Complete How To Guide for Basement Bathroom Plumbing

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so in today's video we're focusing on the basement bathroom now ours doesn't exist yet so we got to open the hole we're going to show you how to do it how to do the rough-in plumbing so we're making this video for homeowners who want to add a bathroom to their basement you don't need to know everything you just need to know who to call so in this environment what we've done is we've taken our chipper that we've rented from the local building store and we made a small hole and all we did is move the gravel around and this is actually quite simple you can move the gravel from underneath the hole and then this concrete it doesn't have any strength and you can just smash it right off so anybody can make a hole in their basement it's not tricky so what we have to do is we expose all the pipes and having a basic understanding of what they're gonna be doing is important so we had the plumber come by earlier with this camera and we knew where the lines were so we're just opening up a hole for him to work in no before we get started we want to save the time we're gonna cut this out because after they put in all of their drains they're gonna need venting as well so that Beth is gonna come over here up our wall and so what I'm gonna do is we've attached our plate to the concrete on both sides we're just going to cut out some wood and smash a little bit of concrete out of the way so that when they get here they're good to go and I don't want to have to pay them to do something I can do myself [Music] [Music] now as you can see this is the footing of the house down here it's about another inch or so thicker and the wall into the room but that's fine we've moved all the gravel out of the way [Music] because I know that he's going to be bringing a 2-inch pipe up here and that's the size of the pipe for the wet vent it'll be the drain for the sink and then the air for all of these things so the internet half-bent will bring enough air for 10 fixtures so that's more than enough and then the 2 inches for the drain as well I just want to make sure I give him lots of room to work with here so we aren't gonna have a problem there we go now we're all set up we just gotta wait for the plumber to wreck anyway so our plan here is a 3-piece bath all on this wall okay okay so next week we're gonna come in and do a lot of rerouting here and move the laundry over that wall okay so you might be coming for that a little bit because we need access to this clean that we're gonna start a wall of foot off so we have access to it we have a 4-foot shower we're gonna put here okay it's a 4 by 36 so I'm a difficult part where this is my my drain line is right in here somewhere it's a sided great yes I did great yeah so you know it should if we can tie into this legally I don't know that's the vent I already talked to mark we're gonna have to leave in an inch in the corner we've got nowhere to tie in to go to inch and a half yeah all right the other option is anyway the next other words toilet all right so the toilet ends up right here okay so what I was originally thinking to open the floor was if we could interrupt the pipe here and bring it across and then come down we can use this straight to the toilet and run off of it to go to the sink does that work give or take this one just goes to the floor drain by the way that's it okay okay that River something like that'll work yeah we need something yeah okay so we got a hole over there for the wet vent for those sink all right and then we're just gonna come up to the ceiling we're gonna do a box so when you doing your venting if you come to here run a line over there and just cap it for you okay droplet yeah we're gonna drop the ceiling and rerun all this so we just bring a line over there underneath the joist that way I have room to bring out my exhaust for the dryer and all that right yeah that's my center line for the toilet okay that's one we're doing IKEA one now okay sink right there so that's why it's the really off center there's a little stupid IKEA drinks yeah yeah and this one's just Center so like I said we'll work a foot off we're gonna build an actual wall so I've got three and a half and then send around the 36 by 4 foot this tie into this or we're gonna do something different it's a long you're gonna be surface mounted or behind that I'm gonna look anything we're thinking of actually running that over here because we're gonna do a 2x6 wall okay all the way down the side and then we're thinking I've just taken this that two-inch that's inch and a half that's the dream is a quick clean-out is it yeah yeah go from there yeah so work yep beautiful so whether this is six or seven inches whatever we need to facilitate that will make it work tells you all right and then like I said because these are all connected from the clean on over there we'll have access for legal reasons but we'll probably do any of our snake training from over there yeah all right so all we're doing is bringing those three new items onto this line the liner will take off with us cleaning and then we're good perfect sweet that's good cap into it counter quarter there well there's all your water route I guess they put the damn brick in the wrong spot [Music] all right so the plumbers all finished his work we got lucky with some space we didn't have to redirect the whole line like we talked about originally so that worked out well so what he did is he uses these fantastic rubber clamp systems where he has a fitting and he adds a little stem ik pipe on each side cuts the existing line it takes the rubber fitting rolls it back sticks this in place pulls it back over clamps it on boom instantly tied into the plumbing without having to raise the line or move everything around it's brilliant so it makes this kind of work real simple so although it looks very daunting he was in and out of here in about a half an hour he put him her new tee for the toilet was able to tie right in there without adjusting the original line and then brought my sink line again off of a tee why here it's a two-inch line because at this point Building Code requires this to be a wet vent so this is bringing air for the sink as well as the drain okay so this is also bringing air for the toilet and a drain for the sink cuts a two-inch line this is a two-inch T to one-and-a-half inch vent line coming up near the ceiling and then later on we're gonna get all of this moved I think it really next week we're getting this all redone so that we can tidy up this wall and bring the laundry plumbing to the other side then we'll tie in the vent and then we'll do our bulkhead huh so much to do so make sure when you're doing this kind of work your toilet flange they come with these sealed up caps and it's just a hammer oh okay so it's really great keep the sewer gas from coming in the room use test caps on anything else sticking out of the ground you can see these these are just compression fit feel about the local building store okay keep that sewer gas from coming into your house the other thing we've done here is we've got our tap tap con screws we've pre screwed our flange to the concrete doesn't exist yet it's actually easier to put the screws in place and then pour the concrete afterwards yeah you don't have to drill so that'll set that up perfectly guys if you like these kinds of videos and this information is helpful to you and by all means subscribe if you don't like it if you haven't desert we'll see you there [Music]
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 589,717
Rating: 4.8174052 out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home reno, renovation, bathroom, do it yourself, diy, how to, tutorial, step by step, home reno vision, home renovision, renovision, contractor, renovate, rough in, plumbing, plumbing rough in, basement bathroom, basement plumbing
Id: RJPYruflhXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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