Charlamagne Tha God (Extended Cut)

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no more late-night ball bags and let's just kiss every time you got a returning guest right from right into the show with the bus you don't say my next-door neighbor and I'm saying it was yet to fly me over to his prized breakfast up here or to the book black privilege returning guests come to the table oh it's a best-seller now it's officially New York New York Times bestseller list for seven weeks like excellence um yeah we're doing good if it's doing great but not since April okay black privilege how many copies have you sold a quarter million today oh that would be like a platinum plaques in the book they gave me like a framed picture of the New York Times bestsellers list or that debuted at number six which is good though cuz I'm a black guy right saying who didn't even graduate college but I was going there with like Bill O'Reilly and Hillary Clinton a lot of other important white people people like Tyrese or for you like you're sucking up books new car on this you know you know so crazy me and Tyrese a nephew got a group text I reached hits me all the time like randomly about the most random stuff like anything he post on Instagram he'll send to me first and I I you saying good idea bad idea so but most the time I ignore have you to you like you okay you get me a contact with rock you ignoring their now ego on Instagram just all of a you breaking off the fast fuse family Tyrese in the rock don't fight at WWE gonna get rock bottom I like Tyrese I hate black title black nas trash rapper black ties trash garbage what these keep it real I like Thai fans my bad Joe I'm not a vine no I don't have strong feelings about that Tyrese is alter ego to rap oh oh you came with all that rats [ __ ] you not popular enough to have the new rap album based off a 444 that's gonna change the game that's what the black box he said that he's jay-z spirit to pot spirit Drake spirit with the production of dr. Dre putting the expectations way too high Thank You Joyce producing it no that's the level it's on you know what I mean and yeah he's got videos online he'll have guys like Ed love will be like yo I thought I heard Tyrese rap I thought it was corrupted fly over things black ties trash exact are we should just stick to singing I mean he can rap if you want to he just got to be willing to face this land at a single receive from being a wack rap is he when is the okay you heard a lot of wack rappers yeah is he one of the worst rappers you've heard nah he's not evil who's the worst rapper you've ever heard was Rabbi bunch right now is probably probably Chiquito only because was serious right yes yes it was a hoody was Rudy was in one of the one call away all Cheney's bull I should have been adjacent we resolve up adjacent adjacent we have to feel wow you guys are going down a rabbit hole marrow set of FEMA I was like a FEMA check with you in a hurry oh wow yeah I forgot about their to your dude superber the little boy you can get like a good shape like this the wall back here crazy so yo you got on The Breakfast Club you don't say it next to an end to hear what you got to say everybody should be getting spicy yeah here sometimes like what is the spiciest that it's a vac on because we see the videos we see the bird may enjoy we see an other choice we seem to do your Google's yeah like what's the none day that nothing that bothers me like the most the one time I thought some I was gonna really put hands on me was when Nellie was there the first time that I ever came and then he had on the wife beater with him Jean the sweatpants on you know what I mean and he was like you know I keep I keep retainers for God like you cuz you said it all comes why how do you get three my no you come on they leave put another athletic now a big toast yeah word up the in my head I'm not thinking exactly get you ask you bite a doodle thing country grandma come on Shelley built like a clear back hmm you got drafted by the Reds or some [ __ ] like oh yeah you know you'll have your from Drake after the we were there with you on common sense yeah best shows ever I stand by that I didn't get enough wrong I mean we was on it that's why I [ __ ] with it but all Drake sent you the bottles yes have you heard from Drake since then Oh a couple dm's here and they're crazy you know it's a good moment a good moment we keep it movin that's all you know you know last time I was here was season 1 episode 4 yeah that was season 2 episode 4 that's right who's the early adopter so you will early guess a lot of people we always get people that you're gonna have Charlemagne on the show who's an inaugural week ain't nobody trap you yeah you're getting all his money like all the I know girls ain't no girls I had claiming to be my mama [Music] [Laughter] Wow expected these checks as expected the next question is have you ever done an interview elin later on said damn I went too far maybe that question Merrill you good right I'm straight I'm some shoppers shut down ain't no more babies coming out of my pee-hole Mary I married your faithful got to be faithful oh she got herpes Nelly catching rape charges Kevin Hart getting extorted it's nasty okay Kevin Hart's extortion yes shorty blew her wad too fast like she went to she wanted too much money - where - I can't applica 30 million what does he what's the payoff for it explain not saying you've ever been exported but if you were in a situation like Everhart what's the price point we just like you little pay this is because in the West you crib I'm not in the same tax bracket is Kevin Hart hey you know what you got a beauty of a son you got a Google somebody so network and then see you know what's a reasonable number for cab you could have asked for a million in got a million get a million a show for comedy he too gave her a million okay yeah that's why I'm not built for that world cuz anything over 10k that's a five year contract and Hannaford again oh honey when you a star in a film with chanel west coast now she's just a whack grab well I don't got no problems with Chanel I wasn't a beef though she was in her bag breath she was all the way in her bag with like the pennies in the mints our [ __ ] come on The Breakfast Club action no you know white girls nobody likes something doesn't make it the truth that's true it's just my opinion she's saying that that's that I told us she was wack rapping one give me this all the videos right there oh this is what like no not trash wrapping I don't even know any other songs I'm gonna say no you can have opinions it doesn't mean they're right though who's the more annoying white girl her Tommy Lauren Oh is there like it yo she's like bTW time [Laughter] no I did not know I was I was supposed to but then um already cancelled it after the Trevor no Liam oh okay it's to half our audience no I didn't dodge dodge the bullet cuz my dumb ass took a picture with like women lined me up go back to that picture right there go to the black and white one right there that right yo that's a line up black and black women have that on their wall shooting at it throwing darts at it for money like how did it hit you happened oh I don't know people would get the joke cause I put it in black and white and I was like do you see color cuz after she said on Trevor Noah how would you explain what black privileges had a little black privilege I mean it's a play on the term white privilege you know I just I just feel like it's a privilege to be black you know I'm saying it's not honor to be black you know I don't want people to think that our black skin is a burden or a liability you know what I mean it's a privilege to be in this melanin so if that's how you feel why do you continue to bleach your skin with the bleach skin or why are you a black woman Jesus started that by the way I did not start with that look he started it but then you threw it back over the backboard I got him I didn't cuz every time we do a lot of shows like Jesus why do you hate black they didn't catch it like meat oh it was a running joke for about a year behind the scenes an uncommon sin he's black woman I'm like it was Christmas we've always talked about you do not want to feel the wrath of black women here I go on Twitter one day talking about what women are you know need to get a platform like Tommy Lauren so they can be voices to change the narrative oh my god I got it from every notable black in America addresses the Janet mock situation rapping with you a rolling stone and the the libel suit yeah man cuz you know we had a little goofball on the show live all as a friend of mine you know and um he was asked a question if he slept with a transgender person and then they told him that they used to be a guy what would he do right his be reaction was all somebody got to died I'm like yo you can't say that yeah he's like that's the hate crime and then you know he was like no no no don't put words in my mouth I didn't say you know I wanted to kill him I said I would be so mad that I would feel like killing somebody I'm like what you just can't go around killing transgender people right you know and for whatever reason they came at me like I I said you didn't push back hard enough I'm like no what you wanted me to do in that situation was rolling soon the other suit gets rolling stone for the headline out and they said that Janet mock responded to my transphobic comments they put Charlemagne's transphobic comments but then they changed it to little Duvall but you know the audio and put the headline right out in sued him I just had to you know but salute the rolling stone you know we handled that accordingly and we made up we both made a nice little donation to the National just Black Justice Coalition gay black gay black rights organization ok so now i think i said that right gay black rights organization yeah yeah so our black gay rights organization another gay in black is what i'm trying to say we made a donation right yes okay sharp turn we have to be talking everybody gets a little tense when you start you know talking about anything LGBT related which is Craig because y'all put a rainbow at the end of every show well you know the rainbow got nothing to do with LGBT everyone see the rainbow yo [ __ ] be like hey yo yo son oh no but the rainbow [ __ ] [ __ ] like I don't know well trust me if you ever get in trouble with LGBT your first line of defense it's gonna be for the remote you can be like yo we have a rainbow in our show we're not homophobic guys I got a rainbow flag hanging up in the studio that actually one of my gay friend gave me and he put like a little note on it and I've been it's been hanging up in the breakfast club studio for like four years yeah but that didn't help me win again there's a little picture of Donald Trump holding that is not true there is a picture a Donald Trump holding that in The Breakfast Club studio I see yeah I did have trouble would you I don't think it's no need at this point like you know you don't like sit in a room with him and just see just how batshit insane ah I think we know it already I'm actually tired of anything related to Trump like there's no new narrative when it comes to Donald Trump we know he's a cracker-ass cracker we know he's a racist bigot we know he's a white devil right we know he's a terrible person with no empathy what is there to talk about these Devils like seriously like there's nothing to discuss with him at all there's nothing to discuss with him but we have to keep watching them go got the new codes and then we can do once he gets the new codes well so once they get the new can hits no Korean and somebody it's 220 death and then we can do we also want to like some heads-up warning it's only ten minutes you know the nukes think they come quick masks like we're done I guess I get to take the time it takes to do this segment weird a listen ten minutes does it sound like that much time when y'all wives go to the supermarket you get 10 min to see yourselves that feels like hours so listen if they nuke America it's a rap I'm not even getting on social media if you spend the last ten minutes of your life waiting on if you guys last we gotta be fired you gotta close like the next generation when they find out why the earth was in existence like ma should be like avoid the book I don't think people realize how bad a nuclear bomb will be if it hit America bro like we got first world problems a nuclear bomb hit people have third world actually if a nuclear bomb hits North Korea or that's gonna go into that mister and we're [ __ ] anyway so it doesn't even have to hit what do you mean the fallout radiation is gonna come back in the wind and the soil and they probably will block out the Sun and it's gonna get into the topsoil which gets into the food chain so we're gonna eat radiation and the people who actually died in an initial nuclear blast or the luckiest cuz the rest of us are gonna die from nuclear poisoning slowly over the next five years so I like tall gonna do this you know he's an educator brother on the law y'all think it's about bets blunts into the Bronx this guy but this guy's very intelligent yeah was the first check you got for entertainment that changed the game for you wait wave way back in the day the first time I ever saw a six-figure check was cousin Swizz Beatz oh wow yes I had an artist I had an artist named little rule he was from South Carolina and you know we me and him had a joint venture situation so he had a label I had a record label and he did four songs with Swiss and Swiss walked us into a asylum record with the do lorule didn't want to sign with asylum he ended up signing with Def Jam and Def Jam cut it cut it cut like $150,000 but I didn't end up getting all of that right right because he ended up getting like 87,000 and then he had a bunch of contracts out there that he signed with other people so we had to break money off to other labels that he had signed to because he was a contract [ __ ] but I mean just the fact of seeing that you know made me realize like yeah you can really make some money in this game you know what I'm saying like I'm a kid from mom's Corner South Carolina raised on a dirt road you see that check you like oh really getting money I could buy the hotel with this yeah so that was that was the first time I ever saw like a big chest six-figure check it I didn't get nowhere near the six figures unit yeah we view division there you go you're not I mean some hustle that I put in caused that to happen so what's next for Charlemagne was your building degree we got look we got the show yeah we you next Oh I mean I'm executive producing a lot of television shows like Ryan Seacrest yeah some slime Seacrest production credits on some films um and you know I got another book coming out next year I'm opposed to say that but yeah are they gonna do right now you leaked it about the book we taking a book yeah yeah but next year I mean it's a lot of different things I really want to get into it or just a executive-produced inside of the game you know I mean developing these shows and stuff we come into Vice that's right well we got a little something cooking with Vice not me but I'm as it is why are we giving more I think y'all need more of me because you're holding up the network right now you know what I'm saying in my personal opinion I could be biased you know what I mean like Chanel said just because this is opinion it means it's right oh oh we never asked you this last time you were here yes sweet or savory grits as a proud resident Avery oh uh Moncks Corner South Carolina what is it I like my regular I don't know what that means I don't put no sugar and I know people that put sugar in a grits but I don't do that no sugar no salt now just butter I saw when y'all I asked Angela Ryder she act like she know what grits was - go girl that's my sister did she act like a she came here with no no I like savory I like regular grid I don't know I don't know what the difference was savory what's a what it's a looks like so yeah I put a little salt low butter yeah yeah yeah I don't think so I say sweet of salty cookie from New York no solute to the Bronx to the Broxton came up man you know we have so many bad news and I was like yeah the Bronx was burning now the Bronx was winning but also burning because we got my herpes out there but you know I'm saying we still win it I mean because you got to take Fat Joe and Remy went all the way up nobody became big boogie oogie y'all know to me you know in a rock pop have dig about those make Gucci Mane's we didn't look like dollar [ __ ] [ __ ] Community Center [ __ ] yeah I know yeah I thought you buddy said he's gonna have babies I'm like nah that might happen by JLo JLo got some surrogates in the box there you go I'm glad you said cuz you know confusing these women and making these women think they can just have babies that fit you know what I mean y'all don't have JLo money y'all don't have J list arrogance they really think Janet Jackson had a baby yes there's no way she had a baby birth I should've stopped it sorry gonna be ho cuz now I'm just like wow Danny Jackson trick Josh you put on the fat suit from the Nutty Professor took a couple pictures and then popped up with a gauge it was like yeah hey come on man I had a kid I keep telling the [ __ ] I laughing with regular flex you did that regular people have kids rich people make they kids I'm gonna make my third child hey no I'm serious I want a son I was a hole in the past life so minute I was a hole in the past life all I got his daughters I cannot risk it with a third no I want a third child but I wanted to be a son son so I'm gonna do in vitro so you could teach him you don't put that picture up I'm not a baby contrary to D this is popular belief America he actually is I was at his birthday parties he's a beautiful black wife who runs him it's cool yo don't y'all did on your podcast I walked into the studio one day and the interns was like yo I know used to date Paula Abdul and your deeds and Melanie Paquette said use the day Paula Abdul like old y'all think I ain't follow me people Abdul know nothing comes up but Tommy with you what you're able to say I want my rainbow to say blessed black and highly favored [Applause] back to the stores now to platform to black I will star y'all you're watching the deesis and Miro YouTube channel so subscribe it's like the buttons all the buttons right here this is a real you to [ __ ] you know saying out here geng geng soir
Channel: Desus & Mero
Views: 927,590
Rating: 4.8416376 out of 5
Keywords: Desus & Mero, Desus, Desus Nice, Mero, The Kid Mero, VICELAND, VICE, Late Night, Talk Show, Late Night Talk Show, Action Bronson, Eddie Huang, Bodega Boys, podcast, Bodega Boys podcast, Comedy, Funny, Humor, TV, television, TV show, sports, politics, music, hip hop, the Bronx, Bodega Hive, The Brand is Strong, The Art, BX
Id: T1_qfCBRBvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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