COMFORT FOOD Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E19 | SORTEDfood

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(bright classical music) - I don't know what to do! (bright classical music) (egg cracks) (blow torch hisses) - That's annoying! - That looks terrible. - [Mike] We're hiding these. (frenetic music) Ow! - What is going on here? - This is a joke! - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. Hello boys. - Hello. - Oh, hi Janice. - [Janice] I am in need of a pick-me-up today, so today's theme is comfort food. That means I'm looking for a dish that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. - Ooh! - Okay, Janice, I'm sure you noticed that we're another band member down again today. What's the order? - [Janice] As there are four of you today, your 50 minutes will be divided four ways, giving you 12 minutes and 30 seconds each. (Jamie laughs) - That's all right! - And who's going first? - [Janice] However, you'll all be going twice. So for each turn, you actually have six minutes and 15 seconds. (Jamie laughs) - Oh Janice, you... - The 12 and a half minutes would've been relaxing, less panic. - [Janice] Barry will go first. - Oh god. - [Janice] And you'll each pick who goes next at the end of your turn. - Good luck, Barry! (upbeat music) - [Janice] One at a time, the boys will have two rounds of six minutes and 15 seconds each to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what is being cooked until they step into the kitchen. - Okay, let's do this. When I think of comfort food, I think of butter and cheeses. My plan here is to start off by making a delicious cheese sauce or a Mornay sauce that we can drizzle over whatever we end up making, so the Mornay sauce, really simple, got to make ourselves a roux, butter, flour, in a pan. When the butter's foaming, add the flour, mix up so the flour starts to cook, then add in a little bit of milk at a time. (Barry laughs) My number one comfort food is cheese, followed by my second best comfort food, chicken wings, also Mike loves chicken wings as well. So I think this is a good place to build a dish around, chicken wings, a delicious cheese sauce. I might make, you know what? (Barry gasps) I'm gonna make the cheese sauce spicy as well. - [Janice] You have three minutes and 15 seconds left. - How long? That's no time, is it? For the wings, get a bit of cumin, a bit of a paprika, a load of salt. In with some wings. I'm basically forcing the guys to go down a particular road of chicken wings. They will need to heat up some oil, whoever's next in the kitchen, so they can start frying those off. But now that's bubbling and foaming, I just go in with some flour. Combine, combine. Right let's cook that out, can now start to add a little bit of milk in. Oh no! I need to make sure they put this in the cheese sauce 'cause I think that's important. (buzzer) Okay, ooh hob's left on, oops. Do I rate myself yet? No, I'll rate myself later on. I'm gonna have to get a chef in to make sure this works. Ben! (twinkling music) (upbeat rock music) - There's something roux-like, very very thick. Chicken wings pretty comforting. I quite like the new rule of splitting it up 'cause you don't really get a chance to take anything too far or mess anything up too much. Much more of a team effort but a lot more time wasted in communication each time. I like the idea of a white sauce. We're gonna turn that into a cheese sauce. Bit of a shame the chicken's there 'cause I did see some assortment of fish and so like, a fish pie is proper awesome because you just want to dig into that, nice creamy mashed potato but that's not gonna use the chicken wings, so I don't feel like I wanna go backwards on ideas. Okay, I've not done much other than stir a sauce yet but I think I'm okay with that. Let's have a little think. Cheese sauce... Sadly he missed the blue cheese of a blue cheese sauce, so I'll do that but I'm thinking potato and cheese and creamy sauces could absolutely work. So I'm thinking can we make little potato rostis but what about if we turn it into like, a potato waffle? Only 'cause I've seen the waffle iron there. It's definitely comfort food. (buzzer) Six minutes, 15 seconds is not a lot. Who next? Jamie! (whimsical music) (buzzer) - Grated potato! Chicken wings in flour and a white sauce. What are we making then? What am I missing? Is it hash browns or a hash? I'm just stirring this, I'm not doing anything. I'm just gonna carry on grating. Feels like we're gonna need to add something else to this to make it into something. We're gonna need something fresh. I know like, comfort food we don't necessarily think salad but it feels like we might want something fresh, veggie. Grating takes a while, doesn't it? That's a lot of potato. Squeeze all the moisture out of this. That then enables us to have dry potatoes, which means we can turn them into hash. Chicken wings can be fried quite last minute. I'm gonna add some cheese into that cheese sauce. What cheese shall we go? Gotta go blue cheese. Definitely want some chilli in there. Oh this is not the best way to start dicing a chilli, is it? You'd never dice a chilli this way. If you're watching at home, don't dice a chilli like this. Also use a bigger knife 'cause now I wanna do this. (upbeat jazz music) (buzzer) Ooh I have power! Who am I gonna get in? Could go to Mike, he's not been in yet or I could go back to Baz, who could finish off his section and then have absolutely no idea what's gonna happen at the end of it. Barry! (upbeat music) (buzzer) - Right, back in. Okay, right, chicken's still there. Sauce? Yes, Jamie! No, Jamie! He's ruined my cheese sauce by putting blue cheese in it. Yeah, got it all. I think I've got it all. There's no food waste here, that will be used for Jamie's breakfast. (Barry yells) That is the opposite of comfort food! That is uncomfortable food for me! Let's have a taste of that without the blue cheese. Cor, that needs a lot more cheese. Right, I need the coarse grater. There it is. What's that? That's a potato. Where's there a potato? What the hell is... Okay, Potato! Okay, right, so we're making rosti? Okay, nice, I like it. Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, oh! Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese. Janice, can you do some maths and tell me how much time's left 'cause I can't work it out? - [Janice] Another Ben, a Jamie, and two Mikes. - Oh okay. I should get some oil on, ready for the chicken later on. Um, okay, that cheese sauce might need more cheese. Let's let Mike, who's going next, decide that. I'm gonna put that in there 'cause I think that means we could get some waffles on the go. - [Janice] To add colour to his rosti, Barry attempts to add butter to the waffle iron. - That is mess, that is not how you... (Barry laughs) Is that how you grease a waffle iron? Six seconds! That's gonna go in there. Michael, good luck! (buzzer) We're now halfway through this Pass It On and I'm done. I'm gonna score myself six! Mike! Good luck! (upbeat music) ♪ He's the man ♪ (buzzer) - Okay, okay, okay. What is this? Lumpy cheese sauce. What the hell is this? Oh it's blue cheese! I don't like blue cheese, why have we got blue cheese? Oh. (Mike laughs) Oh. I need to make some decisions! Oh man, I'm actually mid-meltdown. Right, here's a curve ball. My fundamental-- (waffle iron beeps) Okay, waffle iron's ready. Right, I'm gonna put that there. Oh we're making brown butter waffles, are we? Good. Okay I'm starting to see what's happening. Potatoes, lovely. Waffles are lovely. Chicken and waffles go together. Let's see how those go. It is my firm belief that when you add anything red to cheese that has been melted, it tastes nice. This is rose harissa paste and it's gone into the cheese sauce. I'm actually confident that this is going to taste nice but if it doesn't, I've ruined probably what's taken all of their time so far to make. (Mike laughs) Okay. Slight issue, I've used all the rose harissa and it doesn't really taste of rose harissa. - [Janice] Hmm one second, Mike. - Oh we've got more! - [Janice] Ah, here you go! - Thanks, Janice. I'm just gonna chuck in loads of this. Okay, okay, okay, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds. I've gotta stir this and I've gotta get that on. (buzzer) I know it's not ready and I know whoever's coming after me is gonna go nuts but I've stopped it burning, so it's not ruined yet. So I've gotta sum this up really quickly. I've done terribly but hopefully I can bring this back in my next go. (bell dings) I'm gonna choose Mike to go next. Is that allowed? I've done it! I've done it! Mike's back in the game. Let me reset the timer. Right, great! (upbeat music) I'm a genius! Okay, I've got ages! Right, let's taste this. Guys, why are we getting so worked up? Let's have a bit of this. That is really tasty! I need to get some oil on the heat, start thinking ahead. Okay, here we go. What is happening here? Ooh we're getting a bit of colour. The bottom seems to be cooking a lot better than the top. We're just gonna have to go for it. I'm gonna prep ahead for people to be able to do stuff in the future. It's looking all right. Okay. (buzzer) I did a bit of prepping, I ticked things along. I arguably cheated but I feel like I'm worthy of a six. Ben! (twinkling music) (buzzer) - Wow that cheese sauce has moved on a bit. Wonderful! Not too bad. My fear is these. Nobody's started to cook the chicken and they're gonna take at least 10 minutes and the oil's not there yet. You know what I said at the start about my idea of comfort food? Might be a fish pie. - [Janice] Ben, what? What are you doing? - I genuinely do not think there is enough time to cook those safely in the time that is remaining, so rather than serve something raw-- - [Janice] No, no! - Let's cook something that cooks quicker. - [Janice] Oh dear. - Fish won't take any time to cook at all. Some fresh herbs, we've got a little bit of that spice, wonderful cheese. Not tasting blue cheese and then what does a fish pie need? It needs a potato top. And what do you want in a potato top? Something that's kind of gorgeous but also crispy bits on top. We've got our crispy bits on top. Will the boys hate me? Absolutely! Much more of a team effort. Frozen peas. Little bit of cream. Now what we have is a wonderful fish pie mix. The good thing is, by the time we get to the end of this challenge, that oil will be ready to cook in. Then we can cook the chicken wings and have those later. Nothing goes to waste but at least in the time, we'll be able to serve up something that's edible. Just adding a little bit of lemon zest. Add some salt to that. Not long left. See now that's nearly ready but with only six and a half minutes left, they just wouldn't have cooked through to the bone in time. (buzzer) They're gonna kill me. I'm gonna give myself a happy middle ground of seven out of 10? Jamie! (whimsical music) (buzzer) - I hate going last! Right, where are we at? Why is the chicken not cooking? Right, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook. I'm not getting any blue cheese from that. What is that? What is that? That's got fish in it! What the (beep) is going on! This is finished. Oh my god! Waffles? Right, okay, um. Jeez, I've used half my time trying to work out what the (beep) is going on! How long's it take to fry chicken? Is this what the problem is? Ah! The only thing I can do at this point is serve up what I have in front of me. I'm not gonna serve that whole. Yeah, decisions. I'm gonna get the blame for this. I'm going to garnish with what has been left for me to garnish with. I honestly think that's it. Are these? I don't know if these are cooked. If they're cooked, someone has ruined what was gonna be an incredible dish. If they're still raw, someone might have just saved the day. I'm cutting into one of the chicken wings to see if it's cooked and if we could've had the original plan for the dish. Oh. (crowd cheers and applauds) Gentlemen, all I can say is I hope you are comforted by what's underneath that cloche. - Three, two, one! - That is missing a fundamental, the main bit of the dish that I thought we were making. - [Barry] I mean, it looks interesting. It's colourful. What is it? - In all honesty, I don't know because that's not the dish I thought we were making. - Fried chicken, potato waffles with a cheese sauce. - Yeah. - Look at cheeky Ebbers' little grin! - What have you done? - [Mike] What is this? - I think that would've been delicious but I would rather serve something delicious and comforting than something that was risky and may not have been possible. - [Mike] It's a deconstructed fish pie, isn't it? - A cheesy fish pie that is, that just makes you go oh! Like a hug, isn't it? (Barry laughs) Shall I divvy it up? - Cheers. - Cheers. - It's absolutely damn delicious, that's what's so annoying about this! - I'm so angry! I'm not getting any of the blue cheese, which is surprising 'cause it was quite a strong. - [Mike] What are you laughing at? - I left blue cheese, did you add it? - Yeah, yeah I added half of, what is it? A quarter of that wheel. - It's a cheese that splits opinion. - It was blue cheese all over the board when I got into the kitchen. (Barry laughs) - I ended up having to, I just fished the blue cheese out. You need to spread it on some toast later on, mate 'cause that was not going in my cheese sauce. - I don't want this, I'm picking it out! - It's not going in my cheese sauce! - I started it and I wasn't gonna have it ruined. - It's like me coming along and going, "What's Ebbers put "a load of fish in it for?" - It is! (Barry laughs) - Six minutes and 15 seconds is not long. - It's pure panic. - Just before my time finished, I thought I'd better get the chicken out. - To see if it was cooked? - Would it have made it? (Barry laughs) - Ebbers! Oh! Oh! - Either way, we've got a great dish. - Oh ho ho ho ho ho! - Here were the four chicken wings that I cooked. I tested them, I asked the food team to also test them and we both concurred... Beautifully cooked. - [Barry] Ho! So. - He wanted fish pie and he made damn sure that he got fish pie! (Barry laughs) This is amazing, this couldn't have gone any better. - Lovely, isn't it? - It's lovely, isn't it! (laughing) - I originally scored myself a six and I think that dish is a pass and I think that this dish would've also been a pass. - I too scored myself a six and they both would've been delicious passes. - I went seven and I'm happy with the dish I made and I'm glad yours worked too. (laughing) - I don't think I've scored myself yet. I'll go middle of the road, five. I contributed, it got taken out. (Mike laughs) - That is a resounding pass and it's absolutely delicious. Fish was cooked perfectly, it was a great dish. It just wasn't the dish that three of us thought we were making. - Over to you guys, comment down below. Which is more comforting: chicken wings or fish pie? - Good question, yes! And remember to like the video if you wanna see us make more Pass It On videos and continue please in the comments to suggest future themes and future weird ways of deciding the orders. (beep) - Can I just cast your minds back when we were able to eat outside as groups inside pubs and we sat outside a very cold pub and what I really wanted was a comforting dish. What did I order? - Three chicken burgers and one fish pie. - That's so true! That actually happened!
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 602,035
Rating: 4.9649835 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, cooking fail, pass it on challenge, sortedfood pass it on, sortedfood challenge, pass it on s2, pass it on sorted, recipe fail, sortedfood janice, recipe challenge, recipe video fail, sorted food boys, timed challenge, cooking challenge, sorted ultimate battle, takeaway, recipe, fails, sortedfood, chicken wings, sortedfood chicken, chicken, cheese sauce, poutine, fish pie, potato waffles, waffles, chicken and waffles
Id: M26lG430yXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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