images you'll see that there's a lot of them where i just shot them too fast so this one was another example i shot at a tenth of a second i should have shot it a little bit slower to create a little bit more texture um and um yeah it didn't it didn't it didn't quite work out but the ones later on on that headland worked really well where i was shooting at longer shutter speeds which is not what i usually do i have to i have to say anyway i'm going to talk a little bit more about that what worked what didn't next next week and i'm going to give you a tip for shooting a location so when you go to a location it's your first time you're a location and maybe you can only go there once how to get the most out of it okay i also want to talk a little bit about my calendars because i've got them in my hands now this is my portrait portrait calendar and my landscape calendar um so this is my landscape calendar so this is all about the images um the dates at the bottom are um there but they're not um you know they're not taking up a massive amount of space so you can you can see them you can see the dates but it's all about the image this and i'm really pleased to print my images bigger these landscape images and i think they look absolutely fantastic i'm really pleased with them this was finale family taken in madeira and this was um actually from my master class if you if you watched my masterclass i talked about all about editing this image so you can see this image from glencoe um this one here was from my recent trip to iceland um of this amazing sunset which was absolutely incredible it's come out really well in in the calendar and this one was in in madeira so there's quite a lot of really great images in here my favorite 12 images of um the year and i've still got some of these available and there's a lot of pre-orders but i did order a few more than the pre-orders so if you want one of these um there's a link in the description below and if you do want a portrait one so if you want a portrait one that you want to be able to write dates on the images are a bit smaller in this one um obviously because there's more room for the actual dates here so there's boxes here where you can write in your calendar events that was a quest from a few people not everybody um but if you do want a calendar like this then there are a few of these available as well there's not that many of these available i printed less of these in the landscape one because the landscape was more popular but i've got probably about 60 70 of these left and i've probably got about 200 of the landscape ones left so they will go quite quickly so if you're looking to get one of these and i recommend ordering it fairly quickly okay that's it for this week i hope you've enjoyed it it was an amazing trip to ireland and northern ireland and i really can't wait to go back and i just want to thank everybody and the photographers in ireland as well when i went there when i was posting i was going there i got so many messages from photographers sharing locations telling me where to go you know really really friendly and informative information and that was fantastic and i really really appreciate it and i can't wait to come back to your amazing countries that it really really was spectacular okay thanks ever so much for watching and until next sunday bye there it goes
Channel: Nigel Danson
Views: 101,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, shutterspeed, landscape photography, seascape, photography tips, Nigel Danson, Nigel Danson photography
Id: lpsj9Tz1Bzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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