Come Out | Breakthrough | Sherman Dumas

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I'm going to I'm going to doctrinally lay a foundation before bringing you into the fullness of this experience I feel like doing anything other than that would be malpractice I want to show you in the Bible but the Bible has to say about deliverance you've ever heard me teach of deliverance before please don't close your ears you're not going to hear the same content to ever for me want you to listen to what the Spirit of God has to say to the church I serve notice on every spiritual force that's not like God but you're gonna submit to the power of Jesus Christ as we continue in this worship experience you're not going to terror any personals by persons body you're not gonna contour to anyone you submit to what we walk under which is the cross speak to every demonic power anything that's not like God you will not make a spectacle to bring any attention to yourself this is not your service I serve notice on every spirit that seems like they thought they were staying hiding it's your time your time has come I serve notice on every single spiritual force and I'm buying you the spirit of pride that's one of the strongest spirits that blocks our deliverance to say that I don't have nothing I need to be delivered from by buying the spirit of religion that wants to be stuck in what they've always known and anytime God presents a new thing they become confused I find every single spiritual force that comes against the activity of the Holy Ghost for the scripture says it's not the spirit and we make a declaration today that we will not quench the Holy Ghost at any level not even in ourselves roca we thank you Lord God for the flow of your spirit flows freely in this place come through like a river come to like a flood I pray at the kumite fajans itto come through like a river come through like a flood and overtake and brush away brush away blow away push away everything found that's not like you old debris has to go I make that declaration in the name of Jesus that this space is called a God but there is an open heaven over this place and this building is sanctified for God's you sir I beg you Lord God that you allow yourself to be glorified thank you Father that you are going to take every person that is a skeptic by the hand and you're going to show them yourself today [Music] thank you Lord that every skeptical spirit every skeptic like individual you're gonna make a believer out of because of your word and the display of your power you said father that your word would be preached what signs following let it be done these signs shall follow them that believe lay hands on the sick cast out Devils let the reality of your kingdom be released in this room today right now we say yes I'm trying to lead you to a place of deliverance just sell them yes you don't even know what you said yes to yet but whatever he got in my tell him yes no no I feel there's something on that just take the next few seconds they just begin to tell them yes come on tell them over your mouth and tell them yes open your mouth and tell hear me yes yes to your will yes to your way whatever you wanted to do we say yes to you Jesus thank you Matthew chapter 8 verse 28 turn there I'm gonna lay a foundation my encouragement to you so study the word for yourself as these scriptures are given to you today and I'm gonna try to give you as many as I can for you to be able to go and study for yourself study for yourself learn for yourself don't be tricked out of your inheritance because something is new to you I want to welcome every single person that's receiving this message with interpretation and why as Spang yo devices that they're checked out when they got here today and I'm gonna do my best to pace myself pastor Eddie so that you can actually get it across to do Matthew chapter 8 in 28 if you're there say I'm there if you're not say wait on me slow self 1828 Bible says when he had come to the other side that's a message all by itself another day I'll come today and he came to the to the country of journeys church or nice glory to God there met him to somebody holla back to two demon-possessed men coming out of the tombs exceedingly fierce that no one could pass that way and suddenly they cried out saying what have we to do with you Jesus son of God have you come here to torment us before the time verse 30 now a good way off from them there was a herd of many swine feeding so the demons begged him saying if you cast us out permit us to go into the herd of swine verse 32 and he said to them go so when they had come out somebody hollaback come out they went into the herd of swine and suddenly the whole swerd of herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea and perished in the water I just want to Minister a message this afternoon just entitled come out simply come out thank you so much thank you we are in breakthrough Sunday we are ending a 21-day fast today [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're praising harder for the end of the fast and you offer your own breakthrough you just happy you can eat and what I love about this fast is that it wasn't a straight Daniels fast and I'm not saying that's bad but I am say I served Jesus I don't serve Daniel Daniel didn't save my love so Jesus did I'm just saying not saying that goes fast is bad so what I want to do is get as close to that as Jesus did so what we did was gave you a mixture some down your days some Jesus days a mixture of the two in the days it was just you know some mixture in there so you could make your way through as we're introducing people to the artifacting this fast has brought so much clarity for many people as if I'm talking good st. man moods moved your flesh out of the way whereas you're able to hear God on the next level it's been amazing but one of the things that dr. Jacquet did in Dickenson our first message to her second message on fasting and says she began to teach to us about the fast that God had called and I'll get to it later but in that fast that God had called the Bible says that the fast would loose the bands of the wicked one with loose the bands of the wicked one so that means anything that has been tight around me any kind of bondage that the enemy has brought on me God introduced us into a fast that would loose the bounds the bands of the wicked one today the bands about to come all the way off [Music] you fasted your way to getting it loose enough where it could come off and you might have needed a little assistance but I'm here today to be your assistant and to help you get what was loose off I wish I had a church hit me would you look at somebody next and say just coming out today is gonna I'm gonna try to teach so y'all cut that out okay it's best I can we're gonna talk about deliverance deliverance we are a deliverance Church I know people like really God because people a lot tells me I hear deliverance churches people cast out devils every Sunday or every Sunday is a teaching about deliverance and I don't feel like everything has to be done on a Sunday when you're building you got to build people to be able to live from day to day I can't get up and teach about prophets and deliverance every Sunday I got to give you something that you can live by somebody say ma'am but I'm surely a prophet and I'm so nuff believe in deliverance one of the things that we have available here at all nations is that we have a deliverance ministry by which you can make appointments for personal deliverance in the coming weeks we're gonna be a begin to create just one Saturday that will dedicate to that you'll be able to make an appointment and four hours our deliverance team will be here ministering to people and helping them get to a place of freedom and breakthrough isn't that awesome and so that's what we do here and it's not advertised a lot so sometimes some of you don't even know it's available so I want to use this time today to make sure you know that it is here for you Syria I didn't ask you to come out here move so one of the things that I want to deal with today is this concept of being possessed and I want to get this out of the way because some of you when you hear deliverance your mind automatically goes - well I'm not possessed and and the biggest question that I'm asked around the country is can a demon be possessed for Krishna be possessed by a demon so I want to walk you through some scripture with that in our text today we see this the situation of two demon-possessed men as the Bible says the Greek word for demon-possessed does not literally mean this is where the confusion is it's been translated in air if you talk to a lot of people who are Greek experts they will tell you that that should not be written in you can study it for yourself okay Strong's number one one three nine and if you don't know what I'm talking about then I'm not talking to you so for the people that know what I'm talking about check it for yourself okay it literally means the Greek word the original language that it was written in before it was translated this way does not mean to be demon-possessed in the way you think that it has ownership of your body it's the idea here is that someone is demonized being tormented or came up under the power of a demon there's a difference a lot of people are confused because they're like well how in the world can God live in me and any kind of demonic power live in me somebody say I am a spirit I am a spirit I have a body let's try it again let's do it differently say I am a spirit I live in the body I have a soul I am a spirit I live in a body I have a soul your spirit cannot be demon it possessed at any level demons can't enter into your spirit in any way shape form or fashion the place where the demonic influences gets attached to you is in your soul and your body the soul is the seat of your mind your will your motions please don't look at me like you've heard this a thousand times you should be taking knows your soul is the seat of your mind your will and your emotions so the enemy's idea is let me take these fallen angels who were kicked out of heaven because they move with me against the Godhead and were sent down to the earth room cast down to the earth let me now cause for them to invade the hearts of the redeemed Satan hates you if you don't get that out of the way good to see you Nancy if Satan hates you if you don't get that out of the way if you don't get that understanding out of the way you missed it and because he hates you he wants to stop you from grabbing your inheritance whatever he can do to try to stop you from getting your inheritance he's going to do it he's going to do his best to slow you down so these fallen angels these demons do their best to attach to your soul even your body's about begins to talk about a spirit of infirmity that tries to attach itself to your body are you learning today so no no a demon as a Christian cannot just take full control over you and do whatever they want to do and no you're not holy possessed by them but it's a difference from being demonized that none that I got that theological aspect out of the way here's my point that I tell people whether I'm oppressed the press or poles ask if it's there I want it to go I don't care how it got there that's the way I think but I know something you need them you know foundation so I'm give it to you but the end of the day however you got there I wanted to go now here's the piece a lot of people like a demon preacher you talking to these other folks really there are cycles that you have been in your entire life every one of you nobody's void of this let's get this out of the way deliverance it's not a bad thing it's been portrayed as this thing like your birds no no I'm living in this body I'm in this earth realm there are things that have tried to connect themselves to me I need deliverance I need deliverer and say that I some of you don't wanna say you're gonna sit there with that pride if you want to but those who want to say sales your mouth I need deliverance let's go to 1st corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 i'm just gonna walk through scriptures that i'm gonna lead you in a time of freedom 1st corinthians chapter 6 verse number 19 do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God you're not your own for you were bought at a price you were bought at a price therefore glorify God in your which are gods so so your your body your spirit belongs to God we understand I'm just laying this foundation because I don't want you to think that I'm saying your body your spirit belongs to help it belongs to God and because it belongs to God any trespasser that comes across the line of my life has to go write this down demons consider the human body a house to dwell in demons consider the human body a house to dwell in let's go to the verse Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 Matthew 12 verse 43 study these for yourself if you don't believe me study for yourself Matthew chapter 12 verse number 23 when an unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes through Dry places seeking rest and finds none then he says I will return look at the language he uses to my house confused devil I will return to my house from which I came and when he comes he finds it empty swept put in order then he goes and takes him look at this please seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter and to do well there and the last state of the man is worse than the first are you looking at the same scriptures me I don't know how we could live our whole life and people are preaching on this I'm trying to figure out how we pick and choose with scriptures we go like I offered to you it's whatever makes us uncomfortable we don't like to preach but I believe part of my job to my generation and that's not an age group that's the span of time my job to my generation as their prophet in my time is to make a direct declaration that Jesus sets the captives free and deliverance is not for the unbeliever y'all she said well even the crumbs that fall from the master table she's like let me get some out like she was so serious about that day I might not be the chef but you'll give me some of this he said but it belongs to my children it's possible to walk in freedom and the freedom that we walk in understand that he comes in layers when I begin to teach on deliverance today I don't want condemnation to come in the room cuz that's not God so you can't start feeling like oh my god I got that cuz I'm about to list some stuff are y'all gonna be like whoa don't become overwhelmed but what you hear or you understanding me because His grace is sufficient oh I love that i'ma say it again His grace is sufficient so for whatever issue that you have whatever situation you have it also does not pull you out of the use of God himself the idea is to stay submitted to the kingdom stay in consistent relationship with him and I want you to repeat after me my issue does not deny me now that was not freedom to live in perpetual sin I did not just give you a license to live in perpetual sin I didn't tell you just do whatever you want to do what I am Telling You is that your issues first of all God is not scared by your issue y'all be surprised because y'all got issues and she was like um I kind of created you and I know you've been crazy forever when I gave you the word about what I was gonna do with you I knew you were crazy are you understanding me he he knew it we gave Moses the word about changing world he knew Moses had punk in him he won confused when Moses came up to my Lord but that's that up he went like what did this come from how did this come here so you might be surprised by your issues but God is never surprised by your issues write this down houses have doors so if Hale sees your your body as a house every house is the symbolism that the Bible is using every house has doors okay some of these doors to your soul are open some are shut some are open some are shut demons cannot connect to your soul or body listen to this without some legal permission or right deliverance is is a process of legalities the right to be here or not the truth is for some of us we didn't open the door but the door was open for us are you understanding this when I was introduced to pornography as a young boy I didn't open that door God used my cousin that was in town to ask me have you ever seen this before I said seeing what before take me to the television go to the cable and pay for the pornography to come on the screen I didn't open that door somebody came along Sid from hell innocent themselves really but Sid from hell to be a part of opening the door of my life are you getting this today but the door was open and the door was open so the enemy came in to be able to take a seat inside of my house are you rocking with me today so there's an entry point there's a there's a there's an entry point there's a door that's open what are some of the doors I'm happy you asked class number one direct willful sin let's start there okay because I don't want everybody here blaming their family members on their Devils because some of the stuff will be be honest we got it because we opened the door come on open it proudly - it just stood there like yes okay the wreck will force in let's walk through the word acts five and three I'm not gonna read it but put it up x5 and three and a niacin sapphire okay lied so the Holy Ghost lie to the Holy Ghost because of their sin and they stepped into this line they opened the door to covetousness and deceit your sin will open the door to other spirits and demons like to hang out in clusters I just showed you in Scripture some eyes like proof I told I just showed you earlier that when they come back to check out the house it is clear and you haven't filled that house they go get a cluster and now the stronghold is stronger you're worse off the scripture saying then you were when you first began demons hang out in clusters so the idea is that once you open the door then man they're going to come in and do whatever they want to do so you got sins of commission you got sins of omission unforgiveness is a sin of omission okay here we go Matthew chapter 18 okay Matthew chapter 18 verses 22 to 35 read it yourself later I don't have time to read all these scriptures to you read it later but the idea there is that unforgiveness man puts a whole lot of blockers in your life unforgiveness force a whole lot of blockers in your life and a lot of us we're in a place where we think that that because I'm gonna get you I'm not gonna forgive you you're not helping yourself and you're not hurting them they don't remember you even did whatever you did did I remember what they did to you you don't forgive them and they don't care I just said to you some of you're holding grudges unforgiveness against your appearance they have moved on some of you is all boys friends girlfriends spouses that you're no longer with and you're like oh hey I don't forgive you they don't move on got a new spouse got a new man one man new kids and you're walking around bitter that unforgiveness is blocking your man y'all a hear me [Music] secondarily there's a lot of open doors I can I can't get to them all let me move the occult some I said the occult when you think I'm called a lot of you gonna think witches with brooms but I'm going to show you how mother your cult is very alive in America and some of you you're not gonna like this the occult fortune-telling palm reading crystal ball gazing seeing psychics talking about what is my sign it's the occult [Music] [Applause] God is the only one that can tell me my destiny not if I'm a Virgo believe whatever else and they devil some alive you don't even know you got a whole witch thing connected to your life that they saw I can't believe you live on this alone y'all know I love Instagram I'm becoming an influencer Oliver goes no are you serious I'll be looking at the phone which horoscopes astrology from hell and for some of you who try to say well as a star the last wise men to find Jesus surely it can be nice they weren't looking at that thing accident how're they supposed to live what the person now these race was supposed to be like God used the stars as a sign in a wonder it was not used to give them direction for the rest of their life they didn't follow that star for the rest of a existence that wish crafts you will come out of here today I'm playing with you [Applause] I'm a mess with you because some of you believe in Christian and Christian hypnotism it's a thing out there it's used many people who are even moving to counselling they'll begin to use hypnotism especially new ways counsellors anything that has to take you out of the state that you can take care that you can handle yourself and be conscious it's from hell y'all don't want that I'm exposed to devil today somebody looking at me like let me out of here you hear now you in him close the door I'm just kidding I'm just joking voodoo witch is alive and well I'm from New Orleans trust me it is alive and well channeling people channeling spirits wanting the spirit of my grandmother to come inside of me astral projection not every not every illusionist that you see is fake the devil has a layer is limited but he has power and if you worship him long enough you'll give you some he'll lift the same power kill you but he'll give you something so some of these illusionist has locking themselves in places and getting the appearing but that ain't all fake boo something I need to travel to Africa because over in other nations this sub must high-level witchcraft and here in America we play games with it like it's cute I'll go here is strong enough zombies is a real thing I know I just lost half of the people I'm gonna leave it alone people begin to play with necromancy they play with the dead and they go to bring the dead to life Sol and the wits of Endor it's in the Bible study it for yourself so wanted a word from the Lord so he went to go see the width of your door said bring the prophet up for me come on get him up cuz I need to hear from the Lord it's a real thing and you got to be careful for playing with it is in the Bible study it for yourself moving on the New Age movement and techniques if you start reading all these New Agers out there be careful how far you go into self-help books because if you end up going too far into self-help books you'll find out you got a witches and wizards after with a pen writing it who begin to move you into the understanding of humanism more than the power of God so they make you feel like everything is within you which is partial truth partial truth everything you need is within you you are yourself everything that you need partial truth God in you means everything in me is what I need me and my own power doesn't mean that if this is helping you say it is right here's a move out of there here's the next thing generational curses things we inherited let me keep moving trauma somebody say trauma Exodus 6 9 okay a lot of people have experienced trauma you've had the sudden loss of a job trauma some I say trauma having gone through painful or a messy divorce somebody say trauma sudden death of a very close loved one trauma a major type of illness trauma a major car accident where you are seriously injured trauma because what happens to some people they get in serious car accident and fear goes through that open door immediately so now every time you're driving you're driving in fear huh you holding the wheel like this tighten because you're scared because the devil came in by that way it's just helping you ungodly soul ties how does ungodly soul ties come this is a big one okay it does come through sexual relationships but that's not the only way but I'll give you a couple of scriptures Ephesians 5:31 okay you're going to read that and that would be talked about how a man will leave his wife and mother be joined unto his wife and they become one flesh that's a godly soul time okay but then the scripture also begins to tell us over in proverbs I believe in to not join our soul with a harlot so there is this idea of God is set up godly soul times for a marriage but when you go and we have sex outside of our marriage it is the idea that we are joining ourselves with the harlot and whatever that individual carries now has an entry point to my soul I really need you to think about that an easier thing about every idiot that you slept with I'm not doubting you listen anything you don't mess with whatever they carry if it's a direct line now to your soul so you need deliverance somebody say i need deliverance okay close relationships can create soul ties right good so tie was David and Jonathan right their souls were tied together people try to use their relationship as an excuse for homosexuality and it's just you just twisting the scriptures okay now God receives every one and we do at this church all I'm saying to you is that that scripture does not show that David and Jonathan were in homosexual relationship and so but you can get to a place where you create a so tight but becoming so connected to an individual that you can't make decisions outside of them so you get invited to dinner and you have to call your besties before you say yes or no Valle's commitments and agreements a vow we get into something and we make a pact we will never tell anyone - a vow and a commitment a soul tie can be met are you learning okay study numbers chapter xxxi to study Ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 okay curses addictions fears and phobias false religions okay if you've ever served any other kind of God before it's an entry point it's a doorway to where demonic influence can come into your life you're not bad because of it this is just the facts okay cursed objects let me deal with that because it's not I want you to just think just things that people worship other gods with I also want you to think about some of you who still have your boyfriend's t-shirt still have your girlfriend's panties this is real stuff I don't know why y'all trying to fake and shake in San Berdoo to California tonight [Music] relationship is over but you still have the memory so the cursed object in your home is constantly drawing you back in to a thing that's been over for years get rid of the gifts this ring I have on right now one of my daughters came out of something and when she got free she said I know I have to get this away from me she said and I want to bring this to you as a sign that that thing that I was broken into as a sign of you that God has pulled me out and I'm absolutely free I got to get it out of my house I took my ring off that I had because I lost my original ring and I wear this ring as a sign that Gaza deliverer I took what the enemy tried to kill my daughter with and I rare if we pay of my life to show the temple that God is not playing with you and that I mean business were taking it I keep it as balls out of the enemy spent y'all just such a reminder I got you four and I don't have to condemn her for her to give free preach the gospel and create an atmosphere of freedom comes all right how do they come out I'm so happy you asked are you learning by Jesus authority okay no one gets free by screaming yelling doesn't make it simple do anything okay remember never mess around trying to get the devil out gotta come out after they got tired of like Jesus we have a hard time bro we can't get these Devils out for nothing these kind come out by prayer what we just finished doing my fasting y'all don't want this to upgrade [Applause] but it's done by Jesus Authority give you a scripture Matthew chapter 2 in verse 1 I know I'm taking my time but this is good okay just hold your peace Matthew chapter 10 verse 1 let's look at it this we're gonna read together Matthew chapter 10 verse 1 that's a really nice graphic guys good job Bible says and he had called his twelve disciples to him and he gave them power over what y'all don't be bashful over what y'all to do what Lord and to heal all kinds of sickness in all kinds of disease Jesus has the authority he gives the authority to you so I say Jesus has the authority he gives the authority to you let's go back to our text let's go back to Matthew chapter eight and we're gonna park for a second at verse number 30 okay verse number 30 and the Bible says now a good way off from there there was a herd of many swine so the demons begged him saying if you cast us out permit us to go away into the herd of swine let me say this Jesus if you really study the scripture never say anything to the demons before they called him Jesus was actually going on a walk I really want you to pay attention to this he was just walking he was just walking what did they recognize not his voice is a four it when he was walking he will Authority he doesn't have to be spoken with authority when you carry it Eukarya you don't have to throw your authority around Jesus is walking minding his business and they scream out say hey why are you trying to cast us out before a stop like what is going on bro it's just like listen I wouldn't pay you no attention but since you called my name come on out of there so if I were said in verse 32 he said to them go that word go is a word who buy gold who Paco and this is what it means it means to be led away under someone's authority that's the greek word it means to be led away by someone's authority so when Jesus said go under his authority he was commanding it to be led out of that individual to the place where he commanded it to go so when they had what come out so when they what come on say it again so when they want when they came out they they went into the herd of swine and suddenly the whole herd of swine violently when Trant violently down the steep place into the sea and perished into the water another scripture let's go Matthew 21 verse 12 we're almost done thank you Matthew 21 verse 12 and Jesus went into the temple of God this is really a beautiful picture I'm explaining to you in a minute some of you wouldn't think that this is deliverance but it is pay attention Jesus went into the temple of God he went in there Bible talks about how Jesus came here and was upset why the house was out of order I wish I had time the house was out of order and people were doing things in that house that he had not ordained please pay attention there was activity in that house that Jesus had not ordained so when Jesus came in he became furious and he began to flip tables and throw stuff were you trying to say apostle I'm telling you today when Jesus walked in this building he became furious why because there was stuff that the enemy tried to place inside of your house that don't belong y'all don't want this ah the anger of the Lord is not always bad ha ha I need the line of Judah to roar up against the enemy that's trying to take me when Jesus walked in the building the days and I see my son and my daughter but I also see that activity the hill is trying to pull inside of a house so Jesus came in the room to flip some tables see the stamen a woman applies he tears she does came in a woman to move some stuff allowed [Music] toads are I was going to team shop so came in Jesus went into the temple of God he drove out someone say drove out the Greek word for drove out is the word ik below e ke b al l o and below which means to cast out to drive out to expel cast out to drive out or to expel first number 13 and he said to them it is written my house I have a designation for my house no you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost I have a plan for this house I wish somebody would rock with me in there today I got a plan for this house in and this house is not the designation that you decided this designation would be this house is not the idea but you thought it would be this house will not end up the way that you thought it would be but Allah says I'm going to allow my will in my plan for this house to live this house shall be all but you tried to turn it into a dinner thieves I heard the Lord say I'm about to take my designation back that's what I thought Oh lastly I'm out of here deliverance is an expression of God's mercy and compassion did you understand that delivers is an expression of God's love it is not an idea of God's hatred or anger for you is an expression of God's love Luke chapter 1 verse 68 I don't have time read it for yourself to verse number 37 it's all speaking about how merciful God is how loving he is and how he takes us out of the hand of our enemies Psalms 136 verse 1 I will read that it says oh good thanks to the Lord for he is good for his mercy his mercy endures forever that whole chapter all you hear over and over and over every verse of Psalm 136 his mercy and do it fast his mercy endures Sam its mercy endures forever what I can tell you is that that devil that's trying to hold on to you is not going to have you favor I know you try to make you feel like you're going to be stuck up that is actually the difference is this mercy endures faith and because his mercy endures forever I can walk in freedom because his mercy endures forever I can walk in holiness and because his mercy endures forever I can walk in the ladies the sign for me right Isaiah 58 verse six doctors who get preached it is it's not the fast I have chosen to loose the binds of the wicked to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free and to break every yoke this is that fast when you receive deliverance play something softly well you receive deliverance cold eggs be gonna happen I'm gonna be to pray in a minute what's gonna happen in the room and that some of you will begin to have certain kinds of manifestations what do you mean some of you some of you'll begin to cry some y'all being ill some of you the whole time I've been teaching on deliverance you've been yawning very strongly oh you had a whole night to sleep I'll explain it in a minute some of you you've been caught something started coughing this these are signs of manifestations when you study the scriptures when the Bible uses the word spirit is always it's oftentimes connected to air or breath and in the Old Testament it was nestled in the New Testament Numa the word spirit means breath scriptures also show us that in John 20 and verse 22 that this can be breathe in we believe so strongly that the spirit of the evil one can be breathe out you're going to hear me throughout this time of deliverance beginning to tell you to take a deep breath and release what the enemy's trying to hold on to you Micah chapter 2 verse 13 last Scripture the one who breaks open will come up before them they will break out pass through the gate and go out by it their king will pass before them with the Lord at their head the breaker is here and he's about to release break through to your life today I've laid enough doubt to know information you need more call me at the office I'll email you something what's about to happen here is that the Lord is about to help you walk in freedom how's this work you just need to acquiesce to the Spirit of God you don't have to work by trying to pray a whole bunch of stuff just receive in a minute I'm going to begin to address certain spiritual forces some of your getting free already we gonna address certain spiritual forces and whether I call was connected to your soul or not if you know you got something in there they don't belong there baby just take a deep breath and ask the Lord bring that about in me today I'm letting it go how many people really want freedom I'm just trying to check the room real quick okay
Channel: All Nations San Bernardino
Views: 2,072
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: All Nations San Bernardino, All Nations, Sherman Dumas, Jaquet Dumas, Pastor, Apostle, Delvierance, Five-fold, Prophecy, Inland Empire, Inland Empire Church
Id: T5iRRIeOGy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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