Keep That Same Energy | Breakthrough | Dr. Jaquet Dumas

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if you would put up for me Matthew twelve and forty three apostles start at this scripture last week this is where we're gonna pick up this week if any of you have been with us the entire month we've been talking about breakthrough and how many really like you can like lists what you've received breakthrough in and so we are so excited about where we are as a body but how many of you know that there's a such thing as getting breakthrough and then losing it sometimes all of the momentum that we're able to gain and pick up a lot of times if we don't steward it correctly we'll find ourselves right back where we were and so we've done a well as a church to offer deliverance we've done well as a church to administer mass deliverance and to talk about breakthrough and to preach you into that place but we have not yet seen the sustained breakthrough as a promise that God has given to us and so we said this time it would be different and it will be because we are going to be intentional not just about that glimmer of hope but about making it stick and so I want you to take notes today and if you're not a note-taker you need to commit to going back to the app and listening to these steps I want you to become focused and look for yourself in the message aladdin's we don't look for ourself in the message we're like that message is great but you don't look for yourself in it so as you hear this message today I literally want you to look for yourself and it may be in something that I say but it may not be in something I say it may be something I say that triggers Holy Spirit to say something specific to you so you need to be open to that you're gonna have to listen to both today so you'll listen to what God gave me for the body but you also will listen as Holy Spirit will tailor this message specifically for you he'll do it but you have to be open to listening to it okay and so Matthew 12 and 43 it says now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man it passes through waterless places seeking rest and does not find it then he says I will return to my house from which I came and when it comes it finds it unoccupied swept and put in order then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself and they go in and live there and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first this is why we get this sense of not even wanting to dealt into breakthrough and not even wanting to uncover things but cuz it seems like things just get so messy after that Jessica and I were watching this this awful show that one of her co-workers had suggested and thank you for the band it's called tidying up or something like that and I mean just terrible she she is she talking to the house and stuff I was like okay alright but one of the things that they pointed out and if you've ever done like a deep cleaning of your home you realize that things will get Messier before they actually look better and so you feel like I've done all of this work hours and hours and days and days of work and before you know it you can become so exhausted that you just want to take everything put it back in the closet and close the door because at least in that case you were actually ready for company you know what I mean and our Spirit has we're cleaning our our house our body as the house on something sometimes we will fall into that where we just don't want to do the work anymore because it's like wow now that I've gotten deliverance from this and I've uncovered this it seems like this is coming up and this is coming up and then now I'm also dealing with embarrassment of it coming up and then it seems like as soon as I got deliverance from it I ran into this person and there are all these things that start to happen but it's part of the process and so maintaining our deliverance the only way that we won't maintain it or sustain it is if we leave the house uh knock you PI it says that everything was swept everything was in order but it gave this sense or this idea that now this was vacant and ready to be filled whether it's intentional or not your house this body needs to remain filled because that's the way that the body operates now what you feel it with is your choice and you have to be intentional about it when the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt we may think that that was the hardest part but it was not the hardest part was changing their state of mind because long after they were actually delivered out of the hand of Egypt the mental bondage that they were in was almost worse than physically being in that place and so for many of us we received deliverance but then the mental torment came after that the greatest tool for sustaining your deliverance is hope we believe in faith we read about faith we declare in faith but your faith must be tested your faith must go to trial when Moses was leading the people in the Red Sea there was a trial an entire courtroom that was established before they entered into that Red Sea and they had to make a decision at this time if their faith could stand the trial because they could not see what was on the other side and it appeared as though they were going to be swallowed up but they had to step out in faith for many of us when our faith is tested we take that as a lack of faith but you cannot take a test unless there's content that has been presented and so without content there will be no test and so if you didn't have faith then your faith would not be being tested and so the presence of a test means it's go time that means it's show time and the show is going to be in his favor and it says in the Bible that there shall be a performance and the performance is going to be on your behalf and so don't get scared of the stage don't get stared of the lights because of the performance it's for his glory if you don't let his glory have a stage then you are taking away from the testimony and the display of what he wants to do through your life I possible talk to us about doors and how spirits come through and these doors heating get into the windows but you know we will keep the conversation going so focus on the doors some people I find our you know super cautious and it's great you know sometimes I locked the door and sometimes I don't you know you know it's probably a bad habit but it's true other people you go to their house knock on the door take some five minutes to open the door why cuz they got like the chain they got the deadblow they got the light the twisty one but then they got the knob too and then they got the little kickstand at the bottom you are me and so it's like they got all that you know they are ready for what would come to their door for many of us we clean house but we leave the door open nobody is going to sweep their house on a windy day and leave the door wide open we wouldn't even leave the door cracked because even if you leave the door cracked then it's possible that it will easily just fly open with the wind so some of us the door is open some of us a door is cracked and for some of us the door is closed but you like me you didn't like it we got to make sure that we close the door what does close the door mean well when we look in the word it talks about separating yourself from the accursed thing if we know how spirits gain their entrance then we have to be on guard and so you learned last week about how it got there and so now that you're aware about how it got there you have to be religious in the deadbolt the chain the super lock the kickstand at the bottom and even the the low when we lived in Tulsa we have the little beanie bag that went all the way across so you didn't get the draft your arms saying yeah like a little beanie bag because you just want to be sure that wasn't nothing coming up under that door so what does that look like separating yourself from the accursed thing you have to steer away from anything that looks like what you came out of and we as believers we you know it's funny because we're not really that compassionate but all of a sudden when it comes to playing with the devil we get real compassionate so now you like so worried about the people you left behind and you're like so worried about the people who are stuck in that you just feel so called to them no no no you are two seconds out of it let somebody else have compassion for them [Music] [Applause] trust me God is a good God he is a great guy we are all his children he's going to send somebody for them too so let your compassion work on yourself first look at your family line and all the cycles you've been stuck in for the last 25 35 45 years and have compassion and mercy on yourself [Music] in in Joshua's case we see the story of Joshua and the fact that they were commanded in Joshua not to take any of the enemy's goods they were commanded not to take any of them then we see an another case arm where the lepers they were commanded to take just necessities and they were not supposed to take an excess of it and so the the directions were slightly different there but steerer there were directions for many of us we want the benefits of sin but we want to live a life rid of sin but we like the attention of sin we like the money that comes with sin we like the comfort that comes with sin and so it's not really a problem getting rid of the sin you don't know how to deal with the spoils of the sin and so forth you some of you the directions are take your hands off the spoil I don't care if y'all bought a car together I don't care if you bought a house together I don't care if your savings accounts are together whoa wait give it up walk away from the car walk away from the connections walk away from the platform walk away from the door because you are leaving the door open for it to come back into your life you have to properly deal with the spoils when God delivers you and you obtain victory in every area of your life you have to have an ear to hear the instructions he will never clean your house and not tell you the next steps he will always tell you the next steps now whether you ignore them or not that is up to you you must be committed to break old ties soul ties any ties one of the first things that you need to do after you receive deliverance is clean out your phone and clean up your social media delete every trace of the text and then block it so that you're not tempted when it comes up again and I know that's extreme and funny story when Jesus went to the cross that was pretty extreme too so I think we just serve an extreme God yeah when I look at my life and the blessings and the deliverance that he's given me yeah he's pretty extreme and so if you think that these directions are extreme you're probably right you think these are wrenches are a little piratical you're probably right just go with it that's God for some of you you have to move after the deliverance session move like literally pack your bags and move you think if you go back that you wouldn't be able to get out don't go back leave the clothes you'll get more leave the stuff you'll get more for some of you you need to start looking for a new job because part of what you got delivered from is house and where you work every single day and so you need to literally start looking for a new job start now and if you think that it would be too fun too much financial hardship on yourself guess what it's time to trust God if you are running for sake of your deliverance you will always be covered you will remain covered he will never have you be delivered from something and then still depend on it it is a false a sense of dependence but it pays for my phone go without give back the spoils second Corinthians five and 17 is not generally I'm used as a deliverance scripture but it says old things are passed away and behold all things have become new that's a deliverance scripture that's a deliverance scripture because what it means is you can't have the old man and the new man at the same time that's called being a player you can't have the old man and the new man at the same time we don't bring your old man on a date with your new man because that's just awkward [Music] [Applause] but some of y'all win last week and told the old man that he could stay and live in the house even though you got a new man and you want your old man on the council you want your new man sitting in the chair you're just sitting in the middle looking stupid [Applause] and you can't figure out where this old man won't get up show house but you say they can live with the new man so eventually one of them man is gonna move out guess what it's gonna be your new man because that old man has rights but a new man still has to earn his rights but the old man got a stronghold for you because the old man got history with you so you think the new man just gonna take over thought man still there oh no he don't say you can ever you can have our money because old things have passed away and behold all things have become new [Music] you can't keep both baby you can't keep both you can't you can't have both you gotta get rid of the old man oh you don't even know this new man but it's gonna be alright because God gave you this new man and so it's okay you don't have to fall back to familiar places and familiar spaces just because it's comfortable to you just trust them in the new man so we got to close all the doors we got to lock them tight we gotta buy a deadbolt don't let them slip no notes under there don't let them send you messages through friends and if the old man sends a message through a friend that friend becomes our old friend because anybody who the old man has access to it's part of the old season and so baby I'm sorry but you gotta go to the room I broke up with him but I'm breaking up with you too because anybody that is leading a crack open to the old man is part of the old season and so behold all things have become new old things they've all passed away I don't care if I'm related to the whole thing I don't care if I'm childhood friends with my own feet I don't care if the whole thing made me money the whole thing gave me stages I don't care the whole thing gave me only things have passed away and behold we got to make sure that as we close at the door that we buy new furniture you you can't sit on the same furniture so now you got to feel the house it says that he they came back to the house and he was scoping it out because there probably was a shade or a window or a door open because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to see what was going on in there but he got a little crack and he got a little glimpse of what was going on in there he's like oh they cleaned up neighborhood I'm in here they cleaned up but they soon and start praying they cleaned up but now he just got idle time oh they cleaned up but they still don't read the work they cleaned up but they still don't worship you always so you free Arden or not or oh you just freed up space but you're not really free you just made room because before I was in here with a bunch of stuff before I was in here with a bunch of mixture but now it's not just room for me but it's room for me and my friends you have to fill the empty house being Christ Center means that Christ must be central in your mind meditate on him daily you don't know what to meditate on pull out your Bible pull up your phone and the next time it comes up again feel the space you don't have room to get deliverance and then free time on your hands trust me it's a trap because what he'll make us do is we feel like we clean out the house so we got rid of the old friends we got rid of the old tapes the music what we spent our time do we got rid of all that stuff and so now we end up with this void this huge void because now I'm not talking to them on the phone now I'm not going that place now I'm not spending my time doing that stuff and so there's this isolation yes that comes with deliverance isolation is an unexpected consequence of deliverance loneliness is an unexpected consequence of deliverance which is why you must feel it so you guard your thought life watch what you meditate on you are only as delivered as you think you are the minute you've been to begin to question your deliverance you are slowly slipping back to where you were you must guard your thought life you must learn to get louder than the enemy I told my kids I was going to start a line of t-shirts called things my grandma used to say my grandma was hilarious so then when I started thinking of some of the sayings and stuff like that I was like well no the t-shirt line will be half way inappropriate I was like man you can really culturally inappropriate just a couple of things so you know I'm like now you probably won't do a t-shirt line but one thing my grandma used to say was the devil is a lie and it was just like it was so silly to me I'm like what are you talking about like the devil gee I mean she just said out of nowhere like the devil is a lie I mean we like get loud we don't go down Fernet the devil is a lie we run a'right the devil is alive we break something that devil is a lie I mean no matter what the TV wasn't working the devil is alive she can't find her Bible the devil is alive but what she was doing she was combating the voices in her head she was combating the voices that come with circumstances and so when she saw something that came against what she wanted to see and what she called and she let him lie we let him live because see there's only you know I know I love several Liars but the funny thing is about Liars is the reason why they keep lying it's because nobody calls them out on being a liar and so we let them lie but we don't say nothing we laugh it off we talk about them behind a bag we blow it off we roll our eyes you know out of me and we just get really passive with Liars but the more you let them lie the more they will lie and then their word becomes established above the word that you're declaring out of your mouth and so lets you lose the fight you better learn it open up your mouth and say the devil is a liar the table is alive the devil is alive he try to tell you you're not delivered tell them the devil and so we studied the scriptures and so sometimes you don't know what Scripture so you just have to say the devil is alive but as you learn the scriptures then you begin to combat him with the scriptures that come against the thing that he's trying to make you feel so when he tries to make you feel lonely then you come against him with the scripture that says I know that he will never leave me nor forsake me the devil is alive the temple is alive because he said he would never leave me the double years a lot because I make try to make you codependent and so as you regularly read his word Joshua one-in-eight says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it and so it's not just a meditation but it's the declaration so it's on your mouth it is in your mind and you are meditating on it day and night which this idea of having morning devotion or night devotion is unbiblical the idea of choosing one time of your 24 hours that you will dedicate to the Lord is unbiblical and so when you choose the day that he attacks you in the night when you choose the night he attacks you in the day and so what he says is never get off the wall forever be declaring and opening up your mouth with truth of God and who he is and what he's promised you and so the word meditate means to murmur to speak in an undertone and so your murmuring it and you're just saying it you're saying it over and over and you're declaring the fruits of the Spirit and they're getting on your nerves and you sing love is kind love is patient love is long-suffering and I know you see me moving my mouth but I'm not gonna say nothing to you I'm just gonna murder over here in the spirit and I'm just gonna say that God is deliver and I see you right here working right here and I see that I lost my job but I'm just gonna keep murdering over here he's a provider he's a provider he is the one that will not lead me out there he is a resourceful con that's who he is and I just find me a good corner I find me a good wall and I just start murmuring to myself and I just start meditating on the word and I just started declaring who he is or what he's being he's giving me the power he's giving me a love and a sound mind he's giving me a sign I know I look like I'm going crazy but he's giving me a sound mind he's giving giving me a sound mind and I'm just seeing it over and over and I appreciate you report doctor but he's given me a sound mind he's given me a sound mind he's given me a sound mind I appreciate your report doctor but by His stripes I am healed by His stripes I am healed by His stripes I am healed and because of his stripes I'm healed I'm healed I'm healed I'm ill and I appreciate your report and I'm sorry you wasted your paper but by His stripes I am healed by your stripes I am healed I'm healed I am healed I'm healed and sure I'll take the rehab appointment but I'm going to show up and they're not going to have nothing to rehab because I'm here and I'm healed I'm healed I am here and so you murmur and meditate the problem is we say it once and decide it doesn't work you know how many people have actually talked to that say their prayer worship and reading the word doesn't work I'm not talking about people outside I'm talking about people in the church 80% I will ask them absolutely I asked him about their devotion life because any time I sit down with somebody a counseling situation anything like that I asked him about their devotion life and I have had 80% of these people and I tried to talk him off the ledge and I'm you know maybe bring him down to about 40% we see how we can polish that devotion but I have people time and time again tell me it doesn't work they say I have been listened he be lying he be lying and then they say yeah I've been praying and it just it just won't it just won't live it just it just won't live but what you're doing is you're establishing the work of the enemy above establishing the work and the Word of God because he said that I could put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and so that means that if I wake up feeling depressed I don't to fall to putting the colours under my head but I do that to lifting up my hands I dance but has been empty we have to become filled with the Holy Spirit and being filled its dependent on faith and not your feelings I don't care if you feel delivered only the devil cares if you feel delivered because if you can start focusing on not feeling delivered then the meditation of your heart and mine will push you in the space of not being delivered and so I don't care if you cried I don't care if you fell out I don't care if you scream if your declaration is that you are delivered then that is your rights that is your bread that is what you are do that is part of being a child of God you are delivered do you think Jesus felt high in the Garden of Gethsemane do you think he felt delivered you think he felt great you think he felt like speaking in tongues you think he felt like running around this room no because feelings have absolutely nothing to do with it so when he was in that garden all he could do was declare the word and his test wasn't even over for some of us we're at least on the other side of it and we still are dependent on our feelings trust me your feelings are not loyal your emotions are not loyal they change with the wind this is how you got in the position that you are in you cannot trust your feelings you cannot trust your feelings that's what the word is declaring to you tell your feelings to go to hell tell your feelings to go to hell I don't care if you don't feel delivered the declaration of God over your life it's that you are free and free indeed that you are free and free indeed we don't never have to go back to the accursed thing why because that is his promise but you must allow Holy Spirit to control your life every single part of you Romans 12 says Romans 12 and one says I urge you therefore brother by what by the mercies of God that you do what that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God as long as you keep presenting as long as you keep showing up as long as you keep getting in his face as long as you keep this connection as long as you stay your posture you never have to depend on feelings it says which is your reasonable service of worship we come to worship but we don't realize that your reasonable service of worship was to present your whole body sessions of worship they don't have to include songs but they do have to include the presenting of your body they don't have to include a fast song they don't have to include a slow song but they do have to include the presenting of your body which is what only unacceptable that means what you have to be set apart it says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that's getting rid of that whole men that you may prove what is the good and acceptable perfect will of God it is his will that you are delivered it is his plan that you remain delivered we have to become alert to the enemy's tactics people think that when the devil speaks to them there's something wrong with them no no when the devil speaks to you it's something right with you you think the presence of the enemy can discredit who you are and the plan that he has for you in life robbers don't show up to banks that have no money and if he has come to steal to kill and to destroy well then the indication there is that you got something worth stealing that you've got something worth killing that you've got something worth destroying and so to look at yourself and look at what you don't have because the enemy is talking and ever prison but you declare that I have what He desires I have something worth stealing I am something worth killing I am something worth destroying one of the favorite things that the enemy likes to do is play the condemnation game and it's a game because see he'll come and he'll condemn you for something then you'll feel so bad about it that you'll slip back into that or into a new habit and the door that is open is condemnation and so it works kind of stupid because if when he begins to condemn you you confess your deliverance by faith and not feelings that's called taking responsibility for your deliverance we've been irresponsibly delivered because we say if we didn't get delivered I've heard people say it and I don't have no stats on this one but I have heard it a lot I've heard people say it that the deliverance didn't work that the session didn't work now we did it all together in the same room it went one on one so it didn't work it's a lie and so the way that you combat that is to make sure that you confess it James 4 and 7 says therefore submit yourself to God resist the devil and what is he gonna do believe it says draw near to God and what is he gonna do draw near to you it then says cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your heart you double minded if you don't think you a sinner deliverance is probably not for you because you're the kind of center that's just not even ready and you don't think you've been double minded or has seasons a double minded then it's just probably not for you because you have to follow the directions of the commands that he's actually giving you and so you have to have something to submit you don't have any sin you don't have any ill thoughts you don't have anything to submit what are you going to come up under and so you're submitting those things and then you use the name of Jesus repeat after me all condemnation comes from Satan I will never believe him I have been cleansed by the blood and through the name of Jesus Christ I am blood protected I am blood protected therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit now do you feel delivered in their mind I don't care only the enemy cares you've made the Declaration and all you had to do what say the password we hear people say things like the devil is not playing with you and he's not but we take that as a fearful thing but you should be empowered by that when we say the devil is not playing with you that should make you alert in the spirit so don't run from the fight just be ready for the fight when I was in Middle School there was a such thing as a planned fight and then there was the on-the-spot flight up fights and so with the planned fights you would dress a certain way when you came to school that day because you knew they was going to be a fight with the planned fights they would take the earrings off because they knew it was about to be a fight and so they didn't play games and they may took the hair time and then they put the hair up because we don't want to lose no edges and so it was a plaintiff later then they planned FISA take your jewelry and accessories Oh dress for the occasion baby cause it's about to be a fight [Applause] I wasn't you know I wasn't a fighter I was a lover not a fighter I was I was like a little too pretty to fight don't get my face messed up you don't have me but for my friends that were fighters and came from a long line of fighters their mothers would tell them things like you can fight too huh but you better win you can fight but you better win I came to tell you that's the kind of daddy we gotta fight you better win and at the end of the day you may come out with scars and you may come out with a little damage and you may come out with a little rip but the first question your friend ask you is what did you win [Music] [Applause] we are entering into a season of winning don't be distracted by the fire it's gonna be a fight but the difference is that this time you're gonna win and so as soon as you feel a fight coming as soon as you feel like things are getting tense things are getting hot things keep coming against your eye gates they keep coming against your ear gates you keep finding yourself in the middle of the night thinking about it again you keep finding yourself in these close to situations or you feel like proximity then you need to open your eyes and realize that you are coming upon a battle that the battle is coming and so you need to get your weapons ready that means you start to study really really hard on whatever it is that's coming against you you have to start writing the things down you have to start rehearsing them record them even if you have to declare it in a strong season and then listen back to it in a weak season because there are certain seasons where it's hard for you to even open your mouth so whenever you're feeling strong recorded and then play it back to yourself make sure that you start to shut the door because the enemy he's going to knock and he's gonna knock really hard one of the things at school when we do fire drills we put a kid outside the door and we make the kid knocking beg the teacher to let them in but the way that we have trained them is no matter what's happening outside the door you have to protect what's inside the room and so even if you hear a little baby in the hallway a little kindergartner he's knocking and he's saying let me in let me in me in in emergency situations we found that the enemy or the gunman he will take one of the kids and he will use it as a ploy to get the door open and then when the door is open then he comes in and he takes everything in the room doesn't matter knocks on the door don't open the door I don't care who's knocking on the door don't open the door the enemy is a tempter he's a tempter that's what he does anybody know a flirt in high school you may have been the flirt whatever it's okay it's all good like this it's all love you know I mean you was the flirt you knew a flirt it's just all together you know what I mean that's the enemy and he's tempted he's like a dangler in front of the eyes he's a whisperer in the night he likes to get all up in your ear make you feel all warm and cozy and what he's doing is he is tempting you and the more anointed you are the stronger the temptation is so we allow temptation if make us feel like we don't have the oil but the fact that the temptation is there means you drip and baby you trip to heaven we trip and baby you trip you trip and baby you tripping yeah because you've got the goods and you must always default to the truth you must always default to the truth so they tell you that you're cursed no you declare that I am blessed you default to the truth you don't default to what it looks like you don't default to what you feel like but you default to the truth and who is the truth he is the truth he is the way and the truth you have to cultivate right relationships to areas of a relationship and we got to get this teaching because we're not letting our deliverance go this time to two areas of relationship one is fellowship and one is leadership okay and so in the area of fellowship you got to have your roots run deep so that means I don't care what has happened one to another you sit in this section he sit in that section I don't care but you do not allow anything to come against the fellowship or make you forsake the gathering of the Brethren because that is one of the tools that he has given you to maintain your deliverance so even right now if you are in this place and you have unforgiveness you have offense you have hurt anything like that lift up your hands and let it go everybody lift up your hands together that way nobody feels singled out ask for forgiveness right now I don't care where it's from I don't care if the persons here I don't care if they're gone but if you have any old fence with anybody in the body of Christ I don't care if they go to another Church I'm talking about let it go right now pass pastors pass leaders pass worship leaders pass people you used to serve with you got to let that stuff go because you will not be able to cultivate the right relationships with that still on your heart let it go because you thought you got delivered but you left this unforgiveness door open so everything you got rid of it has a back door this is the back door shut it shut the back door right now ask for forgiveness let it go but they deserve to be found out it doesn't matter let God give them what they deserve not you it will not be at your hand because it will cost you your deliverance it's gonna cost you your deliverance it's not worth it nobody knows how bad in her I don't care it like is it worth your whole deliverance and so we declare forgiveness in this room forgiveness among the body and its believers every joint will supply you have commanded us to love one another and that that's the way that we shall be known the church is not known at the level where it needs to be known because what's supposed to testify is not in place yet and so we pray an increase in love walk in the body right now in the name of Jesus it says a new commandment I give to you that you love one another even as I have loved you that you love one another and by this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another john 13 and 34 we love because we are commanded to not because we feel like it you don't love because you like the people at church you don't love because you like the people you serve with you don't love because you like your pastor but you love because you have been commanded to do so you have to remain in fellowship you have to remain in connectivity and here's the other side of it do not discuss your deliverance with people who do not believe in the deliverance ministry that's like opening up the door for a criminal inviting him to come in and have a conversation with him there's nothing for us to discuss do not talk to people about your deliverance that do not believe in the ministry of deliverance I didn't say who don't believe in this ministry I said who do not believe in the ministry of deliverance I'm not saying you can only talk to people here who do not believe in the ministry of deliverance don't even discuss it with them it's a seeping open door they will be the first one to bring up anytime you fall back or anytime temptation is present because you gave them access they're not operating outside of there right the conversation that you have with them grants them access it says in the body do not be deceived in the Bible 1st Corinthians 15 and 33 do not be deceived evil company corrupts good habits loyalty good times longevity godparents of your children is not worth your deliverance do not be deceived you know why that part is there because people will be deceived into thinking that bad company doesn't corrupt but it says evil company corrupts good habits and it's a evil interaction you don't have to go in a house and a tunnel not speak to anybody but having company is different than having acquaintance when you was having company to the house what did you do you open the door you let him come in when you was acquaintance we saw you in the street we said hey but Albany y'all know everybody can come to the house your RV so let's talk about having company with them the second area that right relationship is leadership and covering it says any features that God gave gifts to these officers of the body for the equipping of the Saints that's where you're equipping is the enemy would not like anything better than to bring strife between you and your leader the enemy would not like anything better to them to bring offense between you and your leader this is why people will have offense with leaders and the people that are over them that they can't even explain and I've heard people say it before I don't know what it is it's just it's the enemy it'll make you act out on something you can't even explain it'll make you believe something that you can't even pinpoint examples of or when you say it out of your mouth it doesn't make sense to anybody except for you because he's bringing strife between you and you're covering it says that the enemy he's that he's out there roaring seeking who him he can devour you know the easiest little sheep for him to devour is the one that's often isolation because if you're not flocked up you're more susceptible if you walk on the outskirts of being in the body so when the herd moves you're moving but you're really over here really distant that's what he's seeking to devour you got to stop being on that outskirts of the flock and be in know the tactic of the enemy repeat after me correction is my daily dose of love I love the rod of judgment I love the rod of judgment I receive it from God I receive it from my leaders and I receive it from my peers that are actively following Christ I break covenant with offense rejection and pride those who love me chasing me those who aid me in around hate me if they won't kick you or tell you you're going the wrong way they hate you they may hate you on purpose they may hate you on accident but it doesn't matter haters hate baby and if you never receive correction from them or an individual they do not love you because that is biblical love obey your leaders Hebrew 13 says and it's not about me but it's about you for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account let them do this with joy and not with grief for this would be unprofitable for you don't you bring strife into it not for their sake they'll most likely be covered I got a strong front line I'm feeling real covered these days but the Bible says it would be unprofitable for you so we gotta walk in humility and we got to keep cleaning we clean the house on Saturdays every Saturday Saturday every week Saturday comes if we happen to have something to outside the house the kids cheer cuz I know they gonna get out of it maybe for a day or two but don't be so immature to think that cleaning your house one time is enough depending on how many people live there or have lived there listen says the person with all the kids you are mean cuz the more people we get in this house it seems like laundry I mean [Music] so depending on call depending on what got cleaned out of that day you have to stay humble and keep cleaning don't be discouraged cuz you still gotta clean don't feel bad because now you see something else it's just that a strong man may been standing in the way and now you see all these other little things guess what it's gonna be easier this time around and you just gonna keep cleaning and you just gonna keep cleaning and you're gonna be grateful that you have a house a body that can be cleaned I thank God for having a house to clean but pride will tell you that you're good now right we'll tell you you don't have to have it every time I will tell you there's no prevalent sin I mean you're not like actively doing anything yeah you are you walking a bride there will always be something which is why you remain low pride will tell you you're exempt from the rule pride will tell you that you could stand in front of fire and not get burned I will even tell you about a Bible story where they stood in the fire and didn't get burned it will try to tell you but there's a difference when you putting yourself in the fire and God putting you in the fire you put yourself in that fire you will be burned baby you are not fireproof and so you remain low God opposes the proud and he tells us that he is a vine we are the branches and that if you remain in him and you can't like get the deliverance and they move on you got to remain in him then you bear much fruit there is fruit coming on the other side of this deliverance but you got to realize that very last part he says for without me you can do nothing some of us we haven't sustained our deliverance because we thought we got it in and our ourselves I mean we was proud to like mmm I fasted 21 days I got rid of all these Devils I am proud it's the first fast I ever didn't stay committed to well I fell off a couple of days but I overall stayed committed but probably making you make you feel like you earned it or that you did something you may room for it but it was by his mighty hand the last thing I want you to declare I am progressing I am NOT going back I am becoming freer and freer not more about I am walking in the light and yielding to the Holy Spirit evil spirits are not coming back by my faith and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit other spirits within me now are being stirred up are being aggravated are being driven out because now their time has come I will not walk in fear I will not walk in timidity for as I was free the first time I will be free again [Music] [Applause] we bless your name Jesus we thank you because you are the deliverer we thank you because you don't lie we thank you because you said that freedom with ours and that freedom and liberty can be found in you and we take hold of freedom we take hold of freedom we take our liberty in the spirit and we declare that we are free and free indeed we are free and free indeed there is no tablet that has power over us while purpose is secure our purpose is secure we bless your name Jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on and just put praise put a seal on it but your praise just put a seal on it with your pray you
Channel: All Nations San Bernardino
Views: 906
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TykQuCqxxOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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