Follow The Voice | Focus | Sherman Dumas

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I want you to keep her expectation high for whatever God would do for you today because at any moment God can do whatever he pleases touches whoever he touch and God is not a God to just be read about or just to hear about God is a God to be experienced and if you fix your heart in the right position the pages of the Bible can come to life in one experience and I feel like today is one of those moments where God's or your faith is about to meet God's ability I said something that your faith is about to meet God's ability that when you raise your faith at a level where you're expecting for God's ability to be manifested in and around you tell somebody we're in that moment right now we're in that moment right now hallelujah hallelujah get your Bibles Deuteronomy the 28th chapter I will end the first verse Deuteronomy 28 and verse 1 let's thank God for our co pastor dr. Jeanette [Music] we can do better than that let's honor the woman are gone [Music] she and so many others have been working very hard the past seven or so days to at least get us where we could have Church in here and and I am so grateful for the hard work that everyone who has served at any level has done too for such a quick turnaround and for us to be able to come here and just start where we are and then progress for it I have the word of the Lord for you are you ready for it Deuteronomy 28 and verse 1 the Bible says now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of your God to observe carefully all his commandments which I command you today that the Lord your God will set you high above the nations of the earth and all these blessings I love this part so come upon you and overtake you I'll get to that later because you obey the voice of the Lord your God I want a minister a message in this new series this message entitled follow the voice follow the voice thank you all so much we're in a new series today called focus and it's all about preparing us to move into laser focus in our life as we step into this last month of the year God wants you to be prepared as you step into 2019 you cannot step into 2019 treating it just like any other year if you treat 2019 like you treated 2018 you're not going to get the most out of this new year sad to say sometimes we wait - December 30th to 31st to start preparing for January but God wants to bring you to erase your distractions and to restore your focus to you now only to you gonna admit it right now but some of us have been very distracted the enemy has done his best to try to get our attention taken all kinds of places to get us looking at that this and the other and oftentimes we have forgotten about the main thing we forgotten about whatever God has focused us here whatever his plan was because distractions are real but here's the truth about distraction for taking those write this down if you're not taking notes here's the thing about distractions distractions are only distractions if you allow them to be Rockets like the scriptures say like the weapon can be fun but it doesn't have to prosper so just because the distraction is standing in front of me doesn't mean that I have to get that distraction like attention I decide where I give my focus you understanding that I decide where I get my focus my mama don't decide cussing them don't decide president drop don't decide don't nobody decide well I'm gonna put my focus but my own so I wish I had a church in here today my wheel my own emotions my own intellect the enemy and nobody else around me besides what I do with my focus I am NOT a weakling just living this life just flowing from place to place I have the ability to take control of my life let me tell you something you are not a pawn in a game God is not just moving pieces around in your life life is not happening to you you gotta happen to life you gotta make a decision that I'm going to regain my focus and I will complete with God well you already preached it thank you sir I will complete whatever God is ordained for me to complete yesterday are you getting this take it where God wants us to go and receive what he wants us to receive we've got to be tuned in to the right voice a child's voice can be recognized often times by like a piping sound sometimes come on you know the kids start making noise like a high pitch like you don't say you can you can be able to hear a child sometimes and you will recognize that that's a child and not a mature voice every voice has a sound to it education has a sound to it hello that's what some of you try to lie like you're not agitated but we can hear it in your in your voice happiness has a sound are you understanding me you cannot walk around talking about I am happy we don't believe you man what happiness has a sound and you can determine that thing by a sound are you getting this today excitement can be discerned by a sound a human or an animal is known by the sound of their voice however the howling wind the murmur of the forest and even the roar of the sea has a voice when the wind begins to blow at a certain rate you can hear the sound of the wind the wind has a voice that's why the disciples were tripped out when they were on the sea and the wind began to talk hear him say it begin to move and that voice made them scared about what was coming because when we begin to hear certain sounds are hearing certain voices it can also evoke certain emotions if we don't control it listen to me so you got to be clear that even when the winds blow you don't have to be afraid why because Jesus rules the storms I'm not tripping because storms are rising and I can hear the voice of the storm because I know the voice of Jesus is what yeah intimacy with God is vitally important because if you're not intimate with God if you're not intimate with Jesus you allow the other voices to take you off of this course you all the other voices they pick you off of his plan you allow the other voices to remove you out of his idea for you so you've got to pay attention to his voice you've got to perceive correctly the voice of God when you're thinking about the voice of God it's important that you don't press in to necessarily hear an audible voice most of us when we hear God we are not hearing God in a audible voice I'm not saying that he doesn't do that because scripture would tell us that many have heard him in such a way but if you begin to look at those individuals that heard an audible voice many of them had very huge mandates Moses very huge mandate upon his life that he was suppose what it wasn't everybody wasn't hearing God by waving out above what's the majority of us hear God by perception we perceive his voice and a lot of times when you hear the voice of God which confuses you sometimes is that you hear the voice of God just like you hear your voice because oftentimes the voice of God would be represented to you in your thoughts and in those moments you have to perceive that God has just released his divine intelligence in you are you getting this so that's why some of us feel like I'd never never heard the voice of God that's not true no one in here no one in this room has never heard the voice of God okay let me tell you that as you just didn't know what you were hearing right so I've told you before when that when you heard something say don't go left and you didn't go left and you found out there was a car accident that happened down there stop calling that something and recognizing it was God when God told you don't go to the club that night wait till next week here and say wait till next week but but when he said don't don't go to the club that night and you didn't go and then you found out that some crazy fight broke out at the club that night but then because you listen to that voice you are able to be out of the placement of the danger are you getting what I'm saying every one of you have heard the voice of God you come up we were about to do stuff we had no business doing and you heard something to say stop and some of us they listened and we wish we would have you always say another we got babies by ugly folks because we didn't stop you gotta listen to the voice of God he is speaking to you giving you direction but you gotta perceive his voice can we be honest it can be very difficult in a land of many voices it can be very difficult in the land of many sounds and voices to determine and to figure out what voice is God you want to sit there like you got it all figured out but there's some of us who have been on this journey awhile that have been in places where we have even stepped out thinking it was God and was so wrong you know we were stepping out thinking that we heard God and we didn't hear them at all we have to be able to muddle our way through and to discern the voice of God let's let's look at first Kings chapter 19 verse 11 because a lot of times we think God is in something that is not in what we think God is in something that we're not in and if we're not careful we'll think that God has to sound like he's always sounded to us so then we become irritated agitated even at times mad at God because he's not talking to you the same way here's the problem with that when you get to a certain level of maturity you should not have to be talked to the same way that you were once talked to are y'all in this I don't talk to my 11 year old like I do my eighth month year old there is stuff that makai should not do that that's not his real name no we didn't name my child third he's sherman Dumas the third so we call him third like that's his name who would name their child her is a nickname bless you we're gonna talk about some of your real names glory to God so it's fun to laugh in church I just got to keep your laugh it's good so so so when I talk too far it's like third don't touch that don't do that and third he he likes the fun of doing what he's told not to do so now he's in the face he'll look back at me and smile and go back to doing exactly what I told him not to do like I heard you but I'm gonna discover this today no matter what you said but I should not have to talk to my 11 year old the same way some of us want to grow up in God but we still want to be treated like a babe either you want your next level are you dumb and if you want your next level sometimes God will require for you then which you had to before he talks to new babes in Christ differently then he has somebody who has been saved for 15 years and you at home crying like who won't even treat you like a baby but then you asking him to use you around the country he's not always in what he was always in there's so much space to run I love this stay so just kidding okay here we go first Kings 19 11 first Kings 19 11 the Bible says then he said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks into pieces before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind he wasn't in it it was it was give us boisterous it seemed like it could be God because of the things that happened around it because the things are moving there's activity so surely God is in it that's the problem most of church in America because we sit in churches and thinking because there's activity God is in it my emotions can shake up a whole lot of stuff come on y'all remember when Michael would let God bless Michael we love you Michael when Michael was living you could come to his concerts and it looked like a Pentecostal church they falling out in the Holy Ghost you understand Michael would touch them they will fall out under the power are you understand what I'm saying they were they wish they would see Michael they start crying look like a Pentecostal church people see Moses was being moved he's not singing and you just like goosebumps don't equal God we were praising church and I believe in praise praise got me through you understand that praise with my doorway to my deliverance so you understand it I praise my way into freedom are you said to praise is powerful but praise doesn't have to necessary I don't pray something emotion I praise soberly and by saves your Center and what you got to understand it just because people are running screaming and hollering don't mean stop is happening but the Lord was not in the wind after the wind there was an earthquake surely God is in the shaking of the ground surely if there's the earthquake coming I'm trying to discern God's voice and there's activity coming surely it was the earthquake and after the earthquake the fire but the Lord was not in the fire but after the fire a still small voice first time 13 so it was when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face for his mantle for a face in his mantle and went out and sifting interest of the cave and stunning the voice of the Lord came saying what are you doing here Elisha God was not in things that others would perceive him in that's why if I'm going to figure out the voice of God I have to go to God I know that's confusing but let me explain what I'm saying you have to go to the 66 books of the Bible I want to break the I want to break the cycle of phone-a-friend I'll explain I want to break the cycle of phone-a-friend that every time you're trying to discern what God is trying to do you call a human and oftentimes you call a human before you go to God's Word and measure what you heard against the Word of God when you begin to understand that God puts his word above his name so that means that I have to alright this is the part when people usually check out on me because you won't easy Christianity mother you want the kind of Christianity where you don't have to put no effort in but if you want to know the voice of God for real we get so neighbor they look annoyed by this message already and say you got to study the word you gotta read the word but most Christians are biblically and that you let preachers preach foolishness to you because you never read the word we have priests poems to you and you shouted on them we have preached our opinion to you and you've danced about it we appreciative of God and people ran and hollered about it why they were biblically illiterate and then we wonder why isn't certain things working for us because some things were standing on its promises and they're not even promises so what do I have to do to discern the voice of God again I guess somebody behind you that looks like they prefer chicken than my message and tell them very clearly you gotta study you've got to study you've got to study you've got to study you've got to study nobody goes into any field in the earth certain weather should go to any field in the earth without studying the field America we're prideful say man we're the only country that plays the World Series against itself it the World Series Americans are full of ourselves pride is scary because pride another way of explaining ply pride the Scriptures talk about Leviathan serpentine spirit that's what was inside of Lucifer in heaven when he thought he knew better than God when he thought he had a better understanding the guy and why don't we study because we think we already know so we feel like we're called to something and just because you're called to it you feel like that you're well-versed in it all I gotta say man I came prepared it's locked inside you you think oh I'm gonna teach did you go to school no I got caught me I'm called to be a counselor did you go and least study something read a couple of books God called me we're doing all kinds of things whatever it is that you've been destined to do and this is just for free you ought to study everything you can study about it I don't care if you were a spoken word artist you better learn how to say that sound sound just like the rest of them sound cuz they sound all the same coming real quick Brandon come on got a lot of time just give us a piece of your latest poem mirror mirror on the wall you can change this reflection of anything else but all you can take away these secret nights of tears that resident that become resembling to my bedside tears that cause me to stay loneliness in my story I fell to her will around the time I lost my they all sound the same they pause the same way cut me today give me your latest give me some household not just a little girl trained to trace clubs in high societies but I have a little girl scout in their dreams they chase their dreams and give their cookies who God deems worthy they follow their journey and the lives of their children and they brave sound the same she was posing just like he was pausing the inflections was the same well you understand what I'm saying so you think that just then I'm not some of these individual cuz I know they both have studied the craft but I'm talking about this some people they feel like they're called to do something I don't have to learn how to do it so we thank God anointed me but understand this he anointed you to speak the language of what he called you to at Shu when the power of God came every man heard his language the Holy Ghost comes upon you to speak the language of the place you're called to yaw to hear nothing I just say it to you so if I'm gonna learn how to speak that language efficiently I have to give God something to work with you like oh I won't got to bring it into my remembers how can God bring something here remember as you never learned that since I mean I prayed that prayer were you was in school right before TAS and you were like God bring it to my he was I bring what to you remember you were sexy doing class you didn't read the book what am I supposed to say exactly what am I supposed to bring to your remembrance look at somebody or I'd say you got a study man you had a study the Word of God if you want to discern the voice of God let's jump over to Genesis 3 Genesis 3 we start seeing a bunch of voices a bunch of voices in Genesis 3 Genesis 3 when the voice of the husband man was not in place the voice of the serpent rained the loudest when the voice of the husband was not in place the voice of the serpent spoke too loud whenever the leader is silent the voice of the enemy is loud that goes for parents I just gave you something that goes for parents whenever your voice is silent the enemy's Russ is gonna be louder in your kids so then the design then is to make sure your voice is constantly heard on a regular basis you are in there with your kids affirming them teaching them the word making sure they know the direction of God and understand they understand their purpose talking them through life because if you don't talk there is a serpent that he is going to talk you're preaching sermons thank you sir there is a serpent that is going to talk if you don't so what happened with Eve Adam was silent because his voice wasn't there the serpent had a place but when you establish your voice that your voice has the ability to trade upon the server's head we knew when you establish one says in verse number 16 the woman he said I will greatly multiply your sorrow conception in pain you shall bring forth children your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you then Adam said to him because you have hear the voice of your wife so when it was time when Adam did come on the scene he still did not utilize his voice instead of utilizing his voice as a leader he took on his wife's voice are you looking at this instead of establishing his voice that and it relates some more than it's just whatever you're a leader in again parents with your children you don't allow your children to emotionally manipulate you and to letting them do stuff they should not be doing they might excuse my language they might be pissed off at the moment but later on in life they're gonna be grateful for the stuff that you told them to sit down and shut up no you're not going because I said no and some of you been afraid of no because you want your children and all the people your leadership over to like you I'm not your friend we can have a good time together we got season passes to Disney Land over at the Dumas house we can go see Mickey you can get on the teacups I don't fool with the teacups I'm too old for that meaning that my stomach can't handle a teacup you understand is it I get I know I'm just 37 but I'm saying I get on a teacup look like I'm I die listen we can go we're gonna have fun together but I'm not your friend not your pal I'm not so buddy you're gonna do what I say and some of you are afraid to parent your children so the world is parenting them for you so listen you gotta be the voice I'm gonna say this real quick my children go to a Christian school waste got for the Christian school but the Christian schools beliefs are a little different from our beliefs so they don't believe in the power of Holy Ghost weeson we had to sign that's the statement of belief for the kids to move in we was crossing stuff all out that thing principal said what you doing we said we don't believe it so I'm gonna cross this out and then we don't sign it because no we don't know God does still speak no no God got it I say they believe that everything you see Scott is no longer doing that he's no longer doing miracles the devil of anger Mama's a liar I'm about to cross that out and then I'm a sign it so my kids often time have come home with different statements that's not right like they came home saying every boy is the leader of a girl they'll say daddy hey try that's good a day every boy is the leader of every girl said the devil is alive not enough he said when they were saying I suppose I said are you a husband no I said well then a man is a leader of his wife y'all don't want to hear that because who let men drag you around and make you feel like they in charge to you the husband is a head of a wife not the head of every woman you go find your wife and marry them if you want to rule somebody that's why some of you living your boyfriend lights you up you letting your boyfriend wash you up and your boy friend is telling you what you gonna go in when you not gonna go and some of the voices it's the battle of the voices let's get back to the scripture let's get back to the scripture Adam saying because he said because you heeded the voice of your wife and have you eaten from the tree which which which which I commanded you saying you sir not eat off cursed is the ground for the graph you say ain't all you shall eat of it all the days of your life but the thorns and the thistles it shall bring forth for you and you shall eat the herb of the field first 19 and in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread so you return to the ground out of it you were taken and for the dust you are you shall return let's jump up to verse 8 first a the Bible begins to talk about how Adam and Eve heard the sound so I say the sound they're heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden and they hid themselves ok one of the reasons why they hid themselves is because God had become a unperceived sound because of their disobedience he was no longer a clear spiritual voice to them he now became an unperceived sound they've been hanging out with God from their existence so he was not unfamiliar to them so then what happened in the process that now when they heard him it made them afraid it's because he became an unperceived sound rather than a clear spiritual voice whenever disobedience is in place it begins to grow a wedge in between you and God now I need to throw this here before you go far away mercy and grace are real grace and mercy are real and by the way of repentance we can attain them and we can apply them to our lives but we got to understand that our disobedience oftentimes brings a wedge it's our nature as human beings to run from something that is unfamiliar so Adam and Eve ran from what seemed unfamiliar it's the Battle of the voices where my voice is at where my voice is that I have some voices I want you I want you I want you to hear Giovani come here please and what I want you to understand is that oftentimes there's a lot of voices around that sound like God can maybe could be the voice of God but again the way that we discern his voice is by knowing his word and by knowing his word we can determine which voice it's his voice Giovanni what I want you to do when you take some time to listen this morning still morning yeah it's afternoon now take some some time to listen to these voices and I want you do they have their mics ok hello somebody give the mics I said this should already have them said it's playing this out perfectly praise God what happened taking up my message time test them we go these voices are about to speak your job is going to be to determine which voice is the voice that is based upon the Word of God these voices that won't talk you figure out which voice is God's do you understand that this is the way holding us the way their life is this is the way life is you are trying to navigate to life it sounds so good they're saying all this stuff I don't know which one is the one that do you see this sounds confuse and the truth is most of us are navigated through life just like Joe [Music] what does it sound like but if you don't ever study his word you will become a horrible witness because your life will be aligned with nice sayings but the sad thing about it is that the word says man shall not live by bread alone y'all direwolf fish but every word ok sit down for a minute top gentlemen Oh get them they all doing different messing up my message wait so much finite so you go nowhere Jesus [Music] [Music] sit down now you can put your mics down sit down I got to go back to my first verse again I'm done go back to the lunar on route 28 verse 1 have you if you're learning anything today I hope so it's the first Sunday I gotta make a good impression going you Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 now it came to pass come to pass if you would obey what the force right obeyed the voice the voice the voice which means every other voice is secondary every other voice every for every other voice is secondary his voice is primary his voice is primary my voice is second to his voice you don't listen to your pastor beyond you listening to God you got to line it up with the Word of God are you understanding this you gotta learn your asset you gotta line it up with the Word of God and some of us thrusts our spiritual leaders more than we do the God of heaven and God doesn't want it you're not gonna turn me into an idol because the last time I read the Bible God nuts the head on fire he just saw his idols and I the Lord your God is God but the truth is they can see God because you saw you've got to get low [Music] you'll take you high in all these blessings shall come to you I just need somebody read this all these blessings shall come to you shall come upon you so come upon you so come upon me so I don't have to work hard to please you to get what belongs to me I don't have to kiss your behind I don't have to I don't have to be at the right meetings even necessarily I have to be where he told me to be and if I heed the voice of god this is so good in here if I heed the voice of God will begins to happen now is that my life begins to be transformed in a new way and now the blessings of the Lord some of you've been reaching so hard because you don't have the voice but when you get the voice when you get the voice when you get the voice will you get the voice something begins to happen in your lives let's say the Lord comes upon you this is my favorite part and oh that was a good place of praising they missed the whole moment blessing of the Lord comes upon you but it doesn't just come upon you it takes you over the kind of blessings that when the blessing of the Lord comes upon you it begins to overshadow everything else it over sandals who you are and there were saddles on this upset it over sounds what you PA / saddles your lion tail Vesalius your sexual addiction it overshadows everything else that you have your problems with will you heed the voice of God the blessing of the Lord will come and overtake you and I gotta tell you something some of you've been to more layoffs what Hill has been doing that you can't pay attention to what God is doing when I came to be God's prophet this afternoon and to tell you the blessings of the Lord are about to overtake your life it is about to be amazing as she give heed to the voice of God as you give heed to the voice of God ready to go home miss a listen to the man's voice this of the gods Louisa listen to God's voice listen God's voice mr. Godsey listen to God's voice mr. a God's voice this is a god boss listen listen Agha's watch it shall overtake you not just because you hear his voice look at this look at this I'm gonna do part two next week cuz I even got through this message I'm a close right here but I'm gonna come back next week for part two kick him to rest studies look miss you oh because we hear prophetic people are excited cuz they heard something but with everything you hear there is responsibility write that down with everything you hear there is responsibility prophetic people that want to talk about what God is doing with the devil is doing but don't feel no responsibility drop it off and he told me that he comes to know if you obey I'm gonna send you home you ready to go home I understand if you obey the voice of the Lord so the key is not in just hearing the key is in your hands father we thank you for the power of your word we thank you Lord for who spoken to us clearly today that we're to seek you in the power of your word and we might hear your voice and we might know your voice in operate very end Father we submit ourselves to you I want you to take the next 60 seconds to just worship him for a minute come on let's open your mouth for a moment make a new dedication towards the Word of God make a new dedication but you're going to seek Him she's going to seek Him you're going to follow him you want to search him out if you seek him you'll find him if you're not the door be open if you ask you shall receive we make new dedications all over the building father as we create altars at our seat that we're gonna seek you we're gonna we're gonna look for you we want to know your voice we want to know your plan we want to know your ideas just take a second and just worship Him right at your seat come on we thank you we thank you we thank you you want your voice we want your voice we want your voice watch your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want your voice we want
Channel: All Nations San Bernardino
Views: 1,541
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: all nations san bernardino, all nations worship assembly, sherman dumas, apostle sherman dumas, jaquet dumas, apostle jaquet dumas, inland empire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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