ComfyUI + Face Swap Refined Workflow

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welcome to House of dim this is my workflow on replacing faces using comfy UI I really appreciate the feedback on the comfy UI motion brush that I did earlier I hope you guys enjoy this one as well let's dig into it here's the start of our workflow we need to we need to pick a face start with this one I'm using an IP adapter for the face and I'm using the uh plus face you this is optional I mean kind of using it cuz I feel like it gives you the uh you know I think even the Creator says this isn't a face replace it kind of gives you the um structure of the face if you will and you can just turn it off if you don't want it but we're going to use it I'm using a dark Sun from my checkpoint a portrait of a woman in snowy Forest we go through the case sampler we're using a detailer pipe and we're using it for the face detailer and the reason we're using that it it does add some some details to the face but the main reason I'm using it is to get the mask out so we're going to run this this is one I had earlier this highr fix so here's our starting point and you'll see here there might be some details if there are I can't really notice them so we we we're pulling a mask out of the face detailer pipe we're going in here and we're blurring it you can blur this more or less down here we have the reactor face swap I'm sure you're probably familiar with this so we go through the uh uh face restore first then we upscale and then restore again with the face restore and you'll see the examples here we got the uh this is nothing this is just a face swap this is a restore and then this is uh upscaled and then restored and then this is the fin final so after it's upscaled and restored we uh down scale it back so it matches the original we use this as a mask and we're we're combining them together and the reason we use the mask if you look closely on here you'll see there's some pixelation going on around the edges but if you mask it it's clean here cuz this face has been masked so we get a pretty good result now let's try another face I'm going to use one of my wife when she's younger and we'll just leave the promp this time C it up so with the IP adapter applied you see we get kind of um now let me just bring it over here next to so you can see you see it it doesn't look like her but we get kind of you know the theme if you want to call it that of her face and again you can just turn off the IP adapter if you look down here we got before the face restore so it's just the face swap and then we have a after restore and kind of you know add some some details back and then we upscale and restore again and you could you could do this a bunch of times but you're going to lose um you're going to lose the resemblance of the person the more times you do it like you can even tell from here to here it's softer and then the final result and you'll see here we did you see all this pixelation going on around here and that's that's just the Facey store without using the [Music] mask the mask that's created here and then the final and then the final result you'll see the uh this is nice and clean right right here now you could do you'll see the eyes kind of messed up here so what you could do and what I what I do sometimes just depending on results is open this up in your favorite editor have the post face swap and the preface swap we'll get them both open and we're going to put our postface over the original just select an eraser brush and you can put it yeah put the put the hardness down really low flow I don't know something like that just kind of lightly go over the parts you want to put back we're going to do the eyes cuz in this case the eyes kind of came through messed up right here we have a little pixelation which I think you can see so we'll go back over that kind of smooth it back out you can go around the whole side here and bring some details back in this way you're kind of keeping most of the face but you kind of keeping part of the style too if you want to put a little bit of skin detail back in there you can do that as well so there it is it's pretty simple not a whole lot to it um I'll put the workflow I'll put a I'll put a link to the workflow down at the bottom if you have any suggestions or improvements please let me know I'd appreciate it
Channel: House of Dim
Views: 8,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comfyui, stable diffusion, ai art, tutorial, face replacement, face swap
Id: X4J5BY939qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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