The BEST Tool in LIGHTROOM: How to Use Radial Filters

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[Music] what is up YouTube I'm tick a North thanks so much for coming through to my youtube channel today is the first of my five minute Lightroom tutorial series where I spend five minutes trying to give you as much information on a particular part of Lightroom as possible today we're starting with radial filters I thought I'd start with radial filters because they are really simple and easy way to improve your photo editing so let's not waste too much time let's get five minutes on the clock jump into Lightroom and get started so I've got my first image here in Lightroom I'm going to select a quick preset just to give it a bit of color come over to this tab here which is your radial filter click hold and drag to add it in now you can move that to wherever you like from the center you can change the size of it from the sides shortcuts if you hit shift it will keep its shape if you hit optional alt you can drag in just one side of the radial filter other useful things to know if you tick this box it will show you which area the photo it's actually affecting you can come down to feather which is basically how gradual those settings will be applied if you have it at zero it's going to be very obvious where you apply your settings the more you bring it up to 100 it's going to apply them very gradually so usually I have that on 100 the other thing if you tick this box it's going to change whether it affects the area inside or outside the circle so for this particular image I want to bring a little bit more attention to the subject so I'm going to create this radial filter around my subject there make sure invert stick because I want it to affect the area inside the circle bring my feather up to a hundred percent bring that in a little bit just change the size a little bit to bring attention to my subject usually I increase clarity bring up the whites and also reduce contrast a tiny bit now on this one I could also bring up the shadow a tiny bit if I pull that out you can see how already it's added quite a bit of attention to the subject the second thing in this photo I want to increase that sunlight at the top of the image so I'm going to grab another radial filter nice big one at the top there rotate it a little bit bring it down to the top of her head now for this one I want it to be orange so I'm going to change the temperature more to orange it's actually not inverted so I need to make sure it's affecting the area inside that circle I'm also going to bring that clarity right down which makes it really soft it almost makes it glow a little bit pull that down a little bit more again make sure my feathers at 100 I'm going to add in a little bit of haze on this one which gives it that kind of hazy sunlight feel and maybe add in a tiny bit of exposure again if I pull that one way you can see how it's created a nice soft orange glow at the top of the image there now lastly for this one another useful thing for radio filters is to create a vignette especially when you want to create a vignette that's not dead in the center of the image so my subjects not centered if I want to create a nice vignette around the subject there again another radial filter around the subject and then just bring the exposure in a little bit so again it's just created a nice little vignette around the subject there which is really handy when your subjects not in the center so there's one image where I've shown you three quick uses the radial filter let's go to a second image this one again I'm gonna apply a quick preset to to give it some color you can see the sunlight in this one's coming from behind the castle so I want to add in a radial filter that's going to affect that area behind the castle but not the front of the castle which is a little bit trickier so I'll show you how to do that add in a radial filter nice big one at the back there to get in that box again I want it to be a little bit orange a little bit more brighter reduce the clarity to really make that glow I also want to add in a tiny bit of haze by reducing that da slider and you can already see the problem the Sun should be coming from behind the castle but it's already brightening up the front of the castle here so we're going to come down to range mask and use luminance this basically means you can change this range and that radial filter is only going to affect our core or lighter parts of your image so in this image the castle should be a bit darker than the background so if I bring in this range from the left and pull it in you'll see that radial filter doesn't affect the castle as much it's still affecting the background not as much but if I pull it away you can see you're still getting a nice bit of light so that's one way to make your radial filters look a little bit more natural and not affect the whole area within that radial filter so I use this one all the time so lastly for this image I want to create a little bit more attention to the castle there so again radial filter invert make it a little bit bigger feather at a hundred bring out that clarity bring out my white and reduce the contrast so again there you can see how it's just added a lot more detail to the castle lastly again if I wanted to create a little bit more of a yet just around the castle create a nice big one I might want to darken it there and again maybe reduce that clarity just so the castle is more of a focus than the rest of the image [Music] so there you have it two quick edits to use radial filters to really improve your overall editing this is the first of my five-minute Lightroom tutorial series so remember to subscribe so you can check out the rest of the series to come if there's any particular part in Lightroom you'd like me to focus on please hit me up in the comments and I'll try and make a video those in the future for now I'm TK north thanks so much for stopping by thanks for watching I hope to see you next time I'm gonna jump back in and get back to editing so I'll see you soon bye all right you guys and still here all right bye now back to work
Channel: TKNORTH
Views: 42,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, lightroom, tutorial, tips, radial filter, photography, photo editing, tknorth, tk north, tim northey, lightroom editing, education, adobe lightroom, learn lightroom, lightroom tutorial, lightroom radial filter, lightroom radial filter tutorial, how to use radial filter, how to use radial filters in lightroom, radial filter tutorial, radial filter lightroom tutorial, lightroom editing tutorial, tutorials, radial filter in lightroom, how to, lightroom hacks, radial filter hacks
Id: PYU5rjg6Twc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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