The Best Space Games of 2022 - The Upcoming Titles and Updates

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[Music] 2022 opens the door to a galaxy of space games some of them are coming from the largest gaming studios on the planet not to mention that the many updates and improvements to existing titles that will expand upon the scale and scope of the space game genre here then you can find all the massive aaa and indie space games from its stylistic visuals and it's impactful to fit in combat to its expensive environments everspace 2 just has so much going for it here it's a space game unlike any other currently available it can at times be exhilarating ride and at other times be a place of sheer mystery and wonder now technically the full release for everspace 2 is 20 23 but the game is currently available through early access and has been making fantastic strides with the frequent large-scale updates in this game then you'll be able to travel from planet to planet and star system to star system you can visit the surface of worlds and explore the interior of complex cave systems and asteroids you'll be able to track down vast abandoned capital ships and fly through their husks you'll also be able to gather riches and loot to increase your power unlike the first game everspace 2 is not a roguelike instead it's an open world of free-form game with a neat campaign the developers rockfish have been updating the title with a ton of content and fixes and it continuously makes great strides towards its final release this is one title i highly recommend you check out and if you're not up for putting money down on early access do consider which listing net on steam the game is also available on the windows store as well as xbox console and game pass star citizen the multi-100 million dollar behemoth year after year it rolls forward at its colossal waddling place sometimes delivering updates other times completely missing them yet it remains evidence and unsatisfied with its size forever set on the next goal the next incentive the next big target of course is server machine and pyro pyro being the new star system and a server machine being the part of the technology that is required to deliver it at this point there's quite a lot of debate amongst the star citizen community as to whether pyro and server mission will arrive in 2022 or not now of course star citizen gets hit with a lot of flag scroll down and you will almost immediately find comments accusing the game of being a scam along with a handful of people showing horror that the title should even feature in this list but ultimately whether you feel star citizen is a scam or the second coming in the end it's just a space game and the space games are why most of you are here watching this video star citizen then offers a lot that other space games have never even dead to attempt it's a title then that is always worth keeping an eye on and if you aren't opposed to gambling with the 45 entry fee for the game it's well worth taking a look as well this is a weird one right starfield is bethesda's next epic rpg it's set in space and features spaceships as of this recording however virtually nothing beyond that is known about this game yet by the time you watch this video at some point in 2022 chances are that plenty will be known about starfield so is it a traditional epic space game with the ability to free fly through space with your ships or does it follow the path of skyrim and instead behave more like the outer world right now it feels to me as though starfield should certainly have a place on this list but whether that turns out to be accurate only time will tell let me know in the comment section below should starfield be here or not 20 year 21 wasn't a great year for elite dangerous it should have been the title's biggest year with the release of odyssey but unfortunately the race was a failure for many different reasons that said developers frontier managed to over time issue numerous fixes and get the title into a half decent place and at this point there's a good number of people that are pretty pleased with it today then odyssey and elite exist within the same game but they feel like separate titles to play in many ways however even with that in mind elite remains one of the best space gaming experiences out there it's uncertain what if anything frontier will deliver in 2022 but if you have never played the game before then it is easily one of the best space games out there that you can try one of the best games on this list if however you are a veteran you might not find much of interest here and instead find only frustration and it then is a title at odds with itself but even still its epic galaxy and fantastic flight mechanics stand head and shoulders above every other space game out there there's a reason that elite dangerous exists on all the best space game lists it certainly deserves its place there no man's sky saw some amazing additions throughout 2021 and even did some interesting things with sad worms along designed feature for the title it even delivered multiple opportunities to obtain the iconic normandy from mass effect now whilst we don't know what will be coming in 2022 that is part of the game's charm hello gamers have a knack for delivering unexpected and interesting updates in fact 2021 alone saw multiple updates most impressive perhaps was the frontiers expansion which opened up the ability to own and manage full towns it seems extremely likely that 2022 will be delivering even more content to the game so that means you can explore the galaxy of quintillions of worlds safe in the knowledge that more changes are coming to the game starbase released into early access in mid-2021 since then it's been a pretty popular game and the developers frozen by it do some excellent work with it especially in more recent times now starbase is about building it's about building ships stations and yes even empires in a way it could perhaps be described as a hybrid of eve online and minecraft but that really doesn't come close to doing the concept justice not only can players build just about anything but the game also includes its own script language allowing players to customize the behavior of many different things for hours starbase is a little ropey but i do feel it shows a great promise to be a contender for a really a really nice space game if you don't want to jump in just yet but enjoy building in space then this is certainly one to keep an eye on eve evenliner remains a very interesting space game even after close to two decades on the market whilst the title has certainly had its ups and downs it nonetheless remains a great contender for an amazing space game a title to occupy a time developers of ccp have managed to deliver update after update for the title and this means the fresh content is always just over the horizon and often regularly delivered the game mode itself is made bright by its player-centric focus and for those of you that enjoy playing in groups this will be a major appeal once there are some signs that eve is slowing down and losing some momentum with age it still remains a very popular title for many and is one i certainly recommend x4 tides of avarice is the latest addition for x4 foundations arriving in the first quarter of 2022 the update marks the third expansion for the game now whilst there's a lot of space games out there many of them are one way or another multiplayer x4 on the other hand prides itself on its single player ruse this is easily one of its greatest strengths it means that the title can be fully dedicated towards delivering a classic space game experience for the individual rather than for the masses in the end it works very very well nice space environments a big selection of spaceships combat trading exploration and all the components that make for a great space game if you're looking for that traditional space game experience then x4 is certainly the place to look for it arguably gaming's most famous astronauts japanese friends will be returning this year with the release of kerbal space program 2. now despite its cutesy character design kerbal space program is easily the more hardcore science focused space game on this list if you have an interest in rocket engineering orbital mechanics and all that lovely stuff then this is certainly a title for you your task is to build increasingly successful rockets in an attempt to get into space and eventually to other planets the sequel promises to expand upon the concept significantly with the addition of space-based colonies this one should be both fun challenging and educational boundary is distinctly different from all the other space games on this list firstly it isn't about spaceships secondly it's actually a first person shooter yet its approach is very unique set in the vacuum of space the game is not only about combat but also about the challenges of zero g environment expect to see the typical fps game mechanics such as upgrades of fast-paced action multiplayer maps and more officials alone though certainly make this one especially interesting the space game set in and 0g environments doubly so space engineers is another one of those older titles on this list released into early access back in 2013 and with full release in 2019 the game has in many ways gone from strength to strength maxstar base space engineers could also be considered minecraft in space but again that label does it a disservice space engineers has a fantastic community with players that love the game steamreviews put the game at very positive both for all reviews and recent reviews here then you are free to build spaceships as well as epic works of heavy industry the game features not only space-based environments but also the ability to land on planets too the game one and truly is about creating your own world it should also be mentioned here that the game gets regular updates and excellent developer support and this goes a long long way to keeping things fresh homeworld is now a classic amongst pc games three-masted edition came out a few years ago but the real anticipation is for the new sequel homeworld 3 then is a 2022 title that'll take us back to the universe of homeworld and honestly it's a universe that has stuck with me throughout the years it's vibrant rich and is full of character the rts focused gameplay has always been fantastic too homo 3 has a lot to live up to then almost as of this recording that very little is known about the title it is known to be a genuine sequel and that it would also follow the previously established rts formula the title is set for a late 2022 release and hopefully still makes that date now here's two titles and i really want to give a special mention too in the opening section of this video and indeed right now you can see some stunning space footage this is from the software known as space engine and it truly is amazing it contains over 100 billion full-scale galaxies all of which are fully explorable whether you want to see rich planets gas giants black holes vivid nebula comets or just about any other space phenomena space engine has it all the title is available on steam right now and i highly recommend it an older free version that doesn't quite have all the latest features is also available from the space engine website do check out the links in the video's description evocron legacy is a vast space game set in an open world galaxy in many ways evocron is the ideal traditional space game it has all the features of the classic titles and more the game is an nd title written by a single developer but that doesn't take anything away from it in fact it makes it all the more impressive so if you're looking for that classic space game experience of trading exploring and fighting then evocon legacy is certainly worth a look the game is regularly updated so you can likely expect to see updates in at 2022 as well that then brings us to the end of this video as always thanks for watching and i'll catch you guys who girls next time [Music]
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 964,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Space Games, Space Genre, space shooters, space sim, space simulators, Elite, Elite Dangerous, Horizons, Beyond, Chapter, Star Citizen, CIG, Chris Roberts, David Braben, Frontier Developments, No Man's Sky, Hello Games, procedural generation, planetary landings, atmospheric landings, Everspace, Rogue Like, Rockfish, Infinity Battlescape, Starfield, Bethesda, Star Trek Bridge Crew, VR, Virtual Reality, galaxy, combat, exploring
Id: 7XcBosfhk8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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