Complete Rankmath PRO Seo Plugin Tutorial

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what's up party people my name is daryl wilson and today in this video i'll be giving you guys a walkthrough of the rank math pro plugin now i recently had a video on the rank math free plugin and a lot of users were asking me to create a video on the pro version so today in this video i'll give you a complete walkthrough of all of the pro features from the analytics to schema markup all the way to the woocommerce products so we will cover everything in the rank math pro plugin now if you guys do want to purchase rank math pro we do have a link in the description of this video if you guys do decide to use our link it does help us to continue to make these tutorials for you guys for free so with that said let's go ahead and dive into the rank math pro settings all right so in this video i'll be covering a majority of the rank math pro seo option so i'll go through all of the pro options for the rank math pro and then we'll go through each module and we'll go through the settings we'll also be talking about local seo so for example on the left side you can see how we have this uh you know this local seo of caesar's palace and here we have the reviews the address the phone number so we'll talk all about local seo in this video then we'll go ahead and jump into the advanced image seo so for example if you guys ever been to google images and noticed how some of these images are actually from websites this is all done with image seo so we'll go ahead and touch base on image seo and also we'll talk about schema markup now if you're not familiar with schema markup it's essentially rich snippets in the search results so for example you see here i have this review on the essentials wordpress theme and google put it as a featured snippet so you'll see how this has this text how it has its divider and it has an image so it just looks a lot nicer and cleaner than the other searches also here's another example you guys can see i wrote an article about another wordpress theme and this is also an example of a rich snippet so with rank map pro you can uh get your content structured like this on the google search then also we'll be talking about the woocommerce product seo so in the rank math pro version there is options to have your products listed as a rich snippet so for example you can see we have the ratings the price and also the availability so you can incorporate rich snippets for your woocommerce products with the rank math pro plugin also you do get a really nice analytics and dashboard now you can integrate your google search console and also your analytics from here you can see how many times people saw your website you can see your traffic how many keywords are being tracked on your site and the average position you'll also notice here how you have top winning keywords and top losing keywords so let's say for example you're trying to rank for a specific keyword you'll get notified by rankmath saying hey you're you know your keyword is moving up in the search ranks and then also you'll be notified if you are losing ranked in the search engine so you might want to update your content or work on it to kind of improve those rankings and then you'll also get keyword positions just a little bit more analytics about your uh post and your keyword so next let's explain the pricing options with rank math pro you guys can get to this page there is a link in the description of this video now there is three different pricing options and there is some confusion with some users about these pricing options now there's three plans right the pro the business and the agency the pro plan is more for small individuals so you can install this on as many websites as you own so for example if you own 10 websites you can put this on 10 websites however if you're a business like an seo company you'd want to go with the business plan because with this you can install it on up to 100 websites and then the agency you can install the rank math pro on up to 500 client websites now the big difference here is if you want to track specific keywords so you'll notice on the pro plan how you can track up to 500 keywords the business is 10 000 and the agency is 50 000. now what does that mean keyword tracking well if you go to rank math pro this is the business account i have you can actually add your keywords in here so for example if you want to see if you're ranking for something you can type in like you know i want to rank for how to make you know an e-commerce website spelled out wrong there and then click on save from here rank math will actually pull up analytics and tell you how those keywords are ranking in the search engine so for example over here under keywords i'm not really ranking for anymore you know because i'm this is a demo website but you'll see here how uh we're ranking for a specific keyword where it's telling us our position our impressions and our clicks so once you're you add enough information the information will start to propagate right here so that's how you guys can track the keywords so you'll go ahead and purchase a plan that works best for you one thing to also notice is that the pro plan does not give you white label reports so if you are working for clients and you want to send them white label reports or some sort of email reports about the statistics and analytics about the seo that will require the business plan or better all right so go ahead and purchase a plan that works best for you once you guys purchase the actual plan you guys will then go to your rank math dashboard so here i have the rank math business and you'll see that you can go ahead and download this so just go ahead and click on download all right and now we'll go back to our website and we're going to upload the rank math pro plugin so from here we'll scroll down notice also you do get impressions and more information uh just just in this little overview which is pretty cool but just go to plugins and add new now you will need to have the free version of rank math and also the pro version so the pro version will need to have the free version installed already and then you can go ahead and upload the pro version as well so you'll go ahead and upload the pro version onto your wordpress website so once you select rank math pro you'll then click on install now all right and once you guys install rank math pro it'll tell you to connect your account just go through the process of connecting your account and then i'll meet you back on your rank math seo dashboard now the first thing that you guys will have to do is go to your setup wizard and you need to make sure that the advanced tab is uh selected i did get a lot of users who said hey man i can't see those options and it's because you need to have the advanced option selected and then code to a start wizard now here you'll just go ahead and put in some basic information about your website now if you have used the free version you're probably already seeing this screen so i'm not really going to go through all the options here because i really want to focus more on the pro aspect of this plugin next is your sitemap option so just make sure you have your sitemaps enabled and also you want to select the post types that you currently want indexed by google so for example you'd want your pages your post and right here you can see i took out landing pages because obviously this is from elementor and i do not want that indexed however my properties and my agents i do want that indexed this is a real estate website so i do have some custom post types that you may not have so that's just uh you know that's just because i'm running different codes of both types here you have like a new sitemap and also a video sitemap we will access this on the other dashboard so don't worry about that but these are new features that you do get with rank math pro so over here i'll click on save and continue here you have some other optimization options like tag archives most people have this set to note index because this will actually prevent duplicate contents and duplicate content can get you penalized so a lot of people don't even want to take the risk so they just have it disabled i also have this one off as well because i do i don't want every link to be nofollow if i do want some to be nofollow i'll just add it in there but i'm going to leave that off and then here i have this on which means if they click on something it will then take them to a new page and not close the window so it'll open external links in a new tab and then i'll click on save and close all right so i think right now we're ready to go ahead and check out some of the ranked math pro options that's just a quick setup wizard that i just kind of go through just to make sure we're on the same page so right here i'll click on set up advanced options next we have the role manager this will allow you to create users on your website and give them the option adjust your titles and metas adjust your role manager they can go ahead and view all this data so here you have the administrator with this privileges then you also have the editor so the editor can go ahead and adjust things like the title and the meta the general settings and the 404 this is great if you have a large website and you do have a large amount of staff and you want them to be able to optimize parts of your website but yeah without giving them full access to the sites so i'm going to go ahead and just go down here these are custom post types you know agent buyer because i'm running a real estate website you know but i'm going to scroll down here i have quite a bit of quite a bit of uh roles and i'm going to go to save and continue next we have the 404 monitor and also redirections now we will talk about this more when we actually access these settings for this but we can turn them on right now and then go to save and continue next we have schema markup now schema markup in a nutshell will help your website have featured snippets in the google search results so make sure to turn this on now let me go and give you guys an example of some featured snippets and also just some rich search results so for example i typed in this theme review and you'll notice right here this is my blog and this is an example of a featured snippet so it displays the text you know and it's featured so it's on top it has this little line that kind of like distinguishes it from the other ones and then if we scroll down right here you'll see that there's other search results now these are all on the first page of google which is really nice but google felt that this information was relevant and we added enough info so as a result we were featured as a you know a featured snippet also right here this is another example you'll see that i looked for like the best woocommerce plugins and then this website beginner showed up so it just displays a lot of the information in a more structured format because google felt that this information was more relevant and it had a lot of rich information so it displayed it in this specific format now will rank math pro guarantee you these results no so remember rank math pro can only influence the google search results it cannot force google to display the information in this specific structure but still you know having that influence on your websites you know it's actually good to have so make sure to turn this on now here you have the schema type for post and you have a few different options so just depending on what you are talking about it's like if you're a service if you're you know a recipe or whatever you'll go ahead and select the post type that best fits your websites now here you have the article type you have article blog post and news article now this is again where users get confused so a blog post is more of a personal blog post talking about like your experiences or talking about something that you went through that's an example of a blog post an article is something more detailed in general blog posts are usually around less than i want to say two thousand words articles can be anywhere between two thousand to ten thousand words so just depending on what you're writing you'd want to select that format also the news article if you are a news website you might want to select news article and i believe this actually helps for like uh breaking events but again i'm not sure too much guys because i have never built or ran a nude article websites but uh for article i'm going to select article type here you have schema types for pages i'm going to select none for this one and also we have these for your custom post types as well so next i have rich snippets for my custom post types and depending on what you're offering these will be necessary so for example schema types for properties that i'm listing now for properties that i'm listing i might want to list this as something like of a service because i am offering to sell this specific product and i wouldn't say properties is a product because people cannot purchase it on my websites here we have schema types for agencies i don't want to list that and also for my agents i don't want to list them either but i do want to offer um you know a schema markup for my real estates so that's an example of schema markups for specific custom post types now let's click on save and continue all right so now we're going to go through each of these modules and i'll explain to you what they do and how you can better optimize your site now i'm only going to go through the pro option guys so i'm not going to go through these other ones but let's just go with the 404 monitor let's just go ahead and just give you a quick introduction of what this does so a 404 monitor will show you how many times people are getting a 404 on your website now let's say for example people are going to a broken page this will help notify you saying hey people are going to this broken page do you want to go ahead and do you want to reroute them so overall the 404 monitor it just lets you know about specific four or four errors that users might get on your website so make sure to turn that on next we have the analytics let's click on settings now the analytics section allows you to connect google search console onto your website and also your analytics however this is available in the free version but the search console this is a pro feature so i want to go ahead and reconnect this all right cool now the next thing rank math wants to do is that it wants to connect to our gmail account that has the property within the google search console now before you guys select an account you guys will need to have a property type in your google search console if you guys do not know how to do this you guys can watch my free video on how to add a property but once you guys add a property in your google search console you can then connect it to your websites so i'm going to go ahead and click on my accounts and you want to make sure that you give rankmathy access to your to your account here once you select those options you'll then click on continue then we'll scroll down you can also select your analytics account i do have a video in my free version how to set that up and also you can connect it with adsense as well and i'll scroll down to the bottom here you have monitor seo performance this will allow you to monitor all the information from your dashboard so make sure you have that checked and then if you want email reports you know every 30 days you can have that checked as well and then for your report you can add in your report logo so this is good for clients if you want to you know add a logo or something to give it to your clients you can add your report logo here now these are options to show in the reports like a summary the top losing keywords and stuff like that so this is what you want to give to your clients if you're some sort of seo company and we'll scroll to the bottom and click on save changes all right so we went through the 404 monitor and also the analytics now i'm going to skip the bbpress guys just because a lot of people don't even use it and it's like just use buddy boss buddy boss is a much better alternative than bb press here you have image seo let's go ahead and turn that on and click on settings so next we have images and i'm going to do my best to explain all these in detail these are actually pretty important and most users don't know that but the first thing is adding missing alt attributes let's say for example you have an image here and you don't have any alternative text rank math will actually create it automatically based off of file name current month or whatever you know so they have file name by default and this is actually pretty important because alternative text it does help your site get ranked in the search results a little bit better for example here you'll see that i have this image and this was searched based off of the alternative text so just because i entered in some text it displayed in the google search results for the image section so yeah alternative text is pretty important however i recommend to always manually enter it in yourself but if you ever forget rank math will back you up and add it in for you this will add in the missing title so if you don't have a title it will uh you know it will add a title based off of title and then you can always adjust this to like you know title or the name of the page or the name of the post but uh by default it has just like i believe it as just the title right so i mean that's it's up to you you know i i would always name the titles or name the information myself manually but that's just what those options are referring to here you can see a missing description caption missing image description and then you can do the same for the other options here for the images so that's just an option for ranked math pro in case you forget to add an alternative text or even a title to your images all right let's go back to our dashboard and let's let's keep let's keep working here let's keep uh keep knocking these down one by one so we went through the image seo now we have local seo and knowledge graph let's go ahead and turn this on and go to settings all right so this is the local seo now first are you a business or you are a person right well i'm gonna select organization what is the name of your company now just remember that this is an example of what might display so here we have caesar's palace right here you have caesar's palace you have the address the phone number and reviews so going back to our websites i'm going to put this is derral estate and then this would be the image of your specific business right so caesar's palace they put these images of like you know the casino and stuff like that so you might want to put an image that best represents your business you'll put a url now if you have multiple locations you'd want to turn that on and select multiple locations here you'll enter in the address and then you have the address format so we have the address locality the region and the postal code you can also do country as well if you're a large international business by hitting the bracket sign i think this is the uh it's the bracket but you have to hold shift okay but that's just you know if you are a large global business but uh this right here is enough information for google in my opinion next we have business type now business type is important because this will actually narrow your business down for google and really tell them what your business is about and this is important because if someone looks for a specific topic in a specific region your business may show up depending on what you put here so business type is actually um it's pretty important now i'm a real estate business all right so for business type i put real estate agent so because i'm a real estate broker so i put real estate agents and this will help users you know when they look for properties that my information may display here we have opening hours and you want to make sure that you you know add something here so if you're not available just say you know we're not you know we're not available on the weekends however monday through friday i want to just put a specific time so for the opening hours just make sure that you guys put as much information as possible remember the more information the better and then here we have a customer service phone number so i'll just put in you know some some number here right next we have price range now price range ranges from one dollar to five dollars that means one dollar sign to five dollar signs and this will appear in the search results for example you can see we have these hotels right for price range we can see that this cost you know it's it's pretty cheap right so that's how google interprets price so let's say you know what's we're a little expensive not too much but uh you know we're about two out of five right here we have google maps api now i'm not going to go through google maps but if you guys do want to embed it you guys can add your google maps api right here the next option is geo coordinates now you can enter your latitude and longitude information here by going to the google maps so for example um i just typed in you know casino barcelona i don't know just whatever so let's say for example i need the information on this um on this place i will right click on here this is my latitude and longitude information so i can just go ahead and copy that and then i'll paste it in there so just depending on where you are you can enter that and again this does help google get more information about where you are located for your about us page you'd want to select your about us page right for your website and also your contact page make sure you enter this because when people look for a contact search on your website it's a chance that this will display in a rich format in the google search results so that's pretty much local seo in a nutshell let's go ahead and click on save changes now all right so we went through local seo now let's talk about news sitemap now if you are a new sitemap this might actually help because sometimes there's breaking news right so let's click on settings for the new sitemap now at the top right here this is your news sitemap so go ahead and copy this and what you're going to do is you're going to paste this in your google search console so for your google search console you do want to add a sitemap on the left side we have sitemaps and i want to paste that sitemap there except i just want to add the news sitemap and then i'll click on submit and then also you'd want to tell google which pages are what you want you know indexed for your news articles let's say for example your you know your agency's page was for your news articles you want to select the page that represents the news articles okay so next you have the google news publication name just go ahead and put in the name of your publication and make sure it's identical or else it may not work or may not be properly indexed and then whatever page or post is displaying your news you'd want to select that there and then click on save changes now let's go back and check out redirections so redirections is actually pretty helpful so if users do get broken links and they don't know where to go you can have ranked math pro redirect them to specific parts of the website for example here we have a redirect to home page so let's say for example i type in a wrong url on my website we can redirect them to the home page however you can also have a custom url so for example let's say that someone's on my website and i want them to go to this page by default if they enter the wrong url let's go ahead and test it out here so i'm going to paste that now is this a permanent move or temporary i'll just say this is temporary for now and then i'm going to click on save changes so now i'm back on my real estate website and i'm going to enter a wrong url so i'm going to enter dash you know like this and press enter and if users do this it will automatically redirect them to pages where they can you know navigate your website easier so that's pretty much redirection it's pretty simple right you just want to make sure that they get redirected on your site and don't get navigated because then they might leave and then you might lose a visitor next we have schema structured data go ahead and turn this on and once you turn it on let's go to settings all right so next we have the schema markup for your post now i'll go and explain what these options are and i'll give you some examples and then give you my personal recommendation on schema markup here we have the title of the article a separator right and then the name of the websites so let's go to google here and just give you an example for example the google supports when i typed in how to use google ads they have the name of the article a separator and then the name of the website other users like neil patel they have just decided to put just the entire name of the article and that's what i currently recommend i think just having the title of the article only is better because i don't really want to add my website here wordstream however has had a different approach they put the name of the article a separator and then the name of the websites so they actually use that format however i think the title is enough you know once you display your title in the search engine i think that's enough information next we have the single post description now this is where you're going to enter your excerpt now i always recommend to add in your own excerpt for every article however if you do not enter any information at all and you forget a rank math pro will actually enter some excerpt information for your article this is excerpt so what the plugin will do is that it'll just get enough information about your article and it will go ahead and display it in the search results just based off of how you wrote your article so that's excerpt here we have schema type and i want to select the article however if you are a book or if you are you know one of these options that apply to you you would want to go ahead and select that but for blog posts in general you want to select article but just remember if you are in one of these categories you'd want to select a category that best fits your blog post like for example if you are talking about a recipe or a restaurant or a specific service or a software application you would want to go ahead and add that for your schema type so just remember to enter as much information as possible so you may get featured as a featured snippet in the google search results and then below that we want to leave this as an seo title to let them know that this is our title for our headline and then also we'd want to put seo description here just letting them know that this is the seo description for this specific article and then below that we do have the article type so just make sure that if this is an article you'd want to select article but if this is a personal post that would be a blog post and if this is a news website you would then select a news article here you have auto detect video and this is important because you could get indexed by google for having a video on your blog post so for example here i typed in how to make an ecommerce website with elementor now my youtube video shows up as number one however the video from elementor from their blog shows up second so this is from an article so that's an example of why you'd want to turn on the auto tech video because then there might be a chance where you might pop up in the video search uh you want to make sure that this is indexed that will actually tell google to index this page make sure that is checked and then at the bottom we can have a play icon we can have a gif icon or you can just turn off a watermark on your blog post so that's pretty much it for the blog post for the schema markup let's go ahead and click on save changes now i do want to let you guys know about the schema markup you would want to go to the custom post types that you are currently working with so for example in my case properties i would want to go through the properties tab and adjust this because remember i did ask google to index the properties so i do want to go ahead and do you know set these options up for my properties so go to your custom post types if you have any and then adjust the schema markup for those custom post types if necessary now once you guys finish your on page seo for either your pages or your post you guys can use the google rich result test to see if your page supports rich results so what i'm going to do here is just give you guys a quick example i'm going to copy my my domain go to google and i'll go ahead and test this url to see if this supports rich results now i'll put this page in the description of this video so you guys can test out your website so once you guys enter your link you'll go ahead and click on test url and this might take like about a minute or two all right so you guys can see that my page is eligible now if you guys do get errors uh don't panic there are some small errors sometimes i've got errors on my website they're just very small fixes but uh you can see that this page is eligible for the rich results in google now the next module is the video sitemap so let's click on settings so next we have video sitemaps and video sitemaps give search engines more information about the video content on your website this is the actual site map and all you need to do is just copy that go back to your google search console and then paste it in there except just make sure that you get rid of that and then submit it all right so now we have successfully added the video sitemap now for the video post types i'm going to select post pages and properties because i do have some videos on my properties that i want indexed and hopefully they display in a featured snippet on google so once you guys select the video post types and insert your site map onto your google search console just go ahead and scroll to the bottom here and click on save changes all right and the last section we need to do is the woocommerce products now to have this option available you guys will need to have woocommerce enabled once you guys have woocommerce enabled we can go ahead and jump to our products right so let's go to woocommerce or no no products yeah there we go products and all products and then i'll go ahead and just click on my my product here all right and here is my demo product now what i'm going to do here is scroll down to the bottom of the page and then you'll see a new tab that says rank math seo from here we can go ahead and adjust the product for the google search results so let's click on edit snippet now this is a demo product but let's just say for example i'm selling a real product now we can display the demo product as the current title of the product however you can always give it a special name so for example this will be real estate product now this is only if you don't want it displayed as the default name that you created for it this is the permalink and then also the description of this so you can give this a more rich i guess description of your product but i'm just going to leave this blank but i'm just giving you an example of how you can you know add a description for your product then over here we have the social tab and this will display it in facebook in this specific style it just gives you a good little preview of how it looks in facebook and also how it looks in twitter now this is if someone shares your product so you'll see that this looks pretty cool now you can go ahead and also adjust this specifically for facebook you can change the image and also the title and the description however i think you should probably just keep it consistent right i mean if you have like one product with three different names on three different networks that just really wouldn't make a lot of sense right so don't get too crazy with it but with the rank math pro option you do now have the ability to kind of change the descriptions for your products for the search results i'm going to click on close here so now you'll see that the product displays as the real estate product instead of the demo product so you do have a little bit more control over your products in regards to the google search results now let's go ahead and click on advanced here now you just want to make sure that this is under indexed because if you have this as no index that means google will not see this product so you want to make sure that index is checked and then these other options are pretty standard a canonical url this is the actual main url of the product however if you have like a sub product you'd want to go ahead and enter in the main link of your product here but i only have one link for this product so i'm going to make sure that i just leave that standard you can also redirect this link so for example for the destination url let's say for example this product sells out or this house rents out i can go ahead and redirect them to this house or this product i guess and you would just go ahead and insert that link there and then they would be redirected to this specific page instead of the current product all right so the redirect option is pretty cool but i'm going to just turn that off and then we'll scroll up and then click on update so now that we talked about the on-page seo for the woocommerce products now let's talk about the options for woocommerce under the general settings so if you guys go to rank math general settings and then go to woocommerce you guys will get more additional settings for woocommerce and these are actually pretty important now the first option is removing the base and category base so for example if you guys have products here you see how we have this uh link for product we can actually take that off also if you guys have categories that you just wants to you know if you just want to hide it or get rid of it you guys can also do that from these options so if you want to get rid of the actual product like the product link of the url you'll just click on remove base and you can also remove the product category base as well if you decide to do that so i'll just go ahead and remove this and then click on save changes here i'll clear my cache really quick all right so now you'll see that the product link has been taken away so that's what those options are referring to so these next options this right here removes the parent url so if you had parent and child products it would also remove the parent url and the next is the removing the generator tag now they have this checked by default because removing the tag from the source code actually might prevent duplicate content issues so they have that checked by default now this option right here is actually very important which is the brand now let's say for example you guys are selling nike or you're selling a very popular brand you'd want to select product type however if you guys are selling your own personal brand you guys need to change this so over here under the brand we'll select custom so let's say for example i'm selling daryl wilson choose right i would want to put the brand of daryl wilson however if you had products selling nike selling um toshiba selling asus selling a bunch of different electronics then you would want to change this to a product type because product type is referring to the actual name of the product so let's say for example this was nike shoes then this would index by nike shoes if you were selling asus laptops then this would index by asus laptops it would it would index by the brand however if you guys change this to custom and you're selling your own personal brand uh then you would be indexed by your brand name and not nike or not asus so this is actually crucial if you guys are selling your own personal brand name products next we have the global identifier now google just doesn't recommend displaying that in the schema markup so that's why they have it selected to off and then here we have no indexed to catalogs that are hidden of course right if you have products that are hidden you don't want them indexed by google so once you guys select those options uh just go and click on save changes so these options for woocommerce are pretty important just remember that if you are selling other people's brands you want to change this to product type but if you are selling your own personal brand you want to change that to custom all right party people thank you guys a lot for watching my video if you guys have any questions for me feel free to let me know in the comments below all right party people i hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you guys have any questions about rank math or rakebath pro let me know in the comments below if you're gonna ask me should i upgrade to rank math pro i would definitely say yes because think about it for like 60 bucks for the whole year to get that nice schema markup on your site it's definitely worth it but uh yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video my name is daryl wilson and i will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 6,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rankmath pro, rank math pro tutorial, rankmath plugin, rankmath pro seo plugin tutorial, rankmath seo plugin tutorial, seo wordpress tutorial, search engine optimization, seo for beginners, rank math, rank math setup, rank math pro setup, rank math seo plugin, rank math seo, rankmath pro review
Id: 0ZCtMm9-ses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.