Live Tokyo Walk 🎉 One Year Anniversary Stream! 🎉

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we all know the common question are we live yet i think we are i think we are live welcome to this gloomy day here in tokyo that marks the one year anniversary since my first live stream on this channel i see that there's already quite a lot of you waiting to join me today that's wonderful uh let me know in the chat if you were actually here uh for the original one one year ago it's gonna be interesting to see which how many of you were with me back then so for today's stream i'm planning to do the same walk as i did on that first stream one year ago at least initially which is starting here in mitsukoshima which is just next to nihombashi here's the famous famous bridge over there and i will walk this way to akihabara so that's the start of today's stream on that first stream it took me an hour to do so we'll see how long it takes it takes today and then once we reach akihabara i will let you my dear viewers dictate the rest of this stream so i'm gonna try a slightly new little thing and not entirely new i've done something similar many times before well i've given you a few options but this time [Music] it will be more in your hands than it has ever been before so uh i think that's gonna be fun and i'm super excited to see for how long or where we will end and end up and i plan to walk basically until i run out of battery um i'll probably have to to stop the stream a little bit before that but you know let's run down the battery in the phone which i estimate will should last us about four hours uh but uh i'm not sure yet about the exact battery life but anyway that's um that's um that's the plan for today and well thank you slo722 for the super chat thank you very much so as you can see yeah it's it's a bit gray today it's not amazing weather it's pretty hot we have to do a one-year anniversary weather check i guess although i'm not sure if i did weather checks back then but i definitely know how much you love them these days so 28 degrees here right now um so yeah it's gonna rain later today current humidity is 57 so it's not super hot but or it's super humid but kinda any stream goals no and definitely not doing anything stupid like that now uh that's i'm not gonna risk putting myself into danger or doing anything that could otherwise get me into trouble i mean i enjoy streaming and i love you my old viewers but i'm not gonna do anything stupid i have i have my comfort zone and thank you brad ward for upgrading your patreon membership that's also a great way to to support me i appreciate that very much thank you so much and thank you ross johnson for an auxiliary battery thank you i actually have a external battery in the bag but yeah as i mentioned before it's not really very helpful because you can't use it while the phone is mounted on a gimbal but yeah it's going to be very interesting to see if we can break some records today we could have more people than usual watching that would be nice if we could smash this super chat record that would also be very nice of course but yeah let's see how it goes a lot of people out today it's a saturday here in tokyo of course so that's one reason but also the state of emergency was lifted a few days ago so maybe that also means that a little bit like a few more people actually go outside now compared to to before 300 watching and not even 100 likes oh it would be awesome if we could break the records in the number of likes today and if everybody does their part i think we can achieve some great deeds there let's go down here i always enjoy passing passing this little this hyper urban shrine that we have down here oh and another super chat thank you very much jaco yarvinen thank you so much very generous of you so yeah we are you know surrounded by high-rise buildings here and in the middle of all this there's a nice little shrine remember boys bow oh yes some people actually waiting to to do a bit of praying here i'm not sure what this shrine is for maybe someone can let maybe someone knows in the chat oh i never actually noticed that there's this tiny little garden here is that something new i guess some construction going on here oh thank you dave for the super chat thank you very much okay this little garden bit was pretty small they actually managed to squeeze in a small little creek here wow hyper compact compact living i must have more than one measly beer yeah i think i will have more than one measly beer today after all it's it's it's my channel's birthday so i guess we need beer and cake which is a horrible combination but nevertheless i think we need to get that cute oh it's a shrine for good fortune in wealth and business so okay i think it then it makes sense to stop by here today on this special stream see if it brings any wealth and good fortunes um in my life or for this stream thank you matthew duffy i love your streams thank you very much and thank you and miller happy one year anniversary thank you so much thank you so much yeah it's crazy it's been a year already and i i checked my channel and it's about 170 something live streams have done since then so that's what on average one stream every two days for an entire year let's see maybe for the two year anniversary maybe we can bump up that ratio even more but yeah it's crazy and i don't know how many hours of walking i've done during this year so thank you all my viewers you've been helping out helping me stay fit or actually i'm not fit though so i guess it's all those beer breaks but at least i'm definitely in better shape compared to whatever would have been if i didn't do all these walks let's head back down to the main street here and continue our adventure towards akihabara for now yeah one year i mean it's been a great way for me to stay sane during these troubling times i honestly don't know how i would how my mental state would have been without these streams but i'm pretty sure that it would be definitely worse because of the company that i get from all you in the chat and just from the fact that i'm out and about and moving around and i've also learned a lot about tokyo i've explored a lot of places that i probably wouldn't have visited otherwise so that's yeah there's just so many benefits to running a channel like this that is quite amazing quite something and it also sounded very much like many of you my dear viewers has been appreciating these walks a lot and that's of course one of the greatest achievements for me as well knowing that i help other people during these troubling times by taking you on small small everyday adventures during my walks thank you hey [Music] super chat is very active today i think we might be able to break some records and thank you edwin happy anniversary for your coffee break on today's long walk thank you very much thank you very much i don't think i need to cross here now did someone ask me to stop by kanda station i think kanda station is pretty much straight ahead i'm not mistaken uh as well thank you wow you're very generous today darla thank you thank you wow so now i kind of know how how famous streamers must feel when they have like super chat popping up every other second like this it's a pretty nice feeling i must admit i like it how many years it's a one year anniversary it's one year since my first live stream one year since i started with this strange little hobby of streaming my everyday walks all over japan okay off to the left is a more atmospheric street so i will cross here though so yeah one year of streams um my estimate is that we will probably have another year of japan streams coming up for sure then what happens after that is going to be well it's still it's still pretty unclear if i will still be in japan after next summer that i do not know but i'm here now and for the for the foreseeable future at least thank you mr miyazaki yeah it's been great it's been great getting all the messages and support from you i'm sorry that i'm not always able to respond to every message it's actually getting a little bit difficult to keep up with all the the incoming messages which is a kind of nice problem to have but yeah it does make me feel a little bit bad from time to time that i can't be a bit can't be more responsive arigatou gozaimasu an econ guy as well thank you look at this house look at this little house squished in between the newer houses i guess like 50 years ago this was the kind of buildings just lined the streets all over the place here simon says i enjoy the conversation most other japan walk streamers don't say a word yeah thank you thank you that's great to hear that is very great to hear um i enjoy the conversation too that's why i hardly record any 4k videos anymore because it's just so much more enjoyable to to have your company while out and about recording a 4k video now feels extremely lonely to me actually which is one of the reasons why i don't do it very often then also there's just so many other channels recording those silent 4k videos and doing it way better than i ever could so i should just stick to my my little niche i guess i hope this was the street you meant simon i don't want to divert too much from my original path today now for now until i get to akihabara but then you will have plenty of influence to to control where i'm walking i honestly have no idea if this stream will end in i don't know ikebukuro or in somewhere in adatku or maybe east of skytree or somewhere i don't know it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun beer today most certainly most certainly most certainly beer beer and cake to celebrate thank you jamie thank you congratulations on your one year anniversary thank you for watching thank you vogue lamb thank you for just joining and being here and also for being a patreon supporter there's some nice restaurants here under this bridge this bridge is actually quite nice to come at night it's a good photo spot and also the side streets around here as well thank you sravani and csv thank you very much thank you very much so yeah now we're at kamba station just one stop from akihabara we've been walking for 20 minutes here's also a nice shorthand guy again this these streets as well are just well i mean it doesn't make sense for me to say that this street is better at night like everything in tokyo looks better at night so but it's day now and we're walking now so let's just enjoy what we have wow thank you fungus that's very generous of you thank you so much thank you so much not trying kimchi flavored cake that would be that would be amazing that would be amazing um yeah you all have deep pockets today thank you thank you so much and you get to the bridge over the river from canada look over to the side oh yes yes down towards the ochanomiza direction right yeah that's a good spot buying a bentley after all these super chats yeah there's not much that has been earmarked for the supercar fund yet though there was one i think the first super chat ever that actually mentioned the supercar fund so i think there's five dollars in the supercar front now so you know if we have that maybe a million times maybe we can afford a supercar so maybe by the two year anniversary we will get there too bad i'm so far from papua new guinea yes i am but actually it's not impossible that this walk today could take me to him again it will be up to you my dear viewers once we reach akihabara i will leave it all up to you i think i think we can go this way thank you russ johnson okay now we have 6.99 in the supercar fund so that's uh that's a percentage-wise a pretty significant step forward so that's good that's good 500 viewers now thank you all for joining and if there are any first-timers out there i do recommend that you check out my the links in the video description we'll find the link to my instagram and you will find the link to my patreon you will also find the faq with answers to some some frequently asked questions obviously such as who am i what do i do in japan how long have i lived here what equipment do i use all those things that everybody seems to be very curious about all those questions will be answered thank you lemelian wow more beer more coffee and walks thank you thank you so much so much yeah we need to get some cake some cake and beer is high on the priority list right now i kind of need to charge my batteries i think for today's adventure i probably need to eat lunch at some point as well because i haven't done that yet um but yeah [Music] they're and yes and also a big shout out to my awesome moderators who are always here swinging their band hammers and doing what they can to to keep the chats uh generally awesome place to be oh by the way you know that i enjoy you and i on a beer here they actually have their own little bar fantastic thank you dan chemistry gozaimasu i hope you can reach 100k subs yeah that would be nice i hope so too but for me subs is it's not about quantity it's about the quality and i have a pretty awesome viewership as it is but of course the more the merrier do you prefer swedish or japanese beer um swedish beer is not great so i think between those two i probably would go for for um japanese yeah i mean there's some interesting like microbreweries in sweden i guess but the big brands in sweden are kind of bland but then again the big brands here in japan are kind of land as well so but i'm not a beer connoisseur i'm just i'm just cheap i just have my beer at convenience stores and drink on the street thank you oscar castro you deserve thank you very thank you much much and moji-san thank you foreign what would you do differently if you could redo your first live stream um nothing i think everything is a learning process and my first live stream probably sucks i checked it this morning and the quality is horrible but you know every every failure is one step closer to or towards perfection so it's fine it's fine i'm happy i'm happy that i did that stream that i didn't worry too much about getting everything right and perfect i'm still just starting to figure things out so that's fine and i'm just happy that all of you enjoy joining me on my on this experimental journey basically i in a way like sometimes i think of what i'm doing here right now and all these streams and whatnot that's kind of like the warming up for whatever i'm gonna do with this channel or another channel i don't know uh once i leave japan and can hopefully you know improve things even further in many ways so um yeah and i'm sorry because i'm not looking at the chat constantly so i might miss some messages or even some super chats i try to scroll back on my on my second phone and read everything uh and by the way yeah here i wanted to get to this other side because that's where the view is nice but the view is kind of nice this way too so let's let's enjoy the view here you can be a world traveler and live stream and everywhere anywhere yes that's what i'm hoping that's what i'm actually hoping to do in the future to travel more all over the world with my great family and be able to do this moderator's hammer fun thank you toilet brush salesman here i'm going to about to go to bed okay sleep tight my friend has sake grown are you oh i like sake a lot but usually i don't really buy sake myself very often but quite often when i travel and i'm on work trips and have like fancier meals then it usually comes with good sake and it's always a joy to drink let's see what else are you saying redmonds i'm here welcome congrats for one year thank you very much melody matilda i've only missed three lives and there's already so many people you could see here am i in shibuya no i'm not in shibuya i'm in a cavalla by the way the default thumbnail for all my videos is actually shot down here like this this view but with a very different lens i think it's shot with a 200 millimeter lens and at night but yeah the view you are seeing on the default thumbnail the night shot is down this way okay simon thanks for stopping by see you around next time close to 550 people now just keeps on growing so yeah i made it to akihabara in half an hour and as promised i will let you dictate where i'm going from here so the way i wanna i'm gonna do this is at regular intervals from here on today i will let you decide which direction i should walk um so the only rule is that i won't go back the same way i came so i came from the from the south so i won't go south from here but um that being said the options here are south which is straight ahead which will take me to ueno eventually through akihabara and down to ueno that's one option another option is west which will be this way which will take me towards tokyo dome and yeah if we keep going west west you will eventually get to like ikebukuro and also if i keep going north after ueno i will eventually hit papa noel actually i will end up somewhere in minoa i think or i could go east which would take us towards asaksabashi which is a pretty popular area and from asakusa bashi if i continue walking east from there i will cross i think it's uh sumida river and i think eventually i will get towards um um ryogoku and potentially even further so you can look it up on a map where i am right now i'm pretty close to akihabara station so you can use that as a landmark and i will let you vote soon and please vote by writing the first letter of the direction so n for north w for west and e for east south is not an option this time and then once i reach the next like major waypoint or major station in that direction i will let you vote again and again and again so you will be in charge of where i will spend the rest of this stream another three hours or so so don't vote yet folks don't vote yet don't start voting until i tell you that the voting starts okay um and i will be uh as always i will go for the route that gets the five five votes quickest uh so that's how i will do it but all those votes you're casting now i won't count those so i will i will wait until you stop uh writing directions in the chat and then i will announce the official starting of the votes so yes please don't vote yet i was just practicing okay brad good you're very voting happy yeah i can see that i can see that and also if you want to discuss in the chat and make up a strategy together like oh if you keep voting north he will end up in this super awesome area so let's do that like please go ahead uh i won't interfere with any comments uh regarding uh future votes um so you can you can discuss those things uh internally here we have a little reflection reveal in the bus also everybody riding that bus thought i was just a crazy person waving at them um but yeah i think we will start the voting now so please go ahead and vote north east or west and thank you oh okay that was fungus super chats see west west west with oh wow that's uh pretty much west kicking the butt with every other option so west it is west is this way that means i'm heading towards tokyo dome area which is uh great i think because i've never actually been to tokyo dome on any of my live streams as far as i can remember so yeah there we have it i will walk towards tokyo dome and once we get to tokyo dome i will let you vote again uh where to go from there and i will eat something and probably drink something on my way there as well thank you wish for walking videos where are you moving from you're in the us right are you like japanese citizen or something or how how will you how are you able to get into the country have you been in the southwest of tokyo um exactly where do you mean southwest uh basically i live in the south west of tokyo kind of or in the south at least not that far west maybe oh thank you yenni first anniversary cake fun thank you very much and yes a zoom fan meeting definitely that's something i've been kind of thinking about for a long time and even discussing openly with my patreon supporter and two supporters and it will probably happen at some point but it will be as all the good stuff it will be exclusive to my patreon supporters so please consider joining me there if you haven't already the link is in the video description what about discord yeah that's also something that i'm planning to set up and that as well will be limited to my patreon supporters um otherwise it would just be too much too much hassle to moderate and like i said i prefer quality over quantity so i'd rather have a nice little area where my most dedicated fans and followers can can uh hang out rather than you know something that's open for thousands and thousands of people yeah that's sad right the old sega building which used to be such an iconic akihabara landmark but now it's it's not anymore can you do a live stream once one day around the ochanomizer district um i walked through ochanomism many times during this year um so yeah there's already plenty of autonomizer videos on my channel but i will probably pass through there again at some point so current battery status by the way is 81 we were at 95 when we started so 40 minutes drained about 15 battery it's a big day today indeed it is maryam one year anniversary i should calculate how many hours of streams i've done so far that would be kind of interesting it's actually hot it's like i i said the same thing yesterday it's this kind of weather where you don't really you kind of underestimate the heat and how much you're sweating um because it's not that kind of heat that really like burns you but it's still so hot that you're constantly like constantly sweating a fair bit but it's not that noticeable so i really need to recharge my or hydrate myself too human yeah it's just 57 humidity so it's not that high actually but yeah and that's a good point joan um we need to have the total cone count that's um that's race mission actually that's why he got elevated to moderator in the first place so he really needs um yeah he needs to to put together a total cone count on my channel this far yeah let's do a little break at the next conbini we stumble across i don't think ray is here now unfortunately because he's in europe and it's very very early morning over there right now did we do a fit check yet fit check what does that even mean we did a weather check a while ago we haven't done a fitbit check yet but uh i don't think that's what you meant but i was 4 500 steps so far today let's see how many steps we will be at once this historical day ends outfit i see fit outfit outfit okay so similar similar color palette as yesterday but more like my shirt today is more green than blue and as always my pink shorts and black sneakers that's you know that's the look that's the look that's the look to go for this summer let's pass through here i think last time i came here this place was closed but today it's open so perfect how many pink shorts do you own uh just one or two pairs i just wear them all the time some vending machines there but they didn't look like they were accepting suica some good roots here also some good historical statue person nice place very lush and green not all vending machines except suica no they don't um most don't actually usually like in the stations especially jr stations they accept zuka because suika is originally made by jr but out on the streets more often than not the vending machines are cash only so so so yeah one of the things i like a lot about toku is all these shrines and temples that you will find all over the city that are often a nice little kind of break from the from the rest of tokyo and it's hyper urbanism very nice people are taking photos of these decorations on the roof interesting i actually don't know anything about this place but it's quite it's a shrine right pretty sure it's a shrine not a temple and it's kind of different in style than most shrines oh here we go here we have a little bit of um shrine that shines confucius shrine of shino and the site of shohei zaka college you have it temple is it the temple i'm kind of confused now oh the statue was confucius yeah good job rockaway siren and yeah if someone can clarify do a bit of wikipedia digging around and figure out if this is indeed a shrine or temple now i'm starting to think it's actually a temple didn't see any tori anywhere and if he's confucius he's not really shinto right as you hear my knowledge about japanese religion is quite limited and it's also kind of convoluted you have shrines within temples and temples within shrines as well so it's like a little bit it can be a little bit like these russian dolls predates shinto i think thank you old school bible happy anniversary thank you very much thank you very much there's a conbini here but oh and actually there's a park here so let's get a little kombini emergency pack um and do a little break in the park up here let's do that hey okay it's a temple to confucius i i am familiar with who confucius is but yeah confusing so today i will buy a bit of a special package here it will be a kind of light lunch because i definitely need to eat something with a bit of nutrition right now i feel so let's do let's go for uh um let's try this one wasabi machine wasabi and rice and soy sauce then i will get the beer because it's my birthday oh it's not my birthday but it's the birthday of the channel sadly the beer selection is not super exciting but let's do a premium premium ones this is a premium day today and then also since it's a birthday we need some sort of cake so let's get a little bit of cake as well some sort of dessert i think we need this one vanilla and chocolate cake [Music] foreign okay folks time for the first break today since there's this little park here i thought it's good good time and also just good to sit down for a moment get a drink get some cake and recharge the batteries thank you yl and thank you i i noticed there was a bunch of super chats coming in while i was in the camini uh you're really generous today folks i i'm so thank you so much thank you marianne thank you terry long thank you so much thank you yl as well so beeruto night beer cake and onigiri is a very weird combination but i'm a weird person so i think it suits me let's anniversary yes yeah the chat is crazy busy we have 600 viewers now so i'm sorry if i'm not responding to all of you fungus should be mentioned as well yes fungus should also always be mentioned because i always need to apologize to him for never buying the thing he wants me to buy which is kimchi unfortunately they did didn't have any kimchi and not the flavored sweets at that specific kombini so yeah apologies for that also there's some slides here but uh generally i try to not point the camera towards children especially not for extended periods of time so i think you will have to do with looking at my food while i'm having this very strange little anniversary sad and strange anniversary celebrationary dinner so onigiri oh thank you garfield keep on the motivation thank you cakey mo kata [Music] so there's some kids [Music] [Music] foreign okay too many kids here um you made them one night yes they are very curious and very cute [Music] cake is a toy story design i see i thought it looked like some sort of this figure i don't recognize it but it looked familiar [Music] sorry i was just lying blatantly to the kids but it would be too complicated to explain to them what i'm really doing this is quite nice it's just rice with a bit of soy but then there's a chunk of wasabi in the middle [Music] and apologies to my american viewers i know that it's very offensive to drink beer around kids but in um all right [Music] foreign they are very curious they knew that it's a toy story character they they know way more than me i think he wanted to to explain um who this alien was but i didn't really understand super cute kids though definitely super cute kids okay let's open this cake share with the kids yeah i wish i wish i could but i i can't really involve them too much in the stream without their permissions see how do i open this without damaging it that's the challenge i guess oh [Music] okay i failed it broke a little bit now it has a mouth that was not intentional but that's what it looks like so now it's beer and cake time [Music] [Music] um [Music] maybe they want the bite of this cake cute i think the parents are are just um they're here too i don't think they're here alone there's a few adults around [Music] yeah if i knew that i had a bunch of kids joining me then i would have gotten something for them as well now i'm just super selfish but this cake is good it's like chocolate and nuts inside i like this one very tasty now it looks like it's in a state of chalk yeah and certainly i've seen better days maybe they will ask their parents for [Music] cake almost done okay cake has been consumed my happiness level has increased so has my energy level now just give me a moment to finish this beer and we will soon be on our way again towards tokyo dome on this anniversary birthday stream how's the premium malt beer uh it's good it's actually quite tasty but it's um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] she was [Music] [Music] um [Music] video bombed by the children yeah at least she was wearing a mask that's good i think i need to get going now [Music] i'm gonna finish my beer as well so let's get going i'm gonna say goodbye to them but now they ran away i can't even see them anymore super cute super cute kids that was a quick break a quick but a good break let's see i think i can throw away my trash here as well yes [Music] okay we got a little energy boost there thank you all for staying with me i hope you enjoyed that little interaction with the super cute kids i would have loved to talk more to them but it's a bit kind of borderline i don't know if it's okay to do that when live streaming without getting the permission of their parents first so i was a little bit um uncomfortable i don't want to offend anyone buy a cake for the kids yeah shoot i should i should but that could also come across as a bit creepy and weird i guess um thank you so much aben lemtoor thank you so much wow i have no idea how much that is but it looks like it's a lot so thank you thank you so much [Music] yeah that's the good and the bad thing about live streaming right it's like it's always a lot of fun to have organic interactions like that happen that's usually something i enjoy a lot and i know that you my dear viewers also enjoy it but it's also especially here in japan it's you kind of should let people know beforehand that they're gonna get captured on camera if you plan on doing so uh so yeah it's a bit of a headache but thank you ross for the currency conversion and thank you very much for the donation 622 people watching now not bad at all wow i didn't know i wonder tokyo medical and dental university okay and here's tokyo garden paris took a garden palace hotel i didn't know i don't think i've ever walked on this street before actually see that's what you know running this channel does to me i explore so much new all the time yes my tripod is the dji on m4 your stream is pretty stable good to hear good to hear yeah i made sure to calibrate the gimbal before today's stream because i noticed if i don't do it before every stream it sometimes feels like it's not as stable but i think today the image should be quite stable right and thank you and let's see i think i got another super chat again thank you thank you very much is this your part of the original walk no now we've we went to akihabara and then i let my viewers vote on which direction to take from there so we are not part of the original walk anymore from here on it will be all up to my viewers where i will end up today next stop is tokyo dome once we get to tokyo dome my viewers will get to vote once again which direction to take so for those of you who are new and just joined the stream that's how how we're doing it today i will walk until my battery dies and it will all be up to my viewers where i end up so it's uh it's like choose your own adventure but in real life and in tokyo still pretty cloudy yeah it's the sky is just gray it's just gray everywhere it's not at least it's not raining so i shouldn't complain yeah i might end up in shinjuku if you keep keep telling me to go west that's where i will end up so so yeah shinjuku could very well end up being the the final destination for today's walk i think i will change instead of walking next to this big road i will take these smaller side streets they're usually more fun this looks like okay so this is some sort of community center but i think it's also school or a kindergarten we can pass across here right ah damn it i just realized i made a pretty pretty serious mistake today that kind of might potentially ruin the plan or the idea of going until the battery runs out i forgot to lower the bitrate rate of this stream so i'm streaming at 6 000 kilobits per second and i have a daily limit of 10 gigs per day of data after that i'll get the slower speeds my speed will downgrade to three megabits per second which isn't enough to maintain a stable stream and will probably just cause tons of buffering after that so we'll see how long we are able to go it may not be the the battery that limits this stream but i think at least three hours should be fine with this bitrate so and i can't change it on the fly i can't change it without starting a new stream so yeah once we get lots of buffering we know that there's probably the data limit issue so that might be what ends this stream today so i'm sorry about that i can't adjust bandwidth on the fly i don't think i can wait let me try actually i've never tried let's see okay so i just changed it now but it looks like it's still six thousand so okay there's a sign here saying that there's actually some available apartments so if any of you feel tempted to move here yeah i changed the setting but it's still streaming at the same bitrate so so it didn't actually change it probably changes next time i start a new stream but at least three hours will be good so maybe that's long enough but it's a little bit of a bummer because it would have been fun to to kind of try to push the limits a little bit today oh let's cross here she says this way is towards saitama am i have i been knocked of course this america area looks familiar where are we we are the nearest station is hong go sanchome uh and yes i need to head this direction i am heading towards tokyo dome right now so it's this way it came from akihabara which is down there now i'm in the area called hongo now wait no this way this one [Music] this way and then left we're pretty close to suitobashi yeah we're heading towards suitobashi would it be pushing to do two streams today a romantic nighttime dinner um i wouldn't mind but uh i think um i need to you know okay take care of the rest of my family after this stream um so um yeah it's quite tiring for my wife to spend the entire day with our daughter she's quite demanding after all okay here we have a map um so a park a museum we are here we came from down here but we are heading this way towards koraku and sudobashi direction i think tokyo dome is like here let's map yep i think another five minutes or so we should be close to tokyo here we have what looks like another really old building i just love how in tokyo and everywhere even the most fancy areas you sometimes find this these super old buildings or workshops for the yellow brickline yes i try to walk on top of it just to make the image more symmetrical that's what happens when you've spent most of your life as a professional photographer you care about composition all the time so like shooting like this would would just annoy me so much like this so yeah kimono lady coming here nice i wonder what shoot where she was going and does the yellow brickline have an official function yeah it's for [Music] blind people or or people with impaired eyesight to figure out how to walk because it kind of diverts when there's a street crossing and uh the pattern on top also changes so that's what it's for what's the charges for roadside parking i don't know i don't know ah i think that's tokyo dome that's where we're heading um i don't know because i don't have a car and i never drive so i don't know what it costs to park but i think it's quite expensive yeah these ones have like dots and i don't know exactly what this what the dots here means but usually they also have dots yeah once you reach a street crossing see then the pattern changes from these lines to to these dots so that they know that they need to be careful because there are cars so we're now at 66 battery after 1 hour and 21 22 minutes of streaming so yeah i think with a yeah i think data might end up being the limiting factor today not battery life but we'll see we'll see still plenty of battery yeah that means i should have another like three hours worth of battery so butter is definitely holding up pretty well this part of talk is pretty hilly which gives it a bit of a different look is it feasible to commute with bicycles sure sure it is it depends on where you live and your physical limitations but definitely you could do that you could do that are bikes not allowed to run right on the road they are they are they're actually supposed to be on the road but they're also allowed to be on the on the pedestrian side of things when necessary oh that's a pretty pretty neat uh jet coaster is that what you call it roller coaster over here tucked it on i didn't know like i've i think i've been to tokyo once this might very well be like second time in my life that i approach this famous landmark here in tokyo which is kind of weird also this cafe looks like it could potentially be quite awesome coffee house ako with that sign it has to be good but i'm not going there right now so again for if there's any new viewers around today is the one year anniversary of my live streams it's been exactly one year since my first live stream on this channel so happy birthday to to me i guess um so in today's stream it's all up to my viewers where i will end up so i gave you the option a while ago once we hit akihabara i gave you a few options which direction to head and you voted on west which took us to tokyo dome which is where we are now and since we are here it's time to decide where to go from here so let me give you a little bit of an update on the map situation uh wow a lot of people here interesting this looks like a popular area so tokyo dome city is apparently a big amusement park i kind of knew that but i also realized that i forgot that it is i thought it was just like a sporting arena but yeah it's a pretty pretty fun looking amusement park actually i could see myself come here with my daughter once you get a little bit older maybe but for now we will just take a little bit of a look around here and then i will soon let you decide which direction to go from here let me just cross this street first waiting for you yeah let's see if you vote me to walk towards papa noel ah did you see that wow they're upside down as well that looks like fun i haven't i haven't been on one of those in i don't know how many years it looks like it could be fun to ride a roller coaster again this thing looks kind of interesting too not so not so violent but still you're high up enough to to get that cozy feeling in your stomach i should definitely come here enjoy myself you can walk through the tokyo dome area i think it looked like i can right shall we have a look see if it's actually possible i don't know if i can walk this way yeah looks like we can walk through here so i guess we have to do that i guess we'll have to do that thank you robot hello from tahiti hello to you hello tahiti here we have a little sega game center interesting they're not all closed this one is still alive and kicking obviously former name was koraku an amusement park i see i did not know that wow there's a lot of people here there's certainly a lot of people here today so this feels like it could potentially be a thumbnail i have no idea where to go from here but there's the tokyo dome thing so i guess i need to walk around it somehow wow it's so weird i've lived here for 13 years i've never been here i think i came here like once on an assignment many many years ago to shoot something but that's it other than that i've never really passed this area before it's pretty massive oh foreign i'm glad i'm shooting with a super wide angle lens today otherwise uh otherwise i could not get all the fun stuff in the frame is that the name of the roller coaster maybe so let's see i'll be heading yeah i want to pass this whole area okay so someone says that there's uh or not someone uh ken mojisan says that exile is having a live today exile is a popular i think it's a boy band i'm not really sure but it's a it's a band but and judging on the demographic of the audience i wouldn't be surprised if it's yeah it's it's mostly teenage girls so seems like it should be uh boy band playing in the house [Music] let's see if we can get the roller coaster here to pass in the frame here i can finally pass the whole area foreign maybe we will have a new vote soon where to go from here interesting yeah it's it's i'm kind of surprised that i haven't really been here before it just blows my mind it feels like such a place that i should have at least passed through countless times by now for various reasons what's the distance you walk to reach there uh so far today i was seven thousand three hundred steps so not that much actually um okay so maybe let's go to this pedestrian bridge and we can get a update on where we are and i will give you some some options and let you decide where to go from here that's it says khorakran station so that's on marunochi line i think marunochi line and namboke line as well all right good morning good morning so good morning and thanks for the super chat right um so we are now like if you want to look at a map where i am you can just search for korakuen station oh it's only written in japanese here but anyway that station is over there um so i came from the east so i won't be heading to the east but if i walk north i will head towards my kind of head towards sugamo area or potentially komagome area which is a neighborhood in north of tokyo tsugomo is famous for being the harajuku for all ladies for all people um if i head west i will head towards wasada university first edogawa bashi station and then wasada university and then if i keep walking west i will eventually get to takadana baba and if i walk south from here i will head towards suitobashi and then later kudansta station and if i keep walking i will reach the imperial palace so that are the options right now so don't vote yet don't vote yet um i will tell you when the voting starts and that's always the first option that gets five votes it's the is the direction i'll be heading um so you can write either n for north uh w for west or s for south so start we're voting now west south north south south south has four votes assad oh i need to check which one actually won looks like it's south yeah i think south one by a tiny margin but south one so that means we are heading it should be this way right let me let me check just to make sure but i think this is south okay you can stop voting now it's already been decided that i'm heading south um i just need to figure out no this is not so this is south okay so i will start by heading back down to street level and then i will work my way towards the south and uh towards let's see so the next waypoint will be i guess i will walk down to kodanshita station which is just at this northern northernmost point of the imperial palace and once we get there i will let you vote again i think this is fun i enjoy letting you dictate this day it makes it much easier for me then i don't need to worry as much so it looks a little bit complicated i'm kind of trying to figure out which route to take from here because i can't really walk straight south from here i look like i need to head back back a little bit where i came from this direction and then i can walk south yes the national museum of modern arts is in that direction as well that is true i don't think not sure if i've actually been there just trying to get tea towards marinochi for a coffee i see you want me to get to coffee person it might happen it's certainly not impossible we shall see which way to the joyful minoa oh that's north that's north my friend so um unfortunately i think minoa is pretty much out of the question now it's i'm heading in the opposite direction uh i actually should have voted north when i was in akihabara um in order for me to get towards joyful manoa so yeah no papa noel today that's for sure but yeah we potentially i might end up at coffee person which is almost as good if not as good potentially even better how many days would it take to see all of tokyo i lived here for 13 years and i haven't seen nearly all of tokyo yet so i would say it's more like a lifetime project if you want to embark on that but that being said i think i think two weeks is a good good minimum time if you're visiting tokyo for the first time that will give you a kind of sense of the city and you have enough time to explore a little bit personally i don't really think going shorter than that i mean i mean to a lot of people even two weeks is not really realistic right then of course then sure three days in tokyo it's better than zero days in tokyo but it's a big place with lots of things to see and do and in order for you to not just come here and leave before you get a sense or a feeling of what this place actually is then yeah i recommend people who can to to stay a little bit longer i mean yeah i lived here 13 years there's still like train lines i've never been using and they're still you know neighborhoods that i have never set my foot in so which is kind of one of the main reasons why it's so so amazing to live here because you will never get bored but yeah i'd really recommend two weeks if you're coming for the first time because i don't i don't like when people kind of come here for three days and then they think that they kind of know tokyo but like when i came here the first two weeks i was just walking around with my mouth wide open salivating at how amazing everything was and it was just like being like i don't know like being high or something it was like it was just very kind of overwhelming so yeah um but with two weeks then you have a little bit of time to kind of let everything sink in you also have the time to do a day trip or two to like the outskirts explore the greener parts you know the mountains in the west or the beaches in the south go to places like kamakura and by the way when i say tokyo i don't mean like tokyo city i mean the tokyo region which essentially is like one big mega city even though it's like technically made up out of a handful of cities what's your opinion on the cost of living in tokyo that's a common question that i get asked a lot i should actually write something about that in the faq i think um but uh i think it's reasonable i think you can you can get by for surprisingly cheap um considering that tokyo is you know one of the biggest cities in the world it's in a country where the general price level is not super cheap but still i think you can have a decent life here for less than it would cost you to have a decent life in say new york or paris or london but of course if you compare it to countries where the price general price level is way lower uh then uh yeah i thought you might come across as expensive of course so so yeah cost of living is very relative to where you come from and what price level you're accustomed with well i mean i have friends and friends of friends who come here on a really tight budget and they still get to enjoy a lot of things because like you you know if you look around you can actually get like a decent meal for like 500 yen or five dollars which you know even at a decent restaurant in the center of shibuya or shinjuku for example uh i don't think you can get a decent lunch for that kind of money in a city like yeah paris or new york or london foreign so now we are heading south now we're at suitobashi station here down here and now we'll continue a little bit further south and we will eventually hit the the northern tip of the imperial palace once we get there i will let you vote again yeah cheaper in tokyo than finland for sure yeah i think it's cheaper in tokyo than stockholm as well foreign ah battery life is currently 58 and we are approaching one hour and 40 ma 45 minutes of streaming time so here is sudobushi station which is a station on the sauber line which is a line that runs from shinjuku to chiba i think i passed here actually when i did my epic walk from tokyo station to takao which is almost half a year now half a year ago now i walked all the way from tokyo station to takao in the far west of tokyo that was crazy that was one of my favorite walks so far actually thank you book0011 thank you so much i hope you can come back soon as well so foreign yeah someone mentioned that i should walk or i should do another which is the train line in enoshima and the video i have of riding that is quite popular on my channel but i should actually do a walk when i walk that entire train line that would be a very nice walk i'm actually surprised that i haven't thought about that earlier i have to do that what's this building some sort of school maybe oh it's it's a university it's a nihon university i see dental college this is actually also from a part of tokyo that i'm very very unfamiliar with i'm not sure if i've ever walked on this street before [Music] well over 700 people watching now thank you and welcome if there are any new viewers out there uh welcome hope you enjoy this walk i do live walks like this almost every day so if you think that's something you enjoy then i strongly suggest that you subscribe to my channel if you are new i also recommend that you read the faq which is linked in the video description and we find answers to questions like who i am what i'm doing in japan what equipment i use and all those kind of things and also if you really like this channel i would be very happy if you wanted to join me on patreon the link is in the video description and joining me there gives you access to patreon only streams that i do quite often i might do one today i probably have to do one today after this stream um probably need to take a break for a while and recharge the batteries since i'm planning to run until i'm out of battery if we run out of data i'm not sure maybe i can stream from my iphone which has a different plan which should work okay if we're not moving around too much but yeah i think that's it and i think i need to sit down again soon getting a bit tired again and i need to hydrate actually i only had that beer i didn't have any other drinks so far today since i started this stream so no wonder it's actually a vending machine down here let's check it out should get like a pokari sweat or something we got the shot for kobe 19. no i was supposed to get it two days ago but i had to postpone it due to mail not reaching me in time but actually i have a new booking now for next like one week from now so on saturday so hopefully i will get it done but it's really difficult to get a booking right now because it's all fully booked i'll go into this family mart by the way get a drink here [Music] [Music] i think i will get one of these this is also kind of like a dehydration drink it's very tasty salty lychee maybe i should get a puppy as well no i'll save that for a later break [Music] oh have a drink a drink [Music] ah wait now i know i passed this street a couple of times actually but then i walked on that side of the street and i always like the the way the facades look and i i think i said that this street reminds me of china where i used to live many years ago for some reason it gave me the vibe of the shanghai streets basically gatorade kinda i don't really know i haven't really analyzed the recipe but probably something something similar yes let me just see if i can find a place yeah let this mailbox here covet vaccine might be useless to deltabytes oh no it's pretty proven that the vaccine is effective against the delta variant as well maybe not as effective but still very effective come by yeah maybe it's the trees that makes me look like maybe it's the trees that gives me the shanghai vibe and yes the vaccines offered here in japan are pfizer and moderna [Music] i pretty much finished this in almost one go [Music] foreign i finished it i really needed that one ah yes mr miyazaki i know skal i i don't think i've tried it but i don't think i've tried it but i know it oh it used to be kyushu only drink i did not know that it's funny because the name sounds almost like skull which is kampai in swedish school skull finished in one sip pretty much yeah i was thirsty i indeed was thirsty [Music] foreign oh someone's asking about fire hydrants yes i've never really paid much attention to the fire hydrant situation in tokyo but i will try to be a bit more mindful and see if we actually see any fire hydrants 500 likes yay that's not bad at all i forgot but isn't the record like 700 during the stream if that's the case i think we should be able to to get that i was is it just 600 that's the record then we really need to uh improve on that okay so here's jim bucho station actually yeah that's what i thought we're here jimbocho station so i would keep heading south which i think should be this direction timboto is famous for the huge number of bookstores and mainly antique bookshops it's a really nice area actually worth exploring if you if you enjoy old books and magazines you can easily spend a day there without getting bored so yeah here's the jinbocho station so we are here since we're supposed to hit the north part of the imperial garden i will go down here and then up here i think rather than this way it's more interesting i think we do see fire hydrants every now and then in tokyo but i'm not i'm not sure now when you're asking about it i don't really know nice building this old looks like a very old one that's also a bookstore obviously great i found some trash cans i just passed one a fire hydrant did i where i don't see one in here oh wait this is a fire hydrant right right this is for fighting fires i had more the idea in my head of you know these standalone things on the streets big boxes oh like this one that box over there i don't know is that a 500 i thought that was like for electricity and telecommunications and those kind of things but yeah my my knowledge about the essential infrastructure of tokyo is clearly clearly clearly lacking so apologies for that looks like ray knows what he's talking about great maybe the cones are disguised fire hydrants here maybe we need a yeah fire harder encounter or maybe i should start a fire hydrant streaming channel thank you lorianne alba for the super chat thank you so much extreme idea we're sitting all 14 trash cans in tokyo yeah that's that's a good one that's a good one what about this could this be some sort of fire hydrant i think this logo is set cool so maybe it's not maybe this is some electricity related thing maybe these fire hydrants i don't know i really don't know what i do know is that i see that gigantic torii in front of yasukuni shrine down there that's the direction we're heading now battery level is currently at 51 and we just passed two hours of streaming so some simple math tells me that we probably have patched past the midpoint or the halfway point of today's stream or that we're passing that right now unless unless the data limit of 10 gigabytes per day will kick in sooner than that so what do you know about road maintenance um what i know is that they do very often maintain the roads in central tokyo they do fix their asphalt really often actually they spend a terrible amount of money on keeping the roads in good condition um so yeah that's but that's about it and as soon as you leave tokyo and the quality of the roads uh drops considerably pretty fast actually but yes in central tokyo the the streets the roads are usually close to perfect where's gui pretty far from here ugani is next to ueno north of ueno so we we could have been there by now but since my viewers directed me to walk in the complete opposite direction we're pretty far from augustine right now riverside yeah so i guess now we are really close to the imperial palace um so i think it is soon time for you to [Music] have another boat and walking along kanda river will be one of the options it might actually even be two of the options because both both east and west would take me along kanda river but then again uh if i go east from here i will kind of walk back towards where i started today and i don't really want to walk in circles so i don't think that's going to be an option so here is i guess this is kanda river should be right yes it is i'm not sure about the name of this river but i i'm pretty sure yeah it should become the river anyway it's a river let's just leave it at that and um as i am next to kudansta station if you look it up on google maps you can find where i am the place i started today's stream was nihombashi which is this way so i won't be heading that direction i won't be heading this direction either because that's where i came from so the options right now oh look at this bird uh the options now are to head east no sorry west along the river west along the river here or to head south towards the imperial palace and if i do that i guess my next uh my next waypoint would be near takebashi station takubashi station so as always don't vote yet don't vote before i tell you to do so please so the options are south yes which will take me towards the imperial garden or west which will take me toward this yasukuni shrine oh okay that's actually just gonna try oh wait sorry i'm i'm lying blatantly to all of you right now this is actually south north sorry this is north and it will take me back to suite obashi so that's not an option i will head either this way towards yasukuni jinja and that's my friends are west that's west or i could head more like this way which would be south and which would take me towards imperial palace and uh eventually potentially towards uh marunochi so south or west vote now south or west south south west west south west west south south one okay it was very even there for a moment but we are heading south which means we are walking this direction and nothing else uh so i guess i should cross here so yeah sorry about the confusion um let's go to akihabara we already been to akihabara we were in akihabara an hour and a half ago sal means imperial garden or imperial palace direction so you are in luck my friend you the person who said you wanted to see imperial palace i'm just a little bit confused ah it's clearing up it's getting clearer now okay i will cross over there and then walk this way there we have it sorry about me getting a little bit lost tokyo can be confusing this is anyway kodanshita station yeah confused i think i need a coffee actually probably need an iced coffee break soon doctor is indeed a big place yeah that's certainly true i did not know but there's a camera store here camera hirai it's less crowded than pre-covered times difficult to say like it varies a lot depending on the area i'm not sure how different the place like this is compared to pre-covered but certainly some areas are way way less crowded thank you garfield mac motivation part two thank you so much thank you so much so i won't head to yasukuni jinja today i will instead follow the the moat uh around the imperial palace toku is all squares and rectangles yeah that's one way of saying saying it which i won't argue too much with i think tokyo is great if you're suffering from ocd because you have a very high number of very neat and tidy lines in this city it's always funny when youtube asked me if it's time to take a break you've been watching for two hours no i've been streaming for two hours i'm not gonna take a break two hours is nothing two hours is just a warm up thank you mods thank you very much and yes face reveals it happens all the time here's another one there's another one for you but if you want a slightly less obstructed face reveal i recommend that you join me on patreon because then you will get access to my patreon only streams in which i do indeed show my face and you also get to know me a little bit better so if you think that's something you would enjoy and if you want to support the channel yeah joining patreon would be highly appreciated so i think what i need to do i'm always a bit confused when i get here but here's the moat oh wow look it's full of is this are these lotuses well thank you boom shakalaka thank you so much so much and yeah we just we just hit 150 followers on patreon so big thank you to everybody who's joining me there you are my you are my real friends um and you truly keeps my motivation up and keep this channel going so thank you very much um but yeah i need to take a look at the map here um this is a little bit confusing you voted for south right this way is i think my google maps is a bit wonky it keeps telling me it's google says this is north is that so does that mean we should indeed we should actually be heading this way i i see so that's how we're supposed to do it okay okay i got it now we are lost we are lost but that okay i thought i was supposed to go this way but i'm not because that's not what you voted for you voted for south so at this i need to go down here again and then turn this way then we will be on the right track right track my god i can't even speak properly sorry about all the cone fusion best live streams when he gets lost here i'm happy that you're taking it that way rather than getting mad at me so thank you for your acceptance of my flaws i truly appreciate that this is the way we're heading this my friend my friends this is south kind of like southeast to be honest but it's as close to south as we get and um oh thank you my little patreon marketing rant just now actually got me another supporter on patreon so thank you jen thank you very much thank you and apologies in advance for having to deal with my my face thank you so much for joining i hope you will enjoy that exclusive patron only contact so i'm pretty sure that we broke the super chat record today by the way so thank you all for that that is very kind of you and i do really you help me with my motivation does he ever show his face yes i do all the time but only on patreon only to my patreon supporters here on youtube the videos that are public um i do not show my face other than the occasional reflection reveal what kind of content is on patreon apart from your face so it's kind of like um what i do is like usually after the walks i kind of sit down and have a drink or sometimes a meal and a kind of more relaxed chat with you my supporters and followers so yeah a little bit more personal not really walking around but more like sitting down and having a nice little friendly time together so it's not for everyone but if you think that would be for you then by all means make sure to join me there then there's a few other perks as well you can join my postdoc club which will get you a postcard with one of my photos sent to your mailbox every month so that's also something that you can only get by supporting me on patreon and a little bit of other stuff you can read all about it in the in the link or on the patreon page which is linked in the video description quite nice here i can hear t's inner voice it's my face not enough yeah no i don't think my face is should be the reason for anyone to join my patreon to be honest that's that's not what it's about uh it's more about maybe for those of you who want to easier connect with me directly and get to know me a little bit better if that's you then you should join me on patreon regardless of what my face looks or like or not oh and thank you rockaway siren so you yeah you also highlighted something there i also have a public spotify playlist that i only share with my patreon supporters as a response to the constant question about what music i listen to well you can't find out by joining me on patreon are we doing a four plus hour stream today maybe possibly we are walking until i run out of battery uh or until my 10 gigabit gigabytes per day data limit is reached whichever happens first we've been going for 2 hours and 22 minutes so far so yeah imperial palace is somewhere up here i guess but actually this looks like some random dunchy doesn't look very royal at all uh i didn't know is there actually a residential area up here that's kind of sick ray you should be able to calculate which we will hit first and streaming at 6 000 kilobits per second so should be quite easy to do the math to see how long 10 gigabytes will last me thank you oscar castro i got to go now wish you all a good week thank you very much thank you very much ah you were here when the new emperor were sworn in petrie nice i was not here i was in tokyo but i was not i was not watching it in person i was just watching it on tv what are the green leaves in the water i do not know these i think are lotus the bigger ones these smaller ones i don't know maybe someone else knows if you do know please educate us apparently it was in the news a while ago that some some crazy person climbed this wall that's a pretty good way to get you arrested those are algae i don't think these are algae these are you know it's not just like some green smudge it is proper leaves floating on the surface algae is more like this kind of disgusting looking yeah smudge some sort of tv [Music] recording so let me check the map we are heading towards the marunochi area where my good old friend coffee person could potentially still be and i got another patreon supporter just now thank you prop thank you very much for joining my wallpaper club so that's also something that i have on patreon a collection of high-resolution wallpaper photos which are all photos from various parts of japan and tokyo that i shot myself for those of you who don't know i work as a professional photographer i do a lot of work related to travel travel within japan i've been to almost every prefecture in japan i think there's like six left that i still haven't visited so yeah and that's also one of the perks that you can get access to by joining me on patreon again the link is in the video description and enough about that i won't do any more promotion of my patreon for another 30 minutes at least and thank you juan for the very helpful list of the number of fungi in tokyo that is incredibly useful information for the right person so yeah marinoche down here so at some point i think i need to let you vote again but frankly speaking from here my options are very limited so i think i need to continue this way for a little bit longer you have a patreon account yes it's linked in the video description look at your camera gearless why not a hasselblad unfortunately i'm not that rich i would love to shoot with hasselblad cameras but um yeah those are a little bit out of my budget and it wouldn't really make any financial sense for me to invest in those it would not improve the quality of work i would be getting so let's go to tokyo station yeah i guess we have to right i guess we have to head down towards marunochi at least it's really high resolution and good for portrait photos yeah i mean yeah sure there has a lot like 100 megapixel camera but it's extremely expensive and also i'm not sure like higher resolution is not really what my clients request they're pretty happy with the 50 megapixel files that i'm that they're getting from my current equipment but i'm not sure how good the autofocus on hasselblad would be for the type of shooting that i do it would be nice for for landscape shots for sure but again my clients never really complain about the resolution of my current equipment so but sure if i had unlimited amounts of money i would happily buy myself a hasselblad x1d set of lenses and cameras and use that for a lot of my work it's uh the most beautiful camera i know and it's also giving you pretty gorgeous image quality and it's small and compact at the same time i used to shoot with medium format cameras i was shooting with the pentax 645z for well over a year that was my main camera and i did enjoy that at all and it's actually using the same sensor now we're getting very geeky into camera talk sorry about that those of you who don't care much about cameras but um yeah i was shooting with that for a while and the files are beautiful i have some of my best photos are actually taken with that camera um and what that camera did was it also forced me to slow down which actually improved the quality of my photos because it's a bit slow everything from autofocus to to you know taking several photos in a sequence it was everything was a little bit slow which made me think more before i pressed the shutter which actually actually improved the quality of my photos so for landscape work i truly enjoy that but it's also a very very heavy system and since i do a lot of traveling my focus is also like having a small and lightweight equipment is very important to me so what i'm using now when i'm doing most of my travel work is a nikon z7 with a 14 to 30 mil wide angle and a 24 to 70 as well as a 50 and 85 mil prime so that's a very small and lightweight kit and the image quality is more than enough for all of my clients enough of geeky camera talk at least for five minutes until i get a full q few follow-up questions on what i just said oh and another patreon supporter thank you very much roy kumar sb thank you so much thank you you are great what station is this also who is this wow here's someone recording a bicycle bicycle video youtube desktop okay he was also a youtuber but he seemed to be a bit embarrassed when i said i was shooting live okay this is takimashi station what would you re regard as a lightweight medium format camera setup uh what i mentioned just now um the hasselblad x1d mark ii ideally and two or three lenses so this is the max vaccination site this is where i was supposed to go to get my to have gotten my shot two days ago huh but i didn't because i was waiting for the post the post was too late with my voucher so i couldn't get the shot it's on then but here it is and actually i heard some some people said that if you come here at like 4 a.m in the morning and line up they will give you a shot when they open some people are actually doing that they open at eight seven or eight so you have to wait for three hours in the middle of the night then you can get a shot but they will only allow that until today or tomorrow then they will stop doing that yeah you're supposed to book your appointment in advance that's that's the proper way of doing it but in order to do so you need a coupon which will no the coupon thing applies even if you go here in the morning actually but the online bookings are all full so that's why that's why i could not just schedule a shot for a later date here because now it's all fully booked and now from next week they will concentrate on giving people the second shot so up until last week they were giving the first shot so they had plenty of slots open but now they don't really give that many first shots anymore and those available slots they have gets fully booked by the way well you've been streaming for one year yes free or mine one year today today is the one-year anniversary stream stream adversity so thank you all everyone who has been with me for this journey yeah actually me and my wife stayed up so they released 2 000 new slots at midnight last night so both me and my wife we stayed up and waited for those slots tried to make a booking and neither of us managed to get in and after trying for 10 minutes the website said all the slots are gone so yeah [Music] yeah the streaming just started as a as a little experiment yes and now it's i don't know it's too much fun to for me to consider it as a job but yeah it does bring me a little bit of money so that's great now you're um using something estimate one ultra today for streaming i am i am i am using the s9 ultra yes so let's see oh traveling toes welcome welcome to my one year streaming anniversary good to see you here today as well so okay maybe now i can give you another two options one is to head down this way which should be west let me just check check them up to make sure that i'm not lying to you i was lying to you it's east it's east that will be towards marinochi or i can continue down south along the imperial palace and eventually that would take us down towards toronto hills and tokyo tower you can even see tokyo tower in between those buildings over there so south or east vote now east south let's continue south east wow two two victories we're not just south south i think so south won but again it was a very very very narrow margin so i will continue south i will set my sights on toronton and tokyo tower see if we can make it there before it's too late but i will also do a detour into marinochi just a quick one um if anyone can confirm that coffee person is there right now can someone check his instagram those of you know those of you who knows what i'm talking about knows how to figure it out so if he's there i will stop by him and get myself a coffee and then i will continue south because i can't i can't be this close to coffee person without getting myself a coffee especially not when i'm in the mood for a coffee and thank you so much um traveling toast thank you thank you so much for the super chat thank you rockaway siren wow what a day i i can almost afford one more cake today wonderful thank you so much it's turned to 4 30. great thank you ray so we are having a coffee break at my friend coffee person who runs a little coffee stand down here he's a familiar face familiar figure to the regulars on my channel i will try to do a little dash here across before it turns red ah will we make it will we make it or will we break the law that's the question i think we made it yes i think we made it wonderful [Music] so yeah just a little detour to coffee person we just crossed 700 viewers again thank you everyone thank you everyone can someone swing the band hammer please the person is probably having some several accounts with the same name or similar names that's how because when you get banned you get banned but what data plan are using i need to add that to the faq as well i'm using rockten mobile which offers unlimited data for a very very cheap price the only catch is that it's limited to 10 gigs per day then the speed will drop to three megabits per second so i'm using on average 150 gigs or so in a month but uh and i never actually bumped into the 10 gig daily limit before but i do have a feeling that we might hit it today looks like we're hovering around 700 viewers it always drops a little bit below 700 and then it jumps back up to now it's 702 again so i guess that's that's a hard limit maybe there's only 702 people in this world who who enjoys what i'm doing but that's fine that's enough i'm happy with 700 people watching that's more than i would ever have dreamed of a year ago so we're back here at the imperial palace we're still heading south and here's the palace hotel where i've never stayed but maybe i should splurge treat myself tonight here at some point i'm sure the view must be pretty amazing pine trees oh no i'm so bad at biology i have no idea what these trees are to be honest i don't think they're pine trees though pine trees are this they have like these spiky spiky things right not leaves or maybe there's many kinds of pine trees i don't know anyway we walked down one more block or maybe i should cross now since it's green here i guess i should do that wife works in a bank near palace with her wow sounds fancy sounds like she has what what most people would refer to a very good job would refer to as a very good job sorry i think i'm getting a little bit tired i keep stumbling on my words thank you gm energy for the tequila shots thank you thank you so much pine trees have needles needles that's what you call them i see i didn't know that i feel correct word but yeah needles and thank you gracias attacks mickey for the fanby thank you so much for always watching and supporting i think we want to cross here actually because the view will be better and thank you robert lamb wow yeah so another little perk that i will give to my patreon supporters is i will give you a complete rundown of the income how much this chat or this this stream made because i think we broke down the broke the record and i'm pretty sure that my channel also broke a monthly record in terms of uh revenue and that might be interesting to some of you so i will i will share that information with you thank you santosh as well you remember your first walk yes traveling toes too bad you weren't here from the start but actually today's walk started with the same walk as i did exactly one year ago that was the beginning of this stream today how does one become a moderator for this channel one proves himself worthy himself or herself worthy by just actively participating in the chat and contributing um like you know in a constructive way to keeping the the chat and the vibe in the chat good for a while if you do that i will eventually notice you and at some point that could potentially lead to that little wrench next to your name in the chat but i only have like five five mods or something like that oh yes and also there's another shortcut it's like you count all the cones that has ever appeared on my videos throughout the years that would that would also be able to get you the status of moderator frankly like having like ass if you have to ask for me to remember that's not really a good sign it's like when people ask me to do a shout out for them that's like the least likely way for me to mention their names that was tokyo station down there sorry i was a little bit too focused on the chat and what was going on around me uh but thank you ginger velade thank you santosh and everyone else so coffee person is here it's been a while it's been a while oh the dog that hates you thank you omarito gozaimasu thank you so much thank you very kind of you very generous let's see coffee man his name is coffee person every person it says here yeah it's been a while i don't remember when did they come here last time the person is the name of this shop and the guy who runs it he's the coffee person [Music] i think i need a black coffee and actually i'm quite thirsty maybe i should get something else as well something a bit more something more hydrating but i'm also reaching the the limit of my bladder so i should be careful it would be nice to celebrate with both the coffee and the iced lemonade for example that sounds nice the ice cream so this is the marunochi district which is like one of the main areas in central tokyo lots of kind of fancy shops lining the streets here and it's also one of the few streets in this part of town that has trees like this which is something i really like especially during the summer obviously vote for tea yeah no i'm i'm a coffee person and i definitely need a shot of caffeine right now after these three hours of streaming i need something to recharge me she's he makes all the coffee by hand so it's it sometimes takes a little while sorry to keep you waiting man lemonade always saw this man thank you noel chan so he's very happy that you always tell me to come here and buy coffee from you he's really one of the favorites okay we got ourselves a good old coffee coffee person coffee he usually always gives me a little extra shot i think he does that to most of his customers actually when he has a little bit of spare coffee yeah coffee person he's he's the best let's see actually i think i should finish the coffee sitting somewhere around here because then i can throw throw this away if i keep on walking i don't know where the next trash can will be so let me just relax here for a for a little moment wow thank you chris michaelson thank you so much thanks so much coffee person starbucks everything is better than starbucks wow close to 750 people it's crazy like in the like half a year ago in the winter i think i was like hitting 900 a couple of times maybe that was during the holidays where everybody had lots of time off not sure how did that person get to know you i came here a couple of months ago maybe half a year ago or so i came here on a stream and i told him what i was doing and then we started following each other on social media and he started watching my channel and since then i've been coming back here every now and then so yeah [Music] how am i doing these days yeah i'm not complaining life is good life is kind to me right now so that's good you gotta savor those moments for the next time life gives you lemons you need something good to look back to good look back at but right now yeah things are going fine plenty of work coming up and uh i enjoy the fact that i can stream so much and that so many people are joining me all the time so that's that's uh great having lots of good times with my daughter as well even though she's extremely demanding uh and makes both me and my wife insanely exhausted from time to time but um new developments with the baby good question good question she's growing she's growing a lot [Music] hi hey okay that was good that gave me a little bit of an energy boost so i think yeah let me walk another block or two down here and then we will head back to the palace street so palace side oh here's another coffee van oh looks like coffee person has got himself a rival but i will certainly not support his rival i will stick with mr coffee person for his amazing personality are you in shinjuku no i'm in marunochi next to tokyo station and also pretty close to your actual station battery status 79 we just passed three hours of streaming today thank you 79 no 29 battery left did i say 79 maybe i need another beer oh suddenly got pretty windy 29 so i think yeah i think we do indeed have another hour to go oh wow this my plaza this architecture is kind of cool i just got a quick glimpse of the inside here probably pretty sure the security guards will come after me if i go inside with the camera but this place i passed a few days ago on my stream so let's let's not come back let's not go there again it would be too repetitive thank you ray big thumbs up for tea's bladder yeah right now i think my bladder just started to become a threat towards the length of this stream maybe my bladder might be end up being the limiting factor we shall see we shall see often wind guts on that street yeah maybe maybe all the the high buildings uh make that happen i don't know i'm not a expert on atmospheric pressure but could be that the fact that there's this large green open space next to all these high rises maybe makes it very windy take a break the problem is that the the streaming software i'm using now you can't pause it so we'll see yeah coffee is definitely not gonna help with the bladder maybe i need to run maybe i need to run so that i sweat [Music] and that the liquid leaves my body that way instead [Music] oh i guess i should cross here i guess i should cross here so okay i'm still okay my my bladder is not about to explode not yet so we're okay we're okay for another moment for another while and who knows i will pass through hibiya park maybe there's a bathroom i can use there just like i did a few days ago i mean after all there's just 700 people watching so i shouldn't be shy right yeah laura is missing laura has been missing for quite some time i should check in on her how much longer will you stream i think another another hour or so but again it depends if my data limit is reached then we might have end sooner so yeah if we suddenly start buffering a lot then you know that we probably reached the data limit and it might get so bad that i can't even say goodbye so hopefully that won't happen but it's it's a possibility so um yeah just so you know you will break the record the record is four hours and i think eight minutes or something like that i don't think we'll break that record today actually i think we might end up in the same ballpark but we're not gonna break it by a big margin my longest dream was when i walked the entire eureka moment line um so yeah i can't say goodbye in chat that's true that's true i forgot about that and okay ray you are good at math so if you say that we will be okay i trust you with that i trust you because you are good at counting cons that means you are most likely also good at counting data lots of people here this is oh this is this is a theater lots of people coming out maybe there was some some play or something i know that sometimes there's like lots of people waiting here for like some celebrity celebrities to come out maybe that's four hours 80 minutes is the longest stream so far wow okay nice i thought it was four hours and eight eighteen wow i wonder how many steps we walked so far today now we're at 14 300 steps [Music] so utica moment was a fantastic stream yeah i agree it was really really nice i enjoyed it a lot i surely did [Music] so hibia park is coming up here says don't feed the koi don't feed the carps we hit 400 likes that would be nice that would be maybe a new record it's 700 likes did i say 400 i meant 700. 700 likes during the stream could be a new record yes maybe just joined are in here yes i'm entering hibiya park so just past the imperial palace and heading towards tibia park and tokyo midtown is here as well thank you michael happy anniversary you had to drop in anyway thank you so much for stopping by and for waking up and for always supporting me for so long thank you shinkansen down there can you see it that's ginza if we walk down this way we will reach ginza but we won't walk that way we won't reach ginza because you told me to walk to toronto so that's where we're heading today which is nice because toronto is an area that i haven't really been to that much on this channel so good on you so we have two maps now i'm trying to figure out which one we should look at maybe this one we are here we are heading this way yeah i think i will just head to like the central parts of the park and walk through there there's a few bathrooms here so maybe likely possibly toilet brick oh did i miss your super chat sorry about that mr ba since and thank you very much thank you very much sorry this the chat is extremely active today and sometimes i do indeed miss super chats yes i see it now thank you so much happy anniversary for filming great videos thank you thank you so much tell us the truth have you ever had to use the emergency tree oh yes many times many times not while streaming though but of course of course it has happened but not in a crowded park like this in the middle of the day because fortunately there are plenty of public restrooms in tokyo and you never really have to struggle to find a more appropriate thing appropriate place to do your deeds no this park is pretty crowded so i certainly won't resort to a tree here that's for sure you see the the lawnmower yeah it's japan i'm sure i could probably safely leave my camera outside without having to worry too much oh olympics propaganda here so we do have a public restroom here i am going to see what it looks like if it's something i could potentially use to make my the remaining hour of streaming a bit more um a bit less um what should i say traumatizing let's see what do we have here i think we can actually use yes this think so i need to hold this sorry folks uh thank you oh okay can you hear me now that's weird okay i thought i muted the audio when i went inside but obviously i didn't and it's that was a big fail but anyway i feel like a whole new person uh so thank you thank you for that um okay audio's back now okay good yeah epic audio fail so you could hear me pee can someone maybe rip that and sell as a nft uh tokyo piece the audio token explorer peeing in public restroom in huia park see how much money we could get for that lots of people here actually this building the hippia midtown that you see over here it's quite nice i like those kind of staggered terraces over there it's quite nice it's quite nice hi i just saw it i saw this you powerful stuff right um so [Laughter] [Music] oh foreign so i bumped into another uh live streamer just now that's interesting so he was he's streaming on nico nico which is a japanese online video streaming channel a streaming platform so his username was a bit complicated so but i i got a screenshot of his account i will check it out later what's this nikon conner it's it's i don't know i'm not so familiar with how nikon eco works but it seems like everybody has very complicated names on there like some word and then random numbers and like it's it's a bit strange i need to check it out more properly later oh yeah that bot is quite annoying right oh did we just pass 700 likes whoa thank you wonderful wonderful wonderful so happy so happy to see that uh so let me take a look at the map because we're heading towards toronto the show okay we should have a couple of blocks this way current battery status is 19 so let's see let's see how that goes where are we walking today so today's walk is a little bit special because today my viewers have been kind of choosing the directions to a pretty large extent so i had no idea this morning where i would be walking today i knew the first hour of this stream that was planned but the rest has been up to my viewers wow thank you mia collin thank you so much appreciate it super kind of you okay so this right this is the library hibiya nice i've never been inside actually maybe i should check it out sometime this is the most viewers i've ever had no i've had 900 like last winter my viewership was actually a bit higher than what it's been since then i don't know why but like i kept saying so many times today it's not about the number of viewers it's about the quality of the viewers and when it comes to the quality of viewers my viewers are the best so i'm really happy about that but i think so on that kind of thinking how far we should push it today because i don't want to risk actually running out of battery while streaming because that could mess things up with the stream itself it may not shut off correctly so i might [Music] i might end it at like uh when i'm at like 10 or so somewhere between 10 to 5 left battery [Music] then i will take a bit of a break recharge the phone for a while and i will do a patreon only stream afterwards that's toronton hills over there and can you see the tip of tokyo tower very neatly showing up between these buildings yeah we will definitely make it down to toronto hills congratulations for 150 patrons yes thank you thank you very much i think we might even be yeah we're at 152 patreons now it's wonderful thank you all thank you all 418 needs to be beat yeah it does but i don't think we will beat that today without me cheating in somehow somehow by charging the phone otherwise we won't beat that time because yeah those 20 percent we have is we're three hours and 30 minutes now not too far off thank you very much for the kind words which is famous for having lots of governmental buildings and facilities around here i can't lower the bitrate on the fly i actually plan to stream at a bit lower bitrate today but because i am the one i am i forgot so i forgot to change the setting and i tried changing it in the beginning of this stream but it didn't actually change so lots of politicians so would have been the lower bitrate um i usually stream at 6 000 kilobits per second so i would have probably done like maybe 4 thousand five hundred something like that not too low two thousand then quality is really bad so but uh you cannot set it freely there's just in streamlabs you have different options but i think i think there's a 4500 option so maybe i would have gone for that but anyway it looks like we're still fine for a bit longer so so it's going to be interesting to see if there are any people joining me from that nico nico doga guys stream because he i mentioned my channel name there so if there are any viewers finds their way to my channel then let me know yes yeah i should have said that in japanese there is that the tokyo tower yes indeed it is that's tokyo tower over there this is tokyo tower and down this way we have shimbasi yeah you did an internship around here interesting so you were in the in the epicenter of japanese politics must have been interesting that's a good slogan i don't know if you can read it but for memory to be forever bright that's what we all want our memories to be isn't it forever bright it smells like sewer here but yeah there's lots of nice actually small old drinking alleys around here too i did come here once at night and did a bit of night photography got some plenty of plenty of good shots yeah tokyo is empty on weekends well it really depends on where you are but this is mainly an office district so uh it's of course gonna be very empty on a weekend like this yes i see that you're discussing the quality of john dob stream and yes he is using the youtube app the regular youtube app only which limits your streams to 720p he has done a couple of videos where he kind of explains what equipment he uses and he's he's a believer of the original official youtube app is the best so that's his philosophy something i don't agree with but yeah i kind of understand his point i spent a lot of time testing various equipment testing different settings in order until i settle on this which uh you know i'm very happy with the quality of my streams now but it's been uh i spent many hours to figure things out so um my real name is not something i want to make public here on youtube thank you my patreon supporters know my real name but it's not something that i share with the with everyone here on youtube so please respect that uh streamlabs yeah it used to give me a lot of headaches streamless but since i got this phone the samsung it's actually working very very well and very very stable many of the frustrations i used to have with streamlabs are pretty much gone now and now i feel that it's super stable so we reached toronto um i was thinking to give you some options as to where to go from here maybe i should i should be consistent with that right one option is certainly to head further south down to tokyo tower which is not very far away from my current location my so let me check is it possible to go to shinbashi to check the ghibli clock and the area with the new skyscrapers close to the eureka moment line um yeah i guess that will also be an option question is if my battery will last us long enough it's 14 left now so 14 is start of you know now it's the battery icon has turned red so that's that's where we are at right now but yeah i can either he head south to tokyo tower or i can head east towards shimbashi and the skyscrapers around the yurikamome line so vote now south or east south for tokyo tower east for shimbas it is currently 4 40 in the afternoon so it's not really getting dark now it's probably just all the skyscrapers maybe blocking out the uh okay south one by a large margin so we are heading for tokyo tower so continuing down this way we'll see if we will reach a tower so over there is shimbasi and all those high rises but that's not where we're going today we are heading towards tokyo tower this way thank you laura for subscribing thank you very much and thank you ty for the super chat is we are in the danger zone for bandwidth yeah so this will be interesting will we manage okay now it's down to 13 but we managed to reach tokyo tower before we run out of either battery or bandwidth is that where the aquarium is ah no there's an aquarium near the tower wow this bot surely is annoying it's buffering now okay let's see i will give it a little time we'll see if the if it improves looks like it's going up again but i'm not sure are we okay it still looks like we're on pretty low bit rate now actually um let me know it might be the data data that has been out or that we're running out of data no buffering bit of pixelation okay well hopefully if that what's happen when the data runs out i think it's okay i think it's okay but uh yeah we we've been on a pretty low bit rate for for a while now so i don't think it was just the signal we'll see still a 1080 okay that's good that's what that's good hello betrayed gang yeah it looks to hover around 3 000 kilobits per second so i think it is the 10 gig we use 10 gigs of data in one day i can't change the resolution on the fly either unfortunately but as long as you can hear me i think it's okay uh we're down to 12 percent battery now i think limiting it at three megabits per second once you hit that daily 10 gigs i think that's pretty generous yeah three after all three megabits per second like if i wasn't a streamer three megabits per second would be all i needed when will you go live again so once this stream ends which it actually will quite soon i will take a break for maybe half an hour or so and then i will do a patreon only stream to celebrate this this grand day with my most loyal supporters and then i hope to do another stream tomorrow but looks like it might rain all day tomorrow so that could complicate things but generally you know my goal is to stream pretty much every day so that's i don't know tomorrow i don't know maybe maybe an evening stream if it's not raining too hard a rainy night walk could be nice and also i guess this patreon stream today will be a little bit pixelated then because since i'm out of data but i think if i'm just not walking it should be okay how many steps now good question 17 000 steps 17 000 steps evening stream yeah yeah it's been a couple of days since my last evening stream so maybe an evening stream tomorrow this is actually a pretty nice view from this side could be a potential screenshot here i actually always feel that my fitbit is kind of a little bit low on the step count usually apple apple's app tend to tell me a higher number still have 11 left so i think i'll try to get a little bit closer to the tokyo tower then there's a park here um the shiba koen where i might just sit down rest a little bit and recharge the phone before we will get on the patreon only stream yeah we're still at six almost 700 viewers so again thank you all my dear viewers you're the best if there are any new persons out there who just found my channel um you might want to know that i do streams and walks like this almost every day usually not this long today was a special day because it's the one year anniversary but usually i walk for about one to two hours uh almost every day so please subscribe if you think that's something you would enjoy and um what else yeah there's the patreon like i said uh if you want to support this channel and if you want to get access to patreon only streams you can join me the link is in the video description uh if you haven't liked the video yet please do so and uh yeah yeah also i have a merch store which i haven't really updated recently but it's there you can check the link you can hear that i'm not too motivated about it but i do think i have quite some nice stuff in there so yeah check it out if you want to that's also a great way to support the channel also there's some airlines here including scandinavian airlines i did not know that they had a humble little office here but they do they do and let's hope that they survived this crisis because after all they were about to start a direct line between tokyo and stockholm oh no actually that was that's run by a a not sus [Music] 10 battery left now it's possible to one day stream from saitama omiya station uh yeah i still haven't really been much to saitama and i haven't streamed from saitama at all so i do plan to change that at some point and omia is a pretty major place so i guess that could very well happen we are here together is here let's see if we can make it thank you spike live for always being around ah yeah after so i did a walk a couple of weeks ago when i walked from was it from shibuya to tokyo tower i don't remember exactly then i ended the stream at tokyo tower but i came from the opposite side then after that stream i actually walked around a little bit here and found this it's surprisingly lush and green it's kind of nice did we get some buffering there let's see if we will if the stream will recover it's not buffering okay can you all hear and see can you hear me and see what i see still go for the last push for 800 likes yes 20 more likes come on folks let's let's make it 800 that would be such a nice round number to wrap things up good good good you can hear me you can see what i see great wonderful thank you 11 more likes good still nine percent seven more likes come on can we can we do it will we make it let me make it one more 800 yes wonderful we made it 800 likes we made it 3 hours 55 minutes we're now at tokyo tower and i have 8 battery left so uh i think i think i just simply have to wrap things up here i think this is a pretty good place to end this nice stream it's been great thank you bill mcwarren thank you so much for the super chat thank you all for joining me today it was it was a great anniversary stream i really really enjoyed it i hope you did as well and yeah that will be it for now and again those of you who are on patreon will get a link soon as a separate post there will be a link to a new stream within 30 minutes or so so please keep an eye out for that and to the rest of you i will see you again whenever i see you again hopefully i will do a stream tomorrow but i can't promise anything okay thank you so much you're the best i'm tired i work continuously not three hours four hours four hours that's pretty pretty long yeah okay thank you thank you ruin dig for the last moment super chat as well okay bye bye thank you all hey though auf wiedersehen see you next
Channel: Tokyo Explorer
Views: 168,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 散歩, 外国人, バイリンガル, 英語, 日本語, 観光, 北欧
Id: COTN19smpA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 20sec (14180 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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