Comedian Jo Koy's road to success - New Day Northwest

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[Applause] is one of those popular comedians performing stand-up today so selling out shows across the country the tacoma native can be heard is a weekly guest on the Adam Carolla Show podcast and his third stand-up special jo koy live from Seattle can currently be streamed on Netflix a little streaming service you might know his Netflix he is back in the northwest for three almost completely sold-out shows you've got a few tickets left right yeah we're gonna just talk to him about that we're very glad you stopped by please welcome Joe beautiful skyline by the way it's always partly cloudy and you know you're on a good set yep when your view is the skyline look at that I want everyone everyone knows that right that's watching yes they do but it's not to Como where you grew I'm from Tacoma watch how that's about detail you know that's the name of it I love T town girl I was there my whole life basically so that before I called because Vegas is now my home I know but uh but Tacoma is where I grew up that's where I decided to become a comic I saw Eddie Murphy wall at the Coliseum before I was Key West arena it was the Coliseum and I bought tickets I was only 15 so he had to buy it from Ticketmaster so I the bomber shade remember the bond watch it I still call it so and I took my mom's credit card and I bought two pairs of ticket a pair of tickets for a eddie murphy raw the the tour and my mom was like she was driving us to seattle me and my friend she was like what kind of movie is this why is it so far she had no idea was for a concert and that was my first concert was Eddie Murphy raw did you already want to be a comedian I want to be a point yep yeah I want to be a comedian when I saw Eddie Murphy delirious on HBO yeah when I saw that was I'm going to be comment there's something I you know I do I don't get enough at him Eddie Murphy now where is he what's he doing why didn't I see that his kids is when he started doing the the kid-friendly movies so I think he's coming yeah I was a long way from raw he started doing you know a Nutty Professor and he did of course Shrek and all that so yeah because there's kids like like even my son he only knows Eddie Murphy is as donkey so it hurts my feelings I'm like yo slow down like like donkeys a great character but the man was a genius there's I know I know you changed things in a way that's hard to explain what and he did everything he didn't know if you ever watched a Nutty Professor it's like yo he played all those characters right like he had to get in a suit and it took 12 13 hours to get in that suit and then perform as if he's actually talking to somebody was a tennis ball he was talking it was amazing and he killed it like that's how that guy should have got an Oscar for that movie I'm just throwing that I said yeah we should have like retroactive Oscars where they go back next thing who are you you're brilliant I like you like that and now like yo you're bigger than that next day here's my other idea since you like that one I think we should have random Olympics instead of sending athletes to the Olympics yeah it should just be random people from the different kinds of Olympics do we Sh we can do this okay what do you what do you think we should do differently horse horse is the king at horse but there's nothing representing me playing horse oh there's no horse game like I could kill you all day playing horse I'll beat anybody in horse I would have a gold medal if they were just making an event that's we'll work on it that could be part of the random Olympics what's the next Olympic two things I have no idea does he may know who cares yeah at this point who cares I don't know let's just make horse an Olympic event are you looking down for no no I wanted to talk about your Netflix special and I couldn't remember which day terrible right if you look down at your notes during an interview I'm kissing your knees okay I'm doing it again the Netflix special was a war theater what I was told okay let me tell you let me tell you everything first of all the more theater I had to shoot it there because I'm from Tacoma and like Pearl Jam you know the media everyone remembers that that concert oh there's Netflix now and I pursued I proceed no no glasses yeah and the beard was darker check this out so I have my my first three specials were on Comedy Central and was he getting an offer for my fourth so uh which is fine and then no it's fine I didn't mind like that's one thing that people lose focus on it's like as long as you're happy doing what you're doing then you've already won you know I mean so I was good with what I was doing I was on the road I was working hard and but I needed to get that special out again and I only wanted Netflix I didn't want anybody else and that fleece never offered and they and that was 2015 for my 2017 special and and they go we're already we're already booked for 2017 we'll look at you 2016 for 2018 I know there's a lot of numbers but I just want you to know how it was in my head right and I was just like I need to get this out now my son's getting older these jokes aren't gonna be the same you know me like like these jokes are current now and I basically I I just said I looked at my manager well my manager looked at me he's like let's just shoot it ourselves and we came out of pocket I took every single penny out - she got special in see how and when you take on exact it's everything right so you have to rent the theater you have to rent these cameras I know how much all these cameras cost I don't how much your backdrop cost I know how much the laminated floor cost that a laminated floor I want you all to know this they go they go Joe do you want the the the if we eliminate the floor it'll look sexier for TV and or we can keep the traditional floor which is just the the theater that's the stage that's on the theater but it's gonna look dirty and oh and I go all right listen laminated they go okay cool that's 15,000 and I was just but at that point I was numb yeah I was just like yeah I was just saying no to everything but I mean he's like no a while yeah exactly and I also uh I had nowhere to sell it like Netflix already said no to me oh my gosh yeah they already said no they passed on me and I shot it anyways and I was just that confident in that special I was that confident that routine yeah and and then we when we shot it cut it up we put out some offers to other places before in that place to see if we get a counter yes and then we put it on Netflix is to desk 2016 right around August so it took us about six months to cut shoot and then uh and then November of 2016 they said yeah we'll take it and they put it on even though they said they were booked for 2017 they put it on mm they had a space when you got that phone call would you do I cried because it was Thanksgiving that's my gosh yeah that time all that money you know what I mean I was I was really like I don't know if he can explain it but he was just like oh I'm kinda gettin choked up now but it was just like yeah yeah Joe is performing his break the mold tour on Saturday and Monday and acceso show where Center in Kent and Sunday at Mount Baker theatre in Bellingham you sold out whizzed up the highway and Batchelor sold out it is but we added a second show where on Monday Monday night there's only a few tickets left for that can you believe that so people should get those tickets win know right now okay we'll link you to his website for future dates and we'll also put a ticket link on our website come back and see us again it was this your endorse horse the Olympics after the break over Jose Matt Joe it's not going anywhere we're actually not letting him leave he's gonna be part of our new date hot topics after this that should be fun [Applause] [Music]
Channel: KING 5
Views: 122,390
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Television, Programs, New-Day-Northwest
Id: mgggsGs1sPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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