Complete History of Lucasfilm Games (Pre-Arts days)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey there guys I know it's been a while but I'm back at least for now and hopefully you'll be seeing a little bit more of me going forward but right now I want to offer each and every one of you a warm welcome back to retrospects and thank you all for clicking this video today my name is specy and I'll be your guide as we h back through the mist of time to grab us yet another piping hot slice of video game history today I'm going to be focusing on one of gaming Giants Lucas film gains and providing you with an informative insight into a company that would grow to become one of the most influential in terms of video game storytelling but also almost synonymous with the adventure game genre particularly the point and click style but where did it all start I hear you say well as most of you will undoubtedly already be aware lucasfilm is a production company founded by none other than filmmaker director movie Mogul and philanthropist George Walton Lucas Jr or just playing George Lucas to you and me born in 1944 in Modesto California George always had a fascination with gripping storytelling along with being an avid reader of 50s comics and Pulp Fiction novelas he also had an admiration for the flights of fantasy often depicted in the works of authors like Daniel defo George ver and Robert Louis Stevenson during his college Years George became increasingly interested in movies and the art of movie making being involved in several student movie productions in that time including winning the 1965 national student film festival for his work on his movie entitled electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 for EB wow that's a bit of a mouthful George went on to complete a six-month internship with Warner Brother Studios where we would go on to meet Francis Ford Coppa the two working together on a couple of frances's movies with George being a somewhat jack of all trades and during that time the two became quite good friends it was during working on one of those aforementioned projects that Francis told George that he would be unable to pay him in money but would instead use his influence to persuade Warner Brothers to allow George to write a screenplay with the view of making it into a feature film George accepted this offer and it would only be a relatively short time until Warner Brothers offered George the opportunity to bring his award-winning student movie to a wider audience by releasing his revised and Polished version of THX 1138 to the big screen in 1971 this time with Coppa as executive producer and a cast of renowned actors including Robert Deval and Donald Pleasants it's a Visionary tale of a dark dystopian future where love and sexual contact are outlawed and emotions are mandatorily suppressed through the use of drugs to keep everybody in check and although parallels can obviously be drawn to George Orwell's 1984 here 1138 was still a pretty groundbreaking movie in many ways unfortunately though it just did not cement the success that either Francis or George were hoping for mainly due to the lack of box office exposure it received at the time and this left francis's production company American zot Trope with an uncertain future seeing George ultimately dropped from any future Productions with the company George not wanting to be beaten by this and eager to pursue his movie ideas decided to embark on a new adventure of his own by starting his very own production company Lucas film later that very same year Lucas film Studio's first movie American Graffiti was released in 1973 to Greater claim the 1960s base Coming of Age story was a big box office success for the company and soon led George to Begin work on a little story of his own a thrilling Saga of a young farmboy living with his aunt and uncle on a distant planet meeting a wise old man and discovering a family past that had been hidden away from him through his entire lifetime thus seeing him in back on an epic quest to save a beautiful princess from the clutches of an evil empire by following in his Father's Footsteps to become some sort of glow stick waving Knight or something like that yeah I'm not sure that's going to catch on but let's not forget George Lucas's involvement in other great epics such as the Indiana Jones Trilogy yeah we'll stop a trilogy there for the purposes of our own sanity but also the fabulous Jim Henson and David bur fantasy Masterpiece Labyrinth along with Willow the movie that will eventually introduce us to Warick Davis outside of that damn teddy bear suit there also were a couple of not so epic Productions along the way too but let's not dwell on those too much right now the making of Star Wars saw George create a team within the company industrial lights and magic in 19 75 dedicated and responsible for creating the high-end visuals and effects that such a space epic would demand and it paid off in Spades with the absolutely phenomenal success of Star Wars A New Hope in 1977 Lucas film was a household name finally becoming an incorporated company in that same year a couple of years later and with his finger firmly on the entertainment pulse George was convinced that there will be a huge future in the computer side of the entertainment industry and in 1979 created a subsidiary to Lucas film Inc the Lucas film computer division to explore these exciting new avenues this division along with researching new computer AED animation techniques and audio enhancements later expanded its branches into game development it was no secret that gaming was started to become a pretty big thing at the time with Atari being the market leader by a significant margin and George was certainly very keen to jump on that particular sambar after previously dipping his toes into the video game padle in pool in 1977 after allowing Atari the rights to produced games based on a Star Wars franchise for both the Atari 2600 and the Hope computers of the time and seeing that they have been fairly well received by the game in public coining in a decent amount of money for both companies it was perhaps only natural that George himself would look into developing his very own games and so with a generous funding of $1 million offered up by the aforementioned Atari in return for first dibs on any games produced by the company the Lucas film computer division games group was founded as Atari still retained the gaming rights to Lucas's biggest franchise Star Wars The Gangs group had no other choice but to look elsewhere for inspiration one particular later to become very notable employee of the company and legend of the gaming industry a certain Ron Gilbert having worked as part of the game group from its early days has since stated that he feels if Lucas film had retained the rights to making Star Wars games in the beginning then perhaps they would never have pursued other ideas and created brand new inspirational intellectual properties as a result and let's face it if anyone knows a thing or two about successful IPS it's wrong but we'll get back to him later so back to the Lucas film games group then with Star Wars off the table at least for now the group produced a couple of very unique Atari 8bit titles firstly we had ballblazer designed by David LaVine and Peter Langston a fast-paced pseudo 3D futuristic Sports Sim which puts you behind the wheel of a floating craft called a roto foil and pits you in a timed match against either a second player opponent or computer control bot in a firstperson split screen view the aim is quite simple drive your rotor for around the the pitch represented here in this grid form as you fight for possession of the ball once obtained the ball can either be fired at or driven through your opponent's goal mouth to score points and if all of this Probably sounds quite easy don't worry about that the game will literally be moving the goal post the goals continuously move from side to side at each end of the pitch which makes life hard enough but add onto that fact that they also decrease in size with each goal scored and you'll find that this adds a lot of fun and challenging twist to the proceedings secondly we have David Fox's planetary Starship simulator and sci-fi epic rescue on fract Talis originally titled behind jaggy lines due to the fact that the in-game enemies are indeed called jaggy a pbase name coined by the programmers at the time for their blocky or Jagged appearance but later changed to rescue on fractalus in reference to the fractal technique used to create the planet's surface the game sees you in control of a rescue craft traversing the planet's surface avoiding crushing into the many rocks and attempting to locate and extract down Allied Pilots of an Intergalactic battle and all of this whilst avoiding enemy or rather jaggy fire it's tough but rewarding and groundbreaking for its time in terms of player immersion almost like being in a movie you could say which should come as no surprise as a development team had in fact originally wanted this game to be based on the Star Wars Universe however George made it perfectly clear that that was unfortunately not possible due to the restrictions with the license agreement currently held in place with Atari at the time in any case lucasfilm finished development on both of these games in early 1984 and both were planned to be published by Atari later that same year however this is when disaster struck just weeks after Atari received a couple of unprotected promotional copies of the games there was somehow leap from within the company becoming widely distributed across bulletin boards in an act of computer game privacy that would ultimately see Atari refusing to publish both titles luckily when Warner Communications sold off the assets of Atari Inc to commodor Jack tril in mid 1984 epic's games saw a go an opportunity and picked up both titles to be released under their own publishing brand for the home computers of the Day in 1985 I finally remember playing both of these titles from the commodo 64 ports along with their next game Charlie cter the idolon which aside from the stunning box out that you can see here by the extraordinarily talented Kim mcklin also had incredible in-game Graphics too provided by Gary Winnick with a sprawling underground cavernous mace to explore you must guide your Jules veres Dimension traveling Idol on Craft throughout the many levels in search of energy orbs whil spending off the many hideous cave dwellers that you encounter along the way hello cave dwellers no not those kind before eventually facing off against a guardian Dragon at the end of each level it boasted some fantastically immersive gameplay along with some super large enemy Sprites this game was an absolute wonders to Behold a true treat to the senses I mean the final boss Dragon pretty much took up the entire scen by himself something that had never been seen before on any 8bit machine it was evident that with the solid bman visual storytelling that lucasfilm possessed from its movie production side their transition into the world of video games was destined to become nothing short of stunning keness Rift would be the next to join the company's game portfolio and it also was set to impress with a similar fral based 3D engine to rescue on fralis but this time a far more immersive experience and greater depth of play you controlled a robot drone exploring an alien planet traversing through its many Rifts looking for ancient so-called Hulks BC structures contain in modules which can be acquired and then analyzed back at your spaceship to either sell on for credits or used to upgrade your Rover and significantly improve your chances of success along the way you'll get into numerous Gres with enemy sourcers and finally attempt to destroy the big bat of the game the master Hulk or mother Hulk if you like I guess this is the base of operations for the entire enemy Fleet I never truly understood all of this at the time there was certainly quite a lot going on under the hood with this one with so many options and game mechanics that it all went a little over my head head as a kid if I'm being honest but that didn't stop me from booting it up from time to time just to immerse myself in the world and the story the next Lucas film offering is somewhat groundbreaking in terms of being one of the very first visual online communities a mud if you like a direct predecessor to the mm RPG in which a user could create an avatar to explore a virtual cyberspace consisting of various locations and hubs to interact and chat with other online users more than a game this was a true trly visual online community as was the vision of its creators Randy farmer and Chip Morningstar and that is one Epic [ __ ] name sir if you don't mind be saying so users were responsible for their own rules and law systems within the online world to begin with with Avatar able to Rob and potentially even kill other avatars should they wish to do so something which soon led to the introduction of moderation first in the form of world guidelines but also Authority avatars to help keep the peace and order in this virtual world and all of this was made possible using a commodor 64 a modem an operational phone landline and Quantum link a service which I briefly covered in a previous video about H's online gaming spawning directly from the demise of cvc's gam link service for the itavia 2600 more info on which can be found in that other video if you want to go and check that one out and thanks in advance for all of you that do that Quantum link was a way in which players could connect their commod 64 to online servers one of which was the game in question habitat the game or rather social experiment was releasing its beta form on Quantum link back in early 1986 but unfortunately due to the service being far too costly in terms of providing adequate bandwidth to be a viable business model it was closed after its initial beta run in 1988 never seeing its full release a cut down light version of the game did however see the light of day in the form of cloak K rebate Lucas film later went on to sell the licensing rights of habitat to Fujitsu who in 1990 released Fujitsu Habitat to their FM Town's home computers range in Japan alas the entire Q Link service was shut down for good in 1995 after the company who had by then changed their name to AOL yes that's AOL America Online who deemed it a little offbrand for their future plans of the company and let's face it they did pretty well without it setting up their own social networks and pioneering much of what we now come to expect from our online experiences however a worldwide revision of habitat worlds away which ran its servers through CompuServe was released by Fujitsu in 19 1995 with operational servers running up until 1999 and a Saturn version of the game entitled habitat 2 was also released by Fujitsu in 1997 but this time only for the Japanese Market it's fair to say that Randy and Chip had a big part to play in the virtual online social networking and many similar games have been released over the years even to this day games like Second Life IMVU habo Hotel Club Penguin and VR chats bring immediately to mind along with a few far more dubious offer but in all of these games it's easy to draw comparisons to their granddaddy habitat habitat itself after becoming Club Kube habitat 2 Worlds Away and Dreamscape can directly be connected to a game which still exists today vzon and the inspiration it has from habitat can clearly be seen and for anyone interested in the OG habitat there is still an online presence for the game called neoh habitat an open source revised version of the original game made possible using the vice c64 emulator and headed by none other than co-creator Randy farmer himself it's even possible to connect to the servers using genuine c64 Hardware apparently so if that's the kind of thing that floats your boat the links will be in the description below our next game is a direct license tie in to Jim Henson's legendary movie Labyrinth a game which I vivly remember being terrible at back in the day but look at it just look at it I absolutely love this movie always have always will I mean firstly anything that Jim Hensen touches turns to gold right but also it featured a certain glamrock God who 100% stole the show in my opinion David Bowie as the Goblin King himself jarth okay so we'll try not to focus too much on that cop piece there or the fact that there's definite sexual tension between this middle-aged Goblin King and the 16-year-old Sarah H let's just awkwardly glance straight past all of that now shall we Labyrinth the movie needs no introduction and if you don't know it then get out however the game released in 1986 for the commodo 64 Apple home computers and MSX is not nearly as widely known or fondly remembered a crime which cannot go unpunished in my eyes so let's put things straight right now directed by George Lucas himself designed and coded by David Fox with a little help in terms of Storytelling by British author and hitchiker's Guy creator Douglas Adams and with a graphical talents of Gary Winnick on board once again and music by the late Russell lieck who had provided Tunes from other Lucas film film titles most notably ballblazer Labyrinth is a real gem in the rough a true treasure to be uncovered for those who have never played or maybe even heard of it the game is a story-driven adventure and all of the movie's main characters are here with the exception of Sarah unfortunately but you do have Ludo the oversized lump of orange fur who just wants to find a friend Huggle a grumpy downtrod and somewhat broken old gnome living in denial simus and Ambrosia a dog riding fox or is that a fox riding dog let's get out of here even a few of the side characters make an appearance here including Al and Ralph the Faris and even the helpful hands among others but alas no worm what were you think in Lucas film hello hello in the absence of Sarah the game sees you take the role of a teenager who gets cast into the world of Labyrinth after going to see that the movie theater choosing your name and gender to begin with the game begins in a then two familiar text Adventure sty to look at which may have been enough to put some people off even before the game truly got going the plot Loosely follows out of the movie seeing you flung into the said Labyrinth solving its many puzzles navigating its mazike environment reaching the gobling city and J's castle and finally defeating the Goblin King himself all of this is great stuff but you may also have noticed that much like habitat before it this game is very familiar to look at it has a very Lucas art Adventure look to it although it uses a rather more primitive and clunky text Choice mechanic to control proceedings by selecting first an action and then an object or character to perform it on and apart from it being a little limited it's pretty clear to see how both of these early games influen Ron Gilbert in the making of his scum engine and With a Little Help from habitat founder chip Morning Star Ron would go on to release the very first official scum title for the commod 64 in 1987 in fact the engine itself was named after it script creation utility for Maniac Mansion programmed by Ron Gilbert K and David Fox Maniac Mansion is let's face it pretty damn epic the graphic starle though obviously similar to Habitat and Labyrinth before it no surprise there then as we see Gary Winnick make a welcome return here with his pixel skills but even they seem to be a tab more refined here the quirky humor is Apparent from the offset and the plot is amazing taking its cues directly from American be movies of the 50s and 60s featuring an evil doctor a bunch of teenagers stuck in an old mansion with a lot of spooky going on and tons of puzzling to do taking control of Dave the main protagonist of the piece you set out to rescue your girlfriend Sandy from the clutches of an evil Maniac Dr Edison who has kidnapped her and taken her to his family Mansion ah the title makes sense now you get to choose two other characters from a roster of 16 in total who will accompany you on your Rescue Mission gameplay is obviously a point and click Affair hence the scum engine but there's also a lot of things to find puzzles to solve and even some gruesome acts to perform along the way hamster and microwave combo anyone [Music] with a rather free form approach to the procedings rather than a strict linear storytelling it's possible to complete the game in several different ways depending on which characters you choose and what paths you decide to take ultimately leading to one of several distinctively different possible endings which was a pretty revolutionary Thing by there the impact that this game has had on adventure titles in general should never be underestimated as even though Sierra had been doing visual adventuring in the form of their Quest series before this it would be the scum engine that would ultimately come to dictate much of what we now come to expect from our pointed click Adventures the game would be ported to many different systems over the years including Amiga PC Mac and even NES in any case there really isn't a bad version and I would highly recommend this game to anyone whatever system you own how why not even play all of them if you get the opportunity Lucas film games also turn their hand to simulations in the form of several war theme titles over that same period but rather than just list them mixed in with other games chronologically I will just give a mention and brief description of them all here before we go on firstly we have phm Pegasus released in 1986 a naval simulation seeing you take control of three different vehicle types the patrol hydrofoil missile craft Al the title the C Sprite and Seahawk helicopters and some Convoy vessels as she perform a series of missions in several areas of the globe during the 1970s 1988 saw an unofficial sequel to phm Pegasus in the form of strike Fleet this time cuu Commander either British or US Naval fleets in several scenarios across the world seeing you face off against Argentinian Russian and Iranian forces battle Hawks 1942 also released in 1988 but was set in well let me think about that one for a moment this one sees you take to the sky aerial combat style during World War II set specifically in the Pacific air theater of battle each Mission starts with a brief in explaining the key objectives and targets perfectly setting you up with a relevant knowledge required to succeed all quite of often not getting to Pilot some of the classic Fighters and bombers of the time such as the Douglas SBD dauntless for the US and the Japanese mitubishi A6 m0 the combat here is pretty well portrayed and the controls are both responsive and easy to use this game would go on to get a couple of related follow-ups in the form of their finest Hour the Battle of Britain in 1989 and secret weapons of the love waffer in 1991 both of which expand greatly on the combat and Mission based gameplay deserve and imagine as being easily among the best of the combat flight simulators of the day comfortably holding their own against the competition and a great foundation for which to build future Lucas film or rather lucus Arts fight simulators on eh and although simulation games aren't always my cup of tea I do like to jump into the cockpit from time to time and these are some cracking titles to do that with in my opinion so back to the adventures then and boy do I have a game for you now this one goes down as probably my favorite scum title of all time I had the Amiga Incarnation but versions were also are available for the Comm 64 St FM towns and MSS I love this game for its quirkiness bordering on absurdness at times it's enthralling plot the compelling storytelling the crazy characters the amount of damn extra stuff you got in the big game box damn I'm droing right now if you haven't guessed it already and I'm betting some of you will jump the gun on this one the gaming question is none other than Zach McCracken and the alien mindbenders ah you thought I was going to say monkey Island didn't you when looking at the most often mentioned games among the point and click genre it appears that this David Fox Matthew Alan Kane and David Spangler scum Masterpiece gets somewhat unfairly overlooked by many a lot of the time and while this may well be that they've just never played it or in some Cas has even heard of it but let me tell you right now this game is worth seeking out and picking up just don't blame me if you can't put the bloody thing back down at least until you finished it once again containing in the by now expected humor of previous Lucas film Adventures this one turns things up a notch touching on The Surreal and to think that David had originally considered going for a more Indiana Jones and slightly more serious style until Ron Gilbert convinced him to get a little more unhinged with the comedy elements and boyed does he ever the story sees you take the part of the titular character Zach McCracken a reporter working for the national Inquisitor who inadvertently uncovers an alien plot by the konian to take over the world after having a strange dream about an ancient artifact on Mars and the sign artist who when he awakes turns out to be a real person the game sees you travel into various locales around the world and Beyond playing a several different characters and solving some wacky puzzles in an attempt to thwart the caponi and Mindbender threat now if that doesn't convince you to give this one a go for yourself then there's no hope for you I'm afraid I for one truly missed the extra bits and Bobs that would come with a big box game back in the day and although finding a physical copy of the game these days complete with its box and all the gubbins might very well prove either extremely difficult or just bloody expensive both probably I believe it would sit very well as a prize possession on any Retro Game collector's shelf moving on then begrudgingly to our next offering and yet another scum game well honestly I should probably just give a mention to the action version of the same title as it was technically released first but as it wasn't developed by Lucas film only licensed by them that's obviously my sole reason that I should be skipping swiftly past this one and totally not because Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade the action game created by Tex designed and published by US Gold is an absolute steaming pile of horseshit on each and every one of the systems that it ever Grace its good for nothing ugly junky ass face on and relax all right then Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the adventure game the only actual tie-in for the movie by my Reckoning is a stoning little Adventure much akin to what we've come to expect from a scum game at this point great graphics sound sound sound and enough quirky quips some onliners to properly do justice to Dr Jones both senior and Junior that is Ron Gilbert once again spins his magic on the design side here along with David Fox and Noah Falin and Mike Ebert Steve pel and Martin Cameron jump in to provide the artwork for the original EGA version scen here with Jim McLoud and James dollar providing additional artwork for the VGA enhanced Edition that would follow the story although mainly following along with the movie plot for the most part does still throw in enough extra content to make this a truly unique and compelling tale of its own this game had ports for Ms do FM towns Mac Amiga Atari St and even the bloody doomed Commodore CD TV of all systems well I guess there had to be one good thing for it right well as I stated back at the beginning of this video Lucas film did go on to become synonymous with point and click games over the years and we still have yet another two of those to go before I finish today's episode but first wish to mention a couple of titles that although containing Lucas film franchise licenses and being published by the company were created by totally different developers Master Blazer is Rainbow art sequel to Lucas film's original ballblazer with enhanced graphics music provided by Chris holbeck of turken Fame and a few tweaks to the overall performance in gameplay so if you're a fan of the original looking for more of the same with perhaps just a little bit more spit and polish or perhaps you're playing for the first time but fancy trying it with a new liquor p paint you won't go farther on with this one did you ever get home from work and just want to do a whole day's work again well now you can with night shift try your hand up work in the night shift on a production line for industrial might and logic I see what you did there programmed by John Mings for ATD that's attention to detail hang on a minute I've mentioned these guys once before in a previous video and I'm pretty sure they made me rage so hopefully we'll have some better luck with this one the game sees you frantically trying to keep up with the fast pace of creating toys to a deadline each made up of parts from various Lucas film characters in a somewhat Hazard filled Factory environment you control a worker male or female your choice this workplace is equally brutal whatever your gender ride the gyro mounted bik like an absolutely drug fueled maniac to power the generator keep the buns and burner going to maintain molten plastic set your Ms to the correct matching head and body parts and build away as you attempt to hit a set Target of certain toys for each shift worked the amount of each toy required is displayed before the level starts but the Frantic pace and time aot it make it brutally hard to keep up at times one shift just doesn't seem long enough when even the slightest lack of concentration is enough to throw a spanner in the works preventing you from hitting your atic quota and at the end of each shift you will be summoned into the manager's office for a debriefing yeah I've heard of those kind of bosses of and down of your shift's performance is displayed on screen screen showing how many correct toys you managed to make during the shift with each contributing to a portion of your overall wages with rejects being deducted from your overall earnings and what happens if you don't make enough to meet your quota you [Music] ask honestly this game is pretty good although increasingly challenging and unforgiving it does make you want to give it another go though just to prove you can do it okay so this one's a little bit strange the game pipe Mania designed and developed by assembly line for the Amiga in 1989 was later ported to several other systems by lucasfilm but other than that it really had very little to do with the company and it's a pretty good game all said and done so I'm going to give it a little mention anyway and we're back to adventuring as we come to Lucas F's four fent in the scum series Loom bringing on board X infocom employee Brian mariatti to lead the project as main designer most notably Acclaim for his work on infocom adventure games wishbringer and Trinity Brian along with Jennifer sword and SAR Reed provide an adventure game with a somewhat serious tone although not entirely without the odd one liner here and there to lighten the mood and although quite the departure from Brian's previous titles which were predominantly text based Loom nonetheless shares the depth of Storytelling and forboding seen in his prior work and all of this brings the fantasy world of loom alive with the help of Exquisite visual effects too thanks to the graphical talents of Gary Winnick Steve pcel and Mark Ferrari the game is set in a world divided into numerous guilds defining the many different skill sets of its inhabitants glass makers blacksmiths and so on our story though concerns the Weaver's Guild a guild who skills over time evolved from making basic cloth to weave in the very fabric of reality itself oo you play as bobbing threadbear a member of the Weaver Guild whose mother was turned into a swan and exiled by the elders when he was just a baby and if all of this sounds a lot to take in the game was originally shipped along with a 30-minute cassette tape containing an audio drama explaining the law and everything you need to know about the world and Weavers in the events leading up to that of the game story itself and if you wish to listen to that Audio Drama then I shall provide a link to that in the description below the game mechanics while still scum do appear and act slightly different than previous scum titles as this was the first to do away with the simple text actions instead opting for a more icon driven interface as bobing you use your Weaver's dis staff to perform drafts musical spells of sorts each draft consists of four notes which when played change reality in a number of different ways some drafts can also be played backwards too creating a reverse effect to the original spell if you like for example an open draft could be played in Reverse to perform a closed spell and so on and so forth figuring out new drafts isn't just a simple case of trial and error though a certain drafts will need to be learned in game first before they can be performed it sounds complicated but really it isn't it's very intuitive and provides a simple yet effective interface with which to interact with the Gams World although this game game has been heralded as a classic I must admit like many others I had never initially played this game until it came to researching for the purpose of this video and I feel rather ashamed and somewhat disappointed in myself for that as it's truly a wonderful game perhaps I should be transformed into a swan and xard for such sacrilege so here it is the final game of the video and by now you really should have guessed what it is widely renowned and considered by many to be the most famous scum franchise of them all and providing us with such memorable character as stanle ship salesman Lemonhead sharp tree from Red Skull the cannibal tribesmen mancome seep good spiffy the dog and the men of low moral fiber I am of course referring to the secret of Monkey Island it's an epic swash buckling tale of a young man destined to become a mighty pirate falling in love with a fine yet feisty young lady of nobility and heading out onto the high seas with a r tag crew in search of an undead Haggard Brash yet nevertheless rather flamboyant pirate captain okay so I'll admit it they are somewhat similar on paper but I'm sure that's just a coincidence right in any case our Mighty pirate isn't Will Turner oh no we have the legendary Goodwin Thrift weed that's guybrush three p okay keep your air on trough what three wood yeah whatever in any case I really shouldn't need to delve too much deeper into this one it's an absolute classic pointand click adventure spawn in numerous sequels although not all of them by Lucas film but perhaps perhaps per chance that you've really never played this game then just go and do it now so there you have it pretty much all of the games created and or produced by Lucas film games after this point and before the release of the sequel to Monkey Island Lucas film games changed its name to Lucas Arts which quite aside from anything else has made this a rather neat and convenient place for me to stop at least for now obviously the company under its new monik would go on to make a ton more great games over the years expanding their point and click experiences with new franchises along with sequels to ones that I've previously mentioned here today embracing the use of C ROM to bring us glorious studio quality music along with voice acting Take on the world they'd also go on to reclaim the rights to making Star Wars games back from Matari which aside from giving us one of the very best Doom clones ever made in my opinion will also put their earlier experiences at making flight simulators to Great use in both a good and bad way they would also go on to make one of my all-time favorite games an utterly fun almost top- down shooter and be movie horror inspired 16bit classic but all of that is a story for another day and if you'd like to see that then let me know in the comments below but until then I've been specy you've been bloody incredibly patient if you've got this far to be honest and I look forward to looking backwards with you again in the next episode see you soon bye for now [Music] h
Channel: RetroSpexx
Views: 575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucasfilm, lucasarts, videogames, video game history, retro games, retro gaming, Star Wars, George lucas, lucasfilm games group, guybrush, Labyrinth, Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, rescue on fractalus, koronis Rift, the Eidolon, ballblazer, Zak McKracken
Id: IVG7KUEhpwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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