I tried going to a CAT VILLAGE to cure my FEAR OF CATS

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I have before me a creature that has struck fear into the hearts of humanity for thousands of years with just a single how a creatures whose bite and claws are so ferocious that they could instill severe injuries or even die what is this you may ask [Music] yeah I'm not really sure what went wrong either [Music] hello eggs a lot how do you do first of all quick update new glasses I think they make me look a lot smarter so I think everyone here knows that I'm a dog person which is why I have this thing and although I present myself as a diceye with zero weaknesses I am just like you all but better I am humble I have fears specifically of dangerous stuff like murder death torture cats I don't understand why people look at me like I've just unzipped my bodysuit to reveal that I am actually Satan himself underneath whenever I say that now because I am not the devil reincarnated I don't hate cats I just stared them up from a far distance away if they're not a small kitten now I thought that was a common thing like I assume most people share that sentiment wow you are really fat I'm gonna put you down but apparently not because cat people ratio dog people on my Instagram poll buy a landslide when I was at Taiwan my mom signed I was up to go to the cat Village there which I was actually really excited about it was time to see if long-term exposure to many cats at the time would cure this fear of mine I went to Lighthouse what the happened to my hair I look like a bird in mating season tried to impress Ed babies to prepare myself for the cats cats like an uglier guy so after that our family podcast I went to bed and got prepared the next morning this was my fit to travel around I got the den invest from a little store in Taiwan it was giving fashion it was giving blue dreams it was giving can I think I just find cats a bit scary looking because of their pupils when it's a slit and how they look like they're frowning constantly maybe I'm just too used to how my dog is shaped huh in no way does Abby look intimidating at all she literally looks like a cotton ball with Raisin stuff onto it thoughts even the dumbest looking cats still have an aura of intimidation and sophistication to them meanwhile I think people are trying to find new ways to make dogs look as dumb as possible have you seen the new genre of dogs in Japan we arrived at about 10 a.m in the morning and I was half expecting the cats to swarm the land so I was a bit disappointed when we haven't seen any yet anyways after a bit of walking on the pathway I began to notice the cat symbols if I ever die guys hmm if when I ever die guys I want to be reincarnated into a cat and live here because it's so peaceful we finally spotted our first cat a few walks in who was already busking in the attention of other visitors then I saw another one on the pathway and due to my lack of interaction with cats regularly I greeted it with the same energy some weird man with a white van at the Parkwood trying to lure in children hello now usually when I approach cats I like to sit a distance away to give it the option of approaching me and it never works I would assume that they're just too lazy to get up and walk over to me but no they do get up they just walk the other way so that my ego too I guess but I took that chance again and I sat down in front of this cat and the most miraculous thing happened it came towards me I wasn't excited at all definitely not you can hear my mom's shocked reaction I think she was more baffled that this cat actually seemed to like me than when I came out to her [Music] I want me to tell it sorry Abby you're just a dog this is a cat it's more special I love it so much I think I almost cried I'm tearing up right now cat number two did not approach me when I knelt down I think it was too busy trying to dismantle the foundation of the shed and kill everyone inside it I could not be more proud I understand now guys I understand cat people now I see the light if you hear weird meowing in the background that is not the cat that swallowed the squeak toy that is in fact my grandmother trying to communicate with them the next cat was set outside the souvenir shop acting like it owned the place and for all we know it probably did the most ironic thing however is that the majority of keychains displayed outside were of dogs now that was very funny to me I kept talking about how ridiculous that was until my dad found a dog keychain with my birthday on it suddenly it stopped being funny now it was a really serious good luck charm LG TV I think the wildest thing about experiencing cats as a dog owner is watching how agile they are uh no wait maybe I should be more specific because there are tons of agile dogs out there experiencing cats as an Abbey owner is kind of wild look at it just trotting along the roof all of us had to pause what we were doing just to Ogle at it she can't even go up the stairs watch I'm sorry yeah yes because you built like a submarine on that note can I just say cats are so fat I like how as a collective most of us I hope are against body shaming body shaming is bad we should not body shame anyone body shaping angles on the other hand the most vile affectionate insults always just seemed to manifest out of thin air in my head whenever I see a rounded animal so we went to get some trees that were being sold nearby and this cat knows what's up it's got its location parked right next to the good food I got this packet of mush that I wasn't really familiar with on how to offer it do I squeeze it on the floor or do I let the cats lick it like a popsicle in the end I chose squeezing because I was honestly afraid it was gonna turn my fingers into swiss cheese afterwards I saw this absolutely massive creature body shaming is bad we should not body shame anyone contact shade obtuse Shake blue shade bro isn't in the cat Village bro is the cat Village blood looks like a water bed with limbs attached [Applause] I knew it was bad when I reviewed the footage back and my whole family just took turns insulting it I gave it some food to thank it for its existence from my temporary amusement and we went back to the cab from the souvenir shop since it had just been snoozing the whole time we were there before I thought the scent of food would make it more active I mean more my grandpa tried to poke it with his Cane to make it wake up did it wake up wake up did it move no it stayed in the exact same position just craning its head I had to feed that little like those cartoons were the rich lies on the sofa bed and the servant drops grapes in their mouth God I wish I was a cat eventually the old man here got up and ate in a way that wouldn't give him scoliosis yeah I just gave the cat he him pronoun that way the insults feel more personal and there was another great day of saving the cats from a fitness routine afterwards we went upstairs where we were greeted by cat balls balls balls ball The View there was really nice and we discovered this wooden bridge that stretched to another area as well as calf which is placed randomly no wonder the cats here look like they had their own gravitational pull observed it's so fluffy it's so fat I genuinely am in love with this cat his name is Mr fat fat I'm so impressed whenever a cat does something guys I had no idea how deprived I was of cat habits until now he is huge mind you I always thought cats were pretty small but the majority of the fluffier cats I've seen here are absolutely massive like they are bigger than Abby they could eat her if they wanted to they could eat you girl this guy was pretty polite looking he ignored me until he realized there was something in it for him which is just about how most of my situation ships go I also think that the cats have been verbally abused for far too long because when they called it fat it turned around and responded as if that was its name I feel like this cat in particular is just a human in a suit though because I couldn't negotiate with it in Chinese for me to pet him came on okay after a while of feeding him though the cat just moved over and sat facing the other direction naturally I obliged his requests way to make Mr fats at Philadelphia mom have some sensitivity for Mr fat fat this one I called him Mr ugly because he looks Super Wise he looks like he crawled out of an animated movie about Chinese kung fu fighter animals bro looks like he's got some ancient wisdom to share with me once I feed him enough taste eventually we will have to find the other planet science fellas honestly this next cat seemed like it was having 20 existential crisis at the same time so I left it alone next up I present to you A visual representation of my desire to find a stable relationship versus reality what this guy was not interested in me at all he looked at me as if I had just eaten his infant in front of him I really like the surroundings also the village was right next to a train station and this whole scene looked like it could be in a Studio Ghibli film paw print steps for the cats I can't do this I'm so emotional because cats exist anyways look at this fat I love his name stinky I interrupted his little ball looking session my bad and in return got a huge jump scare which set back my fear of cats by 40 percent oh aggressive yeah this guy was much more into food than the others brother was acting like he hadn't seen nutrition in the last five years damn God damn however I implemented the feed and pet technique in order for this Fair transaction to work out and always going great until I had almost no food left to give so I went to another cat I call this one the Mona Lisa because he was just lying on this Frame like some magnificent work of art well I was appreciating this creature of light you'll have no idea who jumped in dinky he was not satisfied no he wanted more from me I think he wanted to eat me and we didn't film this but just when I was about done feeding him stinky pounced on me and like bit my finger it didn't Pierce through my skin thankfully but my God I could feel my heart leap into my throat I had to swallow that back down stinky has single-handedly brought back my fear of cats but the overall experience also increased my love for cats by like 80 percent so it's good I still had one more packet of taste left and we had to leave so my mom told me I should just dump it all down for the first cat that came to me not for food but for love and I thought that was poetic I went back to the site where we first met however I couldn't find any trace of him left probably because this white ate him oh my God [Music] was voluptuous bro look like he could win first prize at the pumpkin Wing contest he looked like he will start deflating and flying around the room comically like a balloon I think he single-handedly calls the Great Famine my mom was providing commentary on the cat as if she was working for the our planet documentary eventually we had to leave though so that was the end of the cat Village experience bye-bye [Music] the conclusion that I have for this is that if I were to put Abby in a fight against any one of those cats they would definitely KO her cats are indeed far more superior but can the cat do this Abby high five exactly cats are smarter than that hope you enjoyed this video guys if any of you bought my YouTube's plushie you should be seeing them shipped by now and if you did receive it please do tag me in your stories I would love to see them I'm still a dog person I just have a new profound Endearment for cats now and I'll see you in the next one bye bye you wanna punch them Abby don't punch oh foreign
Channel: Faline San
Views: 1,462,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat, cats, kitten, fear of cats, dislike cats, love cats, this is dedicated to, tater tots, on tiktok, cat village, cat island, Taiwan, travel, travelling, funny, haha, pls laugh, I am dressed like, ken, barbie, Kpop idol, wannabe, meow, dogs, dog, pet, patting, big cat, fat cat
Id: aau3YgW3qxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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