This One GOLF SWING Position Should be Coached to ALL GOLFERS

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hello everybody Sean Herron at the easiest swing I'm joined by Philip Sparks and today we're going to be talking about what we feel is the most overlooked part of the golf swing we just can't understand why this one move this one position isn't coached to all golfers and learning this move will bring your golf swing much much more consistency on the golf course so that's what's coming up in this video now the one move the one position Philip now we never talk about position that's the easiest swing the one position that we do talk about we cannot believe is not coached to all golfers and this move this position Philip it really helps golfers to commit to the shot and Achieve that that consistency that if that eludes us all doesn't it absolutely and we say it with all the best players don't we we certainly watch a lot of their swings and we see this lovely position and they can get into it every single time which means that they're going to get consistency because if it's consistently in that same place you're going to get consistency of striking so what are we talking about what are we talking about are we going to keep the audience any more suspense well folks we're talking about the finished position yes the finishing the destination of your golf swing and by setting your finish position by committing to that finished position you end up committing to the golf shot yourself and we see a lot of amateur golfers not doing that don't we Phillip absolutely I think what we often see is we'll see them finish you know if you look at three different shots they finish in three completely different places and the the argument I always hear from amateurs is yeah but I've hit the ball it's gone it's already finished what does it matter where I finish once once the ball is gone but actually if you finish in three different places on three different shots you can get rest assured that position down the bottom of the Swing is going to be different it's going to be different and you're going to elaborate on that in in a little bit but let's just talk about some of those player swings that we do admire yeah absolutely if you think of people like Freddie couples Ernie Ells Vijay Singh ah Paul Casey the grace yep the silky smooth finish and he just all possess that skill don't they and you rarely read see anything similar to that and so and we know that the the coaches out there are all working very hard on your aim grip stance posture takeaway you know halfway back in the backswing swing playing down swing all these kind of things and yet they kind of Overlook the one thing that actually matters where you're going you know if you go jump in your car and you've got a destination to go to you need to know where you're going it doesn't really matter what the route is to get there as long as you actually enter what you're doing in the car subconsciously you know your destination and the golf swing works the same way yeah if you know where you're going to finish if you know you're going to get there it's going to be calm and relaxed and balanced and balanced it's going to make a huge difference so we're gonna discuss this now in this video in three very very simple easy to understand steps so let's go right into the first step Philip yeah okay the first step Philip would you like to demonstrate how simple and easy this is to coach and for you to take straight onto the golf course absolutely what we can look at here is just the simplest possible way to get this right and so rather than trying to find the most technical perfect position we're not looking at that we're just looking at a simple way to encourage yourself to to find a finished position that you can get to every single time and this really doesn't matter what standard you play out what the handicap is irrelevant we've got players who are plus handicapped golfers who've learned this same move and really improve their game with it as well absolutely let's elaborate on this first step Philip and there's nothing no better way to do that than a demonstration and it is just so simple and easy to do so I'm gonna step out of the way here for the camera and you can show us right for this second I'm not going to actually hit a shot but I'm going to show you the move that can get you into that finished position balanced and nice and easy and again we can do this in that the player really can be any standard of player really is irrelevant it's whether it's a lady beginner or a junior or a senior golfer you know we've got players of all standards who are learning this move and finding it improves their game so and and speaking of which Philip one of our members one of our easiest swing fans is a plus 1.7 handicap player in fact he was the North Kentucky U.S senator senior champion and uh he was the last person to get a lesson from Brian and it was this move that really really helped his game take it to even an even higher standard so it's really not to be underestimated folks no so to break this down it's and it's not something we normally do it's breaking down movements but this this can be broken down into a really simple movement anybody can learn so all you're going to do is just pick the club up and put it on your left shoulder if you're right-handed from there just turn through to the Target and that's the finished position can you just hold that position Philip just for the viewers so let's just take this apart a little bit there's not a lot to take apart but just look at the balance first and foremost we want to have this hold this nice balanced finish look how graceful it looks particularly look how soft this whole right side is yeah yeah that's we often see people who get close to this position but they're here or or there yeah you can just feel the tension so often just breathe and let that air come out absolutely a bit of a break so those are two two specifics the balance and the relaxed graceful finish position yeah yeah and like any Journey you've got a destination you've got a place you'll know you're going to doesn't really matter too much what the route for that journey is you know where you're going to finish now the great thing with that is that it means if you always finish in the same place there's a good chance you're going to develop consistency through the bottom here now I just demonstrate for a second by contrast what we see a lot of Club golfers do they will have maybe three or four different positions they finish the shot on what might be here with a balance all over the place you know another one might be trying to get the follow through like this but losing balance at the end of the swing and very often very much we see yes it is yes down here wooden not really going through the swing and this this this happens I mean it happens anyway we see it pretty much across the board but especially on those shots where you feel a little bit extra tense and that's where it's really crucial to commit to that finished position yeah it's it's quite a nice kind of comfort blanket as well if the shot's intimidating you're already feeling tense for a kickoff just you know calm yourself down a little bit but if you know that you're going to finish in that balanced position before you even take the shot it kind of comforts you a little bit to know you've got that Destiny you know what else it does folks it takes all your mental thinking out of the equation yeah so all you need to be considering is that finished destination and just let the swing take care of itself yeah so that's a that's a really important point to mention it it quietens the mind this this uh commitment to that finished position yeah thank you so Philip would you like to show the viewers what we often see rather than this lovely balanced graceful relaxed finish yes for sure um because what we will see is that we'll see because you don't know where your destination is because you don't know where you're going to end up you end up in a different place every time and so you know that place could be out of balance you know your feet could be struggling because your weight's in the wrong part wrong place at the end of the Swing here and you're struggling to maintain any kind of balance so you can't finish in a position because you're off balance it could be because it's been abbreviated because you're so anxious about the ball and the and the Target that you just kind of don't get through the shots staff are there we see that very often yeah yeah this sort of abbreviated position here and then obviously there's the there's the one just kind of the wild swing where you know you're kind of off the feet as you're playing here like this and again it's showing there's going to be a different end to every swing now people often ask me well what does it matter you know what you're hitting the ball once you've hit the ball why does the following nothing you can do about it yeah yeah it's too late you've already hit the ball but actually the key is that if you finish in the same place every time there's a very good chance that you're going to go the same route through the ball on the way and if you're getting that weight transfer through getting that weight transference through and not thinking too much about sort of the actual ball itself and staying down on the ball this common thing about trying to keep your head down trying to keep focused on the ball actually no swinging through and finishing the swing here in this balanced position and the key is that if you finish in that same position every single time for every single shot you you're going to develop consistency through the bottom of the Swing there yeah absolutely wonderful Philip thank you for that the third step Philip uh the balanced the balance and the relaxation and the importance of those two elements in the finished position yeah absolutely if you're going to get to this finished position and and replicate it every single time you cannot do that if you a you're not balanced and B you're not relaxed because if you're not relaxed you will not find this position and that's again if you're going back to those the the shots we've just seen of the great players just look how relaxed they are at the very very end of their golf swing there that's no coincidence that's something they've they've learned and practiced and may become routine the great thing is that if you know you're going to finish there it takes your your focus away from your swing the ball all those things all the positions all the positions all the technical nonsense absolutely and it just gives you something to really focus on you know that and the target combine the two things the Target and your finished position in a balance there really will help you I I just want to add you know I love the metaphor of driving and setting your GPS or your your destination in the in the subconscious brain you know where you're going you turn on the radio you look out the window you can do all sorts of uh stuff in between the journey but you have that destination set in your subconscious mind so this is the same it's exactly the same we we have the destination in our mind in our in our subconscious and it helps to quieten the mental activity which helps the relaxation to we hope you've enjoyed this video about finishing the golf swing the only position you'll ever hear us mention at the easiest swing that's how much importance we put on this part of the golf swing and Philip any last words no I think it's just a question of going through the routine of learning this you can learn it from LA dance to golf get the dance to go first once you've got the dance to golf that finished positional dancer golf it's such a simple transition into this finished position or use the Jim Sweeney one which is just bring the club up in front of you lay it on your shoulder and then turn into that position if you learn that position to take some time to practice it get used to it make it become routine and then you can get into that position every time every time we hope you've enjoyed watching this video remember play it live it share it if your mates get better you'll get better too yeah share it'll be friends bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Easiest Swing
Views: 157,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, golf, how to play golf, golf consistency, golf consistent swing, easiest swing, easiest swing in golf, easiest swing in golf for seniors, This One GOLF SWING Position Should be Coached to ALL GOLFERS, One golf swing position, easier golfing, easy golf swing, easy golf swing for seniors, senior golf swing, golf swing balance, golf swing rhythm, how to get consistent at golf, learning golf, beginner golf swing, beginner golf tips, beginner golf, golf swing position
Id: ou3ylszcgds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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