Comedy Star Bill Hader (Extended Cut)

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The story in question starts around the 5 minute mark.

So hereโ€™s a lesson...donโ€™t treat people like crap because one day they may be more successful and famous then you. ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/iuodgeekmom ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That's funny. Actors are weird, straight up weird especially when they get older. Trust me, Haders probably did some crap too or might soon. Also I've heard actors get other people in trouble to cover themselves. This happens a lot.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/vman_isyourhero ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
no more show a late night nothing but illustrious guests that's right bull bags tonight we have legendary actor producer who is starring in HBO series berry premiering March 25th is this a very is this about Obama New Year Barack you have a Barack I yeah we used to do a thing Fred Armisen it was Obama doing a speech in LA at the base of the Capitol Records building about his time in Los Angeles so it's like I went down to Venice Beach where a band taught us in the 60s that if we work hard we can break on through to the other side then Fred was doing it and everyone was like you guys stop and very plain what is a marine assassin who gets into acting yeah yeah yeah one of those [Laughter] we got three of those no yeah it's about a guy who's a marine and he's sad and kind of despondent and he works as like a hit man in the Midwest and so then he moved he goes to LA to kill a guy and he follows him to his acting class in the valley and it's run by Henry Winkler and he's like oh I want to take this class and then that come people start dying because he did makes this decision the same is marine assassin movies dark this other thing yeah yes it's like it's like a dramedy it's got drama comedy but yeah I think if people go in expecting me to be doing like what I didn't sound alive or because we're bad and stuff they'll be like have you are you normally just a dark person no I'm actually pretty happy I'm like fascinated by that aspect like a guy who kills people and stuff if like you know like John wick one day just oh my god what am i doing oh man oh man this kind of messes this oh my soul is kind of destroyed by killing people yeah you have you ever gotten a character that's too dark and you're like whoa like even I can't know I usually get asked to be like you know weird we're teacher guy or well it's the guy in Superbad that cop was based on a cop that I knew in Tulsa who wore glasses any time we got you know you get like we would get interview no picked up by a cop with glasses you just couldn't take him seriously gonna copy okay come on so that dude like yeah that that guy I felt like had a lot of darkness in them because that actual cop had a lot of rage so you draw a lot of like your inspiration from like real people yeah yeah like find someone or you'll read the script and go oh this is kind of like I gotta do be hot rod and the guy in that was I have a friend named Erik and Tulsa where I grew up and I was like oh I could do Erik and they end up like the Lonely Island guys liked it so much they put a story from Erik in the movie the Eric did where Eric was on acid and went into his so he took acid by himself and then he went into his garage and started soldering stuff yeah cuz like the lights and stuff yeah and then a piece of metal flew into his ah hey so then he called us he's like you guys got to take me to the hospital it's like I'm tripping balls right now man I'm tripping balls right now in this piece of metal just flew my eye and I remember we showed up and he had packed a bag Hospital had the wherewithal to be like I'm like and it was like we just saw his like profile week like Eric you okay we're all like he was super calm like he's not he's like hey man capo on the radio you guys then we showed it to him I showed him the movie and he was watching it he's like you know an eyepatch and he's watching it and he's like mmm all right and I'm looking at him late thank you yeah nothing nothing and then afterwards he's like man that was cool bill you're in a movie that's rad you know and then he goes hey you mirror that scene where the guy gets the he's on tripping balls on a piece of metal [ __ ] he goes you know what happened to me used to be a PA yeah production assistant for the Luna in Hollywood what was your worst day as a PA man you got any famous people's stories you want thrown under the bus right now Tom Cruise never like step on you better now he remember that you see him Karate Kid we don't know first good one he's at home right now into another world let's see the first one was like you fell for the kid they have a father you're fine you're fine but no the first one the guy who said sweep the leg Marty Cove you know the bed since they guys like the leg and it's like I can't I had to drive that guy around once and he didn't know his lines and so he made me get lost some more time yeah a more fair and then I showed up and I got yelled at and I would just kind of took it and then I remember this is a weird story I was driving back and he's like you mad at me and it's just darkness he's in the back of my leg [ __ ] he can't are you mad at me and then he said because you want a cookie and I go do you have cookies no is the McDonald's up here pull over I'll get you a cookie and I get you what you want a milkshake yeah and I was like that's nice so I pull over and in the McDonald's and I'm like all right and then he goes in and I'm thinking alright that's nice mm-hmm and he comes out with a milkshake in the cookie all right let's go and I was like that what the gaslighting Mila a whole drive home I'm like did I just imagine that that was for me or did I like I'm losing my mind right now and then it was just the sound of like tires like on the freeway like and then he's like my daughter plays soccer and I'm like what oh my god was that the moment you realize you no longer wanted to be behind the camera no I'd be in front be a jerk no I it was I know I was like I'd ever want to do that he might be a nice guy maybe he was going through something but I just it was like a real gaslighting thing but but then ya know I was a PA for another like three years after that that was a that was in a movie called final payback with Richard Grieco Wow fine final pay back with Richard Grieco I was a PA on that was Richard Grieco spin-off from 21 Jump Street I remember he was in a movie called if he had his own show he was that popular Joseph Wow yeah I don't pay back and I remember the thing with him is we had to bring him M&Ms I brought him M&Ms it specific M&Ms just know you bring an M&M Z be on the phone you go mouth the trailer for final payback john saxon this is the movie yeah yep so the drivers on this set yeah this guy keep Marty toe there is Wow that's just only alright this is a horrible no this guy what you're watching is Corbin Bernsen killing his wife I just gave away the end of the movie yeah I was there for all this you'll never refer it you'll never believe this but this took no time to shoot we made our days on this one I mean I'm already like Oh usually Stefan or where's McLovin my favorite in New York when you're on SNL is people they just don't give a [ __ ] and so they pull up maybe like hey you and your show [ __ ] suck is it you and your show [ __ ] suck gas ain't season do you have a favorite sketch from there we did some funny ones there's one that's hard to find there's one where Will Forte that was in a wolf's forte was a it was like halftime at a basketball game and Will Forte is our coach and we're losing and he says when I this happened once before and I did this dance and it made everybody really excited and jav's we went out and we beat the pants off the other team and so he puts on this herb Albert song and he starts doing this like weird dance and we had to just sit and watch him dance and I couldn't do it I was just like I just like staring down the thing and I was like just staring at the thing key and Thompson he had like a like a towel around his neck and he just like slowly put the towel over his mouth that was a fun time I just remember like excited I ad for take come to my dressing room I go can you just dance a little bit so I could get used to this and then on air he would do this thing the song won Wow at one point and he looked right at me and with just looking right at me just did the whole thing ever tell you like yo chill try not to break or Lauren Michaels cuz every time I did Stefan I broke cuz John Mulaney would change stuff but also I just was like this is so stupid what I'm saying I would just start laughing um but Lauren was like if what you were saying wasn't funny then I'd be mad but what you're saying is so ridiculous like it's nice what's the hottest club right now in Manhattan I don't know this place not something hydrants is of midgets midgets [ __ ] what was was like working aside LeBron James in the classic movie trainwreck he was great LeBron was he just like you all came so naturally to him and he was so into like making fun of themselves mm-hmm there and I was like what if you were like really cheap and he's like that made him laugh we get a real good sense of humor like what if the check comes and you like want to split it like I would throw that out and he would be totally are you better acting than LeBron is at playing basketball I feel like I'm pretty good at acting yeah I've never heard anybody say [ __ ] was whack yeah I would love it if they did cuz I don't hate her have haters haters suitors I probably do yeah you know everyone's to walk but no because I have this show coming out my friend showed me I like it I'm so old he was like oh I go I don't have Twitter so I don't know what that what's going on there and he was like we could still search yourself on Twitter you don't have to have an account I was like really and then it was just like you know the ring in Lord of the Rings oh man oh I am ugly no Emma streamers yeah yeah just all stuff on gifts yeah basically I was it so I glanced at that look but no well bronze pretty he's pretty good at acting though you know he under played everything cuz I would think like we would have hosts come on who were sports people and they would try they would be funny and everything yeah he's so confident that he would just like not do much and you were like gosh it was really good yeah absolute worst guest on SNL I don't it was okay but as long as it's not out there after winning an Emmy do you become now like in this circle of like Emmy winning people now that person that added to your business card Emmy Emmy no cuz we have it right and when you walk in the house is right there is it the Bell your house no well maybe no yeah I want it for working on South Park so it wasn't like I didn't go up there and go thank you or whatever so it was kind of this weird thing where I got a text saying hey you want an Emmy first half arc and I was like oh for real yeah and then I go what happens and it's like I don't know you know and then the Emmy just showed up at my house and I was like oh cool this I got this for being in the room while they were writing something this it's like I kind of forgot that's funny do I even know where it I don't know if I had any I would know where is that every given I forgot that's a good question it's probably someplace that's not in my apartment but it's someplace I always feel weird I'm also from Oklahoma have that weird thing of like just people yeah put in and then because there are houses well there are people in their house you walk in and it's just all these awards there anyway all right I get it I get it at your place of business to be like hey this is what you're getting into whatever yeah I don't know I feel weird about it but I have a separate room for it yeah I'll have the award room and it's a whole room with just do and you can hear your foot balls like oh you should put some furniture in here it's like well no I'm saving it for audio it's pretty dank in here it's pretty good fresh cement one piece of showbiz advice you would give yourself a younger version of yourself I'm going okay chill out just chill out like it'll be like just the more calm you are the better yeah the better your stuff is you know I would kind of be you know freaked out all the time so the more I chilled out and don't worry about what people think don't read the comments like or if you do just go all right [ __ ] you [Laughter] [Applause] all right yeah I make so much more you guys watch it live the money actually start showing up it's like boom okay okay okay we'll be right back [Laughter] you watch a decent mare own YouTube channel stupid click to watch more videos and clips subscribe please please please click and comment [Music]
Channel: Desus & Mero
Views: 206,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Desus & Mero, Desus, Desus Nice, Mero, The Kid Mero, VICELAND, VICE, Late Night, Talk Show, Late Night Talk Show, Action Bronson, Eddie Huang, Bodega Boys, podcast, Bodega Boys podcast, Comedy, Funny, Humor, TV, television, TV show, sports, politics, music, hip hop, the Bronx, Bodega Hive, The Brand is Strong, The Art, BX, bill hader, barry, hbo, superbad, police, pa, snl, saturday night live, justin bieber
Id: Mcex2OfkHRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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