COMPLETE NYC First Timers Guide (Full Documentary) All Attractions!

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this is The Ultimate Guide to New York we review every major attraction in the city from the Statue of Liberty to all five observation decks parks and more after watching this you'll know exactly what to do on your next trip here most important thing is that if you want to go to the crown of the Statue of Liberty you need to go to the following website at least one to two months out in the summer it might even be three or four months I say you're gonna do the Statue of Liberty you've got to do it right we reserve these tickets in November my first time in the year was five years ago and I haven't done it so I'm excited so we're about to walk to airport style security to board the boat and guess what it's starting to snow the first snowfall of 2020 right as we go to the Statue of Liberty I mean I don't think we could have timed it any better we are off on this snowy snowy afternoon I don't know if we're gonna see the statue very well with all this cloud cover and snow but uh we're gonna do our best guys that was really cool it was like the statue just appeared out of the Mist it's kind of like being in an old sailor movie it was really touching to hear some tourists on the boat saying oh my God that's it I've only seen that in movies and it makes me realize that even as a New Yorker I take things like this for granted not visiting the Statue of Liberty ever until right now what a lot of people don't realize is that the pedestal was built by the US and a lot of that money was raised from the general public one hundred thousand dollars was raised from the general public a lot of it donations as small as one dollar the US is very proud of the Statue of Liberty [Music] toast it's very important if you have a ticket for the crown or the pedestal you have to use one of these lockers 25 cents you can't bring a tripod up there you can only bring I believe a cell phone water bottle and a camera so they keep it pretty Spartan because they don't want people to waste a lot of time there we are through our second security screening just trying to avoid slipping we're heading towards the pedestal the first stop on our way to the crown of the Statue of Liberty we've got a lot of steps to go you'll see [Music] choice you could take 195 steps to get to the pedestal or you could take an elevator no surprising elevator had a line no line to take the stairs but I've made so many poor dietary decisions lately I'm gonna take the stairs for sure [Music] all right I'm starting to re-examine this decision to take the stairs but 128 more to go we made it it's the pedestal look how foggy New York City is right now oh thank you very much [Music] so you can actually get tickets just for the pedestal in one of the draws of the pedestal which unfortunately isn't very good today is you have a great view of Manhattan but I just showed you you can barely see a thing however you can kind of peek at the Statue From Below [Music] it's beautiful I think the fact that it's snowing makes it very magic it doesn't matter if I don't see the city this is so cool all right this is what we've been waiting for 146 steps to get it to the crown guys look how small these steps are now I understand what they didn't want us to bring bags or anything up here these steps are so narrow this is kind of trippy I'm inside the Statue of Liberty right now like somebody wake me up from this dream guys little known fact Alexander Gustav Eiffel design the interior the Statue of Liberty that name may be familiar because three years after the Statue of Liberty opened the Eiffel tower opened in Paris so it's got that touch [Music] all right covered in snow today [Music] guys we could see the torch we can see the tablet oh my goodness this has got to be one of the coolest places to be in New York City especially on a snowy day especially on a snowy day give you a classroom this is not free [Music] when did they build this staircase to the crown you know this was modified in the ending so there was an old if you've ever been in a lighthouse like Cape Hatteras yeah or kind of the old staircase where you they had kind of crates they had holes and you could see all the way down yeah I will say the stairs to the crown were a lot trickier than I thought because of the angle and how narrow they were but the park rangers at the top were so friendly they answered all our questions there's not a lot of space you can't really stay for too long but completely worth it don't you guys go anywhere though we're going to show you around some other cool things of the Statue of Liberty and then we're going to Ellis Island our weather was perfect today we got the snow so look we have this cool backdrop and now it's cleared and we have this beautiful view of Manhattan over my right shoulder I mean we couldn't have planned a better day for sightseeing at the Statue of Liberty than today guys amazing it's probably the best spot to take a photo of the Statue of Liberty you line yourself right up in front like this don't sleep on this Museum right here we had a chance to walk around it only opened in May a lot of people don't even realize that it's here I mean you could see how the statue was constructed uh you see the original torch which was taken down in 1984 and they have this cool interactive exhibit where you take a photo say where you're from and they put you on the big screen so yeah a part of you will always live on in the museum very nice and now we are heading to Ellis Island foreign [Music] you have to think of the historical significance of this right now 12 million immigrants came to Ellis Island and one of the first things they saw in the United States was a Statue of Liberty staring at them just like this [Music] I would say that Ellis Island has some significance for me since my family immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in the late 1970s now they didn't come through here they flew but just think about all the immigration in the U.S and how many people have roots that started where we're about to walk through right through these doors [Music] we are in the registry room I actually haven't been to Ellis Island since I was in elementary school and I don't know why but I always think of the scene from The Godfather Part 2 with Vito Corleone comes to the U.S when I think of Ellis Island it's just I love that movie but seriously this room is really really important in the history of the United States this is where people's lives were changed if they were admitted to live here or not all right I'm sitting at the admission counter what do you think I should I admit her to the United States purpose purpose of visit I don't know you want to open up a cupcake shop yes and I want to [Music] eat you'd be absolutely crazy not to come to Ellis Island it's free included with your Statue of Liberty and Mission learn about the history of the United States exhibits here are incredible I learned so much that I didn't even know before today we're getting a first look at Summit one Vanderbilt New York's newest observation deck and the city has never had something quite like this before we're going to take you through the entire experience make sure to watch till the end because I'll be comparing this to the other four observation decks in New York to give you my opinions one Vanderbilt opened September 2020. it is the fourth largest building in New York City at 140 and one feet high literally you can walk to Summit through Grand Central you don't even have to go outside we're on an early access tour before the public I'm just like pumped up for this this is amazing the actual artist who designed the exhibits here is leading our tour it's like it's like an immersive experience before we even get there and so your eyes are kind of settling into night vision as we wait for the elevator to arrive and start to reprogram their sensors as you emerge into air and the observation 914 is in 43 seconds it's still technically under construction we gotta put these on don't look at your phone give yourself a minute or two just to like live in the experience absolutely breathtaking like stuck in a fun house but I have all of the New York skyline to look at this is well you might notice they're like six suns in here right now like weather lightning storms snowstorms rainstorms so you're saying you could come here different times of year different times a day have a completely different experience this room is called Transcendence he was telling us took three years to design this his trip you can look up see your reflection look down see other people's Reflections and you've got the Skyline View there this could be its own exhibit without even having an observation that's summer in there with all the Heat and sun and now we're cooling off now it's like spring a sensory overload it's an experience already we've only been here for 15 minutes this is what you do when you come here this is actually part of the exhibit I would I would pay 39 just to be inside here I'm not even kidding for you just you take care of your stress you know we have this million dollar View and I'm not even looking we have Top of the Rock there but we're just playing wow they want this to feel like you're you're part of an organism like everyone is interacting together in here it's all interconnected this is going to be very difficult to top in New York City especially if you want to take full photos or videos what Alice in Wonderland here this is amazing look at this bathroom is the best view in the city back in Barcelona at a casa batillo the idea of transcendence 2 is this kind of notion of both folding time and also showing you how interconnected air is to the organism that is New York City you are staring down at people that come to Transcendence one this is up here Transcendence two and his point was they might think that you're a reflection on the mirror somewhere down there all of these mirrors like creating one organism this is this is wide open I'm really speechless about this I think I can see a thousand Jason rupps down there because there's all these reflections of myself on each floor going with down and down and down [Music] asked us are we afraid of heights well we're gonna we're gonna show you why they just asked us that question took my first step onto this platform I I felt my heart like rise up a few inches it was it was weird we are 1 000 feet over Madison Avenue right now I wonder what the weight limit on on this is yeah is there a weight limit tell me in the comments would you stay at a thousand feet over Madison Avenue why why not [Music] so this is the cafe up here and they were telling me that it's not going to be reservation only it's just for people who come by and this is an incredible view just to have a drink a cocktail a special occasion you're starting right at the Empire State Building [Music] we are finally outside we are saving maybe the best for last Empire State Building One World straight down there look I can see all of Queens Brooklyn truth be told in many cities you would just pay to come to an observation deck like this in fact in some ways this is the least interesting part of the summit experience for me so far being outside and staring at the city because you can pretty much do that at any observation deck and they're all great but this adds a little extra something to it foreign this is the grand finale we're going on Ascent to almost the top of the building 1201 feet above the city on the largest outdoor elevator in the world I've been honestly most looking forward to this everything we saw today we're about to go up here we go open everywhere bottom it's out here [Music] this is a heck of a finale here this is amazing this is so cool absolutely one of the most important things you can do in New York City and this is just one of the exhibits here hmm [Music] this has been more than enough this has just absolutely been insane we're heading down now years popping when does this end we don't know when this ends look at that wow there's like five Jason rubs right now oh five there's five chickations holy gosh at least now I see a few hundred twenties yeah there's like there's 500 people on this elevator right now [Music] opens October 21st you can buy tickets today see the link in the description thirty nine dollars two in the door 59 includes that amazing Ascent elevator I'd pay the 20 bucks every time if I was you I was trapped in a disco ball with a New York skyline around me I felt like I was in The Matrix or something just going from room to room and seeing all these Reflections and glass I felt like Keanu Reeves just floating and I've been to every single observation deck in New York City I've done every single one on a press tour like this nobody paid me to say this Summit is my favorite because it's the only observation deck I've been to where I cared more about what was inside what was going on around me and all those experiences versus the views because yeah you get the nice views in there too but what I think you're paying the money for is that immersive experience as everyone was saying just to feel a part of it it is unbelievable and like something I've never seen in New York City this is going to turn into the hottest attraction in New York quote me on that there are certain attractions in New York City that are overrun by tourists and yet are wildly popular I lived in New York for the last 10 years I've never done any of these things so today I'm gonna go undercover and find out they're actually worth it but first I need to look the part so none of my subscribers recognize me [Music] probably the first thing you ever think of when it comes to tourists in New York are those Hop On Hop Off buses well we're gonna take big bus on the 90-minute downtown Loop I've never done this before but I'm gonna try to keep an open mind and see what the hype is you can actually see where the buses are in real time so you're never wasting that much time waiting for them to pick you up it's a little different for the channel a little different it's about 90 degrees today it's probably as touristy as you can get but I have to admit getting a view from up here can't really replicate this unless you're in a stretch limone even then you're not going to be this high [Music] guys look how close these traffic lights are if I was a little taller you could practically Reach Out And Touch them they have five different languages narrating the tours my family from Mexico doesn't speak English I'd consider putting them on this so they can have an idea of what they're seeing exploration listening to the history it's accurate it's good my favorite observation like in New York Summit OV it's so hot I wish there's like a vendor here and we're like can you throw me a Gatorade look at this there's different dangers up here than on the street [Music] I would say this is the equivalent of taking a cruise ship you can go to a lot of different stops in a short span if that's what your objective is there's a first level you want to avoid the Sun get a little breeze from the window also an option a little more fun upstairs though uh Jersey [Applause] we can walk we've never done this before so I wanted to do it once in my life all right how long you been driving the bus thank you so much man have a great day I have to say my favorite thing about the bus tour was actually the bus driver and that's good advice for any of you visiting New York even if you do the most touristy things possible always chat with the locals waiters Hotel staff bus drivers you get some great insights and a whole lot of Personality overall I think something like big bus does serve a purpose for people who just aren't adventurous enough to go out by themselves for first-time visitors maybe with small children the elderly disabled different languages and I'm glad I did it for the first time in my life foreign remember the last time I had to wait in line for a restaurant but we're gonna do it Ellen's Stardust Diner known to many as one of the biggest tourist traps in New York City it's 1950s themed they have singing waiters and I respect that a lot of these waiters want to be on Broadway someday is it worth it I don't know right true communal seating [Applause] 21 bucks maybe the most expensive basic Burger I've actually ever seen in New York City [Music] take it it's a burger not the worst that bad not the best I've had serviceable this is the Homer burger and it's instead of normal burger buns it came with glazed donut I'm always down for anything different unique all right let's do it let's see let's see sauce is good this one always you like it I really like it maybe I'm just weird [Music] that's awesome thank you a couple notes they do add 20 gratuity to your bill which I'm fine with but just be aware of it so you don't leave extra if you don't want to I think there's certain people this would really appeal to and I think if you watched it and you love that kind of performance non-stop you're into really cheesy humor if you love show tunes or have friends that are into show tunes this is a Charming Place food was okay it's expensive I could give you an alternative if this isn't for you I'd recommend Birdland jazz club if you want the live music and dinner experience this is very touristy I probably wouldn't come back but it's not really my style on a really low budget and you want some 99 gifts Grand Slam store in Times Square has a 99 cent section here keychain shot glasses I might even buy one of these every single Hawker and vendor has tried handing us stuff because of these shirts and I swear we're getting the stink eye from people for being dressed like this they're like really they're wearing that I don't know I kind of like it and I have to admit being a tourist is so tiring I just want to go home and take a nap now this is a circle line Harbor Lights Cruise every review of this I read said to come at least 45 minutes early if you want to get one of the outdoor seats so we're here like 50 minutes early and there's still a line where's the best view you think I would say the best view would be outside right you know you have no obstruction up here yeah 50 minutes early and the outside is like 75 full inside of tea tree there 21 for two beers but I do respect them for having a New York City brand here Coney Island Brewing Company I've had this mermaid pilsner before it's really good of all the things on this video I was actually most excited for this because the route that it takes at night there is no cheaper way to see everything you're going to see on a boat New York City taking the circle line at sunset [Music] laughs it's record time under the budget and a high of the great compression the greatest skyscraper of them all and one of the great ones in the world we got New York City today that's our Empire State Building this tour guide is good too so as you can see the Statue of Liberty basically makes all the tourists go nuts I get it though like this is the picture everybody wants [Music] yeah it's not so bad being a tourist the tour guide made a good point this is the only boat that you could take that goes this far up the East River it's actually true I've been on some boats before I never made it past the Williamsburg Bridge so you actually do get some pretty unique views here Italy yeah Venice [Music] I grew up in New Jersey all the years I've lived in New York I've never gone to the Statue of Liberty at Sunset till right now so I'm even excited like all these people are [Music] um I equate all the tourists crowding the Statue of Liberty to the immigrants arriving in Ellis Island for the first time it is the exact same effect there it is seen it in all the movies and it's right in front of me [Music] of all the things we did today the circle line tour at Sunset was definitely my favorite I think the views are worth the price of admission alone I do have some small critiques now everyone had a seat but it got a little claustrophobic at times when people are trying to take photos of the Statue of Liberty but outside of those small little things totally worth the price of admission what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from the meat packing District of Manhattan and we're standing in front of the high line which many tourists consider a must visit when you come to New York City so to help you out we're going to be sharing the history what to do and even some Insider tips here we go The Ultimate Guide to visiting The High Line [Music] guys make sure to check out our other New York City playlist linked Down Below in the description let's go your first question might be what is The High Line it's a 1.45 mile elevated Greenway running from the meat packing District all the way to Hudson yards it has over 500 species of plants trees plenty of Art and a whole lot to do [Music] this is 10th Ave and in the mid 19th century it was known as death Avenue because so many people were hit by trains that were running right through here in fact it got so bad they had to hire actual Cowboys who they called West Side Cowboys to be riding in front of the trains with flags to warn people about incoming trains and they still needed to do something else the solution was The High Line a higher train track which would run parallel to the west side of Manhattan the first train started running in 1933 to deliver Freight to the many factories along the way and it had its boom up until the 1960s when Trucking started to make the trains here obsolete it had its last ride in 1980 and then it sat dormant for over 20 years in fact if you were coming here in the 90s or most of the 2000 you would have just seen an overgrown abandoned train track a non-profit group called The friends of The High Line fought hard to have this area preserved and in 2009 after three years of construction The High Line was open to the public and ten years later it's one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City in fact it was actually inspired by the Promenade planty in Paris which opened in 1993 and is pretty similar in concept foreign I highly recommend you download the app called the Highline all of the art installations nature the lookout points all that information is on here it's going to make your trip a lot more informative if you're interested heck I'm going to take a lot of the information for this video from the app [Music] so this is the first stop on our tour the Tiffany and Co Foundation Overlook you can just peek your head out see the meat packing district and the Whitney Museum to our right [Music] standing in front of Hector's Cafe and Diner which is open 24 hours and the reason I'm pointing this out is because this Diner has a lot of Cinema history in fact all of the diner scenes in the movie Taxi Driver with Robert De Niro were shot inside has been featured in Law and Order and in the 1930s it used to open up at two o'clock in the morning so that the employees of the neighborhood meat packing plants could come in and have a meal [Music] one of the first places you walk on the high line is called the Gansevoort Woodland and it looks a little bit nicer with perfect Fall Foliage but something to note is when you look out to the side you see one of the only remaining Meat Packing plants down there this area used to be full of them hence the name meat packing District this is one of my favorite art exhibits on The High Line it's called four arches and as you walk by each of the four arches it's supposed to symbolize a different season very cool [Music] 14th Street passage and while you may not notice it if you're walking on the right side and come to the left side they have a projector going it's called the Highline Channel and they showcase a lot of different artists on there so if the weather's nice A little cold today but you know sit down enjoy whatever they've got going on screen all right guys it is cold out but I assure you on a nice warm day this is the spot you want to come the Sun Bay this is called the dealer Von Furstenberg Sun deck and water feature I think it's most well known for these amazing chairs to relax but they call it the water feature as well because during the warmer months there's water running on the other side you see little kids sometimes running over it playing with it and they put that special feature there because when this was actually a working railroad track water would naturally accumulate there so it was a little bit of a homage to that [Music] right behind me is the Chelsea Market passageway and that's what this area is most well known for Chelsea Market the most famous food market in New York City highly recommend you visit just to stop by Los Tacos number one the best tacos not in New York City but in Manhattan but did you know that this whole area here used to be owned by the National Biscuit Company also known as Nabisco where legend has it the Oreo cookie was invented right here Unfortunately they left the area in 1959 to move to Fairlawn New Jersey where ironically enough I was born and raised right over the Hudson River a little history for you guys [Music] we are at the 10th Avenue square and overlook this is probably my favorite spot in the entire High Line just because it takes people watching to the next level you look through the glass here and you're staring down on 10th Avenue and you just see regular New York City Life from above it's a different perspective and truth be told it's like live theater right on The High Line very cool stuff oh all right ready one two three and smile it's ridiculous I'm just getting too famous so when you walk up the steps from The Overlook turn left and there is a really cool little view the Statue of Liberty in the distance a lot of people don't even realize it [Music] this is an interesting part of The High Line it's called Chelsea Thicket a couple of really neat things going on one is you see the railroad tracks very distinctly running next to it you've got trees growing directly over the tracks and you also have a lot of the leaves from the trees hanging down below so it gives you a feeling like you're walking through a forest definitely one of my favorite paths on The High Line a lot of people are stopping here to stare at this clock which actually doesn't have any numbers on it it's called Silent agitator and the clock says organization it actually speaks to the rights of industrial workers around the world I think it's pretty neat afternoon we're at the Falcone flyover and I find one thing super distinctive about this little two block stretch look how big these leaves are falling off the trees you basically you come face to face with the trees as you're walking here and if you look on either side you might just see some really cool art installations as we're passing Chelsea which is one of the biggest art districts in the entire city yeah [Music] this is the 26th Street viewing spur a lot of people are taking photos here you can Overlook 10th Ave and 26 but it's actually designed in a way where they used to hang Billboards here over The High Line when it wasn't in use like it is right now so it kind of brings back that effect a little bit [Music] we've reached the crossroads of The High Line This is actually the widest part of the park and the X right here this bench signifies where the path goes from north to south to east to west it's very subtle most people don't even realize it's here and also behind me you have the shed which is the newest and like the hottest new spot to see performances in New York City and we're going to be approaching the vessel really soon as well at Hudson yards guys we are standing in front of the spur which is the final part of The High Line to be open and ironically enough it's actually closed the entire weekend so I can't really show you it but it extends that way and when it's open you know you can see skyscrapers they also are going to have a lot of art exhibits over there [Music] these are the Pershing Square beams and this is really just a place for kids to run around and go over under the beams I guess it feels like you're playing at a railroad track in a safe way of course so if you have kids bring them right here [Music] I love the highliner I love how the landscape changes depending on what street you're on as we're approaching the end we're at the interim walkway there's some crazy Soviet sounding music playing but if you look here you see what The High Line would have looked like in the 90s and the 2000s when it didn't have any use when it was abandoned it gives you that kind of a Vibe it's wild and it Blends into the landscape this is one of my new favorite spots to come in The High Line for sure foreign [Music] 22 blocks where at the end the cxx transportation gate the only spot of The High Line that's at street level and I barely broke a sweat I mean what a Scenic walk and although this is one of the most touristy things to do in New York City honestly I love what they have done to The High Line turning something abandoned into something that the public can come and enjoy with all the art and all the nature here this is a cat miss when you come to New York City today we are going to the Top of the Rock for the first time in my life I've lived in New York City for almost a decade and this is one of the most popular attractions in the entire city and I'm gonna let you guys know if I think it's worth the 40 admission this video is not sponsored I'm gonna be as honest as possible we're going 70 floors above the city to check out one of the best views of all of Manhattan make sure to check out my other New York City playlist linked down below for other great ideas for your next trip to New York City here we go I heard good things about it I heard that you can see actually Central Park and that's why I'm so excited and I think is it I should have done this a long time ago so I'm really really excited for this it's very buy your ticket online in advance it's forty dollars during the day they increase the cost of fifty dollars around the sunset period we're gonna check it out with as much light as we can pre-saved right here so you get to skip the big line [Music] just got past security it's just like airport security same thing at one world observation deck a quick note you can actually tour the studios at 30 Rock which is right next door and I highly recommend if you're interested in going behind the scenes of NBC Studios you could do that before this and then come here after tourist photos are optional by the way don't have to take them but I don't blame them for trying [Music] 20 minutes of waiting we are online for the elevators to go to the top should be a very quick ride all righty next up is 67 you should be there in about 43 seconds I hope you guys enjoy make me famous [Music] okay all right so we made it to the 67th floor and I admit that the elevator ride at One World Trade observation deck way better than this one but this was okay I mean it only took 43 seconds I am most excited to see these outdoor views here and that's one thing that Top of the Rock has that one world observation that does not have the ability to go outside and I've never been here before guys so getting excited for those who say but I only come to the videos when there is food involved there is no food involved in this one and here I am yeah yeah wow Central Park [Music] it looks so cool I like to see the lake down there let me do a close-up for you so you can see what I'm talking about foreign [Music] features of being at the top of the rock is that you feel like you are amongst the buildings and that's what makes this different than let's say one world observation deck we're all the way up their highest point in the United States but you feel above everything here I just feel like the buildings are surrounding me so it's definitely unique in that aspect I've also noticed how many languages I'm hearing being spoken up here is one of the biggest tourist attractions in New York City that was just the just the first observation deck we have the 69th and 70th floors to go so if that was just it I wouldn't have been super impressed but I knew that we were going higher up which is going to get better and better I think oh it's very nice it's amazing I mean tourist time in New York and I just pay for this actually impressed about one thing so far there's not as many people up here as I thought there would be look behind me I thought it would be absolutely packed and one of the advantages up Top of the Rock from what I've seen is that there's three decks there are four you can spread the amount of people out so we have plenty of room for pictures of course we haven't gotten to the top top which we'll have in my opinion the best views so far so good foreign [Music] [Music] guys really cool fact for you and special thanks to Seth my good friend and my old art history professor at Rutgers for informing me about this so when John D Rockefeller Jr built this up here he wanted coming to work in this building to be an adventurer and the top observation deck to be being on a great ocean liner so if you look at both sides here and the middle over here were the antennas it almost looks like you're on the top of a ship and I didn't realize it until my friend Seth sent me the photo very very cool architecture and I love this building as well just an excellent example of old school art deco New York City building and not that crowded I keep saying it we waited a while to get up here but once at the top we've got a lot of room to walk around I'm actually enjoying that compared to one World Trade that was really packed in into an indoor space here we're outside enjoying a beautiful summer day and just some of the nicest views I've seen in New York City ever [Music] by the way if you've been up here I'm very curious what your experience was like did you think it was worth the money tell us down below in the comments [Music] the first full day in the United States first day in New York City and this is your first attraction what do you think oh this is amazing do you know what I mean I didn't really share about this building but you can see everything the Houston Chrysler Building and by the state are really in love and enjoy this this visit right [Music] I was actually reading TripAdvisor reviews I was curious for the biggest complaints about coming here were and outside of the the weight and the lines to get in one of them was save your money and go to a rooftop bar in New York City you can get better views I'll tell you I we have done so many rooftop bars we just did a video about rooftop bars and while many of them have great views I'm looking at u-235th especially or dear Irving was really good none of them have a better view than this especially because it's a 360 degree view of the city that's just tough to find anywhere [Music] foreign [Music] 45 minutes here and I'm going to give you my full and honest opinion of if it's worth it to come here when we get outside that way they can't hear me and I'll just be completely up front is it worth coming to Top of the Rock this is a very complicated answer in short if you've never visited New York City before and you are into photography and you just want to get a feel of what it's like to be in between so many big buildings yes I think it would be worth spending 40 on this it's touristy the lines can be long it can be a little bit crowded at different spots but the types of pictures that you can get up there you know those are the sorts of things you're going to be sharing for years to come you're going to put it on your Instagram what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from Central Park perhaps the most famous Park in the United States if not the world this place is on every tourist itinerary and today I'm going to be sharing with you 15 things to do in Central Park in order to plan that perfect day here guys make sure to tell me down below in the comments if I missed anything and also watch my other New York City playlists all linked Down Below in the description here we go guys before we begin five quick facts about Central Park it was first open to the public in 1858 it runs from 59th Street to 110th it has 9 000 benches 58 miles of pedestrian paths and has 42 million visitors a year I want to let you know that this guide was shot in geographical order so you can literally follow all of these stops from one to the other although I do warn you it's going to take you most of the day [Music] we're starting the tour at the very top of Central Park and right behind me is the block house it's actually a little bit tricky to find but it is worth discovering this was built to defend New York City during the war of 1812. now you actually can't get inside it's locked but this is a really impressive structure to look at it is the oldest building left standing in Central Park and the only remaining fortification from the War of 1812 so if you're a history buff start that perfect day in Central Park right here foreign Manhattan might be the last place on Earth that you would expect to be able to fish legally but that's exactly what you can do in Central Park stop by the Charles a Dana Discovery Center on the northern part of Central Park pick up a fishing pole for free they give you little bait it's just corn you can't even cast with the fishing pole you just drop the hook in one of the rules is you can't keep any of the fish that you catch also you have to watch out for Turtles and any Wildlife you know just to be safe about it but this is something that's really relaxing and not exactly the type of thing you would expect to do on a trip to Central Park but I highly recommend you give this a try [Music] guys I'll be honest with you I think some of the best parts of Central Park are at the North and the Conservatory Garden is an absolute gem it actually has a lot of Foundations based off of European gardening there is a section that's English Italian French roam around look at amazing fountains really cool viewpoints and just tons of flowers and nature all around you this is the kind of spot you could just come to escape the city and relax for a while believe me put this on your Central Park list [Music] we're in front of huddlestone arch and this is one of the most scenic arches to take a photo or a video of as you walk through the Ravine area of the park and as you can see it is held up by uncut Boulders it's been here since 1866 and just a quick stop for you to make on that perfect day in Central Park steps away from huddlestone Arch continuing along the Ravine part of Central Park we've got the lock and lock in Scottish means Lake you can see this beautiful Cascade right behind me just a Chill Spot to come take some photos hang out very neat spot Central Park has a really cool rooftop garden that a lot of people don't know about shout out to my friend chip for giving me this idea for the video there's only one elevator in the entire Museum that even goes there it's on the fifth floor and once you exit you just have a gorgeous view of both the skyline and Central Park take it all in walk around I'm not gonna recommend you get a drink though it's 15 for a glass of wine and ten dollars for a beer but just for the views and to take a little bit of a break from the park the perfect Pit Stop foreign Adriana and I decided to have lunch in front of a 3 000 year old Egyptian obelisk no surprise is located directly behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art Cleopatra's Needle was erected here in 1881 and it had three different locations before it even set foot in New York City this theme is awesome just staring at it you can see ancient hieroglyphs they even have the translations of the hieroglyphs if you get close enough to the Obelisk and it has such a neat and unique history in fact it is the oldest public monument in all of New York City so make sure you stop by after going to the med we're standing in front of the whisper bench and we're going to explain why it's called that in a second you have to find the Shakespeare garden and a Shakespeare Garden usually has different plants that were mentioned in some of Shakespeare's plays and this one here is no different work your way up the stairs find the whisper bench we're gonna test it out if I talk on the one end of the bench will you guys hear it on the other side all right if you can hear this make sure to leave me a comment and tell me so it's pretty cool definitely a come up here and you know play around see if you can hear each other on either side very similar to the Whispering Wall in Grand Central Station [Music] of all the things on this video I think this might be my favorite sail the park for twelve dollars you get to rent a little model sailboat they give you the controls and you take it away just wait for a windy moment and watch your boat soar around this little man-made lake a lot of fun and you also get a lot of attention everyone keeps stopping and taking photos to me this is such a cool activity to do in the park especially if you have kids I think they would absolutely love to try this so make sure if you're into it to definitely consider renting a model sailboat when you get to the park [Music] Gathering next to the Alice and Wonderland statue which was commissioned by philanthropist George delacourt in honor of his late wife Who Loved reading Alice in Wonderland to her children and they made this sculpture so that all the children of New York and whoever's visiting could come and play here very cool and they have all the characters from Alice in Wonderland like Alice the Mad Hatter the little cat hanging out in the background so uh another super cool spot to bring kids or just take some really cool photos foreign something that a lot of people Overlook when they come to Central Park are the minting tiles on the ceiling of the Bethesda Terrace arcade usually you're just gonna walk through and not really pay attention but I'm encouraging you to stop and look up when you walk inside the arcade you see a tiled ceiling with more than 15 000 colorful pattern tiles from England's famous mint and tile company these were actually originally used on the floors of European Cathedrals but here you see them on the ceiling and it leads directly to Central Park Lake where for 15 you could rent a rowboat if you'd like we're in front of what may be the most famous landmark in Central Park Strawberry Fields is 2.5 acre manicured section of Central Park is dedicated to the late Beetle John Lennon who was murdered right across the street in front of his apartment the Dakota and his wife Yoko Ono actually helped them arrange this here and it's just a beautiful little section of the park they have an imagine Mosaic and sometimes newcomer you'll find somebody playing Beatles music which is exactly what we ran into today thank you we are just chilling right now at sheet Meadow which is the largest lawn in Central Park without a ball field it's 16 Acres wide and this is the kind of spot where a lot of people like the picnic like to throw frisbees around just hang out with a group of friends this is one of the most popular spots in the park just to come with friends or family and if you're curious how this place got its name sheet Meadow there actually were sheep that used to graze here from 1864 to 1934 so the name is very fitting thank you unfortunately we walked around so many hours today that we just missed the carousel it closes at 6 pm and to me this is a must visit when you come to Central Park it's just three dollars and 25 cents a great activity for children this particular Carousel was originally installed in Coney Island and then came here in 1951 so it's a real classic and a really fun thing to do on that first trip to Central Park guys you can imagine we're riding the carousel [Music] foreign [Music] number 15 is do whatever you want you actually don't need a plan when you come to Central Park literally the first two or three times I ever came here I didn't know where anything was I just wandered I mean you could just stop and watch a softball game rent a bike on a whim people watch set up a picnic whatever you want to do you actually don't have to plan a trip to Central Park sometimes it's actually more fun not to have a plan just roam around you've got plenty of room you could take you many many hours this is why they call it the edge oh today we're getting a first look at New York's newest attraction 100 stories above Manhattan this is the highest outdoor observation deck in the Western Hemisphere I'm John A New York City vlogger and we're gonna show you the whole experience from the bottom to the top stay tuned until the end because we'll let you know if we think it's worth the cost of admission or not let's discover the edge [Music] this is really interesting I like being the first to see things it's kind of nice it's going to be a 60-second elevator ride I'm really curious what this is going to be like [Music] all right it's showing the construction of New York sort of similar to One World Observatory a little bit different my ears are popping that's a good sign [Music] okay we made it thank you [Music] foreign [Music] of heights you probably will have that like lose your stomach feeling you know that's that feeling so I wouldn't necessarily recommend standing here if you're afraid of heights but it is really cool they just had the grand opening ceremony now it's open to anybody to go film and we're going to give you a bit of a walk through thank you so we've got the revolving door to get you out and obviously this is the best part the fact that you are outside under the sun 100 stories above the west side of Manhattan so that's already a huge plus which I'm liking a lot and something unique about this observation deck is the glass now at Top of the Rock the glass it feels like you're more contained nothing against Top of the Rock I love the view there but I'm really appreciating that this glass is angled so it feels like you know you could lean out and almost like touch what you're looking at and we have New Jersey over there maybe not the best view and then of course Lower Manhattan is just straight away you can see the entire Financial District and you know this the Viewpoint here is pretty unique because we're all the way on the west side of Manhattan where a lot of the other observation decks in New York are either in Midtown or in the financial district downtown so this gives you a different perspective I think I'm taking for granted right now what I'm looking at but this is pretty incredible all right so now now we're going to show you why they call it the edge this is the most famous point that you probably see in all the photos when you come here and it's right here in fact there's a little spacing where you can this is the scary part you can reach your hand out and just lean here and this is a million dollar view I'm not even kidding and you can see so much of Manhattan too I mean I'm even looking up in this direction I see the George Washington Bridge down there I see all of Midtown there's not a whole lot that's hiding I could even see Central Park granted Top of the Rock I think is a little bit of a better view of Central Park but you could see it this is the view that I imagine would scare some people yeah right here right here feels like this wasn't here that'd be a long long drop but I don't shake it you're good yeah wow the city just goes on beneath us we just continue in this direction and Empire State Building it's it's literally looking at you in fact I wonder the people and the observation deck of the Empire State Building comes away with them I can't quite see anybody but I think they could see us it's a little windy here depending on what month you come I would expect the temperature to be a degree or two cooler 100 stories above the city and a little windier it's still cool and still cold easier it's going to be really cool in the summer I think it'd be really cool to be here at Sunset if I was to book a ticket and you can get it see when Sunset is and book it about 30 to 40 minutes before Sunset and enjoy something pretty special all right so I think the best view of the highest observation deck in the western hemisphere is on the stairs so do not skip coming to the stairs you just want to hang out while everyone else is taking pictures this is the spot to chill this is just a great vantage point because you sit your butt here and right in front of you you've got One World Trade The Observatory and Lower Manhattan I mean it's a it's a pretty cool view I could I could get used to this [Music] now I do want to point out above that you can go to the Peak Restaurant which is opening shortly if you want to have dinner with a pretty cool view I don't have too many details about it yet but we might check it out on another video so we're walking towards New Jersey this is the I guess this is the less popular Edge because well the view isn't as nice everyone's kind of hanging out towards the The View that shows the Empire State Building but still the the opportunities to take pictures here are pretty crazy everyone around me is just taking photos non-stop this is all media just discovered the bar here they have beers starting at eight dollars wine starting at 14 and they're gonna serve the drinks in polyethylene cups so you can take your drink outside as well that would be a really good idea if you came here at Sunset I would think that would be my play come here at Sunset get a drink go outside enjoy the view honestly eight dollars for a beer up here I was expecting more this is the gift shop here like Hudson yards Edge memorabilia highest outdoor Sky Deck in the Western Hemisphere [Music] what's interesting thing that reminds me a little bit of one world Observatory very similar Vibe just a different perspective because we're on the west side and we're looking East towards Midtown Empire State Building Chrysler Building so don't forget about coming inside to get even more interesting views now we're literally straight across from the Empire State Building actually [Music] wow wow look at this a surprise on the way down it's The High Line [Music] it's a vessel [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a really epic elevator ride down I like down better than up [Music] it is 36 dollars to come up here to the edge do I think it's worth it absolutely especially if you're into photography if you're into seeing cities from up above that's something you always do when you visit a new place 100 put the edge on your list Times Square has more tourist traps than any other spot in New York City you know the kinds of places where locals only go if they've got friends or family visiting today I'm going to be checking out as many of these places as possible to see what the hype's about Madame tussos the world's most famous wax museum 26 different locations an admission charge of 47 every time I've ever walked by here it's jam-packed never thought I'd actually go in but today we're gonna make it happen this is pretty much the most touristy thing you could possibly do in New York City I mean I'll put this at number one after I've seen the movie House of Wax I could never look at one of these again and not think that he's real [Music] mainstream celebrities here where are the YouTubers wait that looks just like action kid from the New York City Live streamer but I thought he moved to Miami how did he get a wax dummy here he's so lifelike [Music] what is a microphone is it on he's alive how did you get here man I'm just so tired of me [Music] I like some emojis from iPhone [Music] you know Jimmy funny story I actually wasn't planning on being a YouTuber this stuff happened by accident you know when the I moved to Miami and it was a big mistake it's boring there it's all everything but the beach [Music] so this is the clothes that you'll probably ever see Obama and Trump again this is cool man I mean you got the actual New York City subway staircase the tiling the lettering for the subway can't get any better than this hi this is just like a completely manicured world of New York like you could actually just go out and experience it yourself too if you want this guy's hiding here oh my gosh evil Subway worker corner like that [Music] it's a crazy special events here [Music] so my issue with this spot is that it's just a lot of tourists who buy those attraction passes and they just check off all the lists of places they have to go it was interesting but for New York City I think there's so many more authentic places you could go to for two hours [Music] every single New York City tourist trap in one block bubble gum shrimp I never in a million years thought I'd actually be eating here based off one of my favorite movies ever Forrest Gump their fictional company became a national restaurant chain and that happy hour is calling my name let's see if we can turn a tourist trap into a little Hidden Gem all right feels like I'm entering Applebee's I'll do a margarita you want a margarita one garlic bread one popcorn shrimp one Bubba's dip yeah I'll get those started let's do it I don't know how much alcohol is in here but for five bucks I was expecting a half cup size here cheers that's not bad actually I do think it's a little bit maybe diluted but shrimp all right here [Music] how about the uh yeah oh my God I'm so sorry I got it all right action can you ready let's try this yeah let's try let's shrimp the namesake we gotta try some popcorn shrimp popcorn shrimp six bucks happy hour ready [Music] I'm so bad oh it's actually pretty good I'm prized what amount of shrimp in there you know if you're stuck in Times Square for whatever reason between three and six pm during the weekdays it's a pretty interesting deal oh it's fresh full of spinach and tomatoes not bad after the fries six bucks four hours in Times Square for a long period of time and didn't know where else to eat this is a decent place to come so if you're watching this and you're planning a trip to New York and you're wondering what's not a tourist trap in Times Square we actually just released new guides to New York City we've got a dedicated Times Square Midtown guide a mix of attractions and places where you may be the only tourist they've got Maps audio guides written blurbs I curated all of it 50 off limited time only see the link Down Below in the description it's like having me in your back pocket I think the butt of every Times Square joke is saying eat at the Olive Garden well that's exactly what we're about to do there's over 900 of these in the United States this is the only location in Manhattan it's kind of iconic that it happens to be right in Times Square we got a 15 minute wait for the Olive Garden at six o'clock on a Tuesday this is exciting I've never taken an escalator to go into an Olive Garden before I used to dine at the Olive Garden when I lived in New Jersey little known fact before I was adventurous with life by sheer luck we have gotten the corner table where I can see Times Square and if this was New Year's Eve I could even see the ball drop from here people would pay probably a thousand dollars for this table on December 31st this is amazing man I'm probably the best view of Times Square right here so we're just completely unoriginal we literally ordered off the front pictures tour of Italy chicken alfredo chicken and shrimp carbonara yeah real original but let's see how they taste that's good thank you okay I've been at an Olive Garden breadstick since Obama was President right okay I think it's exactly the same exactly I think it's pretty good it's got butter on it crunchy I've read a cool fact about the Olive Garden they give you one more breadstick than amount of people in your table so we got four because they had a problem with too many people wasting breadsticks like airplane food first class or coach airplane food there's a distinction there business class airplane food okay that's what it tastes like we got my chicken alfredo uh I don't know if it's really promising just looking at this kind of questioning what life decisions led me to this moment but here we are at the Olive Garden in Times Square let me try a little chicken a little alfredo sauce pasta as dry as I thought it was going to be from the looks of it at least the view is nice huh it's the Olive Garden yeah this is a chicken and shrimp carbonara I gotta mix everything in here shrimp wasn't as good as bubble gum so it was a little bit more mushy chicken the same but at least it's not dry compared to what John's I'd rather have my dish than John's I think my issue with this is it just it has like no personality it just just tastes like chain restaurants pasta I'm not trying to bash Olive Gardens Nationwide because I know there are many fans of the Olive Garden I just think that the New York culinary scene is so deep and diverse that even in Midtown you can find a lot of interesting restaurants and this is the Tourist equivalent of seeing the golden arches for fast food like Olive Garden we have that back home I know what that is yeah I mean I kind of agree with you John there's a lot better options here than Olive Garden and Times Square for sure I'm trying to think if I've had a worse Italian meal in New York I said I didn't before now I'm starting to reconsider that statement I can't I can't think of what was foreign I will give them a big compliment they had super fast and efficient service so the waiters the staff were fantastic here the food of the Olive Garden is the way the food of the Olive Garden always is there is something special about Times Square when the sun sets really [Music] anybody in the mood for Halloween early oh I smell candy all over the place right now smells like candy it smells like sugar in here I've been to the m m store a few times with Adriana this is a tourist trap that's actually kind of cool this isn't something you can find every day and I think they have cool souvenirs here plus look at all these flavors I don't think you're gonna find this for your random street corner in Pennsylvania I know even from a chain store like CVS those m m packets how many flavors they're gonna have honestly oh look at the Statue of Liberty [Music] cool souvenir oh boy it just fell well every time I actually kiss in my video he drops something it's not the first time action could have dropped something on my video oh shoot Oaks [Music] we really cannot take this guy anywhere is the microphone cable drag you off someone's backpack for a really useful tip on the third floor one of the rare public bathrooms in all of Times Square today we'll be trying everything inside at decal Market Brooklyn's largest Food Hall with over 40 vendors and it doesn't get the attention it deserves we'll be eating our way around the world from Colombia to Jamaica and more here we go what's up members of the Barrio coming to you from downtown Brooklyn and today the goal is to Showcase as many spots in decal Market that we can we're gonna eat a lot and I'm bringing someone who's up to the task my good friend and my favorite food critic in New York Evan honestly I am so excited about this I heard about this for a little while now that I'm in Brooklyn time to eat [Music] there's 40 different stalls here so we have way too many choices but we're gonna do our best you know what this reminds me of a lot guys dreading Terminal Market in Philly but smaller [Music] you get the cheese or okay perfect all right so we just picked up the barbecue pulled turkey because we're also gonna find pulled turkey at uh grab the braised kale the vegan barbecue baked beans and now we're gonna grab the coleslaw as well all right one down four to go there's something for everybody in your group so if one person wants our apples one person wants pulled pork whatever you can find it oh I'm loving every single second of this Olympics are sure skinny is not something that I do very well that's that's when you start bringing to New York out I mean you know it's good when you start bringing the New York out of me oh tell you what why don't we get some patties that'll be good to split perfect this is our fifth spot we're getting some Jamaican beef patties and we might get more I don't know guys I'm literally not kidding my biceps are sore from holding pounds of food waiting for this table I have to say I don't think I've ever quite done something like this for the channel getting five different restaurants and eating them all at once this is gonna be good this is gonna be interesting you know of all the places that we got food from hulkies was the one I was most curious about Jewish barbecue so instead of pork I've got turkey let's let's see if something different can be good well cheers sir cheers it's interesting and I think it's because I really like the sauce and I wasn't expecting it to be as pork like in terms of texture I was about to say the same thing I said if you didn't tell me that it was Turkey I may have actually thought it was pork literally the barbecue sauce I can't tell the difference you no and honestly I like that there's like just a touch of vinegar in here just to give it a little acidity so this way you get that nice Tang to it on the back end but like it's it's just this is this is unexpected but unexpected in a very good way yeah we have a lot of different types of food to eat I mean this is like the true New York City experience we're going from Jewish barbecue to Colombian food to polish pierogies to Donuts to Jamaican beef patties we're going all over the world you know it wouldn't be barbecue food if we didn't have some kinds of sides so I have baked beans you've got kale I got braised kale because you know you got to be healthy with this kind of stuff right oh real healthy today all right let's do it let's try it way better than I expected honestly these beans are excellent a lot of flavor good barbecue flavor on this the kale is really surprising because you get a little bit of sweetness on the front end um the texture is there so it's not like they overcooked it and it's just mushy it's got a nice little bit of a bite left to it uh it's got a little heat on the back end so like it's that sweet spicy like honestly if I could figure out how to make this kale myself I would crush this at home like literally every single day and uh you can ask my roommate he'll tell you I like to cook but I wish I knew how to cook this I heard from your roommate that you've never actually cooked with a hook I almost I sounded like I set the house on fire today but that's a whole other thing I just tried the Columbiana soda by accident never tried this before it tastes like like a cherry maybe cherry flavor I'm not sure it's really unique and I think that means we're about to move on to trying some of the Colombian food the arapa lady one of the great things about this Market is you have some outposts from famous New York City street food or famous restaurants we've got cats is we've got the arepa lady so you can actually try some pretty well-known New York City Foods just one place and I remember I ordered arepa de choco which is I think it's corn with cheese and it was excellent so I'm hoping for the same kind of experience here in Brooklyn this is the one place I really wanted to go so let's go so the cheese on the inside has like a really unique uh texture right now um it's a little more solid so more dense which really complements this where like you really feel like you're getting a complete meal whenever you eat into this so I'm loving that the cheese is very mild while the cake is a little bit on the sweeter side like all in all like this is something that I can I can just say you know what just shut it down like I'm good you know you guys can have the rest of the food I'm just seeing all your rapists I mean this is this is basically it on one fork a cheese sandwich between corn dough as good as I remember it in Queens honestly and this is gonna be pretty tough to top I mean it's a legendary place oh but we have so much more food we have so much more food to try too is this is downtown Brooklyn this isn't the tourist Hub that Chelsea is right next to the high line where timeout New York Market is right next to the Brooklyn Bridge those markets always mob especially when it's not covet 19. you come here I think you're going to find the unexpected a lot less people and you can still get the same quality of food and then you can explore downtown Brooklyn after as well and that's actually a really good point because as you come straight off the Manhattan Bridge you literally just keep walking straight down Flatbush Avenue so if you want to tackle the Manhattan Bridge which is something that as a local I personally recommend because again it's really hard to see the Brooklyn Bridge when you're on the Brooklyn Bridge now we're going to try a spot called pierogi boys and I was looking at the ratings online of most of the spots in here and pierogi boys had some of the highest ratings in the entire market now I've eaten at vasilka before I've eaten at a little place called streets in the East Village I'm really picky about pierogies so I'm excited to try this have you already eaten one while I was talking no actually I was like no go for it I was actually trying to get the me now and like honestly like it it literally punches you right in the face with the flavor so like you know what I'm not gonna say anything I'm not gonna spoil it I'm gonna let you get in there all right let me try um mention your face all right wow in a good way in a good way like very flavorful when you get get a lot of meat too that's what I think is so good about these pierogies they're just like scuffed with meat I think I think I know what was weighing down my arms so much it was all the meat that was inside of this so check out the dill that's one here and when you bring your nose close to that you get that you get that whiff of like the meat and the dill and everything together like let me tell you this I don't care what anybody's wearing if you wore a perfume that was like this he's single right now we have your traditional Jamaican beef patty all right it's absolutely perfect so you're gonna have a really good time with this now what you have on the outside is something called cocoa bread okay so you insisted that I get this with an extra bit of bread yeah so why did you why did you push me to get the cocoa Bread on top not that I'm arguing but uh so the reason why is because growing up you know I went to high school and all of our uh people who are working in our cafeteria were always from the Caribbean so I I felt connected to my culture and every time I got a beef patty and it didn't have the cocoa bread they literally would yell at that would yell at me so once I started putting it on there it's something that you just have to do it's in my opinion a very mild bread but it goes ahead and actually fills out having the Patty to make it more of a complete meal where like once you have a Patty with some cocoa Bread on it you're gonna leave feeling like you're ready to tackle the day or take a nap one of the others yeah I mean it is gonna be a little bit of a carbo overload but trust me carba overloads are good in this situation let's carb overload let's carve overload guys check that out cocoa Bread on top of a Jamaican beef patty I've had beef patties before never had cocoa bread with a dough just get in there oh yeah big bite mmm sneaks up on you because you eat the bread first then you get the the salty flavor explosion of the beef patty and it's got a little bit of a kick on the back and it's not it's not overwhelming heat it's just like something that's just nice and complement the flavor this is excellent [Music] last but certainly not least for the tasting is the mini Donuts we loved the owner of that spot Evan he's like your best friend now it was one where I have my credit card out and I was just ready to be like you know I'll just take the entire stand so like now I'm curious to see what the what the normal varieties are like just because if the alcohol was that good let's see what he specializes in so I got the funnel cake and I grew up in Jersey this is a Jersey Shore specialty so it got me excited and what'd you get I got the uh the Nutella s'more because I mean who doesn't love s'mores and who doesn't love Nutella and then you put that on a donut this sounds like heaven all right let's do it I could eat a hundred of these things yeah I'm gonna be back I'm gonna go buy that side I'm taking some for Adriana these are uh so I just want to use the word perfect maybe because it you just take two bites disappears just that beautiful sweet flavor this doesn't compare to it but just to give your viewers um because I know they're from around the country around the world some frame of reference it has the pillowy consistency of a Krispy Kreme with the flavor punch of your local donut shop all in one small bite like this to your point is the absolute perfect donut but the dough itself is flavored the toppings are great like this is what you want when you start to have sweetness where it's not overwhelmingly sweet but it does leave you very satisfied and this guys is why he needs his own food channel I couldn't say that I'm just like perfect every other video it just reminds me of this food from the Philippines right I know right but if it doesn't this one doesn't really remind me about this okay it's funny because it reminds me of the food in the Philippines everything reminds Ben of something from the Philippines we know you should probably Google something like Empanada how big of a nap you're gonna take after all this like I I don't think dinner's happening and breakfast tomorrow is looking questionable too uh well frankly I I have a chicken marinating in the uh in the fridge right now that it has to get cooked tonight so I don't really have much of a choice but to have dinner as well so today we're getting a first look at New York's hottest new attraction the new wing of the Museum of Natural History the Richard Gilder Center the 456 million dollar expansion is going to be the perfect spot for families tourists and anybody who wants to explore let's find out if this is worth visiting in 2023 the Gilder Center for Science Innovation and education is opening today and it's a 230 000 square foot building on the western side of the museum adjacent to Central Park admission if you live in New York New Jersey or Connecticut Pay What You Wish 28 if you are not from the area highly recommend you pre-book the extras that we're going to show you later if you're interested in them this is the Kenneth C Griffin exploration Atrium and this is the Crown Jewel of the Gilder center it's what you see in all the photos you get a ton of natural light in here because of the large-scale skylights the texture color flowing forms of this Atrium all inspired by canyons in the southwestern United States and you really get that Vibe as you walk through you know how many museums can you think of that builds this kind of a seating area where you could just sit and Marvel at this at the canyon looking elements I love the skylights too it's a really nice touch and when you look from the outside I don't know I get this gowdy-esque Vibe for anyone who's ever been to any of his Works in Barcelona this is also going to be an extremely instagramable Museum all these little nooks and crannies you can find to sit and hang out I'm absolutely in love with the interior and exterior here the Davis Family butterfly vivarium there is extra admission to this and there's over 1 000 different free flying butterflies all around here but they're everywhere even up on the ceiling and you literally can't avoid the butterflies here they're all around you they will even fly on top of you I've never been to a indoor exhibit quite like this one before they made this environment perfect for butterflies it feels like it's 80 degrees and humid right now you can see the trees even dripping water if you're quick enough you can even identify which butterfly is coming up to you over 80 species are out every single day so this is a special type of water you said no just sugar water others you'll see with fruit in the bins they arrive from Costa Rica there's one just a shipment just arrived from Ecuador we unpacked them and we hang them and the butterflies emerge here butterflies make a chrysalis and moths make a cocoon which is the silky cover around that Christmas you see almost every stage of the Butterflies here because they were telling me that they're now in the stage right before they become adults they let them hang here and when they're ready they actually pop out like this one here literally just popped out today and I learned a sad fact butterfly adults don't live maximum past six or seven months I actually never knew so come enjoy them during their I would say relatively short lifespan make sure you don't bring any hitchhikers [Music] the Susan and Peter J Solomon Insectarium open to the public no extra admission and you can spot 18 species of live insects Honeypot ants hissing cockroaches if that's your thing wait I hear something I hear something Gabe you're afraid of bees you are gonna not enjoy this this is what it's like to be inside of a beehive well what's b a b all right we can actually compose our own insect chorus day night all right I want to go back to my childhood cicadas [Music] it's like this is the sound of Summer when you go to sleep at night we even hear the New York City sirens oh we can play them all at once literally as an orchestra oh that's the worst sound the mosquito no thank you fun fact of the day insects outnumber humans over 1 billion to one so the next time a mosquito bites you just remember you are really outnumbered you're gonna hear me saying this over and over during the video but I think this is a great destination for families with children if you were into insects you are gonna love the Insectarium if you're not well at least I think you'll learn a lot of cool facts I am so hungry right now look at all these options we got here chorizo chili jalapeno lime cheddar chicken factor is now owned by hellofresh and I've worked with them in the past so you know I'm already a fan having an infant at home for Adriana and I sometimes what to eat for lunch or dinner is last thing on our minds and cooking with all the preparation and going grocery shopping or even going out to eat can just be so much work and that's where Factor comes in so if you're too busy to cook this made with factors skip that trip to the grocery store skip the chopping prepping cleaning up factors fresh never frozen meals ready in just two minutes all you have to do is heat enjoy then get back outside enjoy that warm fresh weather or in my case go back to filming it's also a great way to help padge your budget it is cheaper than take out and faster than restaurant delivery remember two minutes I said Mom I'll take anything that saves me time and if it's delicious it's even better head to or click the link below and use our promo code here bar 50 for 50 off your first Factor box that's here bar 50 for 50 off your first Factor box all right this is gonna put the van Gogh exhibits to shame this is a 12-minute looping experience remember this does cost extra you got to book it in advance it's like I'm about to walk into one of those observation decks right now the whole story is about how all life is connected so enjoy how all life is connected wow I'm immersed in life this is going to keep changing get ready [Music] [Music] the entire room is immersive here everything there is no bad seat in the house always exit through the gift shop you know what I think this is the future of attractions in the world it's not just sitting in a movie theater no you are walking around you were being immersed in whatever it is you're watching and there you are immersed a really good science show which is totally worth the price of admission you know just as a piece of architecture the Gilder Center is breathtaking really really nice it feels like I'm rock climbing in Utah the research library on the fourth floor is open to the public and they have more than 500 000 volumes and extensive collections of rare and unique natural science books archives photographs moving images art a whole lot more this is definitely a place that I can get behind you need a little breather a long day of sightseeing sit here enjoy the views it almost has an Alice in Wonderland feel to this room because the museum has millions of different objects 3 000 of them are actually available on different floors as part of the collections so you can see things like dinosaur fossils camera equipment anything to do with natural earth science all over all included in your cost of admission I find it fascinating that you have scientists working here every day they're even in the background doing stuff as you browse their working bringing it to life for you they are literally lining up the museum this is opening up to the public in 18 minutes I should just like Circle in and be the first tourist to go I want to remind everybody that there's a lot more to the Museum of Natural History than just the Gilder Center you could spend the whole day roaming all the exhibits I absolutely think this is worth it if you need to do just one museum for your whole trip and you have a family this has got to be near the top of your list I'm a huge fan of it I'm so happy we got to explore it what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from Pier 86 in Manhattan and today we're going to be exploring one of the most famous sites in the entire city the Intrepid Museum this spot has airplanes it has a space shuttle even has a submarine we're gonna find out if it's worth visiting or not hey guys I'm Dylan I'm an educator here at the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum and we're gonna take a nice tour of the complex today there's plenty to see with John [Music] now we've just stepped onto the ship and this is very different than your typical Museum in New York City this is living history all around you I'm such a big history person so I'm so excited to start this tour so welcome on board guys uh we're currently right now on the ship on board the former USS Intrepid the ships served the United States Navy for 31 years from 1943 to 1974 and if you notice one thing when you step on board it is that the ship is massive so when we want to talk about features of the ship we have to use models we shrink the ship down and we can point things out served exclusively in the Pacific and then went on to have many many years of service beyond that doing many different things there are approximately 30 different planes all over the Intrepid so if your Aviation geek you are going to be in heaven here behind me is our Grumman Avenger this is the only aircraft that we have in our collection that served during the second World War uh the Avenger was a torpedo bomber the torpedo bombers torpedo bombers and generally occupy a kind of unique position in aviation history during the second world war is arguably the only time that they were actually effective in use against an enemy combatant beneath you can see beneath the Avenger you can see uh the torpedo that it carried it was almost 2 000 pounds quite heavy and in order to deliver that torpedo into the side of an enemy ship the pilots had to have nerves of Steel they have to fly very low to the water line they were very close to the enemy who were going to be shooting at them and they had to fly very precisely to accurately deliver the torpedo another morale booster that the men had was the scorecard that they painted onto the ship during World War II showing the success that the pilots had against the enemy as well as the Gunners on board the ship protecting it from enemy aircraft how many museums give you this type of exercise we're right up towards the deck which is the most iconic part of the ship because well you'll see is this actually how the combat information center was set up in the 1940s to the best of our knowledge we use photographs and things like that the ship uh when it was decommissioned in 1974 they took a lot of pieces out of it obviously so we try to recreate things and some things were left in C2 as we say but yes this is what the combat information center looked like for the men who worked on it when the ship was in service we made it to the deck this is the most iconic the most famous part of this ship what can you say about it so yeah this is the flight deck this is what makes an aircraft carrier an aircraft carrier this is the airport part of the ship it's almost 900 feet long and this is where we store the heart of our aircraft collection which you can see all around you behind me so this massive aircraft behind me is our F-14 Tomcat if you're familiar with the movie Top Gun this is the aircraft that they were flying in the movie The F-14 was used by the Navy for almost three decades from the late 70s into the early 2000s and was really the Workhorse of the fleet another really neat fact about the Intrepid is up here you don't just see planes used by the us we have an Israeli War plan here used in the Yom Kippur War I saw an Italian plane over there it's just like a a shrine to Aviation so if this is your thing you're gonna love it here I am I'm thoroughly enjoying this tour so far now you mentioned how this is not just a museum this is actually a living Battlefield and there were actually Kamikaze planes that landed on this very deck we're standing on yeah you're absolutely right I mean I was talking about the scorecard earlier the sailors were they they wanted to see their contribution to the war effort because they were simultaneously watching their friends and their colleagues die when the ship was in combat Intrepid was hit by a torpedo was repaired came back and then over the course of the remainder of the war was hit by four separate Kamikaze aircrafts on November 25th of 1944 the ship was hit by two planes within 10 minutes of each other roughly in the vicinity that we're standing in right now the captain's chair we can't sit in its Pine glass we're protecting it uh the captain sat here the commanding officer of the vessel he would have been a pilot at some point in his career an experienced pilot in order to command an aircraft carrier and he's very focused on air operations when the aircraft are taking off he sits here he can see them taking off forward and if he needs to see The Landings he can use the big rear view mirror that's to the left to watch them land so I said at the very beginning that we're here at the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum a lot of people don't make the automatic connection to space since we're on board an aircraft carrier that served during World War II in 2012 as NASA was deciding where to put their retired space shuttles we were lucky enough to receive Space Shuttle Enterprise when it arrived here via barge we craned it up to where we're about to see it and we built the Space Shuttle Pavilion around it to exhibit it to you guys when you visit so we see Enterprise here behind me Enterprise is a prototype that means that of the shuttle Fleet is the only shuttle that did not go to space in terms of size and scale and what we're looking at it is almost identical to all of the other shuttles it was just it's missing a few of the key components that would have made it spaceworthy this includes the heat shield the tiles that are so famous for protecting the shuttle when it re-enters the atmosphere all of the infrastructure for the engines is not there it's simulated by lead weights and it's missing a lot of the critical components up here in the flight deck the avionics for the Shuttle Enterprise paved the way for the spaceworthy shuttles by proving the concept for the space shuttle program and without it who knows if any of the other shuttles would have ever gone to space this was actually in space with the Russians it came down in 2005 it's a re-entry module so unlike the Enterprise which was as he mentioned just used for training and as a prototype this was actually in space [Music] not only does the Intrepid have military and space history but we're standing in front of the Concorde we're going to show you some commercial airlines history yes there's only 18 Concords around the world and we are lucky enough to have Alpha Delta this is the true Workhorse of the Concord Fleet I flew about 10 000 flights and it holds the record for the fastest time across the Atlantic Ocean making it from New York to London in two hours 52 minutes and 59 seconds by the way guys you must book a tour to get on the Concord can't just come from the general public oh no [Music] so guys this went out of commission in 2003 and as you can see this would probably be like today's economy plus I mean this isn't a bed uh you weren't paying for that kind of comfort you were paying to go across the Atlantic as quickly as possible so no a little foot room not horrible I think is totally worth paying extra to come in here seriously guys if you like flying at all hey everyone so I mentioned before there's plenty to see here at the Museum uh behind me is our submarine the former USS Growler uh the submarine served during the height of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1964 and its sole purpose was to carry nuclear weapons in case they had to ever use them thankfully that was not the case and you can come and see this vital part of Cold War history here at the Museum today all right guys we are about to enter a cold war nuclear submarine [Music] you know living inside a tiny Manhattan apartment I don't feel so bad anymore [Music] so this kitchen area is really nice you have checkerboards it feels like we're back in the 1960s I also like that we saw a Russian map in the navigation room I know who they were looking for this reminds me of some trains I've seen before like double triple Decker sleeper trains in Europe [Music] today we're eating our way through New York City's newest Food Hall the Hue with 15 restaurants and bars and Cuisine from all over the world it's just a 20 minute walk from Times Square is it worth visiting let's find out my first impressions are this is a museum that just happens to have a food Hall I absolutely love the calming aesthetic here so many choices to work with we're gonna do some Pakistani food to begin oh thank you because it's been such a cold winter having all these amazing food options Under One Roof it's like Fruity heavy four of their signature lamb chops just coated with cumin coriander Pakistani spices so you know this is gonna have quite a kick to it I'm just salivating looking at this thing guys oh it smells so good too you know if you're into lamb chops with a little Pakistani Flair spicy kick to it you gotta try this these are not your average lamb chops [Music] this isn't something you normally order at a food market this is something I would typically order at a higher end restaurant I'm getting a kick out of this we're up to a heck of a start oh hmm uses my mouth is watering already so many flavors going on I never had a burger like this so good the meat is so tender I love everything about this burger I swear it's so juicy wow then you add the mint shot needed this like it's definitely adding a lot of flavor and spice to a burger that I'm not really used to certainly happy about foreign markets is everybody can be happy and you can try so many different places in one day these are so good that I just want to eat them until all I've got left is bone people are always asking me what's something you should do on a rainy day and today it's rainy it's cold it's windy I always say go to a food Hall in New York's got plenty of them Muffler is a Korean Ramen Shop and we are known for our classic Ramen our kimchi Ramen Soju high ball cocktail I mean it's like three o'clock on a Friday I could just say no to that my mouth just continues to water the entire time we filmed this video look at these little Gogi buns mozzarella cheese caramelized kimchi jam it already sold itself before I even took a bite but here we go so Savory oh just like a party in my mouth they're doing things with bulgogi that I've never tried before I'm usually pretty traditional with my Korean food taste but it takes it up another level no joke is an explosion of flavors in your mouth and you get one flavor first and you get the other and then you get all together the bun is super soft I'm in love with this you you pour the broth yourself for the ramen that way you know the noodles aren't going to be soggy it's so delicious so good fun fact about Adriana she's obsessed with Korean food when you're with a bunch of friends sometimes it's hard for you to decide what you want to eat like some people want one thing some people want other thing it takes forever if you come to a place like this there's always an option for everyone just like a lady in the where we uh we meet in the middle with our ramen instead of spaghetti couples that eat ramen together Stay Together this is basically food from Senegal Nigeria yeah so you have like a different combination of items if the rice you have the Steels you have the uh the black coffee steel and you also do have like salad bowls that you can mix with the rice as protein we do have chicken we have regular grilled chicken and you do have also chicken soya which is like a little bit spicy first time ever in Channel History we are showcasing West African food I've never even had West African food before over here it's like a Milky sweet drink you can live up to 100 years I've been educated on food I love this I love it West African salmon huh it has a really angry sauce on top but I have to say that this is probably the healthiest thing that we're eating the entire day here and maybe one of your healthiest choices they call it you know African superfood because for one it's a mixture from Ghana Senegal and Nigeria but also got your veggies got your grains black eyed pea salad there's nothing boring about this meal right here not only is it super healthy but all the different flavors and spices is actually making me want to expand my horizons to travel a little bit more like medium um I want to see you'll cry be careful like tiny tiny bits I don't want you to look like your shirt tiny oh my God how you feeling Adriana you're nervous for me put a tiny amount of the hot sauce on am I gonna turn the color on my shirt oh yeah it's there and they also have uh their original location in Harlem and I was saying before about these spots is a lot of these markets you know the original somewhere else and you could try a lot of really famous restaurants Under One Roof like we're doing right now bring a couple friends to the market everybody gets a dish from a different country put it on the table and share it span your horizons remember when I walked in I said this looks like a museum that has a food Hall the School of Visual Arts actually has an art display on the second floor and you can sit here and stare at this lovely fork and spoon display exhibit here is all stuff from 1977 and 1978. [Music] this Donut's heavy I got the the old fashioned this is a cake donut with vanilla on top whoa whoa you just took the top could you just show people what you did I love this song everything in this marker is so good cream inside just when you thought it was an amazing donut it just blew your mind with some cream inside which you didn't even see I haven't even tried mine yet the best donut ever really best one you've had in your entire life I gotta try this when I think about this donut is it doesn't have an intense amount of sugar it's just right I kind of wish I could just dunk this in a cup of coffee right now that would have actually made this perfect we visited just four of the 15 different spots but the Hue answers that problem in the Midtown area you don't know where to eat you want to try a lot of different stuff with your friends your family stop by you will not regret today we're going to become the first YouTubers ever to visit every single New York City observation deck in one day and answer the question which one is best for you we've got one world Observatory opened in 2015 tickets start 43 dollars and its claim to fame is it's in the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere 1776 feet high at the top you can get the floor 102 1268 feet above the city got our tickets on our phones ready to rock It's the best advice I can give you about any observation deck in New York City pre-buy your tickets you're going to be spending enough time in lines this isn't my opinion the coolest part about one world welcome to One World Observatory we just saw the history of New York City in about 60 seconds as we went up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so what really makes one world unique is it is the only Observatory that is completely indoors so on a freezing cold day this is probably where I would tell you to go I see a Statue of Liberty right there you have an unobstructed view of the entire region from up here 360 Degrees we also have the bragging rights of saying you are in the tallest building the Western Hemisphere I'm so used to seeing the Brooklyn of the Manhattan Bridges from street level that's seeing it from up here actually is really really cool New York City it looks like a Lego set from this vantage point this is where everybody is grouped together that straight line shot of Midtown Manhattan and I can even see our next stop the edge straight that way you could plot out the entire video from up here it's basically boom boom boom boom boom great view of New Jersey this way and as someone who's from New Jersey I understand most people are not looking here for somebody that wants an entire higher lay of the land of New York City there is no observation deck it's going to be better than one world on a personal note it is not one of my favorites because I like to be outdoors for this sort of experience but for people who are big on the architecture and wanting to see everything this is tough to be I'm pretty sure out in the distance there we can even see Pennsylvania whoa thank you for visiting One World Observatory we've got a hustle we've got an 11 A.M entry to the edge this is the only observation deck located inside of a mall we're going to the most unaffordable neighborhood in the city Hudson yards all right take two we walked into an office building next door even I make mistakes we're in Rush so apparently we weren't the only people with the smart idea of coming to the edge on a beautiful December day The Edge opened 2020 38 for admission if you go to the 100th Floor you are 1131 feet high tallest outdoor observation deck in the Western Hemisphere I don't know this whole line is like one big advertisement for us and yards we are Outdoors for the first time in this observation deck challenge it was something that makes Edge very unique is the angled glass which I recall when I made my first video about this place people said they were getting nervous looking at me even leaning on this if you are afraid of heights this is not the observation deck for you you know if you're afraid of heights what are you doing on an observation deck anyway I feel like there's an observation deck arms race right now in last year Edge opened up something called City climb which we decided not to do because Ben is afraid of heights and I just didn't want to do it 185 dollars and you go 1271 feet above the city actually that is the highest outdoor perspective you can get in New York unless you're in a helicopter so if you're someone that wants that photo and you want to spend about 200 bucks go for it I don't want to wait in an extra line but there is a line to take a picture at the edge of the edge and we did it when this place first opened if you want to see that perspective but this is a very popular attraction super popular expect long lines everywhere [Music] or if any more people go on the glass floor here I'm afraid it's going to break this is actually my favorite spot on all of the edge a little elevated to see lower Manhattan [Music] now just a note edge actually can close their outdoor Sky Deck due to adverse weather conditions or if it's super windy so worst case you might just get this view which isn't so bad but just be warned about that maybe New York's most expensive class of wine 25 dollars here a little Insider tip hundred first floor has an elevator with a much shorter line two down three more to go personal opinion I think the edge is great but it is not one of my favorites mostly because it's just so far away from the other buildings and it's also a little bit on the smaller side so you do feel kind of packed in but it is Peak tourist season so some people love that outdoor observation deck with the angled glass for me not one of my favorites Summit one Vanderbilt this is the newest observation deck in New York City opened last year you get to the 92nd floor 1063 feet above the city if you want to add the ascent elevator you get 1210 feet above the city or the 100 first floor this is by far the most popular observation back in New York City right now this is the one you need to book at least a day or two in advance we're officially starting something called the observation deck challenge five in one day no actually I don't recommend you do this because we are spending probably as much time in line today as we are the observation decks so this is just a little challenge to show you all the pros and cons of each observation deck I do not recommend you do this all right we're starting our immersive experience at the summit you'll see why you need these in a minute is it me or all of the observation decks have this dark tunnel thing going on this is a one-way experience levels I love this elevator it's a little pack I like it [Music] okay everyone yeah right this way your journey starts here I hope you enjoy after one world Observatory that's my next favorite elevator ride with the mirrors everywhere and you were just thrust into this experience putting on the shades all right it still trips me out to this day this place I love it though we were here before it opened to the public and I got a chance to talk with Kenzo digital who designed this and he explained to me how the mirrors were supposed to be an experience where you transcend and depending on what time of day you come and the weather conditions it's always different so if it's sunny you're gonna get different Reflections if it's cloudy if it's raining if it's night that was what he went for and I think he hit an absolute home run here it still trips me out to look down and you see people down there and then there's a second floor they're up there and they're Reflections on the ceiling while the majority of summits indoors they have by far the best view of the Empire State Building and of Midtown Manhattan I don't know if you get better views at any other observation deck than here if that's what your goal is for photography but it is going to be against glass keep that in mind thank you time to be an influencer is this how influencers pose I don't know I'm influencing you guys influencing you on not to do this in one day this room's called reflect and they change the vibe it's a lot cooler in here temperature wise and this is an art piece by kusama of cloud-like objects reflecting a little breather till we go to what might be the coolest room in New York City I don't know if this is being followed but you know a lot of people don't realize that if you go past the balloons The View outside is not bad at all I didn't do it it wasn't me it was not me this may be New York City's best bathroom view can you imagine how much this bathroom would rent for if it was on the open market with wrap around views like this all right so this this is levitation we did this when it first opened and I think it's absolutely fantastic it's a have the the option you don't have to do it of standing out over a ledge looking at the city now there is a bit of a line for it but because we're on a tight timeline today we can't wait in line for this that's me yep that's me that's a good looking Cloud right there that's a very good looking cloud so crazy as it sounds I actually think the outside is the least interesting thing of summit and it's still an amazing view foreign [Music] you can do the ascent elevator to get to the 101st floor now after making my summit video I did get some of my viewers who didn't think it was worth the extra money the reason we're not doing it today is because there is a wait time to board and again we are on a tight schedule to get in all five observation decks but if it's something you want to do we have footage of it it's interesting if you have a lot of time you should consider adding it every single observation deck has its pros and cons my personal favorite is summit1 Vanderbilt because it's completely immersive and I don't think any other observation deck in the world could give you this experience so if you're into immersive exhibits like this with amazing views some it will be my number one choice we've got 20 minutes so we have to be at Top of the Rock and I thought of the perfect spot for a quick meal on the go royal Grill Halal some of my favorite street food in all of New York City you can't go wrong here appreciate it true New York lunch right here you can find a better value in New York for this much food for nine dollars tough to top well Top of the Rock just happens to be in the epicenter for tourism in New York during the holidays right across the street from Radio City Music Hall [Music] 33 it was then called the RCA building and Top of the Rock didn't open until 2005. 40 for admission and it's actually the lowest observation deck in New York City floor is 67 69 and 70 getting you only 850 feet above the city but don't let that fool you they got a lot going on [Music] um thank you one thing Top of the Rock wins on me it has by far the best view of Central Park any observation deck now before Summit opened Top of the Rock had the best view of the Empire State Building because you can't see the Empire State Building from the Empire State Building now Summit is nicer but it's it's just still really good I feel like with the opening of summit one Vanderbilt and the edge the Top of the Rock probably suffered the most because a lot of people know the Empire State Building and then you have the newer ones that are maybe I don't know sexier but this classic art deco building I think this is probably the most underrated observation deck in New York City we know Santa's favorite observation Next Top of the Rock this is a cool view I can actually see the Times Square ball from here and we've got the Empire State building we've got one Vanderbilt Chrysler Building I can even see the edge this is a bird's eye view this is nice so the GE Building here at 30 Rockefeller Plaza was designed to look like a 1930s ocean liner and when you think about it you really look up like this is the mass of the ship and this is the top deck perfectly makes sense something unique On Top of the Rock is that because you're only on the 70th floor you're not above all the other buildings so the perspective is a little bit different you know you don't feel like you're looking down on people you feel like you're with the buildings you're part of it foreign [Music] I have to give the tourists visiting New York a lot of credit for their patients because we've seen nothing but lines today and I know how stressful it is to travel but everyone has been polite I am very impressed I think for my observation that purists who want a nice building with a nice view Top of the Rock checks a lot of boxes so if you just want that outdoor view you need to consider Top of the Rock highly all right we got one more to go and it's a classic I feel like when I wake up tomorrow for breakfast I'm gonna expect there to be a line so this is the Empire State Building most famous building in New York City probably the most famous building the entire world admission 47 although we got the 83 combo ticket to get to the 100 second and 86 floors the 100 second floor is 1 250 feet above the city [Music] this building is a classic just from the moment you step in you feel it if you were a fan of buildings the Empire State Building probably gonna be your favorite so I wonder how many people in the line today are here for their fifth observation deck just two two just two while waiting in line I've learned there's 6514 windows at the Empire State Building learn something new every day most famous building in the world anybody after you waiting all the lines here there's a nice museum to stroll around this is cool this is a nice touch there's a certain Nostalgia that comes of visiting the Empire State Building which you just can't get at any other building the 80th floor is a sneak peek of what's to come it has those big binoculars and then beautiful indoor view of lower Manhattan so I've never heard this offer before they said 30 minute wait for the elevators or walk six floors up now I lived on the fourth floor of an apartment in Greenwich Village for 10 years it's just not a problem I think this walk cancels out all the cheat meats and fast food that we've eaten on this channel in the last couple years I see it [Music] it's taking over eight hours but I see the Finish Line more or less enjoying New York yeah we've watched all year stuff before we came here which was your favorite um to cap off reaching the destination meeting a nice young viewer from the UK and I feel like we walked miles and miles and through rain snow ice desert staircases to reach this so this was the tallest building in the world for 40 years until the World Trade Center was built in 1970 this building has got history the issue with the Empire State Building is because it's so iconic it's so popular and most people only get tickets for the 86th floor so we're trying to jockey for positioning here at night and It's Tricky I think this is the only observation deck that has outdoor Heating [Music] a lot of nostalgia for this building I came here when I was in elementary school in New Jersey so this is the first observation deck I ever went to I will say though I'm not such a big fan of the metal bars here I prefer the Plexiglas or just having with the straight on view but it's a classic [Music] there's something really peaceful about being at any of these observation decks you're above the chaos of the city and you can see a little bit but you can't hear it on the clearest of days you have visibility of five U.S states 80 miles New York New Jersey Connecticut Pennsylvania even Massachusetts if you listen to a lot of Area radio and TV stations they always say broadcasting from a top Empire State Building this is one of the most powerful antennas in the United States and the top of the Empire State Building changes colors depending on the holidays depending on world events USA or some of a sports team wins a championship all sorts of different reasons you can see it all through the Tri-State region we got one more surprise left here [Music] thank you after eight plus hours we have reached the top we have finished the challenge on the 100 second floor of the Empire State Building it's an extra 36 dollars to get up here and this matches the highest we were with one world's 100 second floor view so today in total we have gone up 466 stories [Music] I would say this is a smaller scale version of one world observation deck it's narrower but it's like the same circular view that you get except you're in Midtown I don't know if I would necessarily pay the extra 36 or so dollars for this debatable if it's the only observation deck you're visiting maybe otherwise I probably wouldn't I like it I just don't know if it's worth the extra money [Music] five observation decks in one day glad we did it never do it again what what up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from Coney Island Brooklyn which is by far the most famous summer destination in all of New York City people have been coming to the amusement parks here since the late 19th century and there is so much to do from the food to the rides to the views of the ocean we're going to do it all today let's go team Adriana it's your first trip to Coney Island what are you most excited about the thing I'm most excited about is she told me that we were gonna try something really good so I'm excited for that I think it's the next stop Adriana's correct our first stop is going to be the original Nathan's Hot Dogs built in 1916 it used to cost 10 cents for a hot dog yeah inflation has made the price go up just a bit but we're gonna have a very famous New York classic [Music] today is 4.75 yeah the price has gone up a little bit and the store is extremely crowded I don't really need my publicity they're very famous without me [Music] normally I have a lot of patience but this service was so slow in the original Nate things that we're going to go to the Nathan's on the boardwalk I can't imagine the food is any different so if you want to take a photo at the original Nathan's go and do that hopefully the line won't be so long like it was when we were there so let's go to the other Nathan's in Coney Island on the boardwalk all right we did uh four hot dogs so we have a bench next to the boardwalk facing the Atlantic Ocean a nice view here uh this Nathan's way faster on the service there's about 15 a person two hot dogs splitting fries and a drink classic Nathan's Hot Dog it's a hot dog so we just finished up with Nathan's which was okay and now we're gonna do something that I've neglected to do in my almost 10 years in New York City ride Dino's Wonder Wheel it is an old school Ferris wheel from the 1920s and guys I have been looking forward to this all day let's let's get up there [Music] to ride the Wonder Wheel you need to get a car it is to get up there I'm gonna give a shout out to Jacob Carlson my good friend and fellow New York City vlogger I'm gonna put a card to his video about Coney Island you have two choices you can ride the ferris wheel car that swings back and forth or you can ride the the wussy one we're gonna ride the wuss one because we just ate but if you want to see what it's like to ride the swinging car check out Jacob's video all right let's head up there you like heights uh no much we're about to get free eye up here oh God [Music] so I am I'm not someone that likes roller coasters at all so this is slow tortoise Ferris wheel he's perfect for me you get really amazing views from the top as well it's looking in both directions more so to the water I think [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now there's a man who enjoys his job [Music] best husband ever thank you one of the big charms of Coney Island is the fact that you can take your family here let's say you're visiting New York and this amusement park is completely accessible by Subway so if you want that family fun in the summer Coney Island's gotta be near the top of your list especially if your kids like roller coasters and all these games here behind me is the cyclone and for you roller coaster Buffs people really into history too you've got to ride this thing it was built in 1927 an old wooden coaster the people riding it seem to be having a good time as I mentioned I am not into roller coasters or thrill rides at all but if you are you've got to try this and tell me down below in the comments how much you liked it [Music] all right so Adriana's drowning in her hair and we are going to explore the boardwalk right now it's not the biggest boardwalk in the world uh compare it to the Jersey Shore a bit you know I got all your usual things food drink got the amusement park here which we just showed you I'm looking for something in particular and if we find it we're gonna purchase it [Music] guys I was looking everywhere for this three dollars for Italian ice if you grew up in the New York New Jersey area you know exactly what this is just flavored ice lots of sugar three bucks this brings me back to like being eight years old [Music] guys if you want to hear my personal favorite day in Coney Island how I would do it I would wait until the Brooklyn Cyclones are playing which is one of two minor league teams in New York City they're located right next to all the action on the boardwalk so you know go to a day game and then come hang out on the boardwalk after go on the ferris wheel do whatever it is you want to do but for me as a baseball fan there is no better thing to do than catch a minor league game first if you come to Coney Island they unfortunately are not playing until I believe late June into early September we are on a pier right now right over the beach and I've been to all the major beaches in New York City Coney Island is actually not on my list at all if you're just talking about coming to enjoy the beach and the water I think it gets a little bit loud and Rowdy I much prefer going to Rockaway Beach in Queens it's got a more mellow Vibe if you just want to come for a beach day I already did one Vlog about it and I might just go back this summer so that's my honest opinion on the beach right here it's a pass for me if you just want to come to go swimming but if you want to enjoy some of the sights here the amusement stuff and all the history that's a different story [Music] good this is a really cool place that you want to take a picture you can have a selfie with a really beautiful background I really like here I think it might be really beautiful at Sunset but right now it's too early so [Music] while Bushwick Brooklyn is really well known for their street art we're about to show you a spot right by the boardwalk here in Coney Island that holds its own pretty well foreign [Music] walls and for whatever unlucky reason the inside is not open today but their art is just mind-blowing some of those murals are absolutely incredible like seriously some of the best I've ever seen in New York City and we could even peer through the gate they have international artists who come here and put their murals up if you get a chance when you're in Coney Island spend at least a couple of minutes walking through here trust me [Music] I've been waiting all winter to make this video today we're going to be exploring Prospect Park in Brooklyn a place that doesn't get the recognition it deserves we're going to show you exactly what to do here so if you're tired of visiting Central Park keep on watching a quick history lesson this was built in 1857 by the same architects of Central Park Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vox at 525 Acres it's not even in the top 10 of New York City parks in space but what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in things to do and places to see we're starting a tour at Grand Army Plaza and the plaza is home to the Soldiers and Sailors Arch statues commemorating Civil War generals it also looks just like the arch that Triumph in Paris France personally I like it here as a meeting point and it's just an amazing spot to walk and enter the park you can see it clearly across the street [Music] the Brooklyn Botanical Garden located behind me is technically part of the park but because it's 52 acres and could take hours and hours to explore we're going to save it for its own video but admission is 18 and the Japanese garden inside is incredible definitely something that you could save you could pair this with a visit to the Brooklyn Museum which is right next door and is one of the best museums in New York City that doesn't get enough attention in the morning come on this is long meadow and this is actually the spot of the park that I come to the most living just 15 minutes away in Park Slope and not to be confused with sheep's Meadow in Central Park although sheep did graze here in the early 20th century as you can see he's just come out here with some friends family have a picnic relax at approximately one mile in length this is one of the longest uninterrupted stretches of public park in all of the United States well this is definitely the most crowded I've seen the park in a really long time which is a positive sign for you know New York City reopening [Music] this is actually the area where Adriana and I well mostly Adriana made snowmen this winter during a snowstorm it was epic if you're not into walking or having a picnic there's an excellent bike path that runs around the park here as you can see people staying to the right you can get a city bike bring your own bike rent a bike you can go jogging as well a lot of opportunities for being active here tip for you guys if you want to have a picnic set up relatively close to the picnic house they have a relatively clean public bathroom and in New York City that's as good as gold so whenever I picnic I'm always somewhere around here I'm so confused oh you're filming this yeah we're looking for the Ravine right now I've never been here before to some of these stops on this video so trying to find this little forest and actually proving more difficult than I thought but have faith in Ben and I I think you can find waterfalls in Brooklyn you just have to know where to look it'll know in fact the Ravine is Brooklyn's only forest and The Architects of this park wanted this to feel like the Adirondacks three 400 feet away you've got kids playing and people picnicking walking through here is a completely different experience this is such an Amazing Escape From the City and it's right here in Brooklyn in Prospect Park and it's actually my first time walking through here I'm ashamed to say it I'm ashamed to say it because I've been so close and I never actually just went a little bit further but that's why we have this channel it's like I'm getting deep now I'm getting like philosophical with people do you want to go one step further hit the Subscribe button such a are you filming again keep filming okay no this is cool actually just to kind of discover the park that's in my backyard here and I'm mentally noting things for when I come back just for fun oh that looks nice it's like a little log bridge this wasn't even we weren't even planning on shooting this we're going to show you foreign house built in 1905 it's one of the most famous buildings in Prospect Park it was actually modeled after a library in Venice Italy inside they have an Autobahn center with some Wildlife exhibits but the best thing here is just to come and walk around to see this lullwater here take some nice photos and you know you're not going to be fighting with tourists everywhere like in Central Park to get that right angle there's so much space here I just feel like this is one of the nicest stops in all of Prospect Park the bridge here Facing The Boathouse is one of the best Instagram spots that so many people never even think about and there's like nobody here I actually thought this was closed the Prospect Park carousel Super Famous built over a century ago by Charles Carmel originally this was in Coney Island and this kind of design for carousels spread throughout the rest of the United States so this is just a classic thing you should do if you have kids and you're visiting Prospect Park the Prospect Park Zoo 12 acres and there's over 800 different types of animals inside I wasn't in the mood to go in I'm not really a zoo person but if you are you have to pre-buy your ticket during covid 9.95 if you're 13 and up and it's not a very big Zoo so you don't have to spend an entire day here could be a really cool option if you've got small kids so check it out if you're interested this may be one of the strangest trees in all of Brooklyn it looks straight out of a fantasy novel camper down Elm planted here in 1872 it's one of the few trees in the world that originated at the Earl of camperdown's estate in Scotland and the branches grow horizontally instead of upwards it's pretty unique and definitely worth stopping by to take a picture of concert Grove Pavilion this just reopened after being closed for the last seven years and underwent a two million dollar restoration it was designed in 1874 by Calvert Vox one of the architects of Prospect Park The Pavilion features motifs found in Hindu Chinese Moorish and Egyptian architecture this is one of the best hidden gems in the entire park Prospect Park home to more corgis and people true story Prospect Park Lake 55 Acres large and one of the best spots in New York City to go fishing you can also head over to the lafrac center where you can rent Kayaks single paddle boats this would be an incredible place to either picnic or you want to have a pretty creative first date get out on the water what are you waiting for thank you the Prospect Park Paris style feels like ancient Greece right in Brooklyn this Renaissance Revival kala not held up by Corinthian columns Professor Gulpin I was paying attention at Rutgers and this is just a great spot to hang out people are setting up an event era another one of those gems right in Prospect Park now that's a spot to have a party right here I'm not gonna dance I'm not gonna like you want me to spin right now do some crazy stuff I know you do Ben just I was waiting for the Boogie or something [Music] mission accomplished there's so many great places to eat near Prospect park Eastwind stack shop we discovered when we filmed a Windsor Terrace neighborhood guide shout out to Michael Herron for introducing me to this spot you know these pork pan fried dumplings are some of the best I've ever had in New York city so completely worth a stop when you're at the bottom of Prospect Park better than a lot of places I've been doing Chinatown all right one bite everybody knows the rules right Asian dad's style there's really no other way to do it just gotta put it on in like you just gotta put it all in good this is the Prospect Park band show and you can't tell by looking at it right now but there's actually space for up to 6 000 seats here and this is where you usually can come in the summer to catch live shows performances concerts I don't know what the story is going to be like this summer but it's just a good place to know exists if you want some live music here in Prospect Park foreign [Music] still got it next thing you know the dog would be drowning and you're like Prospect Park dog beach if you have a dog and you want it to swim bring it here if you don't have a dog and you just want to go to a spot that has a lot of dogs having fun also a great option the Empire State Building New York's most famous attraction and today you're getting a VIP tour from the bottom to the top we'll show you all the exhibits and viewpoints then conclude with one of the nicest New York City sunsets you've ever seen let's explore one of the Big Apple's original tourist attractions hey everyone it's Chad and when you ask any tourist visiting New York City what's the number one attraction they want to visit I'm betting the Empire State Building is near the top of this list and I have not been here since I was a kid this video is about 25 years overdue the last observation deck I have not covered on this channel until today check out the list of the other observation decks in the description here we go temperature check of course welcome to the lobby the Empire State Building opened in 1931 and this Lobby just exudes that art deco Vibe the ceiling 24 karat gold and so many movies and TV shows have been filmed right here it's like stepping into history every time we are taking a private tour around with the Empire State building's PR team we have a special guest probably no surprise team Adriana joining us what are your first impressions uh building is so beautiful and I'm really excited because like you say I've never been here you were here when you were a kid but I've never been here it's my first time so I'm super excited so this is the The Green Room for the Celeb visits I don't think I qualify as a celebrity but just to show you where the celebrities hang out when they visit here this is it so this is the lobby where you would enter as a tourist paying for tickets and the prices are to access the 80th and 86th floor 42 to access the 102nd floor Observatory 72 so keep those prices in mind we're going to show you all of the access that you can get for both prices today little little Shadows hanging out during normal times there would be a huge cue right now to get to the elevators to get to the top but it's covid a lot less people visiting if you're a New Yorker and you've never come to the Empire State Building well I mean look around you this would be the moment to do it if you don't like lines and you still you want an incredible Sunset View this is one of the first stops on your Empire State Building tour the second floor and the museum here shows the evolution of this building I mean you can see exactly how it's built I highly recommend stopping taking some photos and really admiring the story of this building because it's really unique it's the old working elevator here check this out [Music] the building has been the setting for many movies most famously King Kong and this exhibit well it shows it off pretty well he's watching you [Music] all right guys you need to look up as soon as the elevator starts gonna be a lot of fun welcome to the world's most famous building and you get to see it built keep your arms and legs inside and keep your eyes open see those hot rivets flies over here nice catch oh get those planks out of the way huh walking onto the 80th floor now this was opened in 2019 this is one of those new things I was talking about that didn't even exist when I came here as a kid you can see some of the other observatories from here The Edge right there this visibility is absolutely incredible right now I think we're very fortunate with the way that the Sun is setting today we can see one world the Verrazano Bridge all the way even to New Jersey and Staten Island we lucked out I'm telling you today we really lucked out guys we're skipping the 86th floor because we're coming back here for Sunset so we're going to go to the 102nd floor before we're going out of order but it's intentional trust me [Music] oh wow New York I feel like a kid again like I was eight years old visiting I'll admit I'm more excited about going outside because I prefer the outdoor observation decks but this year I mean this is impressive for being indoors and being pretty small I actually think in some ways it Rivals one world because one world is so expansive but here you just feel like you're so close to the the windows yeah [Music] you can see the ice skating from here and you can see people like little people moving around yeah they look like little toy ice skaters from here it's ridiculous even though this is new this is still a classic view that people have been enjoying since the early 1930s I mean this building was the tallest building in the world for almost 40 years if you like history the Empire State Building is definitely for you [Music] all right we've made it to the 86th floor for the triumphant Sunset coming up in about 20 minutes this is this is going to be very memorable this could turn into the nicest Sunset I've ever seen in New York City I've got a feeling I'm betting on it [Music] even with the crazy times people are still up here for Sunset they're lining up there is space though I can't even imagine what it would be like to try to get that million dollar Sunset shot during normal times but tonight perfect opportunity I mean I can't wait to see what this is going to bring thank you the city is so peaceful from up here I think I could stay in this same position for 30 minutes and not move and just admire New York from up top you know living here long enough sometimes you you take this for granted you take the grand scope of things for granted like I'm definitely not trying to take this moment for granted right now you're a fan of the views up here and you want to support this local New York City artist Adriana right here she's got some Empire State Building prints that would fit perfectly on your wall on her Etsy store putting a link down below you need to check these out trust me and for a limited time 20 off with code Adriana yeah go take it out guys foreign fact I just learned on the clearest of clear days you can see Six States from up here Massachusetts Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania and even Delaware I mean today today's not the day but just something to be aware of we uh we have bird's eye view of the Northeastern United States here at the top of the hour every hour after Sunset the top of the Empire State Building Sparkles white and you can see it from the entire city if you're looking up this is why you have to come at Sunset because you get so many different types of light that it's a different experience every time I circle around it just gets nicer and nicer now it's almost completely dark there's a little purple in the sky foreign [Music] visit a new place there's always certain attractions and everybody says you have to go to today we'll take a look at New York's most famous tourist activities and see if they're overrated or not you don't want to miss it since this topic is so debatable I need another New York City YouTuber we have Sarah Funk who also gives tours the perfect co-host hey John I'm ready to get going let's do this let's rock we call something overrated it doesn't mean it's a bad attraction we just think it's a little overhyped totally agree we'll start with maybe the most famous attraction in New York City the Empire State Building and it pains me to say this but I think it's overrated now if you are a fan of buildings Art Deco style was the tallest building in the world for many years I think it's great but if you're a fan of just pure observation decks I think at the bars on the actual observation deck make it a little bit difficult to see things versus some of the other observation decks what do you think listen I sadly agree with you on this but I do have a thing to say about it I would say it's not the best view in the city why because that iconic view of New York has the Empire State Building in it and what happens if you're in the Empire State Building John you can't see the Empire State Building back that's the problem there but the interior they have a really cool exhibit I like that about it but I would say overall overrated but if you're strictly there for the view I would say go to another observation deck I'd say for just a pure observation deck experience I'd say top of the Rocks reviews 100 agree on that this is one that auditories even tend to agree with me on Times Square I think it's totally overrated I think it's worth visiting once in your life I mean I I go a few times a year because of filming or going to Broadway shows it's absolutely overcrowded every scam in New York City this Hub is Times Square I know it's iconic and you should go but I think it is completely overrated listen I'm gonna say something scandalous right now right and I think it's not overrated okay I know that's crazy but here's why there there's nowhere else on the planet like Times Square nowhere okay Times Square is totally One of a Kind a commercial disaster explosion well what about Tokyo similar I haven't been there so it doesn't count okay it doesn't count you can't come to New York and not through Times Square John I didn't I didn't tell him not to go I just said it was overrated you can't yes but it's part of the reason why I say it's not overrated because I feel like you gotta go there once to get the photo Statue of Liberty I'm gonna say not overrated if you go inside the crown which is one of the coolest things I have ever done in New York City for twenty four dollars the same price as going to the pedestal look I understand you can see the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry from all the boat cruises but going inside the crown no definitely not overrated that's really cool and I've never done that but I actually do consider the Statue of Liberty overrated which it pains me to say a bit because in a way it is an icon of New York it's what notified those immigrants that came over from all over the world that they're in New York City Welcome them but I've never been to the crowd and unless you're going to the crown maybe I don't know I don't think it's worth it why because exactly the point you made which is you can see it beautifully from a a boat I do recommend classic Harbor line it's a much more luxurious experience and only slightly more expensive than those super packed boats that you see on the Harbor on the other hand most visits to the Statue of Liberty include Ellis Island which I think is an amazing experience actually you can find where you're passing I think it's not overrated also because it includes Ellis Island like I wouldn't tell someone just go to LSI when I would say stop at the Statue but I I understand your point you could just see it depends what kind of tourist you are but do the crown do the crown book it a month or two in advance just a month that's good you've heard you for longer I mean I tried to book it a while ago and they were like six months no now it's not so bad I haven't been so listen to John with that one what's the next one madame tussos this one I think is the easiest in the video It's called overrated maybe just maybe if there was only one madame tussos in the entire world I would change my opinion but the fact is there's 30 of them it is on every single New York City attraction pass so it's always super mobbed and I feel like there's tourists that go there that they'll never take the New York City subway but they'll just check out the replica you'll see replicas of New York in there you should be outside actually experiencing things it's not La we're not a celebrity driven City I agree 100 overrated why similar reasons to John really there's no point in going there it's all over the world my theory is if you're coming to New York you should do things in New York City that you can't do anywhere else and you can do Madame Tussauds in like a gazillion places so skip it and save your money it's not the Brooklyn Bridge this is a New York City icon this one pains me but I'm just it's overrated I'm going to say it's overrated not for the reasons you may think I mean it's an architectural wonder it was the longest suspension bridge in the world I'm calling it overrated for two reasons one it is always super crowded unless you go at dawn or I don't know at night later on and the second reason is because you can't see the Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn Bridge but I actually love the Manhattan Bridge Walk where you can stare at the Brooklyn Bridge I think you should do it I just think it's a bit overhyped all right I'm about to possibly blow your mind here John I disagree I do not think it's overrated and here's why yes it is crazy crowded but there's a way to do it now that they just open that's not crazy crowded they just opened a bike lane underneath and there's like no one on that so you can actually cross it now in peace without a gazillion people like in your face and it's a great experience the other thing I think is nice about the Brooklyn Bridge is it's a classic view of the city you don't have to be on it to appreciate it that way your point is you have to be on it is that my point is doing that Brooklyn Bridge Walk that everybody does classic walk I think it can be overrated just the walk not taking a picture next to it okay I think you can do it as on the bike I would say do it on the bike don't walk it I agree I didn't even think about that they just opened the bike lane it's so originally the bike lane was where all the walking was and it was absolute chaos and hell if you're watching this video and you're visiting New York for the first time check out my thatch guides linked down below we have everything from itineraries where to eat where to go a big help link Down Below in the description Central Park I'm gonna say not overrated even though I've lived in Brooklyn the last three years and everyone says Prospect Park is better everyone says it was olmsted's Masterpiece after designing Central Park but guess what no Parks have that kind of cityscape view and are that iconic and are that big to have so many things going on I know it's super touristy you can find little pockets in the park that are peaceful So Many Adventures to be had near some of the best museums in the city not overrated I completely agree absolutely not overrated whoever said Prospect Park is better is insane to me Brooklyn people have told me that that's they just say that because they love Brooklyn and I don't know I'm all about that like loving your burrow thing but uh saying it's olmsted's Masterpiece in many ways Central Park is a masterpiece in itself it was actually designed to look like the great paintings in Europe and that's why when you take a picture there it literally looks like you're in a fairyland oh totally it's absolutely worth it the men I am gonna 100 say it is not overrated it is one of the most expensive museums in the city at thirty dollars unless you're a New York resident but they have works of art in there that you cannot find anywhere else in the world it is one of the best attractions in the city that you could spend an entire day and not even scratch the surface of I have met very few people that have ever went to the met and said they had a bad experience 100 agree absolutely not overrated it is the best art museum in the City by far and in fact um in the video you popped up in recently about New York in 2023 I talk about how they're going to have two of Van Gogh's most famous pieces on display together in the Met Museum this year so they're always doing new things they also have the fabulous Met Gala hello I mean listen that's just a situation a moment in itself and the rooftop bar has some amazing views of Central Park it does yeah I think it's the best views of Central Park from above that you can really get there's no rooftop bars that really show it like that except for the met the drinks are overpriced and not worth the money that's overrated the dreams on the rooftop of the Met that's what's overrated did you know you don't actually have to get a drink there you can just go up there Rockefeller Center Christmas tree I'm going to say oh overrated because for one it is super crowded almost the entire time that it's up and two I don't even think it's the best Christmas tree in the city I've like the Lotte Palace this tree better on certain years I feel like the Rockefeller tree it looks the same every single year and it's just packed the first time tourists so I think you should see it from afar but I don't think you need to spend too much time elbowing your way in just to get that one good picture I agree it's over it's just too crazy it's absolute chaos there it's not worth it but if you're gonna go there stop by real quick see the tree from afar and see the Saks Fifth Avenue oh yeah light show and then get out of there it is absolute chaos though crowds beyond anything I've ever seen in the city The High Line I'm going to say not overrated for one it's free it's also one of the most touristy things in New York that I actually enjoy doing over and over again when I'm actually in the area I mean you have art displays up there you're above the city you feel like you can spy down on people it has a good history and it used to be railroad tracks I love how they converted it I like where it starts over in the Meatpacking District walked the whole thing bam you're at the vessel you're at Hudson yard so it's the perfect Trek for a tourist I'm a fan I also agree it's totally not overrated the best time to do it is in the spring when all the flowers are blooming it does tend to get crowded so I would recommend doing it right when they open or right before they close actually right before they close a lot of people aren't there every time I've gone what time like six seven their hours of closing changes depend on when the sun sets so you want to go like in my opinion right before they close or right when they open and you can stop at a Chelsea Market let's talk it's number one I know you're a fan right yes big fan which used to be the Nabisco Factory which is where they made Oreos which I'm also a huge fan of fun fact I grew up in Fairlawn New Jersey home to the Nabisco Factory driving on the highway I would smell could you imagine starting your New York City trip like this today we're gonna Tour New York's new 1.6 billion dollar train haul across the street from Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan we'll show you all the cool features and even some hidden artwork is Moynihan train Hall worth visiting let's find out members of the Barrio I am so excited to give you all a first look at Moynihan train Hall which just opened on January 1st and for anybody who ever had to spend time across the street at the current Penn Station this is like a breath of fresh air they started construction on this in 2017. it's inside the old Farley Post Office Building I am just super pumped to check something new out in New York City this year let's get inside thank you well you can clearly see it's still very much under construction and in this direction it is still a post office but that's probably not why you decided to come here you gotta go this way this was named after former U.S senator to New York Daniel Patrick Moynihan who championed the cause of this train Hall and everything you see past here is just brand new the crown jewel of this train Hall is the light filled Atrium and let's take a first look at this wow this is impressive I have to say [Music] you can see the clock in the center of the atrium and you can just imagine how many people are going to be using this as a meeting point in the next 50 years also this used to be the mail sorting room for the Farley Post Office so you can imagine people were up here watching to make sure that the mail was being sorted properly so this is our first time on the ground floor here the very first thing I see is a Starbucks we're going to ignore that and look this way [Music] foreign now that the sun is out we can really appreciate the 92 foot high glass Skylight and this is what's going to be the big tourist attraction here and it's already turning a lot of heads behind me everybody's stopping and looking up a lot of people don't realize this but this station was modeled after the original Penn Station which was located across the street and was demolished in 1963 they wanted to bring back that Grandeur that old school feel of using a public space and having it be open inviting welcoming one of the big critiques of this train Hall is that there's not any public seating on The Concourse here the only people that can sit are Amtrak customers and I'll show you it right here these are really nice this is you know that classic art deco style so if you're taking a train to Boston you're going to sit here in style if you just want to come and hang out you've got nowhere to sit at least for now [Music] I just wanted to quickly show you guys what the tracks look like not bad so this is where you would come down to take your train back to Washington D.C [Music] could you imagine starting your New York City trip like this [Music] I feel like a tourist for a second that was that was cool that was very cool that was my favorite thing we've done so far today fun right you want to do it again Ben if you're curious who's actually going to be using this outside of tourists who want to take photos which it seems like everybody here is taking a picture if you're taking Li Double R or Amtrak let's say you're going to DC Boston Chicago from here this is going to be the new Hub unfortunately New Jersey gets a short end of the stick again they're across the street at the current Penn Station sorry Jersey friends and family but [Music] what may be the neatest part of this train haul I'm about to show you there's two pieces of artwork that are hidden unless you look up you have to know where to look we're going to show you both of them right now are you guys still don't see where this artwork is and you wouldn't see unless you turned your head up right now this artwork is called go by kahinde Wiley and it shows break dancers on top of the ceiling it's almost like the Sistine Chapel look and I think he's an amazing artist and this is my favorite art piece in all of Moynihan train Hall I think a big fear of a lot of people was that Moynihan train Hall was going to turn into a shopping center like let's say the Oculus right now all the the shops in there it's a mall that's not the case there is going to be a food Hall but I think the primary reason most people are going to come here outside of taking pictures is to take one of the trains I want to let you in on a really cool offer if you join our patreon for the month of January only I'm gonna send you one of Adriana's New York City digital calendars absolutely for free 12 different months put it on your computer lock screen put it on your computer's desktop background or patreon has a lot of very cool perks for joining link Down Below in the description thank you so much guys behind me where everybody's taking photos or looking up at the hive by Elm green and drag set it's basically a city skyline backwards very cool [Music] yeah there's going to be a lot of instagrammers here for sure I wasn't planning on including this but Ben the camera guy has to go to the bathroom so he's going to give us an Insider report on if this bathroom is nice or not all right Ben report on the bathroom it's really good it was super clean and it's very modern and you can use the footage where I was washing my hands so it's kind of cool okay [Music] I have to say after spending about 30 minutes inside of there I I don't miss the current Penn Station across the street at all but again if you are taking the train to New Jersey you're still going to have to deal with it and you're gonna have to take the Subways inside of there as well they do connect [Music] a couple random points for you guys one comparing this to Grand Central terminal call me a traditionalist but I still like Grand Central Terminal more but tell me in the comments if you disagree with me I'm curious also you know who the biggest tenants of this building is going to be shortly Facebook and Governor Cuomo has said that eventually he wants to redevelop Midtown West this area in particular and have the high line connect to here one day going to a Yankee game is as much about what you see on the field as it is your experience off of it today we'll take you through the Ultimate Game Day at Yankee Stadium from tours concessions and more so you're prepared for your first or next game here let's go how to get to Yankee Stadium you can take the New York City subway the four or the B train the D train on weekends to 161st Street Yankee Stadium your cheapest option at 275. my top pick for tourists first time visitors to the city I say take the Metro North train from Grand Central Station in Midtown stops at Yankee Stadium in only 15 minutes now if you do want to drive parking garages are available the closer you are to the stadium the more expensive it'll be forty dollars right next to it thirty dollars 25 further away you go the new Yankee stadium as we'll call it opened in 2009 the original Yankee Stadium across the street there's a little piece of it still remaining that they left it is now a field for kids some advice on purchasing tickets you can go through that is directly through the Yankees or you can check out StubHub which is one of their Partners if you want an even cheaper price for certain games that aren't as popular Apple tonight against the Orioles on StubHub I saw prices like 15 even 20 and many times you can wait till right before the game maybe 15 20 minutes before and get a really good deal on StubHub ticket goes directly to your phone I've got my friend Brent with me super Yankee fencing hundreds of games of the new stadium he's our Insider for today's video and when you enter what gate would be the fastest for most fans I wouldn't recommend gate sick that's where most of the fans are going to be on three ends I would recommend gate eight bleachers okay four or even gate 2 which is a little bit further off to the impact [Music] Yankees for providing us this in-depth experience you're about to see we're starting with a stadium Hands-On tour now you can purchase this for select games for the cost of 144 dollars and there's a less expensive version of this tour called the classic History tour for 35 bucks but for the Ultimate Fan what you're about to see I think is worth the money let's go now this in front of us is the Yankees Dugout down the first base line here visitors on the third base side it is real grass out there Kentucky Bluegrass they grow it in New Jersey though you can do that it doesn't have to come from Kentucky it's weird to say but smelling the grass it's not something that I normally am used to living in the city actually smelling grass it's fantastic and being able to see the players not only from the Yankees but the opposite team as well foreign [Music] Park where we celebrate the past and those that made this team what it is today Monument Park will open when the gates open to the general public but they will close the door up there 45 minutes before the first pitch during a game you can't have anybody walking around here it might be a distraction of the Batters you come visit Monument Park but the best way to do it we got the Yankees retired numbers Lou Gehrig's number four was the first number retired in Major League Baseball and it goes down and around the actual monuments of Monument Park are in the middle Derek Jeter was always my favorite growing up Paul O'Neill was definitely up there as well so I I gravitated to this spot right here now we have a beautiful Memorial dedicated York police firemen and First Responders this is a monument of course not a player but something very important always going to be remembered here so I'm rubbing Derek Jeter's plaque [Music] foreign just went the second row should we go got it my nine-year-old self would be going crazy right now my 38 year old self thinks this is cool too remember if you book one of these tours classic or this one book it during batting practice you have the opportunity to fetch a ball just like that [Music] is the New York Yankees Museum presented by Bank of America and this is open to all ticket holding guests at New York Yankees home games the museum opens from 90 minutes before first pitch and it closes at the end of the eighth inning this is a uniform that Babe Ruth wore in 1934 after the regular season ended on an American League All-Star tour of Japan got a question what what do you think this would cost like open market auction more money than I'll ever have I know that for sure checking just curious you can actually see the name b Ruth wow chain stitched inside the collar that's how uniforms were identified in those days the name would be chain stitched your hands are where Babe Ruth's hands were 90 years ago I forget the Home Run balls come for this that's right I honestly wish every Museum in the world would like to do this if you were a Yankees fan this place is like a playground got another treat here for you this is Aaron's bed he used this bat in 2019 four years ago I let you hold Aaron judge's bat wow yeah could you read the name it's in cursive here it's actually stamped in the barrel George Babe Ruth the man the myth Legend This is Babe Ruth's bat it's from 1922 when Babe Ruth was the most famous athlete really not just in America but in the entire world I feel like I'm about to shake that magic this is Babe Ruth's bat it is so heavy this is so heavy it feels like it's about to break my wrist 45 ounces wow now around the rest of the museum we have the ball wall which is the first thing you kind of saw when we came in here and this is the actual distance of a Major League pitcher's mound going to home plate 60 feet six inches long people can look around we have game use jerseys hats bats gloves cleats there's original ticket stubs the first year the Yankees won the World Series 1923 you'll notice that it's a gold pocket watch those Rings just get bigger and bigger and bigger and shinier and I don't think the players are going to complain about it yeah foreign [Music] [Music] we are starting with the 99 Burger which they only sell 99 per game named after Aaron judge there's already a line of what looks like more than 99 people but they're gonna give us special access here to show you oh that smell oh my God it smells so good thank you so much thank you by the way they updated us now they sell 199 of these a game because they're just too popular now if you're wondering what is in this 99 Burger Aaron judge number 99 he's from California it is a California Smash Burger we've got two four ounce American wagu beef patties American cheese caramelized onions Secret Sauce briocheon dill pickles lettuce and tomato extra upon requests but you really don't need it and this thing is like the size of Aaron judge right yeah it's definitely a burger fit for the tablet that's a lot of meat on a lot of Secret Sauce just these charred off pieces because it's delicious by Bob you always know it's going to be fresh because they're selling them non-stop these things don't wait they generally sell out I'm thinking within the first hour there are so many flavors going on like the first flavor hits you oh and then the second one hits and throwing hits and then all of them combined it's so delicious and let's look at back at Brent he's trying to eat this thing in 99 seconds I mean I just can't stop eating it [Music] so Brent you insisted on the labels now they have their main location on the Upper East Side then they have this Yankee Stadium Outpost which you're just crazy about right yes they're a steak sandwich and the second thing that they do is also the steak top fries the meat comes in that medium rare I get steak fries for every single time I'm here at the stadium so that's just so gluttonous my God it's tender surprised or cooked the way you want them and the queso a little spicy yeah I'll be honest but I think it makes it all complete two people could down this I don't think one person even has to do this one but you said you were dreaming of this sandwich all day right oh well absolutely here we go [Music] we have a lot of Yankee shakes here this is the Pinstripe vanilla shake this is a good one for couples I'm thinking Sunday afternoon 2 p.m 80 degree day out in the sun system and spot if you just walk into the game it's about to start you need to look up before you go to your seats why at gate six you get into What's called the Great Hall which is a massive Hall full of former Yankees you have to have celebration won the World Series 12. it's just a beautiful Windows enter into the state all right something very iconic to Yankee Stadium for many years is the roll call on the top of the first inning after the first pitch is thrown the breach of creatures shout out General left right first second shortstop and third players respond back it's a good fan player participation later later you know at one point it got so bad in the bleachers that they banned alcohol right so allegedly in 2008 and what they call they call bottles of liquor and other places kind of we want to talk about but back in 2009 with the new stadium the stadium is now open for everybody so every section can enjoy beer but if it's your first time going to a Yankees game sitting in the bleachers is one of a kind I will definitely see you soon so I want to thank the Yankees for inviting us and putting us in section 122. these are very expensive field mvpcs now we were talking about this it's your first time coming to a Yankees game it's like where would you tell someone to sit so first off if you really want to get the best uh view of everything that's going on I would definitely shoot in the 300 400s right behind home plate bleachers especially the right field bleachers if you want to get that party by you want to get that Rowdy Vibe I think sitting behind home plate be at the upper level I was a baseball broadcaster for a couple of years it's like what they see up there what I try to discourage you from doing if your first game is sitting upper Upper Deck in the out field if you don't know baseball well you might zone out a lot of people think that baseball is a super slow boring game and they may still think that we disagree but now there's a pitch of change yeah up to 30 minutes on average of every baseball game which is now uh under three hours for the first time in about seven years [Applause] thinking that was going to be a homer we got teased yeah now we must show you the value chicken bucket a lot of Yankee fans have said that this is one of the best deals for a group of three or four friends right yeah of course yeah people affectionately on Twitter call it chicken bucket you have eight chicken tenders with a pound of fries that comes in for 25 dollars that's got you the stadium by far you know what I see my Twitter's buzzing about this again Great Value I feel full just working with this thing that's all I have to say the Yankees have free Wi-Fi that you're able to connect to really useful point I didn't even think about it in Europe and a lot of other soccer stadiums you definitely have beer bands especially when the game starts up but here you drink a beer at any time foreign baseball game for those who don't understand the charm of it sitting and chatting yeah I've had some of my best life conversations with some of the closest friends of mine at baseball games though some of my really strongest friendships just by going to Yankee games what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from Brooklyn and we are in front of Greenwood Cemetery this is one of New York's most unique places to visit and you're going to find out why we're going to be exploring with the historian of the cemetery Jeff Richmond he's going to be telling us all about the history of this place and what makes it so special let's go explore one of New York's buried Treasures guys I've got a special guest well somebody you've seen many times on this channel Jacob Carlson is joining us he's going to be doing a photo Tour on his channel of Greenwood Cemetery a different perspective but Jacob you've been here a couple times right oh yeah I love this place it's one of my favorite places in New York [Music] just to give people a little introduction to Greenwood Cemetery what makes this place so special for somebody visiting New York City well it's a remarkable space we have 478 Acres in the middle of Brooklyn developed Urban Brooklyn and so it is really a green Oasis where people get an opportunity to come in here and to enjoy this place at whatever level they would like to enjoy it and guys with that we are going to have one heck of informational exciting tour coming up get ready [Music] as we are walking up a hill right now about to open up a mausoleum they do not do this on every single tour Jeff he said they're making a special exception for us they throw the lock and then we gotta push the door open [Music] so this would have been Civil War era and it is signed on the side by the Sculptor J.M Moffett and we see that Willie Anderson was a child who was almost six years old and died in 1862. [Music] the key to the outside metal door and then the key to the Granite door [Music] so this is what we call inconspicuous consumption here uh these are the three carbons actually Four carvings are by John Moffett uh who built this and the idea that you would put these in here and then lock this place up so that no one could see it is kind of interesting good to catch the sound the finality of the sound all right guys we're getting we're getting locked in Jacob enjoying eternity together um we get out of here now can't see anything [Music] absolutely loving hearing about the history here from Jeff I mean you have the the Civil War Monument here there were 148 000 Union soldiers from the city of New York you have the Revolutionary War history here the biggest battle of the Revolutionary War was fought right here and uh yeah this is uh this would be an interesting alternative if you didn't want to go to a museum here instead plenty of History all around you the altar to Liberty is here and Minerva is saluting her sister the Statue of Liberty in the harbor so the Statue of Liberty has her right arm raised with her torch and Minerva has her left arm raised on the two women are saluting back and forth and so this is a monument to the Battle of Brooklyn which was fought on this hill and throughout Brooklyn and was the largest Battle of the entire American Revolution I was really surprised so Leonard Bernstein massively popular composer one of my favorite composers I was expecting a very extravagant and elaborate Mausoleum or some sort of sculpture and his his gravestone is actually very very modest and very understated so Jeff one fact that I found very interesting about this place when I did my research was that after Niagara Falls Greenwood Cemetery was one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States in the 1850s right it was the second attraction after Niagara Falls and so people flocked to this place and it became the argument for Central Park the proponents of Central Park said look at Greenwood if Greenwood attracts half a million people a year imagine if we build a centrally located Park in Manhattan how many people would come to visit there this was the original tourist attraction of New York City guys think about that a little bit we are going to talk about the tour options towards the end of this video but you could just pick up a map from the front gate go around and visit whatever tombs or monuments interests you most you'll even have a little bit of historical data written down about it as well if you're a do-it-yourself kind of person a grave site of much pilgrimage people bring all sorts of things to leave here as a tribute to him he died in 31 years ago now 1988 started out in New York as a graffiti really street artist and his paintings one of his paintings sold just a few years ago for 110 million dollars guys look what they left for him sunglasses paintbrush I don't know if there's a better time to come to Greenwood Cemetery than the fall with all the folk each everywhere Jacob was saying he's been here before in the spring and Jeff was saying that they have some cherry blossoms around so I think my next visit here will be in the spring Jacob's having a field day taking pictures I mean this cemetery is a photographer's dream come true really [Music] we're about to enter the catacombs which is one of New York's most unique event spaces you'll see it has now become kind of a cultural center of the cemetery we have Opera performances in here we have artists exhibiting in here and it's a wonderful space wonderful Acoustics I wasn't kidding about the Acoustics I mean my voice is just bouncing off everywhere here see how this lights [Music] your face here so we we did an event years ago where we had volunteers dressed as angels with the roster of who was buried in each of the vaults and they would ring a bell and read a name of a person who was interred here [Music] so this is the uh Steinway family of piano Fame this is the largest mausoleum in the cemetery it has room for 128 internments on the main floor and then there's a granite slab and you can lift that up at 128 room in the basement because we are at our final stop Tranquility Gardens this is one of the more modern things you could see here at Greenwood Cemetery have some fish swimming you have a mausoleum people were cremated so this is right by the front entrance actually this could be your first stop but it's our last stop this we have a Crematory adjoining here one of only five in New York City and this is for cremated remains in little niches along this area and so this is part of the design of the koi that are in here and very happy and doing very well except when an occasional Egret comes fishing in here [Music] and so what you really should do is come visit take part in the events we have very extensive and varied programming here over 200 events per year you can enjoy this place as an arboretum as a just place of peace and quiet as a place of a Historic Park and we do have an informal motto here at the cemetery which is come visit while you still can leave today we'll be giving you an Insider look at the Metropolitan Museum of Art also known as the med one of the most popular attractions in New York City we'll have an art historian guiding us around showing us the most important works if your time is limited and even a few surprises you don't want to miss it this is the most visited Museum in New York six million people come every year and today it feels like one million of them are here really crowded what about admissions well the good news is if you're a New York state resident or a student in New York New Jersey or Connecticut you can pay what you wish otherwise it's 30 for adults 22 for seniors 17 for students and I recommend you buy the ticket in advance so crazy enough said was actually my art history professor at Rutgers he's a New York City resident and a museum expert when you go to Paris you go to the Louvre come to New York you come to the Metropolitan Museum of Art it is one of the world's classiest and greatest museums and deserves to be visited by everyone if it's your first time it's a met you need to grab a map the second you walk in this will be very handy how many times do you think you've been to the met in your life twice a week for um 30 years this is probably one of the most iconic rooms in the entire Museum one of the most recognizable ones right absolutely the Temple of dendor my God this was a gift from the Egyptian government to the United States and President Johnson decided between Boston Washington and New York that it would come here to New York City and the humidity in here is the same humidity as the Nile and it is the only Egyptian temple in the United States if you can't afford the plane tickets to Egypt it's a little cheaper to come to the med little this is to be the Nile we gotta have a crocodile and this is a Nile crocodile an ancient Egyptian dial crocodile no less it's crazy this is George Washington Crossing to Delaware I've seen that I think this is in everything every history book that we have this is reproduced and why you come to the mat is that not just that they have it but look how big it is look at the scale uh of this thing if we walk up to it we're much smaller than most of these people but it's political propaganda the event happened Washington did cross to Delaware on the 26th of December 1776 but do you think an older man can stand up in a rocky boat like that no unlikely artist was it German Emmanuel was destroyed in World War II during American bombing and this is a copy that he made but it was ironically inspired by America right and so the um the reason uh he made this is because they were having a revolution at the time and this was the spur on their Revolution is like eight feet tall exactly this is this is remarkable this is the finest collection of American art decorative art sculpture rooms anywhere and it should be a must for any overseas visitor because you're not going to see this quality and quantity of American art Anywhere But Here so imagine in a very wealthy house going up the flight of steps and at the end of the steps this is the window that was there first of all we have Breakfast at Tiffany's Tiffany of the jewelry store with the blue box this is his son one of his Specialties was glass and he actually in Queens Corona Queens he created a glass factory where he produced colored glass and he had a team of women artists who designed this for him so we know who designed this Agnes Northrup and she created this Autumn scene so I look at this and I instantly say something like God doesn't it look like fall fall colors it doesn't look like the sun is about to set and though this looks like it might be painted it's not it's 100 glass and he invented glass um to create this illusion do you see it looks like confetti almost yeah it's called confetti glass and he made it and it almost looks like leaves are falling using that kind of confetti glass you can really see the quality of the glass and the color as the light comes through it and that you can only experience in a museum the colors that's very uh Northeastern United States absolutely see where he got that motivated absolutely notepad this is fall in the Northeast it's been my first intelligent statement of the day this is the single most important painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art it is what I would consider the Mona Lisa of the Metropolitan Museum of Art it is in every single art history textbook and it is the reason you should come to a museum and that is because there are things in this painting that you will see in person that you cannot see reproduced it's portrait of a young and we don't know who he is but we probably could guess he's wealthy he's well dressed he's learned he has hands in a book but what is never reproduced unless you're here in person is just you see there's a mask over to the left right in the furniture the pants area over here two eyes and a nose there's actually a mask in there also yes it's never reproduced and so you have these three Mass masks over here mask in there mask over there was he part of the theater uh just something erudite and fancy that's why you come to this Museum to be able to see the nuances of the black and the blue and the black and then that mask and I almost defy anybody to see to show that reproduced foreign you see every room everything here this is a political statement it's not just a pretty picture of a landscape it has a meaning behind it not meaning is generally a political meaning the river comes and it loops around like that to create an Oxbow it's called an Oxbow if you notice on the right or the East it's all cultivated right and if you get very close not too close that they're going to yell at us but you can see at first glance it doesn't look like there's anyone there but in fact the reason you come to the mat or to a museum is there are hundreds of people and animals and people working the fields a very hard to see you see smoke I mean just right in the fields right over there just amazing to see the activity that going on on the East cultivated on the on the west or the left it's wild and what Thomas Cole is doing here is a political statement he is saying that the America is eating up its land and it's Crea it's it's cultivating it and this though it looks positive to us for his statement it was negative that that land is being wasted used and the wild land that you see over here this is the Garden of Eden is wild that's what America really is or was that is an ionic column I learned that in his class I kind of forgot the difference between ionic Doric and Corinthian columns because of this man right here yeah right this is the Met chorus and a choros is a standing young male nude now let me say something right away if I took off my clothes and stood in front of you I'd be naked I'd be ashamed Ben's camera would break and it would be awful besides being arrested but this guy is not naked he's nude he is in a natural state he is heroic that's what the Greeks believed in is this kind of heroic nudity anyway why is this so important why is it in every survey of art history textbook in the in the world and it's because it's the very first uh Greek Monument about 600 BC that is that breaks out of the Egyptian model Egyptian models were left foot forward right foot back like in a block of stone this one it's like they've opened it up it's a real person about to walk out in the Naples area as a volcano Mount Airy corrupted in 79.80 covering everything and this room was in a villa at the foot of Mount Aetna and it was covered up for almost a thousand years until it came out and ultimately was bought and brought here too and it's Roman wall painting it's frescoes and so you have to imagine someone in the High Country Living in here fed would be probably down there somewhere and they're looking through illusionistic architectures see the Corinthian column looking through to a cityscape and then because it's a bedroom grandmother probably does that she has guests come over what does she do she might put that a bowl of fruit for people do you see the bowl of fruit in a translucent just to the right of the window over there what year was that um this is 50 BC that's a long and they're birds see the birds sitting in there so it's as if you're sitting here dreaming and you can open your eyes and look out to this uh to the cityscape to this landscape I think the Chinese Garden is one of the coolest spots in the met and it's always calm in here they've been here before I've never even met like a dozen times they're very few people usually when it's really busy in the men you want to just break away this is a good this is the spot you can come to open to the sky and the thing that I find remarkable is this is the only place in the Met they actually have live animals they actually have koi goldfish Garden was created by artists from China who came over [Music] if the van Gogh room is one of the most popular I've seen the entire Museum's the reason you come to the museum to see the van Gogh uh in person is to see the quality of paint how did Van Gogh paint and you see there are the clouds and the clouds have movement I mean they really look like they're moving and the wheat field down below looks like it's moving it looks like it's shimmering and then halfway between wheat field and the clouds there's a Rolling Hills those Rolling Hills exist I always thought the man was crazy and there was a just a figment of his imagination but I rented a house right near the in this town of San Rami and those Rolling Hills they looked just like that but when you're standing in front of it you can see the paint literally Rising off the surface enlightened in the room rebounds off of it and it gives it this remarkable quality so this is really similar to one that most everybody knows in the Museum of Modern Art starry night this one's bigger Starry Night smaller but it's the same town same view same Wheat Field same Hills labo or another Hidden Gem of the Met which we couldn't go to today is the rooftop if you want to get a great view of Central Park that is the spot to do it they also have a bar up there on some weekends they have DJs there as well as you can see right now I've a line to go up to party and the Met rooftop is long thank you I'll be surprised if what we're going to look at now there's anybody looking at it and that's because this is the single in my opinion most important work of Italian Renaissance in the United States and it's a room called the studio Palace in somebody's home you have a series of rooms and the innermost room the inner sanctum where the Duke and the Duke alone is allowed in where all the important papers are it's his study basically and it's done with the most intricate wood inlay illusionistically he has things from his army days but he also has parts of music now this is all illusionism there's nothing real in here when you look like a door that's opened or a window that's open that's an illusion it's what we call Trump Floyd fool the eye and this is the best example in the United States of this kind of uh trumploid and it's all done in Wood different kinds of wood so this is actually my personal favorite exhibit at the Met Perseus or the head of Medusa simply because I'm a big fan of Greek mythology I always love this story so every time I come to the met I pass this I gotta do a second take the reason I like this so much is it is probably if I had to put my finger on it we are modern art starts Pablo Picasso I mean he's one of the great thinkers in art and this is his Patron Gertrude Stein an American who lived in Paris why is it the origin of Modern Art but look at the sofa behind her it starts over here but it disappears on the left hand side if you see her eye one eye looks one way the other eye looks the other way it almost looks like a mask her ear disappears her nose almost looks like a mass that's been flattened a little bit her hands don't they don't really look right besides to break away from the Western tradition and this is the beginning of that this picture alone is going to set the stage for cubism futurism and all the other isms that come after it Seth for a first timer coming to the med any big tips for them like how long should they come okay so I don't overdo it coming to the met or any Museum should be fun you should pick a handful of objects that are of interest to you look ahead of time use the video to pick some things go and see it but don't burn out this is good New York City advice too then we show them wear comfortable shoes I feel like we've walked 20 city blocks in here this is a humongous Museum you can easily Tire yourself out here 5.4 miles we did 11 200 steps about five miles in here they're only 34 Vermeer in the world of those 34 there are a quarter of them are in New York between the mitt and the frick which is just a few blocks away and five are here in the Metropolitan Museum of Art we have one quarter of all the vermeers in the world here and you might know Vermeer because of the girl with the Pearl Earring which is the either the movie or the book He's a Marvel and there was not any one work it's all of them together and that's what makes coming to the Mets so special nowhere else in the world will you see this many of Johannes Vermeer members of the Barrio New York City has a new attraction A 2.6 acre Park on a floating island over the Hudson River and it cost 260 million dollars to make is Little Island worth visiting let's find out 14th Street is that way we're adjacent to the high line and the island right here it was built on top of 132 concrete columns shaped like a tulip this is the first new part to open in the city since the pandemic began cool from here so I can't in my high looks above I really want to see it it's actually good morning dude what are you doing here I'm going in here again to film it what's I think I think he's stalking us no actually guys we planned this we plan this do need a Time ticket from 12 to 8 P.M you can get it on their website it seems like every single New York YouTuber did this video already and I did not watch any of their videos including action kids because I want this to be a true first impression without me seeing stuff and knowing what's coming any excitement you see from me or disappointment is gonna be real sure too but she has thank you we're in Rolling Hills feels like a theme park minus the cost of admission since this is completely free what was your first impression of this place I thought of the Microsoft Windows XP wallpaper this park just opened on Friday after the construction took almost seven years and it was almost entirely a private donation by media Mogul Barry Diller 260 million dollars and one of the Architects was Thomas heatherwick you might know him also designed the vessel [Music] what do we call that musical number I don't know action Kid In Style [Music] this is the 800 capacity Amphitheater here and starting in June they're actually going to have performances and like action kids said it feels like you're watching a show on a boat I can think of far worse views for a concert in New York City I have a feeling there's going to be some good acts here amazing photo opportunities abounded Little Island that's for sure that is for sure we've got 35 species of trees 65 species of shrubs and 270 varieties of grass perennial Vines and Bulbs this is supposed to feel like a little Oasis at the edge of Manhattan I think this is going to become the new proposal spot for people in New York it's really cool I can't imagine how it looks on the sunset do you want to propose again uh I might say no this time action kid you want to be close to somebody over here I call this the uh the Tourist Triangle you've got the edge up there we've got the high line down there and we've got a little Islander right here and the if it ever reopens we hope I keep hearing the xylophone playing everywhere I'm getting these Fantasy Island Vibes I'm fully expecting a dodo bird and Oompa Loompas to be frolicking somewhere here I was expecting fairies fairies Hobbits I don't see anything leprechauns magicians magicians action kid this is the dimension of imagination it's an area we call the little Island I'm seeing spinny stuff that's weird oh I feel like I just took something this is the best part of little island I think just find a rock sit enjoy the views the easy the Empire State Building all the way in the distance so behind me is the former Department of Sanitation garage they're turning that into a public park pretty cool right I think they should name it big island is it gonna be bigger imagine that they're just so unoriginal they're gonna call Big Island [Music] yeah so this is by far the most popular spot on Little Island because you have the Manhattan sky on this way I love the New Jersey this way by the way every time I make a new jersey joke on a channel I do it because I'm from New Jersey I do it with love [Music] thank you [Music] now the sun is coming out the park looks so much nicer now from up here the flowers just smelled really good I like it the purple one clearly they paid a lot of attention to to gardening and how they were going to grow everything here because they didn't just build an island they basically built like a whole nature like an ecosystem right yeah it feels like something that's a backyard that they made it like super super cool action kids at the bathroom is the best feature of little island I'm not making this up I gotta see this it's like a cave I like it it's really cool it's like one of those hotels in turkey or Greece where you're inside of the cave you still contend it's the best feature of little island is the bathroom I think so yeah have you ever said that about any attraction in New York City no we have to come here at night I mean I've noticed so many like lights around here I wonder how it looks like at night time there's been pictures of it at night it look cool that's the next step I think this would be a great Park even if it wasn't surrounded by the Manhattan skyline it's very imaginative like I haven't been to too many parks like this before usually you expect the same thing here it's sort of expect the unexpected yeah like the bathroom exactly [Music] yeah guys we have an Easter egg action kid who's been here like 10 times has shown us that you can actually skip the stairs and just take this path coming up next hidden secrets of little Island it's a type of video I would do if the bathroom is actually a spa action can makes a great point because look they have these little paths you can just jump off it's this it's a very Whimsical Park I love it even over there yeah like this this place is really growing on me you know what this reminds me of is a Governor's Island kind of yeah yeah that little like Rocky climbing thing yeah [Music] I mean it was hectic and chaotic on the first day I had to wait like 40 minutes for my order to get ready what did you order that took 40 minutes two spicy chicken sandwiches which was uh 12 each french fries which is seven bucks we got an iced tea and we also got a lemonade very complex order yeah what do you think beer is eight dollars chicken sandwich is seven dollars too expensive it's a little pricey it's a little pricey yeah a little bit you even get CBD here [Music] then you'll have a real trip huh yeah and this place with all this club like stairs and everything that would be really fun that might be a good Tick Tock yeah what is so interesting about this water fountain for you what is so interesting it lasts a long time look at it still going [Music] it's like anything you play you can't go wrong [Applause] what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming to you from the financial district of Manhattan and on this freezing cold day I'm going to be showing you around what I think is one of the coolest indoor things you can do on your next trip to New York City One World Trade Center the tallest building in the western hemisphere has an observatory at the top and the team at One World Trade is giving us the opportunity to show it to you guys and I'm gonna give you my honest opinion of I think it's worth going up there and spending thirty four dollars on this experience here we go guys I am most excited because team Adriana is going to go to the observatory for the first time in her New York stay are you excited yes you know it's been talking a lot about it and I really want to see it because it seems like he has something really cool to show me on there and I want to say and we have another special guest tall from the traveling clat he's been running all over New York the last couple of months and it's your first time as well right I'm so excited I was at I was at the top of the Twin Towers a week before they came down so for me this is a big moment to come to the top of this one again I am just super super excited to show Adriana this I've been wanting to take her for a long time I want to see it I want to see what you're talking about the elevator ride is coming up guys and if you've never taken this elevator ride before let me say it is the coolest elevator ride I've ever taken in my life you're about to find out why you like Lines no we're gonna be waiting just a little bit just a little [Music] so we just got through security and you when you walk through they have videos playing and a lot of the construction workers who helped build this building give their opinions on how important it is to New York City so the experience Begins the second you get right past security and it's very it's very nice when there was no windows this isn't real this is plastic but it's meant to represent the granite that New York City is built on top of that the building that basically allows New York to build buildings so high that's where we start Underground and then we go up [Music] so tall has gotten us a private press elevator we'll call it just us four to ride to the 100 second floor on the sky pod this is one of the fastest elevators in the world we're going to get up there in about 60 seconds and what you're about to see is on the walls of the elevator well it's very very unique ready guys you're about to see the history of New York City from the 1500s on here we go [Music] foreign I liked like New York in the 15 1600s when it was just Forest that's my favorite part seeing how it sprouts up like do you believe that you think the new year was always there but of course it wasn't and it's amazing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think most people here were expecting that you watch a little show before you go in and it reveals a view you've gone down two floors the actual observation deck this is I guess the moment you guys are waiting for to see if it's actually worth it to come here I believe we're on floor 100 right now the tallest point that public can get access to in the Western Hemisphere first few coming up you ready oh my man you can see so far away I can see the Bronx I think I can even see Westchester County in the distance New York State and all of New Jersey right there [Music] now the cool thing about the observatory is that you have a 360 degree view so you can walk all around and pinpoint different local attractions if you know what to look for so let's see what I can recognize just from being this high up driana is going to show you guys where we live we live right here you can see the Arts oh I see [Music] guys at the book of brokerage Manhattan Bridge Williamsburg Bridge I feel like a god up here [Music] with beer up here ten dollars if you want a beer with your viewer 14 for the cheapest glass of wine but what do you expect I mean you are at the top of the Western Hemisphere drinks aren't going to be cheap foreign [Music] John is a show where they talk about a lot of New York's history and like how it was built the way it was and why it was the way it was it's really interesting don't just skip over it just because it's not the view there's a lot of interesting information there do you write at least one thing about Staten Island Brooklyn Queens in the Bronx and Manhattan the five boroughs we didn't leave anything else a lot of people tend to focus on the views of Midtown Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge and the Williamsburg Manhattan Bridges but I actually prefer the views this way of the Statue of Liberty in Governor's Island you can see the water you can see the Staten Island Ferry there's a lot less people kind of huddled here and it's just beautiful on a sunny day like this I recommend making sure you're coming on a clear day to get the views of the city [Music] it was like you just put a green screen of New York City behind me and I'm shooting a video but it's actually there it's just it's breathtaking for sure it was absolutely incredible I just like for us to be working with the One World Trade Center Observatory is so freaking cool and to be able to like be sent up here and be able to see all this stuff is just amazing to me like I it's just a surreal experience I have to take a few moments to just look out the window without filming without touching the camera and just really take it all in because it's so incredible so Adriana did one world Observatory live up to the hype oh definitely from the beginning to the top it's amazing all the way here you see how new year was built and then you get to see above New York like how many chances you have to do that it's incredible [Music] bread well it's even worse spinning oh man it's rough oh my God it's like being in a VR chamber but yeah God all of our ears are popping right now thank you for visiting someone's world Observatory
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 447,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, nyc attractions, new york, new york city, statue of liberty, nyc observation deck, here be barr, top of the rock, summit ov, summit one vanderbilt, edge nyc, empire state building, one world observatory, one world observation deck, central park, the met, yankee stadium, what to do in nyc, nyc 2023, nyc tourism, nyc vlog, nyc food, times square, natural history museum, coney island, madame tussauds, ellis island, circle line, the highline, food hall, nyc museum
Id: cuz9QaX9ncI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 11sec (13811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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