Come Explore The New Stuff In Tokyo's Ikebukuro District!

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here in the corner this is an authentic Chinese supermarket I remember them just making this the artist painting the wall there's this uh Plaza here this open Plaza and then there's an Anime Cafe good day everybody welcome welcome back to another video today I'm here in ikebukuro right here and starting right here this place called the global ring you know I decided I'll just walk around this area just because I was in this area and there are some new things here that never used to be here before the pandemic Hello everybody welcome back to another video hope you're having a great day wherever you are yeah so like I said um it's um is not sure how popular it is among the tourists there are some people that go to I believe there's a Pokemon store here but there are some changes lots have lots has changed in this city and it's kind of interesting so first things first uh this area here called the Golden sorry the global ring it's all brand new um this uh open Plaza was always here but they've like um really made it pretty they've added this nice little cafe here where you could get soft serve and teas I sometimes like to see here with a nice cup of tea right over here during the winter they add some heaters so it's nice and warm um but this is my favorite place to chill in this area of ikebukuro and then there's a stage here this is where they have uh shows uh they have a jazz festival every year and this is one of the main venues of the Jazz Festival yeah once again this is the global ring Cafe okay and then we're gonna walk around the station I actually just came out of the station and I'm going to show you some other new stuff here anyway yeah just this whole area here this area called the global ring is brand new and it's actually very pretty at night time if you're wondering what that is that is a theater they also have a gallery there exhibitions and they have like music concerts Etc this is a little bus stop area I think there's like six different bus stops six or seven okay how many of you guys have visited the ikebukuro area in Tokyo I'm very curious I personally enjoy ikebukuro I didn't used to like it when I was younger but now I actually like it it has a very unique characteristic very different from uh Harajuku or Shibuya Ginza it's a little similar to Shinjuku but even compared to Shinjuku it's a little bit rough around the edges that's a strange way of putting it but it looks rougher under edges I guess this building here is station one of the entrances this is the West entrance that hobo department store side okay and then you have all this party here inside here you have lots of eateries and bars and um we have a tiny little Chinatown over there I like to call that the real Chinatown you know we have Chinatown in Yokohama but I call that the tourist Chinatown this one is the real Chinatown hey let's cross the street I think I'm gonna show you guys the real Chinatown part of it at least it's way smaller than the Yokohama Chinatown obviously but not really officially called Chinatown but that's what I've heard I've heard that this is where all the Chinese people come and eat Satoshi and I we both have been to a couple of places there and I can honestly say you can get some authentic Chinese food there that you can't get anywhere else this is the gigantic Toba department store actually one of my favorite department stores in ikebukuro Cebu is bigger but Cebu is so popular it's always crowded so I kind of prefer tobu this is Matsumoto kiyoshi one of the many uh drugstores or pharmacies you know a lot of pharmacies have closed down during the pandemic because we had too many pharmacies I think and they all cater to the tourists so this is one of the shortened guys here Nishi ichibangai and instead of walking down there it is interesting lots of bars and restaurants in either East we're turning here so I can show you the real Chinatown already here you can already see these uh oh okay this one has closed down this used to be a place selling these bowls and they have gone out of business oh okay that's too bad that's okay here's some new shops here which I haven't seen okay there's on the left side here right here on the corner this is an authentic Chinese supermarket we can buy all kind of Chinese stuff yeah all of this right here and a lot of the shops here down this street is Chinese as well you know what I'm gonna go around the block and it will come back to the street as well we're just kind of go in a loop yeah so these are all the Chinese things here really cool shop the first time I I discovered this area I was so intrigued by all these authentic Chinese restaurants there are a lot of girly bar so I didn't want to get into trouble right across the street over there they have some uh Shanghai style fried dumpling which is amazing we actually featured that on a very old video of ikebukuro and then there you can get some Chinese style burgers I've never tried it I really should though and if you and if you go down the street I mean there's so many Chinese restaurants that even one street down that way parallel to this street are all super authentic Chinese restaurants here of course it's not all Chinese food because once again it's not an official Chinatown or anything like that but I'm gonna turn here a couple of shops here that are super authentically Chinese and so curious to try so one is this one here this is a super Chinese place and all the customers are are non-japanese I have no idea what they what they serve here but I'd like to visit this place once and then also here right next door is like a dim sum place and they're right next door to that is like a Szechuan Cuisine place anyway yeah like I said and then we're back here at the Chinese supermarket on the corner but like I said I'm very authentic Chinese food food that I'm very unfamiliar with okay we're gonna walk over to the other side of the station because there are a couple of things on the other side that's brand new by the way this Chinatown is not new it's it's always been here and and I keep calling it Chinatown but it's not really Chinatown so yeah maybe you shouldn't call it Chinatown either but anyway all this area right here just look for this hotel Sunset Sun City on the corner and then you know that you are in ikebukuro's Chinatown train station here this is the equivalent station West entrance and we are going to uh actually should I go no I'm not gonna go where we're going to turn left here instead I'm gonna show shown you guys this little route before is a very cool underground tunnel that takes you to the other side of the station it's very colorful look at this it's actually you know I haven't been here for so long like oh my goodness I can't I don't even know how many years I haven't been here but I don't remember it being this pretty maybe because I I just haven't been here in such a long time but anyway I remember them just making this the artist painting the wall the artist painted both sides of the wall of this entire tunnel and it was um covered in plastic wrap for a while I guess to let it dry I remember them making it this tunnel used to be just plain old drab concrete wall and then even the ceiling it's painted as well I like this that's so much you know to this simple underground tunnel to get you to the other side I think uh most people when they come to ikebukuro as far as tourists are concerned they come out on this side of the station I think it'll start to look familiar to some of you hey so the train station is to my right has a electronic store like that's Lobby and then big camera is right next to it there's another big camera on this side we're going across over here and sunshine city is also on this side of the station and also many changes to Sunshine City okay hey look I can see some blue sky it was raining all day today that's so nice I'm so happy it's rainy season right now and although it's not raining right now forecast calls for rain all day the entire week except for the weekend Saturday and Sunday we have nice weather other way if you're wondering today is Wednesday uh maybe I should have gone down another Street this street is the boring street so we have come out to the other side we're almost at the new area almost not quite yet so the train station is actually behind me over there this whole entire block is Lobby the humongous electronics store this is a pretty new building but I don't know why I've never been inside it's called Waka I don't know why it's it's mostly restaurants and here's the Hub it's a Drew's favorite place okay Let's cross oh I really have not been to capicola so long I completely forgot that this place existed this place is famous for taiyaki and it's really good oh yeah okay I think this is the brand new area yeah it is so this whole area I'm about to show you guys like this wasn't here before the pandemic I don't even know what used to be here maybe they were just buildings or something I don't know but anyway this whole area is brand new look at this gigantic animate building I believe this is the biggest anime animate store in Japan it's it's in this gigantic building and then there's this uh Plaza here this open Plaza and then there's an Anime Cafe right here let me show you the anime building again it says it's humongous I've never been inside and then there's a toshima Civic Center so this is brand new and then it's connected to the brilla hall I'm not really sure what's inside here but this is brand new and then this building is brand new as well right here and this is where you can catch a movie at Toho Cinemas probably the nicest theaters in ihibukuro at the moment at least the newest theaters and Toho Cinemas is pretty nice okay just uh let's turn back to see what it looks like from this side ah nothing special but uh yeah all these buildings and you know this animate area added some newness to ikebukuro so that's Toho Cinema complex I've never been in there so I don't know what it's like here Satish and I when we watch movies we usually go to Shinjuku because that's our neighborhood and then there are some nice restaurants it's a little windy I hope the sound is okay yeah there are some eateries here right along the street this is the little delirium Cafe where you can get Chicago style pizza and this place called egg where you can get all day breakfast never been to any places sorry so I I kept comment on how they are but they look pretty good and this is a place serving uh Sally's first take and then this is a pizza parlor here and then if we turn right here I believe will be very near Sunshine City yes yes yes yes yeah that's the sunshine city building over there so maybe not sunnier but at least we're going in the right direction you know Tokyo is such a humongous City I'm noticing this the longer I live in Tokyo and the more I travel abroad to other major cities I'm beginning to realize how huge Tokyo is like seriously and I don't know sometimes when I think about it it makes me panic isn't it strange it makes me panic because it makes me realize that I would never be able to see even half of what tolki has to offer in terms of restaurants and shops and that makes me panic for some reason and when I was in Hawaii the last time being in Hawaii made me realize that you know in Hawaii Satoshi pointed something out he said in Hawaii when there's a cool place that opened up like a new shop new restaurant for example all the Foodies know about it but here in Tokyo when a new place opens up not everyone knows about it it's hard to get information on new places because there's just so many opening at the same time and there are too many like they're like literally hundreds that open up in a day so it's impossible this is one of my favorite stores called awesome it's called the awesome store I like going into it but for some reason there's nothing I actually want to buy are there stores like that for you they're closing oh it's a cool store closing sale maybe I'll go inside and buy something later I don't know Satoshi will get mad at me no no no no no we try not to clutter our house anymore so maybe I will behave but okay they're closing okay that makes me a little bit sad but then there are other awesome shops in Tokyo so I guess that's okay and then here's the Tully's Tully's cough coffee shop and a lot of times they do collaboration they have like uh Harry Potter Cafe so that's Tully's Coffee Shop up there and I believe I wonder if you know they are they are doing Harry Potter stuff again look Harry Potter Tully's Coffee frozen milk tea trickle tart oh okay I've never been to a Harry Potter Cafe I should check it out okay and then we're gonna go to uh we're gonna end the video at uh at the base of sunshine City okay I just want to show you one gigantic change that happened to Sunshine City so we're walking along the back streets of ikebukuro see you keep because it's kind of fun don't you think it can be chaotic like Shinjuku but a lot of people say it can go I don't know like you can find cheaper stuff like cheaper restaurants and stuff okay so we are at the base of um Sunshine City actually no we're the entrance on Sunshine City and instead of Talking Hands there used to be a humongous store called turkey hands now it's in itori which is like a Japanese Ikea and so they've taken over the entire tokihan store because Tokyo hands is no more now talk your hands is bought out by a company not this one it's a different company and uh now Talking Hands is called just hands it's simply called hands yeah but anyway if you walk down here you will get to Sunshine city as a sign says but just kind of want to show you this so that's it guys I just wanted to take a short walk with you around ikebukuro and show you what's changed here since the pandemic maybe check it out on your next visit to Tokyo this this shop by the way this Japanese Ikea is not really any care I just call it Japanese Ikea um pretty pretty interesting if you like Furnishings if you like Ikea you might enjoy checking out nitori okay with that said I'll see you guys on the next video bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Shinichi's World
Views: 29,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shinichi, tabieats, shinichis world, ikebukuro, tokyo, tokyo 2023, japan vlog, japan walks, ikebukuro virtual walk, japan travel, things to do in tokyo, what's new in tokyo, new tokyo
Id: 0Ge9Bj_A3eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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