$1.6 MILLION with ONLY 20 Books - INSANE Amazon KDP Success Story

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what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built a seven figure Amazon KDP business which I eventually sold and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and today I have a special video for you so initially I wasn't planning to release this video on YouTube I filmed a interview with a super successful publisher which you're about to meet uh very soon who's made over 1.6 million dollars from just 20 books living in India and he has an absolutely insane story and this is something that I do often in my world to HERO program where I interview successful Publishers and we get to know their story and also you know we learn about their tips and strategies on exactly how they achieved that kind of results so this is one of our bonuses called publishing success case studies we have many more bonuses but this is just one of them within the royalty HERO program so initially it was filmed for that but it was so good that I wanted to just release it on YouTube just as a sneak peek to show you the type of content you can expect within the world to hear a program so if you do want to learn more about Amazon KDP then there is a free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business the link to that is in the description below and with that being said let's go into the interview see you inside all right guys welcome to another publishing success case study interview so today I have Suresh on the call Suresh uh has an incredible story he's earned 1.6 million dollars from Amazon KDP with just 20 books so it's absolutely insane what he's done uh but today we're going to get into the story so sue reg how are you doing I'm doing good buddy I'm doing good how are you I'm good man thanks for being on the call yeah let's just yeah so let's get right into it like can you tell us a little bit about your story you know like who you are and also how did you get into publishing so how I gotten publishing so right now uh I have I've been publishing for five to six years now right now so I started back in 2015 and successfully publishing for five years so in 2017 is when I had my breakthrough and I've been in India the entire while and started building a team here and right now we're at a 15 member team uh not all of them are in publishing we have they're working on other projects too and yeah that's who I am and yes it got started in 2015 sting seeing Stephen James video I think he's still around Project Life Mastery but he's the one who got me into it yeah that's uh that seems like a lot of people's way of finding publishing is from Stephen James because that's how it was for me too but I discovered publishing in 2016 so you actually been doing this for a little longer than me and what's crazy is successfully you know that's the thing because they stopped I didn't have the boys even though it was publishing it was uh mostly writing I was writing all the books so I mean the one or two the first two three years was pretty much writing experience more than publishing and that's something I definitely want to get into too because you know you live in India right and so that's the craziest part for me is that the fact that you made it happen living in India you know not saying that people in India is less qualified but it's just that the money the currency is weaker so you know the production costs of the book even though it's like the same amount of money a thousand dollars in the US is not the same as a thousand dollars in India right so uh the fact that you still made it happen and you're super super successful is incredible and I want to ask about that so you said you started off writing the book yourself mm-hmm yeah how did that go like how many books did you write ah okay so it was when I started out with the course Stefan James scores I forgot the name of that so that's when he was super into writing 50 pages books then so I don't suggest that right now but right when uh it was when during Stefan James and he recommended right like 40 to 50 pages book so I was like oh I can easily do 40 to 50 pages books and I started writing those and it was real quick that I realized I'm not really good at it I did put out the first few books I wrote a book on time management put it out and it was just 40 to 50 pages it got zero tracking but I told all my friends about it so I did get some sales from it at 99 uh 0.99 so that's how I started you know so the first book was just a race almost I just put down 40 pages of crap and put it onto the internet uh then I realized okay the quality is bad I need to improve then later on I took almost a year and a half to write my second book which is again on time management I just sat down and took the time and almost you know author style sat down and wrote a complete like 120 to 130 page book that took a lot of time because it was learning to write and you know the flow is watching authors not really Publishers and how to go about it yeah that's crazy man so you said you took a year and a half to write your second book yeah I don't know is it not a good thing when I look better yeah I didn't have a choice you know because I couldn't have I couldn't have a ghost at that time I was still studying so I had zero money other than the pocket money coming in so it was not much of an option well I mean no I just respect the fact that you actually took a year and a half to write the book you know so you were at this point you were a student right so you had no money you're just getting started um did you have any experience in online marketing or businesses before this uh no I I was I just finished high school and got into the first year of University so no experience at all I mean there is something they teach in high school about marketing digital marketing and all of that that's I mean it's nothing it's not good marketing they teach you about what Billboards are yeah that's crazy man I think it just really shows that you know like for you it was whatever it takes right you know if you have to write a book because you don't got the money you did it you know even though it took over a year and I have to do that right so it's a lot of people I feel like you know make excuses on why they can't be successful with publishing I mean if you don't have the money you can invest the time and if you don't have the time you can invest the money but either way there's a way to publish you know but I just hear so many excuses of why people cannot do this and you're just a testament that you know like you can make it happen living in India no money you can just write the book and get started right so yeah crazy stuff man so what happened after that you know you wrote the first two books that those do well what they were both what didn't work the first book sold more because I told my friends the second book I didn't tell my friends I didn't want to I mean want to go around that same route again so that failed to uh by then by the end of the one and a half years of writing a book I had gotten a small job that paid me like 150 a month it was not really a job it was kind of like a articleship we call it it is practicing under an accountant we're starting to be an accountant so it was practicing under an accountant as a intern almost you know so I was getting 150 from there so per month so that gave me a little more leverage I could now start investing in covers and everything because before that it was just uh five dollar book covers and all of that you know so I spent oh that was one of the stupidest decision ever I spent 150 dollars on power for the second book I wrote it was this you know this top uh designer who had a wait list for her to design your cover I applied for that weighted like two to three months for her to get back to me and she gave me a cover cover was pretty good but yeah that that didn't make a difference at all so 150 dollars down a day one month salary gone so then okay both of that didn't work I thought okay what next what next so now that I have 150 coming in I invested a half month or one month salary into a course so that was a pretty good decision back then uh I think that back then I had a course that was pretty good I had active communities too so that was the next step and I published my third book it was in some topical are we living or something like that so by then I had a little more money not as much money that I could completely Outsource the writing work so I got a freelancer right half the book and I wrote the the remaining and put it out got it so the third so by the time you have this third book on RV living you're saying you were making some money from the books so you're making more money from the accounting job and from the accounting job it's I made zero money for the books yeah right I think it's dollar or two dollars or something like I think from that you know it wasn't Kindle unlimited so you know the pages that you get from there I think that's it but they never paid it out they needed a minimum balance to pay it out and at this point it's like two years in right you have three books published uh and then you're investing pretty much all your monthly salary into making a book and it's not working so what kept you going you know like why didn't you why didn't you quit because a few reasons man because I saw a lot of people in the course uh were actually making money so that was my biggest motivation I knew it was me it was something that I was doing wrong because so many people being successful three to four people and it is not even just the YouTubers anything on it in the community they were real people weren't selling anything or they had nothing to sell and they were pretty successful posting the results so I was confirmed that it was something that I was doing wrong and not uh the problem with the business model as such and secondly the accounting job I had I was it was not for me and I was not able to clear the exam there was a level of exam that we need to clear to be a full-blown account I was just an intern uh and I wrote that exam three to four times and I couldn't clear it so it was yeah it was a do or find a mage I mean it was I don't know what to do I was completely lost you know so book publishing was the only thing I had we kept kept shipping at it just kept going huh so what was your initial goal like how much did you want to make from this business 1500 a month that's the what that was the biggest goal I had 1500 a month and I was set because uh 1500 to around two thousand dollars what was on what an accountant would earn like for the for the course I was studying and if I if I had cleared it would have been earning like two thousand dollars so if I can make that from publishing that means you know I can let go of that and jump fully into publishing that was the goal okay and how long did it take you like so tell me what happened from you know after this third book you published on RV living he started Outsourcing more you know on book covers and writing half the book and stuff how did it go from there in terms of progression that book didn't work out too it was it was very weird so the positioning and everything was very weird so I sent that book to a friend of mine in the group so he went over the book and he told me okay you did this around the covers but the title is bad and although he gave me a lot of tips on like how to move forward so it took those tips and I wrote another book so that book was the first book that I completely out so I still remember it was 300 and 200 two months of my salary you know so 300 plus I'm 10 15 for the cover so I Outsource that was a book on business planning or something like that so he put that book out and that was the biggest selling book for me you know so at that time it made more than the RV living book and it made about I think from around 10 20 dollars a month so that was some traction you know I put 300 and started making ten to four to five dollars a month I mean died down the initial pump gave it a good ranking and such for ten dollars a month so you're spend 300 bucks started making 10 bucks a month and you're actually excited about that right because you know you're like you're gonna make your money back in three years right so yeah at this point I was around like I remember I was around eighteen hundred dollars in loss and zero almost ten dollars coming in so decided okay I'll go in a little more so again I learned from this book I sent this book to another person another friend in the group and he gave me a few more tips on how to improve and all of that and yeah the turning point for me was when I finally saw a successful Publishers book you know on on Amazon I found a successful Publisher's book because I see you do a lot of that on your YouTube channel you know you analyze a lot of successful Publishers you analyze I saw a video of yours where you uh analyzing a brand how they built it and all of that so seeing that at that time was something amazing for me you know seeing okay this is a self-publisher who's put out so many books and this is how things work all that helped a lot so when I found that okay I understood okay I'm making all these mistakes and finally put out my I think fourth or fifth book and that's what hit yeah 100 I mean the reason why I do those case studies is because you know I do my own income reports too to show that this works but then if it's just me sharing my own income a lot of times I still get comments of people saying oh you know it's just you like it's something about me that I'm able to do it but they cannot so people are still making excuses right so I'm like all right cool let me share other you know successful Publishers doing it uh and it's really just come coming down to like I want to show that this actually works so yeah crazy story though you know to be honest like I'm just amazed the fact that you just kept going no matter what and the mindset that you have I didn't have any options man so yeah I mean what what else would I do that yeah so after the turning point right so you had this book that you know started doing well how long did it take you to reach the first thousand dollars a month well that's where the first I mean the fourth book the book that started doing good in two months of putting it out it hit a thousand dollars a month that was in November or December of 2017 okay and you just kept going from there January 2018 I quit my job because that was making like a thousand dollars a month and like okay let me try this I could always go back I I didn't actually quit I told I'm taking away leave for two months and I never went back and I think a lot of people are curious like do you do high content or low content books and why uh at least for my Niche and everything it's really high content books it's a lot of text a lot of diagrams a lot of graphics and all of that so each book comes to a minimum 120 Pages it can go up to 200 to 300 pages and that's something I've seen uh pretty common in a lot of successful Publishers you know but most people have books that takes a lot of effort to write because you know there is this barrier of entry in that case because you know if a book requires a lot of research a lot of knowledge a lot of graphics and designing and takes a lot of time to put together the lazy Publishers aren't getting into those keywords and those niches so what I've noticed is such keywords and such niches tend to do better or at least you can build a long-term brand with the other keywords what I've noticed is you can get a short spike and it quickly falls off because there's so many people putting out easy to write books yeah yeah no I agree that's uh something I talk about a lot too is you know the barrier entry right so just because something is easy to do doesn't mean it's the best because if it's easy literally everyone else is going to do the same thing and it gets flooded real quick you have so much competition so like if something is harder to do obviously if you go to medium content if you go up to high content and you're doing something like super high content right because you got the text and also the a bunch of images and diagrams inside but you know if it's harder to do obviously it takes more time and effort uh to make but the competition is so much lower when you can often Dominate and make more money which is exactly what you're doing right so is that how you scale to so you're at let's say like a thousand dollars a month that you're making how did you scale to 10K a month from there is that how you did it with the super high content books yeah I'm pretty much still publishing the same Niche since 2017. he's just stacking book on top of one another to a point where right now if you just put some part of a keyword some of our books come up you know if you put in the main keyword the front page has like 10 of our books so we are trying to dominate that Niche we're pushing everyone aside and at this scale we can even you know spend way more on on our AMS than anyone else can so that's a current you know goal so we went from that first book to a second book uh it published a second book in two through three months then another third book in two to three months the third book is still my best seller right now so since I think June of 2018 till now it's it's in like 2000 BSR constantly it's been it's been a great book for us so so it's been slowly building slowly building I hired a team then I travel around a lot met a lot of people learned a lot and uh building the team to where now we are pretty much you know it's been uh like three to four good quality books a year that's what we target so you publish about three to four books a year because the first thousand was a big milestone because you know I could quit my job and I got to know it works and all of that I mean then it was just slow increments increments some jumps here and there and but the thousand dollars was the most memorable you know the 10K was it came true it was easier to get to 10K than it was to get two thousand yeah absolutely I mean if you can do a thousand dollars you can pretty much do a hundred thousand dollars in publishing because it's basically the same thing you just keep publishing and keep stacking it um but I was going to ask you a question I completely blanked out so you have total 20 books pretty much just dominating one Niche right you only publish in this one Niche um and then can you uh correct me if I'm wrong but you made 1.6 million from this 20 books in your lifetime yeah yeah that's insane and do you do hcx or anything else or just KDP uh for me it's just scary because my book has a lot of diagrams and Graphics it's impossible to make it into an audiobook so I'm sticking to paperbacks it's more like 80 percent of my sales from paperback okay and obviously you run as right what is your so I'm curious like what is your main uh strategy when it comes to getting reviews and what is your main strategy when it comes to getting sales so for new book what we mostly we just put it out we don't Focus that much on reviews because I think the brand presence is pretty good on Amazon and all our covers look similar you know so someone's buying one book The the another book is just in the suggested buying and all of that you know and bought together like on commonly bought together they have a section like that right so all that is filled with our book so we don't have to do a lot for the reviews because we just put it up and uh Amazon search cross recommending books so that's what we do and uh I mean we don't do any anything for reviews we just put it up it could be that my brand is pretty good right now that we put it on start ads and it's keeps going that's how the reviews coming slowly if it's a good book start getting like 10 reviews or 10 to 20 reviews in first two months that's enough to keep it going do you think that 10 to 20 reviews is you know enough to get good conversions on ads yes if the title and the cover and everything else is good 10 to 20 reviews will Guru but we've noticed that even with 300 to 400 reviews some of our books don't do well because the title or the cover didn't work so what we've done is we we unpublished those books and try to change the title or the position a little make a little more enticing and we've seen the same book with the same number of views with a different title same content work way better yeah no I agree I think you know the title and the cover and basically like how the book looks uh will be like number one factor uh in terms of like ad performance but I still for me I always try to get you know like some reviews uh during launch so I don't just go zero and then run as unless I'm doing like low content or medium content so for my main brand with high content I got an arc team and I get like 20 40 reviews up front and then from there I let you know the organic come in but you're saying you go straight into just publishing I do try the opt-in the the downside of that is you lose out on the initial traction on Amazon you know because so the app team is probably your uh your core customers the people who will always buy from you if you give them the book for free no one's buying the book on launch so what I want is uh I want the number one new release tag so it when the book is launched it's emails or emails dropped emails to buy that book we'll try to get it on to eight thousand nine thousand BSR in the first few days which gives it a very good ranking I think that strategy is worked that's that's what we do instead of the art team yeah that makes sense and I think a lot of people that's why they separate like you know they got the arc list and then they got the main email list so they can get the reviews and the sales um but so for you I guess that kind of answers the question I was going to ask if you do any Arc uh team but for your email list how many subscribers do you have at this point yeah I think around 25 000. and we keep cleaning up the total list is around 50 to 60 000 but we are really we cleaned up real often so to keep the open rates right at one point like at how many Subs do you think you start really seeing the effect of building an email list I think I don't remember man because you know I I've had pretty good subscriber base from a long time I have no idea how I think 100 100 is good I mean you get some initial boost sales I think I have no idea because it's just two so your conversion must be like super good because for me a couple hundred doesn't really do much for me I have to see like a thousand two thousand to really see like that okay that was the number I brought to my head man I have no I don't remember at all it was a long time ago yeah no worries I mean your conversion must still be high though the fact that you got 20 books and you know you can make that much obviously a lot of people love the brand and they come back for it right so um are these 20 books Does it include bundles or bundles separate so it's 18 individual books and two bundles okay 18 books two bundles do you do any translations at all uh no it never looked into that because you know we are trying to uh focus on each book like get at least two thousand three thousand dollars per book rather than you know the small translation looking at what that brings in yeah it's I have a content manager in-house it would be too much work for him to translate and all of that so it's better to just write a new book that makes sense um I'm curious what your your team looks like because for for your kind of book right you need the content writer and then you need like an illustrator or someone that creates you know supplemental images and charts and those kind of things so how do you set that up for them to be working on the same book together like what is the workflow like so right now I have a content manager uh he's the one who's responding for all the books and everything so he comes up with the TOC and does the research and everything once he does come over the TOC both of us sit and decide on okay what is going to be how what to change and all of that and then the next process is to really get us to come up with the title so we come up with the title of the book before it goes to writing because we felt that works a lot because I bring my marketing person is going to sit on that and bring up a title and the book is going to be written according to the title the problem we see is after we write the book effect so that the title it's going to be we need to make small adjustments in the book so the title comes next so we have a title or Toc and then we send it to Freelancers the writing is still done by Freelancers because we want we don't want uh Indians writing it you know we bring in Indian context and all of that so we want us writers or UK writers writing it so uh the writers write the book and we have another freelancer for the illustrations and the writers and the illustrations are manage illustrator is managed by my uh content manager who put it all together send it to the designer we have a designer a book designer and a cover designer send it through and operation manager publishes it gotcha that's crazy man that's set up and so from here right like what is sorry before that I actually have another question because we talked about this before outside of this call and I know that you have a back-end set up from here so you know people can buy the book get into your email list from there you can offer so basically you have a Shopify uh site right and do you sell your books from the Shopify side or do you sell anything else from there like how do you have that set up so really selling books on Shopify was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my publishing Journey I don't I do not know if it's worked for other people but for us at least it was one of the biggest waste of times uh because the problem with selling books on Shopify is the acquisition cost on ads is so high that it's really hard to be profitable with books because we need at least a cart value of 25 with the 50 to 60 percent uh profit margin to be profitable you know but the problem is after the printing cost the handling calls the shipping fees and all of that included and all the work that goes into it along with the ever increasing ad spend it's really hard to be profitable or we could make like probably a thousand dollars a month or so from it but it was impossible to scale it beyond that Yeah a hundred percent agree and that's something that you know I'm glad to hear from you too uh because that's my experience as well like I didn't have a Shopify store I basically just had a Blog and I was pitching people back to Amazon so I think it's a little better uh but yeah a lot of people ask me like how do you set up a store outside of Amazon so we can sell our books directly and I'm like why do you want to do that you know like Amazon's handling customer service shipping and handling like manufacture everything right so why the hell do you want to like take over all that work and then do everything yourself like um so yeah it doesn't make sense you know I think the back end uh only makes sense if you're selling higher ticket items and I think that's a great strategy that I love teaching too is you know you build a brand uh with your books get people into your list build an audience but from there you can sell uh like services like coaching or you know courses if anything for a couple hundred bucks or a thousand dollars or more that would make more sense to install it yeah because I feel that's what I've seen a lot of people do that really well one of my friends close friends he he has a high ticket thousand to two thousand dollar course on the back end and that's been working really well for him he just uses his books as leads in into the Thousand or two thousand dollar course and right now we pivoted from Shopify to a membership plan of twenty dollars per month that's been working okay not really well but we make around two thousand dollars recurring from the membership program but I feel if you can sell a thousand dollars or 500 uh High ticket course that would be a great back-end for a Kindle publishing business yeah I agree so you have a subscription plan right now then resources yeah we do courses right now so we have uh I think around eight to ten courses on subscription so people get and we are constantly releasing new courses too but it's not going as good as I wanted to but it's staying in there it's profitable but yeah it's it's razor thin it's not contributing much there's like 20 bucks a month and you get access to all the courses and learn whatever you're teaching in your books right yep and they get a discount on the books things like that because we have a Shopify store set up we just give them a discount code to buy it the book from there so they get 50 off on all the books gotcha that makes sense I think it's a great idea too you know obviously Niche dependent um if you can sell something that's more higher ticket that'd be the best uh so some niches it's tougher but if you can execute it it'll be good for sure so like how much are you making per month right now at the moment so right now in March and Feb we made around 52 000 consistently and I think Jan December we were doing eighty thousand dollars royalty it's crazy so 80k a month or so in Q4 50k a month on other months we just say that's like the average yeah it's been really good this year last year we didn't have this good sales I think some of our books create uh like are doing really well we published a few books last year which are doing really well that's the reason for the spike previously because we were averaging around 30 25 to 30 000 last year this time yeah that's per month right 25 30 000. yes that was last year no that that was the royalty last year oh gotcha so what's like so how many percent of the revenue goes into as so right now I think 40 percent of the total royalty goes into ads 40 and like you know what would you say to people because I get this comment a lot right when I do like income reports so when I do videos uh case study videos analyzing other brands and I talked about running ads you know and I I say like you know 30 40 of this goes to as and 40 of like this brand is like ten thousand or Twenty Thousand because they're making 50k a month Revenue right and people say oh you have to spend money to make money or you have to spend a lot of money to make money with publishing what would you say to those people you don't I mean because this is dire cost you know that's the difference between direct and fixed costs it's I understand where they're coming from I think they're looking at it like traditional advertising where you put up a board and you get ads but this is direct conversion you pay one dollar you make two dollars so you don't if you don't have a budget of 10 000 you can do the same thing with the thousand dollars you know so I don't think you need a budget for it what we've been doing is we slowly built it up so slowly scale it up maybe we spend a thousand dollars this month we got back a two thousand then two months later we'll increase the budget to 1500 so it's a slow process because the direct cost you don't have to worry about budget there yeah and thanks for saying that because that's exactly where I was going at and then I'm glad that um uh you said that because that's exactly was my point too is for some reason when people hear that you know like this brand is spending 20K a month they think they're not making money unless they start off spending 20K a month but that's not the case right you start off however much you can spend and then obviously you know you spend a dollar you make two dollars back or however much you make back and then you eventually keep reinvesting that and increasing it up all the way up to 20K a month or more you know you don't start off that way so that's something that I mean because four to five years to get to twenty thousand of the month in your ad spend so yeah yeah so where do you go from here like what's your goal do you do um what is your goal with publishing and then do you have something else that you're working on or I'm curious about that too so with publishing this Niche uh I've I've tried everything possible to take it scale it to the next level but I think sticking to being a Kindle publisher is our best bet because I tried Shopify I tried courses I tried YouTube I tried SEO I tried everything but nothing has given exponentially higher results than just putting out a new book so I think I wasted one or two years experimenting on multiple ways and I got mentors coaches and everything I tried everything Shopify courses FB ad courses two thousand three thousand dollar FB courses FB ads courses and the conclusion I come to is leave the Kindle brand as a Kindle brand and work on other things I mean this might not be the case for everyone at least for my Niche and my circumstances that's the case so right now I've started branching out right now I have like 14 people on payroll you know and all of them are really skilled people so I'm trying to work on multiple projects at the same time because uh these people I've been working with they've been with me for around three to four years you know so they really skill really talented know exactly what we're all a really good team so I can afford to work on multiple projects and have all of it go well so right now we uh the the current news the current my major brand is run by two to three people alone the remaining people are working on other projects and trying to figure out new business opportunities and new skills and all of that gotcha so it's pretty much passive than your publishing brand at this point it's not completely possible because there are two people full of two to three people full time working on it and it does take uh an hour or two a week for me yeah which is like pretty close to passive right obviously nothing is like 100 passive but if you do it one to two hours a week that's making 50k a month you know that's crazy so from here I kind of want to go into your other Ventures that you uh decided to build as well but before that I kind of want to talk about like your biggest lesson that you learned in publishing uh after doing this business for eight years like you know for those who are just getting started right what is like the number one advice that you would give to them my biggest advice for a beginner would be to get a course do not try to do it on your own if there's too much it's too much effort to just figure everything out on your own because the turning point for me as a beginner was the community and the course the course gave me the basics and everything I need to know the community was the biggest part because I could reach out to people and ask okay what do you think I did wrong reach out to another person and that Community aspect is the biggest part in my initial success I would say and the second thing would be to learn marketing learn I mean Kindle publishing you need to know marketing you need to know how to position your book differently how to stay different from other people a book I normally suggest is a book called positioning that's helped a lot in making sure you can St you can stand out in a very crowded Market those are the two things I suggest a community of course and learn positioning and marketing and the book you said is literally called positioning yeah it's called positioning I forget the author's name it's a very small book just mentions how do you stand out yeah yeah I think positioning is huge like I always talk about a unique angle you know you have to have some kind of unique angle you can't just like publish the same book with the same title the same angle it's a similar cover with like what's already out there because like you know here's the thing right like you know if there's nothing special about your book then the only thing customer is going to look at is who has more reviews you know this two these two books has the same everything is the same so obviously they're just going to choose the one that has more reviews so often if you're trying to compete you know and you're the newest book you have less review uh it's hard to stand out but if you have a unique angle then the review doesn't matter because it's a completely different book right or the approach is different so what do you call Unique angle is what I call positioning is the same thing it's yeah yeah yeah for sure so now that you are you know we have this business generating uh income semi-passively right your team is managing a lot of it what other businesses are you venturing into so the biggest thing we are getting into right now is Amazon advertising uh We've started Amazon advertising business and it's pretty nice the way it grew you know so we were doing ads for ourselves and we we had this major strategy changed last year in around October or November October or September or sometime where Amazon ads the platform change and everything changed and we saw our ads ad cost Rising significantly very fast so that's where we realized okay we need a strategy change it's not working things that used to work was not working and a profit margins dipped quite a bit you know we were at 60 percent ad cost ad spend on royalty we need to do something so all of us sit together come up with a strategy and we implemented the strategy strategy in around October or something and it's been constantly going up since then so that's one of the reasons we are at 50 000 right now so we implemented the strategy and uh one of our friends only he we were already working with him on a different project and he said okay can you he asked if he can manage his eyes too and our ad manager had a little empty space so we took him on and it's weird that he got really good results with the strategy we've been using too so he referred a friend and we were able to provide the same results so that's when we thought okay there's something here this could be a good opportunity where we can uh scale this business as a Amazon advertising business so that's how we started reaching out to more people and all of that and uh all the people all the clients we're working with have seen a significant increase like 30 to 40 percent increase in the short term in profitability weekly profit even though the a cost has gone High a weekly profit has gone up so it's it's we are trying to Target around 40 percent equals to increase the weekly profitability so that's the thing I'm working on right now so basically an ad agency running Amazon as for other brands yeah gotcha yeah that's super interesting man um like a costs you know increasing a cost doesn't necessarily mean it's it's bad if your overall sales uh outside of Amazon is is going up as well so what is for your service right um who is it suited for like is it suited for beginners with just one book or do you like to work with someone who has more of an established brand so we we don't mind both the reason is we want someone with uh you know we've seen clients with just two to three books but one of their book is in you know the five thousand six thousand BSR rank range so they can obviously afford to spend on an advertising agency you know because uh if one book if you're making around three thousand four thousand dollars in royalty for I think four thousand five royalty I think it's that's our ideal client where because we have a minimum building of five five fifty dollars a month so you need to be able to afford that on top of AD costs so around four thousand five thousand is already inclined a minimum yeah so the number of books is not a big barrier you know it's the overall Revenue you're bringing in so not really the number of books but if they're making around three to four thousand dollars in Revenue it is so how much do you charge for your service so right now it's one one five per book and with the minimum billing of uh 550 per month okay it's 115 dollars per book 550 bucks uh at like minimum gotcha okay cool yeah we'll link it uh we'll link to it uh under this video for those who are interested in working with you I guess they would just book a call and talk to you if they're interested right yep again book a call and one of my team members and me will be there on the call and we can take a follow-up on there okay sounds good are you doing anything else or is that uh pretty much just KDP and the Ad Agency right now so those are the two things that are actually making money the remaining uh uh side projects I would say there's things that I'm interested in I'm running a small e-commerce I'm starting a small e-commerce store in India I mean it's I don't think it's going to go huge but it's kind of a passion project and I have uh I'm thinking of getting into another niche in publishing because I've done way too much in the same Niche I've stayed in the same Niche for three four years I think I want to get into another Niche and do the same thing there so that's something my team and I are working on so two to three projects going on now gotcha I want to ask you this like and sorry if my phone is going off I don't know if you can hear it but um how is it like like how does it feel now that you're making this amount of money because you started off you know as a student no money right you're writing your own books literally taking like two years to write two three books right and now you're just absolutely killing in multiple businesses you know got a bunch of team with you so how like how do you feel are you because for me in my case you know the more money you make like you said the first thousand dollars I was like super excited you know I had like crazy dopamine hits and then every single Milestone The Joy kind of like diminishes right you kind of get used to it um I'm so grateful uh for sure and my life is significantly better but I'm just curious like you know how it is for you so for me right now the position I am at with my businesses is the happiest I've ever been in my life you know because uh I don't really work I just go around giving direction to people I have people managing each department or each project so it's fun for me that it's just meetings after meetings I don't know if everyone likes it for me it's my thing I feel like sit with people discuss find out solve problems figure it out okay go Direction and I sit with them another two days after they come back okay we did this we did this so I love where I am at right now with that that I can just give direction to people so work wise that's there my dopamine comes from you know when the project starts getting reaction that's the biggest open me hit for me right now even with the uh with my old brand you know the Kindle brand every time there's a book that does like really well I mean some books don't do well out of the 20 books or anything around five to six books are pretty much in the million BSR so that's been my big is dopamine work wise coming to money you know the thing you said like for me right now I'm focusing on Building Wealth rather than uh the monthly income you know so it's more about investing and uh putting it back into the business and trying to make it bigger because in India for me I think fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month is the only good life you don't need more than that it's not a very consumer Centric country you know so you can you can really focus on family and you know your passions and all of that and you need only like two thousand dollars a month to live on that and that's what I take home you know my salary take home is 1500 everything else goes back into businesses and uh Investments nice I love that and completely agree like I like the par work I'm like an idea guy at the moment you know like I think you're the same too like I come up with ideas and I tell my team what to do but I don't actually do it and that's what I enjoy the most is like my idea coming to life whether that's the form of a book whether that's a form of a YouTube video or you know in my course whatever right and I definitely find the most joy out of that uh rather than the actual money that uh I make from it but um that's common so you're reinvesting back into the business besides the business what kind of Investments do you do it's mostly index funds because I I have I want to get into a little more you know stock picky Market I mean market research stuff but I don't get that time I have to get into it right now I'm just putting it all in index funds yeah yeah on the same approach too like I used to do a real estate but it's it still takes too much time you know just trying to find deals and then like work on the house and there's even if you're Outsourcing you got to talk to the people right so I just completely ditched real estate that's how I started but now I just dump into index funds uh every single day it's easier to just put it all in me nothing to do yeah that's typically how like most people who if you're making money from the business and not from like stock trading that's typically how people do it too yeah I feel I need to get into it at some point you know learn it all right I don't know man I don't I don't think you gotta learn individual like trading you know I think the focus should be on making more money in the business right because that's working you know I don't think you should kind of divert your attention to that but that's just mine yeah all right cool man well I think that's all the question that I wanted to ask um super super inspiring for me personally and I think a lot of people find it inspiring as well is there anything else that you want to add before we end this call well one thing I do want to add is I've seen uh you know things are getting prone in the community and in the YouTube channels too you know that Kindle publishing is a very beginner model it's an easy model and no I've seen people just do it and you know leave it completely as passive income on the side or while they focus on all the things I feel Kindle publishing a less a lot more scope than that it's people call it a beginner model for some reason for the ego hit of it going to Shopify I kind of did that too so so focus on Kindle following it's a great business model I feel if you get one or two books working you should plan on how to dominate The Niche that should be your thinking and how to scale how to create a brand and all of that I think that's one thing I would like to say you know yeah I agree 100 Kindle publishing I think is a very beginner friendly model because like it's a lot less moving Parts than other businesses like because you don't have to do customer service you don't got to do shipping you know those kind of things but beginner friendly doesn't mean that it's like the income ceiling is lower than other business you know and I hope that a lot of people notice that at this point because I'm like case studying you know my own Journey but also like all the other brands that are doing well on YouTube um but yeah I agree a lot of people sit here that it's beginner friendly they're like oh I want to make more than just beginner level and then they go and try out different businesses yeah so yeah candle publishing is an amazing business I think it's literally the best business out of seeing all the businesses out there at the moment um so 100 I agree but uh yeah man thank you so much for being on the call super inspired by it and I'm excited to get this out but uh also I'll leave a link to the your ad service under the video for those who do want to check it out and yeah thanks man nice talking to you and I guess we'll end it here see you all right bye
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 38,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: MoPSEpIKdlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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