Shima Overview Build - ComfyUI Automatic Wiring Workflow

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hey there I wanted to take a few seconds to go through the new egis flow uh Shima and kind of show you the idea behind it so it's a template based system which means that when we right click and we go to node templates we can access a variety of things right now there's 12 different items that you can load but the plan is that there'll be a lot of these over time and of course you could build your own um we'll go ahead and put in a loader right away and then we'll go ahead and put in a sampler you'll note that all this stuff Auto wires so you don't have to really worry about it um and currently um we're also going to load up uh some common elements so let's go ahead and do that as well put in some Commons you'll see that it immediately got the these um uh this common seed uh so we can in any sampler we can choose between a uh new seed or a seed that's common between all the things in the workflow uh and so the goal is to make sure that that's always the case um another thing is that uh just best practice is to select new nodes or when you load them just immediately go in right click and choose add group to make it simple uh so we'll put the loader in its own group as well and we'll put the sampler this particular sampler in its own group finally as well and at this point unless I'm dumb uh I think I can press Q prompt and it should go through and generate an image which it is um but as you you can see it's not um you know controlled or anything I mean it's not horrible uh you know a year ago this would have been like oh my God this the best image I've ever seen nowadays it's barely pass so um in any case you'll note this red uh up here uh this is a wiring or rather a uh Laten size Chooser um if we change it we'll get a different size down here you know now of course because it's wide format we're getting multiple girls and whatnot um by the way but prompt is super minuscule you know anime Swedish woman pretty simple right uh not terrible results I mean considering that we're doing literally nothing there um but anyway if we wanted to have control Nets which really you do uh because that's how you use your own art as um you know part and parcel or component on of uh your workflow uh we can go in and say node templates and add in uh some pre-processor columns going shift and move those out of the way before we put in put them in a group right and we're also going to go ahead and add um some pre-processed choosers and automatically that all wires up and let's go ahead and put that in a group right and then finally let's go in and go to node templates again and do a control net stack biggity bam all wires up we'll put those in a group all right and the reason it's called Shima Shima is Japanese for Island so think of these as effectively Islands right they if I turn off the The Links right they're all sort of independent of each other right and if this was water the only way to get there is via these sort of virtual airplane links right and the idea is that that way you can kind of move them around with impunity um but when you turn the links off you know your workflow remains pretty clean uh the other key part is that you know these things wire up Auto magically which is always you know really nice to have um of course we still have other uh types of nodes that we can lo load in here uh we can put in an fx pipe we can put in you know an iterate uh module you know etc etc um go ahead and put these in groups add a group add another group and now these are islands themselves that are fed from different things now what determines what images get put where right um you know because I could have multiple FX pipes multiple iterates multiple faces Etc um well that is actually pretty simple down here uh I'm going to go ahead and turn off the links for the moment just to make it easier to see um there is a a setting in each sampler that's a name right in this case genore image like generated image right but that can be literally anything that you want right so if I wanted to I can go in here uh sorry to node templates and put in another sampler right put them in a group just for good measure and I can name this something else like sampler two right and now that image that it's going to export will get piped off to anything that has this node with the slot named sampler 2 so if I go and I run um a second node here let's say uh a node template and we'll do um something lightweight like mask FX and I'll add these to a group and come over here rename this to I think I stupidly put a capital so sampler two and I did because it wired up when you see this um it means that the node is virtually wired right and when um when we push the button again hopefully if everything's working keep in mind I just got this finished today today um we're going to see you know some benefit here uh actually though I'm going to cancel that and the reason why because I forgot to do this over here this big red thing it's why I made it big and red um go ahead and delete this and the reason why is because this control net fed Laten size we want to use the control net uh stack image um that's being fed so if I go ahead and turn on our links back on we'll see now that those are being fed from some sends on the control net stack and if I go over now and I push Q prompt it's going to go through you'll note that now we're getting an image uh that is fed from specifically number three here because on my stack I've got it set to three um strength of 61 and I'm stopping it at 50% of the way through and then it is going to go through and run this um in other places now why is it the same image here well it's because even though it's sampler 2 I didn't change it right so I'm still using the common seed and that common seed is fed from up here right so rather than doing that I'm going to go down here I'm going to say one I'm going to give it a new fixed random and we'll go ahead and push Q prompt again and now we're going to get a new image not great again because you know we're not really working hard to make it super cool right now but the point is as you can see that image gets automatically fed around to anywhere where it is right um and that's basically it you know whenever you add new nodes like so like this saver for instance it's going to save the generated image uh with a variety of you know information that's fed from these common areas so um yeah that's about it uh hope that helps
Channel: Major Studio
Views: 3,689
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Id: 3wbr5UEdsgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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