Commander 2019 with The Professor & Ladee Danger l Game Knights #29 l Magic the Gathering Gameplay

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INB4 'Why did Professor show his morph and not block with his deathtouch?'

Answers: accident, and senility.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 340 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't know Jolyne played magic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 102 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NintendoMasterNo1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Couldn't prof copy chainer again and then cast the bane for free and flip it? Or did he not have enough mana?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Goldfishlord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not being able to see the morph deck do very much was kinda disappointing, especially considering I purchased it with the intent of upgrades but are unclear on the wincons.

Also Jimmy letting the player with the best board state go off to break a stall is fairly questionable threat analysis IMO, supplicating yourself to the person with exponential 7/7s seems like a bad move when you don't have an actual plan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zephyrmoth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rules lawyer incoming. Clones aren’t able to copy creatures entering the battlefield at the same time as themselves. So with the Gerrard play, Clever Impersonator would have had to be something else. Idk if it would have affected the outcome, but the game might have ended a turn or two later

Edit* my b they already acknowledged this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OGkureator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my favorite Game Knights episode involving precon decks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FblthpLives πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just got to say, I love JLK, he seems like a sweetheart guy who just really loves this game. Jimmy is just as good a dude. As a new player CZ, specifically Game Knights, more than anything was what taught me how this game works, and how I can make it a fun social thing to do. I basically built a bunch of commander decks and invite friends over (who have never played) to play. Been having lots of fun and its a lot thanks to these guys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Solid Episode, all the decks definitely seemed to do their thing, even though Ghired (Ladee Danger) was suuuuper far ahead on board at one point. I am a naya player at heart so I was super happy to see her do well with the deck lol. ([[Giant Adephage]] is my boi)

Morphs looked a little slow which was to be expected honestly. Prof didn't have the right mix in his starter to get out the gates quick enough but you can see the value is definitely there.

Anje kinda suffered from the problems that people have identified, which is low-wincon density in the initial deck. This deck looks like it would be super fun though again because of the value.

The Elsha deck just seemed to turtle behind its barrier and eventually pulling the win off without much help from the commander itself imo. Kinda wish Elsha had more of a chance to shine but the card advantage/synergy/flashback value in the deck was really cool.

Great job on the showcase guys, always fun to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FudgyDidders πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So sad the prof got knocked out so quick, i was hoping to see what that deck could do if let to set up a bit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blueyedzealot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome to another episode of game nights this episode is brought to you by Wizards of the coast now today we are going to be playing the brand-new decks from Commander 2019 very exciting we've got special guests the professor from tellurian Community College and lady danger in the house but before we get into it remember going over to card Kingdom dot-com / Command zone when you're purchasing your magic sealed product your singles anything at all it really does support this show it supports the command zone podcasts and all of our content and right now there is a limited time offer if you order a commander 2019 sealed product from card Kingdom you will receive in the mail along with your product a special code that unlocks for special backgrounds to lifelink or our life app for Magic the Gathering again the only way you can get that is by ordering commander 2019 sealed product from card Kingdom yeah make sure you do that soon because again that offer is going to expire and another way to support all of our content is directly if you go to and now patrons get a whole bunch of exclusive benefits for one a lot of them get to talk with Jimmy and I each and every day on our discord server they also get to watch game nights one day early they've already seen this episode they're not actually watching us right now pretty exciting and finally stick around to the end of the episode because we're giving away a ton of free product as usual from us to you and if you want to find out how to win that free product first you must discover who wins on this episode of game nights that was a good segue thanks let's get on with the episode [Music] how's it everybody welcome back to another episode of game nights on this one we've got a brand new guest who's never been on the show before I'm lady danger you might have seen me on twitch streaming Magic arena about five days a week or you might have even seen me at a live event with magic gathering as my Orillia cosplay and i'm so excited to be here on game nights i love commander so much and today we're opening up the brand-new pre-constructed decks from commander 2019 this is my favorite product every single year it brings a bunch of new cards to the table and it's also dedicated to our favorite format and we have the fan favorite returning oh hello I didn't see you there I've come all the way from the tellurian Community College YouTube channel to play commander on game nights and today my commander will be Feldon of the third path I don't know we're playing the precogs professor the pre cons yeah oh can I have first pick of the pre con yeah sure I guess a swish today my commander is going to be Kadena slinking sorcerer this deck is all about morphs morphs are amazing because you get to play them but your opponents have no idea what they are until it's too late what I love about this commander is that the first morph that you want to play each turn you don't have to pay for and for each one you get to draw a card that's some major value this is one sultan commander who is going to make all my opponents very salty indeed so the deck i chose to play is Garen conclave exile so this deck is all about creating tokens and instead of making tiny little eeny weeny ones I'm making giant tokens so I'm gonna get an army of giant things turn him sideways and bash him into my opponent's face today the deck I'm gonna be playing is anya falcon wrath this deck is all about discarding cards for value i'm gonna be playing a lot of cards out of my graveyard so it doesn't matter if i discard them and i also mike discard with the madness mechanic which lets me cast it an instant speed and often for cheaper so you might not expect a lot of tricky stuff from a color combination like this but I'm gonna prove you wrong and the commander I'm gonna be playing today is Elsa of the infinite now this is not the main commander on the box for this deck but I chose to run it as the lead singer because I like the idea of the card advantage it gives and of course casting things at flash speed this deck is all about playing things out of its graveyard and playing a lot of instants and sorceries for value all right let's get dangerous let's do this it's morphing time let's shuffle up cuz this game's gonna be mad cool yo madness okay welcome everyone to the table it is our pleasure to have you here first things first we must undo commander 2019 themes ultra roleplay mats the artwork is on flex lady danger as is custom on your first episode of game nights you must become knighted thus I dub the Dame danger arise it's so wonderful to be here welcome to game nights alright it room ready yes all right let's do it I will draw for turn I will play a tranquil Cove that will gain me one life and I'll pass the turn I will draw for turn I'll play for it all right I'll drop your turn I'll play a blood fell caves and gain a life now pastor into you prophet all right draw and then I will play a thespian stage let me know if you need any pointers Jimmy anytime yes and then I am going to play a turn one soul ring well it wouldn't be a commander game if at least one player didn't have a soul ring on turn one I mean it could have been a command tower into soul ring but I'll take it passing to Josh because I have nothing else to do I will untap I will draw and I will play in island and then if we can't do anything I'll pass the turn I will draw for turn I will go ahead and play a jungle shrine and pass hi I will untap I'll drop a turn I'll play a mountain and I'll pass to you Pro on tap draw I'll go ahead and play an island I'm going to turn the thespians stage into a jungle shrine so basically my hand is missing both green and black mana I don't really need red and white but why not yet greedy and grab the jungle shrine okay I will untap and I will draw I will play a Plains and then I am going to play a burnished heart sweet I'm playing the Jeff sky colors that's not a combination that's very good at putting extra lands into play so this is actually a really good card for me to have out on turn three and I'm happy about it and I will passenger I will on tap Jeff return and I will play it's a gauzy guild made oh nice so this card is awesome because it's a main part of how this deck is gonna work because it allows me to populate and create a centaur token so I think even with everybody right now and then I'll play Boros garrison and I will return this forest to my hand and I'll pass to you okay Oh a tap draw and I'll play swamp and then I'm going to cast my commander on yo Falcon wrath alright that was fast I'm really excited about getting my command around turn three my entire deck hinges around the idea of discarding cards for value and because she has haste that means I can do it this turn cycle so I untap drop a turn I'm going to play a forest so it's turn three and I've already messed up I just didn't know it last turn because I drew a forest I need a swamp I'm gonna have to waste this turn using the thespian stage to copy a black fan a source this is a little silly I got a little excited about copying the jungle shrine so I'm going to have my thespian stage act just like Jimmy's blood fell caves instead because I really need the black okay and for this turn that says well now we see why you know you don't always have to be scared of soul ring if props just gonna use it to keep changing his thespian stage every turn you know I'm fine with that I will untap I will draw I'm going to play a swift water cliffs that gave me a life and then go to combat prop you have no blockers I'm gonna swing at you with a burnished heart very well I will make a note of it will you also take to damage reluctantly just remember the professor forgives but he doesn't forget alright and then I will play Thalia's guy scholar this is a new card from Commander 19 and I would be surprised if I get more than like one or two spirits out of this over the course of the game it's fine you can block some stuff but it's not like key to my strategy pass the turn I will untap trough return and play cultivate I'll put a Plains into play and a mountain in my hand all right this is gonna be great for me because I need to get as much land out as possible so I can start populating this board then I will move to combat and press as we've stated you don't have any blocker hits you for two very well I took fish now you make me want to attack you - what oh I didn't realize this was arch enemy all of a sudden I'm sitting here I'm trying to put on a play with my thespians stage why is everyone coming after me I will remember this from each and every one of you so you're gonna try to feed all your opponents yes okay how dare you that's the new plan the new plan I will passenger okay at the end of your turn I'm gonna activate Anya to discard a card and draw a card I'm gonna discard squee goblin to Bob it to my graveyard and I'm gonna draw a card and then and my upkeep squeek comes back to my hand whenever I discard a card with Anya I can draw a card but because it's Queen I return it back to my hand every single turn so basically squee makes my commander say tap draw a card which is kind of crazy in black red thanks to this card I've already built this value engine on turn three so let's get this train rolling so during my main phase I'm gonna activate Anya and I'm gonna discard squee again and draw a card and then I'll go to my cleanup phase I have eight cards in my hand so I will discard Gorgon Rekluse and I'm gonna tap black and black to cast it oh but it does have madness and when I described the card with madness Anya will untap so because this creature basically kind of has death touch I'm gonna be a little bit more hesitant about attacking him at least for right now past turn to you brah oh thank you for not attacking me no problem that will be that has been noted in your record Josh and lady I'd like to see some better moves in terms of who you choose to attack in the future took that untap throw off the turn and I'm bringing in my commander sadena slink your sorcerer we're back here so the soap ice sorceress lets me place a morphic card for free once per turn and whenever i play a morph card I get to draw that sounds spicy to me I even do that I'm possibly there's some extreme power Thank You Dean a slinking sorcerer yeah so there goes some more and that triggers cadena second ability which means I draw a card it's a lot about you both of them are getting over their loss are really hard to play against it could be a value creature it could be a giant monster it also could be something with like death touch so it's gonna make it really hard to attack or block that creature you just have no idea what's coming then I'm gonna sacrifice my terror more for kicks pants I'm gonna go find a swamp and that of course comes into play tacked past the turn okay untap I will draw it's your turn Josh do something cool I am going to sacrifice my burnished heart I will find a mountain and an island those are coming to play tapped not an exciting turn for me but it does really set me up with a lot of lands in play moving forward in the game and the board's not super scary so this seemed like a good time to do it and in my lamp return is going to be in azureus Chancery and I will bounce the island back to my hand and then that's all I can do so I'll pass the turn all right I will end tap draw card perfect next part of magic and then play my commander here at Conclave exile and when he comes in I get a 4/4 right out mmm-hmm Wow here we go this commander has a lot of beading power it comes in with a friend not to mention when your commander attacks we're gonna get even more of them and they're huge for for tramples are nothing to scoff at I'm super excited about getting my commander out because this gives a ton of power on the board and I'm gonna be able to start swinging I mean it depends what tokens were gonna see play I'm already getting a little nervous you're really gonna do that every time no I'm getting bored with it and then I will go ahead and place the sanctuary and I will bounce back my forest all right they don't go to man spit on your end step I will activate Anya I'm going to discard in garrix wait I'll draw a card and then I have too many cards in my hand so I will go ahead and discard a plates and then I will pass you to me on tap on my upkeep squeeze gonna trigger and I'll bring it back to my hand squeeze really is pretty good so here we see Jimmy doing the squee dance discarding it getting it back so we're gonna be seeing this the whole game that's a pretty spicy combo I think I underestimated his commander and then okay I saw them similar come nice when it airs the battlefield I will go find a mountain and put it into the battlefield tent so now I've got card draw and manna ramp in my deck being able to do both of them early in the game it makes me feel really good about my chances passage aren't you brought on tap draw very nice I'm going to play a myriad landscape it enters tap and then I'm going to activate my thespians stage and turned it into a myriad landscape so if I copy the myriad landscape then I can sacrifice both of them yes I lose the thespian stage but I'm grabbing four basic lands to pull out of my deck I am gonna be drawing hopefully a lot of cards by playing a lot of morphs and I don't want to be drawing into basic lands so this is a great way to filter out cards I need and hey it's some added ramp seriously the most I've seen that thespians stage activated in a single game ever three times in like five turns alright and then I'll play a morph and remember because of my commander first one each turn is free and then I'll draw a card which is what I get to do when I play a more morphs are tough to play against you don't know what I have behind this more it could be anything even an effective card alright I will untap I will draw and then I will play Elsa of the infinite one Jimmy and prop already have a card advantage engine setup and this is my version of it playing cards off the top of your deck because they're not cards in your hand is card advantage and it lets me play things at flash speed which you all know I love I'm a look at the top card in my library anytime well any time is now I will look everyone's got their value engines going at this point and we're all kind of eyeing each other wondering what's gonna happen so let's see who makes the first move okay umm can't attack you you get the basileus thing those could be anything I guess I'm just not attacking go ahead alright I will on tap and I will draw so this is the moment I've been waiting for so I will activate my guild mage create another Rhino oh my gosh hello friends at this point there are morphs on the board but he doesn't have a lot of mana so I think my attacks look pretty good here especially with these guys with trample I'm really intrigued to see what those morphs are yeah you don't want to know I I do want to know scared of your morphs so I'm should be I'm gonna tech you with my commander of my right now and when I attack my commander creates a for for right now after an attack oh my goodness you and I are enemies now she seems like not at all scared of you huh well you know she likes to live dangerous you don't get the name by being safe oh I see what's happening here and I must put a stop to it move to blockers I am going to block the two-five with this morph I'm going to block the other Rhino with the other more and then I'm going to pull off to the final Rhino with my commander okay all right there's no way anyone is going to see this coming watch but before damage is declared I'm gonna flip this more it becomes gift of doom oh and it's cost is sacrificing another creature and I'll sacrifice this more and because this morph becomes an enchantment I attach it to my commander it makes it death touch an indestructible wait a minute morphs can be auras well it's a special action so instance can't react at the same speed so I can't even respond to it and oh that's this this didn't go how I planned so one Rhino dies and because of trample I take five okay maybe that'll teach lady danger not to attack me I am NOT a target to be trifled with and then I'm going to tap three here and play colossal majesty oh very nice good draw a lot of cards so the attack didn't go how I planned but now I have card advantage and I still have a really big presence on the board so I'm feeling pretty comfortable pesty a journey okay at the end of your turn I'm gonna activate Anya to discard the one the only squeak goblin the Bob so big surprise and draw on tap so now every single player has some sort of card advantage engine set up it doesn't seem like anybody's super far ahead of anybody else but everybody is doing stuff and poison ready to move into the mid game on my upkeep squid would trigger and I'll return it to my hand I would draw for turn okay I am going to play Magus of the wheel nice this card's really cool in my deck because it allows me to discard my entire hand which is what my deck already wants to do and draw a brand new seven the only problem is that if I have more cards than everyone else at the table then I'm actually giving them cards if I activate it so I'm just leaving this out there as a blocker and maybe something that can activate later on tap drop return okay I'm going to sacrifice both my myriad landscapes and they'll find all four basic lands and put them all onto the battlefield tap look at all those basics no more dug draws for the professor and I'm so glad that all those basics are out of my library because I'm gonna play a more for free thanks to my commander and then I'm doing to draw a card which is a not a basic land definitely not nope and I pass to Josh okay I will untap I will drop I will look at the top grab my library coz of Elsa alright and then I'm gonna play Christine at sky wise Wow this is a really good card here because it's very difficult for my opponents deal with there's no way for them to know if I have a spell that's gonna give it protection this is my deterrent I'm hoping it will keep the other players off my back past the turn all right I will untap I my upkeep colossal majesty trigger so I will draw a card and now I will draw four turn and then I'm gonna play gargoyle castle this is great for me because it's a land and it's my emergency plan if my board gets wiped because it's gonna create a token for me to be able to populate and then I'm going to play giant at evade this is actually one of the best cards for me right now because it's a seven seven with trample that allows me to make token copies of it and then I can attack and make copies of it with my commander and I can populate with my guild mage if I can attack one time with this card I'm getting so much out of it so I'm just really keeping my fingers crossed that it makes it just one turn don't squish my bug giant up appendix out of a giant appendage add a thing shatter fate I don't know what it out of ages but it is giant I mean it's a seven seven with trample I'm gonna call it an appendage though giant appendage so Jimmy I'm gonna go ahead and I will be attacking you with one right now I'm just gonna block it with my soul I take two solemn dies no a draw card now I could block with my to four with old-school death touch but here's the thing she just played a giant at a phage and you know I think I need to hold back the real defenses for something like that alright you're good at the end of your turn I'm going to activate Anya to throw squee back into the bin draw a card and then Oh untap squid would trigger I'll put them back in my hand oh no drop return I've never had this many cards in a red black deck in my life you got a full grip play entire game at this point I'm not sure what I'm more scared of is it lady dangers growing board that's gonna keep growing and it's all huge creatures and all of it has trampled or is it Jimi's value engine which seems to be pretty well online I don't know but as long as they keep attacking each other I guess I'm happy and then I'm gonna tap for and play chainer and nightmare at it all right this card synergizes really well with everything Jimmy's doing he can discard cards to draw cars and the cards he discards can be creatures which chain or can bring back onto the battlefield luckily Jimmy's graveyard is not super scary but if he finds a way with way beyond Magus of the wheel or something to dump a bunch of cards in there who knows what could happen I'm going to activate chainer and discard a land and then I'm going to play solemn simulacrum from my graveyard as haste I'm going to search for he lands Jimmy's getting a lot of value under the radar this game he's been doing all that stuff with squeak and now he's trying to set up a similar cycle with Solomon yay it just came out okay just came out there now past turns he you prof all right I'm gonna untap all these basic lands draw for turn I'm gonna play cultivate I'll find to forest put one into the battlefield tapped and one to my hand so I've taken stock of my enemies I have noted their resources I've examined and contemplated what is available in my hand and the best move is to stay silent and hidden for now I'm just going to pass the turn so proc passes the turn here he's got a morph and a ton of mana open and there are morphs that counter spells there are more that steal spells there are more that blow things up do I have something spicy or is it just a bluff I suppose we'll have to find out alright on your end step I am going to play the top part of my library because it's a non creature non land card I can do it with flash because of Elsa and I will play and is it locket okay alright at this point in the game a little extra mana from the locket is not super important however it's just a free card I didn't have to draw it and I got to cast it off my deck so it is card advantage and I'm gonna take advantage of that and then I will on tap and I will draw and I will look at the top card of my library good alright then I will go to combat and Jimmy I'm gonna swing at you for six flying ok well I have no blockers in the air so I'm gonna go ahead and take six damage Oh for this cards really good on defense and on offense because Josh can just untap it if he plays a non creature spell it's a lot of damage in the air and it's not what I want to be right now and then I will play the top card of my library it is a soul ring Wow and it'll trigger the pristine sky wise which will untap and get protection from blue all right and I will play cliff side rescuer this is one of the new cards from commander 2019 I can't really use it until next turn but once it's online it makes it really hard for them to try and affect any of my stuff because I can protect it with this creature this card is really interesting because if Josh really wants to he can make anything unblockable and I just took six in the air so this is one of those cards you can never forget is on the table you've always got to sort of calculate for it and keep it in mind so I'm gonna tap four I'm gonna play clever impersonate her I think I'm gonna make a copy of solemn simulacrum maybe josh is a little too in love with value because there's clearly some other very powerful creatures on the board I'd kind of rather just have a seven seven that has trample it makes copies of itself what page but it solemn simulacrum it puts lands into play it draws cards maybe I'm addicted to value I will find a mountain I'll put it into play tapped and then I will pass the turn during your end step I have an action okay I wish to mega more revealing and I knock survivalist it's a 2-1 but since I'm mega morphed it it's going to have a plus one plus one counter placed on it when it is turned face up I destroy target artifact or enchantment and opponent controls and oh look here I destroy lady dangers colossal majesty okay I'm gonna be honest with you I'm just being petty against lady danger because she attacked me no more cards for you I think prof has definitely just sealed his deal but being my enemy number one I'm not happy about it okay I still past the turn I guess uh I'm going to untap draw for turn because I don't get my colossal and then I want to tap for and play scare tiller that's cool way that cards so cool mhm another new card from commander 2019 and when it attacks are a few otherwise tap it you're gonna get some kind of ramp value if you have lands in your hand or in your graveyard I don't know if it matters right now in this game for lady danger but it is just cool design I am going to what is this look two one and that's a lots of options so laters looking around the table and realizing everyone can kind of stack block these trample creatures which means that no damage is gonna get through I know she really wants to make that token copy so this is my opening maybe I can make a friend out of the biggest enemy at the table how about this what what options do you have for me Jimmy oh you hit me as long as I just block when I saw them you're gonna let her start populating that thing let's party yeah so this is great I can get a token I've made a deal with Jimmy might not work out of my favorite but I'm interested to find out I know it seems bad letting her make a copy of this huge creature that's just gonna keep going but maybe you have a couple of reasons that I want more of those creatures sticking around alright I'm gonna go ahead and attack you with giant appendage I will only block with the solemn simulacrum so I'm going to take five trample and solemn is gonna draw me a card when it dies so I'll take 500 228 perfect because my giant out of phage dealt damage I get to make a copy of it and then I will activate my guild mage to populate another giant appendage I'm looking for the appendage Wars of 2019 this sounds great so there's 2934 power jimmy just wants the game to be over yeah I don't like this at all the more there are the harder they are to deal with cuz they just start multiplying even faster but also why is Jimmy making a deal like that he's definitely got an angle otherwise he wouldn't do it and so that's scary too this is this is bad okay level with me man you do have a plan right you have an angle what no you're not just gonna let us get run over by huge insects I don't know Josh maybe I do have a plan maybe I don't maybe it's just all madness well that is the theme of his deck and if you like the themes of any of these decks they are really individual and fun to play you should head on over to card Kingdom comm slash command so you can pre-order that stuff right now and simultaneously you will be supporting this show our podcast and all of our content and as you saw we were playing with the themed play mats from ultra pro 4 commander 2019 and another that just came out that we didn't have recorded are the deck boxes and sleeves customized to every single one the community 20:19 products I love this stuff because hey if you're gonna build this deck if you're gonna have this deck themed out go all the way yeah it really is cool when people roll up and they have their play mat their deck boxes their sleeves all themed around their commander it just looks really really sweet it's a great way to spice up your battlefield okay okay seriously you have a plan right like you're not just gonna let us all die to a bunch of giant insects I don't know about all of us dying maybe you guys not me though that that doesn't make me feel any better makes me feel great let's find out what happens by continuing the episode of game nights and then I will activate my guild mage to populate another giant appendage I'm looking for the appendage Wars of 2019 this sounds great alright that all happened that all happened and now I'm gonna pass to you okay at the end of your turn that will activate on you yeah discard squee draw a card and then I'm going to untap squeeze gonna trigger I'll come back my hands draw card for turn okay what guys do the thing I came here to do yeah that's frightening but I'm excited too I mean I think the first thing when they do though is I'm gonna activate Anya again and I'm the discard Anya's Ravager it has madness but I'm not gonna actually pay for the madness cause I'm just gonna discard the draw and untap on you hmm peculiar and then I'm going to tap for and I'm gonna cast hate mirage and i'm gonna target giant add a phage and then the copy of the giant add a page so i'm gonna get two to join and pages Wow pretty select so smart so now you might be able understand why was okay letting lady make a copy of the anaphase in the first place normally a cart like this isn't great value because the creature's you're copying go away at the end of the turn however when they shine add if H deals combat damage it makes a token copy of itself and that's gonna stick around even after the original disappears so this is scary but I have yet another trick up my sleeve I'm gonna go to comment yep propolis swing at you with one in joshing this one a unit one profit you gonna answer your bucks first alright well actually I'm not even at blocks yet don't recommend I'm gonna cast but sponge and Jimmy you have drawn two cards so this gets two counters making it a 3/3 okay it's time to go all out the problem with the appendages is that they are gonna start to multiply we have to bite the bullet lose a lot of our creatures on board but stop them right here and right now I'm gonna go ahead and block with everything okay so I lose two creatures my commander remains indestructible and then out-of-phase dies and I draw three cards off of thought sponge this certainly worked out in my favor I'm not only am gonna stop Jimmy and not take any damage from combat but I needed some cards anyway and now I got them so I'm gonna stack block as well I'm gonna block with my pristine sky wise solemn simulacrum values guys collar and my Elsa okay so first you gotta order blockers all or the blockers like this the pristine sky wise is first followed by his commander and then solemn last okay so now it's your prior to my priority all right I pass priority Josh right now I got my commander and the bird dang yes so there's an interesting staring match going on here because I could cast a spell and give my dragon of protection from the out of phage however I do that Jimmy could possibly respond with something and I could get blown out so I do have a spell but I'm actually just gonna take the trade here that is acceptable okay climate damage karma demonstrate I lose the flier and my commander add a page size and then I gain three life from the life link and I will put my commander back at my command zone all right that wasn't so bad even though I didn't get any copies of the Giant at a phage I still got rid of a ton of creatures especially the really troublesome ones on Josh's board so this is really great for me because Jimmy doesn't get any tokens and everybody else loses a little bit so it leaves the board more open for me to swing it later you're not gonna kill me next turn right well not because I want to do some more fun stuff I am down for some fun stuff in the spirit of playing you cards from c19 I'm going to play a on engine this is a very tough card to evaluate and how effective it is or how bad it is for you changes based on where you're sitting at the table Jimmy is likely to use it during the professor's turn which would mean that he would then go after the professor and it would effectively skip my turn I cannot let that happen in response I'm gonna play fervent denial now a counter target spell okay I think I'm scary I was very spooky this car definitely affects Josh the most so this counter doesn't surprise me but man it would have been sweet if I got it off okay prophet Paul you and tap drop return I am gonna go ahead and spend a black a blue a green and two from the soul ring for full wrath this shapeshifter so lady dangers board is looking more than a little nuts over there vollrath is going to help me get an answer to her growing forces move to combat vulgar put the negative one negative one counter on Shaner spend one to turn it into chainer I am NOT going to attack anyone in my second main phase I'm going to discard an island to my chain er and I'm going to cast out of my graveyard bane of the living but as the more which is free because of my commander this is cool yeah this is really cool this is good for me that is a potential answer to lady dangers board the only downside of this is that I don't have enough mana left to activate the morph and wipe the board but I can do it next turn I'm okay and now everyone at this table knows I've got my finger on the board white button and that triggers Kadena second ability which means I draw a card like everything that's going on right I do not I'm gonna play ray Ameen first of the Fallen the part where this card gets all the keyword abilities I don't care about that what really matters is the fact that it exiles creature cards when they die and my deck is all about putting things in the graveyard and recurring them out and if they get exiled I can't do any of that so this is a bit of a problem and then I'm gonna go ahead and test putrified targeting scarecrow things oh that's my scarecrow thing the best play maybe maybe not but I'm still bitter about what lady danger did to me earlier past the time okay I will in tap and I will draw so we know that board life is coming from prof and I don't really want to do nothing for my turn but I also don't want to waste a bunch of cards in my hand that are just gonna die to that so I'll tap 7 and I will play Elsa again so this feels like the safe middle ground and it's possible depending on what's on top of my deck that I could still get some value out of my commander before it goes away so I will look at the top card in my library and I guess I'm just gonna pass the turn all right I'm going to untap trough return I really don't like that more if that can board wipe my board is packed full so I have two choices here I can get rid of the more or I can get rid of profit I'm gonna do I'm gonna do some stuff okay I'm gonna tap three here and across because you were so nice to me and you got rid of my scarecrow I'm going to go ahead and play Beast Within targeting your eonni oh no no and you get a three three piece token yeah welcome and I guess my Rae ami exiles itself with a blood counter on itself did it drink its own blood on the way out cannibalized itself what a way to go okey dokey well I'll tap two and I will be playing Farsi and I will find a plane and I will put her out of the battlefield tapped prop having that morph that can board life is really good for the rest of us because it means a lady danger has one very clear target on the table that's him but before she attacks maybe it can keep her crosshairs off me for just one more turn here if you swing your this guy at me I'll just I'll just pluck it with a wondering oh pretty yeah I want you know as long as your NF ages aren't coming at me okay cool I could tell the Jimmy's scared of lady danger and her board too because he's getting real chummy with her he's trying to make deals constantly with her and I can't blame him luckily I'm pretty sure I'm safe this turn she has to go after the professor it's gonna be a lot of stuff it looks scary alright Jimmy I'm gonna go ahead and attack you with my commander okay and profit I will attack you with everything else and that will create a another out of age tapped in attacking you as well professor Wow does anyone have a fog effect I could borrow off them so this is 36 damage and it's all trampled okay I'll block the real card with padena and the Beast at one of the tokens okay so instead of 36 you take 30 yes oh my goodness I go to two and I wish I had not made an enemy of some lady whose name is danger and then I'm gonna block your to five with my one three sounds great and then because four of my NF ages did deal damage I get four more four more seven sevens with trample I feel so good right now not only did I bring for up to two I put 28 more feet on the board I think these giant insects I'm definitely taken in to victory here's the thing though being at 2 is not the same as being dead if I can just make it to my turn I have the board wipe I have the mana for the board wipe and at that point I can begin to rebuild maybe even there's something in this deck that will help me gain some life so I just need to make it to my turn I just need to wipe the board so props not dead yet and if he untapped he's gonna have that board white morph which is gonna clear the entire table out but this opens up another interesting opportunity for me if I can keep laid danger off my back for one more turn and have her get rid of prof and Josh I might find myself in the winning position so lady mm-hmm have a question yep if I kill props board blade so at this point there's a lot of politic happening I could kill the morph and the board wife wouldn't happen and then all I do ask for is that you try and kill these lovely young first over here first and then see if you believe you can beat whatever I have in my hand and Jimmy wouldn't make this deal unless he was confident he could beat you yeah you make a deal with Jimmy you're making a deal with the devil wow I don't have the answer in my hands there is an answer in my graveyard I don't know if I can get it out of the end garrix wake so I'm not sure he's out to destroy you I'm just out to hang on by a thread you are hanging on basically my goal is to just stay alive if anything you should make it a deal with me well technically I'm the one again that can make a deal with you or with ladies we're making a deal I mean she's the enemy I'm gonna say yes on the deal so I'm gonna take this deal Jimmy can have a board wipe of his own but at least maybe I might find a solution for that at the very least it buys me one more turn okay Josh do you think the contribute to this foundation your all your politics are great everybody good job I got it yes sir the deal okay okay okay fist bump for the shake no no make the deal with me she's the threat why are you making a deal with the person who's the threat don't you know how to do deals and then I'm going to activate Anya on your end yep and I'm gonna discard an alchemist greeting it has madness so I'm going to pay the to mana for it it's gonna be a for damage to target creature and I'm gonna target your more for professor there goes our hopes of a board wipe there goes unless someone draws or all hope ok well this changes the calculation quite a bit because now that board wipe isn't guaranteed to happen so this is getting dicey this is a really risky situation for me I'm putting all my chips on the table to protect her board so she can take care of my opponents I'm really hoping this works all right I'm so dead okay because this card was madness Anya will untap and then I'm gonna tap on you again and discard squee draw a card alright untap upkeep returns cui to my hand draw carpet Ren okay I will tap four and I'll play the wild fire Devils ooh all right this is a really interesting card not only does it trigger when it enters the battlefield as well as each of my up keeps I get to get a lot of value off this for free so 5 10 15 20 so that's you prop you exile a instant or sorcery from your graveyard I give you a cultivate okay I will cast the cultivate without paying its mana cost I'll put the mountain into play tax and a swamp into my hand nice ok I'm going to tap 5 and all casts beacon of unrest but target artifact or creature car from graveyard on the battlefield under my control so I'm going to target the Aeon engine getting this card back is a bit of an insurance policy on my part so no matter what happens whether or not josh goes off or lady danger goes off I'm gonna have the option to choose which one of them both of us get a team up on that's gonna be it I'll pass turn alright untap a whole buncha wins and draw all right I got two and everyone seems to be ganging up on me nonetheless but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm not gonna take this sitting down I am about to go out in a burst of flames I go quietly into that night not here we go ready first I'm going to cast biomass mutation so these are now both seven sevens okay well I mean Jimmy can chop block so can lady danger or they can just take the damage so it's not the biggest deal then I'm gonna play overwhelming stampede seven sevens gain plus seven plus seven and trample making them both 1414 scramblers 28 trampled power yes holy moley back well this took a twirly turn I was not expecting that I hope it's not coming my way what this is the kind of thing that I would think a lady dangerous deck would be doing but now prof has 214 power trample errs and I'm at 28 life I'm not feeling good about this you don't mess with the professor no no to declare attackers oh what's this I get to put a negative one negative one counter I'm one of your creatures Jimmy I believe I will put it on chain er killing chain er okay Jana dies message sent move to declare attackers I swing at Jimmy with everything because this is how the professor goes out in a ball of flame oh man well I got it block now otherwise I'm not gonna live the only question is am I gonna have enough life left over so that Josh isn't able to finish me off it's 28 total damage josh has a 2 2 a 2 2 this is just vigilance right no it's probably like 10 so I can go down to take 14 can they block 14 damage I have to hold some blockers back this is a really complicated block for me okay so what I'm gonna do prof. is I will block everything but the Magus of the wheel I do nothing past priority okay hold on okay so I have to do some quick calculating in my head adding up how much power and toughness I have on the board what everybody's like total is gonna be at and I actually think I need to help prop do a little more damage to Jimmy okay I'm going to tap 3 I'm gonna play a leadership vacuum and I'm gonna target your Anya it responds I'm going to activate on yay you know and I'll discard squee draw card and then she'll go to the command zone yep and then I was draw card oh this is a really bad sign for me Josh wouldn't be doing this unless he knows that he's gonna be able to take me out in the next turn oh man prop he really really put me in a bind with that attack and then the block still happened so these creatures both die so this you're all right and I go to six this works out great for me because I made a deal with Jimmy that I wasn't gonna attack him but now he's just low enough that Josh might be able to take him out for me do you know how great it would have been if I could have done just six more damage and taking Jimmy out for all those dark dealings with lady danger still he is wounded now that came from me my job is done welcome to the sub-10 clash I'm assuming you're done yeah I'm done in more ways than one okay I will on tap and I will draw okay so now we've got two opponents at single-digit life totals I've been I've been waiting to make my move and this might be my spot okay I'm gonna pay one red and I'm gonna play the top card in my library which is faithless looting crouched trigger on Elsa who's a 4/4 now so I will drop two and I will discard deep analysis and Plains and then I will pay blue and red and two for rails Eric so profits left himself wide open I don't have to worry I can get through and get to damage to him Jimmy has one blocker so I got to get that out of the way trigger on elshout Ultra is now a five five and then I will +1 Rao and I'm going to untap my soul ring and tap the Magus of the wheel so Rao goes to five each so now the shields are down for Jimmy and prof and Jimmy I will swing at you with these three and prof I will swing at you with the cliffside rescuer okay I have no blocks I have no blocks we both die thanks brah josh is the one that finished me off but the real reason I died was 28 trampled damage yes Josh hit me for - but really I died - an army of giant appendages that came rolling into town to smack me around oh and then there were two it's me and lady danger mano y mano now looking at the board's that doesn't seem to favor me but maybe we can fix that so I will gain three from the life length and then I'm going to tap four and I'm gonna play dusk now just raise everything about your guild mage and your commanders all right that's correct so I was not expecting this but at least I still have my guild mage and my commander that are gonna allow me to make centaur tokens and then I can populate them so it's not the worst thing ever but I'm still not happy about it and then I will have five and I will play river Kelpie nice I think this card is deceptively good in this deck anything with flash back I'm gonna draw extra cards if I recur anything from the graveyard I'm gonna draw extra cards this is my card advantage engine and I'm hoping that I can ride this to victory in this game all right game's afoot go ahead 40 and 48 all right I'm going to attack I'm going to draw four turn okay I'm just gonna do is play our reckoning so this is a hard decision for me because I'm getting rid of some of my stuff but I have to get rid of everything on Josh's board right now because there's no other way for me to get back in the game and that kills your creatures to correct it killing creatures I have two triggers river kelpy has persists it will come back onto the battlefield with the negative one counter and because it's a card entering from my graveyard out with draw card and I have to Solomon simulacrum so I will draw a card okay this board wipe doesn't actually bother me that much River kelpy comes right back and now she doesn't have any creatures to pressure my planeswalker rouse Eric's ultimate ability gives me a bunch of extra turns so if I can just get there I think we'll have this game locked up and from here I'm going to sacrifice my gargoyle castle and get a 3/4 creature token with flying okay I need to start making these flyers and get my commander out so I can make even more and fly over anything Josh can throw at me so I can take control of this game again I'll pass to you okay I will untap and draw it was very close though and it's super close the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play crackling Drake and now draw me a card this card's great in this situation it blocks lady dangers flyer it draws me a card it also has the ability to get big enough to threaten her life total so this is everything I need and then I will pay white white and 3 and I will cast dawn from my graveyard so that will get exiled and I have three creatures with power 2 or less in my graveyard it's clever impersonator cliff side rescuer and burnished heart oh dang that's a lot of value so at this point I have a lot of card advantage I have a lot of resources I feel like I have inevitability so the clock is tickin I got to find a wind condition close that window of opportunity for her to get me out of nowhere so that was casting a spell from my graveyard so the trigger River kelpy okay I'll draw a card please then I'm at f/4 I'm gonna play clever impersonator targeting the river kelpy so I have another one of those okay it's so much car the van just crazy so much value just happened on Josh the side of the board I feel like my win is slowly slipping away but I don't think I'm out of it just yet and then I will plus my Rao and tap down your gargoyle and untap my soul ring and then I will swing for two okay I'll take it this is gonna take a little while and go ahead alright I am on tapping draw I'm gonna bring out my commander right now so getting my commander out means I get an additional token and I need to get these tokens out because I can't populate without them so hopefully we can get these wheels to start turning alright you're go okay I will untap and I will draw so Jimmy who's your money on winning at this point based on cards alone Josh as the distinct advantage but in terms of raw finishing power lady danger certainly has the edge I agree and while they both have a lot of resources a lot of potential I think she might just want it more okay so I'm gonna flashback deep analysis from my graveyard I'll pay two mana and three life that will trigger both River copies so actually draw four holy moly how at this point my card advantage is just going crazy double river kelpies that's just gonna give me so many cards now I just need to find a way to deal damage and win the game then I'm going to pay three and flash back beefless looting from my graveyard that will trigger both River kelpies so I'm gonna draw four in this cartoon yep I want to discard chemistries insight and array of distortion and then I'm gonna tap three I'm gonna play burnished art then I'm gonna pay three sacrifice burnished art and I'll find an island and a Plains and put those into play tapped and then I'm gonna play Gerard oh nice artwork is amazing too this is one of the new legendary creatures from the set and seems very very powerful because if you can orchestrate away for everybody's creatures to die including your own will you'll get yours back so I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do then I'm going to plus Rao so he'll go to seven and I'm going to untap Zoras Chancery and I'm going to tap the flyer [Music] okay and then I will go to combat and that'll swing for for in the air so after all that josh is swinging for a for damage bringing her down to 34 Life Points and then I will tap two white and two colorless now play divine reckoning so I'm going to choose my River kelpy that has a negative one counter on it all right I'm gonna hold on to my commander I thought I was making a comeback and I thought everything I had it in order and Josh just took it all away it feels bad so because Gerard is one of the things for me that dies he gets exiled and then I had three other creatures Divus turned the burnished heart clever impersonator crackling Drake so the clever impersonators gonna copy the crackling Drake so I've got two frankly Drake's which also means I draw two cards and then the rubric LP will trigger for the three creatures that came back so I'll drop three more cards oh my gosh so my life total is pretty okay now with two crackling Drake's they're possibly just gonna get bigger I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to hold out for this it's not looking great and then I will go to my discard cuz I have a million cards yep alright so I will discard eight cards which is six lands adjacent sanctum and and ignite the future and then I will pass the turn alrighty then I'm gonna untap and draw for a turn all right I'm gonna go ahead tap six play song of the world soul ooh nice so this card might be able to bring me back because it's gonna allow me to populate every time I cast a spell this is just gonna be great because I can put something out there and get my board stay back and then I'm gonna play Ulta Palani Nest tender so lady danger is still kicking here still got some hope left this ATLA is actually a little bit worrying because in combination with that enchantment she just played if she got a few eggs out those can turn into anything in her deck and the populate thing can get out of hand super fast so I gotta put a stop to it as soon as possible alright I'll pass alright I will untap my stuff I'll draw okay so I'm just gonna ultimate rels Eric Ofcom's I'm gonna flip five coins in lieu of coins how about we do odd or even on dice share these with all five dice yeah that's cool so even with one extra turn it might be over the crackling Drake's are pretty big now and I think they can just finish the deal I kind of knew this was coming and I thought I had a solution for it until you know my board got wiped only thing I can do now is hope that he gets unlucky and then I get at least one more turn so even I get extra turn odd not uh sure okay how many flips do you have five five okay even Zechs returns that's not one that's not one Oh Josh it's not one that's not one I don't even know that hot it's like what are the chances five 50 50 shots got zero extra Church I basically just killed my own planeswalker for no value it is unbelievable I don't think I could have asked for anything better well definitely a dangerous situation for Josh liek why but a dangerous situation all right back to the game all right on the top three I don't play burning a vengeance this cards sweet because I have a lot of flashback cards in my deck and I'm drawing so many cards I'm discarding things so now I just need a sequence my plays correctly do as much damage as possible and keep the board under control and then I am going to jumpstart my temas ters inside out of my graveyard so I'll discard a card in order to jumpstart it and then Bernie vengeance will trigger and that will be two damage at atma Palani so outlets got to damage marked on it okay and whoever kelpy will trigger I'll actually draw three cards then I'm gonna pay three I'm gonna cast runic repetition targeting my faithless looting that is exiled so faithless looking goes back to my hand now I'm gonna cast faithless living draw two cards discard two cards then I'm going to flash back to my faithless looting I draw two cards discard two cards River Kelby so it's actually three and discard two and then burning vengeance we'll do the last two points of damage to at left this is bad news without a way to make tokens I'm gonna be screwed and then I will swing in the air for 14 I will take 14 ouch that's quite a hit - lady danger I'm wondering if she's gonna be able to recover from this I will then tap six and I will play Sun Titan and I will get back ghostly prison so it costs two per creature to attack okay this ghostly prison it means it's gonna be difficult for lady danger to somehow create a bunch of tokens give them all haste and swing so it's an important piece of the puzzle that means it's unlikely I died of nowhere and then I will pass the turn well I will untap everything I have hopefully I don't draw a land okay I think she just drew a land survey I'm gonna tap ten lands and play desolation twins nice and it says when you cast the spell created 10:10 colorless Eldrazi creature token but I will stack the trigger with song of world soul so I can get an additional eldrazi he's put 30 power on the board sure did that seems good drop it like it's hot yeah I just put 30 power on the board if I can live one more turn I definitely have a chance just one turn that's all I need wow I think I gotta figure out a way to knock her out of this game right away because I can't be dealing with a bunch of ten tens we got a K or right now that's two you okay I will untap draw my card for turn so I am going to begin this is a little weird I'm casting magma quake 4 zero okay the crackling Drake's there my key to victory here I just need to get a couple more incidents and sorceries into my graveyard and then I can end this and then I will pay three and I will cast rolling temblor that will kill my River kelp be in my burnished heart so now my crackling Drake's are nine fours so I will go to combat and I will swing for 18 I was hoping the chest did not have any instance or sorcery used to put in the graveyard and now these Drake's are just a little too big for me to handle and then now here Mia and then I will pay for white white and I will flash back ray of distortion and from my graveyard trigger burning vengeance which I will deal two damage to you I suppose I will lose but only because it's to you good you good and then I do too damage to my opponents and I win the game I love the yearly commander products and it feels like every single year they're just getting better and better at really refining the experience and making them unique and flavorful and this year is no different each deck played really differently than the other decks they were all unique individual had their own personalities they were doing things in different ways I thought this was a great game of commander a lot of ebbs and flows really showcase what the format's all about this game is actually really cool I think sitting down with new decks is so much fun and I'm really excited about some of these cards in the deck that I was just playing I can pull out the best ones from it and take my deck to the next level yeah you can upgrade these yeah you can take them apart and build five new decks but all you need is one and you can go down to your local game store pick one of these up sit down and play you are gonna put up a fight you are gonna have some fun and if you're really really lucky you will take Jimmy Wong kicking and screaming to the grave with you and that is worth every penny all right you made it to the end of the episode congratulations absolutely and of course thanks as always to ultraPro who provides us with awesome product every single game that's episode also for us to give away to you ultra pro again they're so timely they're always on every single set release we've been working with them for a long time now and it's always great to see just the high quality they make as well as just how many different ways you can theme out your battleground when you play magic yeah even if it's not the commander 2019 themed stuff they have Eclipse leaves they have all kinds of awesome deck boxes themed around the colors of magic they have heavy metal dice they've got relic tokens whatever you need they've got you covered and they're always making new stuff as well and we get to give away that new stuff to you through the giveaways as well card Kingdom also throws our hat in the ring so we're gonna be awarding a ton of people here's how you can enter if you're on Twitter just go and post the link to this episode with the hashtag game nights with a K and if you're on Facebook find our page we've shared this video all you have to do is in the comments of that video tag one of your friends on Facebook that you think would like to also watch game nights and remember you have exactly one week from the release of this video to enter because at that point we're gonna be announcing the winners so if you're a week in a day and then you try to enter we've already picked who's gonna win it's too late yeah but you don't want to miss out we got signed play map car Kingdom send the awesome swag as well make sure you enter make sure you share the video means a lot to us but more importantly it means more winners for you alright everybody thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 1,957,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, zone, the command zone, edh rules, mana, mana bases, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, 2019, c19, naya, jeskai, sultai, rakdos, morph, flashback, populate, madness, elsha, anje, kadena, ghired, commander2019
Id: dXVFl-N2xOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 27sec (3747 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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