Community Worship Center featuring Pastor Abraham J. Jules - "Down, But Not Out"

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oh regardless he do all that he does he still lose his head why because he was obedient and he was truthful that's interjecting sister wilkie with that question does does um prosperity comes in material no it does not come in material things um prosperity how the world look at prosperity is not how god look at prosperity in this case while i study i understand that being prosperous is to be obedient in this process so we have to be obedient i have a question why is it so difficult to keep the law we we pray we ask god to forgive us the following day we do the same thing is there a different approach to um to seek in strength to overcome temptations are we focusing too much on avoiding sin instead of having a relationship with god what do you think is a secret master gaff to being an overcomer oh i tell you everything is dependent on our relationship with the lord god wants us to develop a relationship god doesn't just throw some commands out there thou shall not don't don't do this don't do the other that's not what the lord is doing here god wants a relationship he wants people that look like him talk like him yeah think like him and so he gives you the formula so the answer there earlier was a relationship is superior to all and the question there is a wilkie that runs across my mind as someone asked question prosperity what does prosperity look like oh if you're able to get up this morning off that bed that you sleep last night and you're sitting out here or you're walking around that feels like some clutter prosperity you are some individuals who are on their bed of affliction they can't get up can't just they're sick that is the beginning of prosperity to me not just money in the pocket and so on so forth and so many other areas of prosperity all right thank you sister wilkie for that submission there elder samuels you have a few thoughts yes i'm looking at thursday and friday under the caption of jesus our example jesus our example is a great model teacher and what better model can we have as a teacher than jesus christ he's the one that give us the guideline the rules to follow and in terms of you know as the bible says loving the lord with all our heart with all our strength with all our mind this is the all it takes in the whole being the entire man the entire body and the more we develop this relationship with christ is the more we get to love him the more we know him the more we will do his will and it will not become a burden and in sense it it was asked earlier on in the lesson can we love the lord and still fear him yes love in the sense is not fear be afraid of it is respect reverence so when i the more i get to know the lord the more i will love him and show reverence to him our respect to him as the creator and looking at christ as the model teacher a good teacher never want to see his student or a student fail they always believe that you can always pass you can always do well some teachers out there they figure that oh this student is not good he cannot do he's good for nothing not with christ christ say each time when you think as an individual that you fail or you're failing he said come come up step up give me your hand and i will show you how to be successful so he never turned away any of his children or put them down but he said you can be the most of your potential and be good in my side as i command you because you are precious in my side you are in my image so i love you with an everlasting love i gave my life for you he is our mother teacher christ the lord thank you okay so i have a question why do so many preachers emphasize the fact that we are not not under the law but we are under grace and and they suggest that the law is abolished are they referring to the entire a lot all the laws or just a few of them are one of them why is it there's so much emphasis that we are saved by grace grace it's only grace no love we don't need to keep the law anymore you see i'm i'm looking that these preachers are these teachers they are confused in terms of their interpretation because the law and grace work handing out okay because there cannot be faith without works as the bible says instead they go and in and they go together the law has its purpose all right what what's the purpose the purpose of the law is to point out sin to show us that we we are we are we have sin and we are in need of a savior right and then comes no grace grace is an unmerited favor okay brother we don't deserve it we don't deserve grace but the master said because you are obedient to my will to my lord um grace is handed down to you so grace grace we are saved as the bible say not by your works right but by grace amen but you got to do some work in order to obtain greatness i i think in the woods what what i i read in what most individuals who say they do not want to keep the law yes they are not worried about stealing lying coveting and all the rest of the commandments their problem is the sabbath yes yeah yeah the sabbath is the one problem we agree that all we are not to steal when we are christians we don't lie we don't covet we don't commit adultery and all the rest of that but when it comes to the sabbath they say well saturday saturday is no longer let's change saturday to sunday beloved god will never ask us to do what he know we cannot do wasn't the sabbath for the jews well the sabbath for the jews wouldn't sabbath give by jesus himself when he came here he said the sabbath was made for m a n man that human kind right not just woman man jew gentile the sabbath was made for man human so whether you be jew gentiles or whoever you are god expects you to keep the sabbath holy as he do and god is very serious about his command that is his way he wants us to live and we cannot set it aside and put take one here and put one and do what we want to do we have to follow the rule amen and as is said in our lesson here when you love god you want to obey him that is the the principle in keeping the law of god jesus says all right i'm taking the law off the tables of stone and i'm going to write them on your heart all you've got to do is love god with all your heart love your neighbor as yourself and automatically you will be keeping the law of god i can't steal from my brother when i love him i can't lie on my sister when i love her right so love is the motivating principle of keeping the law of god amen one more thing to um the question that pastor would ask it if um the the commandment was like just for for the jews the bible tells us in um ecclesiastes 12 and verse 13 he says let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter it's a fear god and keep his commandment for this is the old duty of man mankind not only for the jews for the entire human race is to keep god's commandment because he says he's going to bring everything into judgment whether it be good or would that be evil yes yes and uh last point elder yeah pastor how many parts are there to heaven i have heard some talk show host said that there are many parts to heaven that you can enter there you know the true back door or side door window what is your thought on that you know like noah's ark had one one door one door and he said there's only one way to god and that is what and through our loving jesus amen amen amen it's all through jesus we are not saved by any other factor nothing you can do to present yourself to the lord and says lord i have done all that you have commanded me to do you have to save me that's where grace comes in we are saved by we are not deserving of salvation but because of christ we are saved and the last point we can make and that is jesus says i delight to do thy will oh my god there comes a time when you start obeying god that it's going to be a joy it's going to be fun it's not hard it's not drudgery and i think we must get to the place where we say as jesus says i delight to do thy will o my god thy law is within my heart thank you precious lord for what we have uncovered as we study the bible this week oh bless your people dear lord and may we come up on higher ground in our obedience to your command in jesus name i pray amen amen amen god bless you it was a joy to have you uh in our sabbath school this morning trust that you will be back with us next sabbath same time same place as we take another look at god's word god bless you 18 24 say down don't try to fight it just stand still and look up he's standing right on by just one more time for those just don't be discouraged just know that your joy your joy is because whatever it is i promise god he will show up so remember that there's healing for yourself oh thing we know and there's and there's healing for your broken spirits so lord please you know come on let me hear you say let me say sickness must flee demons we're getting tired of frightening but don't give up don't give up i promise i promise depression disease sickness but i promise don't give up there is healing you're getting tired you're getting frustrated but there don't give up i promise that there is me oh to them is time oh two bye times oh is my oh my i am my right man so i shout out your name from the rooftops i broke that i am yours i am yours here i am me for his presence with thanksgiving is is with thanksgiving is foreign oh oh oh no more oh make a joyful noise unto the lord all he lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know he that the lord he is god it see that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his past enter into its gates with thanksgiving and into his course with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting the truth of the lord endure it to all generations first one shall me oh god and our father we're so grateful to be in your presence this morning we thank you for loving us so much that you died on the cross of calvary to save us from our sins we pray god as we worship you this morning that you will accept our praise that you'll accept our feeble worship i pray god that you will do for us in this day what we cannot do for ourselves but we what we stand in need of bless us now to this end we pray for christ's sake amen is oh yes ah uh pull to this place of worship although many of us are not permitted to be in the sanctuary where we are yet you might be there by that television screen in your room in the living room wherever you are oh we welcome you to this service today here at community worship center of seventh day advent it's a joy to welcome god's people after a week of toil and labor it is good to get away from mundane things come together worship and praise our lord welcome welcome thrice welcome this is the day of rest our failing strength renew and our weary brain and troubled breasts shed thou thy refreshing dude on behalf of our pastor dr abraham jules we welcome you to a service of prayer and praise a week of toil and labor has ended and it is our hope the blessings of the lord will be will rest upon you as we worship together this day welcome okay we have a few transfers for today we have three incoming and one outgoing we have valdez jean-louis from the salem union dale french sda church we also have sandra philojean from the same church the salem union dale sda french sda church we have alex pretty fair from the sinai french sda church those are the incoming and one outgoing okay one outgoing transfer bear with me please galoola florent to the mygen sda company so those are the four transfers three incoming and one outgoing all right we that's uh first reading we usually do that first reading and preparation for the second reading when we will dispatch the membership off to the various areas that we rather than coming than you going god bless you this is october the month when we show our appreciation to our pastors and cwc is no different from other churches that show appreciation to our pastors we have quite a few pastors here we love them and we truly truly appreciate them they have given selfless service through this pandemic they have never been short in their service and as members of the church we want to show appreciation so we're going to call all the board members who are here all the elders we can be social distanced here so please come up and we are going to show our appreciation to our pastors we have pastor silburn reed we have pastor goff vincent gough and we have pastor jewels so these are the three passes that we are going to show our appreciation to today the lord has really truly blessed us with shepherds who are willing to lead the flock no matter what and through no matter what what is going on so we truly truly want them to know that we love them and we continue to pray for them i think i can speak for myself that we do appreciate so very much the kindness of our church family and uh every year during this month you have shown your love and appreciation and support of us but you not only do it during the month of october all year round you do it and we appreciate it i just love being a part of this church family i enjoy every minute with you we do serious things together we have a lot of fun together and no doubt during this pandemic it is impossible for us to come together and to fellowship but we thank god for each of you and for your contribution to our lives and certainly to the ministry here thank you dr coombs to the elders of our church to the members of our board and to all of our church family who continue to be in support who are very prayerful who are very encouraging who continue to be uh conduits of god's grace to us you show us kindness you show us tenderness and we truly appreciate all that you have done oh let me add to that by saying thank you cwc for your your attention here ah for those of you we haven't seen in over five or six months we miss you look forward to the day when we can come together thank you so kindly uh church board for thinking of us this month of october thank you and it's a joy to serve with god's people in this part of god's vineyard thank you so much thank you cwc church family i do appreciate your kindness in short a short time i am loving it here and this is just a token to show how you appreciate me and i want to thank you the church board the leaders all the elders all the members thank you i am certainly grateful to elder smith is he in the building here he may be running back and forth but elder smith came ella smith right here come elder and you can stand right here because you're the one who has been telling us where we can stand and where we can sit so i'm glad i have the opportunity to tell you where you can stand today because you've been pushing me around for the last six months it's my first time to be able to do it but elder smith came to me and he said to me pastor you know we are on screen we are on uh youtube and facebook and all the rest and we have two big old wooden pulpits that don't synchronize with the wonderful middle pulpit he says i think pastor we should get some pulpits that match the middle pulpit two podiums that match the middle uh podium and so we went ahead he went and got all the information went and ordered them and they are here today and we praise god at least we have something to lift our spirits in these uh difficult times elder i want to thank you publicly and i want to thank our treasurer uh for making certain that with those little things that need to be done that money is the little monies that we have are put aside to be a blessing to the church family thank you all and thank you the members of our church who contribute sabbath after sabbath to this church and for us to be able to meet our expenses and to make a little advancement along the way to god be the glory for each and every one of you i'm going to ask pastor goff if he would come quickly pastor and would you pray a prayer of dedication brief prayer uh on these two podiums as they are dedicated to the cause of christ on this day here at community worship center precious loving father we thank you we praise your name we worship you this morning gratitude in our hearts for your goodness and for your love to us this is your house place where we worship and praise you at all times here we are today with two new pulpits lord to serve you from which your name can be lifted i ask now lord as it is set aside for your glory bless them lord we pray that from here the words will be lifted men and women may come to know you as lord thank you lord for the faithfulness of those who've contributed to make this successful we ask the day in jesus precious name amen amen amen thank you very much pastor again today we join with those of you who were joining us in saying we are glad for this day of rest and gladness we are thankful to god that he has given us a day of worship 24 hours of unblemished time given to us for both worship and fellowship so we welcome you those of you are in who are in the uh building here today this is a most special sabbath as a matter of fact this is a high day in zion and in ancient israel whenever it was a high day it means that it was a coupling of two great services come together on god's holy day all right it was the sabbath day and then they added something else to it well today we are having a high day because we have added something else to our service this sabbath is our sabbath our baptismal sabbath and there are many who are going to be baptized today they are already dressed in white and we praise god and they are really the first fruits of the hope and healing revival series that's going on right now here in the area of queens and long island all of our churches with dr keith all barry who has been preaching the gospel every night lifting up jesus and we praise god for him and for the team that's working with him on this wednesday evening there'll be no prayer meeting on our zoom platform because we'll be a part of the hope and healing revival but next week when the hope and the healing revival would have been concluded we would be back for our own prayer meeting i want to thank all of you today i express my thanks and appreciation to all the bible workers the members of our church who have worked with different individuals to see them come to know the lord as their own personal savior from sin and who will be baptized today we are always grateful for the ministry and work of sister barham who is a gifted teacher and instructor of the word of god and in many ways god has used and blessed to bring hundreds to the fold of safety and we praise god for her sister barham elder and sister brown have been working with individuals we praise god that they are here we have family members who have worked with their families and that they are here today to be baptized we praise god pastor goff has been working with individuals and others of you that i may not know of if i left out your name it's not a slight it's just that i'm unaware of it uh but there are parents today who are bringing their children to be baptized an aunt here is bringing her niece and nephews to be baptized one of our members here and another member of our church she's brought her mother to be baptized we and we have a father who's bringing his son and daughter today to be baptized to god be the glory what a wonderful experience to see people come to know jesus in the pardon of their sins amen we're putting three on the peel brother deacon use the bills at the back we're using three on a pew go to the back and use the empty open pews please would someone come and be an usher and help us get this done please thank you we have to be safe and you all have to help me make that happen thank you very much all right today we want to also thank our deacons and deaconesses for this day for the preparation made to have the baptismal service right here possible i had deacon elder smith and i had deaconess sister pat wilshere we thank them and all the deacons and deaconesses who are here today let me thank in a very special way those who make possible the transmission of this service and the broadcast that comes to you each and every week our media team our chairperson brother mirage and his team we want to thank them for making possible this service and every week we know that there are thousands of people who are blessed by the service and it is only possible because of the sacrifices that this team makes our media team and we have not only brother mirage we have uh rawl and his wife alana we have uh brother alfres we have some young people on the uh cameras to each and every one of you we praise god for you and we thank you also uh helping us with our sound each and every week sister lisa who has been with us from day one who has come to make certain that we are in good standing each and every sabbath we thank her and her team let me recognize at this time those who will be serving with us today we have pastor garth as always with us pat wilshere on our service we have sister laurel garth who joined her husband pastor goff and brought to us our welcome today and then we have brother john samson and pray the dawn jack our scripture lesson i give this to you so that we can identify and recognize those people publicly then sister colin barker from brooklyn will be bringing to us our special music and our song of meditation today we want to thank her for coming and joining us and lending her gifts and talents to the worship service on this day elder providence will bring to us our offertary and then we have uh baptismal service will take place right after the preaching of the gospel and we will be engaged in rejoicing those of you online and those of you who are viewing us and not here in the sanctuary i can guarantee you you will catch the spirit i can guarantee you that the energy that we feel in this place we're sorry you cannot be here but you will feel it through the screen because god is with us amen amen and then uh lamarcia combs she will do uh has done our did our invocation and pat will do our uh benediction we want to thank ella coombs also today elokum's made special um mask for all the baptismal candidates and they belong to you and the pastor was a little greedy i required one for myself and i thank god i got my mask and we are thanking you elder coons for your kindness and certainly for your thoughtfulness and preparation to make this day special for all of our candidates to god be the glory for each and every one of you today's scripture reading comes from the old testament book of jeremiah chapter 33 verses 1 to 3. that's jeremiah 33 verses 1 2 3. moreover the word of the lord came on to jeremiah the second time while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison saying thus saith the lord the maker thereof the lord that formed it to established it the lord is his name call on to me and i will answer thee and through thee great and mighty things which thou know it's not our new testament reading comes from saint john chapter 17 verse 1 to 5. these words spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son may also glorify thee as thou has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent i have glorified thee on the earth i have finished the work which thou gave us me to do and now o father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which i had before with thee before the world was here ended the reading of a scripture lesson thank you so very much this is a time for prayer and i believe that when we pray we are not praying to a god who is absent not a god who is has lost his hearing not a god that doesn't care our god says when we call upon him in the day of trouble he will hear our cry he will meet our needs he will bless our lives i shared with my family during family worship this past week that psalm 148 if you read psalm 148 all it does is it praises god from the first verse to the last verse is praise the lord the psalmist in that psalm does not ask for anything he doesn't request anything of god he just reflects upon all god has already done for him and so today as we pray we will not only reflect obviously their needs in our midst and god doesn't mind us bringing those to him but i want us today to thank god for all that he has already done thank him for life and health and strength thank him for the multiplied blessings he has shown us and he has shouted us with uh i want you today as we turn to the lord during this time of prayer as we ascend the mountain of prayer i want you to stand to your feet wherever you are you are if you are in your living room somewhere or you are in this sanctuary let's stand in reverence to god as we approach the throne of grace there are those of you who would want to kneel wherever you are that's your choice we have no problem you can kneel before the lord our maker every head is bowed and every eye is closed as we pray is oh foreign me oh to win the compassionate father in heaven we thank you for life thank you that we are still in the land of the living we thank you for your angels that excel in strength as you have promised in your words the angels of the lord will encampeth around those who trust in you we thank you for the bible your word by looking into them the bible let us know by beholding will be changed from glory to glory thank you for the sabbath oh god where we can come away from the busy activities of life remind us that we're years by creation and we are yours by redemption thank you for your power your power that saves us thank you for your goodness towards us thank you for your blessings thank you god for your mercy and your grace oh we are so thankful for jesus who died in a place so that we can have life and have it in abundance we confess oh god to you today that we have sinned we have sinned in thoughts we have sinned in words we have sinned in deeds we have sinned in action oh god we have done wrong in your sight please forgive us o god forgive us purge us like david asked of you purge us with his help wash us o god so that we can be clean cleanse us from all our unrighteousness oh god heal us heal us oh god heal us physically because we are sick may you heal us or god may you heal us emotionally heal us mentally your father so that we can focus on your goodness towards us will you heal us spiritually so we can serve you all right oh god accept our worship today wherever we are worshiping you may you accept our worship as we humble our hearts before the throne of grace to hear from you oh god we pray that you will be with your man servant today pastor abraham jews a humble servant who trust in the power of god we pray god today that you will overshadow him with your power with your love and with your grace speak through him and let our hearts hear your words and we'll humble humble god prostrate before the throne of grace and heal our will to your wills so that your will can be done through us thank you for your goodness again thank you for your grace thank you lord for the hope that we have in you thank you for the promises that one day you are coming back to take us to a better place we ask that you will hasten that day come quickly lord jesus and save us we ask in jesus name amen amen amen amen thank you me is oh so pray for me when him to guide me i'll do the same when i'm praying for you we all need love and care i know names just mentioned in prayer when the storms of life troublesome where there is morning noon time or night time pray for me for me then i'll be faithful pray for me that i'll be i'll do the same when i and the troubles pray you pray for me i'll pray for you we have a head family father and carried them oh you're interceding remember my plead oh pray for me remember my please for me it is now time to honor the lord with our tithes and to return a generous offering one that reflects the full scope of our blessings and i just want to say a seventh-day adventist christians we grow up knowing that tithing has a place in our lives it's part of our nurturing faith i remember as a child was a teenager getting my first job and my mom's saying to me don't forget to pay your tithes and i'm sure many of us have had this similar conversations with our parents you know encouraging us to do what we refer to as a mandate because we are told to return 10 percent so we know that everything that we have came from god we are just mayor stewards he has decided to trust us with whatever it is that he's decided to trust us with that which is precious to him but he's also said to us return to me 10 of that that's all i ask you as an act of obedience return 10 percent so we know that that's a mandate but many of us may not be quite aware of is that every penny of that type leaves the church and it goes to the local conference and they use it in whatever way is prescribed that they use it but it does not stay here so how do we pay our bills how do we keep the lights on how do we continue to live stream this service that we live stream every single sabbath how do we pay our mortgage when we're gathered here how do we maintain the sabbath lunches and all the things that we do your generosity is what helps us to do that but for your generosity we would not be here today this program would not be live stream today so we ask you to consider your continued generosity to us you know the bible says every man according as he purposes in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver i know the doors are not open but you can mail your offerings and tithes into us and the numbers are on the screen uh we've established a post office box for you to do that we also have an online service if you go to there's a link that tells you online giving tithes an offering all you have to do is go in there you establish the username password and you can use it continuously sabbath after sabbath however often you choose to give it's available to you and for those of us who just need to have someone come and pick it up we're willing to accommodate you with that also so that we're not cheating you have the opportunity to participate in that mandate in that general generous giving so just be reminded all you have to do is call one of us call me call the pastor call one of the elders or the deacons and we'd be more than happy to arrange that for you so just be reminded we have established many ways to accommodate you in doing this and we also want to say thank you thank you thank you because there are many of us who have been extremely faithful sabbath after sabbath after sabbath that's the reason why we were able to gather here today with the lights on with our live stream going with everything that's going on so thank you to all of you bring you all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now here with said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts father we thank you for blessing us with jobs we thank you lord for your continued presence in our lives we thank you for your your for our ability to go out to work each day to those jobs that you've provided and lord in gratitude return to you that which is your own continue lord to pour out your blessings upon us and when you have blessed us lord let it not cause us to sin but help us to provide a blessing to those around us who might need it help us to continue to give so that your words will be spread across the land so that everyone will be able to come to know you and to serve you and lord be with us in all things that we do so that we will continuously glorify your name in jesus name i pray with thanksgiving there is no problem to be god cannot solve it there is no mountain too tall he cannot move fear is no storm to talk god cannot upon his shoulders i know my brothers that he will carry you upon his shoulders i know my sisters that he will carry you he says and i will can there is no sorrow too deep he cannot sue that he will carry is that he will carry you i know my brothers oh yes he will i know he will you thought i was worth saving so you came and changed my life you thought i was worth keeping so you cleaned me up inside you thought i was to die for so you sacrifice your life so i can be free you thought i was worth so i can be free so i can be home so i can tell everyone i know jesus so i can tell everyone i know everyone to the god who changed my life and i will praise you forever because i am because i am free because i am i know i will praise you hallelujah forever thought i was worth saving so you came and changed my life you thought i was worth keeping lord jesus you clean your children up inside you thought we were to die for oh my lord you thought so you sacrifice your life so i can be free so we can be home so i can tell everyone i know god you are god you are perfect is is you i am is oh is who is are our hearts will sing these bones 100 these wolves oh is foreign your holy lord are you lord it's your oh it's jesus are you amen to the glory of god thanks to our praise team and our musicians russell and uh drummer we appreciate you here today and for the ministry that you bring to us each and every week we don't take it for granted we feel blessed to have you as a part of our leadership worship team here to god be the glory thank you again tracy our minister of music uh brother mack uh for your leadership with music every week we anticipate something great and you have not failed us we praise god for you sister colin barker my friend you have blessed us again today and we honor god for you and for your gifts and we thank him for bringing you to us on this wonderful sabbath day and for your beautiful songs you sang to our hearts and to the glory of god sister debbie is with you this is debbie we know that this has been a most difficult year for you and uh we don't know what to say except to say in times when we remember you we send up a brief prayer to god for you and we'll continue to do that we pray for god's grace upon you and we anticipate the lord's coming soon may god bless you sister debbie lost her husband this year young man coveted 19 in the early part of the year and unexpected and uh debbie's a dear friend of mine debbie and colin and i appreciate them always love to see them so my heart goes out to you and we say publicly to you somebody in here may pray for you for god's strength to be given to you that's why i shared it but we love you and we will remember you just want you to know that i want to thank um angela again uh and your team for uh being responsible for this worship every sabbath and i want to say to you publicly you make a great difference it's the first time i'm able to just sit down and enjoy the worship and not worry about the worship because you do that for me and i've been blessed since you all have started your team we thank you all so very much uh for what you do sister pauline sister chase you all come every week and you do your part to keep us safe and we remember that and to all of you i may sometimes forget to thank you when i stand up but please know from my heart to yours that i appreciate everything everybody does i know nobody here has to do anything in church and you certainly don't have to do anything for me but whenever you do it be certain that i take note and i thank god for your kindness i thank god for your kindness all right you you see i wear my mask sometimes here don't think i forget it on i do it deliberately do you know why i want you all to see me wearing a mask because some of you don't believe that it's important it is important and wear it properly don't wear it under your nose cover your mouth and your nose and when you're about to talk to us please don't take it off that's the time you need to keep it on when you're talking understood everybody all right all right i see some very intelligent people who don't do that all right okay well supposedly intelligent people all right listen folk we have some families here we have a great baptism today i just received note that one of the young ladies who will be baptized brother christopher russell's daughter and son will be baptized today and the daughter had her birthday yesterday and said i want to be baptized and for every one of our candidates today you have a special story you have a reason why you're doing what you're doing you want to turn your life over to god that's why you're here today there's a lady who will be baptized sister maureen today will be baptized she knew me as a little boy in trinidad and she's going to be baptized today as a matter of fact we lived in the same house at one time and my family and her family are friends to this day and i praise god one day she responded to the service and sent a message on the chat and the uh av team forwarded that to us we reached out to her and uh pastor goff gave her bible studies in brooklyn this is all during the pandemic and she's here today to be baptized i said every candidate here has a special story and your story is important to god be the glory amen amen all right i i'm going to be brief today don't ever believe me when i say that but i just say that sounds good no i'll be brief today i'm just kidding all right turn in your bibles to the book of luke the 15th chapter luke chapter 15. one verse of scripture now i have about 10 sermons on the prodigal son so i just wrote this one this week so this is brand new fresh from heaven i said fresh it's so fresh i can't wait to preach it amen it says and when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and to spare and i perish with hunger title my message today is down but not out down but not out father bless this word we pray to the hearts of your children in jesus name amen amen there was a survey done by a group of scholarly literary critics and the question was posed what is the greatest short story ever told 70 of those literary scholars cited as the greatest short story ever told the story of the prodigal son it's the story of a young man who went all the way around the world looking for something he already had but was oblivious of its reality the parable of the prodigal son gives us the spiritual life cycle it starts with relationships and then this prodigal son is going to secondly he's going to rebel that's rebellion against his father rebellion always leads to ruin and then once you experience ruin once you end up in a hog pen or the state pen that's god's way of saying it's time for repentance then if you truly repent repentance means you can return they all are words i'm giving you that's why i preach this way i want you to remember them you can make a comeback you can return and then once you return back to your father you will experience another r word restoration and then is a cycle we started with relationship we'll end up right back with a reconnected relationship now that's the cycle let's look at each one of those points each one of these six steps it starts with relationships and you read about that in verse 11 it says and he said a certain man had two sons it doesn't say the sons had the man it says the man had the sons it means this relationship between father and sons was initiated by the father the relationship ladies and gentlemen we have with god we did not initiate it god initiated it god was the one in pursuit of us god was the one who has gone after us night and day god is the one who is seeking to establish intimacy with us oh how i love jesus oh how i love jesus because he first loved me so my love for jesus is simply a response to a love jesus initiated how many times have you heard people say when i found the lord you never found the lord pardon my english lord has never been lost he has been the same place for eternity he has always been you were the one that moved away if you feel like you're far from god guess who moved you did god news for you our lord found you he has always been in relentless pursuit of you and me look at john 1 12 it says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name there's a reason why i'm preaching this because this message is being preached today because of all these folk dressed in white that's the reason why i'm preaching this god in john 1 12 he's reaching out and our job is to receive him god is doing the reaching and we are doing the receiving god reaches we receive we get to be called the children of god let me tell you how relationships are established not only with god but with each other in marriage many people who think they have a marriage they really have a situation it's not a marriage there's a difference between a relationship and a situation even with your children just because they are there in the house doesn't mean you have a relationship relationships are always built on three things and i'm gonna give you three key words the first t word is time you can never have a relationship with anybody if you don't spend time with them second t word is talk you must talk to each other in a very transparent way a very trusting way by building intimacy with them but you've got to talk and then the third t word is trust no relationship ever grows or become better where trust is lacking i once heard of a family that was taking a family picture and the photographer said to the son why don't you put your arms around your father's soldiers to make the picture look more natural and the father says well if you want to make the picture look more natural tell him to put his hand in my pocket that's where he naturally goes y'all a bunch of slow people you all miss the whole story let me tell you something you cannot have a relationship if someone is always trying to put your hand in your pocket verse 11 said a certain man had two sons a younger son and an older son let's look at this let's look at now the rebellion you've got the relationship verse 12 and the younger of them said to his father father give me you know you're on your way down when the only thing you ask of god or your parent is give me when i was away in college about 40 years ago i would always call back home and back then i had to use a landline and i would call collect and whenever i called collect it was because i was calling for money now my mother and my father were two different people my father would never say no but my mother would say no in a minute and if my father heard my mother saying no he would turn around says yes send the money so one day i called and my mother said you know why i'm not sending you any money i said why she said because the only time i hear from you is when you need money the younger son said give me he is self-centered give me the portion of goods that falleth to me and he divided unto them his living it was the father who worked and now he's dividing unto them his living he is giving them their inheritance and it was in the form of property the oldest son would get two-thirds and the youngest son would get one-third automatically if you were a jew listening to jesus all kinds of bells and whistles are going to go off in your mind because any time you read about two sons in the bible it's not good if you go back to the old testament anytime there were two sons there was always strife cain and abel two sons esau and jacob two sons isaac and ishmael two sons now when you when do you normally receive your inheritance when your benefactor dies now there's something called in vivo transfer in life that is when in vivo transfer means that is when you are helping your children in life while you're still living in vivo transfer now that is good advice to help them while you're living you ought to do your giving while you're living so you'll know where it's going he said give me the portion that falls to me when do you normally get your inheritance after somebody dies so what he is in effect saying to his father is dad in my eyes you are as good as dead although you're still alive and notice what he did in verse 13 and not many days after the young man gathered all together and took his journey into a far country ellen white says the far country is forgetfulness of god what did the father give the son he gave him property he gave him land real estate is real i learned that from pastor god pastor goff says do you know why they call it real estate because it's real before you get a car that is mobile and depreciates get you some land or real estate that is stable and appreciates you should not be parking your 80 000 mercedes benz outside your rented apartment you should own a hooptie and take that money and put it in a house or a town house moses and the children of israel for 40 years were not looking for the promised car they were looking for the promised land property births wealth it's real and what does this boy do with this property he converts it into cash because you can't take property into the far country and he did not get what the land was worth how do i know that it says not many days after the father gave him the land he gathered all together not many days which means he converted land into cash in just a few days and anybody who's gonna get top dollar for their land knows that takes time so if you're in a hurry you're the one that's gonna lose but he doesn't have any discipline or appreciation for the property do you know why because you don't always appreciate the things that you didn't work for that's why my family thinks i'm joking when i say this i'm spending everything i work for and i don't plan to leave anything for anybody i work too hard sometimes i preach seven days a week sometimes four times on one day but i preach i work hard and i need to take care of me now i'm gonna give my children an education i'm gonna give my children a place to live i'm gonna buy them a brand new car to get them started in life i'm gonna do everything to help them but i'm not saving a dime so i could leave any money for any child who will blow it in one month now when i'm dead and gone if there's a house left they got that but if i want to eat i'm eating in the best restaurant i can afford if i want to dress i'm buying the best suit i can afford amen somebody and all you working three and four and five jobs all these jamaicans in here working five jobs so you could leave for your children what you didn't have give them something you had like family worship give them something you had like taking them to sabbath school give them something you had like teaching them to honor mother and father to respect people to work hard like you give them something you had this boy didn't work for anything but he talks he's talking now give me what belongs to me we spoil our children you know that right we make them believe that everything we have is theirs i'ma tell mine they're listening to me right now it's not yours it's mine never ask god to give you something that you're not working for for yourself don't ask god to get you out of debt if you're not on a budget don't ask god to help you lose weight if you keep going to dunking donuts and krispy kreme every day you're gonna start working with god for what you're praying for now doesn't that make good sense all right first we have the relationship then we have rebellion and now we've got ruin step by step verse 13 looks at his ruin not many days it says after the younger man gathered all and took his journey into the far country that's vegas and there wasted his substance the other word for wasted is the word prodigal the word prodigal means wasted we call him the prodigal son because the word prodigal means to waste he wasted his father's substance with riotous living what a tragedy to waste an opportunity that has been afforded you to waste what one generation has worked for the father's generation worked the sun's generation wasted what a tragedy young people for your parents to work three jobs then you take what they work for and waste it because of your lack of appreciation for their sacrifice what a tragedy for one generation to work to open schools up on an integrated basis those who marched the lyman johnsons and others who marched so that there would be quality of opportunity in our school systems to work for it and then for you to waste it to waste it by not being focused and not prioritizing education what a tragedy what a tragedy for people to die to have the right to vote and you choose not to or you choose to keep a green card for 40 years and not get your citizenship so you can vote he wasted it look this verse look at verse 14 there is another word a word that begins with the letter w those two words in verse 13 and verse 14 go together like peanut butter and jelly like macaroni and cheese verse 14 says and when he has spent all there arose a mighty famine in that land and he began to want he's wasting in verse 13 and he's wanting in verse 14. so if you waste today you will want tomorrow if you waste your opportunities today when the famine comes and there will be a famine artificial intelligence will be purging out low-skilled jobs so if you waste in verse 13 you will want in verse 14. in life listen to me folk if you miss everything in the entire message get this i'm about to give it to you in life you pay now you play later or you play now and you pay later either way whether it's now or later you're gonna pay people who play when they should have been paying they're paying now the later you pay or the older you get the harder it is or the more you will have to pay how did this boy pay he had to take the most menial job any jew could possibly take in fact it was an illegal job verse 15 says and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into the fields to feed swine i thought jews didn't eat hog meat it is prohibited according to the jewish dietary laws he wasn't raised like that and because he wasted now he wants he's taking the most menial job that a jew can take and that is raising hogs he joined himself to citizen of that country he started with a father but now he has moved from his father to a citizen of this country who has taken his life down you see one of the keys to success is who you join yourself to you show me your friends i will show you your future the text continues and he would feign have filled his belly with the husk in other words he wanted to eat what the hogs were eating that's how desperate and destitute he was he didn't do it but he wanted to do it and no man gave unto him and it all started with a relationship watch the cycle watch the cycle relationship then rebellion and then there was ruin i'm so glad the story does not end there he didn't park at ruin something happened in verse 17 that turned everything around and whenever these five words take place in anybody's life there is always a turnaround and that is number four repentance he goes from ruin to repentance look at verse 17 and when he came to himself he said how many hired servants my daddy's got now who is he talking to he's suddenly not talking to the pigs we know he's not talking to the pigs because the pigs are comfortable in the hog pan in fact the pigs are saying what's wrong with you man complaining this is some good hot slop who's the boy talking to he's talking to himself the boy has a higher heredity he's got a higher dna and he came to himself one of the ways you know you're coming to yourself is you start having a conversation with yourself the most important conversation you will ever have in life is the one you have with yourself he said how many hired servants my daddy's got he's got bread enough and to spare and look at me i'm out here perishing with hunger i will arrive and go to my father and will say to him father i have sinned before heaven and before thee and i am no more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of thy hired servants before you get to verse 17 this boy is messing up his life he's going down but once he comes to himself he starts going up i don't care how much you may want for your children until they come to themselves you could pray for them and sometimes it takes some time in the pen without parents to bring them to themselves that is so profound and when he came to himself that's profound he came to himself he started thinking and talking to himself anything you will accomplish in life you've got to talk yourself into it but too many of us allow other people to talk us out of our dreams talk us out of our goals tell us what we are not but you got to start talking to yourself if you want to lose some weight you got to talk to yourself i don't like this flap i don't like how my jeans fit i don't like how i look in this dress you got to talk to yourself jesus is saying this reason why this boy is behaving this way is because he's not himself in other words this is not who he really is there's another part of him y'all listen to me he's not displaying another part of him he's not showing to anybody or is he even nurturing at this time had it been us looking at the boy in the hog pen we would have said that's a pig pusher that's who he is he can't improve he cannot change let's put him on the slow track let's put him in detention we would have written him off but jesus says when he came to himself which means and y'all listen to me all of you who are quick to judge everybody i'm talking to you all of you who are quick to write off people i'm talking to you all of you who think your children can't change and your husband can't change and your wife can change i'm talking to you which means there's another part of him that is not being shown because he is more than what you see and whenever you see any young man with his pants sagging and some of you church members are so you let the dirtiest things come out of your mouth you think i don't hear you i hear you i just act like i didn't hear you while you were talking i hear you say things like look at him what is he doing here if he's in church with his pants sagging and there's alcohol on his breath and cigarette smoke you're smelling why are you talking about him do you know why you're talking about him because you don't see what god sees there's another side of him when you see them selling drugs on the corner and they cuss you out when you walk by them acting like they've lost their minds please know that is not all that young man is there's another part of that boy that you don't know or you don't see and no one else sees but god when he came to himself remember when god created adam he made him from the dust of the ground then god put in his nostrils the breath of life god knelt next to adam's nostrils and then god blew into adam's nostrils the breath of life well who is adam he is part dust and his part deity because he's got the breath of god in him and sometimes the dust takes over because some of the saints will be shouting and praising the lord in church but if you cut them off in traffic on a sabbath just after they left church they will cuss you out and that is the dust talking and every last one of us we've got some dust and every last one of us we've got some deity one minute jesus is calling peter a rock the next minute he's calling peter satan jesus said this boy is talking like the dust and since he's talking to himself he's now acting with dignity there are a whole lot of people who never come to themselves because they don't know there's another self they can come to i've seen so many kids and men and women who never come to themselves because nobody ever told them there is another self they can come to i read a story about roland hayes he was one of the greatest tenors of the 20th century he was a son of a sharecropper the grandson of a slave in georgia and for 12 years all he did was pick cotton as the son of a tenant farmer he was 12 but somebody made a mistake one day and let him hear the record of the italian singer caruso he said that once he heard caruso sing he knew that his true self was not cotton picking that he was destined to be a world renowned singer but if nobody had introduced him to caruso he would have spent his entire life picking cotton that's why you need to be your children's cheerleaders that's why before you discipline a child you need to compliment the child and for every time you discipline him you need to compliment him 10 times i'm always telling my children how good they are now i correct them and they need it but i tell them they can do it i tell them they're great when we have worship and my children read i take time to compliment them you read that so intelligently they need to hear it from me because they may not hear from anybody else the only reason why you are who you are it's because somebody came around and introduced you to a self you didn't know existed i remember when i preached my first sermon at brooklyn temple i was 16 years old right there in brooklyn and all these little old ladies came to me and they told me brother jules you're a great preacher now they were not telling the truth and god forgave them you understand what i'm saying god forgave them but they were trying to encourage me my first sermon came straight out of the book of patriarchs and prophets about jacob the knight of wrestling i took every word ellen white wrote and i preached it but they encouraged me and because they encouraged me i began to believe in another self i didn't see before when he came to himself he says what am i doing here i don't belong here i've got a father and goes into repentance and decides to return that's the next r you can make it back you have to be fed up i'm tired of living in a hog pen until you get fed up you will remain with the hog slop and hogs in your hog pen until you get fed up you're not gonna move out of your hog bed some things you need to get tired off i'm tired struggling to pay my bills so i'm gonna go back to school so i can get a better job instead of working for minimum wage i could make a little more to take care of my family you gotta get fed up then he owned up he said i'll put myself in this trick bag i put myself in this situation he took responsibility he didn't blame anybody else he had a crazy brother back at home but he didn't blame his brother because if you're waiting for folk to change before you change you're not going to change and that is giving people too much power over your life it's not what other folk think it's what you decide to do you've got to own up i put myself in this situation he's fed up he owned up and then he gives up instead of him controlling his own life he's going to go back to his daddy and he's going to say make me verse 18. make me one of your servants when he was on his way down he said give me but when he's on his way up he says make me give me he was saying i know what i'm doing but when he's on his way up he says to his father you make me take control of my life because i don't know what i'm doing i will surrender to you because my way is not working make me a servant he doesn't even feel entitled when he started out he felt entitled to somebody else's wealth give me now he's saying make me he gets up out of a hog pen and he makes his way back down a long and winding road something happened that he didn't expect look at restoration verse 20. he arose and came to his father but when he was a great way off his father saw him it didn't say the preacher saw him it didn't say the deacon saw him it said his father's song because deacons and preachers and other church members are not always looking out for those you love that's why as a mother or a father don't let anybody tell you how to relate to your children none of their business they're too nosy stay out his father saw him which means his father was on the porch waiting and looking for his son every day this is called grace his father didn't take the boy's plate off the table because he knew his son could make a comeback he didn't rent out his room to a border because he knew his son could make a comeback his father had compassion and ran to his son this is the only time in the entire bible you read about god running and in a hurry because if you're trying to get yourself together god is going to run to you to help you the father jumped off the porch and ran down the road to get his son his father fell over him and kissed him that was a radical kiss he kissed him all over but look at who he's kissing the boy just came out of a hug pen he's got hog filth all over him but the father kissed him that's nothing but love and grace the boy is dirty and the father did not require that he first clean up because you don't have to clean up and get yourself together before you come to the father just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bids me come to thee oh lord i come i come come just as you are with your drunk self come with your smelly self come with your dyke lesbian homosexual self come with your lying and cheating self and all those two holy people around you who think they're better than you look to jesus don't look at them and the father will kiss you the son said father no more worthy to be called your son but the father said to the servants bring forth the best robe so it's restoration time he's got his robe back he came with tattered clothing but the father put on a robe on him put the ring on his finger that's the signet ring that's the power of attorney when that ring went back on that boy's finger he could write any check that very day it represented authority and put some shoes on his feet slaves didn't wear shoes but sons wore shoes and bring hither the fatted calf that's not any vegetarian beef that's the real deal for all you vegetarians let us eat and be merry for my son which was dead is alive again he was lost and now was found and they began to be merry the life cycle you're either at relationship rebellion or ruin but if you want to come back come to yourself you got to get fed up you got to own up you got to give up regardless of where you are god believes in your future god makes everything but he manufactures nothing god gives you and me the raw material we can make whatever we want out of it god gave us trees but he never made the pews we took the trees and we made pews out of them god gives you the raw material and you can make what you want out of it he gave you your life and you can do whatever you want with it you can make whatever you want out of it i'm so glad to report today that there's so many people who will be baptized today who took that raw material and they made something out of it they made a beautiful life that by beginning a journey with jesus christ i want today to transition directly into the baptistry because if you witness this baptism today it will be the appeal that this pastor is making you will be witnessing a transformed and changed life and i want you if you're listening to us by ear i want you to communicate with us by chat or on that telephone number you'll see on the screen you can call and you can tell somebody leave a message make sure they put the number on the screen for me please call this number and register your commitment to christ tell them thank you very much it's up tell them you want to talk to pastor or bible instructor or an elder or pastor and we will definitely call you back and help you to be in the next baptism let's go now as we prepare for the baptism we are ready now everybody in place as we prepare for this baptism right two is take me take me to me we'll have the announcement for the first baptism at this time amen amen yes so take me take me so take me down take me i will follow me i will always so take me take me take me sister sandy levine brought her niece and nephew and niece nephews and niece she's this is her family and her heart is overjoyed today to see them make this commitment to jesus christ and we as a church family rejoice with them daniella has brought her two children into the baptistry she doesn't leave wouldn't want to leave her children behind she has brought them to jesus and so today daniella on the profession of your face faith and your desire to serve jesus and to be committed to him until the day he comes in glory it gives us great joy and christian pleasure to baptize you daniella in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death and our lord has promised to grant to you a crown of life so these two will be next oh baby love my dear brother jayden jack while yet a young man oh malcolm i'm sorry my dear brother malcolm charles while jesus calls he calls while we're yet young he says he's calling you out of darkness into this is marvelous light you like mom have made the commitment today to serve jesus christ and be baptized into the remnant church and upon the profession of your faith it gives us great joy and christian pleasure to baptize you this day in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen oh jordan jack that's what jesus says suffer the little children to come out to me and do not forbid them for the kingdom of heaven is like this now because of your faith in the lord jesus we as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost be thou faithful until death when jesus comes he will give you a crown of life oh me me bouncing hallelujah thank you jesus me me my dear sister ariana russell mom and dad have created for you and your brother an environment where jesus is honored you on your birthday on yesterday required that you be baptized what a gift your natural birth and your spiritual birth and so today we take great joy and christian pleasure in baptizing you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death ariana and jesus has promised to grant to you a crown of life amen oh master christiana russell yes christian russell the command of jesus is remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth here you are today you've given your young life to jesus to be baptized because of your faith in the lord jesus christ we now as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost be thou faithful until death when jesus comes he will give you a crown of life okay the next three people to be baptized is a family again raquel maloney raheem phillips shawana lindo four of them and another and norma thompson today victory is mine know is me in jesus you have brought yourself and your son to jesus today praise the lord and because of your commitment to christ and your desire to be faithful to him it gives us great joy this day raquel amen on god's holy sabbath day let's start over my dear raquel on the profession of your faith we today you take great joy and christian pleasure in baptizing you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death and our lord has promised to grant to you raquel a crown of life amen hmm my dear rahim philip you two like your mom you are following in her footsteps and in the footsteps of your lord and savior jesus christ the bible says and the words of christ are true trait of a child in the way that he should go so that when he's old he will not depart from it and today we take great joy and baptizing you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death and our lord has promised to grant to you rahul yes amen is mine victory and yes is i know that love is behind me raquel didn't only bring her son she brought her daughter shawna lyndon and we are rejoicing today because god wants to say family oh yeah what a joy it is today shauna on the profession of your faith and your desire to be faithful to jesus christ when he comes in glory you like your mom and your brother this day will long be remembered in your life as a life-changing day and a destiny defying may god bless you as you are plunged in the water in the watery grave of baptism the lord has promised that when our sins are forgiven at baptism we are made ready to meet our lord in peace and so we baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death and our lord has promised to grant to you a crime of life right amen we are happy today sister colleen rodriguez one of our own brought her family this entire four group of four sister colleen worked with them prayed with them and this is the sir colleen's mom sister norma thompson who will now be baptized as she makes her way into the baptist should we praise the lord for you colleen may god bless you foreign jesus someday what i made on my mind i i stayed alone oh thompson there is great rejoicing in heaven right now sinew has come home now because of your love and your confidence in the lord jesus christ we as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost be faithful until death jesus comes he gives you a crown of life amen thank god i'm born again thank god i'm born again thank god i'm born again my jesus jesus okay the next person to be baptized today is jessie mitchell oh is victory in jesus is my dear brother jesse mitchell the bible says i called you young men because you are strong you have responded to jesus because of your faith and trust in the lord we as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost be thou faithful until death jesus promised you a crown of life amen bless the lord okay the next person is kadyan lewis oh me that makes me my dear sister katie and louis you have expressed your desire to be faithful to jesus and to go all the way with him even in baptism on the profession of your faith and your commitment to our lord and our savior jesus christ we now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death cadian and our lord has promised to grant to you the crown of life amen the next person will be donna thompson me is all right there sister donna thompson welcome home welcome to the family of god the joy to baptize you today in the name of the father the son and of the holy ghost donna be faithful until jesus comes he will give you a crown of life amen bless the lord next we'll have marine motley me is is oh maureen as i announced our church today i've known you probably my entire life and so there's much joy in my heart today to see you make this full and complete commitment to your lord and savior jesus christ jesus said he's coming back for those who have made a covenant with him by sacrifice and on this day it gives me great joy and christian pleasure to baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death maureen and our lord has promised to grant to you a crime of life our final one for today is nadine avalor oh tonight nevermind oh it is a joy to see young people giving themselves to the lord jesus christ so nadine because of your love for jesus and your faith in his second coming we as ministers of the gospel now baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit be thou faithful until death when jesus comes he will grant to you a crown of life amen bless the lord amen amen i don't know elder brown was this one of the young ladies you all you and sister brown worked with to god be the glory i know your heart is happy hallelujah and for all those of you who've done something to bring somebody to jesus today if pastor did not recognize it because i did not know but we are very grateful for what has happened here amen somebody listening to us today you've observed this service and you want to be baptized you want to make a commitment to christ you want to join those who have made their calling and election sure you want to have your sins forgiven at baptism the bible says when we are baptized all our sins are washed away can we can we have it quiet back there brother joe i'm speaking so would you make a commitment would you say yes to christ you could identify that by calling our church line or putting it in the chat someone will reach out to you i am convinced that there are others who need to be baptized and they uh they will make that commitment i believe somebody listening to me right now is in the valley of decision we'll be praying for you but i also want to announce that our next sabbath we're not going to dismantle this baptistery i believe there are others who will call and say pastor i'm going to be baptized so we leave this baptistery open for next sabbath if you would bow your heads with me sister pat will now come and give to us our closing prayer every hit is bowed and every eyes closed wherever we are oh god on our father what a wonderful day it has been we thank you lord for all that you had given unto us to witness today people that are called to your kingdom we thank you for everything that you have done for us and react now as we go from this place but not from your presence that you will continue to be with us in your name we pray amen amen god bless you have a wonderful week remain prayerful and careful in jesus name amen so this so so you
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 4,311
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, Dare To Be Different
Id: oBzPnlHf6Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 18sec (10458 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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