My Faith Fights For Me by Bishop T F Tenney

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you one and only TL Jenny [Music] well I don't know what you came to do I don't know what you came to do but I came to praise the Lord when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he done for me my soul project that's all cries out please God for saving me [Music] you folks better behave because I feel it coming on God is in this place and you better take advantage of his presence you know any time the general presence of God settles down with us it's our responsibility to reach up and get a personal presence and say this is mine this matches my need well that's what's happening here tonight the general presence of God just reach up and get a hunk of glory this is my dealing this is my surprise this is my new job this is better relationship time it time it [Music] well god bless you you may be seated thank you Pastor I love and appreciate your pastor enjoyed so much being with him and staffing with you folks it's just been great like I could just save her the Holy Spirit here I smell the incense going up I'm familiar with the smell we're just releasing the presence of God thank you for inviting me bastard thank you for giving me an audience I could have no more ministry among you than you give me even the audio system said Amen whenever these things first came out I was passed in a church and the first ones had a little pigtail on them and I got that and put it in the church and I was preaching away and I grabbed it out of the stand and of course traditionally there's a cord attached to it there wasn't any court and I went preaching across the platform and one of the dear old sisters said my god it's a miracle he's not connected but it's still worth it but I want you to know I'm connected tonight and it's still working I have some books and CDs DVDs and that's part of my ministry I want to go home with you and drink coffee so take me and put me on and open the book if you've ever struggled with how to pray my wife has a a classic message on CD and DVD prayer giftings it's excellent some have said it's the finest they'd ever heard on prayer her book God can you hear me now is a book on prayer heavens wireless connection it'll never drop your call so more power to you they sent the manuscript on this to dr. Oral Roberts he ready wrote a foreword I didn't know he was going to do it but I even talked about Jesus name baptism and he said Jenny's got us on this one amen thank God for this wonderful truth that God has given us by the truth and what sell it not well let's look into the word of the Lord in first Timothy first Timothy chapter 6 verses 11 and 12 but Thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life were in dude that word also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses in verse 11 he said flee and follow and in verse 12 he said fight flee follow and fight you can't fight if you haven't fled from things you don't need and follow the imperishable Christ but now notice he said to fight the good fight of faith he didn't say fight the good fight of penny North Nichols but a faith that means that faith is doing the fighting because she calls it the fight of faith now marinate your brain in that a few minutes faith is doing the fighting could it be that we fight a lot of battles that we ought to turn over to faith and back off and let faith fighting my subject tonight except for this my faith fights for me my faith fights for me will you say that with me my faith fights for me jesus said say unto this mountain and we overlook this he said and if you will doubt not be thou removed and it will happen so you got to get rid of doubt to activate faith you move a lot of dirt looking for gold but dirts not what you're looking for but you got to move it to get to the gold faith is the gold and you got to move a lot of doubt to get to it we don't need a lot of faith if we can just get rid of our unbelief and doubt faith is risky but unbelief is deadly faith has to have a focus it can't just hang loose you remember where the wise men said without a vision the people perish what translation said without prophetic insight we lose our focus if every generation needed prophetic insight you need prophetic insight into faith and its operations get rid of doubt believe God can do it and then let God do it we wear ourselves out sometimes fighting things that are not our fight fight the good fight of faith you see faith is a fruit of spirit Galatians five faith is a gift of the Spirit first Corinthians 12 but faith is also a weapon of the Spirit first timothy 6 and we emphasize the gift and we emphasize the fruit but we don't talk a lot about the weapon of faith faith you see faith is Kingdom currency you can buy anything God has with faith when you go to God and say Lord I need this how much money what can I put up the collateral he doesn't see that why did you got your mortgage he just says where's your faith and if you've got faith nothing nothing shall be impossible to you it's like the man of God it's fresh every day and save and I fight the good fight of Peter or Paul or Matthew but fight the good fight of faith now I want to I want to give you five things that faith will fight for you faith fights fear faith fights feelings faith fights facts faith fights fatalism and faith fights the future you see if your enemy is the Kings enemy then your battle is the Kings battle faith if we could just understand that God is trying to take us back to Ground Zero and understand that basically we are built on faith and in this social media drunk generation this power-crazed 21st century we can lose the simplicity Paul said I marvel that you're moved from the simplicity that is in Christ just simply having faith in Him now we need this weapon life has no questions that faith can't answer now abideth Faith that's reality hope that's reward and love that's forever but it begins with faith reality the church is placed in an attack formation not a defensive formation where we turn our back and run remember the whole arm of God you know what we overlook it's the armor of God it's not our armor we just borrowed it and who can hit the armor of God breastplate everything else shield one place that's not covered is there's nothing on the back because you're never supposed to turn your back to the devil face it with God's armor with the sword of the Spirit face it face it down back it down sin shall not have dominion over you he's a defeated foe we gotta learn to replace worry with faith some people and I know I've done it we get on our knees in an altar and call ourself praying but all we've done is change our position from walking around worrying to draping over an altar like a wet noodle worrying but we think we'll get credit for it because we call it prayer and you're just worrying on your knees instead of walking around I'm here to tell you Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he is a prayer answering God your faith will fight for you replace your worry with faith when whirling is in your brain and crevices come in your brain and it looks like it's gonna be a Grand Canyon of worry start stuffing faith in there you're not gonna have dominion over me God's gonna work this thing out in his time and in his way and to his glory faith you got to have a victory complex you got to see yourself as a winner and the devil is a defeated foe you have heard people pull this pity party stuff you know brother tini nobody wants this salvation nobody wants to come people just don't want it anymore I'd hate to believe that Jesus died for something people don't want they just needed prepared and presented in the proper way God didn't give one man a little dab of faith another man a great big ball of faith the difference is that one man develops his faith and the other man doesn't Hebrews 5:14 even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil the way you get more faith he said if you exercise your senses Rx's God has to say in things against us to exit you don't get strength from the barbells he'll give you strength forum God knows what he's doing there's no energy crisis in the church faith fights where we need to remember that the early church did not have a New Testament to read they live what was later written the book of Acts they couldn't go to Acts and take a text and talk about what God did they had to talk about what God's doing look what God's doing he's raising the dead look what God's doing he's healing the sick look what God's doing he's filling 3000 with the Holy Ghost but today we've got the book of Acts and we say as we preach look what God did look what God did what God wants us today to move the dead to a do it if he's the same yesterday today and forever he won't just to move the book of Acts and make it active and that comes by faith anything he ever did he can still do hallelujah back up and relax and say faith you get in the ring this is your fight faith is ambitious it will stay with those that don't keep it employed you got to put it to work you see if the well is contaminated it doesn't do any good to paint the pump just a little exterior decoration won't do it well I'm just waiting on the Lord the answer in the Lord said I'm waiting on you to act faith fights fear faith and fear have no association they're not related they're enemies do you remember the servant of the Prophet did Dothan when he went looked over the wall and saw Assyrians north south east and west thousands of them and he came back and said my god prophet we've had it it wasn't that the servant saw too much it was he saw too little if you just lifted his eyes a little higher he would have seen the angels and the chariots of God that far outnumbered so get off of our level with the devil in what he's doing and lift your eyes to the heavens which cometh your strength get on a level with God David be reverse are more than May be with them fights fear you know when you receive the word it's just knowledge but when you release the word it becomes power he talked about faith as of a grain of mustard seed that's a little busy seed I read one time where'd a little seed went the fight against a mountain and the seed one he said if you've got faith as if a grain of mustard seed you move a mountain a little faith can move a big mountain well both didn't have time I try to do some somebody's always throwing dirt on me if y'all ever been dirtied people threw dirt I just think pastor I'll give him up they're throwing dirt on me let me tell you something the seed can't grow without dirt [Music] and if they're piling it up on you God must have a big harvest you're really gonna be productive come on devil dirt me good because my faith is more powerful than anything you can do inside sphere dear Lord we gotta have this kind of faith that'll fight fear you know faith comes by hearing and hearing by what well where does doubt come from by not hearing you can be here and not hear what I'm saying because God's got to create ears in your soul for you to hear what he's saying up what there's a voice beyond the voice and that's the voice of God beyond my voice so faith comes by hearing doubt comes by not hearing always listen when the Word of God is being preached my faith can fight you fear you can have a little faith in thick ice or great faith in thin ice and I don't care how much faith you claim you have if you're on thin ice you're going under but if you've just got a little faith you're depending on the ice that's thick years ago I read about a man who had seen a moose on the other side of the river wintertime big wood but the river was too frozen but he didn't know how deep the ice was a thick and he thought it was thin and the true story he got down on his belly and started scooting slowly and feeling slowly because he knew that moose was over somewhere and suddenly he heard something behind me too turned around and a man with a team of horses and a load of logs was crossing that River and the man that was driving the Meuse looked down as if to say you idiot don't you know how thick this is and sometimes we get afraid we just oh oh hey we're on thick Jesus and it's terrible the government's on his shoulders shift shoulders and give it to God he can bear it he can handle it quit ruin faith fights fear God's gonna make away fears the devil's faith as I told you this morning the fear of the Lord is clean any other fear is dirty thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee let your faith fight feelings you know we've all kind of bent down from time to time you said brother thing I've never had a down day in my life I'm gonna change my text and preach on the biggest liar in Indiana there's some days that my highest aspiration for that day was just to get through it and that's where we need faith faith fights feelings feelings are deceptive the word feel of feelings is only used twice in the New Testament faith is used about two hundred times but we build so much on feelings feelings if a man's feelings don't feel the way that he feels they oughta feel then he's liable to give in to the feelings and his feelings as well until his feelings feel that he feels Baxley feelings can deceive you some God the devil will come and say something wrong with you Oh God what is it if it's God he'll Kenya but if you just hear that sweeping voice of condemnation that doesn't come from God just turn around and say what is it if it's God he'll tell you if there's no answer is the devil quit believing it he's trying to play on your feelings and get you to feel that something's wrong when I nothing wrong hallelujah we gotta learn to rely on true facts and not feelings well I just don't feel like it well faith like it I don't feel like praising God faith praising God you know some people come to church going home and others leave Church coming back some people come to church and I hope this is over quick I want to get home and see the Bucks play the goats and others come and say I just came wait to wins the night so I could come back to the house of God faith fights feelings was it Noah's feelings that saved him or the fact of the ark had imagined he felt too good that place of animals and everything animals do and only one window there was a stink in that place but the only thing worse than the stink on the inside was the storm on the outside you can't let feelings see feelings are sailboat they go whichever way the wind blows but faith is a steam boat and it goes the way the captain directs job said in all of his trials job said I know that my Redeemer liveth he didn't say I feel my Redeemer liveth he had faith faith transforms afflictions of the temporal into a ladder that climbs to paradise I'm not gonna live for God by feelings but I don't feel like you know I couldn't come to church Sunday night because it was snowing will you go to work in the morning if it's smoke no they got it the first time what's something that would not keep you from work keep you from coming to church feelings if the devil can get you wrapped up in feelings he'll keep you as nervous as a termite in a yo-yo just going up and down and all around you can't go by feelings my faith fights feelings because the Word of God is above and whatever he said settles it I even know who's gonna win the war I don't know who's gonna win which battle but I know who's gonna win the war because I read the back of the book hallelujah we win holy city wilds of Gasper gates of pearl all Foundation we win and regardless of how I feel now we win feed your faith and starve your fears you know the devil was a serpent snake in the garden but by the time he got to Revelation he's a dragon what fattened him up so the doubts of people that fattens him the sins of people the failures of people oh I'm scared of that dragon if you'll get a God's eye view and look at it like God looks at you know what you'll see a lizard you want to make him a dragon but I'm going to look at it and say you're nothing but a lizard against my god because my God is able to do exceeding abundantly asked our thing let your face right you know people funny faults and others I can see but praise the Lord there's none in me faith fights facts well brother Timmy you didn't have facts no not that I denied but I defied I've had the doctors give reports on people I had a daughter that was sick for eight years it came to code blue fifteen or twenty times she nearly died all the doctors said she's when that thing hits her heart or liver it's gonna kill her we didn't doubt what the doctor said but in one service one night she was healed instantly went back to the doctor when she got home and said I want you to run all those tests because he told her her liver was gone [Applause] ran all the tests owner and the doctor said I don't know what's happened but you've got a new liver she said doctor what is it he said I know what you want me to say it's a miracle faith eyes fax your pastors walked into hospital rooms with a little bottle of oil after the doctors have spent all that thousands of dollars on tests and dabbed a little bit of oil in the name of Jesus and when the doctor came back he said release some I don't know what's happened [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yes Jesus faith fights facts Oh hallelujah faith overcomes facts why should you know sometimes we got more faith in what we lost in the first annum then what we regained in the second Adam who's the Lord of glory and we thought the devil did this the devil did that hey but Jesus does this and Jesus does that the second Adam is a victory one thing that just kept me going all these years you know the psalmist said you're promised seventy years and by reason of a purpose 80 years then he stops but I say by reason of faith 90 years knocking listen all the statistics you know man 80 years old ain't do what you do and here's the facts of life faith fights facts faith fights facts facts said Peter nobody can walk on water but Jesus said come and faith thought facts and here with Peter until apparently he got to looking around and he started to sink Jesus lifted him and Jesus wasn't at the boat when he lifted him apparently pastor they both walked back to the boat he just had a temporary sinking feeling and every now and then you get them but let him whatever God tells you to do you can do it oh you know it's fact Abraham 100 years old and Sarah ninety and holding and God said you can have a young no way Jose but did that Sara even laughed and I don't think she's laughing at God I think she's laughing at Abraham well thanks say that can't be it was because faith fights facts that's the way it operates my faith fights for me the only thing some people are positive about is their positively negative faith fights facts I'm not arguing with them I thank God for doctors I don't argue about their diagnosis but I'm just saying faith can overcome facts you know Abraham had a word from the Lord that said take your son to the mountain and kill him he knew he had heard from God he started out started up the side of the mountain the boy questioning him father here's the wood here's the fire here's the knife where is the sacrifice and he said son the Lord will provide now the word there is Jehovah Jireh we usually think that the first time that was used was when he got to the top of the mountain and raised it and then he said when he heard the voice of God Jehovah Jireh but coming up the mountain with a word from the Lord to kill him a fact he said the Lord will provide I don't know how I don't know where but he said even if I have to kill him gods will raise him from the dead he did not take fear up that mountain our facts up that mountain are feeling up that mountain he took faith up that mountain that's why he's called the father of the faithful it was a fact but you know when he got there what happened you may say brother Jenny I you don't know I'm in a financial mess well if it's your own overspending you may need plastic surgery cut up your credit cards but if you've been faithful and something's happened that you can't control tell you what to do get your wallet out your purse out you open it up empty and shout in it Jehovah Jireh [Music] say nothing man Jehovah Jireh you go home and don't have any food open up your pantry and shout Jehovah Jireh you got trouble on your job when you're going in the morning you shout Jehovah Jireh the Lord will provide yep faith fights faith fights fatalism you know fatalism gives into that hopeless feeling the things are what they are and they can't be changed hmm don't be fatalistic you get to read in the newspapers this is going to happen that's going to happen my god I guess if the atomic bomb will be our final sequel all of us are alive that day we'll be cremated equal I told y'all this morning I got a ticket on the first thing leave it I'm saved when I don't brag of it don't brag about it I'm not bragging on myself I'm bragging on the finished work of Calvin if I didn't know I was saved what minister I gotta be preaching to you folks I'm saved my name's in the book of life if the trumpet sounded right now I'd go not because of what I've done but because of what he did I'm not gonna be fatalistic I'm not in the world's hands I'm not in the economy's hands I'm not in the government's hands I'm in the hands of God the eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting our faith never comes home with an empty basket the smallest possible faith is clothed with omnipotence and it will germinate and grow through tremendous opposition you know faith is the ability to carry on when we don't know what's going on you can get fatalistic Barnabas was a apostle and he was called the son of consolation and what that means is he had you can make it spirit everybody got around him it was always encouraging you making Paul said send John Mark home I'm through with him no barman said let me work with him little boy you can make it Paul said no I don't want him and they divided over it but later Paul said bring John Mark he's profitable yeah Paul you know why it's profitable because Barnabas kept telling him you can make it don't stumble over this one mistake you can make it I want to be that kind of person I want to be faith fights fatalism they'll get your eyes on the world on the Wall Street I'm not worried about Wall Street I'm gonna walk streets of gold where the walls are Jasper that's the Wall Street I'm gonna walk old faith fights the future hmm I don't I don't know what your future is I can't tell you everything but if you're in fear of stepping out because of the future if you got a word from the Lord God will take care of the future somebody said I got a word from God that's I've had words from the Lord let me tell you something bad word from the Lord two things God never tells you when he gives you word he never tells you when it's going to happen and what the process is gonna be before it comes to pass our what process you'll have to go through but that didn't mean you didn't get a word from the Lord just stand on it and believe that God is going to bring you through because faith fights the future did you know that there's no more Devils or demons alive today than there were when Jesus ministered because the devil cannot procreate they can't reproduce so he can't make any more thought the demons are fallen angels he can't make any more so there's no more but the church can multiply and bro we're gonna outnumber they that are with us a more than Bay that'd be for them I'm telling you the church is getting stronger and stronger and rising up in faith to believe God in spite of what the future says I believe we're living in the most exciting time of the church yeah but preacher I just don't know look when you can't understand your present situation trust God's history study the history of God has he ever failed well why should he wait till your present which looked like an impossibility to prove he can fail I know who holds the future it's God and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith faith is not a journey without maps but you never have the whole Atlas at the same time he says as they day is I want the whole act listen what about today what about next week what about next month what about next year as that day yes so shall thy strength be just trust me one day at a time and the future will take care of itself faith faith I want to be dumb to doubt and blind to the impossibilities of time I want to know nothing but victory receiving at the end of your faith first Peter one receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your soul when faith pays off it's going to be eternal life I'm sticking with it yeah but I feel like I'm in the fiery furnace you remember when the three Hebrew children got in a fire furnace the king called him out Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he never called for that fourth man he's still in there so if you're in a fiery furnace look around the fourth man still there and he'll see you through have faith in God believe him say get thee behind me Satan how he said fight the good fight I've seen a few fights in my life but they weren't good cauliflower ears bloody nose this cut up bruising a good fight let me tell you the only way something is a good fight is if you know before you start how it's going to end and this is a good fight because I know who's gonna win hallelujah we need an operation of a gift of faith we need an operation of the fruit of faith but we need faith as a weapon as a weapon we need it Lord as a weapon let me point something out to you I pray for people and they got healed I pray for people and they didn't get what causes it just point something out to you he says any sick among you and I'm sinful the elders are naught with all and the prayer of faith now the difference is it's not tennis prayer it's the prayer of faith when you start letting faith pray through you and forget what you've got to offer I've had times when I prayed for people and suddenly something just rose up in me and it wasn't me praying it was faith praying and it became the prayer of faith because sometimes we can get ritualistic and even write things but the only thing that's gonna heal you it's the prayer of faith and I want to get into that dimension where faith has a conduit through me and my voice can become the voice of faith and it's the prayer of failure just like it's the fight of faith it's the prayer of faith that can save the sick now I know what tonight is some of you may be praying for the ball game to go into overtime but if a preacher preaches five minutes too long he's in trouble y'all get to prayin that I'll go into overtime the fight of faith the fight of faith the fight of faith it knocks the devil out it destroys him my faith fights for me fights fear feelings fatalism the future it just fights and you're fighting your faith if you'll let it go forth without doubt well I don't understand if we understood everything there was to know about God that would make us equal with him and that'll never be great is the mystery of godliness so when you don't understand you just trust and there's some of you here tonight that are wrestling with things and you're trying to conjure up faith oh well I'm going fast look you can fast until you have to jump around in the shower to get wet but if you don't have faith you can fast till you could lay under a clothesline and not get sunburned but faith has got to operate with the fast this kind comes only by fasting and prayer but it's the prayer of faith and some of you are wrestling with things in life relationships that are broken maybe children I was preaching several years ago one night and I said I know some of you here have children that you hadn't heard from in a long time it's a large congregation and I said if you'll believe God and turn him loose without reservation the phone will be ringing when you get home there was a couple that hadn't heard from their daughter in nearly three years they went home that Sunday night and put the key in the door just as they were turning the key the phone rang and the husband said I wonder who that is and the wife said that's our daughter they went in and picked up the phone and guess what it was their daughter because they released faith into a broken relationship and somehow God God kid said that angel from this place and Pech a prodigal let me let me tell you it enclose it about the prodigal advantage that prodigal son had an advantage the Bible said there was a famine in all the land he wasn't the only one in the Pigpen he wasn't the only one that had lost everything well what was his advantage he knew the way home you got loved ones there out there as produções remember this they know the way home and that's more impressed God make them hungry make them hungry make them hungry they know the way home they know what to do my faith fights for me let's stand lift your hands and praise God for faith the Lord wants to take the struggle off of you tonight [Music] he wants you to leave here in victory with your faith fighting for you who are you frustrated trying to conjure up your own faith but some light is gone tonight and you said hey it's time for me to turn faith loose and let it do what it wants to do always say why don't you come [Music] come prayer companies come release in faith it's gonna happen in your time and in your way it's gonna have that it's a magic laughter cause I really should baby into the future that can I please mister your dilemma in the name of Jesus yeah and we will shout shouting up bank the time is Manning up the kingdom that cannot be shaken all right the only solid ground as nations right one strong now shake oh Jesus [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 6,111
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), T F Tenney
Id: KyVq9yTTCfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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