Mega 6x6 landcruiser review, modified episode 47

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Ronnie though four-wheeling Western Australia calm that was about a meter and a half eh whoa welcome to modified another episode of modified this one being a very special episode look at this thing but um look let's just get Justin out wherever he is Justin morning oh my god hey don't it's actually afternoon it is afternoon there's a little bit of a time delay between Queensland and WI go well ma be morning in what is the time we're coming up on four o'clock in Queensland five o'clock where it's just after noon WI good all right this monster yep the mega 6x6 the major 640 the mega Torah yep that's it so this is beautiful touring yep bill doctor not rock hopping not Rock copy very capable but wandering I'm sure you can yeah well we still are not on the tracks coming in and all that yeah now before we get into dissecting all this I just want to let the audience know that I'm I actually drove this for a couple hundred cows and I'm not just telling this because I'm stoked about driving it because I am stoked about driving into but this thing honestly handles like like stock yeah it drives it's ridiculous yeah you look at the height and you would not expect it to Java and the big tires and the portals and the offset and six wheel drive and it looks like this massive monster but it's made it it is awesome to drive let's just let's just knock one of the the critic things off straightaway because you you build a masterpiece like this you're always gonna attract a lot of attention and you also get the bad attention not always the right at 10 yeah and look we I'll get that to with some things that I do as oh yeah but with this truck here a lot of people said this will not be engineered yep but go through it well might you've seen it so the modification plates been done yep we're now fully complied in Australia all of the modifications that everybody saw in our build series on YouTube we've now got them all passed the only one we couldn't get past was 37-inch tires because we to go to annex classification so you needed an M R license or a HR license to drive it on 37 s I didn't want to do that my wife still really enjoys driving this this truck so we've gone back to a 35 inch tire but besides that mod plates on that so on the door we'll have a look at it later on all done right there and that's been an awesome feeling car does imagine a mate so proud you know the whole team at Patriot camp is just rallied to build this car number one everybody told us that it would never happen we wouldn't get it complied we wouldn't get an engineered and and we've done it it's fully engineered so I mean it's probably beyond talking about make and model and a lot of people who watch this or you know about this truck but for the people that haven't seen this before what actually is it so it started off as a 2017 79 series dual cab I got to get that photo of you yeah before and after yeah but that's probably something else that I want to touch on too mate as far as the expense mm-hmm that went into this this vehicle again we've copped a little bit of negativity about how much money is going into it can all say one of them hmm because you hear you hear more people always criticize something that's that's this big yeah which you know for people people can say four hundred thirty four hundred fifty grand but you didn't build this to be the intention of selling knives we had no no absolutely no intention of selling it but as the build went along everybody was asking the question what what sort of money what sort of money we had to throw a figure at it but we built this truck with everybody who was involved all the suppliers that were involved to show what could be built in Australia to build a vehicle of that's worthy of that sort of international status you know there's big vehicles being built all around the world and Australia we have the best engineering in the world and the best off-road parts available to us as far as I'm concerned so we've rallied everybody together that we possibly knew that we've built relationships with over the past five years of Patriot campus and everybody got behind us and everyone's got a commercial investment into this car I'm just the lucky guy that gets to draw of it yeah you know that's pretty awesome so it was my brainchild to put it together but it was all the suppliers and the engineers that made it happen so a collaboration that's what I'll call as a youtuber it was yeah exactly what it wasn't what it still is you know it's actually quite rare to get that many companies to work together on one project and that was our competitive you know that was a big job that was a big job getting everybody together and even supplies that don't usually work with each other my eyes are level with your scoot there mate you're a fair bit taller than me you know I'm not the biggest guy in the world but to see you at this level standing beside that bonnet it's it's a big rig I wouldn't send you in Jamaica so I'm looking forward to that one yeah that's there's a few things but these guys will be hanging for us to dissect this thing and yep it's it's gonna go on for a while yep it's I think it's gonna be a long one if you want to go through everything barwick - flies winch let's talk about it all mm-hmm this custom bar way this is made for the mega tour this is made specifically for the mega tour designed by TJ M and we are actually manufacturing them under license for the mega Tora on behalf of TJ obviously Niro look what we're not 100% sure where we're gonna go with it yet right now they're available just for the mega tour customers okay so we do have a couple of mega tour is being built now yeah but we'll see where we go in the future I wanted a different look you know I didn't want you standard to hoped bar side rail sort of look I think when we do take this truck up north in April we'll we'll put some hoops back on it and we did design it with hoops but when we were doing the build and doing the mock-ups we kind of decided just to do something completely different that we do it with with no hoops you know because uh yeah was the same tail saying I love the bar mm but if you get a kangaroo but the thing is you're up so high I'm so high so it's gonna be you'll probably rod yeah but if it was unlike a lot of vehicle you want and then you definitely want to hurt and you're right especially if you're doing that that remotes auditory and this - play yep really tight like a lion himself is behind the camera had a look at it with me and so as a Bosch plates all integrated we got massive recovery points I've normally got big seven-ton shackles hanging off there you know seven-time shackles for this rig because it's tougher yeah look of all of my vehicles to set up for towing this thing now and we'll get into suspension a little bit later on but this thing is set up for towing three and a half always carrying a toy hauler fully loaded so I'm sitting there and that sort of three ton towing the winch yep awesome yep the fact 55 hooks I was actually walking through same at two years ago and I just saw him sitting on the bench and I had to have them I got my first one in and and I wouldn't have a winch with Adam okay you mentioned SEMA and doesn't seem to have anything to do with the thinking of starting this definitely yeah that same I really opened my eyes to going overboard or building something that was really left field and that's that's where the ideas stuff coming in American audience you know what SEMA is yeah something I really want to go to one over Australia audience SEMA is is like Las Vegas show yep where'd I get all the big rigs in is the biggest automotive Expo in the world and if you're into customized vehicles of any type you have to make a trip over there some stage you know life you have to go so I'll steps standard off-the-shelf run in the mill take am side steps we've got obviously the Patriot Camp is cover on the top all dimple dog with the Patriot logo and with the heart of this rig they're more like saw steps and rocks like yeah and again you know for me I'm not the tallest guy in the world I really need to I got to bring the suspension down before I get into this otherwise it's a bit of a hike yeah okay yeah these flares custom flares because of the portals and that was the reason behind that the front bar as well we're sitting is wide is about 150 ml water not that much about 120 mil water overall or both overall than a standard 79 so we're about 60 ml of sod with the portal axles so we had to go with a custom bar regardless and then we needed some flares too so we manufactured all these in here I got to say feels a lot more than 60 ml yeah it does yeah it does but it actually isn't roof rack it's bit of a step up in that it's a big step so is this roof rack completely modified or yeah so it's a point here platform was the point if so plenty of being on Iraq's Rana right that's a rhino rack pioneer platform but again in fitting with the theme of the truck but practicality we've gone with a custom sheet metal sod ments that we manufactured in des Andolan yes to take up the the three side LEDs and also take the twin light bars at the front let's scan tea-tray yep now this is unusual because the trays is definitely unusual now this isn't fitting with our brand new range of traits so Patriot campers now for the past four years we haven't offered trays to customers other than people who buy servitors this is our first prototype for our brand new range of trays that we're gonna be releasing to the market for all fall so you don't try it we're gonna be doing trays yeah so they're launching at the mid march alloy steel or aluminium hull trays that a whole lot everything everything is aluminium box yep that's one of our standard products as superior products as well we call it a mini canopy comes fitted out with all the readout gear this one's got lithium batteries you'd big draw in here lighting and then you've got a drop-down for each light on the other side okay mmm so they lock oh yeah that's just a locket stop the draw bouncing around but you get a nice deep draw there and then all your batteries and all your electrical system setup behind mmm there's the charging points heaps of charging points yeah we I thought is that rise up and weren't full hard at the moment so I was sitting at 8 inches over standard rock so it is actually at a practical heart because we're rich beers out of the fridge earlier yeah we did we got a couple we are camping yeah don't drink and drive yep fuel fuel so we've got twin pillars there's a lot yep if that up so in here I've got the two Isolators for more front and rear winches I'm still running TJ I'm talk winches y sliders obviously rocking on and off on and off I've got a always got the kids playing with stuff inside the truck so there's a tip for all the parents are sliders on your winches if you've got winch remotes lying around inside your truck because sometimes the kids think it's an iphone we've got a 80 later sub tank in here in the front and then we've got a hundred and sixty later main tank and the filler for that in the back yes okay so what's your total to 60 this come with 130 so the 130 is completely gone completely on to custom manufactured brand divers types so stacks I okay so the stacks again we just wanted something a little bit different the stack said I'll be perfectly honest with you for a long trip probably not ideal they are Johnny and noisy mm-hmm but I'll slow droning honestly didn't notice at that much all 79 are all of them are but what we've got at the bottom there we've got a v-band clamp so when I do it go on the long touring trips or just one bolt under the V band put on a dump pot and just dump it up the diff okay hmm have you Charlie with a dump you know not this not this particular truck okay but like my black truck is gonna dump it back at a try now so this is the other winch we talked about yep and to be honest I only really just thought of it now even the dimension it before that is this the same winch this at the front same sandwich talk 12 mm Pena okay so the idea of these is so you can you don't use them very often and we run twin winches and all of our supporters and some people might think it's a little bit of a wank until you get into the situation where you need it both for a solo traveler but look long long distance touring and and solo touring exactly what you said you don't always have another vehicle with you big redraw all of our cemetery trays feature a rear drawl they're all fully sealed same as same as all the boxes so you can lock these individually as well it's worthwhile noting to all of the besides the rear draw in this tray but all of our new tray is coming out the whole trays central locking central locking the whole tray and the canopies so you push the button on your car everything locks even even the rear draw oh yeah it is pretty cool I've got three trailer plugs on the back so I've got small round large around 7:00 p.m. flat just about to bring that up yep obviously I'm always towering and I'm always tearing different stuff so it's just a bit of a convenience thing for me you're the camera up there yep I just know is there the camera here too yep okay so standard sort of a reverse camera for hitching up mmm and then I've got a camera on top of the canopy so I can watch whatever the trailers doing when I'm driving okay and that's important this is the corner there's this track is so cool yeah Douglas tracking aircraft tracking whatever you want to call it these are 500 kilo rated as yeah and 300 on the angle yeah something like that yeah so they're um they're a good bit of gear you can adjust for whatever you want to put on I've always always got a quad bike with me hmm again I'm always towing so a lot of people say why if you only got the half canopy wall I don't need to carry all that gear on the tractor that some people do hmm you know I like having a cord because some of your toy haulers they have the whole campus it that's right they got all the camper set up in the front we might put the kids down box up there or you know whatever we're doing for that trip awesome mmm two spares obviously six yep and wouldn't look right with one that they all reckon now never draw yep what do you care what he came in these drawers um so look whatever depending on the trip I'll keep recovery gear in there or keep far sometimes clothes or food just notice the water level so we've got seven year ladies water on board in inside the tray so that's packed up the front in the tray we've got a water level gauge and I've got twin air compressors in this one as well so I've got outlets on either side obviously when I'm telling the toy hauler moving up ten toys can take some time oh yeah six hours plus four on the back and what saws are in the toy hauler same 35s as well okay yeah well you want that too because then you can just interchange I need to change everything yep okay and this is the fridge side that's the fridge side yep so we've got a slide in there and then fridge ah can fit up to a 65 later we got a fifty in today and just a reminder we are at the highest yeah right the highest level so we can drop down four inches on the bags what is this for a third filter we had two filters ventilation so positive pressure Inlet so as you drive them down the road obviously you know if your horses air and so I'd put the pressure on the dust seals you don't get dust and so on and if you're running a canvas canopy that is definitely what you need yeah otherwise you are yes Dee yep you're gonna be full of dust we obviously all are through all daylight's for air we've got a light bar at the back and then we got we can turn this on so these switches here again they're convenient so you pull up to camp you don't have to go inside the car I can turn the side lights on from inside the truck yeah or outside when you're setting up camp at night you know it's like so you just hit the roof lights and this is another fuel filler here no this is just a little a storage compartment but what I've got here is I've got an over for the airbags so if I was to have a problem with the air system on board I can isolate a chair back and I can fill and release pressure from here from manually I can manually fill okay I can manually fill I'm not gonna manually deflate and I can disengage each corner okay yep if there was to be an issue I'm not used to Ryan when is this hot the writing's awesome I'm feeling a little bit cool in here yeah this is awesome this is a lot in Wi when is this hot you never get Ryan yeah no and if you do it's bloody high oh this is where the humidity in Queensland comes from mmm so yeah those stinking hot days a little bit of rain and that's where you start so I'll have to correct you here we're in New South Wales or now we are in New York we are in New South Wales clear view mirrors in the kernel yep that's an indicator on there these ones are electric as well which is pretty cool you've got the slides as well so when you knowing you can see what's going on behind the truck sort of style mirror yeah um what else we've got big indicate those big indicators on the slider for the length of the truck so that was a requirement for the length they got together sort of style indicator I reckon actually that'll look cool and all cruises it looks better than this ended little a little dot yep which corner disappears when you put the brush bars on yeah it does lights and comms with W comms GM e 2.1 DB is there a reason why i gone for a 2.1 I've only just gone for a short one around here obviously when I go out on the trips yeah I'll put on a big one I you screw a bigger one on it put a big one on okay fits in the garage and home with this one yes it does Lots so we got we already got these Lots here yep so we've got a little bit of a spread going out sideways you know hitting the shoulders of the Wrights look all of the tracks so I build I go overboard on lights mm or hit the horse at about 110 case in the air up north a few years back obviously scared me a big way I want to say as far as I can possibly say right my opinion you can't go overboard with lights if you're driving it on yeah well you're probably down at Auburn but um it taught me runs the rest of us here he he likes to set up your there he wants to know how you done that yeah but um yeah if you say his truck yeah it's just Lots yeah this is actually a small amount of Lots for me believe it or not pencil you got no pencil 100% look when I go and again I wanted to keep the front of this truck claim for the release for the launch when I got my big trip and April up north I'll definitely put some pencils HR days on there for sure so they're LED light bars while the x-rays my opinion I love them and that's all I'll use these days you can't get the distance out of light bars that you can out of pencils and HIDs it's just it's that simple yeah you know you're getting I think with the 220 HIDs that we use like I've got on my two hundred think I'm get about two guys out of them you know and I want to say way up the road I want to see as far as I can yeah that's it I mean a lot of people say I don't need to see Kapler overt but seriously when you're going 110 migrate and you're towing while you're talking once at a time I couldn't agree more you need to say you want to say what's going on is fard that way as you can and as far that way as you can because if you you know in I'm sure it's happened but how often does a kangaroo come running down the hallway are mate all the time yep they come in sideways twice as many times yeah that's like getting hitting that shoulder of the road which is why we've got these bars in the side and even if I'm on my own and I'm out west of an with the side lights on I'm projecting as much or as I can mmm you know because when when you you know you get a one-ton horse that battle you know that'll affect you mentally for a little while I can foresee a problem here mm-hmm I know where your heads up yeah how we gonna say yeah my head's here and okay but definitely uh need something to stand on but tell me you a gas struts y'all have a definitely got Castro I go good and wouldn't do a 70 norm of the atom yeah so we can drop the suspension so a lot of the air box we can come down that four inches and we'll get on their tippy toes and maybe grab something from around camp and stand up there and have a look alright we're all set he's standing on the Polaris now which was on the back of the mega Toro good let's drop a damn first day oh yeah I forgot I'll drop the suspension all right so what we're gonna do now is go down the four inches the way that the suspensions been programmed you're going down four inches going down to four inches we're going down four inches so it'll come down to the first step which is two inches down then it will drop down to the second okay and the reason that does that for the ad ours you can't have your headlights come above the rear of the car so the way that the ECU and the airbag systems been programmed will always drop the front first then the back then the front again then back it support class so you can do a drawing yeah so it makes it illegal to do a column you can't legally do it while you're driving you have to be stationed to do it but that's that's why that would mmm so here that's so that's the second stage near so that's number two inches so it's got another two inches now I'm gonna be sitting on the bump stops Wow that puts four inches into perspective I mean where was it before me look at one more hand which corners what theyõre yeah I'll pop the bottom so much the normal crews are high now there you go is that open yep yeah just drop yep and there it is in all its glory Wow mmm there's a lot going on there is some pop would go on here there's not much you can do with the Verde J's to make them look good as you know um there's there is a lot going on there the SWAT is the cover on it yeah yep but again we've got the the turbo and now you're gonna ask me what size turbo it is and I've got a memory like an elephant I can't actually remember the size well that's understandable demand maybe you can throw up some specs but we've got the turbo very banded as well so what we were aiming for 500 horsepower out of this truck we're making right near 260 kilowatts at the back wheels we're still having troubles getting fuel into it we can't with the new DPF models we're having a lot of issues with the injectors and we just can't get them to fly we're talking to a company in America trying to get some high flight injectors you can't hone them that they're sealed I mean I'm not an injected guru but I know the boys having a lot of issues getting fuel into the car okay mmm don't sort of point out something hmm there's still a DPF in this thing yeah yep yeah high flow DPF completely legal yep that's pretty awesome yeah so I can chittering and look the churning a lots gone into the training a lot this is this car is spent lots about them on the Donna this is something orders notice hero all the stuff has done here yep you're still running the stock standard yep yep so the standard airbox my guys adamant that the standard airbox will fly more than any fabricated airbox even with the taejeon with the air tech snorkel z-scores are adamant that you'll make as much power as or more power than any fabricated airbox what's going on over there were two extra brake booster yeah so the brake booster in the master cylinder is we're still playing around with them that's one of the things that we haven't quite mastered yet we've got a big brake setup on this from from WP pro who actually are doing kits 479th now and you should maybe look into it 79 don't stop very well no no they they don't so we've got 330 mm brother's sick pock calipers all the way around we're having a bit of issue with the master cylinder and the brake cylinder working with that system we're getting there we're close we've been through quite a few brake boosters and quite a few different master cylinders now we're having a little bit of drama with churning the throw out of the fork but the boys are the boys are on to it and what we're getting there we've got another setup to try when when actually when we get back on Wednesday yep uni chip from uni chip in here we've got three different stages of tune in here as well so I've got a high performance tune I've got an economy tune and I've got a towing chain I still got another two programs that I can put into it so before I head on my trip up north we've a banded the turbo as well so same as the exhaust so I can literally I'm about to all lines and they been clamp a smaller turbo on for towing but after the trip to Adelaide towing time the big toy Hall or I'm happy with that turbo I'm making full booster at two thousand up here mmm it's pretty good and now with the new fifth gear and the a day models what we discussed on the way yeah I'm not a big feel yeah I'm not a big fan of the new 50 keep doing down yeah it's it's it's look if you're not towing it's great for economy but I used to find thirty fives in the old gearbox make fifty was perfect perfect for talent yeah after driving this and it's my mom and up I'm going to keep stick with my gearbox yep in in in yeah and all would agree yeah just I mean just for the pure fact it because look at 100 yeah you can maintain it yet level ground as soon as the slot incline and you can tuwana yeah yeah then you got to drop it back mmm so we got other things obviously we got will custom intake custom plenum there we've got the turbo high man mounted so there's obviously custom manifold on one side cross I have a pipe as well all the intercooler piping big frat man in the cooler as well batteries are all under the trailer got four batteries under the try so I've got 2 pi cranking batteries hmm and that's on a solenoid on a red arc solenoid so I've got one spare start battery and then I've got 260 m power lithium's as well okay mmm-hmm awesome so the lithium's are running everything on everything else on the truck and the start batteries are just for styling I just know as you do for overs I've been looking for a while while you with chattin yep one two three four five so you have the lockers proved as old yeah lockers braved as well and that's I mean that's probably a big question that I get asked is what what dips are we running in this thing you know you one touch on that near Yamada's or factory front complete factory obviously with the porters the very rear diff is factory centre with the factory very very back the very read yeah then the center diff is a soft Locker so what I've got there in the center diff is how the soft Locker works when one wheel starts over spinning the other then it'll lock up both wheels so when I put the factory lockers in front middle rear completely locked six wheels oh well so its proper six build lock fully lock six will drop they are quite ugly motors now expose aren't they they're an ugly mater they are very ugly motor but but a good also not all at the moment standard believe it or not so we're still running the standard alternator and it's it's not enough and we need to be grow up nadir that alternators just not enough to run all the lights on here if the lights weren't wired up to lithium there's no way that I would would you produce the current that we know I wish I might rocky because I'll show you good old mater yeah well we were talking about on the way down I'm looking forward to it ties and left without a tires because we got a lot to look for look at underneath there's a lot to cover so let's start with Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ 35 inch empties heads with Yepes raise my Toro choice love them then we've got the new era hatch papers these ones like I said before this is actually a positive 35 offset but we did design the car for a positive 47 okay just we couldn't get the 18 inch room in time they these are 9 inch wide - worth noting on a 9 inch why not inch what so seven nine by nine say also making a dame by 9 which is which is a good size you can say here we've got the marks adapters la guy there but the portals are sitting behind but we'll get to that when you're ready and you can obviously say that big sexy brakes you know and they still kept the file stud yeah still 5 sub yeah still you stand a 5 star I think we get out and we can scroll under it you need to have a good look stop it let's do it let's do it it's a relying underneath this mega tour man it's probably the I mean yeah it was a uni mark I was able to get it underneath all this yep this is crazy now don't look up her shorts please I'm a gentleman alright now got my GoPro here so apologies if you see a camera in the shop there's a lot going on under here look this big pipe here is that a 4 inch pipe exhaust 5 inch exhaust 5 inch exhaust 5 inch exhaust now we've got the fuel system I was talking about before here's our fuel pump side Holley pumps and then our separator probably something that your guys won't see a lot of up here we've got on the back of that transfer case we've got one of the marks hand brake kits oh yes yes which is which is very very cool if you can see forward past me we've got obviously custom radius arms for the big lift we got sway bar drop kit up there as well you can see steering dampener sitting right up the front you get a really good view from here of the portal axles yeah so you can really see that that height difference in the portals and I suppose for people who don't know much about portals the reason that you go with portal axles will for me to run the big tires we got a 16% reduction in the gearbox is so what that does is means that we don't have to change the DIF Center gearing it takes that load right off the gorge drivetrain and corrects your speedo as well so with that 16 percent reduction on the 35 you're running very very close to the same gear ratio as a factory car on the 30s or 30 ones whatever they come with the end of the factory so my speedos bang on so that will mean that's like a standard Land Cruiser with the new your gear box running 35 well I should be worse than what were you driving your car oh definitely you'll feel big power losses mm massive losses and we're talking about if you're towing okay so not not if it's standard yeah I mean normal for driving whatever it's fine but we're talking about towing here yep in fifth gear yep you got a lot of remote res shocks here yeah so this is the new stuff this is kind of top-secret but you get to have a really good look at it TJ my gonna be releasing this this year for the 79 so for remote res fully adjustable or our shocks for the 79 is that going to be okay to release in this video mate for sure yep we got suspension which obviously already knew about and you guys probably already know about that because we were lowering and lifting the car yeah and if you didn't know that's how you actually doing other hull setups riding on air a lot of work went into getting the spring rates tuned properly in the airbags that's where we've spent most the hour and day on this car so far hmm and we finally got it sorted we've got the a good thing tonight with the airbags in the Royal slave bags is we've got a piston at the bottom of cone at the bottom and depending on the volume of the bag and and how the taper that piston works where the airbag is and the stroke mm-hmm that's what gives you your spring rate so for all those people who didn't know it's it's it's pretty cool once you get into it chuckles holding more head up or didn't realize my head was I am Azure yeah I do have a be good hey your two fuel filters yeah oh yeah I've never actually seen them but good two filters here um custom tanks what is the tank that's the that's the sup that's a naughty later oh yeah that's an ID I think it's an idea could be wrong but I think it's nice yeah one few little note here I was wondering how you running six by six because I shot a Parenti not long ago and it's quite interesting how Land Rover I've done there six by six and my neck is getting sore too so we'll have to move so yep it's piggybacking off the other axle right so here you're through shaft through shaft this is what you call it I kept saying you've got a through shaft there so go straight through the first diff so your tail shaft goes and it's factory sort of tail shaft length that axle the center axle is in the factory position so what we do is we cut it up in here so you see up in here this is where we do the Trop mm-hmm so we cut the chassis rails and then we've weld on the j-mac skin at the back okay so this first axle was actually in place of the standard seven that's factory 79 position and then you've got a whole new fabricated housing with the diff Center with the three shaft so we've got two tail shafts and one from the transfer case in the first steer and then one from the first stiff to the the second you okay yeah yeah well that's you you wouldn't no no no and it all looks fairly factory under here done yeah Conda its stuff going everywhere my it looks nothing expanded so if I'll film from here all you can see is the back there you go that's standard just to note you have six shots six shocks because you are at a used adjustable yeah oh yeah cool yep so you compression and your damn things adjustable awesome alright we'll have a closer look at the portals from outside the car cuz my neck is killing me yep I'm still one here before one to crawl out something else want to let me point out is this is this is a coil kit right this is my max coil kit but you got the airbags on it yep but what what I does more which maybe you haven't maybe you haven't thought about is the back you're using a stock axle but you still kind of got the coil setup yeah it's not actually it's not a stock axle it's still a fabricated housing okay it's it's your factory Center about custom axles and the custom housing but yeah it is look this kit developed by guy max is coil we've converted it with airbag man and we do a lot of work with those guys and I've got to give a big shout-out to those cause actually because the hours that they put into this was just ridiculous and we've converted the whole 79 system to an airbag system to replace the coils okay and look also be honest here I'll probably get shot for being honest but I was still up until that first trip to a delight I was still pretty hesitant on the airbag setup okay it hasn't really been tried and tested but I can tell you right now I would sell it to a customer with hands down but you would recommend bringing this beer back I carry a spare airbag yeah definitely I've popped a couple of bags in the front but we've just figured out the reason for it that the strut towers in the front are too narrow so what was happening when we were under full flex and you can see we've got limit straps on all the wheels near for that reason so we can't get that massive articulation lock Rock Crawler articulation because what happens is the airbag has been pinching the strut tower and that's what's been tearing the bag so that was my hesitation I'm thinking these air bags of garbage mmm wasn't the case at all it was the engineering on our side was incorrect okay so we finally figured that out and now I've got full faith in them interior time now there will be another segment to interior time after interior time and that's called the drive we're going to go in go for a bit of a spin and we'll talk about the things because stuff we're going to talk about in here now we're not gonna get the full understanding and you know everything about it so this would be quite brief and then we'll talk a bit more about it on the drive the stuff that we need to talk about cool I'll bring this in so we can see more no problems there is a lot going on with this truck as a lookout on you but the interior I wouldn't say there's a lot going on but it's very neat and I gotta say it's very Hollywood yeah it is this is a Hollywood in tune it is it is a Hollywood interior about it's very very very functional for me the interiors got to be clean it's got to be organized yeah I don't want to see a single wire in the interior of any more trucks so everything's at the right spot everything's at fingertips I can see what's going on here with the gauges I've got nav here I've got obviously the hammer I've got my baby's face plate just up here so I know what's going on with the battery's whole red arc system which actually I got a surprise for you after this okay there's something in this car you don't even know about yet okay but I'll show you in a minute is this interior on the door and yes so it's a little little touch gray I've got a couple of lights up here and blue yep so when you when you start up you can change the color of these you can also change on these readout gauges you can change all of the functionality of the settings so you can set alarms at certain boost or certain egt so if you hit at a GT temperature preset it'll start beeping at you and telling you exhaust is getting hot well we see you also haven't even said it haven't even said it because this thing is running really really cold it doesn't often get to 400 degrees yeah out of the 400 and we're going up one of those hills towards the tunnel yep yep but I was in 50 or should I get down exactly if you gear down you would have seen that exhaust Carson come right down yeah yep so we've got temperature oil pressure as well cool oh and down here well look this really quickly let's touch on what this is and then tomorrow when we drive yep we're a bit more of a look at it so that's my whole air bag control system so I've got front left front right rear left rear right so the two rear air bags in the back so on both axles are linked together as one system so I've got the four corners of the car okay and we can see because we're part there's only 20 in the back yep but there's 150 150 in the front yep that's because of the angle we're on that's because of the angle of grand that we're sitting on so we've got it's the is known as the systems known to give that 115 pounds in the back 120 pounds to get the car sitting dead level so weird we're dead level right now that's really cool yeah on any terrain this this new Gmail out this is the second time I've seen this Andrew Cynthia Watts true P has this yep I actually really like that awesome well I do prefer my commercial grade radios that's right me yep but for Jamie that's that's pretty cool like they got the whole thing on there yeah this does everything that I wanted today obviously the speaker and built into the handset to me which is no other way to go now haven't yet you're you're gonna put mounted speakers I'm get a man to spike it somewhere else I haven't that in the handset you know everything's there it's it's really cool yep easy to use that's my second fuel tank gauge so I've got a switch here to go between my main tank my exhilarating when I need to I've got my controller here for the Uni chip so I can go through my different programs just by scrolling on here yeah and then I've got a scan tool down on the bottom here hopefully velcro doesn't come off so I've got at AlphaTech gauge there and I can see I can see what's going on awesome resetting codes or whatever so there's my factory diff lock switch yeah still operates like factory and my Highline range selector okay but your front and rear art yes so when you go to rear just locks by it just locks the rear the center diff the first if that's soft Locker so it's automatic it does it all the time mechanical okay yep you still got your own ten around here yeah I still got my antenna out there look where I go you can't get ready our reception anyway so yeah the factory antennas fine that always stays down I'm a good recommendation for you go yeah go for when it's switched off cut the wire you'll never come back up again gotcha because that'll snap yep at some point yep always keep it down so we've got a big audio system in here as well there's a there's a Saab and amp underneath your sight well it's just covered as a center console though I don't have one and I notice it's really cool hot it's almost the same height as the door trim really comfy I mmm yeah really comfy we got a little bit of padding on the door trim as well which is cool yep so there's the car some door trims a custom door trim so all the leather in this is all nappa leather and and black suede so look the leather is for made look I wasn't really into leather until I bought my first VX 200 series and the leather believe it or not it is so Hardy and so easy to clean that's why I wanted leather in my 79 you got Mega 6x6 yeah back yep is really cool yep so this is comfortable back there for the kids as well you see interior Cabos actually finished yep we've got tweeters up there as well we got obviously custom speaker pods two in the front and in the back show me behind that sake you want it you want to say what's behind the site I've no idea what's behind a suit but I have a feeling he's made a bit of it you made a bit of a judgement by my character to make some assumptions of what's behind his suit yeah you're gonna like it pull that little lever there and fold that that front sight forward oh yeah oh yeah yep this will give you a little bit of indication on what's going on behind there's a remote there for an inverter and before we pull the seat forward if you ever look down there see ever you've got a 240 volt plug yep you got a couple of us Bay's yep that's on both sides so we can charge all the devices that we want through what's going on behind here oh wow okay yeah cuz yep this is all the electrical gear for the car we've got a manager 30 redarc manager 30 we got a 2000 watt inverter we got a BCDC that's controlling the to start batteries yeah which you'd know all about them I've got a second faceplate in behind here now this is actually in the main faceplate this is where we can set the profiles and the batteries and all that the one that's running up the front is a piggyback faceplate so that's just feeding the information back so I can see when I'm driving I know that my soul is pumping in on no my alternators charging my batteries and I know where my state of charge is so that's pretty cool all your main circuit brakes breakers are there and then your main fuses are in those little fuse boxes right there as well so it's a pretty um as pretty cool so yeah it's pretty pretty comprehensive set donating you made good use of space yeah good really good use of the space in behind and these were around something that we did custom as well so again the 240 volt charge you got cigarette you got USB your swords got USB so this is really for and you'd like it charging all the camera gear in you or way made it's it's hard you know it's hard on the camera guy so this this gives them an opportunity to charge everything in the safety you've inside the truck and also the kids with all the devices keeps them entertained on the long hauls yeah that's about it ask you you like this speaker for the kids are you know it's awesome for the kids man the drive Justin mm-hm the draw a segment drive see well we kind of covered how all the drawers are ready on the hardline stuff we saw a bit of off-roading this morning yep off-road gas pretty well as you'd expect racing expect does with the spice today yeah anything else that feels different when you're driving there's like that you notice I notice more on this thing and I don't know whether it's six wheel thing or not tire pressure makes a big difference in to ride in this car okay it's huge if I look this morning now where we've dropped down to 20 pounds yeah just go for that little full drive segment and you notice the difference from yesterday 45 pounds yesterday which is the onus gavel with all the potholes and all run much I was pretty hard on the on the road always happy but now the difference yeah yeah also notice your your back wheels right so it so take my arm for instance of on your super Taurus there's a four wheel yeah when you got weight in the back you find that the back tires they they flatten out more yep but I'm looking at these don't know flat now as much because you got two of them it's really funny made that you say that because I put a video up on social a couple of months back of this thing on the beach axle trample on the beach but you know huge amount of years every second or third comment was let your tires down my we were a 12-pound yeah and you're exactly right because you've got those two wheels at the back and you've got you know there's not a lot of load on the back of this car it doesn't when you deflate the tires yeah you're right that I'd seen as far as they would walk did you have the quad bike on the back oh yeah we actually now we had the word the toil or on the back but you know same deal you don't notice it as much in this yeah and especially back then we'll run into 37 by 13 in the half stone that's pretty good advantage on our guest like because I know we've mined a lot I have to I'll have a big difference between the front in the back because when I go the front down I'll like to significantly more than the back yeah I don't get the right traction on on the front yeah I mean with this thing here this thing's all yeah so I guess that's an advantage and makes your advantage of the six wheel drive yep yeah so I suppose this trip man within the one who really sort of hardcore you know again that's not what this truck built for its title the door for approver yeah it's a Torah its Torah this is I mean this this what we're doing right now this is what I built the trifle yeah let's gone to you here back to you because I have some live movement going on which is pretty cool so you can say I've got the air system off at the moment the gauge start to change on all four corners and again that's where as we're driving along and the roads going on and off can buy the cars constantly drawn level itself so the more leads to one side of notice the more airports in that saw yep yeah time to bring them collide and you see it's not that's not normally when I'm off right I'll normally turn the air system off okay so justjust look up there's this drive section off what up only just worked out now so you have these are the front the top ones are the front right yep the bottom is out of back so these it puts the same in each bottom that's right back one right so the bags the rear bags are running in ten then they're running together okay and because there's two bags it cannot hardly that makes sense then yep girls wonder models so lid we're here in the back and they're all taking hang ham there's two bags all right Oh nearly back it came again this is the day after tomorrow no hay on Thursday after today die after day after day before comment I had no sleep last night I did you are what you have for the cow patties Justin he's a few Rand landlords money welcome to QA this is a ball this is the next morning ran at a time last night mmm hey hey you feeling I'm tired man I feel pretty wrapped that was not look good night sleep at all yeah it was so human man and was piercing down around yep just when I was bad doze off we have a secret ingredient in our coca cola's just to perk us off of it it is alcohols nothing else I've been forced into it too by the way I didn't want to do it it's too early oh yeah I did actually force it upon yeah alright cue and I look man that the questions that only ask hmm I have to change it up a bit mm-hmm but I'm still going to ask you what are the top three favourite mods on this rig be honest here number ones got to be the additional axle so the six wheeled off that's more number one mm-hm portals first time with portals for me definitely mod number two and modern number three is gonna be the engine work the amount of pair it's making okay so aren't quite surprising I think that's what first comes to Morni there's a lot to pick on there but that's that's probably the three main things that was probably a little bit nerve-wracking in this build and I think we nailed him the air one would have been the most nerve-wracking yeah air was definitely the most nervous there suspension I think what I said to yesterday that's that's something that all the way up until about a week ago before the big trip or still wasn't 100% confident in it and now I'm just I'm alive I love it it's on bars the vehicle mm-hmm someone say someone come by the vehicle stop yoo-hoo come and get a trailer because a lot of people would use the stock vehicle for trailer yep and I say to you what's what do you think I need on my vehicle one does one thing one modification mm-hmm Ty's hands down if you're not going to touch anything else on a touring vehicle my recommendation would be tires I've ever anything else tires will get you more out of more trouble with one modification than anything else you can do I think I have to agree tires are an important thing mmm because the most tires of stock vehicles are released with even the landcruiser no good they're not good for some yeah the pick an X why not next to mmm for a trip for yourself yep we do for me personally x2 any day of the week would have changed we bring the family if I'm if I brought the family no because more kids are old enough now five years ago or would have said x1 now my boys and even my daughter that they'd love bein in their swags so normally we'll Chuck a couple of swags you'll notice all of my youth I've always got a flat deck on the back of my you not oh no not really into full-size canopies oh that's real the swags go yeah so that's real the swags go or a quad bike or the dirt bike for the kids you know so for us x2 with the James brood on top and swags for the kids but my style of camping I think I'm a little bit like you got a little bit of a day day I can't see them once one spot for too long you're moving every day every day you know I don't generally come to one spot and stay there for a week I'm just don't oh well let's talk a bit more about yourself and what you do especially a Patrick game so I'm yep I'm interested in that I'm sure there's a lot of people there's probably a lot of people to know what it is but they'll be a lot more they don't know what it is as well yeah I think look we've only done one season a patriot game so Patrick games is a TV show that Tom that we started through Patriot campers last year sort of a big gap in the market for our family sort of family focused touring show my customers and my family you know we're into family touring and it's great you know there's a lot of shows out there that showed that extreme locations and all the places that you want to go to but you know even us we went a little bit overboard we ended up in America and Moab you know not many people get to do things like that but it's all through the business and showing I suppose the success of Patriot campers and what happens kind of behind the scenes and then the reason we build all of our products and our products are based around what our customers buy from us which is you know it's the typical sort of family mom dad two three four or five kids to it so it's just something a little bit left-field a little bit different and and gives a bit of insight into what made my family do on the weekend it's actually quite unique because you are using your own gear and you've got your own show yeah and you're heading out doing your family thing as also I think that's kind of three unique things because most sula do this kind of shows they're heavily involved with other people yeah yeah we are - we've definitely got support I'm not going to say we've done it on their own because all of the since Patriot camp is started and long before Patriot campers might you know as a kid more thing with my dad and my mum was camping that's what we did we did that our whole lives it's not that that I've started a camper trailer business and thought I can make a TV show it was just it happened so organically it wasn't even funny we went on one of our annual trips ever ever since I was a kid every year we do one big trip somewhere so just this one year last year when we went to Cape York we took a cameraman with us and and the result of what we got was Patriot Games well and I think everybody can say everybody can say that it's you know the whole family's into dirt bikes and and Polaris gear and quads and trucks and camping and it's just what we do you know it's no it's it's happened really organically but it's let's be honest your camping is like camping on steroids it is yeah look we're we're lucky enough we're lucky enough that you know the business has been successful my brothers in their own right so successful at what they do the whole families all of my brothers are in their own businesses and so we are look we are lucky in that respect that we've you know we've got some pretty cool gear between us all work our play hard that's it you know we work you know we work hard for for those trips for that once a year thing and that's what we look forward to and yeah we enjoy it yeah well how's the weather oh that was um that was good and we actually gonna sit back in that way hardcore oh good welcome to South Wales everybody oh gosh this is Queensland this wouldn't happen to mines and coins they would've been corn to us you reckon no I left my buddy kept the Morgan over there - yeah well we will be Patriot Games was the Patriot Games and inspired you to build his truck it's all Lord look Patriot Games is going to be the platform to prove what this truck was built for season 2 season 2 yeah which we've actually just started filming just got back from from the big trip from Denmark and Adelaide took this thing down the darling River run towing a talk fully loaded toy that was his big first shakedown trip and that's that was the start of what's to come for Patriot Games season 2 I'm not going to give too much away fair enough but how many episodes were in season 1 season 1 was 12 episodes so we we featured 6 episodes in the family trip up to Cape York then we did 5 episodes of our launch into the United States so United States was that was really cool we went to the moive Easter Jeep Safari our friends at Polaris hooked us up with a couple of raises and Generals to travel around there now I have a new tire and we've got time a bit show me last night yeah yeah that's the stuff I've shown you last night so tjm actually hooked me up with a with their show wrangler that they built for SEMA two years ago and mate I'm not a joke or wasn't a jet fan you know jeeps are for hairdressers I was one of those guys mate I'll tell you what I can't wait to build a jeep bothered you I'm you I'm used to it I'm used to that sort of reaction but I don't think that Patriot campers will build a jape like um what most people think of Jeep will be look don't bash me for JP JP are more capable and Land Cruisers when it comes to off-roading stuff but I would never take a jeep to never to the kimberley or something like that unless it had a 74 Hemi in it yeah everything on it is not cheap and everything wasn't I'm sorry again oh look how great they are awesome poor just like you can't beat him on like a power line Connor track now like we're talking about last count beta what we did in my lab mate you could never deal with the landcruiser if anybody gets the chance to go over to to Moab Utah maybe there's like something we should do Morrigan how can that be cool couple n cruises over there like doing the cheering stuff you wouldn't do the hardcore rock crawling stuff it man we could Jeep and a toy hauler we actually could put a cape on the back of the mega six people with the public when I can buy a 70 or 200 at the end of the day you would get more value out of a 200 in comparison to a 70 price-wise does that also translate into when you do a super tour that's the best thing I think I've ever heard you say yeah not many people will admit that you know there is a massive 79 series following but look if you're looking for one particular all-around vehicle to do everything daily driver you're touring trips when you factor the cost in you can't pay the 200 mm you really can't you just can't beat them now gearbox that's what you just took the words out of my mouth you know people want to go call conversions and then an auto box not buy 200 call conversion in my opinion is a must have on the 79 mm from me you have to do it it's some of the best money you can spend but once you go and start putting all those in which I understand why people do it don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's the wrong thing each do their own but for me personally if I'm driving a 79 I want to clutch 79 is your manual vehicle yep and your robust solid axles yep 200 luxury yep probably better for the family to be honest better for the family a lot more room in the back for the kids on a struggle with five and the 79 three kids in the back of the 79 it's too tight tonight it is pretty tight even with two yeah even with two but the the five of us in the 200 series no problems yeah the kids are comfortable you guys need to see the build for this vehicle because this was a glimpse of the vehicle yep a pretty good girl inside Prabhat now I think that's along these videos we had some fun in the water laughs that was pretty fun yeah that was good and those math shots we got is all lawful Mike can't wait to say yeah this is the first vehicle we've we've actually had this much time to film so that was actually really really good yeah yeah well might look like or appreciate you coming up here and then down here it's a it's been good you know I spend a couple of days with you a lot more to people you know we're into the same sort of stuff side mmm you know might be a glimpse of what's to come in the future maybe yeah yeah maybe I look at the black jacket I have a secret project you got going on in there yeah you're gonna be the first one to say it well you've already seen it yeah what are you saying I've seen a few product though yeah but you know what scamming yeah I know it's Cal you know it's coming something bigs we had a camera at a patriot again yeah mm-hmm awesome guys if you want to see more go to there's a patriot campus Patrick Patrick campus YouTube channel YouTube channel and get them there you can find Patrick games yep for me you can form Patriot Games Patriot Games is now up for subscription for season one Patriot games TV you can see some previews of the episodes there but the YouTube channel is where you're going to see in depth what went into building this truck awesome good stuff so subscribe to my channel here subscribe to Patrick campus here support the creation content up there thank you very much Jeff Thank You Ronnie it's been awesome major and we still got a dual driver now let's go let's go let's go do some wheeling in not New South Wales 66 feeling nice a thousand a wholesome
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 1,407,277
Rating: 4.8362517 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, Mega 6x6 landcruiser review, modified episode 47, 6x6, 6 wheel drive, lifted toyota, Mega cruiser, Pimp my ride, aussie cruiser, aussie landcruiser, 79 series landcruiser, monster cruiser, 6wd landcruiser, patriot games, patriot campers, toyota land cruiser 6x6, toyota land cruiser, toyota 6x6, patriot campers 6x6, toyota land cruiser 6x6 off road
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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