This Bathroom Clutter MUST GO!

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things have started to pile up again in my bathroom and the overwhelm feeling is starting to creep in just a little bit I did declutter my bathroom fairly recently and it's becoming cluttered and disorganized again does this sound familiar at all to you today I thought we could declutter my bathroom and while we're doing that let's talk about why is it cluttered again what's working what isn't working and how I'm going to move forward from here I'd like to spend just 15 minutes to cluttering today because I don't have a lot of time and when I'm feeling short on time 15 minutes feels very doable I have a series where I will take you around my house and declutter in just those 15 minutes and I will link that playlist down below if you are interested in watching that all right so let me just tell you why this closet is bothering me the most right now and it's these two bins here this is where I keep extras yes I like to keep extras and it's totally okay I just hate running out of stuff so the things that I have in here are things that we use often and I know that I will be reusing over and over again my goal is to not keep them in these boxes I want to be a little take them out this one is really bad and it's too much stuff boxes it's just kind of spilling out everywhere so this is where I mostly wanted to start down here as well I mean got some bags that have just garbage that's fallen down here we're going to go ahead and just get started I'm going to get my timer here and we're going to set the timer and go ahead and get started all right I've got the timer going right here I'm going to empty everything out just so it's easier for me to see what I have and then we'll go through all of this I just bought a bag of these cuz my daughter said she needed them I need to make sure I check in here before I go and buy them I don't know what I was thinking it's okay live and learn let's see this one's heavy okay that's a lot of stuff I do have a few more things that need to go inside so I'm going to just those here okay it's a lot of stuff let's go through this I just want to mention real quick that actually my husband keeps his stuff on this shelf right here I actually just took it off because I want to have his privacy for him all right I'm just going to I guess start I'm going to move this as I'm going here I'm just going to take like there's one one deodorant left in this box so this box is going to go in the recycling back here I like to buy my soap in bulk from Costco Sam Club wherever so I'm just going to stack that in here now when I'm doing this I also need to try to remember to keep spots for the things that I I'm constantly restocking in here like soap I know that I'm always going to have soap in here I'm always going to have deodorant things like that so when I fill this up I need to remember okay if I'm out of deodorant then I know I need to make sure I save space in here for deodorant when I do have that I'm not sure how I want to do this but I'm just going to start okay put the toothpaste in here there's another deodorant so these bins actually do work really well for me I'm just need to get into a better habit of actually taking the stuff out of the boxes when I put them in here my other one is almost gone of this but I'm going to put it in here because I know I need that space cuz I always have extras of that so like I was saying these bins usually work really well for me I have the space so it's not really a problem and just need to do better I keeping up with it but that's why I do these declutters right we're not perfect and we just have to keep trying so here's an example I'm completely out of women's deodorant I have my husband's deodorant but not women's so I'm going to try and leave space in this one um for deodorant for when I buy some for the women in our home uh oh actually I know that my son said they are out of conditioner this is why I have these so I'm going to take this one and put it into their bathro room so I'm going to set that aside and I'm actually really excited about I'm going to pause the timer for a second because I like to talk through some of these things real quick but here's the problem this bottle here is way tall and when this is popped up it won't fit in the little niche in my shower so I saw that they redid the bottles and I'm super excited because now this fits and I don't have to have it on the floor the last video that I did when I decluttered this bathroom I actually um had purchased some refillable bottles that would fit in there it's still it's just not my jam decanting anything just really isn't my thing I'm super excited about this plus one of the bottles is broken anyway let's keep moving on start the timer again I have a shampoo and a conditioner here got a couple of body washes this one I got for free from Bath and Body Works when my daughter was buying some stuff there I don't know why I save these things this is like completely empty I thought oh maybe I could get the last little bit out it's not worth it so I'm just going to toss that this is a medication actually it a pop Drops that my husband uses I think they're disgusting have you guys ever tried Fisher's friends I think they're so gross they're way too strong for me anyway I'm going to go I'm going to put those with the medications so I'm not going to put those back in here okay garbage I don't know why that's in here either that can go in medication and and so this soap that was a gift honestly I don't know I don't ever use these I haven't even opened it so let me open it I'm going to smell it if I hate the smell it's going to go yeah I'm not I'm not a huge peppermint fan and vanilla peppermint I don't know it doesn't really smell good to me the gift was a very kind thought but it's going to go couple extra razor things here flushable wipes you don't use these I hear you think actually you're not supposed to flush these only flesh toilet paper I don't know I think that these are something that usually like my daughters will take when they go to Camp so maybe I'll keep yeah I think I'll hang on to these they're still wet so and they have a camp coming up this summer so I'm going to hang on to these yeah just going to hang off for these These are brand new that I just bought I'm going to need to put these on my shelf where the things that I use every day so I'm going to keep those out I have a little bag here of new toothbrushes so I'm just going to open this one up and put them in here I probably have too many I don't I I guess I forgot that I had these four all right now because I'm doing quite a bit of talking there's not a lot of time left I have about 7 minutes left I guess that's still a lot it's all right but I've got these back to organized so I'm going to put those back on the Shelf here and here's the other one now I need to remember now that these are basically full and I can't buy anything else besides the deodorant that I need to put in here okay so I'm going to go through this stuff down here real quick now just before I start the timer this is where I'm supposed to keep toilet paper which is sitting in my tub because I'm too lazy to decant the toilet paper so I actually think I'm just going to take this one out because it's not serving me very well I think I'm just going to stack the toilet paper packages down here instead of taking them out of the packages because that worked for me before now this one actually is working really well for the kleenexes so I'm going to keep that I just need to empty some of this garbage out and throw that out so all right I'm going to start the timer we're going to get working on this right here now this is garbage garbage all right so now I have all the tissues in there this is supposed to fit in here but I obviously I have too many that's not going to fit all right this I'm going to put I'm going to take it out of the packaging on this shelf here I'm going to actually combine these probably these two epom salt bags because they're both opened and they don't need to be opened we've got mouthwash and then back here I have this little DOA thing that has some oils you know we don't really use these much anymore but there are some we do use I'm just going to keep it since we don't get to it very much it's back here in the corner and so I'm going to stack these on top of that okay let me pause this again because we're going to move on to my shelf which is what I use every day we're going to go ahead and move up there okay what works on this shelf really really well is this turntable this is the stuff that I get into every day well most of it plus my makeup right here you know I'm kind of a simple person I don't have a lot of lotions and potions and tons of makeup and stuff so there isn't going to be a lot for me to go through here but this right here is you usually like extras or things I don't get into every day so I definitely want to go through this stuff and see if there's anything that I don't use anymore anything that is expired or anything I just didn't like and I thought that I would like it those are things I'm going to get rid of this isn't really working great it's working okay so again I'm going to try and reorganize it maybe just a little bit we'll see how that goes I only have three and 1/2 minutes left of my 15 minutes now today the 15 minutes I don't know maybe it won't work today and that's okay again it takes me twice as long to do this when I'm filming and talking that's okay so anyway I'm going to go ahead and start the timer again and we will get started on this shelf all right so I definitely use these every day this one we haven't been using quite as much but it still gets used this is empty and gone I think I might actually just completely throw this one away yep throwing it out this is basically gone actually and I have a bigger bottle which didn't fit so maybe I can get that to fit here now I'm going to toss that this is basically garbage I bought it years ago I believe I don't know if there's an expiration date but I don't use it that's going to go I don't use this one quite as much but I should I'm just going to use it up there's not a whole lot left here I am going to put this here I don't know if I can squeeze that in but I'm just going to there we go that works there you go I use all of that oh I forgot about these those would need to to go right here see that doesn't need to go there I can move this around so I'm going to put like all the hair stuff here let's think about this yeah this is for like face washing face lotion I'm just going to put that on top of here for now until they use that up okay no judgment here right these are all expired I need to throw those out same with these I just need to get rid of all of these medications which will feel really good because it was taking up a lot of space already this is a lot less full of stuff which is really nice I could probably actually combine it all into one these are these are medications that I do use on a daily basis and I actually keep them in this little container here inside and these are just I refill them into my little pill thing so I'm going to keep those out accessible to put in to fill in every week okay let me start the timer again I only have a minute left we'll see what I can get done in that minute but cotton balls I thought I cut them somewhere else so I'm going to take those out oh this is gone that out this is makeup for like I don't know stage makeup when my daughter was in a I don't know I don't know what to do with that yet this was a little gift I think I think it's supposed to be I I don't even know I'm going to get rid of that this gets used once in a while and I have it in a baggie because it is spilled before don't want that I use these all the time and this vitamins all the time okay so those are emptied my timer is up I will show you what I decluttered here I got a lot of stuff decluttered already but I am going to continue because I'm feeling quite motivated to get this done I'm going to put everything in this bucket here and decide if I want to keep this bin or do something else this is for traveling I need to put that the traveling stuff oh and then I found this that was for the refilling the the bottles that I got the refillable bottles so I'm going to toss that still don't know what I want to do with this stuff it's probably Way Beyond expired I probably just to throw it out I'm definitely going to throw out these makeup Parts yeah this one I couldn't figure out if it was supposed to go up and down it's it looks gone so that's going to go it's a brow brush okay I don't paint my brows I have really thick brows already yep these are all going to go I am going to keep these brushes these makeup brushes all right well that was nice I got rid of an entire bin full of stuff so now I only have this one left that feels pretty good let's put this back maybe I'll put this somewhere else cuz this is really the prime real estate right here let me scoot that down get get into my makeup a lot this mirror I use all the time this we don't really use so I hate wasting it's basically a full brand new bottle but I don't really care for it I'm just going to throw it out be done with it okay this was a little gift bag my daughter would prob really like this mask so I'm going to give that to her I don't use them I don't know why I kept this probably because I thought maybe I could get the rest of the stuff out it's empty so that's going to I had some nail stuff in here the nail stuff needs a whole kind of revamp this was something that I think it came with my eyelash curler I don't really know what it is I'm not going to use it that's trash I'm going to just put this bin actually back here that might be better cuz I don't get into it every day I use it to refill once a week H still going to keep thinking about that I don't really know what to do with cotton rounds yet all right this is the Shelf where we used to keep our medications I think I bought these but I really hate taking these big pills so I didn't use them they're not expired yet I'm going to ask my husband if that's something that he would use this needs to go in the medications and same with that oh let's see this might be expired I just hate taking huge pills I'd rather take chebbles no these are still I'll ask him again if he would use those covid test I guess we'll keep that medicine cup that's just garbage more lotion imagine that I just find it everywhere uh all right well this one is full basically full this one is half full so yeah I'm just going to put those in this bin here um I'm going to put that the medications as well this is where I keep like my travel bags so I think I'm going to keep that I need to just kind of go through this real quick I'm not even going to go through the bags cuz I know that I do use most of this stuff one is kind of a family bag one's my kind of my personal bag a shoe Mitten shoe shine Mitten I've never used it it's going this is I guess we could still probably use that I'll keep that a little travel sewing kit the needles all rested I'm throwing that out more shower caps and this lotion is gone that's going as well this is something I usually would use going on a vacation I'm to put that in there and then I don't think there was anything else that needs to go in here so yep that's going to stay up here oh we got some razor heads those are probably garbage they're used those are garbage okay so up here at the very very top I have some extra candles and actually I have these in a different spot in my closet I'm not sure I might keep them in two different spots I don't know I'll decide in a minute here this was when we permed my son's hair I don't know I'm going to keep it but these I don't know we've had these for a long time and well actually I'm going to still hang on to him this is for when like the school does a crazy hair day yeah I'm going to keep it up there this is the haircut kit I think I'm going to move this down oh look some scissors that probably need to go in it this came with the kit supposed to be an apron not good that's garbage and then my husband has this little traveling kit it's empty but I'm going to put that with the traveling bags I'm going to go check and see if these will fit with the other candles all right this is the basket and I always seem to find a really fun surprise I love these couple left that's going to be one of my treats for today so I definitely have space in here for the candles so I kind of keep them in here for a gift if I need a gift but also just for us if we want a new candle they fit in here so another basket that is emptied that I don't need in there anymore all right so I just moved everything off the floor this big this bin here is just garbage and this is all recycling so I'm basically done with this cupboard here well I guess I need to work on a few things in here again this is some of my husband's stuff and his stuff is going to go here I need to figure out what to do with that those last few things yeah we'll we'll talk about that later but now we're going to move on to the drawers and the cupboard there's really not much in here and I get into these a lot so I know that there's not going to be very much to the clutter in here but we'll go ahead and just go through these anyway so yeah this brush actually I can get rid of I have no idea whose it is my husband doesn't know either that's just going to go in garbage and then just a few things I only have really a couple things in here that we use so that that one's done okay I almost got rid of my little blow dryer brush thing here but I I've actually been using it again a lot this is my daughter's she was doing her hair for prom and I guess I didn't realize that she had it in here this came with this blow dryer I'm going to hang on to it because when I got rid of my last one I regretted it all right this one also doesn't need to be gone through that's all this is is feminine hygiene products in here so that's it wow that is Dusty man I need to do a good cleaning in here too now I don't need a declutter under here because I know what's down here hardly anything just the garbage and a few cleaning things and some extra soap this drawer is pretty empty too um I'm going to throw those out uh this is almost gone but I'm going to keep it until it's gone another toothbrush imagine that I'm going to put that inside with the other toothbrushes this kind of should go with the floss sensitive toothpaste which I got from the dentist actually I'm just going to open it up put it in here pull that out and then I'm going to put some more floss sticks in here and that's done we use all the towels up here we just keep one extra set for our bathroom oh yeah okay my husband was using this when after he got Co I'm just I'm not going to get rid of that I don't know what he wants to do with that but I'm going to keep it back here you know actually I'm going to put it with his stuff we have room in that closet cuz it obviously has gotten forgot has been forgotten about back here not really in the mood to go through this nail stuff but I think I'm going to do it anyway this is kind of what I want to go through we have way too many nail polish this you know came in a big kit way too many gel nail polishes oh yeah changed my mind got rid of one I don't know this is feeling overwhelming this is supposed to be some Builder nail gel my sister recommended it but honestly I didn't love it I don't know I have to about that one for a minute put all of the nail files into this I think I can get rid of a bunch of stuff in here well I don't know if I may use these again I didn't really like these actually I'm throw those out I haven't used these several years so I think I'm going to throw those out too I got these thinking that I was going to use them I really don't I kind of like this organizer though I don't know I think I'm just going to donate that we are never going to use all of these that's what these are those are the colors we have and we do need a few more but we don't need this many I'm going to donate those and I don't even think they have the sizes that I want anymore so I'm going to get rid of those we never use these'll donate those I bought a big old pack of files here probably don't need that many now stickers I'm going to ask my daughter if she wants to use those same with these little design kit thing this just came with one of the sets F that out so I basically have plenty of space so I might put a different I actually might put these on the Shelf in the closet here and I might use a different organizer I wanted to give this a try I measured in the closet I think it will fit this these you can adjust I bought this on Amazon I'll leave the link below if you're interested so we're going to put this together real quick kind of thinking maybe I'll put the nail stuff in here tubes in that let's give this a shot so there we go let's take that in and try that I liked how these bins fit really well here here on the shelves and I was hopeful that I was able to get all of the nail supplies to be able to fit into these bins now I did have to do a little bit of rearranging because of the nail polish remover you can see here that the bottle was too big in order to fit inside it so I had to just kind of do a little rearranging you'll see at the end and then I'll polish hair I started out by trying to divide them into colors kind of it didn't end up working there wasn't enough space so but I was able to fit them all which was fantastic so I've decluttered this bathroom a couple times in the last year or so you can click on the video here to see what it looked like before you can also click here to watch the decluttering and 15minute series you can see I've got rid of a lot of stuff this is all garbage this whole bag is Recycling and just a few donations as well thank you so much for taking time out of your day to spend with me I really appreciate you and I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Real Life with Ali
Views: 14,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decluttering, minimalism, cleaning, organizing, cleaning habits, tidy home habits, tidy house habits, Real Life With Ali, speed cleaning, cleaning routine, bathroom declutter, declutter, declutter minimalism, declutter fast, home organization, bathroom organization
Id: gwNPWsHMskw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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