Jimmy's Best Accents! | Jimmy Carr

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I always make a bit of an effort when I'm traveling around the country doing this job I always make a bit of an effort to do the accent of wherever I am and I think generally people take that pretty well they like the fact you've made a bit of an effort but sometimes people get chippy if you don't get exactly right how'd a guy come up to me I was doing a gig in the north of England and this guy came up to me after the show quite aggressive yeah he said rir kid I don't think you've got any fucking respect for this town try and do the voice we don't even fucking tar like that nah bad I said no you've got me all wrong I love Newcastle I like the Welsh language and I like the Welsh language because it was clearly invented by a dad losing at Scrabble it's clearly what's happened there that's not a word it starts with three L's which is a bloody word what how's it pronounced I was in North Wales last year was in Llandudno is anyone Peter learned it no if you don't know you don't have to answer that's I'll ask him is anyone meeting I did know a few of you but it's a lovely town I was there anyway doing a show go on stage walked out I said it's lovely to be in Llandudno this guy front and center where you're sitting there face like fucking thunder when it's not land did not you bloody fool its plan did not in Wales the Double L is pronounced with a C I said all right don't be a Lunt about it I've got a friend they're going to an argument with a barmaid from Sunderland long story short he ended up calling her a fat ugly Geordie cunt and she said I'm Noah Geordie I'm new agility sorry that's a terrible accent but it is how they talk doing a bit material last year about the rioting all over Paris French people rioting it's funny Oh quick Pierre to have a water cannon if we're not careful we'll be washed and I wanted to check ahead and offended anyone so I said are there any French people in someone shouted si Senor I thought that's a new kind of stupid because it's Spanish why do I laugh like a sexual predator I like the way that their sexual predator sounds better in your accent than any other a sexual predator III don't know why I laugh like that it's one of life's mysteries in the same way as why you dressed as a gay lumberjack I've discovered the secret to the Welsh accent isn't so much a phrase it's more a state of mind to do a good Welsh accent you've just got a sound confused what is that jacket [Music] whose shoes are those trainers see those two houses the one in the middle is mine [Music] that paper you're sitting on are you reading that I came out of the shop and there was my bike gone that's pretty much the first half of my Sholay German but it's mainly me talking the first off any questions so far anything else you'd like to know yes I'm gonna presume all the questions are for me they thought not being too starring in arrogance although there's something about my name in this town Jimmy just sounds right obviously the Scottish accent obably the best phrase to use is there's been a murder chances are their property fucking has been you're from you're from Belfast right Karen today I'll just say what you said to me back home you're teaching over here then you in the witness relocation scheme on the fucker fucking grass watching what do you teach what subject what's going in glitch you could barely fuck you pronounce anyone in from Belfast anyone from Belleville you built Belfast where's Belfast hey Belfast this is the phrase I used to get the Belfast accent right ginger and community [Music] the terrifying stare is optional only find it helps changer and community community has more syllables than you thought a hat you know the age of consent is in Mexico it's 12 that's one way to deal with a pedophilia problem isn't it I imagine they've still got a problem she looked well through me the first time I ever came to Glasgow to play at the stand comedy club I got on the back of a taxi yeah and I said to the book because I wanted to make a reference to where was rough in town so I said excuse me driver where's ruff in Glasgow and he said for you everywhere and then I was on stage later that night yeah on stage and I told that story on stage and all I said was I thought this was a comment that was beyond any kind of argument all I said was Glasgow is quite an aggressive town and the guy down the front when North fucking his name no hint of irony no fucking his name I thought this place will do for me anyone from Manchester no one from Manchester Manchester spray the Erickson's pretty easy for Manchester you just need three words side alright not bad once I'm on tight sex with an Australian girl she said mid-coitus whilst fucking she said have you slimed yet you slimed yet fucking ghostbusters think the easiest accent in the UK is the West country because the West country is just a pirate voices net who can't do a fucking pirate voice I've gone on a date with my sister Oh my mammy doesn't find out I'm cheating on her come up with a way of dealing with this okay I could just say to her could you not say mundane things during sex because it sort of kills the mood for me sort of ruins it you know kills the moment I could just say that but I'd be literally no fun at all so what I'm doing is where she says to me no matter how mundane whatever she says to me during sex I try and make it sexy set myself that challenge it's a lot of fun I'll give you an example she said to me a couple of weeks ago while we were she said the Recycling's coming tomorrow well more accurately she said the Recycling's covered tomorrow so I said the Recycling's not the only thing coming tomorrow yeah I'm gonna separate your paper and blastic doesn't really mean anything that's my sexy voice by the way I've kind of gone for a 1970s blaxploitation New York City voice cuz then you can say things like um Carmen if I just use my voice I've just go go I've arrived now won't be the phrase you've always gonna try and do the Birmingham accent what would be the phrase for Birmingham what be the thing if I was gonna alright alright the other phrase it seems to come up a lot in Birmingham is it's fucking sheer to you alright it's fuckin shitty any other phrases for Birmingham what other what was that that was just all vowels what was it hey yo alright yah wah and your ass trunk said I shouldn't really joke about stroke survivor of a stroke I'll be laughing out the other side of my face [Music] are there any other words any other key phrases for Birmingham watery ghupat oh how am yeah oli educated what was that one they're rather cold today cool today I that's like small talk our bus station I suppose we're in Glasgow it could one have half an hour bus station oh yes I remember one my nan was really ill in hospital we went to visit her in Limerick in Ireland whenever to say when it was you know near the end the doctor came out and he said to us he said said I know she's uh she's very bad now she she can't breathe without oxygen but where did you get your medical degree internet Ozzie I can do what I can do he's 25 pounds a ticker I thought we priced you out sure yeah sure so I like and a lot what bloody well say whip it gently frugal cricket my favorite Yorkshire phrase is tin tin tin which means it isn't in the Tin Tin Tin Tin Tintin teen who do we have a who's upwards Australian give us a give us a chance funny man you still fucking there where are you I adore a lien I could do easy to prime minister or the president I can never remember but I can do out from home away keV or one hears you're acting like a bloody hoon mate al Aragon a prize gal are never the fucker go Aries whereabouts are not straight are you from Melbourne so you weren't affected by the flooding will you is that why you start so high up well taking any fucking chances but in the back of a cab in Newcastle and the cab driver said to me there's no red light district in Newcastle because that's how they talk if you're a Newcastle for the weekend it's most disconcerting because you find yourself thinking is everyone trying start to sing song and I just don't know the words there's no red light district in Newcastle I'd asked incidentally I hadn't go on the back of a cab in Newcastle I said take me to the prostitutes my good man no just apropos of nothing this bloke went to me there's no red light district in Newcastle now I didn't say anything because we've got a big tough Geordie bloke I do think to myself I tell you why no need roller-coaster pooper-scooper oompa loompa Kawasaki for unrelated words meaningless in all respects other than if you're trying to do the Geordie accent in which case they are a fucking gift rollercoster sake the other one I loved I was doing a gig last year in Cardiff and front and center this got fronting Center where you're sitting there madam out of nowhere 20 minutes into the gig he just went through our gun so there wasn't a massive pause before he said dragon that was just to let you know what happened there in my head I had to go who's caught is that jacket forget he started in my head 20 minutes in he just went to Dragon Oh what he went dragon on Yvonne what you want even I'd like a joke about that dragon please and he said it like I was the cunt for turning up in Wales for the only dragon based human parser right just a rat just pass out yeah you know you're in fucking Glasgow don't you where someone paid you 2250 to tell you to fuck off this is the phrase I use to do the scouts acts and this is the phrase I have in my head to get me started in this cows Alton chicken and mechanical Hold'em chicken and a phone call for awesome chicken on the conical awesome chicken on the chemical the little head bobble just comes if you say a few times chicken mechanical obviously obviously that's just to get you started once you get started then you can say something properly or authentically Scouts awesome chicken on a conical I'm going on the Rob I've gotta get a Prezi it's me Gran's birthday she's 30 [Music] she worka came to my front door and they were collecting for a homeless shelter so game a cardboard box beggars can't be choosers am i right I did one of those nude calendars for charity Childline were livid [Music]
Channel: Jimmy Carr
Views: 1,783,582
Rating: 4.8755126 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy carr, jimmy carr stand up, jimmy carr heckle, jimmy carr funniest moments, jimmy carr comedy, jimmy car comedy special, jimmy carr laugh, 8 out of 10 cats, accents, accent challenge, accent compilation, jimmy carr accents, jimmy carr compilation, scottish accent, welsh accent, australian accent, irish accent, american accents, accent comedy, comedians doing impressions, impressions, comedians doings accents, comedian, uk comedy, universal comedy, jimmy carr funny
Id: iZ05riJ3SgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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