Complete Beginner Guide | New Genshin Impact Players Watch This!

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so i made a beginner leveling up guide a few weeks ago for people in genjen who are leveling up their account and wanted to make sure they're doing the right thing who wanted some tips well i got a few comments saying that they unfortunately didn't understand some of the terminology and stuff i was throwing around so here it is the ultimate beginner genshin impact guide if you just started playing engine you want to make sure you don't miss anything and you get your account off to the right foot and you want an explanation of the basics this is the video now i'm going to try and make this fun and fast and witty but there is so much information to share so guys buckle in with your boy don't leave me hanging let's go so i'm not gonna do a full pitch on what genjen impact is you probably already know that if you are watching this video but the main gameplay of ginseng impact is going on a big adventure leveling up your adventure rank and your world level to get you know loot weapons items to make your character stronger and to beat the hardest content in the game so let's talk about our adventure rank or ar first you can see right here i'm ar 58. your ar goes up by doing a ton of different things completing quests spending your resin opening up treasure chests and a few other things like leveling up the archon statues now we've got to start somewhere i know a lot of that didn't make sense i'll get to everything every five ar levels after ar 20 is going to raise your world level you can see my world level is eight pretty much what the world level is is the game gets harder all the monsters all the bosses everything gets more difficult but everything now gives you better rewards more rare items more strong items and it allows you to level up your characters even stronger the higher your world level the stronger you can become there are many quests story lines and character growth levels that are locked behind your ar rank but don't fret your ar gets raised just by playing the game every time you do a quest your daily quests spending your resin anything like that your adventure rank is going to slowly slowly go up you'll also get rewards from the adventurer's guild every time you raise your ar by a single level which you can find right here at the adventurers guild right here claim adventure rank reward so next let's talk about quests you find them by opening up the menu wheel and you go to this one the little exclamation mark banner thing quests give you rewards they show you the story they help you level up their characters all good stuff and they're very simple right here is the list of quests and as you can see it tells you the name of the quest and what to do for the quest and when you click it it'll appear on the map and it'll give you directions on where to go and what to do right there in the top left very simple our conquests are the big overarching story plot of gentian you need to do all the archon quests to unlock the entire map of the game such as inazuma so make sure you've got a lot of time to sit down and do these because they are quite you know lengthy and wordy as it is the main story but it is a lot of fun so make sure you got the time story quests are also really important events a little less important than the archon events they're more character driven i would say but they are very important they unlock a lot of important stuff in the game commissions are your daily quests i recommend doing these every single day if you are a serious schedule player and want to level up your account you get lots of things like adventure rank exp gold that kind of stuff and primo gems the lifeline against in fact we'll get to primo gems after completing your daily quests head to the adventurers guild and you can get a big daily reward for completing all of your quests so after you come do your dailies you come talk to catherine you'd claim your daily commission rewards and look you get a ton of ar adventure rank exp primo jams some other good stuff finally these world quests they give a little bit of rewards of course but they're just like side missions they're just fun little things to do very quick right here you'll see the achievements tab in the menu you just get little rewards of primo gems for doing random little things these are gonna appear and pop up all the time but um it's just a way to do little fun achievements and get rewards next we're gonna talk about resin gention is a gotcha game for better or for worse gotcha games almost always include a random character or weapon chance system along with some sort of stamina system that means that you can't just endlessly play they try to time gate you in a way so resin is the stamina of ginseng impact you don't need resin to run around and explore and do quests or anything like that but you do need resin to get the rewards that level up your characters and level up your weapons your resin refills over time you get one resin every eight minutes and for a full resin refresh of 160 it takes 21 hours and 20 minutes your resin can be seen right here in the top right of the map screen you can see i have 160 of 160 resin if you run out of resin you can restore resin with fragile resin these little crescent moons you see right here they'll give you 60 more resin you get fragile resin throughout the game just by leveling up your adventure rank completing quests leveling up the battle fast which is absolutely free you can also use primo gems to refill your resin which primo gems is something you can buy so now you probably see how they want to make you spend your money right they want you to get more resin so that you can level up your characters and weapons faster but guys that's the key word faster denson has no pvp so there's no advantage to getting your characters and levels up faster besides your own satisfaction so just take it slow have patience have some fun and you won't need to spend a single cent i honestly love gentleman with all my heart but i never want to incentivize people to spend money i may make a video like that in the future talking about like gotcha and money spending but we'll cross that bridge when we get there where and how do you spend your resin well let's take some time here on the map first off there's these things called world bosses and uh they cost 40 resin and they're gonna drop materials so you can see right here this ice flower the cryo veggies red just fine he's going to drop cryo or ice related drops up here we've got the animal hypostasis it's going to drop a nemo stuff or wind stuff and then down here is the electro hypostasis you get it these bosses are going to drop materials to level up those kinds of characters after you defeat a boss you're able to use the resin so let's skip to that after you defeat a boss you walk up to this flower that spawns out of the ground you click on it and would you like to use 40 resin yes it costs 40 resin and then you get all the rewards caprene these dudes respawn every three minutes but you have to leave the area first so i would need to teleport somewhere else on the map after three minutes and then come back so spend resin to get character and weapon rewards that's how all resin transactions are gonna work in the game next we have domains one gives character talent books which we'll go over and then there's other ones like this that give weapon ascension books for weapons once again i'll elaborate on all this stuff later so when you click on a domain you're going to choose your difficulty you pretty much always want to choose the highest one because it gives the best rewards and then you get to choose your team so after defeating the domain you walk up to this tree right here and then you click claim rewards so for 20 resin we just got some character talent books very pog next we have ley lines they are these blue right here and these gold clouds that you will see on the map the blue one gives character experience uh books and the gold one gives mora which is the money of this game the gold of this game pretty much every single thing costs mora but pretty much every quest anything you ever do will give you more so you're probably going to run out of more at some point and this is a great way to farm them is by beating these clouds so let's teleport to a point near the cloud and we're going to run towards the cloud using the mini map you can see in the top left of the screen which this is the same as the other ones you touch it you activate it you beat the monsters you give your resin to the flower you get the rewards finally the weekly bosses i believe the game calls them trounce domains but you can only beat each one of them once a week anyway there are five of them the first three you beat will cost 30 resin but then those last two are going to cost 60 residents i'm not going to show you them all because they are story related bosses i don't want to spoil you guys but they are very important to be because they drop these important like character talent level up materials so beat them every week every time you can because they're going to help you level up your characters very much so since that was all map related let's finish this little section with some map you know help and vocab so you'll see this little point right here these are teleport points after you've interacted with this teleport point for the first time you can click on it like this these are the teleport points you activate it you can then teleport to this location forever very cool these big blue orb symbols right here are the statue of the seven just go along with the story and you will understand their significance but when you interact with them for the first time it will permanently light up that area of the map you can even see over here that i actually haven't interacted with this uh statue of the seven here on my free-to-play account so this area of the map has not been unlocked for me yet or lit up i should say i can still run through here you can see the domains like this one and the bosses like this one that i went over earlier and yeah that's about it for the map when exploring the map you'll see these little blue ghost things called sealies when you go up and touch them they'll move and you want to keep following them and they're going to unlock some treasure for you just like this so let's elaborate on these statues of the seven you can interact with them and then worship them by feeding them these little things called animoculus or g-oculus depending on what region of the map you are you can give them the little things that you collect on the map and they are going to level up the statue of the seven when you level up the statue of the seven you're gonna get some cool stuff like more stamina bar permanently for running around and climbing which is very cool but look you're going to get some ar some primo gems and some little sigils you can use in the town let me go find an animo oculus just to show you what they are you're going to find them all the time it's going to be very fun so when you're near an animo oculus it's actually going to appear on your mini map like you can see right there it is that little star ahead of me so let's go find it you can actually see it there it is right up there in the sky so we're gonna have to find a way to get it i don't think this is the intended way i went up on this tower and then glided to it but there we go so let's bring it to the statue isn't that the fun of these doing it and not the intended way but here we go so we're gonna talk to the statue of the seven click worship and then we can offer the one that we have boom so as you can see it says 5 out of 15. i need 10 more before i can get all those rewards so as you can see one of those rewards is the primo gems so it's time for the primo gem talk in catching we of course want to get brand new cool strong characters and brand new strong weapons and that is going to be through the wishing system which on the menu wheel it is the top star here the wishing system is the gotcha system the random chance of getting new and cool characters and weapons the more primo gems you have the more poles you can do so the more characters and weapons you can obtain one wish or one pole costs 160 primo gems to a full 10 full it costs 1600 primo gems you get a small amount of primo gems all over the place like completing your daily quest a bunch of other quests just doing your daily commissions gives you primo gems every time you open a treasure chest you get primo gems every time you complete an achievement you get primo gems but you could also just buy primo gems obviously the fastest way to get a ton of primo gems is spending money but guys stay strong gamers primo hands you are actually going to gain a lot of primo gems over time through all those little things i told you this is what we call a banner we've got the shendha banner the xiao banner the weapon manner and the standard banner on the character banner the most you can go without getting a five star character is 89 pulls you will always get a 5 star on the 90th poll but that is honestly absurdly unlikely you are going to get a 5 star somewhere between 75 and 85 polls most likely due to the game's kind of soft pity system or you could get insanely lucky and get a five star in one single pole who knows so on this character banner right here the shen hub and her look at her she's beautiful the first time you get a five star it is a 50 chance that it is going to be shenha or a 50 chance that it is going to be one of the standard five star characters who are deluxe kaching jean chichi and mona but if you get one of those standard characters that i just named instead of shenha that's what's called losing the 50 50. you could get lucky and get seven shenhas in a row right or you could get unlucky losing to 50 50 every time going chichi shenha chichi the limited characters like shenha and zhao right here at the time of recording are usually regarded as stronger characters than the standard banner characters but it really depends you can use this 50 50 system to your advantage let's say you lost the 50 50 and got to luke instead of shenha well we know that the next time we get a 5 star character on this limited banner it is going to be the limited banner character right now it would be shen ha but this pity and this 5050 carries over pretty much forever literally forever so three months from now let's say there's a brand new character that comes out let's say x comes out as a new character right because you got to luke the last time on this character banner you are going to get the brand new five star the next time guaranteed whenever you do get a five star you're gonna get eeks the new five-star the event characters change every three weeks but the pity stays forever so if you save up all your gems and use them wisely you can truly get the characters you want you just have to have patience let's say shendha right now is the character you want but you just started and you don't have enough gems just know she is going to come back eventually on a rerun banner right now zhao you can see him right there he came out like a year ago but here he is he's back so you're gonna eventually be able to get the character you want you just have to have patience save those jabs the four star characters that you see right there next to shenha have their chances raised drastically but you are not guaranteed to get one of the specific four star characters but you are guaranteed to get one of those three characters every other poll at least so every other poll you're gonna get one of those three characters but potentially not the one you wanted pulling for four stars can be brutal the standard rate for a 4 star character is approximately 13 when doing 10 pulls and then a 5 star character is approximately 1.6 when doing a temple but guys this is a huge piece of info you have to know when pulling on the banners the pity is not shared between the limited character banners shenha and zhao these two banners do share pity okay so if you were 60 pulls in you're that much closer to a five star it doesn't share pity with the weapon banner it has its completely own pity system and the standard banner has its completely own pity system i'll even show you an example right now you can click the history button to literally look at your list of pity so we click here and i'm going to scroll to show you guys when the last time i got a 5 star was so right here on the standard banner you could actually see that i've never gotten a 5 star so after counting them up i'm actually 75 into pity i should be getting a five star very very very soon it's very easy to count because each page is six uh different things that it shows so you can just you know do the math six times twelve or six times eleven but then plus three there we go so that's how you can do it so for the standard banner i am at 75 pity for the limited character banner which once again shenha and zhao will be sharing the same pity let's check our pity here i've actually never gotten a five star on the limited banner either here on my free to play account but here we are is page five and it's six so i am 30 into pity so i'm about 45 away from getting that practically guaranteed five star right for the weapon banner i've never done a single pull so there is no uh pity on this but just let you guys know the weapon banner has 10 less of a pity so you'll get a five star after the 80th pull guaranteed instead of the 90th poll only on the weapon banner if you ever want to see some insane summoning sessions you got to come by my stream i've got a few whale viewers that have me do their pulls and it gets pretty insane so come drop by the switch guys i stream full time i'd love to see you there you'll get these little things called fates by doing quests adventure rank rewards leveling up the free battle pass and other random events the blue ones can be used on the standard banner the standard banner never changes so fire these away whenever you want but the kind of pink and blue ones can only be used on the limited character banner so i definitely advise saving these ones up for the perfect time to nab those specific characters that you want let's do a quick and easy rundown of the shop which is not only real life money so let's go by the way guys don't worry after a few weeks of playing you're gonna understand all these different currencies and gems and whatnot i guarantee it so down here in paimon's bargains is where you can use star glitter you get star glitter every time you pull a 4 or 5 star character and you can use it in this shop i highly recommend only using your star glitter on either these characters that they have available that change every month or for more polls right here the intertwined fades and the acquaint fades i genuinely only recommend using your star glitter on more poles the intertwined face or the acquaint phase or on these characters that appear in the shop these characters change every month you can actually look up the calendar on like a gentian wiki or something because they have been following a pattern but it's a very guaranteed no rng way to get a character you want right now we've got official and changling both fantastic characters honestly next up on this other tab is star dust which you get every time you pull a three star weapon which is going to happen all the time so you're actually going to get a lot of star dust you can buy five of each kind of pull from the stardust shop every month so you should be buying these 100 no matter what and then second you can buy adventurer books mystic enhancement wars and mora for like a reduced rate i would only genuinely spend your stardust on these uh three different things the polls and the materials since we're talking about purchasables let's talk about the welcome moon and the battle pass these are the purchasables and get to impact that i actually think are not a bad idea if you really are enjoying the game and have a small amount of cash to throw around i think of these two things as a subscription to the game both of them combined comes out to about 12 and 50 cents a month so first is the welcome moon pass it is very simple it costs five us dollars it lasts for 30 days and every single day that you log in you are gifted 90 primo gems you also get 300 genesis crystals at the time of mine genesis crystals are dumb sorry for all the random curtsy names but trust me you guys will get it you can only get genesis crystals through spending real money i'm pretty sure the only reason that genesis crystals exist is so that you can't get like skins and cosmetics and these bundle boosts of materials without spending real money which i don't recommend those anyway so anyway this that's you approximately 18 polls per month for only five dollars it is technically and definitely the most cost efficient way to receive primo gems the bang for your buck it also feels a lot less rng based so it's a nice way to kind of pace yourself and get a little bit of extra materials in the game without being a gotcha djen in my opinion now let's move over to the battle pass which can be found right here in the menu it is the top left little fire thing so as you can see there are two rows of rewards here on the battle pass you only get the top row of rewards for free you level up the battle pass by doing various objectives and stuff that you can find here on the second tab so you've got daily objectives weekly objectives and whole battle pass period objectives which are a month and a half six weeks this lasts the entire time that a patch is live which has always consistently been six weeks since the game's inception so you have six weeks to raise your battle pass as high as you can you can see there's some pretty nice stuff here like here at level 10 i got a free poll i got character experience books i got mora i got weapon experience books there's some good stuff in here for absolutely free but now if you purchase the upgraded battle pass called the gnostic hymn for 10 you will receive all the rewards on that bottom row as well which as you can see the rewards on the bottom row are just improved versions of that first rows rewards and upon reaching level 30 of the battle pass you get to choose and permanently unlock one of the battle pass weapons you can see right below me here these weapons are always the same so that you will always get to choose one of these five different four star weapons and honestly these weapons are all very very good i definitely recommend the claymore the surf and spine it is extremely good but anyway if you're playing every day you're a serious player you're checking the objectives you are going to be able to raise your battle pass very very high you're not going to have a problem without spending any money so don't worry about that and yeah like i said the battle pass lasts a month and a half and if it costs ten dollars it comes out to you know around 1250 a month for both the welkin and this instead of 15. i think these are both really beneficial ways to help out your account and like i said i kind of think of them as this monthly subscription to support the game that i like playing i also think that they are very consistent and they're not very rng based so uh it feels like a nice not really gambling way to spend your money and support the game but of course you can be 100 free to play and if you do want to be a free-to-play account you obviously can't buy the welcome moon or the upgraded battle pass so we've talked about where and how to get the materials to ascend our characters and weapons or level them up but now let's elaborate on what we want to level up and why this one's pretty basic so we'll just kind of skim over it real quick you level up your characters by giving them character experience materials which are these three different kinds of books the purple ones give the most the white ones give the least you get these from practically every single quest that you do every treasure chest that you open and those blue ley line clouds that we talked about earlier which cost resin the max character level is 90 and it costs a lot of experience books and more to get there so as a beginner i only recommend maxing and raising up the level a lot of your main dps characters to around 80 or 90 should be your goal while the supports can be around you know 50 to 60 just as you're a beginner leveling up raises the cap on how high you can raise your character's talent level and it also raises your base stats such as your hp your attack your defense and a specific stat for each specific character like yoon jin here gets energy recharge as her ascension stat while a character like hutao gets crit damage characters at certain level bars are going to require a character ascension like you can see here with goro so if i want to raise his restriction max to level 80 i'm gonna need all these materials which once again you can click item details to just see where you can pick these up right you're gonna get these from geo bosses you're going to get this from a boss in nina zuma you're going to get these pearls just by exploring around the world and then these are a certain specific kind of monster that you need to defeat and pick up the stuff so let's talk about talent level then and we're going to use the queen yoon jin right here as an example every character has two skills and their normal attack these each have a separate power level called your talent level these are permanent boosts to your stats for this specific character so on your best and favorite characters this is an absolute must to raise mayun jin has two of her skills macked out you can see it right there they say 13 that's because the constellations will get there but i wanna max her auto attack next you can see that it's level eight raising a character's talent level to max which is 10 is a very big deal this is because since to max a skill to level 10 it requires a lot of materials but it also requires a crown of insight crowns of insight are given to you as a reward for specific events that happen periodically throughout gender impact so you are definitely limited to the amount of crowns that you get and you kind of have to wait until you can get a new crown when there's a new event or some new story type thing unlocked so you have a limited amount of these so you want to use them on your best or favorite characters so if we click on leveling up a skill it will tell us what we need to raise that talent level you can see that yunjin needs 12 of those talent books that you get from domains nine of those masks that you see there and two of those little fireballs the gold books are from talent domains that cost resin and are only available on certain days of the week these masks are dropped just from defeating hilo trolls the random little enemies so they don't cost any resin and they are practically all over the map and finally those fireballs are one of those weekly boss drops that we talked about one of the five weekly boss jobs the weekly boss drops are really rare and scarce so you actually only need them to raise your talent levels to seven eight nine or ten so you can actually click item details for it to tell you specifically where you can find this item so as a talent level up material it's available on tuesday friday and sunday this specific book all talent books and weapon ascension materials are available all day on sunday but besides that only a specific day like this one is tuesdays and fridays and if you click it it will just take you straight there on the map but it's not going to work because it's not uh tuesday or friday it'll say domain not yet available for illiterate mass see it'll tell you it's dropped by level 60 plus hillatrol 60 range solar trills whatever so it tells you where those are too and then this final one i'm not gonna click on it because it is a story spoiler but it'll show you the weekly boss that you need to beat next is leveling up your weapon i'd say that leveling up a weapon is more similar to leveling up a character than i guess a specific talent because the max level of a weapon is 90. and it raises their base attack and their main stat which as you can see here the fuvonius bow grants 50 energy recharge right now but it will grant more if i level it up since mine's only level 70. to raise a weapons level we can feed it weaker or bad weapons as weapon exp but the main way is with enhancement ore which you get from quests and stuff like that but mostly from mining i'll show you right now when exploring the map you're gonna come across these random beautiful oars if you have a claymore character like edo here they break the rocks way faster so when you break a rock you are going to get an iron chunk or when you break these big pretty blue ones you are going to get a crystal chunk so we're gonna take these to the blacksmith every single one of the main towns has a blacksmith and monstat's blacksmith is located right here so we talk to him we say i'd like to have something made we go here over i'm just gonna make these crystal ones since they're the best for me but you click make five you can have four different cues at the same time right so i'll make these i'll come back after a little bit of time and he is going to just straight up hand me these that you see right over there the purple enhancement ores those are how you level up weapons back here looking at the fuvonius warbo we're going to click enhance and then you're going to see what materials i require to ascend this weapon it's just like a character ascension next for specific characters i want to talk about constellations this is a big thing in genjen so i have four constellations locked on my amber so you're gonna hear people refer to this as a c4 amber pretty much what this means is every time i get an amber copy so i get a second amber from like the standard banner i can use that second amber to unlock this permanent new ability fires two arrows per aimed shot the second arrow deals 20 of the first arrows damage so it's really cool you want to collect as many of the different characters copies as you can so that you can eventually get to their c6 which is going to be an extremely powerful crazy boost to your character that permanently changes how they work and almost always makes them a way better character but of course getting constellations on a five star character like this such as hutao is extremely hard rare and most usually costs a ton of money so i wouldn't really worry about these constellations of five stars maybe just a single constellation but you're gonna eventually be able to get a lot of your four-star characters up to that sixth constellation weapons work in the same way as a constellation you can see that this dragon's bane right here is refinement level five that means i fed four uh you know dragons banes into this through the actually you would click um right here refine instead of ascend and you would feed dragon's beans into it and that is going to permanently increase its you know stats right here you can see that it does 36 hydro pyro i think it would normally be something way lower well i actually have an r4 right here so 32 and 36. i want to briefly touch on artifacts artifacts are pretty much held items that permanently boost your character's stats you can shuffle them around and move them around onto whatever character you want whenever you want the reason why i'm just gonna skim over this is because you're not going to get super good artifacts until later in the game at approximately adventure rank 45. so these really aren't like a super beginner friendly topic but they are going to have little main stats they are going to have sub stats and these are going to be how you like really deck out and crazy power up your characters i actually talk a lot more about artifacts in that first guide that i made so check that out but you're going to get artifacts through beating those weekly bosses like those cubes you know the electrocube the wind cube you're also going to get them through specific domains artifact domains that cost resin so just throw these on your main characters read the little sub step that it gives you and uh kind of see if it you know works with the character you've got you can level them up by feeding artifacts into other artifacts as well but unfortunately it is a pretty advanced thing and maybe i'll make a guide on detailed artifacts later in the future so guys you're gonna notice in this guy that i didn't really go into huge detail about how every single character works how you do your attacks stuff like that how the elements work because those are things that you're going to figure out naturally just playing through the game doing the tutorial levels and kind of how they you know make the beginning of the game more beginner friendly so i think that that's more fun for you guys to do but there's actually a domain right here in uh monstat that you can zoom in and it's called the temple of the lion this is a great way to like learn about all the different elemental reactions you can see right there the trials vaporize melt overloaded this is a great way to get a better you know breakdown of the elements but i think i'll do actually an element guide in the future finally guys we're going to talk about the spiral abyss after exploring monstab for a while and being at least adventure rank 20 you are going to eventually come across the spiral of this check around cape oath if you can't find it and you fit those requirements but anyway the abyss is the most challenging battle trial content in genchin impact this is where you can really put your teams to the test and grab some sick rewards like primo gems artifacts and more there are a total of 12 floors of the abyss and to challenge a certain floor you have to beat the previous floor you know make sense right the later floors require two teams of four characters instead of just one so yeah you gotta build up a lot of different characters and a lot of different weapons on your adventure to really take on the abyss for floors one through eight after you clear them for the first time you will never get rewards from them again but after clearing floor 8 you gain the ability to go to the abyssal moon spire which is way harder and that is floors 9 through 12 over here right here floors 9 through 12 have their rewards reset on the 1st and the 16th of every month so you can get the rewards for beating these floors 9 to 12 multiple times depending on how well you do or how fast you clear the abyss you'll receive a grade from one to three stars the faster the better the ultimate completion of the abyss is obtaining 36 stars that's obtaining three star completions for all the chambers on floors 9 through 12. so aim for that peeps 36 stars in the abyss it's honestly really fun and it's really challenging and it gives you good rewards and you get to show off your cool characters so how was that for a beginner guide guys as always if you found this video helpful and you want to help me on my content creation journey please make sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel so you can see my other guides and other fun gention content i stream full time on twitch playing mostly gention on both my main and my free to play account so come through guys please follow the channel it would mean the world to me as always thank you guys so much for watching i hope you love this video peace [Music] you
Channel: Eakes
Views: 508,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact reroll, genshin impact guide, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact game, genshin impact 2020, reroll, new account, free to play, five star, star, 5 star, wish, wishing, fates, Genshin Impact 2021, 2.2, Patch, New Player, Mihoyo, gacha, pulls, summoning, pc gaming, mobile, anime, whale, character, top tier, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, twitch, stream, banner, genshin impact 2.4, genshin impact good, guide, beginner, new player, walkthrough, genshin impact wiki
Id: kbiRCOG3-Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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