Commonly asked questions, misconceptions, facts, rumors about the cheapest Model Y: AWD SR Austin

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hey what's up guys it's me again here with the standard range 2023 model y Austin built all-wheel drive 4680 cells oh my gosh it's such a mouthful um I know that the recent uh price breaks again I think this is now three thousand dollars lower than what I bought it for but it's okay I don't mind because I had to really get it due to a timing issue I would have waited otherwise so congrats to you guys who are buying this now at even at an even cheaper price so hey pretty fitting right made in the USA that's awesome um I'm here in a commercial industrial park because the wind is blowing hard so hopefully I found a little Nook here where it's kind of um isolated from the wind anyway this is going to be a short video again and trying to just dispel some of the rumors myths and and incorrect information out there about this particular build because I know that uh it's been pretty widely researched at the moment and there isn't really that much information about it or with the information that's out there is a bit confusing and just imagine when I was shopping for this in January and and basically um at least now Tesla has it on their website with with bits more with a little bit more information so anyway I'm just going to go through a few things here real quickly the first one this does not have hardware for all right so hardware for from what I can tell is only going to be available on the new Model S's uh maybe the X's and certainly only on the model 3 the new revamp which is the uh Highland version so anyway um I am not yet aware of any of the model wise that's shipping anytime soon will come with the hardware for that's probably TBD all right so the other big one is just because this is the standard range the lowest model the cheapest model y you can currently buy from Tesla it is not the same battery chemistry as the model 3 standard range which is an lfp chemistry battery pack made by catl and they're basically out of China so at the moment Tesla does not have a battery Factory that can produce an lfp battery pack so just because it's a 4680 do not confuse that as an lfp the 4680 has the exact same battery chemistry as the 2170 cells that come out of your long range and your performance versions so this one this particular model y it's the same you know don't charge it to 100 all the time I mean I do but I quickly discharge it because it's you know I do long trips and stuff so you don't want to let it sit at a high state of charge for any long periods of time unlike the lfp battery pack which Tesla actually suggests you can charge it up to 100 at least once a week so the next one um the next kind of myth is that this 2023 has softer suspension and that's kind of a yes and a no answer the quick answer is it actually has the exact same dampers and springs so it has the same shocks and the same Springs as the 2022 and earlier model wise so I should say the long range version I'm not sure about the performance but I certainly know that the long range has the same dampers and springs as this but it does have different though is up here somewhere there's a spring pad up on the top and somewhere on the bottom of the spring where it sits on the spring pad itself is thicker so the rubber piece that isolates the spring to the chassis is slightly thicker so what that means is your nvh which is noise vibration harshness will be much more muted and it will be just kind of quieter and a little bit more comfortable from that perspective the dampers on this car actually pretty good it took me a while to realize that but after you know driving it aggressively and accidentally hitting big potholes and here in California we have those storm drain kind of dips which can be fairly crashy or slightly violent if you're damping can't absorb it it's probably one of the best damped cars that I've ever owned for those situations that doesn't have a high-end you know olins or jrz or KW style damper so pretty impressed with that the trade-off though is for small bumps and um inconsistent like freeway Transitions and kind of undulations it's very firm so the high speed damping on this car is very firm so you feel that like all over but overall the big hits the big bumps it takes it very very well so there's always going to be a compromise with these um kind of OEM mass production dampers you're not going to get those you know a good ride and a sporty sporty handling on suspension systems that aren't adjustable from the factory so I think they found a good compromise I would like it to be a little bit softer if I had the choice but you know you sacrifice some of the sportiness so whatever floats your boat if you like them kind of sporty and I've said this before in other videos of this car this is more akin to like a BMW M sport or BMW M or Mercedes AMG a black series type those real stiff uh handling oriented suspension so the next one I want to inform everyone about is a charging speeds so the charging speeds on this car on the 4680 cells it's a little bit slower than I'd like it's not I've noticed it not being as fast as the long range 2170 cells and I'm not sure if that's just because they're being uh Tesla's being a little bit conservative on the charging rates that they're making available for this car or if it's really just the battery chemistry can't handle that that much of a charge speed and maybe it goes into thermal overload quicker or something like that but anyway for the most part from 10 to say 80 percent you're gonna first plug it in and it's go and I have a video that shows this better so just look back probably the last most recent video shows the full charging curve of my experience with this car but you'll start out around you know 190 200 but only for a brief moment it quickly just Dives down to much slower after that so you'll go to 190 then 100 then 80 then it'll probably cruise around at 80 for a while and then it'll it'll eventually start stabilizing at around 50 to 30 kilowatts until it gets to a much higher stator charge so I don't want to explain that here I'll make more sense if you watch the other video the build quality the build quality on this is pretty good you can see here that the panel gaps I have never taken this into Tesla the panel gaps are really quite acceptable actually they're pretty good to be honest I don't have a lifting Hood nothing is particularly out of spec the doors closed just fine the only thing that might be a little bit out of spec is you can see that this door could possibly be pushed back a little bit more towards me because this side it's pretty good but do I care as long as it closes right and it doesn't cause any issues um I'm fine with it so I don't want to mess with it at the moment since it seems to be closing around once I mess with this it's going to mess with this it's just kind of this domino effect and it'll probably mess with the alignment up there so this might be the best we can do for now and I'm not worried about it the only kind of random build quality issue and I mentioned this another video is there is a little bit of a tiny low frequency squeak somewhere around here or somewhere in this back seat so I think if it bothers me enough I'll probably take it in but right now it's kind of not worth my time to be without the car and have to wait on them Etc Phantom braking is the next item Phantom breaking I haven't really had an issue with Phantom breaking um other Tesla owners friends Etc have complained about Phantom braking but it does have a tendency to break hard once in a while but I wouldn't consider that Phantom breaking I think it was just a computer being Ultra conservative and not wanting to you know run into the car ahead of me or whatever even though as a human I would have not braked that hard but it's certainly not like a random occurrence where it just all of a sudden wants to break on you because it sees a shadow of something or whatever so having experienced Phantom breaking really at all um the range now let me get in the car let me turn this down okay there's one thing I want to mention in terms of the range so right now I'm at 63 right and it says I have 175 miles of range now I never I've learned not to trust that number and it's actually the same one down here this I I did a video small small video on that anyway if you really want to know what your your estimated range will be um go to the consumption tab under the energy icon and your s your best estimated range is probably that number right there so I have 147 miles based on my current average driving style this is going to get me 147 miles off of the 62 percent of range I have left that's probably the better way to look at it this is this 174 it's really based on the EPA estimate and I just irritates me why Tesla still continues to use that I don't know why when this is a much better number and I wish that number would be up there because it's much easier for me to manage my leftover range when I see it up there than to go through this screen that shows my consumption so rivian actually has this whole thing in a small little section over there because they know it's much more important to to see that than it is to see some bogus average here which I just really use 62 now if you do Drive let's say I don't know 70 to 80 percent and this is just my own personal estimate this is not a scientific study but if you drive between 70 to 80 percent on the streets with a lot of regen then you'll probably make this or better this particular estimate but right now I do a lot of freeway driving so it's gonna cut that much shorter you can just see what my total average my total average so far so right now I have not reset this since new I now have almost 4 000 miles 30 3 800 or so and I'm averaging just under 300 watts per mile um so you know that's I I would say that's pretty good for the kind of high-speed driving that I do most of the time uh one more thing this is a minor one but cruise control in this car is not the same as obviously the cruise control in most other cars and what I mean by that I'm not talking about the Adaptive the Adas systems or the autopilot Etc but you know on a normal cruise control car most of them have a set function a cancel function and a resume function right so resume means you click it and you'll resume to your last known um uh set speed for cruise control when you last turned it on well this doesn't have that this has a kind of when you set it to autopilot or you set it to cruise control cruise control it will go to a default setting that is like 10 miles an hour 10 miles per hour above the current speedometer or the current uh speed limit I should say so that that 10 miles per hour over is adjustable in the menu here I forgot where it is but you can adjust it from either 0 to 10 miles per hour over so if you like it to just be like five miles per hour over every time you engage autopilot then if the the speed limit is 65 then it'll go to 70 and it'll always track to 70. so there are some limits and there's some limitations like it only goes up to 85 miles an hour um uh uh but it'll only go to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit and if you want to go to 85 miles an hour you have to manually like do the scrolling of the wheel this way and it'll get you to 85 miles an hour but if you exceed 85 miles an hour and you're in autopilot it actually disables autopilot for the rest of your drive it's like happened to me twice and I'm like what the heck um anyway there's some quirks with autopilot but on the balance uh basically I think it's better than nor than actual regular autopilot in terms of how the resume and the the the preset speed functions work so Tesla has these um wireless charging pads on both sides here I found myself not really using them because I think in most cases I run a lot of Bluetooth music from my phone and just that transmission is causing the phone to get hot and whenever I put the phone here and try to charge I have a pixel pixel 6 phone fairly new phone not the newest I tend to use a little bit more power than it's charging because it'll start to like thermal overload and the phone just gets hot and it stops charging inductively through the wireless the wireless pad so what I've done instead is you know I just use a charge cable and I I place my phone here and I charge it that way um let's see here uh the seat comfort the seat when people say it's a really super comfortable seat I think they're mostly right I can't the the padding itself it's very soft in the initial like one half inch press and firms up real well for that kind of supportive feel now the only thing is I can't quite get the seat low enough so when I'm looking I'm kind of looking you know more at this thing um I'd like it for I'd like it to be like a little bit lower so this would be like perfect eye level and I'm currently at sort of this eye level right now so anyway minor minor complaints and one last thing I'll mention um just to give you guys an idea I'm not gonna uh show you this screen because it may have some information on here that might cause someone to um I don't know hack into it or whatever but anyway I'll go through this list of additional vehicle information okay so this does have I'm sorry guys it's probably too loud here let me just turn this off okay sorry about that um where was it software vehicle vehicle information okay so this does have the premium sound system that's default the all-wheel drive the cheapest model I can buy comes with a premium sound system the autopilot computer is capable of the full self driving it's CCS support So DC fast Chargers that are non-tesla based is supported in this course not as you get the adapter I'll show you the adapter that I got and kind of a cool little spot that I found if it's just in this back door obviously the charge port is right there in this back door here I found a little it's like fits perfectly this triangular shape sort of fits in there nicely and that's its own resting point so that's a Tesla charger but they have other ones in my opinion the price difference is minuscule so might as well just uh buy the Tesla one um this is on the AMD ryzen not the Intel chip so this is on the newest chip again the battery here is lithium ion so it's not the lfp not the lithium iron phosphate one it's a lithium ion nickel something something uh it does have the front since this is all-wheel drive the front's an induction motor and the rear is a permanent magnet motor but that's kind of all the basics hopefully that helps answer some of the questions about this car and if you have any questions that I have not speaked about then post them in the comments below and I'll try to get some alright guys have a great day take care bye now
Channel: RyuMoto
Views: 6,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -dtBxzivYeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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