The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [100% (Glitchless)] by Smaugy - #ESAWinter23

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hello everybody Welcome to Oak Arena of time I am smaugi and this is Axel Larson uh he is also a 100 Runner of this game but the glitched version really the real version and I'm doing the normal version right yeah yeah we can call it right yeah good so I was thinking before we start uh the donation incentive for the file name uh what do we uh the file name yes so let me just uh before we start uh one second yes and we have best of our all capsar Estefan yeah [Music] very good so if everything else is ready uh I'm gonna have to start two timers here at the same time uh actually three things at the same time restarting the intro uh uh right true uh we are going to be watching the intro but the official timing I'm gonna start the timer uh we can explain it a little bit when we're watching the intro so here we go we're gonna watch the intro first and uh but we're not gonna start a timer because the official new timing for this for Ocarina of Time it doesn't matter if it's a main category or a category on the extension leaderboards it is now uh the first frame when you have a control over Link in Link's house so watching the intros it's completely optional now exactly so um for fun yeah uh I skip it but you personally still watch it no no I don't watch it you don't okay okay we should mention a few things uh we're playing in Japanese it's only because of the text is way faster but all the glitches and tricks are still the exact same as in English uh also uh might add that if you do decide to watch the intro you do actually get spawned slightly closer to the links the house door you're getting you spawn closer to the door and um I think it's four frames I have no idea I think it's four frames uh so it's 0.2 seconds so you have to save yeah if yeah yeah okay point two seconds okay foreign [Laughter] [Music] sorry you can go it was not us I heard the thick guy in my in my headphones yeah exactly no I was gonna say uh this is glitchless so the route is more or less going to be similar to what a casual player would do just with a lot of fast strats some stuff is going to look like a glitch but it's not it's it's going to be complicated with controversial yeah uh it's it's many of the things are unintended but there's still some things you can call bugs but they're not glitches it's yeah it's it's kind of hard to Define sometimes oh yeah and uh people like to point that out oh my God that is a glitch and it has happened where something was allowed but then it's not allowed because someone was like oh wait let's that's a glitch because of this and that yeah and we have a few examples of that in the Run it's actually a good example here first of um you want to call it glitch or not [Music] yep so now we're going to be starting the timer so you want me to I got it and here we go really awkward to start the timer when you start moving oh [Music] so now we're just going to be starting out uh uh as what most categories do we get out of the house quickly and go to kiri's sword if I can get this rupee thank you yeah so the main objective right now is just getting to carry sword getting rupees because we need to buy a shield it's 40 rupees and just doing the fastest movement possible all right [Music] also it's good to mention this movement here it's actually called box movement where you just back walk and side hop and normally in most cases it's not good to use at all it's just this very specific part it's totally acceptable it's obviously the fastest but generally rolling in sometimes side upping is better [Music] [Music] this is one of the uh controversial things that I just did it is called the bridge clip the frame perfect uh jump slash in midair um but it is a one-sided Collision uh which I can't really get into very well because I don't actually know the definition of it well so the top of the bridge has Collision but the underside does not and so link can just kind of face through and therefore it's not a glitch uh that's just how it's more like a link gets popped up onto the bridge instead of actually going through the bridge yeah like it's a little iffy if it's a glitch or not you have to sort of just decide on what you want to call a ditch and just go with it yeah when it's a very small thing like that it's usually like ah it's fine uh it's the same with uh Power Crouch that we're going to be talking about and uh in a few minutes uh uh we're probably Crouch step is clearly not intended but it's you can't really ban it because it's just a basic attack yeah in general oh yeah pretty cool thing he did here right before he cutscene he did a side up jump slash so he delayed Link and Link was not supposed to be that far back it was supposed to be way more forward and so he is kind of shot forward got close to Deku Tree so now when we're here in tekatri we're actually not gonna clean up everything here in Decatur because we don't actually have the tools to do so so uh I'm going to be cleaning up maybe half maybe slightly more than half the dungeon and then we're gonna come back to this dungeon about yeah in about four hours it's a long way to go [Music] the interesting thing there uh smog actually did a trick uh normally those doors have a text where it tells link oh you can press eight to open doors uh you can actually skip that by opening the door on the same frame that you land after a side op however there's two doors that have a tutorial text so he needs to nail the next one as well who actually get the time so and the thing is failing the first door is actually a Time save over failing the second floor yeah which is because you get to the second door and you want to get it and you don't get it ah [Music] so now we have our uh slingshot we're gonna be utilizing this uh we're gonna be using this item quite a lot uh in the uh other very popular glitches category all main quests uh you can definitely get slingshots in the run or in the route but skipping it saves around I'm going to say one minute and 10 seconds I'm not completely sure I might be not updated on that but we are going to be using it for many things oh [Music] my bad actually very good RNG on the spider on the wall there sometimes they can look at you and they want to chase you down and you can bait them nice you got it yeah yeah no that that text is awful I think it's like what like full two seconds maybe I think it's three but three even oh yeah something uh you might have noticed uh smog is not collecting Maps or contests and that is because it's not considered for 100 uh the way we Define it is simply anything everything that's in your inventory when you pause in the Overworld so you can't see your compressor or maps in those worlds therefore it's not required essentially that's the rule and smog years did a really cool it's called B1 skip where you completely skip that one for had he missed it there's another cool trick to get up but that was really good thank you [Music] so the slingshot B1 skip there is uh probably the most consistent B1 skip that exists with the recoil and jump slash and we're using a momentarily anti-gravity to uh did you say that sorry I so now did you say that no no okay good but we should probably mention the reason you jump slashed over the acoustic so uh Power crash tab one of the most important things to know uh basically when link Crouch steps he'll do whatever damage you previously did and since deku's deck is the same damage of Master Sword uh just annihilated so you'll you'll see a smoggy do Decor stick jump slash a lot and he's basically storing damage we call it and so when he just Crouch dabs he's gonna do the same damage over and over and it actually works for other stuff too like you can have Hammer act that's okay sword if you do a or a master sword you swing Hammer then Crouch type it has the same uh and attributes and exactly it has the same uh type of uh damage it gets the same effect uh exactly like the Quake effect from Magneton Hammer it's very useful in certain places especially when you need to break some rocks with the Magneton Hammer but swinging the Magneton Hammer is so slow in comparison to doing a master sword Crouch tab or a Crouch tab with Master Sword you swing the hammer once to get the Quake effect doesn't matter what the damages for rocks uh and then you just take out the master sword and uh cardstab and yeah it's just faster basically uh now we are actually entering in into a pretty long cutscene here yeah actually it's probably the the second longest cutscene in the run and we could maybe go ahead and grab a couple of donations absolutely so we have a 10 donation from Anonymous with no comment but thank you very much for that um we also have a 25 donation from snoops Wilson saying good luck on your run smoggy we're all rooting for you let's hope dampa is in a jolly good mood today exclamation mark slap dampen and that donation also went to the Sonic Adventure 2 uh Boss Rush incentive uh hopefully coming up later so thanks a lot for the installation and uh yeah back over to you now if you have if you have one more it's fine absolutely uh I can I can get you one more um we have from a can yet uh a 15 donation uh with a message good luck on the Run smoggy made Tampa have mercy on your run a big shout out to the esa team for everything they've done thank you very much Kenya for that donation thank you so much yeah so smoggy it's been a while since I saw this cutscene explain what's going on uh so the store and the Lorry the the lore so here uh Deca tree is explaining the three gods in the beginning when Earth came to be and water and fire and the mountains and the rocks and here I'm not really sure but they're smashing together into each other and boom this magical triangle yay great game yeah I mean I I I'm not gonna lie I don't remember everything about this calcium I I sewn out every time I watch it except now it doesn't help that the text is Japanese true yeah uh a neat little thing that is coming up very directly after this cutscene uh we're gonna be talking to maido again the guy that who was blocking your way uh or the entrance to jacketry like oh you need to get a Deku shield and a deck of Sword before you can go talk to the Deku Tree is going to be blocking our entrance again and if you just roll straight forward against them and talk to him he has to walk all the way to the left for the cutscene to end but if you uh manipulate the mydoto walk a little bit to the left to roll the left and then you talk to him uh I think you uh could save I think it's a around up to a half a second just by talking to him on the left side they're an extreme amount of tiny things like this throughout the Run and this is especially important in glitchless runs uh where uh so tiny small details that no one else think uh think about or know about they have to know it in order to just save the most amount of time you're gonna see it here uh there's a lot more stuff like that is coming up that which is uh quick drawing a quick drawing weapons to manipulate what you can have in your hand or not because sometimes um if you have a deco stick in your hand it's faster to pick up a bomb uh than having sword out in your hand uh it's it's a case to case basis it's just super tiny stuff like every category for this game is just very very optimized it's a huge community and everyone like Works towards like even though like the smallest things even like just frames here and there yeah we've probably mentioned that the game actually runs at 20 frames per second but the inventory screen is actually 30. and then my menu with the files like the 60 but I didn't know that you didn't know that no no because wow okay uh there's a glitch called equip Swap and it's it's harder because you know one right okay okay [Music] so yeah even I learned something new today it doesn't matter for glitch list that much no no it doesn't be prepared uh now we are this was the first mega like cutscene back to back that doesn't happen uh there's not a lot happening in the first 20 minutes of the game uh in my opinion uh but it's gonna ramp up more and more as the Run goes on because we're clearing all those cutscenes and we can just do uh gameplay and now only gameplay [Music] [Music] so a Hyrule Field um up we actually now in current glitches rules we have to talk this hour we uh used to be allowed to skip this out by weapon swapping between Deku stick and sword uh but that is unfortunately not possible anymore because uh skipping texts with via weapon swapping not allowed but it is however allowed in every other category and in the uh uh unrestricted version oh for glitchless which is now only called any percent glitches yeah there are multiple glitchless categories essentially yeah because they don't even know it's so hard to Define like what is a glitch and there's like this gray area where it's not it's like maybe it's a glitch and so we allow it and that's like unrestricted but this is restricted so it's a lot more just limited some hidden rupees up here what's up so this is the only time we're entering this room as child we're just gonna pick up some uh rupees and a skeletaler require all 100 sculptures that's 100 arguably the most time consuming thing yeah and this mini game that we're about to do slingshot minigame is always the same and there's no RNG to this and you can even do this game without even having slings so you don't need the slingshot to play this game foreign [Music] [Music] is always the same but I believe the adult one is randomized the adult version yes that's completely random and if you have played this game before which most people have uh you uh you well notice there's a a lot of similar things that are happening because right now in the beginning we run uh uh we have to go with the storyline but later on when we're getting freed up a little bit with uh not having to go from to A to B to C then we're gonna do some stuff out of order but it's not that giant uh Massacre of not uh having uh being lost in trying to follow the route or the Run um it's very easy to follow [Music] now we're grabbing the weird egg here from Malin um yeah so we can wake up her father her father sleeps at Castle delivering milk uh so we gotta wake him out so we can get into uh salda so we can talk to her say hi to the guards yeah say hi to the guards get caught a couple of times perhaps you never know hopefully not hopefully not no it's a guard so similar to the thing with the door we spoke with earlier uh they won't actually catch you if you're on the ground for just a frame so if you do the frame perfect side Ops even if they look straight at you they will not blow the whistle unless you actually do stay on the ground for more than a frame then they will whistle and sometimes they'll look like they catch you just like the whole like screen away and that's just because they did actually see you when you entered but you you just didn't do a good side hops today is fought you also you missed that red rookie there that was pretty unfortunate yeah you can shoot the lamps there uh to get a red rupee and unfortunately it did get caught on the motor wall so they didn't drop into the water but so that's a that's an easy 20 rupees that you can get if you have slingshots and that is just to help with the costs for certain things but at the moment it's fine [Music] the Ruby route uh or the rupee count uh uh early is not that uh uh it's not that tight of a route we're gonna use the guards ah depends depends on the third and fourth [Music] this guy's very very sneaky Oh I thought he was actually looking away but it looked like it was about to yeah but that is okay just go back yeah so because he was already in this area the flag for those boxes to be in that uh water was already set so he didn't actually have to push them all the way [Music] [Music] nice perfect [Music] that was really good he actually if smoggy would have just touched the ground for more than a frame there on those last items he would have been caught these scrape right behind that guard's back [Music] now we have another what is like four four minute cutscene it's around four minutes I would yeah I would say so around a four minute cutscene um now when we're here we just need to get Solo's letter so in order for us to uh talk to the guard in kakariko Village so in so we can go ahead and go to the next big city which is Gordon City and continue on to the longest Cameron but before we do that uh we're gonna be uh cleaning up a kakariko village a little bit and go to the graveyard and do some very fun stuff uh but a very special person is waiting for you there yeah I love him he's great yeah he's great I mean his shovel is pretty sharp I mean yeah not very bright though true we could actually if you have we could uh go ahead and take another couple of donations certainly um so we have a five dollar donation from nem Flynn with a message so how many runs have you lost by accidentally picking the wrong answer when talking to the owl sorry how many runs I've lost yeah to picking the wrong answer to be when talking uh uh I I want to say zero but I am pretty sure that I accidentally one time a very long time ago pressed the wrong answer twice and I got mad and I just you know what I'm not continuing this oh I'm gonna say one right probably yeah so um thank you very much for that donation we also have a 20 donation from amoxy as saying hey smogerman I had to donate during your run which you trained hard for I wish you good luck and a number one damper try greetings from Germany thank you amok whenever I hear this song I just want to well it's the English word for it for what oh hum humming yeah right I thought you wanted to like turn off the Wii [Laughter] uh oh we should probably mention that we're not playing on 964. um mostly I think for glitches it's just lag right it's just easier to play on less lag yeah just generally faster there's very very important for glitched runs uh pretty much every single run is run on the Wii yep uh there every everyone who is running glitches is running on Wii as well but uh believe it or not the fastest console is actually IQ for a glitchless uh because we don't have anything specific version that we need to do uh but IQ is actually fastest in terms of loading times but IQ is so hard to get and play on at the controls are really bad the pulse buffering we don't talk about the IQ yeah so I just wanted to mention it but [Music] no more sorry I believe I'm sorry I don't want to bring it up because it's it's like it's Chinese text I believe it's faster it was used for any percent at a very long time ago right uh the kakariko village route for uh defeat Ganon when it was called 90 yeah right it's true [Music] so now we're done with getting acquiring a Zelda's letter and sell this lullaby now we can go ahead and go to kakariki Village and then we're gonna grab some chickens seven of them and uh this is one one of those moments where uh you get a get a funny little test when you're uh we're playing this game as a child and you're like oh what I wonder uh what these uh chickens are doing like what do you do with them and then you find out this is pretty funny but uh this is even funnier I actually now that I just realized the cocoa grabbing here in um kakariko village is exactly the same as in glitches as in other categories yes no difference this is the easiest bottle to get early on so any any glitch category that uses bottle will always get cutcos there's a bottle is just the most broken item you know it's he so the way to cut those work uh you can manipulate them sort of they're they're really random but in general they'll run the opposite direction over link is so by doing some specific movement you can kind of have them go the way you want sometimes they'll be as jerks and go way off it'll be really frustrated and reset hopefully they'll play nice this time one two three four and we're gonna grab this one over here and we're actually gonna jump over to a fence to grab the last two ones that are hiding and uh back of the town that's this is the worst cuckoo this is the one that always it either does it right or it doesn't do it yeah no like it can get stuck behind the well and it's it's just awful yeah you can throw the cocoa in a way so it doesn't get stuck behind the wall but it's sometimes yeah but this was really good yeah I was gonna say this is really good and I'm gonna Target the Cocos here at the same time uh because I don't want to try and uh I don't want to accidentally talk to Andrew here I think that's her name uh I know it is in Majora's Mask but I think they're officially she's just called Coco lady in this game but oh okay sir Andrew all right yeah no she has a huge like range we can speak to her and it can be really annoying when you're trying to grab the last one Speaking of a huge radius of uh trigger box uh this really uh this is some song grave for some stupid reason this was recently discovered right uh no this was discovered years ago but uh you can stand here uh but only as child during daytime why I have no idea yeah we will never know about a week ago yeah very very strange I'm I'm not I'm not uh positive but I think it was a shout out to dotso who found it uh when uh trying to look for tiny little optimizations for this category actually so as the rain starts pouring down how about pouring some donations as well yeah uh we can we have time for one yeah cool I have a twenty dollar from sin Fusion uh good luck smoggy nice to see you nice to see you Axel I wonder if the glitter category features Lara Croft and the Master Chief in the ice cabin like we glitched around us I hope not I mean maybe [Laughter] so for movement in general if it's a long distance and there's no obstacles back walk is the way to go but technically side opping is faster it's just not reliable to do it frame perfectly every single side up but for parts like this where there's a lot of um like gaps and like Ledges side opening works just fine yeah and we usually use a lot of uh startup strats instead of a uh a rolling Strat just to do a camera manipulation now to to avoid agreeing enemies too early or too late yeah the general rule of thumb is if if the distance is longer than four rolls then it's usually better to back walk so now we are getting to dampe which is the uh horrible reset Simulator for me during this category um it's a heavy reset Simulator for other categories also uh uh you want me to explain it yeah you can do that so basically uh the gravedigger damper here it has a mini game where you big Graves a super fun mini game and uh there's a 10 chance that you get a heart piece and 10 is really bad because as you can see every attempt is is taking forever a lot of runs die to damp it and at least you're standing there he does Dustin [Music] uh smoggy you're doing a marathon safe route here because if you do dig all the graves uh you will actually get the heart piece uh regardless of how many times you've dug [Music] normally uh in a speed run you would just go down and like reload the grave uh and just pop out and do it again but then you can like I think the the world record for Word stamp is 103. yeah that's correct uh [Music] and yeah it can get really bad with this with this Marathon safe Strat though I think the the worst is what 15. yeah it's a maximum of 15. maximum 15 yeah maximum 50. but then he's gonna achieve the drop which is good for Marathon yeah the four I think that was four yeah [Music] three um five come on [Music] but at least we got a red rupee which I need good it's a number six come on no this is gonna take an even longer time because this is a long walk down here I've never seen this before this is very interesting for me yeah this Marathon safe them uh obviously not doing in real PB attempts at home uh now you can kind of see a little bit more clearly that this is a reset simulator what is he doing can you walk hello he likes to take breaks he's old ah I mean yeah [Music] well we're not going to have to worry about it too much because you know after we acquire a master sword you know he's not here oh he passed away yeah unfortunately peacefully I hope yeah in his heart I mean [Music] that was seven I like to think that it's damp is hard that you actually get yeah because he loves you yeah I mean I love you too yeah true [Music] uh was this seven or eight does anyone keep counting I I'm I'm terrible I never keep telling no but we're on lap two I know that much worth seven I think yeah I think seven and this is gonna be eight in the next one oh please come on thanks eight nope yeah it's so depressing too there's no there's no music yeah this is during the night time not gonna lie it's a little bit hard to see during night time when I have color playing with color because I usually play with a play with a black and white at a home like the the game is in black and white I mean yeah yeah I hope you don't run out of rupees [Music] um let's check this one oh that wasn't oh well yeah so there's actually some fake patches you see dampy has crossed one it's not nothing happens when you try to dig it [Music] very unlucky yeah was that 10 I think uh yeah I believe so foreign oh wow this is really unlucky yeah it is can maybe open this as well oh he's charging up I'm feeling this one he was waiting there yeah yeah maybe he also gave me a red roofie unless I've had both oh okay so now I have no rubies which is really bad are you gonna go through the bushes I have to [Music] [Music] so I actually don't know the best course of action from here uh biggest reload uh we're gonna check this that one this one has a five yes no never mind I was just I swear that I want another vibe oh maybe I already took them yeah so uh yeah this has never happened before welcome to Ocarina time I guess we just start reloading and hopefully yeah we're gonna we're gonna have to do that unfortunately come on [Music] so now we're just gonna have to do normal attempts I feel like that's the best course of action right yep so it is 12 now [Music] okay we got a red ruby at least that's good it won't be that bad I believe I hope so too at least we know it wasn't my fault [Music] I don't know I heard you say some pretty bad stuff about tamping ah yeah that's true [Music] okay my group is really that's like that's 20 like green rupees 40 and blue is 30. oh Two Reds in a row that's that's more rare than the heart piece [Music] it's not 14. that was 14. oh wow three Reds in a row oh I feel like you're scamming damp and now I feel like yeah maybe I should uh take him around again soon if I have a lot more yeah yeah just in case you know oh my God yeah four Reds in a row yeah this is typical Marathon lock yeah this is a hard decision that I have to make as well do I keep resetting or do I take him around and Hope that it gives it to us soon [Music] I'm not sure what do you think I feel like it should come any second now [Music] so while we Ponder this question should we sneak into the nation yeah we can we can do that definitely thank you awesome so uh George wolves donates 10 and uh sends you a message good luck smoggy my favorite game of all time we also have a five dollar Anonymous donation with no comments but thank you very much for that thank you I think we're gonna go another lap yeah I believe so too it will be so typical if we just decided yeah we're gonna go on a lap and never get it oh I didn't have a dots yeah that's fine I lost count yeah I have lost count also but it's probably 16 17 Maybe let's say 17. yeah [Music] we gotta start complimenting them we gotta start complimenting them um do you have anything nice to say for him I mean bamboo uh you have a hearts of gold can I have it [Laughter] please [Music] well at least it's a perfect demonstration to show just how proof my stamp is and you do this we do this early in the run for glitchless yeah so this is my life when I'm doing PB attempts for about three hours every day until I get a run going because yeah I I average around one run per day approximately when I'm doing like uh five six damp it runs in a row maybe we can get the damper record that'd be exciting no no no I don't know I feel like I feel like if we get closer to 40 I feel like we should I don't know maybe ask a text should we just skip it we're getting this oh goodness I think I feel like you have a lot of rupees now so should be fine yeah oh oh okay oh hang on I couldn't even see that one yeah no I couldn't see it no I was really confused did I push him out of the way he's not even Center in them see wow so did you have a nice trip here I did until this oh yeah [Music] look at it he's so smuggy too he's so happy look at him yeah feels pretty pretty tooth oh oh come on yeah I've always wondered why he stops like that I've never figured out something else doesn't do it maybe he's just catching his breath you know maybe they coated it this is yeah this is very very rough yeah come on this this would be one nope because you know sometimes 10 feels kind of high and then sometimes it feels near impossible yeah exactly one time I uh what are you doing let's go one time I dig with a safe state uh right before right before talking to him I dig for um 500 times 500 times yeah just to see the actual percentage it was closer they were closed it was closer to five percent for me you just feel like today I'm just not gonna like myself I don't know I mean maybe they patched it it's possible this might be patch I need this we'll chat if you want to do a fun game you could do one dollar per dig it yep [Music] this is heartbreaking foreign [Music] [Laughter] heartbreaking it's very heartless yeah Jesus [Music] oh my God all right time to slash brochures now where are we by the way is this the second lap I think with the first lap actually are you sure no actually no no I have no idea yeah is it yes [Music] oh God I mean I need some preach really oh come on walk it's charging up this will be the one here we go come on come on come on come on come on [Applause] bye won't miss you all right oh Jesus okay I'm never I haven't seen this part of the game in years all right so finally I'm relieved um back in kakariko now it's night time we're gonna get some skeletal tokens every single one of them except the one that is up on the tower uh we don't need that one yet we're gonna grab that one later when at the same time we're talking to the guy on the roof that gives us another heart piece uh but fortunately for the guy on the roof we only have to talk to him once and not uh 25 times there we go it is important to show this letter even in the glitched 100 uh because showing the letter here we'll open the mask shop which is part of 100 requirements it also gives you a discount for the Highland Shield yeah that is one thing um he says that if you talk to the guy in the bazaar he will give you a discount when buying the house buying the hiding Shield uh but it won't original price is 80 rupees uh but it won't be like when you go to the shop it's like all of a sudden 60 rupees you still need 80 Rupees to even buy it and then he will give you the discount so maybe you you need to have 80 rupees but you need uh maybe he will only take 60. sometimes he only takes 50 maybe sometimes 75 uh uh but that is not real I think that we need to worry about in this uh category at least that's a good thing there's a little rolling Gore on here that I'm gonna try and avoid and this is a camera manipulation I'm not turning around but I'm turning around there so he it doesn't pop up on camera too quickly because he can actually push you off the ledge and just void you out and you spawn at the bottom of uh tough Mountain Trail again and there's a huge time loss [Music] uh so now we're going into the aruna's room but we're not gonna be talking to the Rooney because we need uh sorry a song uh right now I'm just gonna be uh using the torch here to open up our way to Lost Woods and also at the same time uh make this big uh art and the in the middle start spinning and uh because we need to throw a bomb into that pot later for a piece of Hearts uh but I won't be doing that until in about four hours or so so we will be back to that and here we have another owl conversation I missed you owl hello hoot hoot no I mean yes what is the option again I think it says he asked did you get all that and it's like I think I know at the top and yes at the bottom picking out some bugs because this is uh something that I need to do for uh the score this golden skeletal of soils oh the wolf was pretty interesting um if you hit them in the back you get an insane multiplier on the damage you can pretty much insta kill them and apparently in Majora's Mask it's said that you need to hit its tail so I guess it's not the actual thing you're hitting is his tail is it yeah they say they're sensitive on their tail it's really hard sounded strange [Music] hey uh smoggy how about a couple of donations yes go ahead sweet and we have ten dollars from Dylan stew who says hey smoggy good luck on the fast gaming thank you Dylan we also have a another 10 donation from behave saying congrats on the recent PB also black and white question mark uh not at the no sorry I have no black and white on my screen here yeah unfortunately that wasn't possible but it's fine I like color you know just like normal people sounds great we also have a 20 donation from alpha sip TV saying smaugi how do you hit every bullseye on the horseback archery split happy to see Giga Axel here too by the way good luck foreign [Music] yes uh oh sorry there we go mute that um [Music] good timing no one ever records me on my phone and I was thinking about this or no one ever calls me on my phone it happens like once every month it's that it misses you yeah yeah I I mean sorry I I moved on I can't [Music] [Music] so now with sarsong it's just right back to the Rooney back to the Rooney on make him dance heartbeat and uh then we are actually on our way to uh the second dungeon uh the dungus cannon it's actually kind of funny uh darunia is depressed but then he hears the song and he hears his depression [Music] wow what a tune I mean it is pretty good it's Captain catchy yeah no [Music] I don't think are there any cutscenes coming up there's a lot of gameplay now thankfully yeah we I can actually uh do a couple of donations right now because now we're just going to be talking then we're gonna go into the darkest cabin we can do that right now yeah sounds great we have a five dollar donation from uh Fuso waste doctor 09 uh with no comment but I went to the Sonic Frontiers any percent uh true ending incentive and another comment going to uh the same uh incentive is a five dollar donation from Mod 366 saying you didn't really expect damper to to be nice did you smoggy not during a marathon let's see how long we'll stay in this graveyard well uh you can dream but uh damn pays down there um another five dollar donation comes in from Mike wolp saying good luck and have fun Smokey Meister the Third thank you very much for those donations going to a fantastic now I'm going to be doing something here uh something that was a reason to discover I'll drop down some bugs here from the top of the the dongle's cabin entrance and then I will grab the hard piece here and hopefully if everything works out fine with this inverted camera good bugs go down and we don't have to wait that much we get this skeletal and we are on our way uh so now moving into the dongles Cavern is one of the first uh stressful situations for glitches uh uh in 100 glitches in this category uh it's a bit nicer but for the other uh glitches category uh all main quests that I also run it's a very it's a very um it's very easy for your run to die here but for 100 singles it's a little bit nicer in one way but there's much more to do okay but there are for example this stick a slash into the open air is something now I stored another damage Source uh which I'm gonna be using for the South was fight that is coming up uh as Axel pointed out earlier uh if you see me swing a sword or do a random jump slash somewhere into nothing that that's what I'm doing just throwing damage for yeah storing damage for whatever fight is coming up so if you do see me do something weird that you don't understand pay attention for the next 10 20 seconds wow [Music] that was a good fight that was perfect I even got the distance jump slash to the door after the fight before the little cutscene of the the world started there's another another little uh tiny detail that I can explain so when I'm about to hit the switch I'm going to be using my bottle uh just to take out my bottle because I'm about to unequip my bottle midair so I will be doing that and then I put away the bottle automatically mid air so when I get to the next room here I'm going to be picking up bomb flower so now when I have nothing in my hand I can pick it up immediately uh very small like it's it's very various frames here yeah oh it's something if you can do it consistently do it especially when it's something small like that you just have to take out bottle and then do a normal thing okay so uh since damp a messed us up pretty bad I actually have to pick up that red rupee right there uh and it should be fine for the rest so the next part that is coming up is going to be very focusing for me because I'm going to be attempting a strat that uh usually all main quests people do but I wanted to try and show it off in this Marathon run today so uh I'll throw this over to axel yeah so smog is gonna try to basically just there's this puzzle coming up where you're meant to use your slingshot to remove the fire but by doing it very specific setup you can actually skip it and it doesn't save up a ton but it looks really cool I did not get it unfortunately um delay [Laughter] so but it's fine we have backups going up here uh we don't have a shield now uh so the next part is going to be a little bit slower but it should be fine [Music] okay so since this is going to be taking some time I might as well just go out here pick this up and wait for this one this is arguably one of the most annoying enemies they love to Jump Around [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so now this is another use of the slingshot that since uh we are running 100 galicious that room you can do the flame skips there as well uh but since you have slingshot you might as well use it and using the slingshot is I'm pretty sure it's faster anyway uh this is the one of the big differences were all main quests and 100 it's just a big difference so we're gonna bomb the eyes open here but uh I need the Decker Shield I don't have one since I accidentally burned it on the first flame skip uh there's fortunately there is one here it's almost like the devs knew you were gonna burn it yeah then you [Music] uh I usually you can do a camera manipulation here but I have so much health right now so I'm actually gonna aggro this keys on purpose to make him hit me so I can skip the ledge grab right there and move faster uh but here I'm going to be doing a specific movement so uh hopefully this Keys won't hit me yeah good yeah and what you saw there when uh smog was climbing let's call it like a damage boost and those are allowed in uh coachless there's a very good a very cool uh Strat I guess you could say in Shadow Temple later that uses a damage boost nice yeah that was good yeah the the shadow Pro Spike trap room uh I don't really know how to say some people and uh here we have hiding Shields we don't really need to worry about it burning our Shield um uh I was checking one time if it would actually be faster to uh not equip a Highland shield and just try to uh user they can understand the keys instead but this was uh turned out to be actually slower to equipping and unequipping uh deck Highland Shield just turned out to be better and here was another example of the decoustic jump slash store damage storage from um I jump slashed with The Deco stick as usual uh when in going into the boss fights and uh now if I accidentally slash I will lose that damage but if I just do crowd stabs and then I'm fine so usually uh King dodongo dies in Two Hits but since we have Deku stick jump slash storage stored uh you we only need to do it uh twice yeah King the donga has the the smallest Health pool of all bosses unlike Bongo who has the highest health there's a little thing that just happened as well uh I forgot to mention this right as I did my second Crouch stab uh my card that this uh to kill the boss I mashed a directly after to put away my sword this is also another very very tiny detail in how optimized uh this game is and is becoming more and more um so now when I'm picking up the heart piece here or the hard container I don't have to put away my sword I'm saving another two frames no actually yeah two frames actually I forgot if it was actually four or two yeah to skip the put away Elementary Bishop basically yeah you could probably do some donations now yeah we can do some donations all right we have a five dollar Anonymous donation with a message the category is mislabeled this is the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time dampen Must Die difficulty yeah true that thanks we also have a 10 dollar Nation from rbo06 congratulations on making it to Esa and being able to show new Runners Ocarina of Time may you have a fantastic time at Esa don't forget the ranch dressing oh God branch don't no I'm not gonna ask about that but uh thank you very much for the uh donation I mean I have a question for you do you like Ranch oh it's fine it's fine wow yeah I'm just kidding but we do have a 50 donation and it's coming from damper saying I'm sorry but I'm not uh well thank you yeah thank you very much for that information all right casting almost over the warrants are coming in for a hug but we have no time we have to go fast especially after this uh uh very uh nice show of dampe you know typical now we're just doing some quick cleanup for the next part of the game which will be jabu oh yeah these rocks are very funky yeah this those sets of rocks and Ledges are a really bad coded or whatever you want to call it a really bad sometimes when you're trying to jump off the Ledger a link just he doesn't want to uh sometimes it just feels very very random I can't I actually don't know why um but it's just the way it is the spider well yep thank you [Music] so now we're gonna be learning magic uh you actually have to learn magic before you were able to learn any of the other Great Fairy abilities like nairu's love Star Wars wind or um dense fire um uh uh this is something that I remember very when I started running Ocarina of Time I thought I was a genius because I had found a new route that was uh around 20 or 10 seconds faster and I timed it at everything and I I showed it to people like oh my God this glitchless route is now 10 to 15 seconds fast and they're like sorry to break your bubble but you have to learn magic before you can learn for us when pretty sad the fire will only heal you I think right so if you don't have magic the fire will just heal you if you play lullaby um not sure actually not sure either I mean we are so set in our speedruns so when you do something when you think about say things that isn't in a speedrun you're like uh I don't know foreign this is actually a very short section uh of the game right here but it's actually pretty cool um I don't know why I like it goes pretty fast we're gonna grab this little hard piece that is Off the Wall here uh now we're actually gonna boil out into the lava to just get back up quickly [Music] foreign it's a very common thing to use void outs to like just get closer to where you were uh so now we are just gonna take this little owl Rod back back down to the kakarika village and we're gonna go all the way to Soros River uh to go to Source domain we can actually uh do uh one donation well we are running there because this is just basic movement here perfect we have a 10 donation from Hell golf hello everyone finally damp it cooperated a bit smogie teach him the way to shovel good luck on the rest of the Run best of all glue how is the time of day this part of the Run uh this is fine there's nothing that we need to do here right now uh because we're gonna be using that was way too early that is not going to work this bomb throw I'm pretty sure but we'll see these rocks are also very very weird the bomb can be right next to them and they just won't blow up hopefully yeah it did work it did work very good and we don't have to use on a second bomb here by the time of day at this part of the Run nothing in particular uh I'm actually going to be doing a very pretty hard be accessible jump slash trick with this Coco this is also something that I'm not I don't really recommend to people until they are going for really top tough times uh uh I am doing it because I am pretty consistent at it but still I can fail it from time to time but hopefully I won't it's right here at this fence I did not very guys the only reason I pulled out a bomb there to drop it is what I wanted to unequip my sword in my hand so I could pick up the cocoa a tiny bit faster and just keep on going because in this category I have a a lot of bombs and I don't need them all so it's fine yeah also that waterfall if you have a Cutco you can just go right behind it it's just like a layer that's kind of like just it's like a kind of like a opening as long as you can make the jump you can just go behind it yeah so that that is not something that you clip through or you uh there's it's not a one-sided Collision or anything like that uh so that's uh good that you actually pointed that out yeah no it's not a glitch it's literally just going behind it foreign [Music] this is looking good oh wow at least some orangey is going well maybe all that bad orangey that was really good 38 on the clock that's really fast all that bad orangey out of the way now it's just gonna be Flawless yeah hopefully laughs and a little oh no oh god oh I mean I could just grab the Red Roofing just be on my way yeah so if you pay casually before uh the goal right now was to get the scale so that we can swim out to Lake hylia and get the bottle because that bottle has voodoo's letter and now since we uh got a got two bottles we can now go ahead and uh grab a fish in our second bottle that we had from earlier and then go straight up to King Sora uh we can make our way to jab Jabba to the last and final uh child dungeon but in in all main quests you only have one bottle so when you eventually do get through this letter you have to go up read uh the letter horror King Sora and then you have to go down again grab a fish and then go all the way back up again [Music] yeah we have a good cutscene I think everyone in the audience should weep just a little bit no wait no okay and we I think it's moving faster than that but oh yeah definitely we could actually go ahead and do a donation uh while we are heading our way into jab jabu here absolutely we have a 10 Anonymous donation with a message fun fact the Ocarina of Time speedrun is one hour gameplay five hours digging and uh the last night's storm donates 15 saying smaugi best of luck thank you very much and then we also have a 25 donation from a arith saying good luck smaugi High axel [Music] hello yeah I was about to say aren't you good to say hi back yeah almost almost a little bit through there actually but thanks thanks everyone for those great donations uh going to this wonderful course collecting money to Alzheimer fondant for research on Alzheimer's disease uh every contribution helps a lot so keep the donations coming and enjoy the Run so I did a little uh well-timed bomb throw there to open the switch I don't have to use slingshot but it is slightly faster but I'm also doing equipped there at the same time as I'm equipping deck nuts and the slingshot so if I would have failed or missed the bomb throw I can just take out slingshot and just do a quick quick backup I believe this is the most universally most loved dungeon don't you think so I mean yeah I mean yeah it's just you know so fun yeah it's very fun resident sleeper but uh we are actually doing this uh this dungeon is the only dungeon I believe uh in the in the child one section where we're just doing everything at the same time collecting everything in one go here when we're not returning here uh but in Deku Tree we are returning later uh in child two and in the dongos cavern we're actually returning as adults uh to pick up the rest of the skeletons or do a quick cleanup [Music] and unfortunately we have to carry a route around all this oh wow I am not used to colored things bouncing around on screen yeah so you can you can use rudo to hit the switches and she can also damage enemies yeah this was a recently showcased uh I I'm really sorry I don't remember who it was but someone found out uh if you could if you if you could have Ruto in the Ganon fight you could actually use Ruto to throw Ruto on gandon's tail and damage him and that is a sight that is a cool idea that's a site yeah I believe she had the same damage type as kukiri sword I'm not mistaken wow uh I'm gonna try and let the Axel uh take over a little bit of the commentary of jab jabu um a little bit just because I have a lot of counting uh timings in this uh in this dungeon um kind of hard to count silently in your head one two three four oh for the for the fights yeah yeah it's for the fights and for all the back walks in the in the corridor I think some some runners use metronomes don't they uh we use a metronome for um Bunga Bongo but in all main quests glitches but not for this uh well you could use it for this category also uh but you have a big golden sword and it's only five hits instead of ten right no is it four no it's five so I don't really need it yeah also as you saw there he threw roodo to the right and it just made the stingray go out of the ground actually killed it completely kill it yeah Kobe foreign objective in job is just taking care of these and full things uh to open up a way uh to get the Sapphire but it's not gonna be that way as we'll see soon I want to spoil you haven't seen this before it is a very cool mini boss coming up that unless you do glitch list you probably haven't seen it listen so the first tentacle that I killed her with the boomerang uh there's actually uh I don't know I don't remember if it's a map or compass room but it's I'm pretty sure it's map uh after you kill the tentacle uh you can actually leave the room before the cutscene of the chest animation is like the chest is spawning into the room uh actually you save around five seconds in doing so uh but in these last two rooms this is the last big time tickle room uh you and there's no chest here this is just go go so the way yeah so I'm bathing in the jellyfish to be as close as possible if I can get take care of them quickly and I'm just doing a jump slash there uh this time I didn't actually do it for a damage store but I just did it to get closer to Ruto so I can leave quickly also another thing with damage storage it resets every time a new area is fully loaded but it doesn't mean it's it's the same for rooms so if you ever see the screen go black like Fade Out that's like a full reset and then he has to store new damage or else he'll actually do uh close to no damage which is really bad if you crouch that as soon as you enter a new area you're almost doing like no damage I just did another uh Decor stick jump slash storage I'm gonna use it for this mini boss that is coming up uh I'm gonna be using uh a very specific angle to do a backflip into the cutscene so I end up behind the uh boss when he spawns uh so he the boss will basically spawn and one second later he's dead he's just gonna be that easy but hopefully I get the back flip yeah this will be very quick so pay attention here I'm maybe we'll see you you don't know until the until the boss fight has started but if I didn't get it it's fine then I'm just gonna have to uh damn it roll into him but I think I got it I did get it very good nice yeah a digital slash is enough to just fully Kill the Boss oh that was a bit too early for a frame probably trigger you can roll here at St Thomas you're opening the door first try very good that door can be very very annoying sometimes yeah it's basically you have to roll and hold up on the same frame and then press a on one frame to open the door that was the last skeletaler token and we are done with jab jagu now we're going into the boss fight now this boss fight the baronade is uh pretty much the exact same as in glitched categories as well uh you need Boomerang certain categories as uh do you do uh this boss as adult yes glitched 100 yes I do believe they do it in all dungeons also yes they do yes but here we're doing it vanilla [Music] yes if you ever struggled with this fight before uh use the nuts they are very very good [Music] and I'm rolling into the balls here just to take damage to make him come up out of the ground uh otherwise what is what is he doing he just he just waits for a very long time in the ground so if you if you go into baronade uh right after he like Burrows down he'll just pop right up yeah [Music] also here's a quick thing to mention um when link rolls he has some invincibility frames and so at the end of Link's role if he takes damage he's not actually going to take damage we could probably do donations here yes yeah let's celebrate that dungeon with some donations uh we have five dollars from uh dainondorf saying run is cursed because Dragon isn't set up front hmm thank you very much we also have 7.77 from uchu this is the rum good luck smoggy that train has passed what is the expression sorry that ship has sailed yeah yeah that's unfortunate but we do have a 50 donation from umrag t-burn saying two of the best OT Runners at Esa for six hours hype and with that I also want to mention uh that we just recently passed 53 000 for charity so thank you very much everyone who has donated [Music] so now for the rest of child one here it's just going to be some cleanup and uh some hard pieces and scotulas uh grab another bottle uh and [Music] time of day is going to be uh the the first time of the evening is going to be happening after I get out to Lake hylia again uh and it's gonna be a very tight time around if you don't make it you actually have to play some song to spawn a skeletal up back and then you have to play Samsung again because you're about to go to Long Long Ranch and you need to be daytime when you get there so there's a very annoying thing yeah it's very it gets very messy if you miss uh day night cycles yeah there's another day uh day night cycle that we have to that is a very tight window later on in Channel 2 but I'm not gonna go too much into that right now we're gonna probably do it later when we get there foreign is a very good Tool uh tool and glitches uh we're gonna be abusing it a lot and uh every single Temple that I believe uh Source sources are a warp uh just like Samsung's like now like I need to play Samsung uh to make it nighttime now but I'm also using it right after this cutscene the perfectly cool place I don't have to run all the way back out from the great Tire fountain so those are other things that is like when is the best time to play Samsung when is the best time to do a force wind also another like small thing if you play Sun song like that indoors it'll set the time it won't set at the beginning of the night it'll be at midnight [Music] here's a very annoying trick uh that I didn't have problem with recently but hopefully not now [Music] we're good uh something that is like it doesn't kill your run or anything but it's so annoying that you have to run all the way back up to light the first torch and it's just a massive like oh it's just one of those ah I don't know how to explain it kills your soul a little bit so now they are back to uh Lake hylia and this is where it's going to be turning uh daytime very very soon I have to be pretty fast in doing everything and I'm gonna be setting up the Scarecrow song here because we actually use it a couple of times foreign [Music] grabbing this [Music] it's bugs because I needed for the soil over here just outside the Lakewood Laboratory um good and they were not going to be picking up these bugs because we need some sloths or adult one so now I'm gonna go over here you can see it's during a turning turning earning daytime [Music] got it it's only a few seconds that you have to play with and we are not done here and now we're gonna go over to uh London Ranch which is uh probably uh one of my favorite parts of the Run not because it's a cool or anything like it's just uh clean I don't know why you like long long wrench it's nice nice area yeah [Music] probably do a donation here yeah we could do that because this is the longest back walk in the entire run I'm just holding back in for 30 seconds nice personally I think London Ranch like the music is a little bit like depressing a bit but anyway we have a five dollar uh donation from King Sora saying um and wait yeah that's the comment yeah thank you very much for this notion of the nation I love this song it's calming yeah you can also do the yeah that's mini game yes the little metal Community game the chickens [Music] but there's actually two tricks to this minigame um the three the three real tacos if you pay very close attention when they heck like the ground they actually do it deeper than all the others so if you pay very very close attention you can tell which ones are the real ones just by how low their pecking goes also the ones you have grabbed that are not the real ones you'll be able to Target them they'll have like a Target icon above them so you can kind of rule those out which is also very helpful uh hello [Music] from the phone there we go [Music] now we have three bottles [Music] oh this is Kevin Curry kind of crazy when you think about it uh the the third bottle is right here uh and the fourth bottle is at the very end of the Run around five hours in uh and but the last bottle is because you have to grab all the 10 big posts that are scattered around the Hyrule Field and you have to hunt them down as adults [Music] [Music] yeah all right Epona song done and uh now it's just a quick little cleanup of longland ranch and uh then we're gonna actually gonna make our way to uh Ocarina of Time and uh Master Sword to continue to run into adults when the real game starts yeah I actually have a little visual cue here on the mini map I don't know exactly when to turn around also a very very small details like that that is just how do you know when to turn around like how like some people count some people listen to the music some people have a visual cue for something very specific and it's always different they're also personalized all this personal like oh sometimes when you try to compare strats with someone else and like oh I don't look at that I look at this wall or I look at this thing or yeah the mini map is just not accurate at all but it is useful for cues thank you that was a really long back walk I was like useless I have two more skeletons to clean up here one is in the tree and one is on the wall uh by a window [Music] yeah basically this will be most more or less the theme of the entire run where child sections which is it's a lot of mini games and just cleaning up in the Overworld wall The Adult Link parts will be more dungeon focused yeah and hopefully my body won't kick in I don't think it will uh but I've done this run so many times that I actually have designated toilet breaks so sometimes when I get to this cutscene right now my body starts like okay you have to go to the toilet now really quickly because there's only a run this long you only have a few chances to uh uh to uh go and pee really quickly um about at the moment I have a pretty good uh plan that I don't have to not at the moment at least but if I have to um I'm gonna actually hand over the control to access and just make him Mash text nothing else in a very long cut scene so we'll see actually how that turns out pretty fine it would be interesting for me because I have no idea there's a giant cue to the bathroom oh yeah that would be horrible but there never is it's fine [Music] oh we could do a donation now yep awesome we have a 100 donation from Paul Dev saying this one is for the donation reader on behalf of ISE keep up the amazing work Zita good luck with the round smoggy this one crosses over into Metroid Prime right yeah yeah okay yeah sure and and this the nation also went uh to the uh Pokemon pinball uh Ruben Sapphire uh incentive specifically for the sapphire Choice thank you very much Paul for that donation uh you're actually grabbing the uh um the Ocarina of Time uh in the water you can when you dive down you can you only have to hold a to dive down but if you mash a you can actually pack up the the Ocarina slightly faster and it actually saves a second it's a it's uh it's awesome you miss it though it's the worst yeah first try yeah nice I'm at this Frame perfect uh I I have no issue of Q for that I just I just smash you mash I mash yeah [Music] uh so now we're gonna learning song of time then we're uh uh I'm actually picking up the keita mask in The Mask shop before turning adult so later in child two uh I don't have to pick out iron I don't have to like detour myself going into the math shop and then warp away where I need to go [Music] so we're basically starting the Kita mask or the mask quest line to get mask of Truth later uh but we're not doing anything about it until uh child two and we're doing everything in childhood at the same time Child 2 is a massive cleanup do this mini game do that many game uh there's not a whole lot of cutscenes just back and forth warp here in their chaos yeah we just have one more large cutscene and then I don't think there'll be one for a while I remember the first time I went to this uh when I was learning this category I was talking to happy salesman you can actually Mash B in here you only have to press a because as soon as you press B uh you actually get out of the conversation automatically and you have to redo the whole conversation uh something that I didn't know uh so it happened actually on a couple of runs my very first runs where I'm like what is going on I I'm talking to you hello a lot a lot a lot a lot of quirks that you only learned through experience yeah [Music] very good tutorials is coming in um okay I was not properly on the mats uh uh that is where a very good tutorial has come in uh it just teaches you the experience without having to experience yourself of course uh I don't know how much I really wonder how much longer would it take for someone to like learn all of these small things without anyone telling you what it is it would take an extra several months probably yeah but fortunately the community is really big and you can always just ask questions and they'll help you out you pretty much have to ask because some stuff is just you can't wrap your head around it yeah good song I always like that moment where you open the door but we never only smog opens that door yeah the normal way foreign [Music] [Music] no I was thinking about it but I think I'm good until uh forced Italian okay so I think I'm gonna go then hahaha [Music] so the Lord here by trying to uh defeat Ganon we instead actively help him reach his goals it's pretty ironic mm-hmm you have a huge mess to deal with smoking yeah and now we're greeted by a rauru or rauru [Music] let's not go that far okay uh I was actually told uh in the lore or history I'm not sure I have only heard this I don't know this for a fact but rauru is uh the owl yes that's correct that's true yep wow okay confirmed uh this is one of the also one of the cutscenes where just basically every single category has to go through it's not super long but it's one of the longer ones yeah it is ironic because even in the glitched speedruns uh the first for a reason the longest cutscenes are the ones we can't skip like another long cutscene is the infamous light arrows cutscene which we've been trying to skip for many years it is possible now but it requires some very specific glitches uh but yeah this cutscene everyone has to watch to get my sword oh yeah I think the same goes for Nocturne right I yes I believe so yeah nocturnal shadow uh something because when you're playing the song that's when you learn it in Nocturne but or sell those lullaby cutscene when you enter the cutting photographer you have already learned it you just need to press the buttons right it's because it's because uh entering areas there's no way to skip so for example when you exit spear Temple there's a custom that hits you immediately and even if you die as you enter that load Zone it'll always play I feel so much better but it last uh statistic that just came up the Empire is uh I now you know what I I like that pay I'm just gonna yeah I love them too yeah actually we're gonna go say hi to him again very soon oh yeah yeah but he's uh he's floating now he's flying he's like a magic man an angel yeah not doing that weird grave digging minigame yeah thank God well he finally came to his senses yeah really now he's just gonna throw fire at us and block us our way and shut the doors and yeah Jesus but it's a lot better than digging [Music] oh my God I I got so confused there because normally the door is still there for us so we have to save and reset so we started walking I was like has he lost his morals laughs yeah we can uh yeah that's open now forever so that's good now we're going back to kakurigo we're also gonna be starting the uh the Big Goron sword questline uh at the very beginning we're gonna be talking to the Coco lady again uh to get another egg that we need to hatch uh and then we need to test it before we can hand it in again and get uh upgraded to kujiro which is the blue check and the blue cocoa uh [Music] it's a very long Quest yeah it's a very long Quest and it's actually oh it starts right now right here and it ends in around let's see what is it uh four and a half yeah four and a half hour mark which is uh just insane [Music] but even more important than that right now is one of the most useful items the hook shot that we have to get ASAP gonna be using a bomb here to uh interrupt my grabbing of the the pole of the Grave there so I can enter the race here quickly of course of course so yeah the the Flames the Amper shoot out they're completely random it can be very nice maybe do like a few before he can set the whole place on fire he is not nice really out for you today yeah [Music] all right [Music] thank you so in in a normal standard 52 second raises kind of slow uh but it's fine uh uh but if I was at home right now I'd be like oh my God what is this oh Jesus Christ yeah with the pretty much perfect rolling uh you can get a 46 but it's very difficult yeah I've gotten around 45 plus damper races that has been a 46 second time um it's been uh well right there I did a side hop into uh the door and then back back in again to make me void out so I can back get back into the second race because uh the second race uh gives us a heart piece and um but uh the second race to get the hard piece you actually have to get up below a minute on the race which smoggy's doing anyway but you just have to do the race twice [Music] [Music] that Legend is a little weird uh you start a ledge climb but it cancels but link still gains height and so with a jump slash you can just make it up there it's faster than just climbing home foreign time here uh so we can just get the block out of the way maybe if you're uh very used to watching 100 glitch to bronze uh when they get here of the damper they are actually using a bomb shoe clip for the block yep uh but obviously we are not allowed to do that so we're gonna have to play some time oh my God so right now we're just gonna go ahead and learn Song of Storms to uh uh our past self yeah it's a funny time Paradox here he says he's he's heard his song before but at the same time we're the one who taught him it in the past yeah I don't know but he's yeah he's excited about it for some reason oh he seems mortified oh yeah oh it was you all those years ago wow so I need to hatch my chicken so I'm gonna do a couple of Sun song here because this is just the best way to do it or the best place to do it and then we're gonna go out wake up Thailand uh the the Sleepy guy at London Ranch it's just always sleeping yeah foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I have no idea looks cool yeah it's cool [Music] so the goal right now is we're just doing some cleanup uh but we want to go to four seven right uh yeah we're gonna we're gonna stop by we're gonna get some uh Bolero fire um open up the doors in Gordon City uh and then we're gonna go straight to Ice Cavern and then after ice Cameron it's minueta and Forest Temple right ice cream first ice Kevin is going to be hopefully sick uh ice cabin in um both glitchless glitchless versions and glitched versions are really cool to watch really cool almost killing me good uh uh okay got the tech skip there right yeah um I'm not sure yeah okay so I did did that on accident okay uh I'm actually not allowed to do that uh it's like oh three seconds yeah well glitch yeah I guess it's more of a bug but it's not allowed uh I did that on purpose but there's nothing I can do about right now if this happened in a run uh it would be probably invalid um I think so at least pretty sure what part of that was it but uh I don't remember the rule uh but it's using another small cutscene to interrupt another to interrupt a text box I'm not sure I have no idea I just I actually I just know it is not allowed I press the buttons that's it you just press the buttons [Music] you just work here but it's such a small thing so um we're fine yeah there's a there's a thing you can do here where if you let go of a on a very specific frame link will just let go but the block or whatever will still like pull all the way also you might have uh scene that I just drank some milk uh not because I need help but I just need to empty the bottle and that is the just the perfect position or perfect place to just drink up the milk or milk as we say in Sweden [Music] foreign here's another little thing after directly after this Cuts in I'm going to be playing a sun song um I needed to be nighttime after ice cabin actually and uh I need to go back to uh Gordon City anyway and instead of just uh voiding out in the lava or hook shot our way back over the broken bridge we're just gonna play Samsung head here to warp it back uh because we need to play Sun song anyway so this is just the best position to do it yeah it's a good place to do it and again this sets it to midnight so it's it's gonna turn date pretty soon yeah uh uh and I was just uh oh I can't wait until we get back here actually I'm gonna be trying to do a cool little uh backflip over Mido without hook shot hopefully I can get it I'm actually a little bit excited but if I talk to him oh that's gonna that's gonna suck now this time I I can't really grab a cocoa here to uh jump around the waterfall so I'm gonna have to play Solo's lullaby here there is a damage boost that exists on the left side of the waterfall but it's so precise and so difficult that it's not even worth going for it especially in such a long run you sort of have to justify if the time set is really worth it over the consistency yeah a lot of the times it's not when it's like minuscule and the difficulty is just super difficult yeah it really is the the risky versus reward thing uh I value consistency a lot uh even if it's a short category but I want everything to be as consistent as possible and then I work my way up uh because you will always be better and better over time and this ice platform uh can you have the jump slash up here and sometimes it doesn't let you do that so you just fall back into the into the water and I that that kind of sucks now we're here uh ice Karen uh I'm actually gonna try and give as much as a good delicious display as possible and uh Axel can uh explain some of the stuff that I'm doing yeah some pretty Advanced movement uh especially using the ice physics foreign [Music] that's when you see some really cool jumps [Music] for now though we just gotta click these silver rupees get access to uh blue fire and these are uh bats that are called the ice keys or just keys but they are yeah ice Keys yeah uh you can sort of camera manipulate them not to uh agree but sometimes they have a mind of their own and they can be really annoying right now it looks pretty okay so I can just leave they were close but not that close [Music] okay it's funny how you can use scoop fire yeah it would be nice to do it in real life oh here's the thing that's uh you can argue if it's a glitch or not but he's gonna use the bombs basically the bombs Coalition uh just to keep Link in place he's not like flipping or anything he's just keeping Link in place so he doesn't slide out and then he does a recoil and that's just fairly enough to just touch the heart piece through the ice and so it's not it's not a glitch as far as the rules go yeah just kind of pokes it it's more like a hitboxer versus hitbox touch and here comes the the main room the coolest room it's a frustrating room not too [ __ ] it [Music] first jump done oh Jesus this is not looking good yeah the ice Keys here can be they're so incredibly random sometimes they can always group up on you and then sometimes they'll use all completely ignore you different [Music] basically just get all those silver rookies without even touching the block oh I actually have to kill that one yep it's a really cool trick are you using the ice physics right there so just Glide off and then make it link jump uh at a very specific angle with a very specific uh like neutral stick you don't have you can't hold Target or anything like that and you can just jump up there and grab the ledge you don't have to use the platform at all okay [Music] and like before hitting the wolf was in the back just instantly kills it [Music] [Music] this is one of the coolest rooms in the game as well in my opinion [Music] it looks very space-like it's very aesthetic yeah anything similar I know the The wolfos Grotto in the sacred Meadow yeah really really but it's more like it crystallized uh I don't know rainbow colored all over the room yeah this room almost feels kind of out of place [Music] [Music] I've not seen this Cuts in so long all right yeah we don't we don't watch cutscenes in other ones yeah not many at least gonna be watching them today [Laughter] all right so instead of uh actually warping out of here we're gonna go back uh because we need to clean up a sore Pond and uh sora's domain a little bit we're gonna we have to unfreeze King Sora he's freezing uh so we're gonna go back here and pick up the heart piece that is on the bottom of the lake and at the same time we're equipping a Goron tunic uh we don't really need Goron tunic uh it's just not so you don't have to worry about the heat timer later in the fire temple and it only takes another half a second to uh actually no no no no no no no no it's actually faster just to equip it because when you're walking over lava and you don't have guarante unicorn you stagger a little bit it's like a delay until you can start moving fast again like rolling uh but also because we don't want to have the heat timer to expire we don't want that to be a problem at all oh yeah we could probably have some messages yeah yeah absolutely I would like to remind everyone that we have a couple of incentives uh open so when you are donating your money you can put it towards one of these incentives for example we have the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentive which currently sits at 521.20 out of a 2 000 required so get those donations in and put them uh towards that incentive or any of the others of your liking foreign excited about I hope I get it uh it's pretty cool you don't have to actually use hook shot the backflip over miter but it's pretty difficult and I got it it's actually pretty precise and now here's another ESS roll setup that is coming up also pretty difficult what yes very good [Music] uh that Strat versus the slightly slower stride is about two second difference but the difficulty in both them is quite huge uh so that is a strat that I don't really do not recommend to anyone because you really don't need uh uh of course we are speed Runners we want to go fast but sometimes you have to slow down and uh be good at the tricks instead of failing them all the time so that was pretty much a perfect split so far uh I might have missed one roll uh a little bit about it execution but overall that felt pretty good [Music] horse templates of fun dungeon right sorry one Forest Temple yeah dungeon no no no no I I I don't like it I mean it's it's a really nice and cool Temple but in this category I it's the worst uh in my opinion like it's not the worst in like time also stuff like that but it's just so many annoying things that can go wrong oh yeah pushing the box and the pose that they are the PO quick Hills um the the quick cycle with the eyes I I yeah you don't yeah yeah you do that we don't do that but I know what you're talking about yeah it's just uh there's a lot of just annoying stuff that is going on and um I'm surprised that didn't hit you see that that's weird doing a quick little setup here to just get up on the vines very quickly and this is the time where I'm going to be equipping forward's wind uh for the first time I'm gonna be using it for the first time we're gonna use uh forwards win quite a lot [Music] um throughout the Run even between temples um what you're going to be seeing later down the line uh some people don't even know about it do you use any any uh forwards went between temples and dungeons uh I'm trying to think uh I don't think we do it but no we do uh well actually we do a glitch where we have it on the B button so we can see right yeah yeah that's true oh yeah a normal gameplay first win only works in dungeons but you don't have to be in the same dungeon to use it you can set it in one dungeon and then use it on another and just instantly get to the other dungeon actually a really cool mechanic yeah it's very good uh if you if you are doing a randomizer for example and or just a casual playthrough and you forgot about a silver key or a small key somewhere in the beginning of the dungeon for example uh sets forwards wind and just go back and uh you can do the same thing if uh oh no I just need to get this little piece of equipment quickly and then I can just first went back uh there is actually a setup with the very first um Forest wind that I'm going to be using uh it's an angle setup a setup that I found around a year ago I would say maybe it was summer I'm not sure it's been a long time now um we used to do a couple of ESS turns to make the setup work and it's actually right here where I am right now but I need to finish this Puzzle first and by the way ESS turn is basically when link is just standing still but he's rotating so he's not without actually moving his position he's just kind of shuffling his feet that's what we call an ESS turn thank you just slightly nudging the stick outside of that zone yeah but the setup is right here uh it's very simple actually it's very very easy to just get around the corner here and hopefully you get the angle and I have a visual key for this and yes I did get it so now I only have to do I'll hold up and when I jump off the ledge I just do a recoil jump slash and I'm getting all the way to this door uh so we can skip I actually don't know what we're skipping there I forgot I've been speed running this game for too long I actually don't remember I I have no idea oh we skipped something but we're not skipping it wasn't doing it later supposed to fall down here from one of the other rooms later on right okay right yeah so I need it's very crucial that you have full magic before leaving this room and I'm also stuck in stocking up of uh on some deck nuts that's a lot of nuts and hey we're gonna continue on our way pulling out sword before grabbing binds is actually faster uh um I don't know the mechanic behind it but uh I I just know that it's faster uh probably because if yeah it's because a sword is faster to put away when you're climbing something uh instead of having I think the way it works is yeah so first person items is the slowest put away uh so if you can like replace it with a sword or stick or anything it's faster yeah this is a neat little setup really stand on the edge there stopping myself with a slash Shield sucking in the breach that skeletal token yep slashes are great because link can't actually fall off an edge if you just keep slashing so if you ever want to nudge close to an edge just slash you'll get as far as you can uh we used to be able to uh grab this uh chest underwater with iron boots uh like you would equip iron boots and then you would hook shot the chest and while you're uh blinks animation of standing up again on Solid Ground he can open chests um and because you are hook shotting something underwater with iron boots and you want to stand up the game thinks you are not in water or something like that so you can open chest but that is not allowed anymore uh it was deemed illegal so uh but the new route is just as fine it's completely fine I hear us on navi text actually that I'm actually rolling into because I'm gonna be running back and forth here a couple of times and I might as well just talk to Navi once to just get her out of the way oh okay bad angle stealthos fights yes so the way this room works is that the Upper Floor won't actually activate unless you've already done the fight on the first floor so smogging it just jump down here and do this fight and then basically reload the entire area and he's gonna do that using for us when and that will activate the Upper Floor [Music] foreign and I I honestly doubt most people as kids use Deku nuts yep I never use Deco nuts no me neither foreign [Music] [Music] the PO quick kills um you could do these uh fights safely uh but it's a very very cool to do it in one hit or one cycle I don't know how to call it uh but you can manipulate them and running in a certain way that you can just uh stab them three times in a row very good that was the first one down it's actually really cool I didn't know about that until recently yeah yeah I remember when I I showed you uh you're like I've never seen that before but it's it's a it's a very tight window oops stuck on the wall a little bit there [Music] so now we're just going to be twisting or untwist this Hall uh we can get to the boss key just uh and then we're actually gonna use forwards of wind uh to get back to the fairy Ballroom I was gonna say you'd have to twist it one more time if you didn't do that it would just be very tedious this whole dungeon without Frozen Oh I thought you said I didn't use it I'm like what no no no well we will find out right now yeah I got it sorry I heard me a little bit I'm like what hey guys it's more precise than it looks correct yes yeah it took me uh find some time to be fully comfortable with it uh to uh not to be afraid or nervous when doing it in runs thank you and I just avoided a navi texter just by not running forward and this room that has come out this is this is tricky this is a bit tricky Swedish sniper yeah let's see it got it nice it's weird you just have to melt the ice you just don't even need to hit the actual eye yeah exactly I think the hitbox is uh more better up and down uh but it's if you miss too much to the left the right you won't get it there was actually one time where I was I was aiming so far up and I you didn't even see the arrow on the wall in the cutscene I'm like what happened how did I hit it [Music] uh that one-sided Collision right there maybe you can take care of that that's totally not a glitch foreign basically there's just Collision on the underside I believe and so the top you can just face through and therefore not a glitch yeah it's the exact same thing that happened in the very beginning of the run with the bridge clip in Kokiri Forest uh I still say Bridge clip it's it's just because it's been called Bridge clip for so many years it's super it's super glitch in computer for us yeah um it's the same thing with the Rooney as they were if you're coming from the other side and you haven't opened the the Rooney's door statue uh uh the the statue or whatever very good all three pose it's really good [Music] now we're coming up on the uh last po uh Meg right I think she's called Meg I'm sure you know this better neither make sounds familiar though yeah oh yeah actually a pretty cool thing here right uh you can actually tell which one is the real one not because of the spinning but if you play pay very close attention to the Shadows uh the real one's Shadow will actually pop up before the other ones just for a friend oh yeah I think I saw it right there yeah oh I paused exactly on the screen Jesus Christ so pay very very close attention it shows up for one frame I'm gonna do here I'm gonna stand here in the center so I can I think it was this one yeah yeah you have to really have a Hawk Eyes For This uh I think up yeah yeah I wasn't sure sometimes I wait it's only for one frame but it's crazy you can still see it yeah I think it was left yeah but sometimes when you even if you think you saw it it's if you're not sure just wait because it's there's nothing worse trying to hit all the pose and like no where is it so I got the skeletal token on the wall up there and this uh also down here uh how many switches are there two three oh there's three yeah no you're on this yeah but I just sometimes in my head it's just do a do B do CD and then I don't honestly at the beginning when you said there were seven tacos I I wasn't even sure how many they were [Laughter] oh we're gonna in here and [Music] uh just get the last switch now open the gates to the boss door [Music] and this fight uh is quite different from the the glitched categories uh you can't use isg of course which is for stands for infinite sword glitch where you kind of see when the sword is like waving around as like a white uh it turns into a light sail yeah and the lightsaber we can't do that here so uh we're gonna have to use some very clever uh mechanics and fighting to just keep him stand locked uh the very fast Strat for this hopefully I can show it to you and get it but it's pretty pretty difficult okay if I don't get it it's fine although a lot of people ask how do you know which one is the real one there's two ways to tell first of all the real one is the only one that has sound you can if you just wear headphones you can hear which one is the real one but then also the real one is more it's lighter uh it's not as dark also one thing to mention if he spawns over the gate fence I can't actually do the Quick Hill yeah there's a little bit of RNG to this so I think he did no he didn't okay although it's Gonna Fly Right it looks like got it nice so now um as soon as I step into the blue warp and split I'm actually now it's time for me to go to do my first toilet break it's your mashing during The Medallion yeah it's just mashing yeah yeah but I need to do this yeah he had he had his shoes off Jesus Christ I don't need us if you don't make it back though just stand in place yeah you just leave the controller [Laughter] in the seats and we're gonna sit there awkwardly but I I sh it's not this is a long cutscene oh I know so there you go good sir it's actually a co-op run foreign so would this be a good opportunity to talk a little bit about our prices that we have yes please tell me perfect great so uh while you are donating money to this charitable cost you can also enter into drawing this for some of our amazing prizes and uh we have a bunch of different things there are artworks uh gaming peripherals and some of our really nice Grand prices including a very very nice custom Esa PlayStation 5 and yeah a bunch of more so go to uh the esa marathon website and check out the full list of prices and also there you will find the minimum donations to be able to enter into these drawing so uh um yeah apart from supporting a great cause you could be one of the lucky winners of these yeah so this Cuts in here it's I think it might be it might be the longest one I'm not sure it's definitely up there this is this whole whole back sort of thing going on do we have any uh donation we do in fact have a 50 donation from spread uh no comment but putting it towards the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentive so thank you very much spread for that donation that was quick pretty quick yes it was thank you good sir you wanna you wanna laugh together I mean yeah am I officially part of the run now yes you have been from the very start and before anyone asks me later after the run when I get home or whatever yes I did wash my hands don't worry [Music] now we're going over to water temple uh which is kind of a similar difficulty to uh Forest Temple in my opinion but uh water temple has more punishing things if you fail them foreign pressed a little bit too faster yeah I'm not too familiar with the glitchless strats for water temple I assume there's a lot of that's a lot of setups a lot of setups yeah but racing and lowering the water level did you do that a lot sorry one the the racing and lowering water uh yeah we do the two times yeah two times two times isn't that bad I think two times yeah twice a lot for his win right uh two of them I believe as well we're gonna be abusing that also hello Ruto long time no see but I could you please speak faster I'm drowning first of all foreign [Music] we don't need solar tunic uh yet I'm actually I'm I have to grab Sora tunic uh you have to grab solar tunic for 100 uh but it's very very late into the Run uh that we get it and uh don't even need to equip it at any point but I actually will maybe equip it later because uh I just like the color that's it I just liked sword tunic it is the best tunic yeah you kind of just you on froze kingsora and you just kind of left him hanging yeah unfrosome and then we're gonna talk to him later here's a setup that is coming in which is [Music] very punishing if you fail it's I'm gonna just make sure that I get it got it we do that exact same thing in the rich version yeah I think yeah that's right that specific setup was uh born in glitches and then it came over to you not sure though I could be wrong [Music] I could see it yeah it's a little weird the way it works uh basically out of on pause lag smoggy does a untargeted side up which allows him to retarget me there and as he's falling he retargets the wall that's in front of him and that makes link kind of stick to it uh it's a little funky but basically he kind of gets sent forward yeah it gets momentum forward exactly now we're taking a massive detour here but this is a very good detour uh because we're gonna be uh we need a skeletal in the back here uh but we're also gonna stock up on uh bombs and uh arrows uh almost half full arrows I won't need much of it but I'm gonna pick it up one part of it so I just in case it was a lot when grabbing Ledges you can quick pull hook shot just makes the link pull it out faster [Music] good foreign [Music] [Music] we do water before Fire temple yeah which uh most casual playthroughs would do forest fire and then water but turns a hammer isn't really that useful in other dungeons forward a little bit here this was a bit scary but maybe yep very good so that setup that I did to get up to the third level with the hook shot is very precise um it's very punishing if you fall down because then you actually have to save quit and uh go back up again it's really annoying is another neat little setup uh again we don't have hover boots or isg go he's barely barely reached us uh this cycle in this room to get up these platforms uh can be a very very tight window to get up here to hook shot one less platform even if you just miss a couple of slashes there on the first platform when you're setting up for the skeletal you can't get it so you just may it might as well try and go for uh one platform more and here's a little jump slash classic example of a glitch so it just jump slash around the corner right there so you skip that little statue foreign magic again and here we have Dark Link maybe you can take this actually yeah so the way of shadowlink or Dark Link Works is his health will match Link's Health uh well the amount of heart containers that has uh so smoggy has quite a lot of Hearts right now so it's gonna take a few hits here but by sidewalking and slashing it's a very consistent way of always making sure you hit him have you ever uh fight shadowlink uh head on you'll notice how he he's very good at blocking your attacks [Music] uh so here the song uh song of time block is blocking so we're just gonna get that out of the way and we can go down uh we're actually gonna go all the way down the river uh uh you could do a safety Strat uh and do [Music] um something called uh you can actually stand in the water here and get uh with iron boots and get the skeletaler but uh since we want to go pretty fast we do Quick Draw and then hook shots very very precise good [Music] because we're going through this gate anyway yeah that was a hook shot extension right yes it was Yeah so basically as smoggy side up there he pulled out hook shot in a way where link was able to reach slightly more than normally it's called hook side extension but hello it is a loud English yes I'm pretty sure we're only doing it twice and that was it today in water temple we're doing both both extensions in one sample uh I I could be wrong but it's a long category sometimes you get forget things how many times you're visiting a certain area and now here with uh oh yeah did we talk about swimming with iron boots um no we haven't so basically uh if you have cookery boots and you jump in water and just if you just hold Target and swim with cookie boots and then pause in an equip our boots as long as you're still holding Target you'll actually swim with iron boots so you'll be sinking as you're swimming which is pretty useful because normally you just think like a rock and you can't really move forward or backward and we want to equip with gear boost before entering this door otherwise there's a specific setup here quick drawn folder at the same time very good all right it's like jumping from that high platform used is far enough in the water where you can just swim into the tunnel normally you have to equip iron boots to reach down there yeah [Music] and now we have the BK uh the boss key and this is the last for us win we're gonna just go back now and now we're positioned perfectly in front of the the hallway the last door to the boss we're just gonna launch it over that was really quick water temple yeah what the temple is pretty quick because there's a there's a lot of keys you can get in this dungeon and it can get very confusing when you start racing and lowering the water levels yep especially the middle water level that one is like you always watch smoggy is completely skip that good morpha you say this is the easiest boss oh oh no this is definitely not the easiest boss yeah and I think out of the adult temples uh uh I think Bongo is easier uh here's the thing more if I can really trolley with his hitbox that's true that's true uh the hitbox on this little red ball morpha is a very janky uh you have to like not hit him you got a good spawn though to hit him got a very good spawn yeah that's a very good spawn I don't want to stand right in the ground I got a trap in and trap him in the corner here uh but I need to hook shot him first and I'm not gonna yeah as you can see there that's kind of weird and of course he's gonna spawn behind me [Music] so we're gonna have to wait for that again [Music] that's unfortunate sometimes when he he can just pop behind you like that and you can't even Target him and then sometimes he'll drop like like a full meter in front of you and you have to like Chase very good speaking of water temple water cheers long cuts in here coming up yeah this was a pretty long cutscene uh after this cutscene uh we're actually going to jump into adult fishing which is uh the second big orangey part of the Run and uh judging by how damp it behaved earlier I really hope nothing I don't get really bad luck on adult fishing as well um but we could actually take a uh we could take a donation here uh during discussing yeah great we have a Hannah Beth donating ten dollars saying good luck on the rest of your run smoggy and with that my shift here at the donation reading station has come to an end uh yeah very soon I miss you yeah but uh we're having you know another person taking over I think it would be great the run will continue um yeah thanks for an amazing run so far I will continue watching from The Spectator side um so yeah I've been uh Zeta two I will be back later in the week and uh yeah don't go anywhere the Run continues for that donation yeah absolutely thank you very much [Music] so maybe we can talk about adult fishing compared to child fishing yeah we could do that I can also talk about the multiplier when it's a morning right so when it when it's morning for whatever reason it's been looked into so it's not just uh you know like a feeling like I feel like it's better here in the morning it used to be that but then we looked into the code and you saw there's actually a multiplier uh if you fish in the morning and I think also in the evening right before it turns nighttime no about the evening I'm not I don't know I'm no I've not heard of that before at least at least for the mornings for sure you have a way better chance of having the fish jump at you but adult fishing is significantly worse than child fishing because the fish will still get on your line like normally but it'll struggle way way worse like you can have the big fish on your line for what almost up to two minutes yeah uh I think the average is around one and a half minutes before he gets tired and then you can reel him in but uh just that reeling in and until the first fish gets tired uh during child fishing uh the fish gets tired after I I mean you can always reel it in it takes like maybe a maximum of 15 seconds yeah so on average yeah the child one is really easy uh in English versions We actually get both rewards as child so we never even have to bother with adult fishing thankfully yeah uh but what smoggy has to do basically hopefully is to have the fish just jump at him as it bites so that that way he doesn't have to do any sort of reeling yeah so he's like he jumps into your arms oh so this is like an insta catch and uh for uh PB runs this is the worst because uh you're doing uh runs in the beginning and you're trying to get past dampe then when you finally get past damper you get blocked by adult fishing and it's uh there's a reason why I always say that adult fishing is the worst even though dampe is technically worse it's just the feeling is just oh it's it's so far it should have run as well yeah ah but I had to uh play Samsung right there to pick up the skeletal um unfortunately I have to do that but now I have Five Arrows uh I use fire arrows I think exactly one time in the entire run One Time One Shot just one more time then use eithers yeah so now when I get over here I'm gonna play uh and I'm gonna try and enter the pond or in the morning uh if I have the multiplier or hopefully have that multiplier [Music] uh but if he bites and I catch him uh and I have to reel them in I'm gonna actually reel him in on the first try and see uh foreign [Music] yeah as you said it has turned around that is uh extremely good [Music] uh I I'm I don't know the statistics on that but I not it might be the same percentage uh as first try Dan Bay but I'm and I can't really tell I haven't really done the numbers on it like a 10 chance of instacatch yeah like first try instacatch not sure um and right there uh uh I completed the Scarecrow song uh I'm in an older route or a beginner route you would actually go to Lake Lake Highland laboratory right now and uh go up play Scarecrow song and go up the very Tower top of the tower and get the heart piece right there but there is a 10 second faster route uh uh where you can do it later and run during eyeball frog timer which makes the eyeball frog timer split much much worse of course uh because you could get sent back to King Sora uh during one of the uh the question trade but it saves a big 10 seconds as long as you don't it's not over overly difficult but yeah we're talking about the bomb thing here yeah all right suspicion um I wanted to take damage there I might actually use another bomb to take damage uh because I I don't know this for a fact but I have a feeling that the Gerudo guards that I'm about to do they will jump slash you more frequently if you have full health I don't know Earth for a fact it just I just have a feeling because I used to run nips and glitches a lot and then when I switch over to this category I always came here with full health and I was I got caught very often I'm like why I don't understand it am I just unlucky all of a sudden or is there something different and I the only the reason I could see is like oh well I have more health and I have full health going into the so I don't know so I'm actually gonna do this it's a Superstition but I mean it could be for the record I don't believe it yeah but no it's a it's definitely a Superstition yeah if smoggy feels better doing it than he should yeah I'm not losing it in time doing it well now I did but because I had to put out another one I didn't take damage uh on the first one um but yeah I don't believe that I were in deep down I don't but I [Music] [Music] know oh yeah so cool thing here with the guards uh during night time their vision is actually a lot worse than during daytime and this includes the guards who are indoors so you can pretty much almost stand right in front of them and they just don't catch you very very cool detail like they don't even care yeah you see one of them right there but uh the setup that I'm there's a setup that I'm doing right there uh I'm doing exact amount of side Ops it doesn't look like a setup uh but I mean it's kind of a setup but it doesn't look like it so here's a cool Strat uh I'm always Gonna Get Behind the torch and using a ranged weapon such as hook shot uh the guard will actually jump at you I'm guessing it's a mechanics to dodge it but since you're behind it torch he jumps towards you and she gets stuck in the torch and you can just kind of stun lock her that way yeah but if you if you actually if you bait her into between you and the torch and she gets stuck there uh and you walk out of the corner she actually can get out of it so it's not like she's stuck she's just stuck when you're in that position um it's a it's a little strange but it works it's been a thing for a long long time foreign stamps and uh I am not completely sure but I don't know if it's because you're too fast or too slow like on the timing of each card slab sometimes it feels like you're doing the exact same tempo all the time and they still backflip it's uh it's a bit strange yeah we do different strive for guards in the glitched version but even then it's really funky how they work it's like you don't really have complete control do we do a donation uh uh we could do it soon uh we are almost done with the splits [Music] oh I'm not sure what happened there but it's fine [Music] uh when we get to when we are done with the last Guru to guard we can go ahead all right this one you're like right in front of her she doesn't see you if that was during daytime she would be all right who goes there and she froze you in jail thank you oh she didn't jump this time so we're gonna have to do it again I was so weird to see that they're actually having red clothes because I'm so used to playing this game in black and white oh yeah so weird yeah I like for me I was gonna say uh the last one that shows up uh her her clothes will match whatever tunic you're wearing yeah or if you have gauntlets she'll actually match those instead and if you pull out a bomb or two Unix lashes with the bomb does she really yep did not know that we're coming up on the last Guru bar yeah uh yeah talk you want to pull out a bombing show what do you want to play the bombing show uh hmm [Music] I'm not sure maybe I don't know how your bomb count is it yeah I don't know I I need some more bombs I think I'm gonna skip it for now but uh uh actually I think I need my bombs I'm not quite sure maybe you can do it later after the run maybe after maybe maybe [Laughter] all right so uh we're done with the guru guards uh uh we can actually take a donation before I'm going to Wasteland absolutely well first of all uh just to announce this is the voice of ruffle bricks that you were hearing I am going to be hosting the remainder of this fantastic run and I am going to start you off with a 100 donation from snake uh no comment on this donation but thank you very much snake that goes to the Sonic Frontiers any percent true ending uh incentive that we currently have so please keep your donations coming in for that we have a two thousand dollar goal that we are trying to meet there so uh each one of those will ensure that we can get that fantastic incentive met before The Run which is going to be right after this one so back to YouTube thank you uh so now we're going to Wasteland here uh I don't have lens of Truth uh uh s also how do you want to get through it I mean just gonna have to preach right yes his guess yeah just guess where we're going but yeah you can actually just for uh it's it this first part is not that difficult to memorize how you're going uh you have special visual cues that you can use uh but the second part is a little bit more difficult uh yeah you're meant to have lens of Truth and follow a Poe through the Wasteland who guides you uh but if you just know where the void out trigger shot you can just avoid them so I have very specific methods here I'm actually going to count them out as am I growing just to give you another one two three four and then when I get over this bump over here right there one two three four five six and don't want to Target the leaves there we go that is like okay so now I just gave away a secret to that Strat so go ahead take it I don't care oh it's perfect [Laughter] it's made of an odd route we just finished water temple and now we're going straight to Spirit yeah interesting thing if you see up uh you can actually because normally these levers are really annoying and you end up targeting them and they just spin around and it's just it's hard just to get a back walk started but if you turn around and see up and then you can sleep by holding Target you can actually Target without targeting interesting you cancel it with targets I double tap see up oh you can also press a to cancel it ah okay I thought you actually had to press C up twice a busy yeah okay yes we don't even do it yeah yeah so now we just uh we're just uh on our way here to get requiem so we can get back later because uh we can't finish uh adult side uh Sparrow Temple without doing child side Trail Temple so we're just basically just going over here to grab uh grab a Requiem so we can work a warp back as you have to you have to do it in a normal playful uh play through um we're getting towards the end of the adult one as well uh we have still have fire temples going which is directly after this whoops wow I'm a bit too fast there we go don't you hate it when you're too fast sometimes too good game can't keep up yeah it's just I don't know big brain working overtime or something is the best song by the way yeah [Music] best song and best Temple is this your favorite Temple Speed running wise or casual wise or theme like the feel of it it is very difficult in the speedrun yeah but I think it's still my it might still be my favorite yeah foreign uh so first things first when we're going into for example and just in case never know crashing uh there is one spot in uh the flame dancer fight where you can be easy crash but since I've only had the Wii on for approximately a slightly over three hours it should be fine but just in case it has only happened to me one time but I still think about it she does that one time oh my God no it's the last time we see darunia yeah buy the Rooney see you in the credits [Laughter] [Music] yeah we don't actually have to talk to the gorons they'll find a way out though yeah if you leave and come back they're they're gone they figured out thank you how do I really think about it fire temple is a very straightforward it's not a whole lot like it speedrunning why is it is going going on that's a cool jump after this stress yeah there is uh there's a couple of rooms that are uh it's hard to know because when you've done something for so long kind of forget what it looks like in a normal I don't know how to say it uh from a viewer's perspective kind of hard to like uh put yourself into uh like oh is this uh this is really cool or is this just oh I did not get that that was very very close yeah oh okay I'm just gonna do that hello okay Jesus Christ this is such a mess if you don't get it ah yeah I used to have a strat where I throw a bomb and then I long shot the skeletal token and then I told you you could just reach it from the door yeah so yeah so I changed because it's faster so that was actually a very new style for me and here I can utilize a damage boost if I get it yep I got it uh that is not something I recommend going for if you're running all main Quests for glitches because health is a huge issue in fire temple is if you're going to Nicholas route um like not getting Goran tunic it saves a lot of time but it can really mess up your run if you don't practice enough and know what you're doing yeah we didn't talk about it but uh the timers you get in these hot areas if you had unicorn they're based on how much health you have so if you don't have a lot of Health you're not gonna have a lot of time on here and I assume 80 they skip the hard containers uh yeah we uh grabbed the The Dungeon Park containers but we skipped Forest uh fire water but sometimes we have to pick up um uh uh Fire temple if we have a lot of uh if we have very low Health at the end of uh the volvaggio fights uh it's about usually most people pick up the Shadow Temple Park container but here's a very cool uh bomb thing I don't know how to call this it's just using the Collision of the bomb again yeah using the Collision of the bomb to push you off the edge to make it link jump and then you curve your jumper back to reach to grab the ledge on top of the block so you can skip doing that puzzle uh another uh expert typical example of uh utilizing and abusing base mechanics uh in religious how much time does it if you uh accidentally talk to the gurus how much time does it actually cost is it like 20 seconds 15. I don't think it's that long I think it depends who you talk to but they're pretty quick yeah I actually uh go into the boulder on purpose because it takes a longer time to wait for it to stop and then roll back and then you might as well just go around the entire pillar but I actually go run into that Boulder on purpose to stop it from rolling and make it turn back around oh foreign yeah there's not a whole lot going on in fire temple it's pretty pretty self-explanatory yeah other than the cool jumps it's mostly just getting the Keys Fire temple has the most keys out of all dungeons here's one thing about a fire fire temple for me at least is that as you said yeah there's not a lot going on but you still have to make sure you're doing the things correctly and it's pretty it's not the longest Temple I think the longest Temple is uh Forest for the speed run uh for in this category four is Temple is force Temple is the longest Temple yeah yeah that makes sense with the pose and all that yeah so I was doing a uh for West Winder while I was falling down I'm gonna use another Forest Wind here to get back up uh get back up after I grab a small key after Megaton Hammer there's a there's a room above us where there's a couple of uh skeletalists that we need to collect and we're going to use the Scarecrow song to hook shot our hook shot up there uh I don't really like the look of my hearts at the moment so I'm just gonna do that shapes off a second or so I'm gonna pick up the hearts in the pots at the flame dancer room as well um because this is actually one of the only splits where you can actually die in the in the entire run so I'm just gonna pick up those uh extra free hearts oh yeah you don't die in this run do you uh um no not a single time so it's deathless yeah deathless yeah a very common method of getting back or skipping cutscenes is just by dying so in other categories you dialogue yeah we used to uh uh uh die a couple of times okay at Saria song and actually here in fire temple but we just found out that save warping is faster uh by just a tiny amount of time depending on what it was but it was on uh it was a long time ago um I don't remember very old routes also a kind of a fun fact uh player dancer has the same traits as Gannon to as where anything except the master sword does one damage if you try to fight fire dancer with big orange sword it's gonna take you forever okay heck [Music] oh a scary walk coming up yeah this is a scary part for a lot of new runners I feel I still find it very scary I've been around for a few years I actually uh didn't do one roll I usually do it but I didn't do it this time oh okay just just in case well in and under 100 this is the very last thing we do is just run here ah Ryan yeah yeah pretty scary hahaha uh I need to push myself forward here a little bit there we go if you target before you land uh after such a long drive where the link takes fall damage it doesn't stagger very much and you can just uh have full control every link directly after yeah you can also just hit that switch through the songs just jump slashing it with hammer yep now we're back hello scarecrow oops okay I do that too so it happens so many times okay so now this is just uh now it's just a little cleanup and then we're gonna go and get the boss key just uh the boss key and then uh we are on our way to bolvajia during this cleanup do we have time for a quick donation uh yes we do excellent we have a 25 donation from Captain novelland and says Ocarina of Time will turn 25 this year so here's one dollar for each year in honor of this game that I love so dearly good luck smoggy with the rest of the Run and that goes towards the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive that we have coming for the upcoming Sonic block again please do keep your donations coming in for that and for the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentives and uh back to you smoggy thank you very much there's a new start that I've been trying to develop make this room a little bit more consistent but this room is very annoying sometimes well that worked out pretty well yeah that was pretty pretty good uh I actually need rupees as well so I'm gonna actually hook shot over to this like like okay let's get this countdown token while it spawn some rupees for me thank you because I need to have 70 Rupees at least uh uh before exiting uh before I'm done with fire temple uh something that is coming up actually after fire temple a very small thing here too you see smoggy gets to the corner of this block that's just because the camera tends to pan upwards makes it a little easier to see where he's gonna jump [Music] so I don't really need these bombs but I'm gonna pick them up just in case it just Waits a few seconds does it yeah in a normal PB attempt I would not do it but since this is uh our phone I'll do it a second and a six hour six hour run is uh nothing [Music] now we're completely done now we can go to the bathroom and we're gonna make a pretty cool uh uh jump over to the boss room without having the pillar down in the center here um it was actually a time where some people said that this jump shouldn't be allowed yeah but I'm like this is a jump Jesus Christ hello it's just a jump at full speed yeah so I'm jump slashing into the boss fight here with Megaton hammer uh oh just because volvargia you can't kill buddy without Megaton Hammer but I'm still gonna Crouch that volvajia's head with Master Sword but I need the Quake effect for it to uh count this damage I'm actually just gonna focus on the bomb drops here right so bomb drops thing yeah basically uh the last hole of Audrey goes down in still has everybody has full body so you can see here small you can use kit for larger with the bombs uh as he's fighting in you can you can hear Volo takes damage and if Smokey does it right he should be able to do this whole fight without uh wow oh that's scary that was really weird really scary I'm actually not sure what to wear uh is she gonna play yeah you can you can just climb down the wall on the side yeah and I'm about to climbable wall but that was really weird I really thought I hit her it really looked like it was close enough I'm not used to playing on Modern monitors like this [Music] but it's really funky how our hitbox is still in the hole As She Goes Down so good backup and the good thing is that you have Gore and tunic here and I need to pick up the hard container anyway so we're all good the spicy spaghetti has been defeated it's a good boss fight ER sorry do you like volvoja yeah I mean she is a pretty cool boss yeah what's your favorite boss my favorite balls is Pro Jesus uh my favorite boss is probably [Music] hmm twin Rover mine's Bongo no I mean I can see why [Laughter] this cutscene is actually pretty short uh we're actually gonna another big thing that is coming up soon um Epona race this is something that uh I glitched 100 runs it doesn't do uh I think they used to do it before they had to get in a very old Route and 64 out they had to go around and uh get uh hunt down the big pose um but I need to I need to actually raise the Ingo twice they can just glitch over a fence and that would just trigger the cutscene for when you've uh jumped over the fence with Epona we can just steal oppona but yeah has to get her legit yeah I have to do the normal normally and the second race the first race with Ango is easy peasy but the second race with Wingo is very scary uh especially if you don't get ahead of him in the beginning of the race uh because if you fail that with this route that I'm doing uh you could lose up to three minutes of just uh I'm like it's just a three minute time loss depending on what we decide to do if you failed it um uh because you have just enough money to get there to try out the horses and call Epona and then start the race which costs 50 rupees and on top of that you have all the mushroom uh so you have the old mushroom timer going I bought the the horse race timer uh overwrite the odd mushroom timer so which is why we're doing odd mushroom at the same time because we're just swinging by and grabbing it and then we're gonna hunt some pose free pose directly after uh and it's a it's a little bit of a scary part of the Run uh it can go very wrong uh but it can also go very well but depending on what happens I'm gonna have to like do a slight reroute uh if something gets messed up so it's another little RNG as I mentioned before this there's a lot of oranging in this category uh and if if they snowballed effect if all the all the bad orange stuff can happen or do happen ah it's bad it's so much uh time loss it's insane so now we're going to continue the uh uh big one sword Quest trading Quest what is the guy called you don't know no idea creepy man in the forest yeah creepy dude I have no idea this is the guy so here here's a blue chicken do you do you want it [Music] thank you give me the mushroom thank you so now we see we have a timer right there for three minutes [Music] so now we gotta go fast another little weird thing which I didn't know for a very long time is when you talk to Ingo for the first time you have to press a to talk to him but when you're mashing the text you don't want to mash the text you only want to press the B button uh because if you press anything else uh before the B button uh angle will start to explain to you things like in a very slow text you can't skip all the text I don't know why that is the reason but uh so as soon as I press a here I'm not touching anything else then B there we go now I just need to [Music] that horse talk to him and I don't want to do this anymore it was not fun I never understood this as a kid this was so confusing yeah now we can play opponent song right when we get in here in the second time [Music] [Music] so now the race is gonna start and as I said the first race is pretty much a freebie you're always almost always get ahead of him right here and then you just finished the race [Music] and you have to make sure that you don't get too close to the fence when you're riding around here because Epona can actually go to a Full Stop sometimes when you reach the corners here and uh that just makes a Ingo uh just take the lead and win immediately [Music] so now this is a kind of like the first moment of truth in this split where is he gonna be a jerk to us or not and if he is a joke to us then I have to back it up and block him and he was so I'm gonna have to try and get ahead of him and block him which I did very good he's still his Strat yeah it's a very scary especially when you're on a good Pace run and it's also [Music] and here's something that I didn't know actually for uh until a couple of weeks ago you can actually jump over the fence where he is standing yep I had no idea that's how I did it as a kid I didn't I know that you could go on the sides I always went here actually which is what you do in the run as well yeah but some people have seen me jump over there like oh I had no idea that's a it's strange now we're going to do some po hunting yay [Laughter] it's uh it's a good time good Quest yeah I mean yeah it's satisfying when you get them all first try [Music] just imagine having like like one bottle and having to do this oh god oh hello what happened yeah so the way this big pose work uh if you're on opponent they'll always spawn in their uh like designated location uh but if you're not on a phone up uh a small Poe will spawn most of the time but the big ones can still spawn so at one point there was a route for glitch 100 uh that was really bad uh basically it relied on getting RNG with the big Poe and like having chews come out and hoping that they would hit it it was just all around terrible thankfully if that never happens that is uh that code that I just got is one of the scariest ones it's very easy to miss this one you also might have seen uh smoggy do something cool with opponent uh as he jumped off and got on he got like a speed boost sort of he did that by what is it holding ESS down as you're uh yeah holding ESS position down to just go slowly with Epona and the mash a to use a carrot so you use a carrot as right before you jump off a pona it's not like storing storing like a speed boost yeah exactly because the opponent's like oh we're going fast no and then when links jump on again oh let's go this is like a jump start I know that can save time every single time when you climb on a bone or off uh and that is also a bit a little orangey thing when you're doing the bow hunting is uh sometimes you uh running towards the pole and you're gonna uh grab the PO in the bottle uh and you have the PO on your right side of Epona but then links jumps off on the left side that is also the weird thing that I don't understand why I I'm guessing it's complete RNG what side he jumps off yeah I think I thought he always survival left because he actually is it always different yeah it's always different animations as well I never thought about it oh yeah this uh this is Nocturne this Cuts in place once you have a forest fire and water Medallion yep each is you nocturnal of Shadow just gives you access access to Shadow Temple but that's not where you're going no I'm not going there yet I'm actually going to be the first I'm actually only using a knockdown Shadow one time to actually go to shut up of course uh but I'm I don't know how many times I actually played long term maybe three four times I I go to the graveyard additional two times no three times more actually oh wait hang on three yeah three times it's arguably one of the best warp songs because it's just it puts you in such a good place in the world that is true [Music] but I think this is the song that I hate the most playing just because of the double notes oh my least favorite is uh Bolero for sure oh yeah my favorite is Sarah song yeah easy to play as fast [Music] uh so now we're going to continue the odd potion Quest uh uh and then I'm gonna do a cleanup of kakariko as adults I'm not done here completely but uh we're coming back oh I did not get that little trick there that's fine yeah so when there's when you enter a new area there's an on-screen text saying where you are uh and you can actually get rid of that by pressing the trade item as you're doing an ESS downturn and that just makes it so that you can show this trade item to that lady sooner otherwise you have to wait fully for the text on screen to fade out just a little bit faster that's pretty okay [Music] my depth perception is not good right now that was scary but God yes it feels like I'm more forward in the game that I actually am all right so now we're going to the skeletal house now we have a barely above uh 50 skeletals now we're gonna do a quick swoop in here and just pick up all the rewards at the same time it does have two wallets one hard piece bomb shoes and stone of agony yeah so there is a reward for 100 as cultureless but it's just a rupees infinite rupees yeah and we don't uh don't need to pick that up but you need to get all 100 skulls the last four 100 yeah but only the rewards for uh up to 50. oh here's another Sun song just to uh now we're actually gonna do the adult version of the slingshot game that I did in child one very early in the game before dampe um and this game is uh complete RNG oh hello hello I want to talk to you there we go okay good that I don't have to think about the moving green one anymore foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] right now we're very close to channel two there are three sections for each age correct uh no two there's no uh Child free nope and there's no adult friend so it's a child one child two adult one adult too [Music] honestly they best use for hammers is opening routers and we're gonna pay our first visit to the the PO guy here we're gonna add in the post too uh because now we have the three posts so we're just gonna hand them in and then he needs to require seven more but we're gonna get all of those seven later down the line uh in adult two do them all in one swoop and now here is the actual first real save Warp uh in the Run uh slightly over three hours in uh I have done a couple of safety safes uh in the run but this is an ad the actual first save in the Run and also if you're wondering what those weird symbols were there during the reset it just the way telling you you need a classic controller but since we're playing on Japanese it doesn't have those characters [Music] uh uh and something that I just did when I was walking into this cutting I was pulling out Master Sword uh as I was walking into the cutscene and you could hear sometimes you can hear link slash but you don't see it or you just hear the little ching when he takes out the sword uh when he unsheves it and it's only because now what I'm gonna put in a master sword back into the pedestal of time um if you have sword out already in your hand um and when the the cutscene can't start until he takes out the sword and I think you save around uh let's see what is it four frames now actually it's a six frames yeah 0.3 seconds I think no wait hang on 0.3 seconds if that's it do I mix up numbers it's something like that but you uh it's kind of weird so now I just have to roll straight down of the camera angle that I had before entering this Counting oops [Music] uh and now we're going to uh Child 2 which is [Music] uh very hectic uh section uh there's not a lot of cutscenes here uh uh there's a lot of things happening the the first time you run this category yeah you are backtracking so much and warping so much between Lost Woods sometimes you actually get lost um it took me it took me a time actually it took me some time to be like where am I [Music] yes a lot of a lot of just clean up now as child yeah I have to make that detour as well to Deku Tree yeah that detour to Decatur is actually the very last thing we do in child too and it's super cool I love Deku Tree too like going back there that straps that you use there is so it's so good oh okay fine I was wondering what is this Strat I haven't seen this before all right so now we're gonna play The Song of Storms here uh to get into the bottom of the well uh the jet way uh we can actually take a donation here while this cutscene is going excellent we have a 25 donation from Axel no comment here but thank you very much Axel that goes to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive uh please do keep donating for that one uh if you are liking the sound of our Sonic block but you think needs more Sonic then uh please do keep donating to that so we can have dragon do a run of Sonic Adventure DX's Sonic story uh Sonic Adventure 2. also a slightly more pressing deadline we've got coming up is the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentive um that is going to be right after this run that you're watching right now so uh please do donate for that if you want to witness the special final boss fight and true ending of Sonic Frontiers we're up to 671.20 on that we need to get to 200. uh two sorry two thousand dollars so please keep your donations coming in back to you smuggy thank you uh so now the water is emptied in the well and because starting the mask press liner here now for real just dropping this bomb shoot here that kills the skeletal up top uh this was the last token uh yeah now CAC is fully cleared probably cleared yeah I'm coming back here now okay now [Music] we just need to go under attack pakurico if you're wondering why we say CAC we mean it's just kakarika for short this must be strange for you to see this so late into the Run yeah in the in the the real version of 100 yeah we do this in the first 15 minutes of the Run yeah uh mostly to get explosives do you get the bombshell chest you don't uh I do not actually yeah uh it's a bit too much of a detour for us and we already have bomb shoes um but uh we are actually restocking on bombshes in child spirits uh in a bit right here it is a cool Strat yeah that's a very cool spots I I could definitely see some people here but the boomerang went through stuff yeah when when Boomerang it returns it can go through walls yeah whether you like it or not it just does foreign [Music] also something that I'm doing every time I Throw My Boomerang I also I switch out to my computer or I might slash my computer sword that is only because I uh when a boomerang returns to me I want to skip the animation of Link grabbing the boomerang and you can skip that by Rolling right before you get the boomerang in your hand or if you have sword outs because if you have you sword out he won't grab it he was just he was just uh I don't know return to his inventory magically some way [Music] [Music] all right good uh now we're going to the first Dead Hand fights uh the what that hand Dead Hand yeah deadhead deadhead uh and I'm gonna be using a I'm using another uh Star Wars wind here just to get back out of the room quickly after we grab the lens of Truth chest which is in this room yeah dead hand has a pretty cool way of dealing with that um basically you're gonna see smoggy here uh wait before he attacks because Dead Hand uh once that has starts moving away from link uh he's only vulnerable right before he goes into the ground so like right at the end of that cycle so he waits oh that was very close that was close yeah you can basically hit that hand ass is going down you can do it in one cycle [Music] this is one of those things so I'm actually not very good at this fight because I don't do it that often you do it all the time so sometimes when I do the fight I'm like what is happening you'll get another chance in chat for example yeah but that one is way easier way easier [Music] uh so here is actually a little bit of a scary room coming up you can actually there's some invisible uh uh floor tiles here that you can you can actually fall down uh you don't want to fall down here and you don't want to burn your Shield and that's okay good it actually happened in one of my records one time I fell down but I still beat the record it was very annoying I lost like 45 seconds okay so now we're done with uh bottom of the well now we're hopping over to Child fishing hopefully the fish don't troll the fish can be really rude yeah they are definitely even though adult is arguably worse a child fishing can still be really bad foreign hard piece all right on the top but that is coming later but that is that is it for child at least that was everything for child uh in Lake area and I always say when I come here and don't worry Don't Panic yes this child fishing part can give you bad RNG also but it's not as significant as adult fishing [Music] come on hello you can do it nope okay it was teasing yeah wow okay hello for me this is a very bad RNG yeah it's being stubborn uh hello is it dampy is your name Dante damper plant the best fish there yeah also in case you're wondering why this fish out of all them uh it needs to be a certain almond I think it's I think they do size in a Japanese version uh I own the English version they measure about pounds but I think they're doing it by centimeters in Japanese there we go so it needs to be a certain size or else he won't get the uh what is it as child is it uh Oscar or heart please it's hard piece right yeah right [Music] sorry were you talking to me I'm sorry no I I was confusing it if it was full scale or hard piece for childlink oh yeah yeah right I just completely zoned out for like three seconds and I didn't hear anything laughs all right so now just gonna pick up uh just a quick detour here uh we're gonna pick up skull mask and then we're gonna start our little Lost Woods Shenanigans and minigames and stuff like that uh this is usually the point where I don't talk at all uh during streams at home because it's just uh if you just don't if you stop paying attention just what the wrong place it's just such a huge time loss so save warping as adults takes you to Temple of time doing it as child takes you to a Link's house in cooker Forest this is very useful [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] I also I'm actually pretty cool like smaller than mini and neat uh setups in uh and lost the woods uh for example the side up down to the Ocarina game HP that is a very cool setup it's just a little thing but it's not something that people usually think about uh we'll get there in a in a moment and you'll see exactly what I mean yeah Ocarina game is definitely the most intense minigame yeah it is it's fun it's genuinely terrifying when it's so deep in the Run yeah and I actually I'm not trusting my uh my memory so I'm actually gonna write down the notes on a okay thanks uh uh I have a piece of pen and paper that I'm actually going to be using for this I usually use uh something to write on but I'm just gonna do a pen and paper this time [Music] [Music] this is very odd we don't we don't do this yeah [Music] so after the Sun song I'm gonna walk forward a little bit and then I'm gonna be doing exactly 11 side hops to the left uh and that will put me perfectly on this pedestal and just play the song for the skull kid and then we have Scout mask equipped as well so as soon as we get this hard piece we can just talk to him and we can trade in the Scout mask to him [Music] [Music] not sure if this is a good drop or not with the bugs pretty good it's fine [Music] I was just a business scrub down here who sells a stick upgrade me [Music] yeah we are almost there yeah sunstong is almost like a like a mini Furs win for over yeah completely free as well perfect oh 100 100 good [Music] [Music] foreign I'm standing actually in this position exactly now this is where the side Hub so I'm gonna back walk a little bit and then side up and almost to your so I'm gonna [Music] foreign [Music] I think this could be a good time for donations yeah sure thing got a couple I can read out here we've got a 25 donation from user name Neils who says the fish was like that in the Blindfolded run too and that donation goes to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush uh incentive that we have coming up a bit later you also have a five dollar donation from I'm window yo who says you guys are doing such great charity work and thank you to everyone behind the scenes also amazing Runner here doing my favorite Zelda game next to Majora's Mask thank you all thank you got time for one more uh yes okay we have a 20 donation from Hardy Daytona it says uh what do the PO hang up on their bedroom wall a Legend of Zelda Broaster wait I mean poster which one am I watching again so many great ones and that one goes to uh the Sonic Frontiers any percent true ending incentive please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign two more notes it is a very scary mini game because not only do you need to play it but you want to play it fast and it's very easy to just slip on one of the buttons oh yeah if this is on a PV page and I fail this it's automatically over yeah I've had a run where I failed the last note on this last one ah bam foreign [Music] if you're still uh awake uh we're continuing I'm actually doing another side hop movement set up here in Gordon City I think I got it all right are we good oh yeah so if you see up before uh the bomb explodes there you'll get control of Link sooner but you saw smoggy there he was just running as the pot was still spinning it's quite a significant as well with that cutscene ending it's like I don't know three seconds four maybe yeah it's a lot foreign [Music] bomb is over here perfectly placed on the back [Music] yeah you yeah and your runs you can just through everything just zoom right through those rocks yeah [Music] getting a lot of use out of Samsung though I use a lot of Samsung yes and it was actually the first day of time thing that I have to keep up with uh after the the sunshine that I just played man that [ __ ] was going places I've never seen such a thing this is a one of those splits here this movement all the way down to uh the frogs here that I'm about to do the movement has to be crisp has a bit clean that is okay I'm gonna have to recline uh because later uh uh it's a little bit difficult to explain but I have to basically after silver gauntlets it's really is about to uh turn uh nighttime again and uh if you beat the nighttime and you when you warp the Temple of Time when you get to Haruka so if it's daytime you actually save around 14 seconds uh because uh if you don't then you have to um play Samsung twice because you need to uh go and borrow the bunny hood mask and then go out into the Hyrule Field and trade it to The Running Man and you have to play uh Sun song again to make him stop early night time because he stops um between outside of the London Ranch towards Garuda Valley on a top of a hill right [Music] there's two main rewards from the frogs there's one for me is playing Song of Storms because the frogs like the rain and then there's one we have to play all of the non-werp songs and then a secret song You're supposed to look at the butterflies that hover over the frogs uh but I see smog has it written down here I do the same I don't actually know the song in my head I know it in my head you do yeah but I I do have a reason I just to take it out of my right just to not I could probably play it but it just feels better to have it written yeah here it is good what that was pretty good good perfect even now you're done with Soros River completely I think uh not doing anything more there uh now we are doing a Hyrule Castle Cleanup there's a lot of cleanup the it shows the only thing that you're doing right now mini games as we point out early minigames uh the Quest for masks and media cleanups yeah and upgrades that's it yeah there's two things in the uh Castle grounds there's the fairy fountain ordin's fire and then there's a song of storm scrotter that has one sculpture and this is the place where I have also have to be good on movement because here is where they passes uh sorry I don't want to mess up too much of movement here uh but most of the time it's fine because there's not a lot of movement going on here [Music] foreign ability magic ability from you know every time I see uh best default pop-up in the chat I laugh a little bit inside yeah the Inspire is great yeah it's good there's one place um where you have to use this fire uh you can't use anything else and it's uh the boss key room in Shadow Temple uh you can't destroy there's a couple of wooden Spike walls that closes in on you you can of course get through those Walls by having the the undead the redeads scream at you and you glitch through the wall uh so you don't have to use this fire but you can't even use the fire arrows on them which is uh as is weird yeah it's weird you should be able to use fire errors or not or you're allowed to use their Scream [ __ ] they're scream yeah no not not to pass through the wall unfortunately it would be it would make routing much faster oh really [Music] that's a bit too far away [Music] oh is that the only reason why you saved Shadow for later [Music] just because of uh oh well you need thin shadow do this we use it a couple of times in child Spirit as well we don't have to use it I think and you don't have to use it but it just speeds up stuff so now we're cleaning up a graveyard as child we still have one more thing to do later as adults is it the uh the sunscreen yeah the sun's gray with the heart piece in the chest [Music] yeah every single soil patch uh except the one next to the uh the bean guy has a scorcher [Music] oh that was a very precise boom where I'm from the same thing when the boomerang comes back to you it can go through walls and it can bring back the items that so now I grip equip and very quick with this is to uh Death Mountain crater to just uh get the soil and plant the bean that's it then we're on our way again could probably do a donation yeah we can do our donation sure thing we've got a 25 donation from Aero one three six who says thank you to everyone working on Esa and raising money for Alzheimer fondant it's been a pleasure to see speed rungs like any percent gold and some and 100 glitchless Ocarina of Time thank you with love from New England USA that one goes towards the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game please do keep your donations coming in for both that incentive and also the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentive that we have for the run just after this one all right time for the best Dungeon yep well child side at least yeah so here is the last part where the daytime is running and uh pretty sure I did it very well enough I'm just going to delete this text a little bit did it dig I think it did yeah the middle one did but the second one was on the outside [Music] so you can already see it's starting to turn night time yeah so what can happen there is uh the bugs can actually choose to just not dig in the center uh and it's it's it's absolutely the worst if they do that yeah [Music] I feel like it happened in every single uh record and people that I've had in this category but the last six PBS I think except the one that I got last week it's uh it happens quite often your Luck's turning yep I mean Tampa today lost us what was it 18 minutes [Laughter] so yeah something like that I don't remember what naburu is talking about here but she's probably saying something like hey can you help me I don't know [Music] yeah it's candy on the other side or something I have no idea we do all the dungeons as adults actually she tells us about silver gauntlets that's it does she yeah I mean speedrunner says we don't know lore not that much but I'm guessing this we'll have to do an English play through one day yeah [Music] so child spirit is pretty technical um so a lot of those little fine adjustments and angles and jump slashes and stuff uh it's uh it's quite a satisfying to look out at least I think so there's one room up top that I'm going to very soon where I'm doing like a triple bomb shoe drop it's very cool uh it opens up like uh three cutscenes as once uh two cutscenes at once and you grab a token or you kill a token at the same time a skeleton token so usually here is the point in the uh all main quests glitchless where you are very low on bombs you have to restock here but I just recently received the biggest bomb bag so I'm I'm good to go I can just Mash bombs here right and left so after I climb this wall here it's gonna be this cool Strider hopefully I get it [Music] looks good no I missed the switch somehow uh but that is fine I'm gonna do this [Music] grab this that'll happen sometimes I don't really know why because I I've looked back on what happened sometimes and I have a straight angle so it could be something that uh could just be OT being OT yeah you know the most broken game in the world it feels like here's another thing that I shouldn't probably doing but I really want to show you guys because it's it's a cool trick I have to be really fast there not sure if I made it [Music] oh that was close nice yeah normally you have to collect all these uh these silver rupees around the room uh and then get access to fire but you can just light a torch in the previous room I have to go here again that's fine that happens sometimes two three four and five [Music] oh hang on so here's another deck stick jump slash storage that I'm doing and then I'm actually gonna equip it away don't need that anymore a buy stick and now it's very important that I don't slash so I don't lose that damage thank you oh hello Ellie charlink is so like tiny you can just easily Dodge the active just Crouch [Music] uh so is this Pro this is probably the last time we talked to the owl I think I'm not sure I can't think of an another time he shows up oh I think that's it won't miss you so here's the little Moment of Truth where uh will will it be daytime or will it be night time after this cutscene um and we're just gonna have to find out if I hear a wolf howling already then I know it's night time of course and then I can just do a sun song before I Warp um but if looks like it's still daytime so it should be fine foreign we're gonna find out when I exit Temple of Time here [Music] what's left for the child section sorry what what's left for the uh child section now it's just markets and like the valley uh Market mask of Truth upgrades oh yeah it is nighttime we have to play Samsung twice Sage uh so yeah it's markets um Master truth quest line uh Gerudo Valley uh uh the child stuff that you can do with her and then we uh Deku Tree oh yeah and lens chess made a game [Music] wait what happened hello you press B I don't know I don't think so [Laughter] maybe I did I said yeah Lance Miller stress minigame is right before uh this uh save warp back to Lost Woods so now we're gonna have to play Samsung here again because we need the Running Man to stop in the harbor field and I usually play around here you can see him in the background yeah if you pay attention now when I'm rolling around you can see I'm running very small dots then I can do my bunny Hood and I can talk to him from a very far away uh not sure why this is allowed but fine I I'm shouting at him yeah but hey want my mask I actually don't know the rule for that one I'm gonna try not to lie and now we just clean up of Gerudo Valley here uh just like three skelteras a hard piece two hard yeah two skelets and two hard pieces basically foreign [Music] box here very scary very scary if uh if I miss this I will actually lose about three minutes because no there's no good way to uh yeah missing this is it's the worst yeah actually awful oh I don't think to do it though that's not okay anyway we're fine [Music] I have killed run strap before me too twice [Music] that was really fast hello thank you sorry maybe I shouldn't do that I usually do that in my runs [Music] like spamming the lens of Truth yeah some strobe effect is going on yeah like yeah I'm just I was just I just realized like epileptic sorry laughs we'll need a warning label warning that's all he likes to spam lens of Truth flashing lights all right so now we have access to master truth and then we're gonna clean up markets oh it's a little odd uh the rule for The Masks uh is mask of Truth is just considered the final upgrade so once you have that in your inventory that's basically 100 [Music] . [Music] we're doing a little Sun song here now we're gonna do bombs your alley and uh I don't really I I don't really have time to explain the whole thing I actually can maybe take over but if I get a hard piece as the first item that's the best RNG that exists yeah so let's see what he gets [Music] that works so that's the worst basically the way this game works is Whatever item it starts with is random but it always has the same Loop so after bomb it's gonna be Bomb Bag and then after Bomb Bag uh I think it's uh I think it's rupee yeah it's awesome and then chew and then Heartbeats so he's gonna have to go the whole lap around now [Music] oh what happened [Music] yeah and there's a there's a nice setup you can do here by holding a chew over your head and letting it blow up and then just keeping the angle you get from the explosion and that is it's such a good setup it just lets you hit that last one very easily now we're gonna have purple rubies we're just gonna waste these juice to start the next game and now it's gonna be juice [Music] and of course that happens I hate that and now we're getting the harpies [Music] I think that should do it yeah one of the more definitely one on more like RNG heavy things it's not the absolute worst but no it definitely adds on it is worse for the other 100 with glitches because when we're here we only want the heart piece so it's kind of rough if you don't get it [Music] hi doggy oh let's go come on hurry up yeah yeah you had to wait there because if you go too fast uh he'll actually lose Richard [Music] can I see up here changes the camera of the building it lets you talk to the lady from farther away [Music] and of course we have a lens of Truth here for this chest minigame which you are supposed to be doing you can of course do this without the lens of truth but it's a complete guessing game and uh when I guess the last one no I mean if I do no yeah I wastes a lot of time because you have to run all the way back out you don't get shocked out you have to run back out but if they if they didn't chuck you back out to the beginning I would definitely do it but it was that room right there I was [Music] Okay so one more save warp back to cook your forest and now we're gonna pick up the final the master truth upgrade which is uh yes and there's a couple of skeletalers left in kokira's cookie Forest um and then we're gonna clean up Deca drink and then we're done for childhood there's a bunch of setups you can use for this skeletaler but the simplest one is usually the best [Music] a couple of donations to read out if you've got any time for that yeah perfect timing actually because now I'm just running around in Lost Woods a little bit excellent okay we first up we have a 30 donation from planks no comment thank you very much that goes to the Sonic Frontiers 80 true ending incentive uh we have 25 from Zephyr it says twenty dollars from the esa dinner party keep up the good job uh keep up the good job up there uh that one goes towards the alien isolation uh Ripley cosplay incentive and uh we also have five dollars from popita uh who just says dinner hike train and uh that goes towards the uh Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game we're getting a whole Rush of uh donations from the dinner by the way so you can you can uh read about two more okay perfect we've got uh ten dollars from Paul Lister I think this one might be aimed at me says dinner party donation Train choo choo PS good luck ruffled I'm not doing the run paulister but thank you very much and uh we got ten dollars from scan me says uh love from the esa dinner donation train and both of those go towards the uh Sonic Adventure 2 battle boss Rush bonus game so uh this is the last soil Skelter now we don't know how to uh pick up these bugs and we can let them be free we have a re-re-picked them up so many times now so they're gonna be happy free up bottles for uh yeah well now Deku Tree too very uh it's fast and Technical uh I it's so satisfying to do it if you do everything flawlessly hopefully I can do this flawlessly almost I was about to do a double grab at the token right there but that's fine then we have this little jump oh did not get that umberford gonna try again there we go yeah the the double token grab if you grab both at the same time you only get one text but it's like a text here that bomb series that I just dropped right there goes directly perfectly to the wall right there and blows it up and this is the last skeletal child section [Music] [Music] officially done with child too uh we can actually go ahead and do a couple of donations more uh sure yeah we've got plenty to get through here I've got a 25 donation from pickerstroff who says best of luck smoggy you can do it and let's keep fueling this dinner dinner party donation train that one goes towards the Sonic Adventure 2 boss battle Rush we've got a 200 donation from Mike selected here says best wishes for the dinner below that one also goes towards the Boss Rush and one more quick one we've got uh ten dollars from untubular Good Luck up there dinner hype that one goes to the Sonic Frontiers true ending you can do one more uh five dollars from mgln 150 who simply States ice cream that goes to the battle Boss Rush Shadow Temple actually my favorite Temple is it really yeah I don't know why I well I hate it because it's super difficult yeah it's uh it's punishing English as well but uh it's just I don't know I like it [Laughter] uh now we're I'm gonna get some revenge on the Dead Hand fight uh but the adult version uh we're just going back here really to just pick up Harbor boots that's about it there's nothing else for us here yeah so same idea as the child version you have to wait uh just before the night goes into the ground deal the last blow [Music] perfect and there's no music you might have noticed that I can uh bug out or glitch out oh yeah also you might notice uh smoggy C UPS before the chest spawns it's actually a fairly recently thing found if you go into first person uh you actually get control of Link slightly sooner uh once the chest has spawned it's like we're talking like a few frames maybe yeah it depends on what it is uh there's one cutscene uh in Jabba Jabba the mini boss right there it actually saves a half a second it's uh insane uh since we have lens of Truth here we're gonna check which one of these pillars was correct uh when we got first try it's a 66 chance with lens that you get first try that's easy math it can only be the the back-free uh pillars that can be the right uh pillar that opens the gates yeah the worst one would be the middle one in the back yeah foreign route uh in this room where you grab the silly rubies but I decided not to do it anymore because I really really really really don't like it I it sucks sorry it's about like 0.3 seconds faster or something like that but who cares you know oh my God if this was a one hour category I would definitely six hours nah keep it simple in most cases so here's a pretty cool thing you do three rolls here turn right and take a knot and you actually stun all the spiders in the entire uh Corridor here but kind of not I don't really know how it works again I just press the buttons wow okay right I forgot I need to do a jump slash star we're actually coming up on a very cold room soon where uh damage boost that we were uh talking about earlier in the Run hopefully I can get it uh first try yeah the falling spikes room scary jump here oh [Music] Jesus okay so let's see if I can get it nice got it it was perfect [Music] all right basically oh yeah you can take that uh well I was gonna say that there used to be a way easier way of doing this where you ask the the spiky wall things are falling you can just backflip onto them from below uh turns out that's not legal it's not allowed because it's not a one-sided Collision this actually has Collision on both uh top and the bottom so it's considered a solid object so you're not allowed to face it through it like that and so instead they used the spiky thing they're called Spinners but I don't know what that one's called uh that you they just use the damage from that one to basically boost themselves up on it which is harder but an alternative I am not actually not sure what they're called uh either I just call them the little spike traps or something I don't know I have no clue [Music] this forwards wind is uh something that will I will not use for a long time so I'm setting this up uh for uh about an hour and later but uh setting it up for ladies I'm gonna teleport back to a shadow the Cliffhanger exciting oh uh one two [Music] got that key right there and we're out of here so we're just doing half of Shadow right now and then we'll do the rest of the the second half later [Music] she has some more cleanup now trade quests yeah some cleanup uh upgrades it's a small upgrades continue the Big Goron sword questline of course I like it don't climb oh please don't I'm surprised I didn't charge right here what's that okay fine so yeah gonna continue the big one sword questline as we grab it grabbing uh doing some po hunting uh this split can snowball this and the next one can actually snowball very quickly into a big Timeless even though it doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong just those very small details um especially with the bow hunting [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we can actually do some donations while I do this quick little clean up here and just a couple of skeletons excellent I'm going to do my best to clean up these donations we've got a Anonymous donation uh for forty dollars who says it's not called Dragon Quest for nothing that goes to the Dragon Quest fight the black dragon incentive and it also brings our total for Alzheimer fondant to 55 000 everyone [Applause] [Music] uh we have a 50 donation from soup Casper who says please someone join Silva in the audience and clap for this amazing run so if you've got another Applause in your audience please could we have one [Applause] and we got uh 25 from j195 who just gives a heart emoji and that goes to the fox and Forest any percent read poetry incentive got time for any more or uh one more one more okay uh five dollars from Bon Jovi who says whoa we're halfway there whoa thank you audience back to you smoggy thank you I would have sunk along there if I knew the lyrics sorry whoever outside my brain Gemma Freight sorry all right okay so Epona came from the left side of the trees right there which is a slight time loss which is another small detail but you can position yourself while you're playing your Bono song uh and now we're gonna do some Poe hunting again yay we're gonna do every single one now love it but it was actually quite cool [Music] [Music] this one is a little bit uh janky sometimes should be fine we're gonna have to turn around it's really dumb sometimes sometimes you're like where is it hello thank you and uh if someone knows I have no clue I don't know if now we can actually pay attention to where link goes off on the left side or on the right side off uh I I can't really tell if he's orangey or not I have no idea I don't know if you can manipulate it but I would love to know if you can all right I wanted to go off on the left side there but I don't know how yeah it might be just right now I'm actually just gonna Park a corner right there that was pretty much perfect parking uh now I'm gonna hand in the free pose that I have you could also see the inventory screen that's starting to fill up quite nicely okay we can do a couple of more donations uh while we're handing in this Perfect all right so ten dollars from kathles and Sonic let's go at 20 from heyo no comment but thank you very much uh five dollars from Mod 366 playing greetings from the dinner party and uh twenty dollars from hud601 saying all the love from downstairs at the esa dinner see you all soon for the Sonic block all of those are going towards the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive all right so this is the third handing right there and now I'm actually just gonna grab one pole the one that is just in front of the bridge here um and then I'm gonna go hand it in again because then after that one I only have three more to catch pretty good that one is somehow pretty easy to miss sometimes um very annoying Point po does look like a really big waste of time um I'm just handing in one poke when you have two more slots but that's just the way of the route so now we have three left uh three more pose to hunt and while we're doing that we're going to clear some grottos on our way and this is the one time where we're using fire arrows for the first time and the only time in one of the grottos down here and towards Garuda Valley [Music] greens good and uh you can grab this heart piece or with iron boots as well but it's uh it's much faster if you just go here when you have a golden scale instead yeah and equipping is waste load I need to think yeah just passing and unpausing is 2.4 seconds right yeah it's something like that it adds up really fast yeah so it's very very important when you're speed running that you have your equips optimal uh if you do as little as quick as possible now we're gonna do last kakarikepo here oh I mean on the last po uh uh that should be fine we're good I got stuck on the wall there a little bit but it's fine but if we're still gonna bring opponent with us because we need her for Speed uh and uh uh we're gonna go and do a horseback archery as well after Gerudo training grounds where we get eyes arrows there's also a huge difference between glitchless and uh glitch categories when you're grabbing ice arrows because eyes are always just that they can just do a trick called the weird shots and just go under the gate and just hook shot up to the chest and just open it and they're done yeah we we probably enter and leave training grounds in less than like 30 seconds yeah and uh I have to spend around four or five minutes inside something like that but Gerudo trading cards is not being done really in uh other categories so Guru training girls is very cool but if you recognize this uh usually you recognize it from randomizers or if you're watching randomizers a lot oh this is the next Quest I'm gonna hand that in uh we can throw in a couple of quick donations before I head into Gerudo training grounds sure thing 15 from ourania saying lots of love from the dinner party let's go that's for the Sonic Frontiers true ending incentive 25 from Harvard who simply says hello 55 from Patty two who says I wonder if Nash LAX impaled his bread once again no I don't know what that means either 25 from RC 8885 who says hello from the dinner 25 from Leo kedron who says Esa dinner hype Train choo choo and ten dollars from aishma 14 who says hello from the esa dinner all of those go towards Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game nice thank you dinner party thank you oh uh not much about this room it's just a couple of skeletons golfers uh uh the next room is quite fancy if you can do it very fast there's a route in this room that was a little bit old I found recently a new one about a month ago uh like that and oh well it's the same route but it's just different on how you do it on how you approach the certain silver rupees and hopefully this Boulder will not push us over yeah it was very very close enough yeah it was like a couple of frames away I think hey hey I'm gonna try to avoid this wolfus the this wolf uh and just be on my way please oh Jesus [Laughter] he missed me everything else [Music] and now we're just gonna boil it out here in the lava to get quickly back up uh because there's one room here at the top that we need to visit [Music] uh let's see here this is one of the rooms where it used to be allowed to take damage from one of those torch slugs and then open the Flaming chest one this Keys did not want to follow me that's pretty bad it's okay yeah basically abusing uh invisibility frames to open the chest through the flame uh but I was deemed in the in this category that uh uh can't uh can't open flame flaming chests anymore with damage and visibility which I mean I I agree to some extent so we're gonna have to do that do the puzzle the normal way the actual normal way yeah uh so I did another uh jump slash Source there um or the next room that I'm coming into uh which is actually the first time we are uh encountering the nalfos not the South Falls I'm pretty sure these are the do you know I I think so dinosaurs yeah they have this sword instead of yeah they're a lot of tankers they can be they can be very jumpy but the very good RNG and now it's actually just one more key and then we're gonna open all the doors in the back here to get the ice arrows and keep in mind everything that I just did in this entire area uh the glitch version skips in uh 30 seconds Max it's a in the same difference it was just one simple trick thank you that was the last key and all right we're good [Music] we're gonna see warp out of here and um horseback archery gonna be fun 2 000 points I mean if I get two thousand points I'm a true Swedish sniper I've done it once on stream nice but I don't need it uh actually for Speed we don't wanna we we actually wanna waste a couple of arrows in the beginning of the game yeah do it twice I do it twice it's one for the uh it's a hard piece first and then the quiver I think oh yeah heart piece first and then the quiver and we only need 1000 points for the first one so I'm actually uh there's this is what I'm gonna I'm gonna waste some arrows here in the beginning because I don't need them if I didn't waste any arrows that would have been 1960 points instead of pretty good see it's Swedish sniper I'm gonna try but it's hard nope but I'm getting the points [Music] look at that yep now uh since we played the game here usually when we play sounds like we get teleported back to the latest entrance but since we played this uh game here we actually just we spawn here instead of all the way back to um uh Gerudo training run again I'm just gonna pick up this skeleton of this over here and then we're gonna make our way to uh the next part of the big Gorn sword questline [Music] we can have a couple of donations actually hope you like dinner party donations yes I do 25 from Super player who says love for smoggy got five dollars from link boss who says hello from Esa dinner five dollars from kerfer who says dinner party donation train big Marissa we're twenty dollars and uh Ollie dot jpeg with 25 who says bread puns happen when you yeast expect them get a dinner did a hype train all of those go to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game and we've got time for one or two more uh two more two more okay twenty dollars for a shadow Frost who says all the love to everyone at Esa from the dinner party so many great people I've met through this and happy to be a part of it and ten dollars from Leon matcha 80 who says Esa dinner foreign so now we have the recipe to cure his eye problem sorry a prescription oh he's a prescription all right I thought it was a recipe oh wait yeah that makes sense okay yeah he has a recipe [Music] all right uh so now here's another little trick with hover boots to get behind the waterfall into Source domain so now we're going to be doing a um uh the cleanup of source Pond and talk to King Sora we're gonna get the tunic at last so hopefully I can get it here it's not that difficult but you can't mess it up from time to time good turn back and let's go and that is actually very important that you make that because it's about to turn daytime and you want it to be nighttime uh because there's a skeletal at the top uh in the back of saurus Bond and it has happened many times that I uh failed that trick it turns daytime I run all this way and I get back up and there's no skeletal and it is the worst feeling ever yeah and this area time doesn't move so if you work the place on song you would just send him straight back to where he came from and there is a rock under here that I actually blew up blew up at the end of child one after Jabba jabu uh that is a permanent flag so uh if you place the bomb perfectly uh when you're going to forward the wind at the same time oh hello there we go uh then you blow off that rocket at the same time and you don't have to uh blow it up again here when you uh we'll try to blow it up again when you get here as adult just a little recoil here just to get closer to the ice platform here this hard piece oh and now we're done gonna go back out and this next split eyeball frog it's gonna be scary hopefully I can make it uh uh maybe you can take care of that oh the timer yeah exactly yeah uh so I should probably take it when it happens yeah it makes more sense but yeah uh he's gonna get a timer now for the eyeball frog uh and it's very important he gets to uh the uh the lab right I'm sorry you're going to the lab first I'm going to the lab yeah yeah uh it's a pretty tight timer so small has to focus here uh you're gonna see here he's probably gonna have like like three four seconds maybe spare uh if if it gets really short on time though he can equip the sword tunic cookies right right uh that will just reset the timer as it's underwater in the lab and I'm not allowed to use Ocarina or the eyeball frog right now to stop time when I'm jumping doing if I press Ocarina when I'm doing these jumps mid-air it'll actually stop the timer it frees the timer a little bit and I'm not allowed to do that so this is a completely there's no trick to this or anything you just need to go fast it's a little odd for some reason if you press uh I think it's trade items too uh Rock Arena mid-air a timer will just not move until you land so I'm gonna summon Epona here and we're just gonna make our way across Hyrule Field and we can take some more donations [Music] perfect we have a 200 donation from Dragon fangs trains are fun choo choo we have a five dollar donation from English Ben who simply says I'm hungry if anyone knows where Ben the audio sort that out let me know uh both of those donations go to the Sonic Frontiers uh true ending incentive and a few more dinner ones before we go back to you smiling we've got uh ten dollars from Neo matamune who says hello from the dinner uh 25 from Jan mumrick who says got to go fast donation train and uh 25 from ednell 242 he says much love from the downstairs dinner so this is actually looking really good I usually uh keep track of my timer so I want to enter Lake highly here I was a one minute and five seconds and that is exactly on Pace uh sometimes it's lower than 105 but uh it's fine but then we have another problem coming up here which is actually the problem um there's a bird up here they're called Grace uh and uh they can re if you don't kill this Segway uh he will most definitely knock you off the ladder when you're trying to climb up [Music] and that will automatically fail the timer but I can manipulate him from here roll back almost every single time he starts to attack you but she did that was 43 on the ladder starting to climb the ladder this is something that I just keep track of and that is still on good pace it's pretty funny this ladder here is one of the few layers that you actually can't work shots so yeah you need a scared brother [Music] now we're going in I'm gonna grab a nice ledge grub Council and I'm gonna dive down and timer is getting more and more monk ass [Music] it's gonna start counting down here at 10 seconds so now I have to talk to him fast [Music] the talk time first to get my heart piece for the dive and then I present the eyeball frog easy but it is uh scary if you don't make the timer it's just instant uh rip the Run I don't know I don't remember the Timeless exactly but I think it's around two and a half minutes [Music] now we have another timer this one is interesting because normally uh if you try and warp with this item as soon as you reach your location it's just gonna go to zero and it I think it takes you back right yeah you need to redo it uh but if you go to Bolero and you let you have either Kokiri or sword tunicon uh the lava timer will actually take over and over right now you have this uh heat timer going on and the moment smoggy leaves the crater here the other timer is gonna start and he has a very small window here to actually show it so you could have seen that very quickly it was one second left I'm just gonna have to spam showing the item there we go so Q don't have to deal with that I think I like it it has only happened for me one time I think and uh that I I didn't even press the item I just watched like a stupid man I'm like uh what happened oh yeah I didn't even press the button but now we have the claim check uh but now we need a three days to pass so that was day one all right like three day times so yeah we're just gonna play some Samsung here back and forth we can uh do a couple of donations here while I'm doing this all right more dinner donations here we got twenty dollars from Ella and Cass love from the dinner crew downstairs choo choo much love from downstairs ten dollars from Anonymous saying dinner hype train hype ten dollars from Izzy saying donation train donation train 25 from BBF 220 25 are from Isaiah saying greetings from the dinner party uh ten dollars from trashy plays saying donation train from the dinner party let's go and five dollars from wrestler I love to Esa to fight Alzheimer hashtag dinner hype train and those will go towards the uh two Sonic incentives that we've got coming up [Music] so there we go big one sword uh uh perfect now we can really smash some enemies uh uh what is the damage value again uh I think kokiris or a master sword has doubled the damage over kukiri Sword and the Gordon sword has doubled the damage over Master Sword yeah I think it's kokiri's one damage Master Sword is two and Big Orange for yeah and then a jump slash is to double that so uh jump slash for a performance sword would be like eight yeah and what I just did where I was using the Quake effect again uh with power Karachi from Megaton Hammer so I was taking the Quake effects and uh so I could crowd stab the rocks that I uh break uh I think I mentioned this very early in the Run yeah um Hammer is slow so it's just better to use a massive sword okay that looks like it should work I'm gonna have to go fast and the side hop nope sometimes you give you a really fast you can get a side hop up on the platform where the bomb flowers are uh as you don't have to climb it here after this cutscene so a little bit of a Time save this is basically a cleanup of the dongus camera so we're grabbing all the scoutulous that is a bit harder to do as a child I waited a little bit there because that is a setup that I have or used uh to uh perfectly uh jump over and grab the ledge with the pillars that are going up and down the cycle of that and uh oh Jesus there we go and now we're gonna do the magic trick after the sculptler we are now in the longest cabin and voila we are in Shadow Temple again with the forwards wind uh that we used earlier here so now we're gonna uh uh complete the second half this fan room uh is pretty difficult there's a Stratton and I'm going to try an attempt got it very good nice very nice oh no no leave me alone damn it you can use the Scarecrow song there to spawn a skeko you can hook shot over uh but as you can you can easily reach that with long shots don't have to do that yeah this character is weird I think it's just for the hearts really yeah it might be yeah because Normal hook shot don't usually reach this no it doesn't reach uh there are uh usually it's two style folks that is gonna spawn on this boat I'm gonna kill one of them the first one who spawns uh but you can stand in a position uh over here you can start in uh another position but I like to stand in this corner and we just ride along we don't have to do anything and um when you get past this pillar on the left now I can move forward and he won't spawn you want to do the Bell strap that battle Strat wow yeah I've seen that it's horrible scary we're just gonna do a little scary jump there it's fine and uh you could blow off the bridge on the other side here with uh to shoot the bomb flowers but don't really need that because we have Scarecrow song so we can just uh play the scarecrow song and get over the bridge that way I just need to do on a tiny equipper [Music] foreign [Music] we can actually do a couple of donations uh because these two rooms that I'm gonna be doing here is very straightforward there's nothing really special happening I'm just grabbing a chest skeletal alrighty then um five dollars from Santa cat who says Esa is fantastic you go go go all the love a heart emoji at the end 25 from plexa and nettles who says dinner hype ten dollars from nydia Quest who says gotta go faster greetings from the dinner party and 15 from sanskill who says dinner party says hi five dollars from Solaris saying hello from dinner party ten dollars from link boss saying coin sound all of those go to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush incentive and we also have five dollars from native 145 saying Esa dinner party hype train that goes to the alien isolation Ripley cosplay incentive dinner party is on fire oh yeah still haven't even finished uh so here is the part that I was talking about uh so just get out here because the best position play your Scarecrow song whatever you have to set it to I have a set on a right left right left just because it's the best for the controller that I'm using uh gonna do some movement here over with hover boots let's see here and we're gonna do now we finally have a big orange sword in our hand big damage incoming oh yeah Bongo is the tankiest boss so it's really good that you just got it yeah I think it was it used to be routed to get bigger and sword earlier but it getting it later was actually faster it's unfortunate because it's so fun to use yeah it's wonderful uh I'm not using lens of Truth or Bongo Bongo here right now and I'm gonna use I'm gonna use a really busy uh difficult position on the stick here position myself first perfectly so that's it nice that's it yeah uh if you hold down on the stick during the fights when it spawns uh you'll kind of manipulate Bongo to just go in front of you because normally what he'll do is you just spin around it gets really messy if you if you don't get like it right in the beginning it gets really messy yeah the the eye wants to be in Center in front of you all times uh in from the center of the big drum but if you just slightly position yourself um down right off that Center the Bunga will turn perfectly so the the right hand is just right in front of you it's a it's uh it's very good I can actually smell the Run ending Zone it's not that far left uh we can actually go ahead and do some more donations um because this is now the actual first cutscene in a couple of hours does the Run ending smell like dinner by any chance because we got ten dollars from Sir Sanju who says following the donation train love from the esa dinner twenty dollars from Sir Reuben who says high stream one we're currently down here at the dinner party at Esa winter 2023 just like link we are doing our best and work on this food while you work on those dungeons I think this is what you call work distribution have fun and good luck ten dollars from a party Jasper uh here's a five dollar donation but because I'm very bad at math I guess something doesn't add up here twenty five dollars from Samir combat glue who says all the love for the people running uh the stream while dinner party is happening and ten dollars from yam who says all of those go to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush apart from a party jespers who goes to the alien isolation Ripley cosplay incentive uh so now after this cutscene uh now we're actually gonna due to sunscreep and now we're officially done with the graveyard completely I'm gonna try to manipulate this pole to push me off the grave and yep thank you the one second time save very very small but it it's uh pretty nice what do we live now it's just Spirit Temple Spirit Temple um a couple of skeletalers a couple of hard pieces nairu's love um double defense uh golden gauntlets ganos castle that's it made all the trials yeah have to do all the trials so we have to do all the charts first actually because going against inside is there and we need them for Right double defense right we had to go inside uh against cattle do that and then go back out and then we go back in and finish it now here is a or a difficult moment this is uh not a trick I really recommend but it's a huge time save if you practice this a lot there's a you can kill the skeletal on your while you're flying on the bean you can grab the skeletal token and have it fly with you on the bean plant as you're flying back to the heart piece on top now it's very hard to do it uh but that's fine I will come back for that later after the temple [Music] now this must be very interesting for you to see also because I'm pushing the block yeah we don't even get silver gauntlets yeah oh yeah we'll skip straight it's a shame because I prefer the look of silver dollars yeah I'm I I believe Spirit temples is actually the shortest Temple uh I mean of course you have to do them as child and as adults uh but this if you count only the adult version versus all the other adult versions uh like temples this is very short um I think it's only like around five minutes until you get to the boss [Music] [Music] thank you uh uh there is a little cool little setup that you can do or track um I don't know if you can maybe you can try and explain that because uh we're talking about the Letting Go thing uh the um when you hook shot out of the CL of the hand in the Next Room in the big room okay yeah uh I'm doing a setup for it as well which saves around one second uh but it's kind of difficult [Music] so it actually starts right here Yeah so basically there's a chest that spawns on the other side of the hand uh once you play lullaby and if you aim first and then you buffered uh shooting the hook shot you can actually start shooting it during the cutscene I didn't get it I'm not sure I actually think I got a wrong angle there around I did which is why the camera angle was slight off slightly off yeah yeah but it's not a huge deal at all here's another great use of din's fire if you stand exactly here on the style and use the Inspire every all three uh mummies Anubis yeah diet centers you don't actually have to press the switch in this room and make them run into the fire if you have the inspire I am using a forward wind another abuse of a Forest wind it's actually the last for us when we are using so after we get mirror Shield uh we can just go back into the temple and then just warp it back to that room where I used it [Music] our Crush that with the golden sword is just yeah it's so busted yeah it's nuts [Music] right there's Shield and I was just basically um go through the rest of the temple um there's a boss key chest puzzle that I need to do and rotate some mirrors and uh that's basically it it's not far left uh for this Temple and this is your favorite Temple it's a good Temple no music is good you can quick draw a bow here uh because uh I need both for the Next Room and even if I play ocarina um I will still have bow in my hand when I go after this little uh sell those lullaby cutscene so when I go through the door I can just shoot immediately towards the Target that I need to shoot at foreign [Music] it's funny because before I watched you do this I didn't remember how to do it is the proper way because you can use you can just touch one of the Slugs and you stand in front exactly press a and you'll open it I had the exact same thing happened to me uh when they when it was not allowed anymore and I saw it and like but then how do you do this room and I had to look at someone doing it I'm like oh right okay [Music] so bombs just need that to blow up this wall while we rotate this mirror and this guy he can be very annoying sometimes sometimes he can help you by pushing you off the handle here like you can match targets uh while you're rotating those mirrors and you can let go early if you're lucky you let go on the first Target press oh hello [Music] I accidentally pressed here I actually want to press hook shot for this next trick because I get out of the cutscene two seconds faster if I go if I do Target hook shot and then hold Shield and The Cutting will actually end two seconds faster so I can go over and get this while uh oh Jesus hello there we go a lot of things like that where you do something specific and it just gives you control a little sooner yeah you can do it for all main quests glitches as well um you don't have to uh because if you don't grab the skeletal you can just go ahead you actually have to wait a little bit for the uh the face to completely melt off before you get into a hook shot the gate to a crossover so I but I still do it because I know kind of the timing if you don't do it then you have to flick it really fast and it's just better to be consistent at it foreign fights uh this is going to be over very quickly because we have big on sword and we're gonna do a jump slash and it's just gonna be I mean she's not gonna stand a chance sorry I mean it's not not fair it's not fair just sad but you don't even watch this casting no if there's any time before the end of the run to get some donors in we can have some donuts yes all right so 25 from Kaiser affili on says did a hype train five dollars from five month who says good luck on the rest of the Run smoggy 25 from Selena three he says Esa dinner donation train good luck with the run and fifty dollars from Stewie mcduby 37 who says joining the dinner donation train a great event and a great cause good luck to smoggy On the Run uh all of those go to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush uh bonus game apart from Kaisers who goes to the Sonic Frontiers 80 true ending incentive that is coming up very soon gang so if uh you do want to see uh the true ending version of that run then please do get your donations in ASAP we are over halfway towards the goal now but uh we still got a little bit of way to go before we get there back to you smoggy thank you and now twin Rover everybody knows this fight it's very arguably the most interesting fight because it's the most RNG heavy yeah the goal in the first phase is to shoot them using their opposite uh Powers four times uh but the amount or like the speed that they shoot at is just completely random they can use completely trolley too and look at you and then they just fly away so hopefully we get some good good RNG here yeah and usually it's the one that is always the one that is going to shoot that is just recently touched a platform yep foreign other it looked like the ice was flying to the platform to the writer but might change her mind nope good this is actually very good the hook card spamming is just to keep him in place it's meant to be like a Dodge thing where you can't really use range weapons on Twin Rover but you can abuse it just to keep them in place it's exactly the same uh exploit that we do for uh the Gerudo guards and I grew the valley we just hook shot to make them Dodge or spin or whatever but this was uh very average orangey yep uh no double heads but it was one quick shot I think yeah it was a very mediocre very good you can get really lucky and have the same which shoot twice in the same spot let's call it double it's very it's pretty rare though uh I'm actually going to stand outside the carpet here because it can trigger a double from Twin Rover in phase two but I don't want to trigger double in on the second hits uh because that can actually cause some problems it does happen to be one time uh hello what the hell I've never seen someone jump over first and then uh Shield oh yeah uh you can actually do go ahead I we I don't we don't really have anything to talk about right here so we can actually go ahead and do some more donations uh there's gonna be a lot of cutscene now in the in the next uh five ten minutes or so cool all right we should be able to polish off this dinner party then that goes we've got ten dollars from Paul Lister Who says let's get another one in there for good measure good luck smoggy on the run five dollars from tomane saying VIPs be rolling in and five dollars from Red Warrior saying cheers from the dinner party ten dollars from Hasina Philip who says good luck for the run and a five dollars from foxy jira 52 saying dinner homies pulling through dab dab dab dab dab dab dab 25 from silky saying donation train hype and thirty dollars from Robo Sparkle saying Esa height Dinner Train hope you make Zelda go first and kick Cannon's butt before defeating Alexander's twenty dollars from Anonymous saying shushu and twenty dollars from Bloodhound saying dinner party donation Train choo choo best of luck smoggy all of those go towards the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive let me know if you need any more um I I can mention now we are done with all the temples um uh the only thing that we have to pick up now before we go ahead and go into gannon's Castle is uh [Music] I think it's too skeletal us exactly nairu's love golden gauntlets and double defense and that's it and then we're just gonna finish the game and the the bottle all right we're gonna hand in the rest of the pose right that is happening right now but first we need to go and grab the sculptura token that I missed right before a spirit Temple because now I have to do it after uh on my way to nairu's love and then I go into an Irish love and then we're gonna watch a light Arrow cutscene yay oh God if you don't want to be spoiled don't watch that counseling wink wink uh so now rauru is just telling us to uh you have a gather all the medallions I believe go back to the Temple of Time to receive your blessing or something like that [Music] [Music] so now I'm gonna have to grab this skeleton in a different way run away good [Music] we can go ahead and do some more donations now we're just gonna be very very cutscenes or about five minutes perfect maybe six all right just just interject if you need me if you need to yeah actually I am going to be eventually I'm going to be taking my second bathroom break right after I warp here I'm gonna hand over to controller to axle to just Mash some text um that's it I love it I love a good co-op run so I'm here for it right ten dollars from Nash Lac and Lavar who say you three that's how I've been told to read that donation ten dollars to Henny who says shout out to the best speedrunning community on this planet speed fam as well as the best speedrunning Marathon aside of Esa hackathon love you all good luck for the rest of your run smoggy ten dollars from greenlink saying what is yellow and green yellow and green yellow and green a blonde hair hyrulean rolling down the hill high from Esa dinner crew five dollars from Todd's telemedian saying greetings from the dinner keep up your great work there and uh ten dollars from Anonymous saying what's your favorite word ruffled bricks uh my favorite words is dinner thanks for asking ten dollars are from Viper saying greetings for the esa dinner and fifty dollars are from brainstorm saying go smoggy crush the rest of the Run thanks Esa for supporting a great cause Awesome event uh five dollars from paulister saying once again good luck ruffled I can now understand why you sent that one earlier and uh 25 are from hud601 saying fine I'll do it myself 55k let's go few more 55k hype donations here one from pickerstroff with 25 just saying 55k hype and one from Super player uh for 25 for the 55k height 25 from link boss and 25 from Sid no comments on those but thank you very much 6.90 from anonymous saying I'm glad you're such a good speedrunner otherwise this Dragon Quest would drag on don't think that's for the current run but uh we'll pass on the good word uh ten dollars from Anonymous no comment but thank you very much and 20 from our Nance uh saying 20 from up above enjoying the run while resting some in my room maybe I'll have to join the dinner party gang next time seems like people are having a lot of fun down there and uh finally five dollars from Anonymous saying I will happily enjoy re-watching this run during a rainy day great job Silva and Joey you made this an effortless watch the donation incentives those uh donations went to include the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush for the bonus game the alien isolation Ripley cosplay incentive the Sonic Frontiers any percent true ending incentive and the fox and forests read poetry incentive and just as a heads up the uh the Sonic Frontiers any percent true ending incentive is coming up very shortly that is the next run that you are going to see in Esa so please do ensure that you get your donations in uh before we get to the last boss in that run as that will ensure that you get to see the true ending that you all deserve uh also do not forget the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive still has quite a way to go the target for that one is five thousand dollars so please keep your donations coming in and yes thank you all very much for your generosity and our runner is now putting on an extra top so you can tell this is some serious business for the final section hello I am back [Music] actually that was pure muscle memory hello I'm back because I usually I'm so used to saying that whenever I go to my toilet breaks when I'm at home hi I'm back [Laughter] if you're a streamer muscle memory how do you make the toilet break if no one's mashing uh I am very fast at running because the toilet is just you know five six meters away and I run really fast and watch skip yeah unfortunately I have to you have to sacrifice some stuff in life uh but now I do not there is a common topic um on my stream did you do hand wash skip yes it's uh it saves like 20 seconds [Laughter] sometimes you just have to uh sacrifice some stuff to go fast so perfect I feel so much better now Jesus foreign just stuck in a giant rupee yeah classic [Music] so now this country is ending we're gonna go to the Pogo guy and then the rest of the pose get the last bottle [Music] um uh which we mentioned earlier in child one we already have three bottles in child one and then the very last bottle is here at the very end um after that we're just going straight to trials to pick them off one by one the trials are interesting there's not a ton of categories that do them no that's a free I guess glitches 100 glitches I mean all the okay if we just say delicious evidence yeah but MST MSC does it yeah not sure um which else um well maybe like Max percent child would do it oh yeah actually I don't know let's say yes and then we'll look at it let's go with yes yeah source is thrusters so this Pogo is now very impressed with our uh Poe hunting so he's gonna be like hey here's a bottle thank you and we are gone on our way to gallons Castle it's a fun thing when you enter this area this cutscene will always set it to midnight if you do randomizers want to be nighttime yeah right now we got the Rainbow Bridge open there's some uh fun things uh clever things that is being uh that happens in the trials uh the first two are pretty uneventful um uh shadow of fire and the light trial is pretty fun um uh fire is probably the the scariest one you can really easily uh void out there and fall and fall into the lava hey please condensify her you have to light everything fast and I'm actually not using fire arrow speed and the only reason is uh flicking that shot up there is very fast and uh equipping fire arrows just takes extra time yeah and here in this room it's important important not to go too fast actually uh it can really mess up your time for the last silver rupee and you can actually get pushed off and fall down into the void and you have to redo the room thank you [Music] that was actually quite close yeah yeah [Music] what's that what's the second hardest trial sorry second hardest trial uh second hardest trial uh I'm gonna say probably shadow yeah it's a shadow fire the first two yeah [Music] [Music] open the door what happened here's another perfect timing that you can use with big horn sword don't even see the enemies they are actually coming towards you slowly uh the freezards I think they're called uh and you can kill them in one big spin with a big horn sword so it's very nice very good just like in fire template you can reach that switch just with the jump slash yep foreign [Music] [Music] if you think back now to the dampe uh if that really bad damper didn't happen in the beginning of the Run we would be done with the run in about three minutes that's how big of a Time loss uh dampy was it was a very unfortunate now we're gonna stand here right on the edge we can barely reach this like like oh I actually wanted to go for that one time uh but I'm not gonna do it the second time pretty neat uh jump slice to Skipper grabbing legendar yeah that looks really scary [Music] right so golden gauntlets uh now we're just gonna finish trials and then uh let's go back to uh grab the rest [Music] the double defense and that one yeah that one skeleton very um behind the stone wall I'm not really sure to describe it [Music] [Music] thank you so here comes the scariest uh trial hopefully I can do everything right we can we can do some uh forward momentum backflips I'm gonna abuse that a little bit very good uh something here's something that I actually discovered uh about a half a year ago you can actually uh buffer a uh when you're if you already or if you're holding a the a button uh uh you can uh grab a pushable or grabbable blocks on the very first frame when you get get to them and these little [Music] those blocks that where you uh use uh put them away or shock them away so you can get to sell the Ruby underneath that uh you can actually buffer a on them as well which was not known uh I actually I think I was just oh I wonder if this works and it works and nobody knew where it worked because they can be really tricky to pick up sometimes you stand in front of it you try to press a and you just roll against it all the time he doesn't pick it up and it's really annoying like please grab the thing [Music] foreign [Music] I'm just holding a here we're on the last roll and it just picks it up automatically no fuss you do the same with the the graves yeah yeah [Music] here's a cool trick that I actually got from shout outs to Marco thank you very fast room indeed subscribe I think it saves around one second [Music] oh I I he actually didn't give this recipe I watched him and I stole it [Music] oh there we go oh please open the chest [Laughter] it has a very tight window in this room as well you have to almost have perfect movement to make this Boulder cycle don't catch me yeah okay [Music] I always thought this room was very strange yeah it is there's a fake wall around here but you need to actually roll through it to be able to hit this uh ball of energy what is it even a ball of energy a sphere of gold I don't know it looks like I kind of like an acorn acorn yeah [Laughter] [Music] one more trial to go uh not much Happening Here English another silver rupee puzzle [Music] there's not much happening would you like a donation uh in a few and uh yeah no worries let's see here they don't really need fire arrows for that you can just stand next to the torch with a normal bow um I was curious how you're gonna do that without fires yeah I do have a strats uh where I can stand under the web and load up a fire arrow and shoot up in the backflip so you backflip and then you uh release the shot in the middle of the battle is really swag shot but it's quite difficult to do and you if you don't get it first try it's just slower so uh but that was the last trial uh we can actually go ahead and do some donations now because now I'm just gonna go out and grab grab an uh upgrade cool all right so 25 donation from Anonymous no comment but thank you very much for that and uh five dollar donation also from Anonymous who says I'm sorry I missed the opening can you guys restart the Run I think we'll have time for that so you know I mean yeah and uh I have done worse just saying okay I can do it all right we'll see we'll see if we can squeeze you in and uh 100 donation from uh goober's Gabe saying yo Dragon the man who has been around an ego alongside me for Frontier since day one and rooting alongside Roxas and all it's amazing how much excitement is behind forming roots and everything in a rapidly changing room so incredibly proud to be see you on the big stage man much love to all the Sonic Frontiers Community happy frontiering as always that donation went to the Sonic Frontiers 80 true ending incentive and the other two went to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game incentive tank [Music] please go ahead you you have uh do you have some prices that you can uh perhaps tell us more about we'll talk about that in a bit I just want to uh give a quick uh another plug to the uh Sonic Frontiers incentive given that that run is up next it is the incentive for the true ending if you can't get enough of 3D aerosonic then please do try and meet this incentive and witness the special final boss fight and the true ending currently at 1091.20 on that one the target is two thousand dollars so if we can give this one more push to try and get that incentive on its feet then that would be super also following that is the bonus game at Sonic Adventure DX incentive that's the Sonic Adventure 2 uh battle one uh as I say if you feel like the Sonic block is pretty good it could be a little bit more sonicy then we have a bonus run in the form of the uh Boss Rush from Sonic Adventure uh two so uh please do get your donations in we're currently up to 1.4 K on that one the target for those donations is five thousand dollars we've got a little bit more time in order to get that one so the Frontiers one is the current uh impending one but yeah those are the incentives we currently need the most donations too at the moment back to you smoggy thank you and now we are on our way to the end we have everything everything is collected so now we just need to finish the game tickle uh these the downfalls can be tricky sometimes but if you bait them close and then do a quick spin he didn't like that one no there oh hello what hello [Music] no no okay Jesus he was not giving up this Fortress studies no probably damper spirits laughs [Music] that's a very good baits yeah watching stealth was dying two hits It's just so sad when you Target on Shield uh sometimes the stuff wants to attack you I think it's a higher multiplier at least then I want to jump slash you more often um usually when you see this uh Big Iron knuckle site I'm actually gonna just make sure that I have it first don't have to do anything [Music] now we're heading up the stairs plain simple rolling he's rolling upstairs as you do uh now the ganondorfite is a pretty fun I remember the very first time I saw uh the Ganondorf fight being done with a bottle uh do you remember the first time you saw that when you reflect with the bottle instead of doing a quick spin I don't remember the vividly now no it's very weird you you will see me use a bottle to reflect ganondorf's first uh like tennis serve that's what I call it oh no no I used the ball too I just don't remember the first time I saw it right right yeah yeah no because the bottle actually has more uh what is it swing frame than the sword oh is that why it makes it easier yeah okay I thought it was just a better like timing from uh when you see him actually release it and you can just okay just press and you're done I think it's just because there's just way more frames for it okay and anyway it looks it looks weird yeah it looks pretty funny but it's surprisingly it's easier yeah and we have big Gorn sword as well uh I don't have isg as well so I have to time this stun lock um [Music] in all main quests glitches you only have master sword and you have to stand lock again door for 10 hits in a row and that it can be very nerve-wracking at the end of a run uh but it's a little bit easy with big doors or it cuts the hits in half oh yeah we don't even fight this guy in our 100. [Music] not good [Applause] green blood uh that is a fun fun fact uh in this version in 1.2 there's a green blood versus uh in the first version 1.0 I think in 1.1 as well there is a red blood that is coughing out [Music] huh oh yeah no Towers you get to run down the whole thing yeah gotta run all the way down but at this point in the run this is everything else is kind of easy mode unless you're on on the very edge of like getting a new PB it's still a little bit uh don't mess up the the starfish fight halfway down uh then collapse uh the Tower collapse yeah you can still mess up the Ganon fights although I did that actually in my most recent world record and I got a five hours and 39 flat time and if I did not mess up that one crowd stab on Ganon I would have had a sub 539 sag but it's fine means we can get to go in the category a bit more dampy more damp eh more adult fishing more child fishing more orangey yay do you know uh we couldn't explain this but I do do know if the light arrows actually reduces lag frames on the Wii I've never even heard of it though oh wait yeah you don't do this sorry so shooting light arrows here actually removes Zelda's purple gaze when she's opening the uh the gates and on air on the N64 it actually save frames so if you go to the gate and um you see that purple gaze right there um so if you shoot a light Arrow instead that purple case gets moved and saves some leg frames on the N64 I'm not sure if that's the case on the on the Wii uh but you don't really lose any time it's such a small thing that is actually just a very small thing that I haven't bothered for all these years to even check if it's correct or not I mean you don't lose any time to it so no now I have stealth fights [Music] now I actually have to equip Master Sword this is the last equip of the game of the Run true the golden sword is not and I got everything scanning what you going to sword is not very useful against Canon exactly it does not work actually it does not work at all yeah anything but Master Sword will deal one damage yeah I didn't after I equipped the master sword there uh I did a quick little check I pressed Target one more time with Z one more time he has to check the other uh inventory screen to make sure that I have everything uh which I did uh actually it wasn't that far ago it was a couple of days ago where I did a practice run on no reason run and I actually missed the skeletal and I was like oh God you remember which one it was yeah I figured it out pretty quickly because I remember I was talking a lot during a time and I was I just went into autopilot mode and I completely forgot about it see if you can get the kiss what is it uh one frame one frame faster one frame faster uh if we uh want to have a couple of donations in we can do that during this cutscene before the final fights sure thing uh ten dollars here from dissocio who says I love saren the coolest of cats and ten dollars from uh Xenon Slayer saying I've got to break the game fast and then five dollars from damp 41 saying Nina Nina Nina that donation goes to the Sonic Adventure 2 battle Boss Rush bonus game and uh xenons one goes to the Sonic Frontiers any percent true ending incentive so now the tower has completely collapsed but Ganon is not giving up somehow he has arrived while my brain wow that was really weird I usually play a song here for the very end of the fight at this final fight and my brain started playing the song in my head because I'm so used to listening to it it's something to Hype up the final fight whenever I do my runs it's pretty fun so now I'm gonna jump slash with uh Master Sword into the cutscene to store Master Sword damage because he's Gonna Knock away my sword and I'm gonna use the Megaton Hammer to do the Crouch steps on Gammon yep she only takes three hits for the first phase three hits for the first phase and four hits for the last phase foreign [Music] here we go let's go problem s phase one now we're gonna just roll over uh get the master sword and continue the last four hits thank you oh they're gonna happen sometimes okay in the second phase if you miss it is really quick to start break dancing on there we go everybody on time for the big one uh you can press this one oh oh okay oh yeah this one and I'll take this one so and time is time [Applause] thank you very much Esa for having me uh unfortunately we went to Uber estimate but tempeh 17 minutes loss if that didn't happen uh this would have been a very good run indeed for a marathon uh very unfortunate there I'm going to give some shout outs uh to the esa Tech staff and donation readers thank you very much uh shout out to Axel uh you can follow uh Axel Larson at Axel Larson he's running 100 uh the glitch the real the real version the real version yeah right and I'm doing the normal yeah the normal yeah yes so you can follow me in there and thank you to the audience thank you to everyone who I met uh yeah I don't I haven't had much more to say you have anything do you want to say no thanks for having me no problem thank you GG thank you very very much for that awesome Ocarina of Time run uh that's it from me for your hosting for this evening I'm going to leave you in the more than capable hands of the wonderful HUD 601 uh you up next we have got the Sonic Frontiers run by dragon in the any percent no DLC category and do not forget that we still have the true ending incentive open for that so please do get your donations in for that in the meantime we're gonna have a short break so come back once you've got your refreshments and your toilet breaks we'll be back very shortly [Applause] foreign
Channel: ESA Speedrunning
Views: 82,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alzheimer Foundation, Alzheimersfonden, Charity, ESA, ESAMarathon, ESAWinter23, European Speedrunner Assembly, Smaugy, Speedrun, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Id: 6wwZemFhkd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 371min 14sec (22274 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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