COMPLETE WANDERER GUIDE! Best Scaramouche Build - Artifacts, Weapons & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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Halloween foul your head hey what's up guys welcome to a complete Wanderer guide in today's video we're going to be talking about The Wanderer or Scaramouche the newest five star character in gadget impact released in version 3.3 alongside farzan and he's a character who people have been waiting for for a very long time now in this video I'm going to be covering everything you need to know regarding this character and how to build him covering his best artifacts weapons play Styles teams constellations and including a c0 Showcase of wander at the end of the video wander is a pretty unique DPS character and so I really want to go into as much detail as possible in this video giving you guys all the information that I know about one of my new favorite characters now before we begin do keep in mind a few things first of all as Wonder just came out I do want you guys to know that I have had extra time to play him on the media server before he came out on the live servers which is why I get to give you guys this information so fast and I also want you guys to know that I do stream of sites on Twitch Link in the description if you're interested with all that being said let's get into it alright so starting things off let's talk about The Wanderers ability in playstyle and cover how to get the most value out of his kid so the main thing you need to know is that the wander is a character who you're going to be using on field as either a DPS or a driver spamming normal and charge tax as he floats in midair with his Elemental skill in fact the way this works is that all of his attacks will be infused with Animo since he is a catalyst but when you use this Elemental skill you activate the win favorite stance where his normal and charge tax will gain a bonus scaling on top of the regular one making them very powerful during this phase The Wanderer will jump up into the sky with a first initial hit of AOE and Nemo damage and then buffing all of his attacks inside of the stance this dance lasts for a certain amount of time basically until you run out of points and every action you do inside of the stats will consume points so you gain a sort of new stamina bar that contains 100 points and every time you do an attack or a dash or you decide to float up higher which is something that I don't usually recommend doing but you can your points will be consumed until you run out of points and you fall back down do note that even if you're doing nothing inside of the stance your points do diminish just as you float so you will constantly be losing points inside of your skill with that said this ability is great and it's going to be the main source of your scara's damage it infuses your normal and charge attacks and your playstyle is going to therefore revolve around it you're going to set up all your support characters abilities then go into your Wanderer use your Elemental skill and spam normal and charge attacks with a pretty great scaling that it has when paired with your original Skilling and if that wasn't enough this ability only has a 6 second cooldown which isn't too bad on top of that the wander also has two passive talents that buff his damage inside of his skill notably by giving you a free Dash reset or a chance that a free Dash reset as your normal attacking when you are inside of your Elemental skill once you do proc this special descent effect you will get a free Dash that doesn't consume any of the points of your Elemental skill and that will fire off Four Wind arrows to whatever enemy you're fighting because of that it's just a nice bonus in damage and also a free Dash which is very important because it means you get to dodge attacks or reposition very easily without spending any of the points or the stamina that your Elemental skill uses on top of just that when your Elemental skill comes into contact with a swirlable element being either Hydro pyro cryo or Electro you will get a certain buff to your Elemental skill which is honestly going to be a very strong passive in fact you can have up to two of these Buffs out at the same time and each of the Buffs are honestly pretty good with Hydro increasing the point cap by 20 so increasing how long you're inside of your Elemental skill for pyro increasing your attack by 30 cryo increasing your crit rate by 20 which is huge and Electro passively restoring your energy as you do normal and charge attack because of that and because of the fact that you can have two of these Buffs out at the same time it can be very smart to play him with powerful Elemental supports enabling not only powerful reactions but also buffing your scar remouch himself through these bonus passes that you will be gaining for more information on this though I do highly recommend watching the team section of this video where I will be covering this character's Synergy with many different supports lastly wander's Elemental burst is a very straightforward ability where he does this big and honestly very badass kick in front of him dealing multiple instances of AOE and emo damage hitting all of the enemies in front of him five times with his skill and this ability does have a pretty good scaling on a 15 second cooldown and a 60 energy cost to keep in mind while this damage is really good it's not as essential to his kit as his Elemental skill which is your main source of damage so we're going to go into more detail as to how often you're going to be using this ability a bit later in the video when we talk about Advanced tips and combos but for now just keep in mind that you want to be using this ability whenever you have it but it isn't your number one priority meaning that even if you have to use it every other rotation instead of every single rotation it's still fine as your Elemental skill is going to be what you're prioritizing and what you are building around with your burst just being a nice bonus source of burst damage whenever you do have it but as I said there will be more information on that later before moving on I do want to say that for your talent priority your normal attack is going to be first then your Elemental skill both of them being very important as their scalings do add up for your normal and chargebacks inside of your skill and lastly your Elemental burst is also a pretty nice level but not quite as important now very quickly before moving on to how to build Wanderer I do want to include a small section talking about my initial thoughts on this character now first of all I want to say that I think he's really fun personally I know that's subjective but I personally feel like he's similar to Xiao who's my favorite character in the sense that he like floats in the air has a very unique playstyle and is just another Animo boy to carry your team now in terms of how good he is as a character it's still pretty early to tell because he just came out but it does look like he's a strong carry a good Animo DPS however I do think that his exact power level still varies quite heavily on a few things notably farzan who is a good support for him even at c0 but is much much better at C6 like genuinely I don't know if I've seen a more constellation dependent character than her in the sense that yes she's still usable at c0 but not only does she need an ungodly amount of energy recharge unless you run three Animo in a team but she also just Buffs her Wanderers overall team DPS so significantly at C6 compared to without it did your experience with this character will definitely go up if you hover C6 while again I don't think he's dependent on her sixth constellation because I think at c0 she's still a good character to pair with him but a replaceable one Ox C6 your team DPS goes up significantly and makes him a stronger unit meta wise also something else to keep in mind is that as a catalyst user his like base HP and stuff is a bit lower so do be careful when you're playing him as you also don't have any resistance Interruption which is very annoying you can get knocked around a lot while playing skara which I would recommend either using your long range or using a shield to prevent you from getting knocked around everywhere and getting interrupted with that said I didn't think it was important for me to include these like criticisms in this video but I also think that he's an incredibly fun character to play he is one of my personal favorites but I don't want anyone to feel forced to pull for him because I think he's good he's definitely good enough to pull for if you like him without being mandatory alright now moving on let's talk about how to actually build your Wanderer starting things off let's talk about the artifact stats that you want on this character well first of all his new set that was made for him the desert Pavilion is going to typically be your go-to this new set is going to be his best overall because the two piece gives you 15 anymore damage bonus and then the 4 piece set will increase your normal attack speed by 10 while also increasing your normal charge and plunge attacks by 40 for 15 seconds now do keep in mind in order to prop this 4p set you do need to do a charge attack first that hits an opponent but that is very easy to do anyways since you can do that at the start of your rotation and the 40 buff that you're gaining along with the attack speed and a Neo damage makes this set really powerful for your overall Wanderers damage and just the best General set for Wanderer now with that said it is a new artifact set you may already have other sets pre-farmed and it may not be worth going for the this set specifically but I did want to make it clear starting things off that it is his go-to signature set the best one overall by usually around 5 to 10 to sometimes 15 because of that if you have this set definitely go for the four piece but if you don't here are some Alternatives first of all the four piece reminiscent set is going to be a close second generally speaking not that far behind as the main drawback of the set is that you lose energy because what it does is give you 18 attack on the two piece and then the four piece will give you 50 damage to your normal charge or punch attacks but at the cost of 15 energy when you use your skill because of that the damage that this set gives you is really high but you do need to make sure you can actually manage your energy play around this weakness and still try to get your burst out every two rotations which is typically going to be recommended it isn't quite as good as desert Pavilion but it is a good option that isn't too far behind if you do have it similarly the four piece Echoes can be good as well as this one will give you attack percent and buff your normal attack damage quite significantly but do keep in mind that this set apparently works a lot better at low ping there's weird interactions where it can be more difficult or more inconsistent to proc it's a effect at higher ping so just do bear that in mind but it is a good option for the normal attack increase you get assuming you are spamming normal attacks over charge attacks moving on you can also mix and match two pieces being any of the attack percent two pieces and any of the amiibo damage two pieces either the new desert or verdescent venerator which are all good and very resin efficient options as you probably have already farmed them and are definitely viable for Wanderer if you don't have his best and Slot set moving on I did also want to mention Verdes inventor because while this set may not seem to be the most appealing for wander himself because he has an on-field damage dealer I do believe while the 2p set is universal the 4p set can also be good on him if you are playing him specifically as a driver as a solo Animo carry in a team with very powerful Elemental supports like Synchro yolan official Beto changling or many others that we'll cover in the team section now do keep in mind I would not recommend using this set on your scar if you have another Nemo character like farazan or venti who can run this set but if you're running him as your only Animo character then it can actually be viable to run this set on him to maximize your team's DPS by reducing the resistance of the elements that you swirl especially when you consider the fact that you can swirl multiple elements at the same time like for example hydro and Electro lastly I wanted to mention that a few Niche artifact sets like blizzard Strayer lava Walker and thunder Soother can be viable if played with their respective elements but is typically not going to be what I recommend overall though I do recommend either mix and matching two pieces going reminiscence if you already have it farmed or using his best in slot desert Pavilion if you do want a farm for a new domain as in my opinion it can be worth it given that it is his best set alright now with all that information out of the way what stats you actually want on Wanderer well generally speaking since it's a character who scales on attack the best stats for his personal DPS are going to be crit so crit rate and crit damage and also attack percent is nice as well now other stats can be nice like for example some energy recharge can be okay but do keep in mind that regarding energy recharge and his burst it isn't as vital as you may think while his burst is good damage it does seem to be optimal to usually use his burst every two rotations instead of every single rotation although this can depend on your team comp and how many animal units you're running the reason I say this is because many times especially if he's paired with Horizon only as another animal option it can be very difficult to get your burst back on cooldown unless you have a ton of energy recharge we're talking around 170. since you can need so much ER to consistently use your burst every 15 seconds it is typically not recommended to do so and to use his burst whenever you have it usually once every two rotations allowing you to instead focus on more offensive stats like crit damage crit rate and attack percent instead of having to constantly build energy recharge now while I'll talk about this a bit more later in the video as well and this can depend on for example if you're running three Animo units and then you can use your burst way more often generally speaking energy recharge can be a nice substat but is not as mandatory as you may think as using your burst every two rotations is perfectly fine and usually going through the meta especially if you're not running a set that drains your energy and are using a more standard build and so overall all those are the stats you're looking for and if you're wondering Elemental Mastery isn't that vital on Scara has the damage from your swirl reactions are not going to be your focus because of that you are looking for attack percent on the Sans a Nemo damage bonus on the Goblet and crit rate or crit damage on the circlet alright now moving on let's talk about The Wanderers best weapons first of all it should be no surprise to anyone that his signature weapon is going to be his best as the amount of stats that it gives you on this massive effect is honestly just insane it has a very high base attack with a pretty decent crit stat while also increasing your normal attack speed and normal attack damage as you do normal attacks because of that this is going to be your go-to weapon if you pulled for it and a pretty good one overall however do note that wander has a lot of really good options so you shouldn't feel forced to pull for a signature weapon in fact every 5 Star Catalyst that's out right now is good for him notably lost prayer giving you crit rate and a good effect and the kuguro's Verity giving you a ton of crit damage are both good options for Wanderer because of the stats they give you on top of that Skyward Atlas And even memory of dust can also be good but do keep in mind since these weapons give you a ton of attack percent their value increase increases if you were not running Bennett and decreases a bit if you are as you will get diminishing returns when you just get a ton of attack percent but even just in general all of these five-star catalysts are pretty good with the crit ones being my personal favorites as I do think running him with Bennett is very good with that said though he also has really good four star catalysts like the generic crit ones are good for him but also a old event weapon if you do have it which was given for free and the refinements were free to play as well the dodoko tales is a really good option if you do have it this weapon increases your charge attack damage significantly which can make spamming charge tax a very good option as this weapon at refinement 5 gives you a ton of bonus damage while also giving you attack percent making it a good option it is similar to the other four stars that we're going to talk about notably solar Pearl and woodsith depending on your team and play style because of that if you have the doko it can be very good to use and the same can be said with wood Sith especially with refinement which is a weapon that is especially good for one rotation or if you can clear fast but even for two or more rotations with Sith is still a good option because it gives you a ton of crit damage and an effect that gives you either a ton of attack percent which is great a ton of Elemental damage which is also amazing or a bunch of Elemental Mastery which is usually not that good for Wanderer but the average of the three is still very good as two of the three Buffs are great and you can always reset if you get the wrong buff or find other ways to play around it similarly solar Pearl is a very good weapon this one giving you crit rate instead of crit damage while also buffing your normal attack skill and burst damage as you use your abilities and attack on your character because of that the go-to options are first of all going to be either any 5 star that you have if not with can be really good especially within its Niche or for short fights solar Pearl and dodoco Tails are very consistent solar Pearl more for normal attacks and dodo contails more for charge attacks while also being a free-to-play weapon that you may have and all three of these being similar in strength and very good options do keep in mind if you don't have any of these and you missed the event for the free to play dodoco Tails your best bet is typically going to be a lot worse than the Alternatives like either the map Amare or the black Cliff a gate which isn't a bad weapon but I don't really like black Cliff catalysts as there's so many good Catalyst options out there that are better but both of these can be fine as a free to play if you don't have the doko Tails do keep in mind though that all the weapons that I mentioned and thus far are good and their exact strength does vary based on whether you're normal or charge hacking and also if you're running buff characters like Bennett or farazan with that said I'll put weapon rankings on screen right now to give you guys a general idea of how good each weapon is but do keep in mind that as I said these do vary heavily based on your team what supports you're running and how many normal and charge stocks you're doing other things to note regarding weapon ranking are that there's a lot more variables like for example since your normal attacks have a very small AOE compared to charge tax normal attacking focused weapons like his signature Bell can lose some value in AOE against a lot of enemies as charge attacking would gain more value on top of that do note that your combo does vary with your Ascension 4 passive that makes it to where you want to dash every single time you proc the passive and get a free Dash with bonus instances of a Nemo damage do feel free though to use any good option you already have leveled as all of the five star options are great and many of the generic DPS 4 star catalysts especially with refinement are also very good and even similar in strength next up I wanted to add a very short but important section regarding The Wanderers Advanced tips and some combos to keep in mind first of all all regarding the attack strings you want to be doing this does depend there's a few good ones but generally it's going to either be spamming three normal attacks or M3 as your third one deals two instances of damage and has a pretty high scaling something else you can do is do two normal attacks into a charge attack or even just straight up charge attack spamming as you can see here which is especially good in AOE against large amounts of enemies or with charge attacking weapons like the dodoko Tails something else you should note is that you can animation cancel most things like notably your attacks by dashing so for example you're doing three normal attacks here you can just as soon as the animation like is fired you can just cancel with a dash or whatever and this is especially important with your passive talent that procs randomly as you are normal attacking in fact whenever this ability procs you'll notice your scar Mutual sort of light up or the ring around him will light up and then you will typically want to Dash as soon as possible to fire off those four wind arrows dealing more damage getting a free dash for repositioning and also resetting the passive so you can proc it as many times as possible also there is an audio cue that I found is very easy to identify so for example if I'm Auto packing you hear that sound that it just made that means that when I Dash My passive was proced and it will fire those attacks on top of that I also wanted to mention that once you use your Elemental skill you should start by immediately using a charge attack if you are running scars signature set the desert Pavilion in order to proc its effect on top of that free Elemental burst while I did mention that you should use it whenever you have it usually once every two rotations unless you're running like three animal characters that give you a ton of energy as it is good but not the main part of your kit I would typically recommend using it at the start before using your Elemental skill so it doesn't take up any of the time of your Elemental skill now there are some exceptions here for example if you are C2 which we'll talk about in the next section you want to use your burst near the end of your skills duration to maximize the boss from your C2 or if you are on the reminiscent set then you want to make sure you're using your skill first to actually get the Buffs from the reminiscent set and then use your burst a bit later once you get the energy back now moving on for The Wanderers constellation they're honestly quite good well I plan on keeping mine at least for now at c0 despite me having access to all six on this account as these aren't the live servers I do want to say that Scaramouche does have some good constellations that you actually can go for notably C2 as the first stopping point and also a pretty good C6 if you want to go all the way an advantage to pulling first constellations as well is that you can get C6 farazan along the way but I do want to be cautious about recommending this as I don't want you to feel forced to pull for constellations as wander is a good character even at c0 with that said getting his first two constellations can be advantageous as his first one increases his attack speed inside of his skill and will also buff the free Dash that you get through your passive Talent by giving you another instance of damage when you do Dash your second constellation is going to be a really good one and probably the most valuable one if you do choose to pull for constellations as it will significantly increase your burst damage in fact it Buffs your bursts when you use it inside of your skill based on how many points are missing from your full bar for a maximum of 200 bonus damage because of that if you have your second constellation you want to be using your burst at the end of your skill like right before the stamina bar expires to maximize the damage bonus that you're gaining this constellation makes your burst a lot better and makes it to where using your burst is much more appealing moving on your third and fifth constellation increase your talent levels your 4 fourth one we'll give your passive another Elemental infusion a random one that you don't have and allows you to get three Buffs at the same time so for example if you're running a pyro and Electro sport you will also randomly get either a Hydra or cryobof which can be just a nice little bonus last year C6 is a really big one kind of similar to your Mia C6 where you're getting another instance of damage alongside your attacks in your Elemental skill dealing 40 of the attack's original damage while also regening some points for you while you fall under 40 making your skill last longer and also increasing the damage of your attacks and so overall wonders call stations are pretty decent especially because farzan is also on the banner and she also wants constellations but as I said they are not needed and c0 is perfectly good however C2 is a good stopping point if you do want to pull for constellations alright now moving on let's get into one of the most important sections of this video which is regarding the wanderer's best teams in order to build a wander team there's actually a lot of different ways but it's mainly split into two either running him with farazan or running him without her in fact he can either be ran as a hyper Carry On Field damage dealer with support characters that buff his damage or you could all also run him as a driver where he's still on field doing strong normal and charge attacks but with all field supports that do a ton of damage burst DPSS like Fishel Beto sintro Rosario or others like that that we'll talk about now starting things off I do want to talk about farazan and wander's synergies with her while I talked about her briefly earlier in the video and I do plan on making a future guide on this character specifically I do want to say at least right now that she does have really good Synergy with Animo carries like wander or Xiao this is because her burst will buff your Nemo damage and decrease the resistance of opponents to anemo making your just overall enema damage from someone like wander much higher while also buffing it with your Ascension passive as well now as you can see her Base Kit is already good for buffing animal characters but at c0 in my opinion while she's good and I still recommend her she isn't someone that you absolutely need however she will need an ungodly amount of energy recharge unless you're running three Animo characters in your team like around 250 to even 300 energy recharge which can make her difficult to build and annoying to play because of that I believe that at c0 she's a good support for your Wanderer but then at C2 and C 6 she does get much better with her sixth constellation giving you even more damage while also passively generating more energy moving on what is your team gonna look like well if you choose to run wander with farazan the two other options are flexible usually I would recommend using Bennett as your healer and supportive option because he just gives you an insane amount of attack and is just a broken character overall if you do choose to run Bennett your last law can be someone that deals a lot of damage or that Buffs your Wanderer it could be someone like venti and AOE as having a third enemy option to give you energy is great while also dealing really good damage and having great Synergy with wander as you can see from the footage on screen venti and wander have really good Synergy with one another against large groups of enemies that can be displaced by venti although he does struggle a bit in single Target or against larger enemies now with that said any wonder if Amazon teams there's a lot of different options that work very well you can run Bennett Toma as a shield character is great for wander who is a very vulnerable unit while he's on field attacking he's a catalyst user who can get one-shotted quite easily so having a shield like Tomah works very nicely on top of that Tomo can running favonia Slants and has a sixth constellation that synergizes quite nice see with our Scaramouche on top of that something you want to keep in mind while team building is scarra's Ascension passive that actually gives you Buffs based on the infusions of your Elemental skill now since you can have two of these at the same time running characters of different elements can also be beneficial although typically having resonances also have their advantages because of that many support characters can work quite nicely I personally really like cryo supports like Rosaria for good damage or Layla for a defensive option that gives you a shield which is very valuable on scarra and you can either go double cryo with Layla Rosaria and then either farzan or a Hydra option or you could do a cryo Hydro but do keep in mind that in this team they would both need a lot more energy recharge if that was enough as you guys saw you can run teams without farazan as well like a taser team with Electro or Hydro supports official Beto singtzhou yilan all work very nicely and you can also run wander with characters like shangling in either a standard national team or once again you can even run farzan here and then run double pyro if that wasn't enough there's also other characters that work very nicely for example Jean especially with constellations can be very good as her sag second mainly her fourth constellation are great for increasing your scara's damage also excuse that I'm still saying Scaramouche and wander interchangeably as I'm still used to saying scarra but obviously it's the same thing other characters that can work are technically yunjin to increase your normal attack damage but I personally don't really like her without another Geo as she needs a lot of energy although a character like John Lee can also work with skara as a just powerful Shield that also shreds any more resistances mainly because I do value having a shield with wander at least for most players as getting interrupted while your normal attacking is very annoying so characters like Toma Leila or Zhang Li can all work quite nicely last in case you're wondering I wanted to say that shangling's pyronado does work with scarra even when he's floating in the air as it does stay on the ground so it will constantly deal damage to everything around you but something like Kai's icicles doesn't as those follow you up in the air so I wouldn't recommend using Kaya over someone like Rosaria or even Layla and so those are some example teams and guidelines that you can follow to build a good wander team do keep in mind they are very flexible as I said you're either running him with farazan and then two Flex options which can be Bennett and then a powerful all field support like Fishel or any of the others that I mentioned a third Animo or you can do double pyro double cryo one cryo one Hydro or even a taser variation there's really a lot that you can do do keep in mind that if you're running him without farazan as the solo Animo you can run the forward s inventor set to buff off-field supports like any team like this one or even one with shangling if you do choose to run synczo instead of farazan do keep in mind there's a lot of flexibility here and since this character still came out there's still a lot of new teams that will be discovered so if there's anything I want to add it will be in a pin comment but for now feel free to try out which teams work best for you as all of the ones I showed in this video are viable and good options that you can use depending on the characters you have available with that said we're now going to get into the Showcase I'm going to be using some of my favorite teams which personally have been this one this one and also a cryo center team my wander in my farazan are both constellation zero with my wander being on the reminiscent sets I don't have the new one yet on a R5 with which is a four-star weapon but with constellations and on a very good ratio with that said I hope that God is helpful and I hope you'll enjoy the Showcase let's go straight down The Wind Rises [Music] [Music] Squad [Music] [Music] [Music] time for takeoff [Music] bow your head so yeah that's about it Scaramouche is finally here and I hope you enjoyed my guide and Showcase of this character personally it's one of my favorite characters overall I find him really fun but meta-wise I do think it does depend on the team you're running and especially if you do have ac6 or a c0 farazan and the differences between them with that said expect more content like this coming out soon notably if I was on video and potentially an account review of a fully consolated Wanderer if that does interest you as always if there's anything new regarding this character will be in a pin comment with that being said I hope they got this helpful and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 862,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, scaramouche, wanderer, balladeer, genshin impact guide, build, guide, anemo, scaramouche build, wanderer build, wanderer guide, scaramouche guide, showcase, wanderer teams, genshin impact wanderer build, wanderer weapons, wanderer artifacts, teams, fatui, new, genshin impact 3.3, faruzan, dps, genshin impact scaramouche, scaramouche review, wanderer review, zy0x, zyox, scaramouche teams, wanderer team genshin impact, anemo dps, supports
Id: 8Ztw3AD5KoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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