ComfyUI AnimateDiff Flicker-Free Inpainting

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yo what's up guys welcome today I will show you a workflow that integrates the animate diff and inpainting plus face detailer to generate blinking animation flicker free with the help of impact pack nodes the output looks smooth and seamless pretty stable so let's look at it it starts with the general loaders of model and vae then with animate diff and batch prompt to control and generate image frames through the K sampler we have this control net in paint to modify the positive and negative prom I use two separate integer nodes to control the max frame of animate diff and the comfy roll seed easy to control okay let's create one picture and then talk about the other remaining nodes first switch the top group to always and deactivate this group below we need to activate these nodes back for Generation all right right let's click Q prompt just wait for it done not bad and we will use it to continue drag the picture back to get the seed and then fix it in order to get a similar picture in the first frame of inpainted Animation also prepare the batch prompts using the above prompt then deactivate the top group their job is done activate all the nodes in this animate diff group drag the picture into the load image and right click choose open in mask editor paint the face area as much as you want actually this is not necessary to animate blink eyes because face detailer will redraw the face anyway but we use it for a comparison purpose save to node and the face mask is done I recommend to use this comfy UI Advanced control net to avoid some weird outputs and next one is the the impact pack nodes it is very helpful to generate fluid and consistent face for the animation using bounding box detector and Sam loader the simple detector identified face region and generate masks then combine them to create segs then DET tailor uses this single segs to process all image frames to achieve a consistent results after that segs paste composite the faces back to original images okay those are all the nodes let's click and see well not bad but not good either this is from animate diff wow much better powerful face detailer pretty stable and consistent with face detailer probably we can do more with animate dip okay that's so much for today the workflow will be shared below thanks for watching and have fun
Channel: JanRT
Views: 1,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comfyui, flicker-free, animatediff, inpaint, face detailer, animation, blink, stable diffusion
Id: eUJ06FWc3Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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