Complete CHILD EDIT | Photoshop EDIT | Quick Portrait Edit

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i'm going to do a really fast yet pretty impactful edit for you guys on this little girl if you have any questions please post them below so let's get started okay so here we are in adobe camera raw and as always i like to minimize the green green is not my favorite for summer colors and stuff like that so i'm just going to come down here to color mixer and just reduce the greens down like that now back up and basic i just want to make sure that these highlights are minimized and will reduce some of the whites as well not too terribly much though now our temperature we can just joggle back and forth here and try and find something that is more appealing i think a little bit of warmth is warranted and in the detail here we'll just sharpen it up a bit because this was shot with my 85 1.2 so all the images are always pretty pretty not even remotely sharp right if i shot this with my sony it would have been way different and that looks okay i'm trying to reduce the noise because i don't want it to be too grainy but if we look in there's because this is the 85 1.2 there's quite a bit of chromatic aberration so we're going to come into optics and we're going to defringe that by pulling the purple to the right there's quite a bit of red as well so we're going to bump that up we just have to be careful that the reds don't turn um gray right like you can see it in the lips starting to do that and i'm just gonna do the green too just because usually that lens will have all of those issues okay good enough i think that's fairly good i'm gonna fix all of this yeah good one good enough okay open like this and now i'm going to right click new smart object via copy double click on this separate image file come back into my basic x i'm going to reduce my contrast i'm going to pull up the blacks pull up the shadows reduce the exposure [Music] reduce the clarity turn off sharpening and i might actually get this just a little warmer here come back to the color mixer and just reduce those greens down a little bit more now as far as the luminance is concerned we will reduce that a bit too and the oranges a bit and the yellows okay click okay so now you have two separate image files one here and one here and all we're going to do is add a mask grab a black brush make sure it's a soft brush and we're just going to paint that off of our subject like this but you know what we have to do right paint that back onto the green leaves because we don't want to have three leaves that are totally different than all the others that would be lame i'm just going to zoom in and just make sure that everything is where it should be there we go that looks that looks better remember just hit your x key if you want to toggle between the black and the white brush which is hiding and revealing yes okay oops see toggle okay that looks fine make sure you get the whole foot you can see i'm avoiding those hot spots already because i need to reduce those anyway i'm just going to paint a little bit more light over here just a bit come back to my properties in my mask feather that out turn it on and off that looks fine flatten my image duplicate my layer just grab a regular brush and i'm just going to paint this away like so same thing with here i'm just sampling the colors that are already existing in the image and creating a little bit of an effect so that you don't really notice those sun overblown sun spackly places same thing with this just just paint those back a little bit so they're not distracting so the brighter parts of an image will always make your eye go to them so that's why you want to really prevent that from happening by adding in um a little bit of colors and stuff that will cover it up and for those of you that like to use blur you don't need to you can just actually paint directly onto the image and then that way you don't have that yucky fake blur thing going on i always like to paint back the darks a bit as well keeping the whole entire focus on the subject so that's before and after i'm just going to add a mask and gently take off a little bit of this area right here because i went a little too heavy-handed on it i always want to make sure that those things are not directly on my subject too much like that okay before and after we're going to go ahead and flatten this just like that and a new blank layer now if we look down at her little leg here we need to do the same thing as long as you sample the colors that are already there it should be fine and also because i shot this completely wide open at one point too other than her face the majority of this will probably not be super sharp so this is perfectly okay to do so and i'm just going to make sure that i didn't spray any of that over onto this part okay all right so that's before that's after that's perfectly fine we're going to flatten this i'm going to duplicate my layer i see so much green in her hair in her face here so i'm gonna go to my hue saturation grab this little guy just sample it and you can see it's in the yellows but i need to add back some red or pink to it just because it's far too greeny yellow on her face and i think if we look at the before and after that that's that's fine and i like the effect that it's had on the entire image so i'm actually just going to leave it so let's flatten that again this time duplicate come into my retouch set grab my frequency separation click ok go to my low file and i'm going to reduce everything here these are my typical settings if you're not sure how to use frequency separation in the mixer brush i do have another video to show how this set works and i'll post it here so little circles little tiny circles really helps quickly create nice skin on your subject and just remember to adjust your brush to the size of the area that you are affecting and i know i say that all the time but it's true and then down to her little legs and i know that by painting that that really bright highlight off with just a regular brush [Music] it's pretty it's pretty it lacks texture in the skin but i will show you how to bring texture back if you have to do that it's it's not a big deal it's definitely part of digital painting methods and stuff but i do use a lot of digital painting methods for my photography so wrinkles and dresses the mixer brush and frequency separation is fantastic to smooth them out especially if it's you know just rough and this is kind of like a bridal quality tool and i find that it wrinkles a lot so i'm just gonna come in here and really quickly come in and brush off a lot of these wrinkles in her little dress it's great for hair too if you want to just make the hair look a little bit softer okay let's take a look close the whole group though turn it on and off and you know what that's perfect that's perfect we're just going to go ahead and flatten it and now i'm going to go in my retouch set to my dodge and burn actions i'm going to click on my dodge make sure i have a regular brush and i'm going to pull my flow down to around 4 and i'm just going to gently add a couple of highlights to her skin like this don't worry about going too heavy-handed because you can either brush it back with your black brush or you can just reduce the opacity of the entire layer then when you want to do her little lips and her eyes little cupid's bow definitely the eyes add some light in there and that looks so much better already so what about burning well we're gonna burn in the shadow a little bit here just like this because there should be shadows right next to her just adds a bit of depth as well as on her face and on the hair over here so cute so i'm looking at over here on her leg i just need a bit more of a highlight right there and probably a little bit right there side of her dress just have to kind of follow where the the light is naturally in this one and we're going to burn this over here burn this here burn this here there we go okay so let's just take a look close the group on and off so you can really see how much depth and contrast that's added back but we're gonna pull the dodge down a bit because it is a little bright and that looks so much better okay everything looks good flatten that again now what i'm going to do is another dodge burn layer this time though i'm just going to focus on the environment so i'm going to pull it up pretty strong to around 30 and i like to create almost like a vignette so that the eye is always focused right on the subject so just play with that you can always reduce and feather it out so that it blends and with the dodge i'm just going to add a little bit more light in here kind of like that before and after reduce the overall effect right about there okay it's looking nice not too bad we do need to do some touch-ups on her skin color so we're going to come back into hue saturation i'm going to see that that is definitely red up here is red as well but this one's really red so we're going to just pull that red down a little bit like so invert that mask and then make sure that you can just paint that red off her leg so that it matches better with the rest of her body just a wee bit and we're going to add cherry cheeks and lips to her face so all of that will match so flatten that that's perfect and what we're going to do right now is we're going to come into my new set my bliss set and we're going to just find an action that's going to start the overall finishing of coloring with this one so i think i'm going to start with fall walk and just see what this does so as always we'll close everything out and i do like this one but it's a little heavy so we're going to do it to right about there you can also paint some of that effect off her if you want because it is a bit red and i don't want her skin to be so red after i just focused on making it not that way you will notice though that when you start taking red off that their skin will start looking green again but don't let that distract you because it's fine and just feather that out the next one is adding more pastels and that's really pretty that's adding a little bit more red and stuff i love it this is darkness so with the darkness you can decide how much you want of this or not so just use a black brush i'll start with painting it off of the little girl and this is all personal preference you can do whatever you want with these actions they're fully fully customizable but all you're doing when you purchase these actions is you're just buying a little piece of my creativity which can be fun if you're finding yourself in a rut and feather that out the next one is this i love this this is so pretty that's perfect and here's the final finish but i don't actually care for that in this one it's a little too yellow i think right about there is awesome so that's before and that's after and then if you wanted to you could reduce the entire group to suit i think that's super cute i'm gonna flatten that just like that and i do want to go up really quick to my um chemistry set where is it here and i just want to add that drama queen again because i really like how it looks on a lot of these okay that is so cute that just added enough of a little bit of color toning to make it more interesting to me okay flatten it now the last thing that we're going to do is go back to my retouch set and click on cherry cheeks and lips and just reset my view come in here just gonna add some color to her little lips and it looks too orange so i'm going to come into red pull that red down and pull up the blue also go back to my rgb and just make it a little bit lighter so right about there looks pretty good now as far as cheeks just add a little bit of color to her lids i always do this i always like to add just a little bit of color to the whole face the nose around the mouth and then i have to feather that out right about there but i do want to come in here to the red again and just reduce that a bit it's a little orange and i do want to reduce the rgb and bring up pink a bit more there we go and i'm just going to add a little bit more to this side and i always zoom out when i look at what i'm doing with this because just like when you're doing traditional art and painting you should always step back to see it better so that looks nice we're going to go ahead and flatten it now i want to add a new soft light layer and i'm going to choose a relatively neutral skinish white caucasian color something like this i think and i'm just gonna paint a little bit of light onto her face because i think it will look better and then zoom in because it will probably take some contrast away from her and then add a mask and then you can just reduce your flow and you can paint that off a bit of the areas that you didn't want it to really be i think that's a bit better i'm just going to reduce it down here okay duplicate my layer let's come into camera raw filter now here we have no texture let's go to effects let's add some green just enough grain so that it looks like her skin has some texture again click ok and hold down option or alt with your mask change to a white brush and then you can come in here and you can paint that green onto her skin so that it looks like she has some texture just like so we're going to feather it out reduce it a little bit flatten that sucker and um now we're going to duplicate our layer we're going to change blend mode to linear light filter other high pass and this is to sharpen the face and specifically when i was shooting canon i had to do this a lot just because the images were so soft if you zoomed in click ok alter option and you're going to paint the effect on the areas you want it so for this image i definitely want her eyes to be sharper her little mouth her hair the headband maybe this little piece here probably her nostrils eyebrows earrings feather that a little bit zoom out and flatten and i'm just going to change my crop on this now because it looks a little off and there you have it guys i hope you enjoyed this see you in the next video you
Channel: Nikki Harrison
Views: 13,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, child portrait, edit, photoshop actions, nikki harrison, little girl edit
Id: z-gbafUVlNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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