Genshin Impact | 6 Artifacts Sets that No One Uses

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there are a lot of artifacts in gentian Impact some are Staples among many characters as the standouts for the units who perform their best some are Niche enough that they can see the light of day if the circumstances are just right but there are also a couple that I frankly never seen used so I got curious what are the artifacts in the game that no one uses or just get outclassed by other options I did some digging online and here are 5 artifact sets to meet that criteria now of course given that gentian is a live service game there's always the disclaimer that summed updates in the future may change the viability of said artifacts so given that this is for version 3.7 of the game there may be Teams characters or builds in future updates that can change some things another disclaimer I want to clear up is that I'm defining the phrase no one uses as a hyperbole as to how much the 2 and 4p sets of any artifacts mentioned get utilized in terms of meta meaning how often do they see play in any game spiral Abyss for example if alloy uses a unique artifact set that's only good on her then I'm still going to count that artifact as not seeing Play since alloy doesn't see play in The Abyss so by extension the artifact doesn't either in fact I'm going to extend this philosophy for all characters that were ranked seat here in the latest Abyss usage Roundup I do want to highlight that this list is how often characters see play in The Abyss not how often characters our plate in general alright let's begin just note that the list is in no particular order first item on the menu is archaic Petra the two-piece bonus gives a 15 to Geo damage four piece when a crystal Shard drops from triggering crystallize picking up The Shard will grant a team-wide 35 damage bonus to the same element of The Shard for 10 seconds let's start from the beginning given that Synergy is restricted to Geo characters its range of use is already being narrowed down quite a bit next we'll go through the conditions as to why this set is just not very good in a nutshell it's essentially a version of the verdescent four piece bonus but for geo that's worse in every way possible although the buff to the element of The Shard is party wide only the unit holding the set can get the buff meaning you have to switch to the set holder to pick up The Shard given that some jail teams are mono you actually have to run a unit that's a different element to benefit from this and since most Geo characters scale off defense archaic usually just gets outclassed by husk of opulent dreams which is the best in slot for a lot of Geo characters unlike VV which can actually swirl two elements and game Elemental Buffs of set elements that were swirled archaea can only gain damage with a single element if we looked at who uses this set the two-piece sometimes gets used for select Geo characters like ning Guang but it still gets outclassed by other 4p sets and even then the 15 Geo bonus is General enough that you could probably put on someone as a placeholder speaking of Niche play Styles next up we have the bloodstained chivalry set before the strong box update it was pretty painful to see this drop from the Nobles domain where it's desired on pretty much every support and then emblem wasn't a thing yet let's see what this does at two piece it gives a 25 buff to physical damage once again it's already something that only select characters will want and the four piece bonus upon defeating an enemy increases charge attack damage by 50 and then a cost zero stamina for 10 seconds let's break it down only physical characters can benefit from this you will need to use the charge attack as a part of your combo and you'll need to defeat an enemy to trigger the effect that is a lot of effort for something that's relatively minor the four piece bonus competes with the pale flame set which for the majority of physical characters the charge attack is often not used at all and you just need to be able to cast your skill frequently to keep up the bonus I mean why activate a buff that only happens when you defeat something versus one that's always active the fact that it only works when you kill something also hurts and meta wise when a lot of floor 12 rotations only contain a few or even only one enemy at a time in rare cases when a player doesn't want to farm for the full 4 piece pale flame set or the character just can't trigger it then you can settle for a two-piece pale flame and a two-piece blood stain mix which is actually what I use on my u-lock most of the time it's still a damage loss if you don't run the four piece pale flame set but come on I just don't got the time to form that the only characters that I know bloodstain chivalry are good on are physical kitchen since she actually uses the charge attack quite often in the combo or physical Xin Yan specifically on C6 I gotta admit I'm just echoing what other people are saying because I got no clue who this is gotta be a new character right next up Echoes of an offering I'm not sure if a lot of people know what it does and believe me I didn't know either so let's take a look the two-piece gives a plus 18 to attack four piece this is the interesting bit when normal attacks hit opponents there is a 36 chance that it triggers a valley right buff which will increase normal attack damage by 70 percent of attack this effect will be dispelled pretty much immediately after a normal attack thus the bonus damage and if a normal attack fails to trigger the buff then the odds of it triggering next time will increase by 20 a lot to unpack here but essentially whenever you land a normal attack there is a base chance that you get a buff where your next attack will increase by 70 percent of your attack and whenever you land this boosted attack the buff resets and you have to build it up again if you don't get the buff then every 0.2 seconds the chances of you getting the buff increases by 20 percent it's overall just a very convoluted way of saying that you will occasionally do more damage it looks like someone on Reddit actually did the math for this but in a very roughly dumbed down Translation your normal attack will do 70 more damage 50.2 percent of the time so given that you want more chances to proc the valley right buff you'll want to run a unit that attacks quickly not just in terms of combo speed but the amount of hits that they do per attack for example Zhong Lee has a spear kick attack that hits for three times in one combo chain and multiples of those three times will have a chance to trigger the effect but here's the caveat the reason why this set doesn't get used is simply because the buff happens randomly since there is already a lot of Randomness involved with the game having an additional layer of RNG on top of everything else just becomes very inconsistent another thing that I found out is that if you're playing on higher ping or on higher FPS the trigger rate of the valley right buff seems to decrease I don't know all the details but since ganshin is always online any calculations with damage are calculated whenever you hit something with your weapon meaning if your ping is too high there will be a greater delay between your hit registering and the game actually counting that as a hit so if you're one of those people that play on the Asia service for some reason even though you're in America this set will probably be doo doo it's also the reason why the echo set doesn't get brought up often in character builds because its viability literally depends on how good your ping is now assuming that you do have good ping the echo set can find a spot with characters that attacks fast either with a melee or ranged attack continuing on with day one artifact sets back then when the set bonus wasn't a giant wall of text Gladiators finale two-piece plus 18 attack once again sure four piece if the wielder of this artifact uses a sword Claymore or pull-on increases their normal attack damage by 35 percent the two-piece bonus is generic enough but the Gladiator set is not a set you would specifically farm for it's just one that you would normally get by defeating World bosses you can honestly mix and match the attack bonus with any other set to get a fairly decent build going but it's mainly the four piece set that no one commits to on day one I'm sure the set would have seen some play by some characters that use normal attacks but two years later it sure has fallen off let's go through who or what kinds of play Styles would use this any boat were Catalyst users can't use it for obvious reasons support characters are out because it's very rare that they use their normal attack at all some characters attacks even though they look like normal attacks are not such as ryden's burst which counts as burst damage well what about physical characters well it does work except they usually get outmatched by the pale flame set since it gives dedicated physical damage support as opposed to just a generic attack buff but what about Geo characters they attack with their giant Claymores right well actually it is quite good the only problem is most Geo characters scale with defense in the husk of opulent dreamset is usually their best in slot though the Gladiator set can come in pretty close in some cases this is the case for Noel and Ito I like to imagine the Gladiator set as that one artifact that when someone starts to hit AR 45 and gets their first 5 Star artifact they think it's very good it's that said that someone realizes the more they play that there's just better options to fit more into the niche of every character it's that said that's always fairly decent on most characters but never making it to the top performing list on most meta guides next in line varukasha's glow this set came out in version 3.6 and was the set that was rumored to be the set that would make Daya not garbage did it work No it didn't two piece plus 20 health four piece the skill and burst damage will be increased by 10 percent after the equipping character takes damage the aforementioned damage bonus is increased by 80 for 5 seconds this effect can have a maximum of five stacks and it can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field so let's break this down you actually want your party to take damage in order to get more skill and burst damage the reason why the set was believed to be good on Daya is that she has some skills and passives that scale off HP plus it's very likely that you'll take damage during her burst since you can't interrupt it or else the burst ends the only problem is that the two-piece bonus only becomes useful if you have Daya at C1 where her skills and bursts starts to scale off maxed HP looking at the data Guide on kaching Main it's recommended you just use emblem since the ER is just so nice to have okay but what about other characters then any characters that scale off HP can use this like if you use is the two-piece bonus with two-piece Miller lift for Elon but again most players just opt in to use the emblem set despite looking very aesthetically pleasing on nilo her basson salt only uses the aforementioned a two-piece bonus since you just want to push her HP as high as possible last placement on this list and this one I wasn't too sure about retracing bolide two-piece plus 35 to Shield strength four piece while protected by a shield gain an additional 40 normal and charged attack damage it's worth mentioning that the two piece bonus only applies to the unit that's holding the set not to the unit that produces the shield if you use Zombie's Shield his shield doesn't get stronger except for when the person holding the bullet set is on field if it worked universally it could potentially be pretty good for shielders but sadly that's not the case there's also a condition when using this set is that you need to have a shielder on the team for such teams the bowl light can be good but often gets outperformed by other sets the other concern is that having a shield on floor 12 Abyss can be problematic I mean good luck having good uptime on the shield with the consecrating beasts ganging up on you overall it's a very conditional set but at least if you really want to use it you can just strong box it so that does it for the five artifact sets that rarely were never seen play once again there's always the chance that new characters that are introduced later can make good use of Dimension artifacts or make existing characters better there were some other sets that I debated that could be on this list but after a second consideration they mostly have at least one character that's decent on and sees play in The Meta if there are artifacts that I have missed definitely let myself and others know in the comments thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Pseychie_GI
Views: 60,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin guide, genshin eula, genshin artifact farming, genshin best artifacts, genshin impact best artifacts
Id: hIPgcc47Yjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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