Complete 1.5 Housing Guide! SECRET Vendors & FASTEST Way To Level Up! | Genshin Impact

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome everyone today we have a petro.5 homeland system guide very excited to bring you guys this guide i have been preparing a lot of notes a lot of detailed summaries of different patches different rewards different point system and also the different currencies in the game which we should be aware of and also a very detailed recording over here of some of the replays of how to do things and also the hidden merchant so quite excited and let's get into it the first thing we want to be aware in this particular housing system is the three currencies that's used in the game we're going to talk about this first then we're going to have a look at the hindu merchant that we can buy more blueprints which is in the game so coming into the game if you speak to tabi over here and what you can see is you're going to see your trust rank and you're going to see a teapot ring tip point over teapot points over here i'm calling this one points and this is also experience the second currency you're going to see is going to be the adaptive energy and this is the second form of energy which will currently have about 3050. the third form of the third form of currency you're going to see are the realm coins so those coins will come from the rankings of your adapter's energy i have gotten myself to the third rank which i get 12 per hour which is much higher than the four per hour at the start so we're going to focus those results in more details and it's very important to get understanding of those to the first one the points of the experience are used to level up the teapot spirit now by leveling up the teapot spread what we can get is more crafting slots so this allows us to craft more things and after that what we can get is 10 more of the speed up potions and also 60 primal gems now why do you want to be crafting for higher levels is because if you get to the rank 2 with the teapot spirit which only cost 3 which only cost 300 points you can be unlocking an extra slot and this also gives us 10 miles to speed up potion now from level 2 to level 3 will cost 600 points i do believe from level 3 to level 4 will cost probably 900 or even 1 200 points so they do go up and our goal for this greater guide is to get at least level 2 and also to get 3000 adapter energy now i'll be talking about how to get more of the teapot spirit experience in more details on the next part so what we do is we'll be using unused furnitures and craft them for the first time to get the point or experience for the teapot this is quite important so now that we know the point system for the spirit is very important the focus will be on this one at the start after that we'll be creating enough of crafting furnitures from the blueprints and also using the blueprints each structures we put in the rom system will gain the special adapter energy and depending on the gauge of this energy we can be gaining increase of the coins per hour so this is the second energy system i'm talking about the adapter's energy we'll be placing furnitures within the rom and by passing different furnitures you'll tell us how much we get different ones can give 60 100 or 200 and once we get over the cap of one thousand two thousand or three thousand or four thousand five hundred we will gain increased coins per hour and this is the third form of currency the coins can be used for the shop purchase we can be buying blueprints we can be buying the created furnishings the blueprints are not the blueprints are the crafted furnitures which needs to be crafted we can also be purchasing pets dogs and cats and other resources like the federal reason or the transient reason found the shop from the spirit so those coins are very precious because at the start we can be buying blueprints for more experience i will be buying furniture for more adaptive energy later when we have lots of those we can be buying other resources and this is the most flexible resource but currently it is not the most important resource because we want to get as much of the type of spirit experience as we can now coming over to our guide on the hidden merchant so there is actual merchant in the game and it is located where the the carpenter is so let's come over here so if we come to the quincy village and if we start running this way i'll show you guys the entire path actually over here so if we teleport over here and if we start running we can find the merchant which we used to talk to for a particular quest he is the carpenter and previously he says npc now that he actually becomes a merchant that we can actually buy three of the blueprints for him and also some of the adventures i'll show you guys over here this is quite important because you know at the start you want as many blueprints as you can you want as many furnitures as you can to get all your energy so if you come over here notice my pathway and if we look at him notice that his head on top of his head there is a bigger icon now he's a special npc i have been looking around for a similar npc but i haven't found anything else so he is the only hidden pc in the game at the moment and once you speak to him you can see that you can buy two of the particular blueprints so basically each of those will cost us fifty thousand more and this will be able to be very useful for both gaining experience on the points and also gaining the adaptation energy now once you have acquired those recipes make sure you come into your inventory and use them because if you don't use them those will not become available so make sure you come into inventory and use solve those and claim all of the rewards within the game so this way they can be ready for crafting they can be ready for placement and you can see some of the existing finishes i have over here so now what you can do is i'm showing you guys know about this one so those are the presets for the presets you have to have all the collection of items ready for this process to work and what that means is if you don't have all of those this will not be crafted automatically but once you have all of those they can be crafted automatically and gain additional points of the particular energy points that is now we mentioned earlier it is very important to get the points of experience for the spirit so let's have a look how we get more points for the spirit if you speak to tabi over here there will be options for us to be crafting the furnishings and if you have a look over here i made a big mistake i thought the purple ones would give me the most energy and i was crafting multiple times on the purple one and speeding this up this is not good avoid this mistake guys you can only gain energy for the first time you craft the creation notice that this obtained for the first time is 60 of the points on the experience notice that this one's already crafted crafting more of this does not help it does give us more of the energy but not the experience we want the experience at the start because we don't have many of the speed up potions notice that some of those have the icon some of those doesn't have the icon the ones that have the icon means i can still craft them for the first time and gain additional experience the one that doesn't have the icon means i have already crafted them so make sure guys you only craft those ones at the start to gain all your energy to level up your spirit and once you get your spread to level two you can begin unlocking two slots and level four give us additional start that's why i said level 2 is very important now while crafting what you should be also aware is you can also cancel your creation i'll do one for science i'll show you you do not lose any of the crafting materials so notice over here i got everything back but the timer resets of course i lost about 26 sec 26 minutes so that was to show you guys that you can actually cancel the things you were crafting you can craft something else and of course if you guys are looking for the materials for crafting we do have a guide over here i also show you guys a different resource so notice that we're crafting those and those will take about 14 hours you can use a speed-up potion this potion will speed up the crafting instantly you will complete it regardless if it's 16 hours 14 hours or 12 hours so what you want to do is you really want to use this potion on the 14 or the 16 hour one and those are the rarity of the blue ones and the purple ones for the blueprint now we talked about finding the resource in the game and the most important one are the wood or the lumpers so this is our official pose from kenshin pack and if we come to the bottom there isn't anything too fancy at the start guys just tells you some of the basics so here it also shows you the location of the wood or the lumber you can find in the game so notice that if you're looking for the wood let's say if you're looking for pines it will tell you it's in the dragon spine region and you can find those particular wood in the dragon spine there's a lot of them but there's one thing to be aware let's say if you're looking for something like the fold or let's say if you're looking for something like the scent bear trees notice the region is talking about which is around it's mainly and lisa so basically i was like okay let me find those and i want to share this with you guys just in case you guys are not finding the locations you can come out of over here in the map and change into tv so notice that there isn't the location that's indicated on the map what you should be looking for for those regions is actually clicked onto your teleportation point notice that mainly it's over here you have to click on the teleportation point to find the drywood so notice meaning is over here and over here it says if you want send barrier trees you have to find a milling or lisa so basically you use the teleportation point to find the numbers the first time it might be a little harder to find them once you know the location of those summit numbers you can be finding them very easily and i do believe each of those do drop three per tree and there's a lot of trees to be collected now coming back to the crafting bench you can see that currently we'll have two items as crafting and i don't plan to use my step up potion for now i'll probably sleep on those two and then them craft there isn't as a way to speed up and this was actually mentioned in the patch notes so if you guys have a look at the patch notes you can see over here there was a small error so the patch notes previously also mentions about this that if your friend which come into your world they can help you speed up your crafting by 4 hours but currently there's a bug so they can only help to speed up by 20 minutes so if we come over to our summer notes over here what we can see is on the first point if you want to speed up your buildings you can also go to your friend's particular homeland system and help them to speed up for four hours but currently sparked for only you know 20 minutes so you and your friend can speed up each other daily for four hours and this can be helpful if you have a lot of friends so you know just additional thing to speed up if you run out of potions this can be really helpful now you might be wondering how did i get this many blueprints and you know how do i have more potential to get higher blueprints there are two methods of getting blueprints we did buy some of them from the secret merchant but that's not the most consistent method so one of the first method is actually to buy fun tabby tapi also have a shop over here and with the coins we have collected we can consider to buy the finishing blueprints there is a big difference it will cost 80 160 and 240 now you may be wondering what are the difference between the three cost intervals for the 240 ones those will take 16 hours to craft and those will give you 90 experience points for the 160 ones those are the purple ones by the way so the 161s are the blue ones those will take 14 hours to craft and those will give 60 experience and finally for the blue ones the blue ones sorry finally for the green ones the green ones over here will take 12 hours to craft and those will give 30 experience points now i did make a summary over here so if you buy for those items or if you're crafting those those the hours you will take and those the experience points it will take so it is up to us to consider do we want to buy the green ones and this will take 12 hours and only give 30 experience points i don't want to buy the blue ones which will take the 14 hours and give 60 points for me personally i'll be saving my coins to buy the purple ones because 16 hours can be finished with one speed up potion and i'll be getting 90 points i do believe this is the best value for our coins and at the start if we get all the purple ones we also get increase the adaptation energy which can be very useful later for more coins so what i recommend is to save for 240 coins to get a purple ones and this way we can be having more furniture to be crafting and each of the potions we use for speed up is more effective because if you speed up a 14 hour 12 hour run only 30 or 60 points is not as nice so 90 points with one speed up is really good now there is also a second way which we can get more of the blueprints it is coming over to this teapot quest and if you have a look over here i have finished all my teapot quest those are not too difficult and if you just follow those through those are not the hardest one i do believe the first one is designed to be easy and they will give you a lot of furnishings a lot of blueprints and once you unlock the first one you get so much more resource to push you through to the second and also the third level the hardest part is actually for me to understand what is this humble updo what is this energy rank so remember earlier guys we talked about three resource system and the energy rank is actually located over here so if you come to the trust rank you get to see your energy rank and currently were cozy the second tier was the humble adapter and adapted so the second rank is costing 2 000 requires 2 000 adapters energy in order to get more adapters energy what we need to do is we need to be placing things in the realm so once you have crafted your items with your blueprints or if you have had some of the existing of the items make sure you place all of those and for each of those that you place let me try to cancel one of the trees so okay take one back uh okay i have some spare over here so once you have those particular furnishings you can actually place them notice that we tell you how many numbers you have i have three trees up two trees for each trace i place i will be gaining increased adaptive energy and this energy gauge will increase the amount of coins i end so my amount 1004 1430 over here i also have some differentials within the house which also give me adapters energy so i place this down notice this screen goes to 1450 so this is quite important because if you don't place those down you won't be getting energy cap and you can't do the quest so this first quest was asking me to get over 2 000 of the placement energy i know right it's so complicated to start so once you've done that quest make sure you also come into your buildings and place more of your furniture within the buildings what you're going to notice is you can be placing a lot of the craftings and similarly you can use the designs over here notice that i actually placed quite a bit in the buildings it's 1020 of the vanishings within the buildings and i actually crafted a lot of those things which was pretty silly of me don't craft the same thing too many times because they do not give you additional experience they will still give you energy but you want to craft the new ones if you can for the adaptize spirit experience which level up the realm now that we know all the ways to get the blueprints including the secret shop including the purchase management and also this achievement system over here we can claim everything we can notice this is a blueprint and this one is actually a furniture there is a difference the blueprint allows you to craft the item while the finishings you can place them right away and basically to give you guys a short summary you want to be crafting as much as you can of the new items and once you do that so what i recommend to at the start is you don't have many furnitures go to the secret mansion and purchase those blueprints and start crafting each of the blueprints ones and also speeding those up i recommend crafting and also spinning up the purple ones and also blue ones if you can for the highest energy gain so 60 or 90 over here once you get to level two what you should be focusing on is you should have at least two things as constructing and after that you want to be placing all the things you have crafted so that you actually get over 2 000 of your energy to complete round one of this particular reward system you'll be getting a lot of rewards and also more coins also more blueprints and this will push to level two and then you can follow the level two part to get more of those as you do those you'll realize that you'll be getting additional energy as you place more items so notice that i went from 2 000 to 3 000 very quickly by crafting and placing those now eventually you will find the roadblock because you'll be limited to how much of the craftings you can do and also you'll be limited to how many of the speed up portions you have which is quite important this is why i recommend to be purchasing the purple items from the shop because i'll show you guys over here if you use your coins to purchase the purple items from the shop the furnishings that is if you purchase those they will give you the most value for speed up for each of the 240 coins you purchase they will give you 90 points of energy for your spirit and those are the most variables for your speed up as well so i think this might be the best way we'll find out as we go so hopefully you guys find this system helpful and hopefully by the end of this video you know how to get to level 2 with the spirit level probably i can get to level 3 without my speed up and also go for you know 3000 energy go for 3400 energy to get more coins and then we slowly save up for more things i do believe there's a hidden merchant within the rom but i haven't found the hidden metric yet so maybe you do want to save some coins for the hidden merchant because they can be selling something special the blueprints the purple ones or even the golden ones for like a house or maybe they can be selling pets so be aware of this and you know you can change your layout my what looks alright right oh this house is actually on the wrong way i'll fix that so let me know how you guys find this guide it took me a while to try everything to understand everything and hopefully you found this helpful really excited for the housing system if i find more discoveries more hidden merchants i'll let you guys know to get the highest levels to get more experience and also more primal gems this way now if you found this video helpful make sure you subscribe and also turn the little bell on for the latest news i'll be looking towards to make more builds guides tips and news and even updates for us as we come further into the game and as always i wish you guys the best of luck with sketching and have the most fun in exploring this wonderful world
Channel: Mattjestic MultiGaming
Views: 187,697
Rating: 4.8559971 out of 5
Keywords: new 1.5 housing, 1.5, genshin impact housing, housing feature, housing system, 1.5 house, genshin, impact, genshin impact, 2.0, guide, housing, genshin housing system explained, 1.5 housing tips, genshin 1.5 update, 1.5 housing guide, 1.5 trees, 1.5 new events, 1.5 housing recipe, new, housing tips, housing crafting, housing recipe, housing blue prints, genshin housing system, genshin housing vendor, blue prints, genshin blue prints, housing blue, genshin tree locations, tips, buy
Id: cmNS3jqBiGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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