Community Worship Center featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "Because He Is"

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check one two mic check mic check okay testing one two testing one two three happy sabbath happy sabbath happy sabbath happy sabbath you were determined not to be late this morning i feel it oh my goodness where you get all that energy from i don't know when you go salt now you're going to slow down because the whole whole south is slow lifestyle is slower down there than it is up here um sorry i didn't answer i was unfair okay i see that i see you man my mind must have been away you want to play the thing briefly until brother smith [Music] school this morning cyber school here at community worship center in new york city what a joy it is to welcome god's people once again on this beautiful sabbath morning it is beautiful because it is a day of rest a day when we can come aside from the busy activities of life we can worship the lord and praise him and fellowship with our brothers and our sisters all day long that makes the day even more beautiful we're looking now at our sabbath school lesson we can't study the cyber school lesson sabbath morning we can only do a review because we have such limited time and we're going to try to get in as much as we can this morning we this entire quarter we are studying about the covenants god made with his people and that word covenant there is agreement and i can tell you each time i contemplate that act of god it blows my mind god condescending to make an agreement with humankind he's god he's simply a god who can say do this and live don't do this and die but that is not the god we serve israel took the covenant and they declared all that the lord say we will do and by the time moses got down to the foot of the mountain they were down there worshiping other gods so we don't keep our promises we don't keep our end of the bargain and in spite of that the lord stop by and say all right you did not do what you're supposed to do let me make another agreement with you and god made another agreement he says i'm going to take the laws off the tables of stone and i will write them upon your heart therefore there is a love relationship between you and me you serve me you keep my commandment because you love me and i keep my part of the command or the agreement because i love you that's a love relationship but then as we discovered in our study last week even in that we failed we still feel today we are looking at a new covenant the new covenant in the sanctuary in the sanctuary now remember verse is taken from hebrews 9 and verse 15. in the revised standard version let's say together therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant so that those who are called may receive the promise eternal inheritance those who are called and the moment that is said it makes me run to my bible precious lord jesus we dare not open the scriptures without consulting you we ask no lord that you would come by and grant a blessing as once again we open the scriptures in his name we pray amen amen those who are called moment i look at that member verse i ask well lord you have some people who are called who are going to be saved and others who are not called no sir that's not what the bible is saying first timothy 5 2 verse 72 and verse 5 and romans chapter 8 and verse 28 says them whom he foreknew them he predestined god is all knowledge he knows every individual who will be saved and who will be lost he knows that but in spite of that he expresses love thus the same but then the main thing here as i see in our lesson who are the ones who are called those who repent of their sins the act of repentance those who repent and turn away from sin god says because you choose me i choose you that's where we are now the first part of our lesson tells us that god wants to dwell with his people as they travel from egypt before they got the sinai the lord says moses let them build me a sanctuary for what purpose that i might dwell with them that tells me that god wants to dwell with us doesn't he wants to dwell with his people he gives us the sabbath the seven sabbath as another reason for dwelling with his people he meets with us in a special sense on sabbath in the sanctuary so god wants to dwell with us he wants to dwell in our homes god wants to dwell in the world where we are in our schools god wants to dwell in our cities he wants to dwell in our churches sometimes some of the things we do in the church you wonder if the lord is here but oh i can assure you each time we come together especially on sabbath god comes his presence is here well that's what he says let them build me a sanctuary so that i might dwell with them well as israel traveled through the wilderness or over 40 years you know that journey was supposed to take just about seven days if they had traveled straight from egypt to canaan seven days journey but instead of seven days it took forty years murmuring fighting with god until they all died in the wilderness only caleb and joshua and their descendants entered the promised land the lord said they would not enter his rest and his rest is canaan all through the annals of jewish history the lord says all right if you sin i will forgive you of your sins but there was a method of getting forgiveness of sin when i sin the command says thou shalt not steal when i steal i look up at that command that is written there said oh well i stole something today but i want god to forgive me the only way you would have gotten forgiveness is that you've got to take a lamb a turtle love a bullock however rich you are whatever one of them if you thought you did a big sin you take a bullock if you didn't one not so big then you take a lamb and then if you are poor and it was you thought it was just a little sin all right so you bring a turtle dove so you bring one but it is acceptable to the lord you had to take that to the sanctuary and present that before the lord you had to cut the throat of that lamb and take that blood the priest took that blood brought it into the sanctuaries sprinkle it on the altar and if it is licked up the priests would come back to you and say your sins are forgiven so that's the only way you got forgiveness so pastor the question here is um was it only in the sanctuary that god was dwelling with past israel because it only in the sanctuary why would he need the sanctuary to dwell among his people if he was not only dwelling in the sanctuary was it only in the sanctuary he dwell i think it's important to bring that home goodness the presence of the lord is all wherever you are in your bedroom in your schools in the street wherever you go the presence of the lord is ever there but the joy is he says in a special sense on sabbath i meet with my people a little differently from i do during the week the fellowship that god gives but yes the lord dwells with us every day everywhere all the time but in a special sense so on sabbath so under the new covenant it's quite clear that he dwells with all of us in our hearts wherever we are right but even under the old covenant even though we know that god acts that a sanctuary be built for him to dwell among them he was still with each person right available in their heart correct absolutely absolute of the lord we must never forget that and you know ellen white says if god's people would practice the presence of gods or more some of the things we do we wouldn't do them uh my elder pastor you said earlier when the priest presented the blood on your behalf he says your sins are forgiven on what authority or by what poor can that priest forgive the sins of that person all right let's get that statement clear now the sin the priest did not forgive your sin all he did was that he took the blood that you gave him first of all you see that sanctuary question is so complex we can't even touch it here you know isn't it so wide but i just gave it to you in short when you took that lamb that you are going to offer to the lord the first thing you had to do was that you had to put your hand on the head of that lamb that's transferring your sin to the lamb then you take a knife and you cut that throat and the priest would catch some of that blood and he would take that blood and sprinkle it as he walked with your blood up to the altar then when he gets to the altar he sprinkled it on the altar and it is licked up dried up the lord dried up and that says your sins are forgiven he comes back to you and he says your sins so it was not the priest that forgave you it was that he observed that your blood was licked up thus your sins was forgiven and and that's the point i i wanted you to make pasta is that all he did was carrying out a function yes sir but it was god that forgave the sin it was god who forgot he just saw something happen and report it back to you and and that is where we see the contrast between the old and the new covenant because the new is a different thing i don't want to get into what i should have blessed the lord bless the lord so so pastor basically you couldn't play a church right because when the priest when the priest offered that blood if it's not licked up he's gonna come back and he's gonna say to you he's not licked up he comes back and says your sins are not forgiven you're playing church god read your mind and see that you weren't serious so so pastor right there you can clearly say the sacrifice was important and the blood was important right which one was more important the blood or the sacrifice i would want to say pasta blood and the sacrifice all were a shadow of what was to come they represented something so both were important it's a process it's a process of salvation so all was important for man and both was equally important that's um that's important to remember that they come handing out the sacrifice you killing or transferring your sin to that animal that would be killed that's as important and the blood as the blood and as we go further in the lesson you're gonna see that each of them represent a different stage in the plan of our salvation right i don't want to step into elder mactavish or you know your lesson but it's important that we note here that the blood and the sacrifice equally important and each symbolize a different thing the main point we want to focus on in this point of 4 000 years israel had to slit a throat to get sins forgiven a lot of blood flowed to get some sins forgiven and all of that was pointing to that friday evening my god my god when jesus would say it is finished hallelujah it's over now if i sin and want to ask for forgiveness all i have to do is fall on my knees go to the lord directly say lord i have transgressed your law please forgive me and in your heart be sincere that very moment the servant of the lord says get up from your knees knowing that your sins are forgiven amen amen and i just want to pick up on where pastor left off and i i will be looking at tuesday and wednesday's lesson and tuesday speaks of substitution and um the definition of substitute substitution is derived from the word substitute and the definition of substitute is a person or thing acting or serving in place of another okay so i'm happy you asked me the question why was a substitute needed because man had sin and that disrupted the relationship between god and man but i'm so happy that it was not an afterthought that this substitute came into place this substitute was thought of long before man was created so god was always many steps ahead of us you know what i mean so god looked down the corridors of time and saw that man would sin not that he created them to sin but because he could see into the future he saw that man messed up the good thing that was going on and so what would bridge this gap because the wages of sin is death but all those animals that died could not eradicate sin from this world and so because the wages of sin is death and man had to die for the sin and the death was an eternal death a substitute was made and i thank god that this substitute that the lesson is speaking about is not just the substitute for the animals that were in the ritual in the earthly sanctuary it's the substitute for our sins as i looked at the lesson this week i said to myself i can imagine when i get to heaven and i would i'm going to be sitting there and you know probably an angel because they're looking on and they're seeing the things that are happening and you know and i'm saying to myself maybe an angel is going to come over and have a conversation with me and say oh eva i how did you make it here girl you messed up left right and center and all i'm gonna say to the angel is the blood of jesus the blood of jesus jesus took my place i committed a sin i was condemned to die but jesus took my place and that is why i am here and and and the same is said for all of us that accept this blood that was shed on our behalf and when we look at the earthly sanctuary and we saw what was done there as somebody said earlier that it was really pointing to and we covered that last week as well it was pointing to the the the eternal sacrifice the everlasting sacrifice the everlasting blood that was going to be shed for our sins so they were looking towards that now we are looking back at that sacrifice that ultimate sacrifice that was made on calvary's cross and galatians 1 verse 4 says who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world he gave himself for us jesus christ died as a sacrifice for the sins of the world one shed that's final we don't have to continue to do this over and over again because it was done once for all and i thank god for that pastor was pointing out just now that if you thought your sin was a big one you would need a big bullock if you thought it was a little tiny one you would probably need a dove if you were poor you would have to you know but i'm so happy because i fall in the category that would need a dove when my sin really warrants a bullock so i thank god for the eternal sacrifice that was made for us so that i don't have to sacrifice all over again as pastor says all i have to do is fall on my knees and cry out to jesus and so he can say to his father father my blood so in other words elder mac even though jesus shed his blood for all right what do you have to do to claim it that's what i mean that's what i said just now that it it's it's once for all but it doesn't mean that there's nothing to do on your part you have you have to admit that you're a sinner you have to you have to repent right yes you have to repent my grandmother would say you have to beg god pardon you have to ask god to forgive you and it has to come from a sincere place just like you pointed out earlier earlier elder de souza when you asked pastor if what if you took your sacrifice and it was just a ritual you know that you seen so you just carry a sacrifice would that be acceptable and pastor said that the priest would know because based on what took place after he carried up the blood sprinkled it and presented it he would know so he would know what to come out to say to you it's not like in the new testament when they when they did something wrong and they tore their clothes to show how sorry they were and some of them was just tearing up clothes and tearing up clothes not really sorry but was just staring close so that people would think that they are sorry right and it's not like some of us when we do something wrong and the only reason we apologize is to appease the person we're not really sorry about what we do we're just saying we're sorry it could not work like that the the the person bearing the the the sacrifice taking the sacrifice to the priests would have to be really sorry you know as they as they walk that journey to take that that sacrifice people saw them going in with their with their doves and with their their their bullocks and whatever it is they were going to suffer people saw them going with it that was a walk of sorrow that was a walk of shame if you please and they made their way and and and i can imagine you know just all the way there you were thinking how sorry you were i remember when i was a child growing up and sometimes when i did something wrong and my mother was going to give me a good beating she would send me for the belt now all the way to get the belt and back to my mom i was just thinking of what i did to deserve this beating and how sorry i was that i did it maybe i was only sorry because i was going to get a beating but it caused me to think on what i did and so i would want to think that that that was what was happening in the earthly sanctuary as they carried their sacrifice and they and they thought about all the things that they did i would want to think that's that that's what happened when jesus was bearing the cross taking it to mount calvary and he thought about all the sins of the world and i would want to think that it was not a cross that was so heavy on his back it was the sins of the world my brothers and sisters friends that was weighing him down that caused him to fall under the weight of the cross it was the weight of our sins since past and since present and since in the future that he was seeing those were the sins that were weighing him down amen that is the truth as he made his way and that is why when the priest went into the earthly sanctuary and and he sprinkled the blood on his way up to the altar and and he presented the blood that is what jesus is doing on our behalf now when god is saying give me a good reason why i shouldn't cut eva off she promised me this morning when she woke up that she was going to be faithful but as she got up from her knees she messed up give me a good reason i should give her a chance and jesus said father my blood blood my blood and that is the substitute that tuesday's lesson spoke about and i i think i covered some of wednesday too when i spoke of the the new covenant high priest because the high priest sister de souza this was a you you drew this out of me in in tuesday when i should really speak about it in wednesday so that the high priest as as he made his way and carried out his function um in the earthly sanctuary so is jesus carrying out his function in the heavenly sanctuary now he is interceding on our behalf so remember earlier when i said the sacrifice is important and the blood the sacrifice that's symbolic of jesus dying on the cross the blood sprinkled by the priests right that's what jesus is doing for us now right yes yes that blood sprinkling it before the father as you said when ava's name come up when anisha's name come up why and all he has to do is say my blood my god my god and when we think about the fact that jesus lived a sinless life and yet he died a criminal's death that should cause us to really you know rethink look into our lives and see you know do i really need to crucify him all over again you know and we really ought to be appreciative of i was elderly susan while you were there talking i was just looking at me and i was just saying my god i am just not worthy but jesus i thank you i thank you for the sacrifice that was made i thank you that you're in the heavenly sanctuary now interceding on my behalf you know asking god to to be merciful bridging the gap and i thank god for that ultimate sacrifice that was made and for the high priestly ministry that jesus is now carrying out in the heavenly sanctuary amen so you are saying that the work of salvation did not end at the cross yes pastor and um i am happy that you you you pulled that out of me because jesus came and he died he came as a baby he lived his life in ministry he died but if it had stopped there then all hope would be lost but i praise god that he rose from the grave and not only did he raise because you know the resurrection was very important but i'm happy and i'm happy that he was raised from the dead and but i'm happy that he wasn't raised and he's and stayed here because he would just be walking around healing the sick you know feeding the hungry doing his ministry continuing his ministry but the ministry that he's now doing on our behalf it's much greater than staying here raising the dead because all the dead that that jesus rose they died again and all the sick people that jesus healed they got sick again and eventually died and all the hungry people that he fed they got hungry again and died so what he's doing now in heaven on our behalf is eternal amen work of salvation continues in the heavenly sanctuary and we say that jesus is our mediator well now jesus went back to heaven 1831 and for 70 1810 years he ministered in the holy place as our high priest october 22 1844 he moved from the holy to the most holy place what began there the investigative judgment began there which involved god christ and the holy spirit yes 1844 until now well if he's in the most holy place as our judge how is he mediating still is he still our mediator yes he is yep and and as i jump in in in my section heavenly ministry he is our mediator as ella mctavish says and and you also pastor it continues and it will not end until we are perfectly saved in jesus christ and that is why it continues right now we are here on earth when it ends is when jesus comes back and that's when he's gonna make us perfect and that's when we're gonna obtain the fullness of salvation now we look at when i look at my lesson i see hebrew 9 24 jump out here very powerful text hebrew 9 24 and it says for christ is not entered into the holy place made with ants which are the figure of the true but into heaven itself into heaven itself those are deliberate words from the bible it is saying that he's not here on earth he's in heaven itself literal heaven know to appear in the presence of god for us that is mediating pastor that is answering the question christ is mediating on our behalf he is not here on earth what is this saying this is saying that the sacrificial system that we have been speaking about that has been fulfilled in christ christ is now in heaven we don't have to come in this church anymore and kill animals and sprinkle it and no earthly priests have to mediate on our behalf christ himself is in heaven itself presenting us far less before god and the only way we can be presented for this is unless we accept and that is the point system octavis was trying to bring out you have to accept that free gift of his sacrifice it is your unbelief that is going to get us in a lot of trouble problems pastor the lesson says christ now appears in the presence of god for us there's a lot of point that is brought out here but i want to bring out this point because when i look at the lesson this this week this point came to me you know with all the sacrificial system and animals and the priests and all that was happening none of that could save us it was man that sin and it was a man that had to pay the penalty i know we understand the incarnate god why he had to come as man why he had to suffer like us why he had to he was bruised for inequity that's what the bible says the chastisement of our peace was upon him everything that we know as human being god faith jesus faced it as a human being now i want you to look at the beauty of this man because i can't read it right but when you go home read revelation 5 2-10 i'll take up too much time if i read it but he was the only one worthy you remember that dream that john saw nobody was worthy to open the book nobody jesus christ the lamb of god slain from the foundation of the earth was worth the only one worthy why was he worthy pastor sinless if you this is how the bible comes together jesus said in the gospels i am the only one that can put my life down and take it back up there is no angel in heaven there is no human on earth that has that power no animal don't put no animal no good blood can't pay for my sin because i'm a human being it had to be the son of god that made the decision to put down his divinity and take on himself dirty humanity because he didn't come in the state that human was created in he came in this sinful state had every every every sin sinful desire that we were born with jesus came with those on him yet still he didn't sin he made the decision unlike or for period adam not to sin and that's what made him worthy pastor that's what made him the spotless lamb and and as we look in the lesson there's a lot of question that that was asked but the important thing is that lamb that was slain became our high priest and last week we covered that it's from the heart you act always here peace is from the order of melchizedek that's so he is a priest because if you look at where the priest came from was um here and all from the levites i'm tribe but jesus is from the art of melchizedek melchizedek he is a priest he is our high priest ever interceding on our behalf standing before god and i want you to understand virgin what is happening here this is salvation in process right now immediately and if anybody out there is hearing our voices as we declare this word of god you have the opportunity no because jesus is at this moment standing before our god the one who created this world you need to understand what a man sinned against god god who is in control of everything and that same god pastor that same god who we disrespected by him he is the same one who sent his only begotten son to save us think about what i'm saying pastor you have you have god we sinned against god and the same god is making the provision for us to come back to him what a lot of religions i just want to jump on a point that that brother mctavish made he said he is interceding now now is the operative word because he's not always gonna be interceding on our behalf a time is coming when he's going to shed that priestly robe and he's gonna say he that is filtered let him be filthy still so he's not always going to be standing there he's not always going to be interceding on our behalf he's not always going to be wearing the priestly robe he's going to shed that priestly robe and as elder souza says he's going to put on that kingly robe and those who are filthy are going to be filthy still those that are unrighteous are going to be unrighteous still and those that are just are going to be let me tell you something my brothers and sisters friends let us this salvation that that that is offered to us let us grab hold of it just as in the days of noah when noah was there preaching and begging as it were people to come into the ark of safety because a flood is coming an impending judgment is upon us my brothers and sisters friends the sacrifice that jesus made for us the blood that is shed for us it is not always going to be available there is a cut-off point there is a cut-off point it's not from everlasting to everlasting that is going to be interceding on our behalf there's going to be a cut-off point my my plea today to those of us that are hearing is coming to the ark of say accept this gift of salvation that is freely offered to us this substitute that was made on our behalf let us utilize that which was afforded us so that we can be a part of full and free self and as as i close our pastor let us look at what the lesson says it says pray and mediate over the idea of a human being someone who experienced temptation to sin standing before god in heaven what does that mean to you personally and what kind of hope and encouragement does that bring virgin it brings encouragement to me that a sinner like me can have eternal life and sister mctavish it could never be from for eternity because salvation the process would not be complete if jesus doesn't come back amen that is what is going to complete that process where we will forever live with him he will be your god and we will always be his people and we'll never experience sin all right thank you for that elder uh what a sacrifice jesus made and thank the lord it is ongoing so lord we thank you so much for what we have learned as we study the bible oh help us lord to respond to your pleadings you make covenants after covenants just because you want to save us continue to keep us lord in the hollow of your hand save us when the work is finished we ask in jesus precious name amen amen amen god bless you thank you uh hello mctavish i don't think we're going to hear you this spot much longer but we thank you for that contribution and uh god bless you bless the boss is watching same time same place next sabbath god bless you [Music] i used to say god is a god of a second chance however i have had so many second chances that i believe it's rather obsolete to say second chance when i've lost count of all my second chances god is not a god of second chance he's a god of another chance that when we find ourselves in some mess he gives us another chance and another one and another one why because he is a god of another chance now these chances that he keeps giving to us is not a permit to keep doing the same sins over and over again but it is a promise a plea to be patient with us so that we can come to repentance ii peter 3 9 tells us the lord is not slack concerning his promises to us but he is patient with us why because he doesn't want to see any of us perish but for us to come to repentance my question to you today is what are you going to do with your another chance [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen my brothers and sisters i am pastor abraham jewels at community worship center of seventh-day adventists here in springfield gardens new york we're delighted to announce to you that come july the 3rd it will be our first sabbath back together in the building with no restrictions whatsoever we are presently following the guidelines of the cdc the state of new york our governor and the mayor of new york city mr de blasio so far we have made arrangements for that great weekend on sabbath we'll have a wonderful day of celebration and praise beginning a divine service and then at 6 pm we'll have a mass concert where we'll sing praises and honor our god on sunday july 4th we're having a picnic right here in the church compound we want all of you to come and join us uh join us for the celebration of god's goodness taking us through this pandemic it would have been about a year and five months uh without being in the building by the time we get here may god bless you please plan to join us you and your family we will have a great lunch prepared for everyone on that day may god bless you keep you safe and strong and we anticipate a great day of reunion when we see you on july the 3rd god [Music] bless [Music] is [Music] [Music] say to these things there still can't [Music] and what shall we say to these things so much hurting and broke on a scene so many questions but still one answer [Music] if god be for me who can be against me if god is me yes i am safe i am loved and i am healed [Music] what [Music] these things so much violence it's getting hard to believable [Music] [Music] broken so many questions but still one answer if god be for me who can be against me if god is with me whom shall i fear if no one knows me still his heart adores me yes i am safe i am loved and i am healed though if god before god [Music] still his heart adores me [Music] is nothing but the blood of jesus and what [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] is [Music] i know it was the thing but the blood of jesus that i could say nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] is [Music] i know it was nothing but [Music] it was us it [Music] it was nothing but your blood might [Music] who can be against me if you are with me feel your heart adores me [Music] who can be against me if you are with me if no one knows [Music] i am safe i am loved i am i am safe i am loved i am healed i am safe i am loved yes i am [Music] psalm 65 verse 8 says the whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders where morning dawns where evening fades you call for songs of joy today another opportunity has dawned and we have the joy to worship our savior he is calling each one of us to enter into a worship experience with him leave behind the baggage and just enter into his presence today welcome and thanks for tuning in let's join the service that's already in progress [Music] unto him [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] with thanksgiving [Music] to him is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] one [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sing joyfully to the lord you righteous it is fitting for the upright to praise him praise the lord with the harp make music to him on the stringed instruments sing to him a new song play skillfully and shout for joy let everyone worship the creator of the heavens and the hurt [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] after a week of toil and labor your children have come now to this place of worship to worship at your feet thank you and to praise you and to adore your matchless name for you have been good to us pray lord that you will bless us now as we worship at your feet in the name of jesus we pray amen [Music] [Music] all creatures [Music] oh [Music] is uh [Music] so [Music] god i'm on my knees again god i'm begging please again i need you oh lord i need you [Music] walking down the stairs [Music] my god i need you your forgiveness is honey on my [Music] in lips [Music] [Music] so take me to the riverside take me on time [Music] is [Music] is i don't want to abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that ever really makes me want to change i don't want to abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that ever really makes [Music] it's the only thing that ever really makes me want to [Music] makes me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is good morning everyone and i wanted to i want to welcome you to community worship center of seventh-day adventists it's so glad i'm so glad to see you all church family i know that most of you all are online so i'm i want to welcome you thank you so much for tuning in and then also take a moment in the chat on our facebook and youtube page and just say happy sabbath let us know where you're tuning in from and did you hear the good news we're going to be together soon in person in our in the near future so until then i want to wish you a happy sabbath from our church family cwc church family and also our wonderful beloved pastor dr abraham j jules and i wish you a pleasant sabbath day from us to you god bless [Music] so the sky shall unfold [Music] preparing his entrance the stars of [Music] sweet [Music] and we shall behold him that face to face we shall be we shall be [Music] face to face we shall be be [Music] our savior and lord is [Music] shall rise and those who remain shall be changed and we shall be we shall be [Music] is [Applause] [Music] face to face see lord of lords [Music] life [Music] thank you so much that was the third element from the hansel place church in brooklyn new york we praise god for their marvelous rendition today enhancing our worship experience we have today a baby to be dedicated and we'll be given the instructions now by our clerk dr coombs pastor we have one baby to be dedicated today his name is nile josiah [Music] josiah we are delighted to welcome the family today in the house of god this is a new experience for many because we've been away from the building for so long but today little nile josiah tolusma has brought his mom and dad and his family to church and we praise god for him look at him looks like a boxer yeah he's ready ready for life we're delighted today family that you have come and you brought your little one to be dedicated to the lord you're following in the footsteps of the parents of jesus his earthly parents who took him to the temple about six weeks after he was born to be presented to the lord and on that day the priest lifted jesus up above his head and presented him to god and prayed a prayer of dedication today you have understood through [Music] the months leading up to this day the need to present your child to god for his blessings for his protection and for his providence we are delighted today that little nile is at the altar for this service and this service is more importantly even though he's here and we think he is watching me and he knows what's going on we know little nile is oblivious of this service he will know about it when you show him the video years from now so this service today is more importantly parent dedication more than it is baby dedication it is you mom and dad along with the family members who have come who are dedicating yourselves to the principles of teaching little nile about god about godliness about righteousness about truth about honor about dignity and about service to god it is your responsibility the bible says train up a child in the way that he should go so that when he is old he will not depart from it and what he's talking about is the duty of parents to train and to teach and to equip and so today i want to encourage you to be vigilant to do your best do your part share with your little one about the values of christian ethics about the need to be diligent in service to god and the need to claim and hold on to righteousness and to serve his god we will pray for him today we'll pray in dedication for him and for you that you will be given unusual wisdom in this difficult age in which we live to make right decisions in the home so that little nile will be impacted for eternity and so today we pray for him and we pray for all of you that you will be faithful and discharged of your duties let us pray loving father we pray today for little nile josiah toulousema we present him to you in dedication and we thank you for his safe passage to this earth we thank you lord for his mom and dad godly parents who have recognized their need to present this precious gift back to you we know that all good gifts come to us on consignment that god is requiring a record of what we did with those gifts and so we know this day god that you will be requiring of mom and dad what did they do with little nile it is our prayer that you will give them wisdom to teach him about righteousness and truth it is our prayer god that you will give them self-control patience and an abundant heart to provide an example of godliness and god-likeness before him it is our prayer god that you'll have food to always be upon his stable and a roof over his head and we pray and crave for the ministry of holy angels who will protect him from hurt harm and danger oh god this day we present him to you in dedication we pray that he'll learn about the creation story and about the flood and about the coming of jesus as a babe in a barn and about jesus's death on the cross he learned all of these things at his mother's knees and when he shall have come to the age of accountability having been taught and touched by your holy spirit little nile will seek to know you for himself be baptized into the remnant church and prepare to meet you in peace then god we pray for mom and dad that you may keep them healthy and strong and keep them employed so that they can provide for his necessities we pray that his home will be a little heaven here on earth where angels would love to dwell we pray father that love would be always exhibited and that home will be a place of paradise may your spirit bless this family and bless this tender child may he grow to be strong may he grow to be a man who would bring honor and glory to your holy name may his life be a blessing to one and all may his days be long upon this land and until that day when we shall see you in peace we place little nile in the hollow of your hands bless him with abundance and bless him with wisdom and bless him with an abundant heart to love and to share and to be a blessing to all that he shall come in contact with may the day come soon when we shall see you at peace may mom and dad and little nile along with their loved ones be caught up to meet you in the sky to live with you throughout the eons of eternity when it designed to come it's our prayer in the name of jesus our lord and our soon coming king amen [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] understand [Music] [Music] [Music] understanding [Music] when we see [Music] when he comes from [Music] peace then we shall meet him in that bright mantra [Music] all by [Music] know [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] understand [Music] is yes [Music] so [Music] life's not [Music] or you can change your circumstances with a prayer when everything falls apart just praise his name when you have a broken heart just raise your eyes to me and you will take the pain [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause greater [Music] that is if you just praise his name [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] you see the darkness go as a [Music] whenever [Music] just raise your hands and say [Music] he will take the pain [Music] just [Music] and that is within me and he will take the hurt away [Music] that is within me he will take the hurt away if you just break [Music] name [Music] our first scripture reading is taken from the old testament which is psalms 136 verses 1 to 9. o give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy endured forever o give thanks unto the god of gods for his mercy endured forever o give thanks to the lord of lords for his mercy endured forever to him who alone do a great wonders for his mercy enjoy it forever to him that by wisdom made the heavens for his mercy endured forever to him that stretches out the earth above the waters for his mercy endure it forever so him that made great lights for his mercy endure it forever the son to rule by day for his mercy endure it forever the moon and the stars to rule by night for his mercy endured forever our new testament reading is from matthew 5 verses 1 through 12 the beatitudes and i'll read in your hearing and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you it's time for prayer my brothers and sisters [Music] we live in an age when if you don't have an anchor you will drift endlessly out out into despair out into darkness but because we have jesus as our savior we can trust him we can take our burdens to the lord and leave them there there are many needs in our church family we want to remember those needs there are those who have asked us to pray for them we want to remember today tyrone son in jamaica who had a stroke but she spoke with him this week and he's improving and we're praising god for that xiaomi malcolm's mom is in the hospital one of our beloved members here we want to remember her also sister grant is out of the hospital one of our beloved saints and we announced that to you last week but she's doing well and we're praising god for her sister alan lopez is still in the hospital and we do want to remember her in prayer there are others the lord says cast all your care upon me because i care for you and because he cares for us we can come boldly to his throne of grace this is a time for prayer wherever you are listening to us if you're at home you can choose the posture you want to show your reverence to god with either stand to your feet or kneel and we will sing our prayer song as we prepare to send the mountain of prayer elder mctavish will pray for us today and lift us up before god [Music] you are my [Music] you are my fortress [Music] if [Music] four angels will not fear [Music] in time when i call you [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] four angels [Music] most righteous eternal father in heaven we thank you for taking us safely through another week and here we are lord in your presence lord we know that it's not because of anything good that we have done why you have afforded us this privilege we know lord it's only because of your goodness your love and your grace why we're even able to stand in your presence this morning because lord we are aware that when sin entered this world oh lord we took it on and lord from that time until now we have been suffering the consequences of sin oh lord sin brought with it troubles and trials problems and tribulations sickness and death but o lord for whatever sin throws at us o lord we are happy that you are bigger than anything that sin throws at us because lord syndrome's problem but you are our problem solver we thank you for that jesus lord sin through death at us but lord you are the resurrection and the life oh lord jesus sin throws sickness at us jesus but we are happy that you are the bomb in gilead oh lord jesus you're still in the healing business lord jesus healing is not what we read about in your words healing is what is taking place even now so lord jesus even at this time when we have your children that are sick and suffering lord jesus charming malcolm's mom sister rhema heart lord jesus i placed her in your care this morning healer body lord and healer six sick souls oh lord jesus sister lopez still in the hospital lord jesus we pray that you will bring deliverance and healing oh lord jesus we present to you sister smith's son tyrone by name jesus you know him by name and by nature so lord jesus i pray that you will come by and you will visit the sick among us and lord you will heal them because the same healing power you had back then you still have it now lord jesus we know that as a fact because not just just recently lord we presented ella chana to you and you healed him we presented sister grant she's out of the hospital we presented sister christine she is recovered so lord jesus we know that you can do this as well not so long ago brother ramelli was down and out today is in your sanctuary singing praises unto your name so we know god that the same god that healed yesterday is the same god that can heal today and will heal tomorrow lord jesus right in as the bomb and gilead write in as the great physician writing as the great healer jesus and do that which we can't do for ourselves oh lord separate and apart from the names that we mentioned we know that there are a lot of people watching right now that are sick lord jesus they're not just sick physically they're sick spiritually lord jesus i pray that you will heal us from our sickness and from our sins oh lord jesus we come to you today and lord we just want to thank you for your goodness and your grace in our lives we want to thank you for your providing power we want to thank you for salvation so full and so free we want to thank you lord for thinking about us even when we're not thinking about you lord jesus today we come to you for a blessing we come to you for a word you never disappointed us jesus and you will not disappoint us today so lord jesus i pray that you will make our hearts ready for the word that will come to us through your man's service servant dr abraham j jews and i pray lord that we will be ready to receive this message whether it's for instructions for rebuke for reproach lord jesus whatever comes by us today help us to open up our hearts and say yes jesus we thank you and lord i pray that at the end of this service none of us will leave your presence the way we came we will be renewed we will be revived we will be revitalized and we will be ready to lift up jesus because lord you say if we lift you up then you will draw all men unto you oh jesus i pray that you'll continue to be with us and bless us forgive us of our sins and save us is my prayer in jesus name amen and amen praise god [Music] [Music] when i call you i trust you [Music] uh [Music] foreign oh around me [Music] me [Music] amen it is now time for us to honor the lord with our tithes and our offerings so here's a thought provoking statement for you today tithing is our duty to do should we then expect to be blessed having done our duty let me remind you that in exhibiting generosity we are afforded a blessing we have exceeded expectations gone above and beyond by giving an offering so clearly returning to the lord is an act of obedience and more importantly trust trusting god to do exactly what he says he will do so while obedience does not guarantee avoiding adversity we have a promise in malachi and god says to us i will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it now we'll never learn to trust god if we never afforded the opportunity to do so so today god challenges us to prove him by returning to him all that which he requires and then adding a generous thank you offering both for the anticipated blessings and those already received for your continued generosity i say thank you and we've provided several means by which you can give that information is on our screen take a screenshot take a picture of it write it down whatever you do but it gives you the opportunity to return so now bring you all the tides into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts let us pray lord today we claim your promise today we take you at your word i thank you now lord for speaking to the hearts of your children bless their efforts dear lord i pray as they endeavor to achieve a generosity of spirit that will please you bless their lives so that they will never be left with a need that has not been met bless all that was returned today i pray dear god take it even now and add to it and multiply it and may it be used to honor and glorify your name so that all will learn of you in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] i will be you i will be with you will be with you if you will trust [Music] won't you trust me [Music] leave you i'll never leave you [Music] [Laughter] if you [Music] trust me [Music] i'll fight your [Music] if you will only trust me trust me won't you trust me i will be with you will be with you [Music] trust me trust me [Music] [Music] i will [Music] trust me me trust me [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] him jesus jesus [Music] him trust him [Music] i am [Music] that i am i have all powers [Music] if you will trust me [Music] trust me [Music] trust me [Music] trust me [Music] travis ladies you have blessed us again i thank god for you and for your gifts today what a message inside i'm gonna ask for um sister anisha to escort the mctavishes to the pulpit for me please and i'm going to ask pastor goff if he will get the browns for me please bring them up [Music] that's right looks like pastor goff don't want to let them go that's right thank you pastor i'm going to ask those of you who are members of our board if you are here we're not in the buildings just a few of us but if you are here if you would come and join us please if there are any elders board members christine you would come join us please [Music] thank you so much thank you today our church says goodbye to elder brown and his wife and family who have been mainstays in our church and whose lives and contribution have made this church what it is and we praise god for them their family has been blessed with some wonderful children who have made them proud and us this is our way of saying we love you all and that we'll miss you dearly we want to say goodbye also to brother mack mactavish and tequila you came into our lives just a couple of years ago and acted as though you were always here and we praise god for you we want to say goodbye to you and we want to thank you and your family mac for being a part of our lives at this time an official greeting will be brought to us by dr coombs on behalf of our church to both the families after which pastor goth will bring greetings on behalf of us first i'll do the bronze elder and sister brown you were here in the very beginning when it was springfield gardens church you are part of the very fabric of the community worship center which is our new name for both of you you are not just a couple in marriage you're a couple in ministry you have both worked happily and i will not say um hard you worked happily in the field and gathered precious souls to fill the pews you nurtured and cared for the sheep and made them permanent parts of our lives we thank you to the mctavishes and including aquila deacon and elder mctavish and aquila you came to us like a breath of fresh air you breathed freshness upon us and caused us to love and break and embrace you deacon mctavish you soothed our hearts our souls with sweet music we'll surely miss that elder mctavish you continue to take us to the throne of grace and remind us that god is able aquila we love you and we thank you also for singing to us to both families we are not looking forward to the chilly days without you when we look around and you're not close by our hearts will long for you but we know that wherever you are god will continue to empower you to make a difference in the lives of his people you will be missed dearly because you have a piece of our hearts may god continue to watch over both of you may face always shine upon you and be gracious unto you go with god till we meet again elder and sister brown what are we going to do here without you oh i look forward to hearing ella brown on on prayer line he's always there pray a meeting at night listen for his voice oh well we we're going to miss these moments mr brown many of these souls you see walk up here in white and are baptized as a result of the brother and sister brown's labor brought them and they are baptized well we won't we will do but not well without you may the lord's blessings rest upon you as you go there again is our loss elder mctavish who is going to pray for us now when elder mctavish talked to god she talked to god and i listened to i just i chatted with his wife last week i said what does this brother do you just do everything a barber bus driver everything in the church one thing i know is that as i listen to his voice i'm glad the world did not get him and only won the world get this kind of stuff here but the lord and that lovely song that beautiful song there this morning and ever the kind of music you choose just always lift us from her to heaven we're going to miss this family but we know that well i think brother pastor lately i heard that it's getting cold down down south yes getting a little colder so that wouldn't not make you change your mind or anything would it all right but thank god for your ministry here we're going to lose this family our hearts will go with you we know you will be praying for us and you will always keep in touch with us god bless you as you go thank you so very much pastor goff this time we have some presentations to be made on behalf of anti-church family so we'll begin as we do this [Music] lebron sister brown pretty close and i always say i'm so bad at um goodbyes you have been a part of my life since i've been here so i will miss you terribly on behalf of our church this is just a token of our appreciation to you something to remember us by please remember that we'll always love you brother and sister sister mctavish and akilah you guys know how much i love you and we know that god has a great plan in store for you aquila you know that god has his hand on you and he will carry you we're asking that you please accept these small tokens of our appreciation and we know that the best rewards that you guys will get is to see the face of god and to inherit his kingdom but in the meantime and in between time as you are here please accept these tokens thank you so much just before we ask for the families to make a statement to the church i want to join with everyone in saying from the depths of my heart eldon sister brown words cannot describe what you both have meant to me from the day i met you you have remained the same supportive christian couple and you've been a blessing to me i want you to know that we have worked together in evangelism and what a joy it has been to god be the glory we wish you all the best this is not the end we pray by god's grace we'll see each other along the way but you have made an impact an indelible impact in this church family and in this community on behalf of all of us we praise god for you and wish you both the best ella mctavish shakila mack one of the things i know i can call upon you both at any time and ask you to fill in when others failed us and you came right in and did it and it was a blessing to us your service to our church your presence your love for people your christ-likeness your commitment to excellence and who you are will be greatly missed like ellen's sister brown your presence or lack of it will create a void for all of us and we praise god for you and for what you meant to us may god go with you both as you as both families that is as you venture into new paths and may he open doors for you and create a path for you to walk in god be with both of you god be with you both of you at this time elder brown uh and sister brown if they need to they will uh say something to our church after which i will announce something special for us all of us today and i want for you to be here with us for that and then the mctavishes lebron thank you so much uh my dear pastor i just want to say that uh my wife and family will love you extremely pastor jules we love you and your family pastor goff we love you dearly and your family oh elders and members of this beautiful congregation we love you extremely and today is a very sad day for us when we came here a few years ago i had here on my head and it was blocked like yours buzzer mice are not originally blank i get some health along the way when when we came here we had one child now we have four grown children and they're almost born on the front bench it's that's that's all long just just under 30 years and we love it here we are tempted uh to go a few times but we couldn't and we are still here until now so pastor don't be surprised if we change our minds um there will be a last song song there will be a last prayer parade there will be a last goodbye there will be alas amen ready or not jesus is coming my desire is that we will be ready um i just want to share john john 21 john 21 please bear with me john the revelator he says and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bright adorn for her husband and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god i'm looking forward for that day amen oh long it's not long oh long i do believe it will be soon so i'm encouraging each and every one of us if we don't see each other again here we will meet in better days when we all shall be caught up to meet the lord in the here god bless you and it's a privilege to be here in your presence god bless yes i just want to say to my church family that i will miss you dearly um this morning it was difficult for me to come here i sat in the car and i prayed because my stomach was weak just knowing that i have to say goodbye many battles have been fought on the offers in this church many victories have been won so you can understand how connected we are but um pastor [Music] we are not um saying goodbye if you will permit us we'll pop in thank god we are retired and so we can pop in at at any time if you and and for those who are listening my number remains the same it has not changed but we are just um soliciting your prize and just remember us in your prayers and we will always remember you guys you know okay so god bless you we love you and by god's grace like my husband say we will meet again if not here on the beautiful shore god bless you all love [Music] you you know virgin let me just say we did try our best to stay close to the church but as god would have it and i believe that god leads our life i don't know what he has for us where we're going but i know he has something for us to do and i'm just walking by faith but i'm going to tell you i i've never experienced love in such a powerful way and i'm coming from a church in jamaica where there's a lot of love but cwc as you know written a mark on my heart and it's it's hard pastor i thank you for molding me and it's our virgin when you walk with god and when you try to live god the bond and the friendship that you create it's hard to move away but with god i know i'm gonna be okay and i'm just encouraging your virginities to let's hold on to god so we can be together eternally in his kingdom i thank my good friends the bennett that traveled all the way from connecticut to be here with us that's the kind of love i'm talking about even at my job it was a hard version i didn't know people love me like that i just try to do what i can because i know i'm a sinner saved by grace but i just thank you for your love and if you're ever in our naked awards virgin don't be a stranger please just call us and like sister brown and brother brown i deliberately have not changed my phone number so that the virgin can call and we will just try to keep in contact as much as we can and virgin if god provides you'll be seeing me here i can't say goodbye virgin i'm just saying until we meet again cwc family my beloved pastor jules pastor you know i love you so much as my husband said earlier it's hard to say goodbye so i'm not saying it past the gulf i love you the elders board i love you cwc family thank you thank you for opening your arms and receiving us six years ago and for loving us so much and i know it's true love you know why my pastor could not pretend for six years to love me so much he would have slipped up he would have slipped up it's real love and i know it church family you were not pretending either you would have slipped up too and i just want to thank you all for opening up your arms accepting us embracing us loving us god bless you until we meet again amen amen go ahead again i just want to say thank you to everyone here for accepting my family and treating us like your family i really do appreciate each and every person that i've come in contact with at this church especially my department the media room i'm a family to me and i'm really gonna miss everyone here and i just um i just want to say i love everyone here and i appreciate everything that has been done all the training and guidance growing up here has been such a blessing and i'm so thankful for all of you you know being rough on me sometimes so that i can do good always encouraging me always encouraging me so i can be the best person i can be i'm gonna miss everyone here but it's not goodbye as i said it's just see you later so and i love you past the jewels and pastor one last thing here pastor please i just want the church to know that our home is a part of the church and whenever you are coming down there just call us and let us know our home is a part of this church you are a part of our hearts god bless you amen amen join me as we say word of prayer for these families everybody bow your heads please we thank you father for this day thank you for the browns and the mctavishes for all that they mean to us and to you father go with them go before them beside them above them beneath them behind them protect them we pray provide for them bless their days upon this land and may the day come soon lord when we'll never say goodbye again in jesus name we pray amen amen just before you leave the pulpit area this is an announcement for all of you who are members of our church the reason we did this a divine service is because most of you are not here we are having a reception at 2 pm today for the browns and the mctavishes in the banquet hall downstairs we are inviting all of you now listen to me you don't have to have sabbath attire on i just want you to be able to say goodbye to these families embrace them love them and wish them god's blessings those of you who are not here now we will be happy to receive you you can come in your casual clothes that you worship with on sabbats i know my wife is in a robe right now in church now we don't expect you to come with your robe but you don't have to dress in sabbath attire so i'm erasing all of the inhibitions for you to be here all of the obstacles are removed please come as we say goodbye to two families that we love dearly all right there'll be refreshments there'll be things to eat and drink and we can fellowship with them for as long as we need to in the church building today at 2 p.m we start promptly so join us thank you god bless you all god bless you all [Music] let me just bring a few uh quick announcements to your attention we have run our service just a little bit longer than usual but we'll make up by trying to speed things along for you [Music] today our ay program is at 6 pm and the special guest is pastor carl cunningham a pastor and musicologist and he will be talking about uh decolonizing adventist music join them at 6 p.m for that blessing all right tomorrow june 13th our singles ministries will be studying the book the adventist home at 7 pm chapters 58-60 please join them also on next week we have a magnificent day for us our next sabbath right here in the sanctuary doc tell us a little bit quickly about that and then i'll promote the rest of it all graduates also desire to participate uh in the awards ceremony yeah uh the church would be giving each person a certificate as well as a financial award yes and we want all graduates from elementary school to college university to participate in this program [Music] all you have to do is to go to the church website [Music] you down to the subheading mark contact and you will see the form put in all the information there and just touch submit and we will have the information uh all information we are wanted by wednesday of next week we cannot guarantee that if you bring your information saturday morning it will be accepted so try to get all your information by wednesday of next week i will say by midnight or visit next week yes sir while i'm here before i leave i want to remind those of you who participated in the high school diploma program that we would conclude on june the 30th and resume september the second week of september thank you thank you dr ames and you heard the announcement next week it's going to be grand we are honoring all of the graduates dr ames says from elementary school all the way to a phd go to our website if you're having problems doing that please call me call the church office number leave the information and your telephone number we will contact you to prepare your check and your certificate we will also on next week honor those who come in their graduation regalia we expect you to i will be using my academic road next week to show the importance of this service all right so plan to be with us all parents and those who have graduated make contact with us through our website a telephone uh number at our church or call me and we will make certain that you are honored on next week thank you so much dr ames you can take it down with you i want to remind you also that next week dr sandra herndon will be our guest for the graduation but we are also celebrating men's day on next sabbath and i will be preaching the next sabbath for the men's day service but dr hernan will be addressing our graduates all right on june the 20th brethren let me do this quickly june the 20th right here it's a sunday morning we're asking you to assemble with us here to get our church ready for our grand opening or reopening so to speak on july the 3rd elder smith our head deacon tells me we need the help we need the woman the woman of our church we need woman power and manpower as a matter of fact the woman outdo us every time so we won the woman here we'll have breakfast for you at nine o'clock we'll have lunch for you let's stay and clean up our church clean up the exterior of our church clean the inside of our church and prepare for our grand opening january not january june 20th that is that's not this sunday sunday but next sunday please prepare and plan to be with us we need the help all the help you know we'll be open on july the 3rd with no restrictions um hope that you are here hope if you're vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask if you're not vaccinated we'll ask you it's an honor system to please wear masks and prepare to be with us sorry june 27th june 20th is father's day they have changed it to june the 27th thank you so much thank you so much all right please continue to support our media ministry uh we appreciate the service that you have given through your contributions and we appreciate the service of all of our media personnel who make possible the transmission each week of this gospel message [Music] i've never been more loved than i am right now wasn't holding you up so there's nothing i can do to let you down it doesn't take a throw free to make you proud i'll never be more loved than i am right now going through a storm but i won't go down i hear your voice [Music] you are [Music] in every circumstance [Music] how i feel right now on the mountaintop i can see so clearly what it's all about so stay by my side when the sun goes down don't wanna forget how i feel right now [Music] in every circumstance [Music] foreign [Music] i know who i am [Music] is i'm already chosen i know where i am than i could already [Applause] i'm already that is [Music] [Applause] is so i am every circumstance [Music] you how much [Music] how much more does he loves you how much more does he loves you if [Music] [Music] if [Music] if how much more do we do [Music] according [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every [Music] in every circumstance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] pretty [Music] your creation of earth and stone you're the maker of flesh your jehovah [Music] foreign [Music] all we are is glory's reflection and we'll bless your name we'll bless your name we'll bless you today we'll bless your name and your kindness is unmatchable there's grace for guilt and there's grace [Music] where will we go [Music] to heaven [Music] and we're protected [Music] is no matter the circumstances [Music] this is my favorite part it says [Music] we give it all to you say hallelujah [Music] us [Music] [Music] hallelujah we give it all to you we give it all to you we give it all to you we give it all to you we give it all to you we give it all it'll be lost [Music] and we'll bless your name [Music] hallelujah got what you gave us we give it all to you we give it all to you [Music] we give it all to you we give it all to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] we great are you lord you give life you are love you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is are you lord [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] great and all the earth will shine these bones [Music] hearts will rise these are gonna [Music] god [Applause] [Music] is is our hearts will cry these bones our hearts will cry these bones will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] if you believe that sing it with me one more time [Music] we give you [Music] [Music] we worship [Music] cause you are worthy to be praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause you are [Music] [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] these [Music] somebody open up your mouth and give god that praise the bible says i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth so as long as i live my praise will forever be to him there's nobody that deserves that worship open up your mouth and bless the [Music] lord bowl your heads with me as we pray please loving father [Music] please speak to us in this moment nothing in our hands we bring but simply to your cross weakling remove from us anything that is unlike you so that you can use your serpent to your honor and glory grant us a word of comfort and encouragement on this day help us in our journey to the kingdom of god grant us your peace and to teach us this day we pray in jesus name amen let me thank our praise team again and our musicians are us and our band for your ministry i want to thank brother mctavish and aquila who sang first for us blessed our hearts and then the cwc men's quartet and we had a miracle walking in our midst here today brother romelli we praise god for you it's a joy to see you and to see you doing what god has called you to do we want to thank um the third element from the hansa place church will really bless our hearts thank you ladies you can come back anytime and bless us because i was richly rewarded by your ministry today i want to thank you thank you so very much and then we want to thank brother mctavish and his sister uh sister amari uh for blessing us today um for our meditation and the special song again thanks to all of you for contributing to our worship and for blessings there is a word for us today and i will try to be brief the yahweh is late so i'll try to do this the best way i know how [Music] galatians chapter 5 verses 22 and 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no lord let's go to the old testament to the book of lamentations the third chapter verses 21 to 23 this i recall to my mind therefore have i hope it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning courage is thy faithfulness i want to bring to you a message today entitled because he is because he is there are nine characteristics that paul gives us that gives evidence of one's christian profession the text says that the spirit of god produces so it is god working in you that produces these character traits love joy peace patience kindness goodness the seventh is faithfulness and then you have humility and self-control today i'm going to talk to you about the power of faithfulness president obama is the only president who had to take the oath of office twice and it was not his fault i know some presidents who should not have taken it once but he had to take the oath of office not because he was re-elected but because at his first inauguration something went wrong the first time he took the oath was at the actual inauguration chief justice roberts omitted a word and the omission of that one word made the oath that president obama took invalid and the word that chief justice roberts omitted was the word faithfully she's chief justice roberts had president obama to say that he would execute the office but he omitted faithfully execute the office so because he omitted the word faithfully then the oath that president obama took was constitutionally invalid obama took it 30 hours later because when you omit the word faithfully it's invalid and when we as christians omit faithfulness from our lives then our christianity is invalid now what is faithfulness well faithfulness it's firmness it's being firm to a purpose it's been stubborn with your dreams god has given you a dream that seems extreme and no one believes in that dream but you you should stubbornly hold on to that dream i have a dream i have a dream that i'll be singing in the quartet to take mctavish's place i have that dream and i don't care what you all say about my singing i'm going to sing in that quarter at one day amen amen that's what it means to be faithful faithful me faithfulness means to be reliable to be dependable i would not be standing in this pulpit area if i had any questions about its reliability i've been standing here for six years as your pastor and this pulpit area has been faithful faithfulness means to be endurable it's like the stamp that came to your house on that letter last week that stamp went through a whole lot to get to your house it got ripped from other stamps it's family it got licked and it got pounded on a piece of mail then it was put in a dark box and then taken out of that dog box and put in a tight bag then it was dropped down a male slot but guess what it's stuck to what it was assigned until it reached its destination that is what faithfulness is it's sticking to something amen somebody when you've been licked pounded on ripped and dropped in a box you stick to it until you reach your destination sometimes what engenders success is not always ability sometimes it's dependability young people you don't always have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes it just takes showing up and you can go up if you show up and i say this because a whole lot of people including christians have starting power and starting power is important but you need more than starting power you need staying power anybody can start a diet what's the problem it's not starting power it's staying power anybody can start a marriage but it's staying power that's needed anybody can start a degree program but it is staying power that gets you through to the finish line do you know if someone had been faithful history would have been altered if i were to ask you who assassinated abraham lincoln you would say john wills booth but you know what there was another john john parker who was just as responsible as john wils booth have you ever wondered how john wilkes booth could climb up those steps going to the presidential box and shoot president lincoln in the head that is because john parker his god instead of being faithful to his assignment that of watching the president during the play that the lincolns were attending at ford's theater john parker went over to the street to get a drink and he stayed in the bar drinking and guess who was also in the bar drinking with him booth and booth says oh this is my chance and he went back to the theater walked up those stairs and shot president lincoln why because one man was not faithful 1500 people perished when the titanic sank was it the captain's fault yes but there was another ship that was 25 miles away called the californian and so they shut up flares trying to get their attention because they could see the californian in their binoculars and they went up and sent up these distress signals and the crew on the californian saw the distressed signals and sent a message to the captain who was asleep and they could not wake him up and finally when he did get up in the morning 1500 people were dead why it was not only the iceberg but it was the lack of faithfulness on the part of the captain faithfulness is critical and if you can't be the smartest and you can't be the prettiest and you can't be the richest there is something that is within your power to be and that is being faithful being dependable being reliable and being adorable now look with me at the marks of faithfulness the methods of faithfulness and the motivations for faithfulness and i'll be done number one the marks of faithfulness to be faithful means to first be faithful to your family you're a hypocrite if you care about everything else and try to make everybody else happy but your family if you're the nicest man in church and the biggest demon at home you're a hypocrite if everybody thinks you're the nicest christian and at home they don't think the same about you something is wrong hey man somebody if you can run and help everybody sister smith and sister janice and all the rest and your wife can't get you to even bring a glass of water you're a hypocrite to be faithful means to first be faithful to your wife and your family a religion that does not start with the family is hollow husbands must be faithful to their wives and wives to their husbands fidelity any or anything you put over your spouse is an act of infidelity being faithful to your children don't get so caught up in what you're doing trying to do that you become aunt mama and uncle daddy and that is because you don't have any time for your kids i don't care how busy i am this is a fact my children will attest to it i always have time for them 100 of their requests i meet we need supplemental help but no one should substitute for you being a parent parents be faithful to your kids and kids be faithful to your parents in other words when they get older make sure you take care of your parents don't put them in a nursing home and then forget about them show up amen my mother used to say i don't know she was throwing words at us but i've heard her say this how is it a one woman a mother can take care of 10 children and 10 children can't take care of one mother i think she was throwing words at us yeah first be faithful to your family and secondly be faithful to your fellowship in other words be faithful to your church we have online church now and a whole lot of you all got pretty comfortable laying down in your bed and worshiping and you're not anxious to come back to church online worship is for people who are away and on vacation and people who are far away want to tune in and worship with us amen somebody but if you are at home at bedside worship center of seventh-day adventists listening to pastor pillar and the snooze sisters singing then that is not being faithful you all know how long it took me to come up with this but 25 minutes the reason you come to church is not simply to get something out of church but you come to church to give honor and glory to god be faithful to your fellowship your church also be faithful with your finances in your giving to the church first corinthians 16 and verse 2 says on every lord's day each of you should put aside something from what you have earned and use it for this offering be faithful in your stewardship also be faithful to your friends if you have a friend be faithful to him or her proverbs 17 and verse 17 says a true friend is always loyal and a brother or a sister is loyal a friend is in your corner when you are in a corner a friend walks in when the world walks out can you think of three people who you can put on your list who have been there for you at a most difficult season in your life now this is the more important question i'm about to ask you will anyone put you on that list that you were there for them in a most difficult and trying period in their lives can they say if it were not for you i don't know how i would have made it before you get to heaven make sure you do something for somebody so they can put you on their list to be faithful means to be faithful to your family your fellowship and finances and your friends and then your fight galatians 6 9 says so let us not become wary in doing good for if we do not give up the time will come when we will reap the harvest so if anyone is in a fight right now if you're in a struggle right now stay in your struggle don't give up years ago there was a basketball coach named jimmy valvano who had cancer and they start started the v foundation and he got up at the espys and he was dying of cancer and he would be dead in a month and his theme was never give up because they had played in 1983 north carolina state had played houston and they were not supposed to win and in fact every game they played going to the championship game with three minutes left they were always a minimum of eight points behind and then with three minutes left in the game he would always call a timeout and say to the team look at the clock y'all we are eight points behind we got them right where we want them and because he said that they wouldn't give up and they fought and they fought and when they had to play clyde drexler and hakeem elijah won they were down he called a timeout and said we got them right where we want them and they won an improbable victory against this juggernaut of a team so when he got up to talk about his cancer he says cancer may take my body cancer may take my life but it will never take my mind i'll keep on fighting never give up never give up never give up some of you are in a fight right now but don't you there go home and surrender to the greatest the deadliest of emotions and that is self-pity fight do you remember winston churchill when they were supposed to be wiped out when hitler was dropping bombs on london he said we wouldn't quit he said we're going to fight until hell freezes over and if hell freezes over we're gonna fight hitler on the ice i don't know what fight you are in right now somebody's in a fight right now somebody is in a battle you've got opposition quit being a chump the spirit of god puts in us faithfulness to family fellowship finances friends and whatever fight you have whatever dreams you have it doesn't come easy it comes by you being faithful to it those are the marks of faithfulness now let us look at the methods of faithfulness when should i be faithful be faithful in small things everybody wants to be big but everything big starts off small everybody wants to be an ocean but oceans are made up of drops of water and hydrogen and oxygen your body may be big but it is made up of small cells and atoms a millennium seems big but it is made up of centuries decades years months weeks and days and hours and minutes and seconds because everything is made up of something small and they all have small begin beginnings you know i started pastoring a church in western new york in a place called jamestown new york and jamestown new york was known for one thing it is where lucille ball was from the moment you entered jamestown they will tell you do you know who was born here and who grew up here lucille ball so i passed it in jamestown new york i was the pastor of the church my first church and i lived upstairs of the church because i couldn't afford to rent anywhere else lived upstairs passed the church i cleaned the church i was the custodian on sundays i cut the grass on monday and tuesday i was so happy to have a job i was so happy for people to call me pastor i didn't see it as small i just saw it as a great opportunity to work hard for jesus i used to take the ladies shopping for their groceries take them back home i had about six members on sabbath when i got up to preach i would do the call to worship i would do the offertary then i will go and take the basket and walk around and pick up the offering come back to the pulpit bless it amen and i was loving every bit of it six people and if the folk decided not to come to church it was jews and jews alone and then when it came time for special music i took my guitar you all didn't know i have those gifts and i started to sing the special song the meditation and i sang the meditation i said i sang the meditation psalm and then i preached and then i did the closing hymn and then i did the bad addiction then i shook everybody's hands but everything big begins with faithfulness to that which is small your money is small your stuff is small your job is small your situation is small and you are depressed but let me tell you the time to be faithful be faithful when you can't see anything and it seems so small there's a passage in the book of zechariah zechariah chapter 4 and verse 10 that says who has despised the day of small things a small rod in moses's hand a small sling in david's david's hand five loaves and two fish in jesus's hand doesn't seem like anything and folk are laughing at your small situation just stick with it i was sponsoring a church in new hope at new hope uh in harlem new hope church this was my second church my third church rather and i went to preach at the camp meeting in florida one of the pastors said to me he said jules listen man i'm coming to new york i'm bringing my wife in the summer probably august i'm bringing my wife or to see new york city i want to come to your church i said yeah i called me he came to my church when it was over we had lunch and he leans over to me and he says to me jules i thought you were pastoring a big-time church he said i didn't know it's a little [Music] yeah new hope church was a little hole in the wall but he couldn't believe it but i didn't even know it was that bad until he pointed it out because i was having a blast every sabbath he meant somebody do not despise the day of small things everybody wants to be the ceo of the company but they don't want to clean the floor when i was passing king's world temple i went away to preach and a friend of mine was the guest preacher pastor samuel sampson and he started a basketball team in my absence he called me and said jules i did something today they're going to tell you what i did i said what did you do he said i started a basketball team i said man how are you going to start a basketball team in my church he said well i just thought you needed it started a basketball team and the second year that team was in existence started small a little mickey mouse church the second year that team won the entire conference league they won the championship small things and if you give up because your stuff is small you may have given up on the brink of your breakthrough suppose i had given up when everything was small i never say listen i've passed at most little churches and i'm gonna tell you this i used to tell the people stop telling people welcome to our little church well you all like to talk like little this and a little this listen nah it's big welcome to our big church all six of us stop seeing things as they are see them as they can become amen somebody learn to praise god when it is small be happy when it is small speak to your small things stay with it when it is spoiled not only is your stuff small here is another method god uses and that is secret things nobody even knows your name you're in obscurity nobody knows you even exist all but god does and you will stay faithful and if you will stay faithful with you and while you are being a secret when nobody knows you nobody's calling you you're not in the limelight nobody is giving you any credit or attention you're not online nobody sees you you stay faithful to it you're a secret and god will bless you and god will blow you up let me close now with the motivation to be faithful why should he be faithful it's simple you should be faithful to god because god has been faithful to us that's why i call this message because he is when has when has god been faithful god has been faithful in forgiveness let me give you some scriptures with the word faithful in them first john 1 9 if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness all of us have sinned but god is faithful to forgive us look at this god is faithful not only in forgiveness but in our doubts when we doubted ourselves god still had faith in us when nobody believed in us god still believed in us second timothy chapter 2 and verse 13 if we believe not he yet abideth faithful so when people doubted you and you doubted yourself god did not god said i still have faith in you when you have messed up and people have written you off god says i still have faith in you god has been faithful in our forgiveness and in our doubts and god has been faithful in our achievements whatever achievements you've had you owe it to god who made the achievement come to pass because you did not get there on your own it's because god has been faithful to you first thessalonians 5 24 faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it so whatever god has called you to do whatever achievement god has for your life god brings it to pass it says god is faithful to you who also will do it he's faithful in forgiveness and faithful when people doubted you and when you doubted yourselves god got you through because god never stopped believing in you and he's been faithful to you and given you what you needed to succeed not only has he been faithful in forgiveness and when you doubted and with your achievements but god has been faithful in suffering whatever you've gone through you've made it because god has been there he's been faithful to you when the worst had happened to israel jeremiah said when there was suffering in lamentations chapter 3 and verse 21 he said this i recall to my mind therefore have i hope this i recall to my mind in other words when i think of what i've already gone through i've got hope today because if god brought me through that i've got hope he will bring me through right now this is not the first time i've gone through this the text says it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed in other words as bad as things are they could be worse and the only reason things are not as bad as they could be is because of his mercies they fail not because his compassions fail not he's a compassionate god in other words god cares about you and there is nothing you will ever do to make god stop caring about you his compassions fail not and his mercies are new every morning i don't know if it has occurred to you that every morning god has a wake up list and you were on that wake up list this morning and god put you and me on that wake up list this morning i'm so glad to be on god's wake up list i may not have everything i want but i was on god's wake up list this morning he's given me another day his mercies are new every morning and then he says great is thy faithfulness and the reason you should be faithful is because god has been faithful to you and he will continue to be faithful to you and get you through and your best days are not behind you but they are ahead of you and if he did it yesterday he will do it right now don't give up because it's small don't you give up because you don't see anything yet just ask god to give you the strength to get through today and watch what god will do god will blow you up and when he does it don't forget to praise him i've got a testimony when i was hungry he fed me when i had haters he was a protection all around me he's been offense all around me you need to shout words of joy and triumph when you're sick shout when you're broke and you've got no money in your pocket shout when enemies are all around you because god will get you through and when he does tell somebody god is faithful his mercies are new every morning because he is because he's been faithful i'm gonna be faithful to him listen to the words of this song as we prepare to bring our service to a close let's go [Music] me how could he love man enough to redeem man how could he sacrifice his only son to set me free that's just the way the father is he'll be your friend when you're not his that's just his way that's just the way he's nothing like your other friends he'll be with you until the end that's just his way that's just the ways why did he choose me and why does he use me how could he put his trust in me to carry out his will oh how could he love me knowing all he knows about me how could he look beyond my faults and find success in me that's just the way the father is you'll be your friend when you're not his that's just his way that's just the way god is nothing like your other friends he'll be with you until the end that's just his way [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's yes he's great and he's a brand new mercy i see that's just the way the father jesus will be your friend when you're that is that's just this way that's just the ways yahweh is nothing like you're all afraid god will be with you until the end that's just this way that's just the way yeah that's just the way that's just the ways that's just this way and that's just the way [Music] that's just the way oh that's just the way my jesus is that's just the way just the way that's just this way i don't always live like he wants me to but he loves me i don't always pray like he wants me to but he blesses me anyway that's just the way jesus i love you i [Music] that's just the way he is because he is faithful thank you brother mack if you're someone who has listened to this message today and you want for us to remember you in prayer might just be that you need some special anointing in your life and you're praying for god's spirit to touch you and to revive you and to heal you and to meet you the point of your need you want to stand for prayer wherever you are we'll pray for you even in your home you can stand join us in prayer someone may have heard this message and wants to make a commitment to christ to be baptized to join the remnant church you can go to our website www.c community worship center is that what is and there will be a drop down application of form that you can fill in [Music] state your concerns if you need prayer you need someone to visit with you or teach you god's word and prepare you for baptism we'll be happy to do that if you need someone to counsel with you we'll be happy to do that every head is about every eyes closed elder would you pray our prayer of consecration for us please so much that is the way you are you can't help it as a mortal father as mortal parents we love our children and we do anything hurtly godly for them then lord how much more so you we are your prize possession how much more you will do for us so lord we pray for our children your children around the world we have inerted a chain a bondage of sin it is in our dna but lord as the songwriter acts what can washed away our sins nothing but the blood of jesus what can make us pure within what can make us all again nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes us white as snow no other font yes no other phone do we know nothing but the blood of jesus today lord we have tasted and we have seen that you are good please extract from our pharisees him from our selfishness lord from our character let us exhibit the fruit of the spirit give us joy give us your love give us your peace give us your patience give us your gentleness goodness faith your meekness and your temperance so that lord where there is hatred let us so love where there is injury may we have pardon where there is doubt may we have faith substance of things or for the evidence of things not seen where there is despair please give us hope where there is darkness may we see your son your light our light where there is sadness please give us joy install the whole armor of your protection on us today lord may we be like the five wise virgins and lord i pray that we have touched the aim of your garment today and as a result we are made whole thank you for what you have done for god so loved the world that he gave the only begotten son that whosoever whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life thank you for your sacrifice in jesus name i pray amen may be seated my brothers and sisters it's a joy to have been in god's presence we want to extend to those of you our online audience i love how much we miss seeing you we anticipate on july the 3rd that you'll be here we can see you again after a year and a half we feel like almost strangers but we will come back together again we'll fellowship together again and we'll worship the lord together i want to now give to each of you a virtual hug until i'm able to give you a physical hug on july the 3rd god bless you each and every one of you will give it to you send one back to us please god bless you every head is bowed every eye is closed as we have our bad addiction his continent to shine upon you and may his grace and peace be multiplied unto you this time and forevermore in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] you want my joy you're my salvation who shall i fear i don't have to worry i won't be afraid of trouble [Music] [Music] lord you want my joy you're my salvation whom shall i fear i don't have to worry i won't be afraid [Music] he shall hide me [Music] whom shall i fear i don't have to worry i won't be afraid for in the time of trouble he shall hide me [Music] he shall set me [Music] i will sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you is will sing i will sing praises praise is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you for joining us today we are so grateful we were able to worship together despite the covet crisis and distance if you were blessed by the content please follow us on facebook youtube instagram and twitter at cwcsda we look forward to another worship experience with you at our next broadcast until then god's favorite blessings upon you and yours and please remember to stay safe socially responsible and that god loves you have a blessed week god bless you have a blessed rest of the [Music] [Music] day [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 7,262
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, Dare To Be Different, Clifford Manie, Pastor Clifford Manie
Id: xdxRKdvohNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 27sec (13527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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