Building Foundation Plumbing Drain Pipe Layout And Assembly For Small House - Part Two

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in this video I will be providing you with the foundation plumbing the drain plumbing not to the water supply plumbing what it will look like for our 850 square foot two-bedroom house and before I get into the plumbing I just kind of want to give you an idea of the layout of the house this seems to help when I'm teaching or explaining something so let's just take a look at what we have here the finished foundation we have the living room kitchen laundry room bedrooms and the bathroom and let's go ahead and zoom in on the bathroom and here we have our bath or our toilet drain pipe going into the vent here and this is actually going to become a wet vent for the sink you'll see that later on when I do the rough plumbing for for this house so the sink drain will actually be in the wall and then drain into this wet vent and then the toilet actually drains into this also so here's the vent for our bathtub and you need to make sure that you have a slot cut out in here and I'm not telling you to cut it out you'll form it this way to where the bathtub drain can actually be the trap can actually be installed if you don't do this and I've seen it done before you're going to be getting the jackhammer out so this is very important to have this slot here and then we have a clean-out to clean out of course this clean-out isn't in the back it's in the front of the house and this of course is for the drain line going to the sewer I think it used to be 75 feet and I was just reading you have to have a clean out every 100 feet so keep that in mind and also and that would be a good time to point out that the information in this video might not work in your country or your state always check with your local Building Authority to verify the information you see in any video including mine now let's go ahead and take a look at the other two pipes here we have the laundry or the washing machine drain here which is a two inch pipe and then here I have a two inch pipe coming out for the kitchen sink I like to use two inch pipes if I can and then even though an inch and a half is required two inch just gives makes me feel a little bit better a little less stuff going to get stuck in that pipe hopefully so now with this explanation let's go ahead and take away the concrete and then take a look at the trench that we dug here with our plumbing pipes starting with our kitchen we have a three inch pipe here and it is sloped at a quarter inch per foot and that's usually the minimum requirement for this it can slope a little further just cannot slope less than that and then here's our two inch pipe now what I'm gonna do here is I have a two inch pipe coming up and that will connect to a sanitary tee with a two inch fitting at the bottom of the sanitary tee and then an inch and a half at the top and an inch and a half at the side so that'll give us our inch and a half if I was to run a two inch fitting out of the side it's coming I would have a problem connecting my trap to that the sink trap so make sure that even though using the two-inch make sure that you switch it at the correct fitting use the correct fitting and again there'll be more of that in the fie in the future video so I also what kind of one go through some of the parts that I'm going to be using here but also point out that these parts might be referred to as different names in your area so this right here I used to always call it a combo sweep so the combo sweep but that doesn't necessarily mean that's what it's going to be called in your area I did look it up online and found it referred to as a combination Y and 8th Bend so that might be helpful for you this is a 90 degree sweep or a 90 degree long turn elbow and this is going to be our clean-out so that if any of the plumbing gets backed up somehow or clog someone will be able to come in here with a plumbing snake and clean the drain line out hopefully another view of it there and another view of it here let's go ahead and take a look at our laundry drain and this is going to be the same fitting as the one we had for the kitchen sink it's going to reduce down from a three-inch pipe to a two-inch pipe then we have a 45-degree where we're changing the directions and you could always do a 22 degree turn here and you could actually use a couple of sweeps you could have a 90 but again this seems to make more sense to do something with with a smaller turn in it to reduce the chance of something getting stuck in the drain line so sometimes even though a building code might not refer to something a plumber is gonna come in there and take a look at it and or I should say a conscientious plumber and might make some changes or modifications to an original design maybe if it's gonna work better in this case you know a 22 degree pipe might reduce the chances of it clogging but by how much by just putting a 45 degree pipe in there but a 90 degree pipe that could actually create some problems so just something to consider if you're gonna make any modifications to this original plan here so here we have a sanitary tee this is not the same fitting as the one we had for our horizontal fitting once we've come vertical straight up and down we can use a sanitary tee here and then this of course is for our toilet a view of it there in the trench let's go ahead and remove the ground to get a better look at it here the toilet drain will come into here and then down and then go this way our bathtub and here you can get an idea what I'm talking about I have a fitting it's a sanitary tee with a two inch connection and down here so everything is 2 inches from here an inch and a half drain line goes into a two inch into a three inch and drains away and then we're venting out an inch and a half for our bathtub here we have a three inch I can change this to two inches which you'll see later on I'm gonna put a clean-out in here and then reduce it to two inches and you can actually eight for a vent for a toilet just needs to be two inches but again I'm going to keep it at three inches so that I can put my clean-out in there and here we have our clean-out in the front if you remember so if something gets plugged in this line we don't have to go all the way to the back of the house we can come to the front of the house another view of it there go ahead and put it back in our trenches and that is it for this video hope it helps hope it makes sense any questions or comments leave them in the comment area and I will answer them as soon as possible you
Channel: gregvancom
Views: 309,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, waste pipe, drain line, layout, design, assembly, construction, plumber, do-it-yourself, examples, ideas, concrete foundation, fittings, education, how to, small house, clean out
Id: ZLhC3jlPQiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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